HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-09-11, Page 12 , INGHAM ij 4°1 4 • VOL. XIV. --NO. 37. WINGHAM, ONT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1885. WHO LE NO. II3 lyntingimmEimo S. W. GALBRAITH, Proprietor, Wiseuast Timm, published ovary Friday morn. In, is o. livo local newspaper, and has a large circulation in Win ghoul and surround- ing country, malting it a valu- able advertising medium. SUBSORIPTION RATES; $1.25 por yoar-$1.00 per year If paid h advance. ADVERTISING RATES: Ogoor. pRoxionomi. PISUITGBownus,ABSOCIATIO1i, tioably cured, .and the permanency 'lee,/ Rev. Mr, Jones, of Knox olmreli. unquestioned, as cures effected by him of Brussels, is perhaps the oldest The following is a list of the pro. The annual meeting of the Fruit four years. ago are cured still. No one ister in Canada doing regular service not ne at the Wingham Publics Grower' Association of Ontario will else has ever attempted to cure Conant) He is seveuty.nine years of age, and, . Sehool, made at toe opening of tbe 1)0 hold in the town hall, Wingliam, in this =neer, and no other treat: preaches twice every Sabbatle,"!ilis --Spaer7-1 1 yr. 6 MOT(' 8TriO71-friiii. , ' One Doiumn 660 00 $35 00 I $7273-i36-68 00 Half " 00 20 00 1 12 00 6 00 Quarter" 20 00 12 00 1 7 00 4 00 one 00 0 3 00 1 2 00 1 00 nO.KGIL notices 8 cents por line for first insertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Skits, nuiriiagee arid deaths inserted free. Cmu arrespondence of a newsy nature and comni. cations upon live topics respectfully solicited. 11E'VEll 8s DICHENSCH "DARRISTERS, 8sc. SOLICITORS FOR BANE OF • HAMILTON. Conunissionets for taking Wilda or its for bfanitoba, Private funds to lend in straigit ns loaat lowest ate% Offices -Kent's Block, Wing. torclsno and Gerrie. 10. W. 0. WIER.. K. L. DIOKIKKON. Windham Noy. 18 1830 1-lv J, A, MORTON, BARRISTER winnham Ont pun., Tgt7nOil 23? LTD; G, 'elITSICIANS AND •KIIIOSONS. cor t Centre and _ atriek streets, Wingham gll 'ALVA. BETHUNE, M. D., v. it. e. v. K -43€11XGRANG TOVNG B HOTEL 50= 7 WINGHAM, VNT. This house has lately been re-niodelled 'to considerable extent, and is thoroughly • 'comfortable in every respect. Always sets a G0'.)17 TABLE. Clues s well pleased and come again.. Rates reason. m.ble. Good staling iu odrinaction did No hostler, 3. PAT1EBSON. J. k.J. W111,4 ON Stugeons, schools last week. on Wednesday and 1.hureday of (met moist has ever cured Catarrh. The Front Oth. to 5th Department,- week. The follcwing subjects will be application of the remedy is siraple, Lizzie Cummiuge, Eva Halstead, Susy discussed: and can we done at home, and the pre nlinnel, Georgiaett Halliday, Maggie 1, -Whit are best varieties of sept season o2 the year is the most GalbraithHem-lair Ciampbell, Maud apples for export, and, why; that is, favorable for the speedy and perman. Paella, Agras E, Deems, Lizzie Drew, what are the points of superiority7 ent eure, The majority of cases be: Kate Brennan, Lorine Gordon, Emma 2. -Which vari. ties' are the most ing cured at one treatment. Sufferers , s Galbraith, Lucy McCullough, Harry desirable for domestic risefor the should ccrrespond with MessrA• H S. ell, Tom Johnston, 'Win. Lloyd, table and for the kitchen? DIXON & SON, 30 King street, Fred 13radwin, Charlie Potter, Will 8. -What varieties of applies aro west Toronto, Oauada, and enclose Potter, John Baxter, Will Varney, found to be best adapted to the clim- stamp for their treatise on catarrh. John Morris, Elijah Manuel. Handl- ate and soil of the county of Harold Montreal Star. Nov. 17, 18n, toil Ramsay, Earnest Deeley, Tom 4.-Wbat method et cultivation is inaloot, Harry James, Tom McOIy fonud to yield tne best results, keep- mont. Emerson Thompson, Chauncey ing the orchard under cteau cultive,- Jerome, David Hamilton, Adm hon; or planing the orchard with Ournyn, Ramsay Thompson, Gesrge hoed crops, as corn and potatoes, o; McDonogo, Ed -tie Rankin, Richard sowing with cereals, or seating down Cloud, Priscilla Etauua, Isabell Cairn, to grass ? Jessie McOrinamon, Eliza Small. 5. -What variety, of pears are zue. From 5th to 4th. -Geo• Casmore, cesefully grown in Huron 1 Chrissie Jobb, James Demme, Sexy 6. -Are clueries grown in Enron and if so, what kind ? 7. -Lo plum trees suffer from the win„ers in, Huron 7 Are they afflicted with black knot ? Is the fruit snipe, by the Immune 7 8. -What varieties of in MD are best adapted to the climate of Huron . 9 -Which varieties of grape ripepe their fruit well and yield good crops in Huron ? 10. -Which are the earliest ripen- ing grapes and the most hordy ? 11 .-.-Ave gooseberries grown in this part of the countr* and if so, what varieties, and with what success j 12. -Do inspbetrieu succeed well in Huron ? 13.-Wbat varieties of currents are grcwnel here ••• -14.-Whateprnameotal trees and ehrune are PlaetedlirtNe- lawns and around the • dwellines in pert of e • Lim uountry 1 15.-Whaz roses archirost esteemed Kent, James Flauagan, Thos. Lolds, Perry Bradwit, Geo Lloyd, James Huggans, Geo Henna, Gnbert Aguew, John Anderson, Wm. McDonegli, 3041).1,111in fettled!, .11arry Auderson, PetereMcCrimtnon. Berne Van Dyke, Allie Dieeley, Bella Van, Moore, Miriam' Robertson, Lottie Simmons, Mary Hahkirk, Blanche McCutot eon, Ell Leary, Maggie Bell, Annie M. Park, Jessie Halliday, Lily ICim swam, Emily Tipling, Lottie Wells, Lizzie Clark, Martha Casmore, Annie Lount, Alice Andrus, Richard Lamb. Froin 4th to 3rd, -Mina Watson, 1Tressa Phillips, Sara Phillips, Lizzie Moore, Elsie Baintoe, Aggie Bullard, Jessie Cummings, _Attie McKenzie, Kate Baxter, Winnie Jackson, Annie Stewart, Wesley- Watson, Harry .Angus, Robert Blauk, Edgar Inglis, Robert Shepherd, Wilmot Readme, 10hanie .Cargill, Wesley Suell, Flank Bainton, Tom J. Diekson, 'ulna Hal . t. Sonored Graduates of Ontario 'Veterinary College, and registered members of Veter • - inary edcal Aisootation, are prepared to • treat a.1 -diseases of Domestic Animals, on he WestMid moss Scientific Principles. Calls attended to day and night. Horses bought und sold on commission. t)ice and infirms.ry in 'the stand lately °cooped by T. ,prr, V. S„ opposite Merrifield.'s hotel, 3-use1hine Street, Wingb am. • . I 0 farmers'& Lionda ncrs Do you want to borrow money? To buy moroland for Yourself or Your Sous. T.o build a House or Barn. To Feuce, Clear Tinderdrain, or otherwise improve Land To pay off a Ifilortgage or other Debts. 0 for any other Purpose, If you do the uu dersigned are able to Loan at the lowers rates of Interest and more res.sonabl Terms than any one else in ,this section the country. MEYER, & DICIONSON, Bamristers, Wingham Soliciters for the 13auk of Hamilton. ,ISLAND HO IVIE S'ock Farm, Gaa-ihz The, WAInsTZ CO SAVAGE & FAR1NUM, Proprietors. TERCHIEtedifORSES. stead, Eva Heasian, Allan Bauelemeeherne 4,qo ' . ,, , ,...!: " • , Rupert McKibboo, Willie Benders .n, MO -Which ere the best garden peas dollar. rbe nook debts winch Dein dames, Jennie Hastings. LELUrti for Wee use ? amoueted to some $331 were disposed olispherd, Lizzie lima, Marie Aikens, 1z -Which are the most desirab'e of for $12. George Pettypiece, John Kerr, Mary sectiou for the tallit 7 rneeiother ola resident, in\the person Charlie Burgess, Gus. McLauchlin, .iarl•ettes of cabbage to grow in this iiudsoa, Addle Andereon, Maggie 18, -Is celery grown in this part of " Mrs.\ -1 "c . t t'last Wa of .L arene Quinn,, o the country, aud if so, now is ic kept!' an°8.14 has passed emeriti' join the Tip ing, Frank Mooney. 'majority The deceased 'WAS. aged 88 couNTIr I'r1012S. The Roman CathoJe pionie recene ly held in Aslifield realized $1300. W. H. Kerr, editor of the Brussels Post, has been holidaying in Vermont. Thos. Bawden, of Blyth, has in- herited several thousand dollars through the death of a relative in England. Edward Pyke, who resides jask. east of Gorrie, threshed field of fall wheat the other day which yielded 52n bu •Ifels to the acre. voice is still clear, his memory unim- paired, anct few pastors of any age , can give a more lucid and eloquentex- position of the Gospel. A breach of promise case, in wbioh the defendant is a farmer on the Hur- on road, not fur from Clinton, is threatened. The fair plaintiff claims $1,000 as a solatium for her wounded feelings, and will place damages at that amount • if the matter goes into court, but it is said she offers to ac- cept $500 and be satisfied. "Miss Mary Wilson, of Goderich, upon whom a dif6.cult operation for removing a tumor was performed a few years ago, died on Sunday of last week, the old rrialady having returns The doctors feared to attempt a sec- ond removal, arid the young lady steadily failed in strength, until 'her decease. She was only 21 years of age.. • At the reeeut examination of the Onfario School of Arts, Mies Hattie, daughter of Mr. George Walronel, ot Eneter, very suceesefally revised in all subjects, and secui•eil the "Grade B" The editor of the Blyth Advocate has raised in. his garden a late rose in arts., There were five sebjecis. In three ebbe obtained. 100 per cent; in potato, which measures 1 foot 5-1 • the other two 90 per cent. Miss W. ins in circumference. hen received her diploma, and she is The atab:es and storehouses of Mrs the !first art scholar frdm this county Shiel and Jas Drewe, Brnssels, were who has graduated, • destroyed by fire last Thursday night • At a meeting of the East Blaineleform Association, held at Brussels causing a loos ot $1,000, over and 4 above insurance. last week, it was resulyed that the Johu Scutt, former'y of the 8th presidents of both. the Dominion and couceseion, Morris. with his family Local assouiatioris should call the have gone to Manitoba. where they regular annual meetings of their as. will endeavor to make for themselves soeiations with as little delay as pos- a honinien the "bouuctless piairie." sib:e, for the purpose of transaction of ordinary business, to arrange for The bankrupt stock or M. B. Mol- lies been dia. convention to select canlidatee am. to !aro, grocer of Blyth, 111 consider the annlyes,abilitet no.f. •holding posed of at a ratnof 26 cente on the - detnonstratious. :the meeting also resolved that that it is stInnable and in the interests of the R. form party that a public demonstration should be held at Druesels early this winter at which some of the leading speakers of tl:e party shall deliver addresses on the public questions of the day. All stook selected from the get of sire4 611 dams rn. established reputation and registered in the French and American stud nooks, ISLAATO HOjILE From 3rct to 2nd. -Senior class.- through the winter 7. been a resident Of the Jelin Ritchie, Gilbert M cKaY, Tom 19. - What sgashesn.re grown herel !I Tsi a" and has Scott, Clarke Elder, James Lakin Can ny of them be kept through the " n100 VO named township for over ao year i -S:oan, teacher et No. 7, 18 t4eorge Scott, Sidney in oOti dough win. er 1 W. Robert Cass() s, Wiliie Pettypiece, 20, -Has the Norwfty sten" bean.. Willie Mallagli, Free Bethune, Leine planted in this section of the county, eoia., Morrie, has resigned on account t4county Sophia R -derue, Maud Mc. for shelter, end with what re.-ulte 1 of the loss of his voice, and will go to .0-sli, Mary Corny') Maud Varney. The first half hour of ellen sessionit" Pacific slope lo s" what a change E ossie King, Mary \Venn El on flab will bo devoted to the ans., ering of, k.f :inmate will do for ii5 He was a kirk, A. Houeuith, Olary1 toorough and efficient ' teacher, and Ritchie, Annie such questions as may be handed to Potter, Grace SteLennen, Fred•Detiu,,n the Seeretary. At this meeting the his ,.I .6 will he felt hy the sealer). Charlie Smith, jaue Cempbelle J un- President will deliver his amnia ad . - be steamer United El inpi. e ar- ior class.-nred Guest, Fretta Kerr, dress; end the officers for the enseine rive3 in Goderich on Tuesday of last Eaima, Campbell, Atm Holmes, Clara year will be elected. IVIembers in week, with a 10.a of excel:shims: . BOUNDA.ItY LINE, The Maxwell Low Down Binder. without fail bas given thininost de- served eatisfaction, in every respect, in this loottlity. .„ The people of this vicinity are pro. gressiug vety slowly with their veetiog action it of the tenthly ns bac • ward weather. Char es Gauet, of this line, had 85 bushulo of fall wli,ett off of Po aceece , Ohaponue Agnes Caine, Lizzie Bull- tending to attend this nieding will under the anspmes ot the Sarnia 1 which le 42k bushels to the'iiiire. We: . arch Men Oroyden, Willie Andras, please apply to the Secretary for a I Methodist church. Out of the 000 co icier this a very good yield. Georgie Cotter. • certificate, which will entitle them tolpersons ou hoard only four failed to We deeply regret this week. to an, From .2nd to lste-Nelie 7 axter, a reduction of railway fare, if the err tet sea -sick, the water being ao 41 nouuce the death of Mrs, James Jessie McLaren, Annie Habkirk. tificate is presented to the ticket ag. ne I rough, Elliott, of the 4th con. of Turnberry, Maggie Cergill, Mary Sadler, 0 aro at he station where the journey is I The Goderich Signal last week en. she was afflicted but a short time, Risdon, Lizzie Finny, mare Hanna, commenced. J. A. Morton has kind-itered upen its sixth year metier the when ber ease proved GG fatal one, and Gueste Elliot., Martha inning. Rosa - ly columned to receive at his (dice, I present mariegement McGillicdnuy eyeenesaan the see jests she passed Homuth, Etta Gordon, Maggie Hest Whigh ni, any fruits that farmers or p ron. have made the Signed a vainaway to that long home, whence n one , ings, Jennie Elder, .Altred Roe, W4lie fruit growers in this vicinity may !able property since they took bola or of us cen return. The departe d Nicol, Frank Halliday, George nictfly. send foe exhibition. A full displee of! it, end it is one of the representative friend was a member of the W. C. T. moat, Joseph McDonogh, hen Me. the fruit of this county and neighbor.- I Reform ,journals of Western Ontario, u olineeeale, and was highly res- Clyrnont, Wi lie Dallas, Robert Small. hood ie requeste hy the Association. 1 and wie ds no little influence 111 this peened.] The funeral took place , cm - horii, Frank Risdon. Jennie Gregory As tnis is the first time the Provincial county, i'1, ay, the 3rd inst., end was and Marion Inglis, not presern. Association has met in thir part, we The inspector reports ibat all the large y attended. The remains were bespeak a full house foe en important candidates who wrote at entrance ex. conveyed ro the Nueva% oemeeery Vali Shows In 1885. a meeting. animation to High Schools, at Olin- for irterulent. Mr. Elliott and his Is beautifully situated KA the ileac. of Grosse Ile in the Detreit river, ten miles betow the city arid accessible by ratlrotd it Al sttamboat. Visitors not familiar 4w.th the location may call at city °face, 1)2 Carman Building, and an escort w It \Vallecas IiiStr1W 01, Oct. 8, 9. while the piitent tnedicinei and other tan Bros Garrow & Proudfoot for toilet to their re pective duties. The aceetormi:, them to the farm. Send f r East Inuron, Brussels, Sept, 9,4, 25, eatelisein pos lee y . all. ntartiog with the chum now gen. neeViSeeill & FAItNITM, Detroit, Mich, v Morris, Y 1' ' ' 18 " ess. Alf:od Williaitts, late of tlitraing. „\Villioni remit, Q. 0., will eonduct evilly believed by the most scientific ---_, hens, ntigiand, having taken up lots rind. tho Or INVII bneinees at the Fell ne.. men that the disease is titta to the pins. .. . . T 1 e parasites in the issiie ton, Seaforth and Winglitun, and were family certainly deserve the heertfeit North W estern, Wingbain, Sept. Vattirth-A new Ireatmlut. passed or recommeniled by the local sympathy of this community in their Smith Heroin Exeter, Sept. 28, 29. emcees that has been achieved in moil- the Education Department. inueli• 1?eehaps the mokt extraordinary examiners, havi? been confirmed at sad bereavement. 29t1., 80 and Oct. 1 Industrial, Toeouto, Sept. 9. 19. • Ma. EIDITult,-Dear Sin -r may Ncrth Perth, Strat ord, Sept. 21 medicine has been attained by the i dates will receive their certificates in say in regar to your isette of the 28th ern ' Dixon treatment for catarrh Out of a few days ulc. re a,t ng t ) the Bluevale Bend of 25 2,090 patients treated, during the pest The adjourned sitting of the county Hope, that the statetneets evidch were Tmkeremith, Sea.fortb, Oct. 1, '2. six in :Intim, full ninety per cent have eourt, was held at Goderich ' n Wed- pronounced as fonts were really so. Mitchell, Sept. 22, 28. been cooed of this stubborn malady. nesclay and Mersa:Let hon. Ilia Hon. But we understand enctount for these I-fullet, Ninon, Sept. 24, '25. This is norm the 'nee eterning obeli it or Judge Tom presi hog. Ranciman filets can be givem, not simply through West Huron, Goaerieb, net I, 2,. Ben . Zurich, S'ept, 22, 28 is remembered that tot live per cent. vs. Kind was an Action for goods sole neglect oh parte of the officials of the of patients presenthig themselves to ta defeliclant, arisinn out of' the trans.. linen, but by a nuttiln.r of t1.0 luting- Morningnon, Milvertote Out. 7. the mauler pi Actitioners are benefitted, fer of the Godesichbfotindry to Bemi• ens beim,- 'eve ids, and unable that ' tolvertned cures never record. active at pith Camaro:1, Holt it Cameron for Dana of Hope is -ot trood orgailization deft. Judgment reserved.. Renei• and if it. is untied on successfully, it man vs Seegindler, an action on a will no doubt be a groat benefit, 1 promissory note. P. }telt for plff ; 'W. now humbly eutreat upon the inenag. ettame in toWn, is prepared to receive a s V -S, which epos at Goderich on the • 'Prouif .ot for deft. Zndgement was ars of that Ilmicl to pardon me ±01* att instrnitielltal innate, pirate and organ, Milted titimber of pitpils for instruotiOn 13th of 00toh .r, There are eight,:6r Mt 4 DiXOn a 70 ttdoptndi..,1•11ii,.s awe ' given for plff for $001 and costs of the melting mysetf so efficaciously prev. il" A ages So fttr three of which we're to their extermination -this acemn: action. This edosed the business olt inn's% tiro diattek. Yours very trutv.. stoopola etreen Votalr‘..1,011ntit. nnin ternui, ate., apply at Mei reoltiondo, :traversed from last assize: plishea, he claims the (Atm t 1 i.i prim) the t oda. .