HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-08-28, Page 6A TALK ON HEALTH FRUIT. Wo approaoh the nearest to a perfect pity- steal hysisal dovelopmeut wheu we rely most upon those goods which nature provides for va. Certainly, in regard to (tufts, there need, be nothing added to make them either 1noee palatable or nutritious. From the ripe, juicy strawberry in the spring, to the rorty peach and purple grape of the fail, we have a constant succession of various kinds of fruits, whioh are among the most healthful of food substances. One of the most essential characteristics which make fruit so valuable during the hot summer months is its lightness. If fruit is ripe, and eaten while fresh, there is nothing about it as far as composition is concerned, that will disagree or disturb the most delicate stomach. Of course this statement would not hold true if one had eaten too much, or at the same time eaten heartily of antanoes which are known to be of a very different class of chemidal con- stituents. Ie ie therefore important that fruit should always be eaten alone, or at least as a dessert to one of the lightest. meals. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the importance of procuring fruit in its proper and beet condition. With do- mestic fruits this is more easily accomplish- ed than with foreign, or those coming long distances from the South, Fruit culture should be encouraged, and thus made more of a food than has been the custom in former years. It is in the interest of the house -wife to use fruit largely during hot weather. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries each in their turn, should be found upon our tables. These, with a few slices of bread and a glass of fresh milk, will make a moat eubstaritial and easily prr'pared meal. The chemiatry of `berries deservfs•a pas- sing notice. One of the most important I ings of the most rigid adherence to truth; constituents of this varietyof fruit is certain of the disasters inyariably incident to even kinds of acids, pearly all of which'are necea- a momentary deviation from which virtue sary to carry on the natural process'. of 'di- he himself was a most marked and melan- gestion, and which are not always supplied oholy example. For neither was his name by the stomach and other digestive organs. Green nor anything approaching it, nor had The presence of these acids in the stomach his father, a quiet country gentleman, ever, has a stimulating effect which is of specie) even in the remotest fashion, been interest - importance at this season of the year, A ed in cheese ; indeed, as his on has been deficiency of a proper amount of stimulant heard pathetically to remark, in the smallest action of the liver will cause the condition amounts it invariably disagreed with him. commonly known as "biliousness.'. The - - acid contained in frnita is a much better A Morbid Imagination Cured. correction of this affection than medicine. In reference to the influence of the ima- Another advantage to be derived from the gination on the body a doctor tolls the follow - ase of fruits during the summer months is ing story: "A big hulking fellow about in theirpercentage of water, By their liberal ten miles from the town I was practicing in nee the bowels and pores of the akin are got the idea that he was going to die at kept open, and thus they are better able to just 11 o'clock in the forenoon of a certain perform their natural functions than when day, About 9 o'clock a messenger came to dry and heat-prodncing anbatanoea are used. me. I hurried out. When I got there the We need the medicinal action of the pure crank had fifteen minutes to live according Fugitive Wealth. ROUND THE WORLD. ,• There has never been> , aa far as we know, r }' ][u>;pro8tjlRti.,.l<iCp46. #l:Prtt.:a4ll. Paris et Oa a more rete rkable instance of a tangible and World, yet a fagitivo "Wealth than of the fortuno The great Jew residental tdtiatter. of that evaded the grasp of the relative of a London now is a part of St. John's Wood, friend of the writer, He was, many yoars whore many have spacious mansions and ago, at school at, Harrow, and returning gardens, along the road by the bathing place -to Mise Blanche Williams, colored, who has Harroveina " duoker"-politely went to the matriculated at Toronto University, is assistance of a stout farmer on horseback in said to have passed an excellent examin- diffioulties with a gate lock. He opened the ation in French and German as well as in gate and held it back for the rider to pass, English, t Thank you, my boy," said the farmer, one A prominent physician suggests r to goon., of the wealthy Mfddlesex`graziere: who own pants of summer houses that a woad fire hi large tracts of,the Harrow and Pinner rich the evening, *hen the, moiatire iulthe : at- meadow lands, "What may your name mosphere is excessive, prevents many oases be ?" My name's Green," returned the of sickness. boy, with an ill-timed burst of the imegin- A Veoman carried enough blueberries to a ation, "And what is your father ?" ,"Oh, store in Salisbury, N. H., one day laat week my father's a oheese-monger," said tbo to buy a barrel of flour and other supplies. smart scholar, chuckling internally at his They are bought by weight, fifty pounds to ready wit, "and ho lives in London in the the bushel. Theobald's road, rather a small shop, two Lord Lyons, who tendered his resignation steps down out of tho.street," 'Wm very' as. Minister at Paris °on the retirement of much obliged to you," replied the the Gladstone Ministry, has consented to farmer, by no means -as it afterwards ap- remain at his post until June of next year, peered -a man of straw. " You're a cap• when he will retire. ital young ohap. I ,shan't forget you." An extraordinary instance of the depreoi- " Don't!". was the scholars final thrust ation in the valueof land iu England is " Remember Green, and :a Cheesemonger in noted by the London World, In 1875 Pewit Theobald's road." And up the hill he went, Island,' near Harwich, containing 270 aures almost as much pleased with himself as if he of freehold land, was bought at a cost of had been asked to play against Eton at £7,900; and on July 16 it was sold by auc, Lord's. What his feelings may have been tion• for £420, when, 10 years later, a young gentleman of The burglar season has commenced in the name of Green was advertised for, whose London with the approach, of the annual father kept a chee8emonger's shop in the ,out-of-towning and all the suburban police Theobald's road, and who, in return tor have been ordered to arm themselves with Politely opening a gate at Harrow in the. revolvers. Daring the last few months year 183-, was left a large legacy by they have been taking lessons in the art of the wealthy farmer, reoently deceased- bringing down burglars. what his feelings were then none of his A bottle sealed and corked and containing relatives eared to inquire too closely, but it a check on a Newburyport-bank for $1.41,16 was observed by all that from that hour the was found ' in the surf at Coffin's Beach, unhappy young man never lost an oppor-. Mass., ono day last week, With the cheek, tunity of insisting on the incalculable bless. which was signed and dated Aug. 17, 1884, was a note, stating that the finder of the bottle might have its contents. The flag of the Chicago Socialists is red 'and black, signifying destruction, and some of the devices carried in a recent procession were "Every Government is a Conspiracy Against theePeople," "The greatest Crime To -day is Poverty," "Down with the Throne, the Altar, and. the Moneybag." In view of the fact that Dartmoor Prison, n Eogland, offersprofitab'.e employment for convicts for years to come, many more are to be sent for. Meanwhile "that unfortun- ate nobleman," the claimant, so long the principal and certainly the most ponderous figure there, haslapsed intocomplete obeour- ity. Vanity Fair, alluding to the prevalent distress in England, says that at Newmark- et lately thirteen of Mr. Chaplin's yearlings only averaged 1,630 guineas each, and some of the more fashionably bred animals only fruit acids in our s stem and also the'cooiin 3,000 gt i leas apiece, one handsome filly y + g to his calculations. He did look like a man being disposed of at the rate of but a guinea corrective influence of the watery portion on the verge of eternity. His eyes were -which they contain. dim and sunken, his face had that peculiar an ounce. Appalling, indeed , Preference?: should alwaya be given to the pallor which heralds the near approach of The present population of the city of ail e, juicee a•tonei'esa kinds of fruits.; also death, and his breathing was very labored. Buenos Ayres is estimated at 400,000. One az s ii;: of cea'aia fruits„ if tough, should The faintly. were gathered around and weep- of the local newspapers predicts that in a net Be eater. Fireit aiionlal largely be sub- ing as they took a final leave. Something few years it will be the New York in a a .:,ted for peatrye certainly daring that had to be done quick. There was a smart- southern hemisphere. Emigrants are arriv- pc' `.tea of the year wheat it can Be °Detained - looking woman there, and I called her aside, ing in a steady stream, and if the proportion f eels aur; piper s al n2:e•wt-,r of a–peace. Pointing to the clock on the mantlepiece, of the first six months of the year is kept ai iefat lama the aide o1 ec noury-,. B Mil which the patient was watching, I said : up, their number will. be 150,000 before the es' sex fief& re tee Foug,xyy.e.1 et:. partially ' When I have his attention, turn that ahead. 1st of Janrary next. Italians form the great reseatefeariet iaacaase it foam 1;* r -hemi : Then I crowded into the family group, majority of the incomers. ainerm.'',ii",iigajiunid alga. be eaten. rezeui'ety; bustled them into the next room, sat down Alaska, according to a newspaper corres- ;aer:triu.a,fnarr;anti: lit; aiteaa tt' Tae tiortereae on the edge of the bed and began telling pendent, is a sort of fairy land in summer. •e* -.mart rfxi;.I F ixefata. it: fir mail—Owed,. As that fellow one of the most horrible' murder The almost continuous light of day shines up- Learear lii ws :Y esfa %,>i1' 5ttilt ),Marta ageing rl q, a stories you ever heard. I located it right on bright green slopes, varied here and there ,tel'' Jf-cit.leliteee T•..i.-At ameteardatramenreatro in town where he knew everybody, named by dark timber belts, rising up from the deep 'venue, ",nutting` de'etfCeem dint atsi ae roiji.ittt::: the woman killed, wont into blood -curdling blue waters. .An endless variety of bright - 0''5i ,Ittnticiir»- Tttiiri two s 4atoy t.p ttai e j details, and so completely interested the hued flowers, the hum of insects and melod- `luerz iineniil ,analfortgaSemeteblia aug s r mow rt-,axzt that he forgot his eleven o'clock ap- ious song of birds make the land seem almost `in t14ndJCaal'+'l-3t' iei-3feelbe (;.nadir 1)aiatwt4;ointment. When I gave him a chance to' a second Eden, but the intensity of the sun's t+tr j ,sir. i ilt,y`i c',i)#: iii fig Ildeldit G;;a;. i tao3k again it was twenty minutes to twelve, heat dispels any hasty impressions of this • littort boreF 0 carrettalle Citi lot tttl w i n j act) he was actually mad for a time, claim- sort. jr.ialt eget Petite set eiMemseltlii`i iieuts'tt P zrg he had been trioked. He finally got to Mr. G. A. Sala is known by his white :err 1. ltufitibeni4' eiee t'` i if,Ietireef alit/16g, 1 P. aghing, and we all took dinner together. waistcoat. "I have worn a white waistcoat," i•r eratallinael►+ilii, is rte eMatereaRte f.:zo. I nee:rext day he whipped two men at a he says, "every day, winter and summer, it 0 1•4 44 0134 t.tiialaitlitpi': 1h, 3t:5aTiara-raising for twitting him about the pro- for five and twenty years, Once, in Paris, toe oma feeelaa'?�tneee31tul"i' e'tiaeilr�l llag 1 gra..rne tf death that miscarried." at a shop where I used to buy my gloves, a protea aw; Yifaliek mart.t a* i .i'kii4 S,ew.atetsls a iserving woman said to me : , You always wea p; easel oreneeree ire -bale. iateeet'ltift't; 'S!te Yege t A REPENTANT ATHEIST. a white waistcoat.' 'Yes ; I always wear one rieery reei.june. ilk.; PaaeAlf2s' i'Atlitilim ?v the year round.' 'All the year round?' she ,6rxin terriedgcs Ills Error and Is Praised by exclaimed. 'A clean one every day ?' 'Yes,' the Pope. I said. 'Oh,' she exclaimed, 'if I had only 'Ihe Garibaldi branch of the anti -clerical been your washerwoman!"' reegue met in Paris for the purpose of expel. The London Echo draws' attention to the `k§':itis :suci, te;At..:iren iAr.11,yi%t£doCre+ll Mesta);,•, :yg€ t7ter tw iue,Jui f.Pa'•„ 4 ,Bier ;i� were genera' t as' o .1uoi4 eipt `r.4t' is •3j (.13":',1Y par : tuceeaf v 19;mt1 »tea Li, 13E�ti', t.` ',400 fiiZw 'F. • (IN AFFILIATION wIen VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, COBOQRO,) BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO. Thin College, founded In 1854, has bed in attendarco over 3,000 d,i0erent students. It °flare unnurpa'sed faoiti ties for " genera, culture" and for matriculation in Arts. Law, eta., at a moderato on, t '!he Oollegiatu Course embraces both " matriculation work" ar d ,elected studies In Balance and Pbilorm by TFe A,adtmy of Muse bas aw.rded 25 sip omae of graduation in three years. It was neve• as popular as now. Tr a Bus ueae Oolkge is under the direction o' a practical accountant. Ornamental Penm walla a Specialty. The Sohuol of Art le in affi'tation with the Ootarlo Sobool of Art, end teaches 'tscourses. /i'r A Special course of lectures for conference 'Indents of the Methodist Church, In which the Rev Drs. Oar man, Ji IN* the Rev. J B, Clarkson, M.A., and nth.,atake pert, will be given dant g"ho tvin'er moo he. re A reduction in feoa of 10 per onnt. (Ineterd of a definite sum se (frac iy) is g anted to etudente taking two or moreDeportmen.s, sloth lathes and gentler, en admitted. Fall Term Wallis Sep ember 8th. FOR " ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT" AND CIRCULARS; ADDRESS REV. W. P. DYER, M.A., President. festa., ,eat1 tsf s'1 moven ala;yv -weeee es'! P»: Joyaud, alias Taxil, the penitent free• difference between the peerage and the aris- il,nes2, Veinlcrr and atheist, who has recently recant- tocraoy, a difference suggested by the recent sem.. and published his return to the church, creation of peers. It points to several un- afliur, Vs7Ui.• To the amazement of the meeting Taxil pre. titled mainates who are essentially mem- 'lam ie tee aceelnpliai,meitt o,l;;y„ s .,, sexted himself before the assembly and made bora of the aristocracy, and remarks, on the fascinating as the power Ili readinyw# ge, a &cant speech. He declared that his pub other hand, that such a manes Lord Cairns, 15 s pleasing, althouga luxe,) ,nogIeo',reda,. ),ration called "Amours of Pope Pima the although a member of the peerage, is not a compliahlnent. I"uorf.lpsienark auelf:ef„ r Wrath," and other similar pamphlets, were member of the aristocracy, a distinction of - as good reading; and where one kvismeesil mere fictions. He denounced the league in ten lost sight of, One or two of the new Fie charmed by music, twenty win ;be fm. vehement language, and said that he accept- peers are even quite unknown to persons cinated bygood reading; and **wet one per. ed his expulsion from that body with plea- moving in What is called "high life," son can be a ,golad musician, twenty eon 3-,y sure, A great uproar ensued upon the con- In the gardens' of a well-known noble - good readers. It Seems to b€'iiag 4»* is the elusion of Taxil's remarks, and the chairman man's country aoat in the south of Ireland old authors, and to, louse vs to ink aur. Ordered Taxil to Ieave the hall. He left painted boards were set up in different parte selves sitting down and talking familiarly amid the furious denunciations of his former' of the pleasure grounds, with this request, with them, What Is more charming or in- colleagues, The Pope has written to Taxil, "Please do not pull any flowers without teresting than the plays of fihareapeare, approving his action and encouraging him in leave," Recently the district practical joker when delivered in a full, clear, distinct and his new allegiance to the holy See. Taxil passed that way, and at daybreak added an well modulated' voice? There is no aeuOnl• was One of the chief promoters of the recent "s"to the last word on all the boards, plishment which causes more pleasure in aritl.clerical congress at Rome, and has al. which had tho effect of making things pleas. the family cr social circle, the invalid's ways taken a prominent part in the demon- ant -until the pause was disco-ered -for chamber, the hospital, the nursery, than etrations againsttheUomanCatholicChurch, tourists and etrango visitors who cherished good reading. His wife declares that he is insane, a latent passion for floral gems. JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF It le the only preparation of the kind which con tains all the nutritious, together with the etimniat. ng properties of beef, and the only one which hal the power to supply nourishment for brains, and bone, nd muscle. SAMUEL ROGERS & 00.1 MANUFACTURERS OF carless AND OTHER MACHINE SOILS. Gold Medals and First Queen Oily Oil Works, Prizes Wherever Exhib- `� ited. . TORONTO. $10 Reward for the Conviction 0 Of Dealers who of -M00 La '5fe Manufacture of Other fer and Sell In- V L. a DINE Eureka, Clvinder' Bolt (For sale by all leading dealers. I McColl Bros.'8c Co. Cutting & Wool Oils. g Toronto. ON Y $3.00 The cheapest in the market. Warranted first- class, or money re- funded. Send di• rent to manufac- turers, or procure from your Hard- ware or House - Furnishing dealer. 'WV 1CZZLT 4311-E113M ONLY $3.00. Clothes Wring- ers of kinds - "Royal Canadian, Imperial,"'King,' also Manglea. Two Roller, and Three Roller. Write for particulars. Hamilton Il dustrial MERIDEN BRITANNIA OOMPA Y. FINEST Works Co„ Manufacturers, Hamilton, Canada. CAUTION GUItEY & WAItE'S . STANDARD SCALES Are the ])feat. At. tested by Ilse Fact thatthoro are more of our scales in ueo in the Dominion than of all other makes combined. 11.3, Stock and Coal _- _ Scales, Farmers, • — Erato and Dairy Scales, Greeers'atrButchers' Seales, Settees for Domestic Use. Housekeepers, Consult Your Best Interests Ey purchasing a_ scale, and In buying ono be sure to get the best. Our soles are fully warranted in every particular. All sizes Railroad, Wareirnnse and Mill Trucks. Maria Money Drawers. For oak by the Hardware Trade generally. I1. lustrated Catalogue and Price List forwarded upon application. GURNEY & ARE HAMILTON' Waagnorses-Montreal and Winnipeg, Goods atampo9 Merl. len Silver Plate On., ire not our make. If sop want reliable goods insist on getting those made by the MERIDEN BRITA11- NIA 00., • AMILTON. - - ONT CHEAP TELESCOPES. A Portable Achromatic Telescope that will tell the time of tiro church clock in Toronto at three miles oft, with extra astronomical eye piece and sun glass for astronomical nee. It will show Jupi- ter's Moons, spots on the sun, mountains In the moon, &o. Sent to any address on rooeipt of 83 30. CH A.S. POT CER, Optician. 31 King Street, East, Toronto. • [10STABLISHED 80 YEARS j CUT THIS OUT! . The New Co -Operative ewing acbine ! - YS THE— BEST IN THE MARKET, NEW STAND ! NEW FIJENFTIIRE Latest Improved Attachments Agents price for similar machine 880 Our price only 825 each. B'fore buying send us stamp for our elegant photo graph and samples of sewing. 4 Maohinos guaranteed for three years 404 sent op tdany lady wanting a machine will do well to write 10 TEM CO.OPE1tATIV! Sewing Iadiiu Co. 22 JAMES ST, SOUTH, HAMILTON,