The Wingham Times, 1885-09-04, Page 5A FEW HINTS YON THE 011, Ole ` w r� Dense— t' mev4 the X14 els gently, 2 to 4 1'ilii f thoroughly, 4 to 6 pills, Experience tt ill decide the proper dose is each case. For constipation, or Costiveness, no :ernedy t so effective as AYZR's Pius. They insure regular daily action, 0.n0, re. Store the bowels to s healthy condition. For Indlgestign for'Dyspepsia, AYEit's Pius are invaluable, and a Sure cure, Heartburn, 'Luis of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Plead. ,who, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and 'cured by AYER'S PILLS. In Liver Complaint, I1lltquDisorders, and Jaundice, AYEE'S PILLS should ba. given 'in doses large enough to 'excite the livor and bowels, and remove'contitipatibn.'". „de a cleansing inedioin8`in the Spring,"lhes{, 7'tLis are unequalled, Worms, effused by a morbid condition of ..;he bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruption,, Skin 'Diseases, and Piles„ 'the result of Indigestion or Constipation, aro 4! -cured by the use of AYER's Pius. For VbIds, take .&yta's. PILLS to open -the pored: remove lntiafllmiitory secretions, .and allay the seven For Dlarrhcea and Dysentery, caused by 'sudden colds, indfrstibIo food, etc., AYE1i L Pius are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia. and Sciatica, of ten result irgm digestive tier a silent, or,Golds, and disappear on remuvra the cane l+y the use of AYEIt's PILLS. Tninors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, t and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, aro cured by AYER's PILLs. Suppression, and Painful Illenstrua. Sion, have a safe and ready remedy ia. AYE R'S PILLS. dull.directiens, in various languages, as -uompany each package. PREPARED nY C.Ay's,-Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. A MARVELOUS STORM TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE say, Yor , Cedar 28; 8t "Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. Ise has been a great sufferer from Scrof• uta, and the inclosed letter will tell you what a'marvelous effect Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1iI,s had in his case. I think his blood murt hare contained the humor for at least tea years; but it did not show, except in the forst of a serorulorm sore on' the wrist, until about five years ago. From a few spots which ap• peered at that time, it gradually spread so as to Dover his entire body. I assure yotfhe was terribly afflicted, and an objeot of pity, 'when hb began using your medicine. Now, there aro few men of his ago who enjoy as good health at be has. I could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his case. ' Yours truly, W. M. PFrr r Irs'� FROM THE BATHER eelp�ass ar ai duty for me to state to you the benefit I have derived from the sae of Ayers Sarsaparilla. he LEADING UNDERTAKER. 1 W ING IIA1V1 'ALL & WINTER SUITS. 000-000 CAMPBELL,' TH3E TAX on, Has jest received from New York the latest fashion plates of Pall and Winter Suits. A1age number of styles to se- lect from. Don't fail to see them, Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and serofuloua sores. The humor caused an incessant and intolerable ' itching, and the skin cracked eo set to cause " ,the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My eufterh,gs were great, and my .. life a burden. I commetibed the use of the SARSAPARILLA in ',4 t11 last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have .all healed, and I fool perfectly well in every rospeot—being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of ago. Many Inquire what has wrought such a cure in my ease and; I tell them as I have here tried to tell yo51, AYEn'S'SAnaAPARILLA. Glover, 'irt., Oct. 21, 1882.' Yours gratefully, IMAM PHILLIPS." AYEIt'S SARSAPARILLA cures Scrot' 1a and all Scrofulous Complaints, Ery8lp. .las, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Dolls, Tumors, and Ernptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impui rides, aide digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality rad' strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BY Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Unveil, Mees. i $old by all Druggists; SI. sit bottles for 116, 000_000_000 1F YOU WANT A STYLISH OR BUSINESS SUIT AND A 000D FIT CALL ON is W.. Ar CA MPBEI. L SCOTT'S OLD BAN K. IF YOU ARE 1N NEED OF ___Furniture,IT Of every description, call and see our stock at the WinglIamruDitun rutuy , We cannot be undersold, as we make such large quantities at one time that we are enabled to sell at a Less. Price. Try as for BEDROOM & PARLOR SUITES before you i purchase. The more you ,buy at one''tllne the Cheaper you can togest it, (Diners fa,r Car Load Lots always h.tte our prompt attention. grw Logs taken at our saw mill in ex- chiinge for Furniture. SCOTT az BELL W'NGHAM. Dont fail to attend the 11: ! J J_ ,1T. f �L) A.T �_.... MILT LIS' For 20 days at cost. •--cxoxo----- BILIOUSNESS,WILL GLJR� QR'REE & Come, Brim Year M n�eand Cheaa Gay s, AYOPEPS1A, DROR9Y, /NDI E•STION, FLUTTERJA'( JAUNDICE. OF THE HEAA7' ERYSIPELAS, AC/Ol7I '1 SALT RHEI;, 1, THE ST 4ACH,' IIEAR TURN, DRVIVf:3S r IIEADAC1/E, Of THE SKIIM, +" Arid ivory species e'. disease arising _from' dl4l roerod L'VCft, I<0NEVS, SITOMAull, COWIlL8 Oil BLOOD. 1`.1sluNtiC Gly.«r, '15ri1r; i W.ingtiatt , August 12, 1835 No Reserve and No Humbug. T A.1 MILLS _ J -z -4t -:.. mak, I-IA..HRY HIS Unjust opened otit a fresh and choice stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Frt. rt In the stand recently occupied by 0, M. Newans, and solicita lz share of the publio patronage, --000--000 ---- CALL AND SEE HI1V1'd -THE PHARMACY-- A;Fine and New Steck of Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laurauces. Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross Stylographie pens, Pure Paris Green, and Eve? 7thz`rzg i2 the Line of Crugs And Druggists Sundries you want at --THE PHARMACY MACY -NAT i1\7- .A 1V1 3 ,1' TITE NEW FIRM OF �■■(*mac_.■$ iOJPillIff ar i. �` 11 re Offering GRE,&T VALUE in Stov€ s, Tinware and Hou �e Furnishing Goods FOR THE 1`� X'� TIII Tom' D A Z S ----JUST RECEIVED-- A ECEIVED -- ' - A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF NAt atiches, Jewelry etc - At Lower Prices than Ever Pb fox Offered in Wingham. Sell AS CHEAP as any House in Canada. Try me •and gee for yourselves. HALSEY PARK '1 Cures•.Pizztness, Luss of Appetite, Indiyestuon, Biliousness, t Dyspep tit aundice, Affections of the diver and .Kidneys,. , Blot; lues, Boils, Humors, Sall ?rheum, Scrofula, w)i .�.,•yepclas, and all diseases arising froth. Impure ,flood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular actinof .the Bc:oels. ,suis' yaail.a, icifl, L .1 1 THIS RESERVED 'FOR Wm. ELLIOTT, Who will have faomething of impor. tltuce to say to the readers of the Tam. next week. o'