HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-08-28, Page 1,tte • armers are busy haulin,g their crop Honored Graduate's of Ontario Veterinary* College, and registered members of Veter of flax to Brusse.s. The crop rs ex. • inary edical Association, are prepared to ce:lent this yeat, and'ehe foreman ex. treat alit diseases of Domestic Animals, on pacts to get 600 tons this year, which he latest and moss Soientific Principles. r, at ;iz per ton means a good sum paid Calls attended to day and night. Horses bought told sold on commission. Office and to the fainters in that neighborhoo infirmary in the stand lately occuped by It would have paid many farmers muc T. Kern V. S., opposite Merrifield's Rotel, better to have grown flax instead or Sosepbine Street, Wingham. spring wheat. t* INGHAM VOL.,XIV.---NO 35, q.c.atindamEstmeg 8, W. GALE itaIT44tuaresnen. Tett WTNoiuu Turn, published every Friday morn. ing, is a live local newspaper, and has a largo circulation In Wingham and surround. Aug country, making it a vain. ate advertising ernedium. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; 111.25 por year -1.00 per year if paid M advance. • ADVERTISING RATES: Space. I. yr. I 6 ni-O7 a mg. I 1 wili. Ono Column 860 00 05 00 420 00 03 00 Half " 35 00 20 00 12 00 6 00 Quarter" 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 One Inch 5 00 8 00 2 00 1 00 Local Ices 8 cents per line for first Insertion; 5 cent3Ver ne for each subsequent insertion. Births, marriages and deaths inserted free. - Correspondence of a newsy nature ant communl. cations upon live topics respectfully solicited. MEYER & DICKENSON EARRISTERS, Am SOLICITORS FOR BANE OF HAMILTON: Commissienets for taking aflida. vita for Manitoba, Private funds to land In straIght loans at lowest ates. Offices —ICent's Block, Wing Am, Imam and Gorrie. 11. W. C. %Imre. is. L. maroon. Wingham Nov. 18 1880 14y. WINGITAM,..ONT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1885, CouNTY ITEMS. TURNBICRRY. salaries and interest on railway deben An effort to revive the defunct salt A regular meeting of the township tures. A rate of six mills on the dotter was struck to iaise this amount association has proved a failtlre. council was held 91 Johnston's hall and by law No. 5, 1885, confirming Bluevale, on Uaresday last. Mr. Hen: Seaforth is required this year to . the llama was read and loused rung reported leaving examined Gem: raise $4,200 for school purposes: Warrants for the collection Of school mill's bridge, and recommended that rates were received from Unions Nos. Soule mean fellow iu Godericli town- the same be repaired, and that elm 3, 6, 7, Turnberry, and 10, 'Unless, ship steals the teeth out of hayrakes plank be used for the floor; he alit° , , to Ow his spite towards farmers. reported that io company with Mr, and from sections 8 9 & 11The council then adjourned till Oct. 5th. Iri West Wawariosh it is claimed Evans, they had inspected the 0 line, that fall wheat will yield 40 bushels to cons. 5 and 6, and recommended that the acre. But spring wheat is a the same be sold. Mr. Thompson re failure. The Seaforth fire brigade have ha sued a challenge to the Mitchell bri- gade to run a nose reel race for $100 a side or upwards. The Brussels Caledonian games will take plane on Sept. 8, the Lucknow 'games on the 9th and the Wingham ported the job of gravelling on the North boundary,•38it rods at 40 cents per rod, finished; also that the East Wawanosh council had not accepted the offer of this council in regaid to improving the boundary line of East Wawanosh and Turnberry. Robt. Douglas applied for assistance in draining his property to the Govern: ga s on the 10th, mint drain, as the eame would be a The young post office clerk who ' beuetWto, the road. The council con; stole the registered letters from the sentedto allow Mr. Douglas to go on Lucknowce with the drain, and agreed to pay such offihas been sentencect to fiv, years in the penitentiary. amount as the. township would be benefited. By.law N. 6, for levying • Five Brussels boys pulled 1i acres the toitenshtp rate of 11 mills on the ot fax in 8 hours the other day. Lionel. Vas read and passed. By:law That's about the time they would make No. 7, for levying the school rates in in getting an armful of wood for their . the different sections was read and mothers. passed. The treasurer was instructed Gideon Perry, of Grev, took 1st to write to the county treasurer for the boundary line appropriation. Meesrs. J. Hogg and A. Henderson stated they had called upon the Reeve of Morris in regard to the commuter tion for the statute labor paid by the W. G. & B. R'y, and bad got the promise that Morris would give all they had received as such coumensa: tion, to be expended on the boundary line, and aseed the cou cil to grant an equivalent. No action was taken in the matter. The clerk was in: structed to write again to the clerk of Morris abont the grant of $25. to cut down Bosnian's hill, and find out what that township intended doing about it. It was decided to offer the 0 line, cons. 5 and 6 for sale. A by:law to raise, $100 toeferm, a game fund. foe -et tiailseeper t- The -of Payinester Sergeant the're railway debenture e • ete• Stewart still goes ori at Kingstor. The was read and passed. It was or ter 4,plibid fever is very prevaelnt 1I total amount of his embezzlement ed that $20 be expended on the PWroxeter and Gorrle told in the corm- changed is $2,138.93, but this does lime at' John M....Ewen:a, thini that 15 try round about Fears are entertain- nut cover all of Stewarts misa,ppro: be g. anted to improvetthe northern edotlett it may become epidemic. pria.tions. boundary west of con. 11, if Oulross Large shipments of cattle', &c , are There i a policeman at Sainte would give the same amount. A nu.n being made from Turuberrtaud How Cunegonde, Quebec, endowed with her of accounts were ordered par ick. Pricer, however, are ` very low extraordinary strength of jaw. He after which the council adjourned till al.,ti gh the demand seems'good. Sept. 24.th. can bite in two a six inch spike, raise • J. A, MORTON, BARRISTER Wingham Ont jRS. BTHUNE & YOUNG, 'AITSICIANS AND SURGEONS, (Ake, go; t Centre and . atrieit streets, Wingham 0..Lario. ALEX. M7411011E. M. B., V?' . J. YOUNG M. -dtaxmANGE HOTEL f‘ WINGHAM, - ONT. prize at putting the heavy stone, 1st in light stone and 2nd in the two ham- mers at the Hamilton Caledonian gas last week. ,/Alex. Taylor, who has been a resi- dent of Clinton for over a quarter of century, committed suicide on the 14th by dep2vning himself in 1rwin's mill poncaPrevious to taking the fatal leap he tied his feet together and cut his throset, showing teat the aet was most deliberate. A. correspondent doubts if there is another rural school in the county thut presents as neat an appearance as "Barrd's school," on the 2nd of Stan- ley. 'Double rows of shale trees pro- tect the grounds from the suit's rays, This house has lately been re -modelled ,to considerable extent, and is thoroughly corafoitable hi every respect, Always sets a GOOD TABLE. Gues s well pleased and come again. Rates reason. able. Good etabling in connection and No 1 hostler, PATTERSON. J. & J. ViTI1L4te ON • Veterinary STurgeons D. id neat appearance. 0 'el —1 -0 -- farmers & liandowncrs Dc you want to borrow money ? To buy moreland for Yourself or Your Sons. To build a House or Barn, To Fence, Clear Underdrain, or otherwise improve Land 'To'pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. 0 for any other Purpose, If you do the un dersigued are able to Loan at the lowes rates of Interest and more reasonabl Terms than any one else in this section o th‘country. MEYER & DICRENSON, Bai risters, Wingham Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. ISLAND HOME Sock Farm, GILDSDE ILO, WAYS's CO A young woman employed in the Queen'3 hotel, Olinton, has for some time pat made a practice of pilfering money and jewelry belonging to parties in the house, and has taken $63 and $80 at a lick. She has just been found out and in order to save trouble her father has agreed to whack up for the amounts stolen. Her pd. ferings foot up very high. At the last regular meeting of the Morris township council very little business wriedone. Besides the allow- ance of several accounts the oily reso lution passed was one authorizing Mr. Howe to expend $25 in cutting down the hill at lot 6, con. 9, a very neees- sary improvemenntand one which will be appreciated by tuose who travel over the road. The next meeting of tlIvouricil will be held on Sept. 21. r.On Saturday mornine of last wk SAVAGE & FARNUM, Proprietors. the renidence of P. Hobllihen of the , 4th cote of East WawariosInwas struck Importen— by lightning and damaged to the ex- pERcHERUN HoRsEs. itnenbteodf at iibouttiietrn0e0a. ndTahiei Worefamily i( knook- 1 All stock selected from the get of sires an i dams ol established reputation and registered in the French and American stud nooks. irSigiTO 1-}4.E Is beautifully situated at the heat: of Grosse Ile in the Detroit river, ten miles Glow the city and accessible by railroad and steamboat. Visitors not familiar with the location ay call at city office, 52 Campau Build , and an escort will accompany thein m he for. Seed for catalogue, post free y snail. A.rldress, SANAGE & PAENTIM, Detroit, Mich. Mr. Alfred Willi tuts, late of Binning. final revision, to give the following the corium' that the mite tram, Ensland, having taken tip hie rest- et $6,218,04 four years ego are cures still. . donee in town. le prepared to receive a awards; Three diplomas, honor-- would be required this year to be else has ever attempted to cure (Warr') engulfed, and rice and siik crops in limited =rubor of mile for inetruotion highest. 13 gold coed ls, 31 silver vete :d by taxation to meet liabilities in this manner, and no other treat: the vicinity aro almost ruined, no in instrumental Music. piano and organ, medals, 3131eronze medals and 30 hen. of court y rate, Legislative schnol matt has ever oured Catarrh. The price of rice advanced 18 ler Gent ia iror termer, Ste.. apply at hie relidenoe, . 0opold street. arable Meatiotal, equivalent, township improveniente application of the remeay is sunole, ! consequence. • • eral hours. A dog which was under Mr Hel.ihom's bed was killed. The current entered„ through a window, aud where it .went out, nearly the whole end of the house was knocked downdow'T The building is a frame one n, nearly new, and was altogether badly ehattered. BOUNDARY LINZ. The county colleen of Terrebonne, There are all prospects of an ample root crop in this vicinity, as the peta- Qu,.bee, at a special meeting voted toes were never known to look better. $200 in aid of Louis Riel. Orchards are not so prolific as or- Richard-Aherns, aged 18, put his tongue to an electric light wire at dinarily, but no doubt the farmers will New Orleans and was instantly killed. have plenty of fruit for their own use. d We are.very sorry to Intimate that Ic has beeneeoided to hold a mem- that the spring wheat of this locality oriel service e'd erect a monument iu Montreel to the memory of Sir Franeie is going to be total failure this year on account of the rust. Hincks. The newspapers of the world have The ox dispute between our neigh bora W. Diamond and R. Hogg, re just been reckoned up at about 35,000 t mains unenvied until the seventh ofhuee giving one to every 28,000 in; Sept. mber. We are of the opinion habitants: that the decision will be given in favor Lulu Hurst has lost her magnetic of Diamond. power, but as the made $50,G00 by her exhibitions she still possesses V e are astonished that the last almost irresistible attractions. Band of Elope meeting held in the vil e Joseph Hogg, aged 16, fell down lags of Inuevale was prounounced the hoist at the McClary Manufacture. failure. The children were there as usual but strange to say no teachers ing Co.'s wore-, London, on Wednrs• were there to display their pedagogical day, and was inseantly killed. Attainments. Only one, namely Miss Betty Forthingham, of Lincoln Mattie McKinney. The bend is in county, Tenn., claims to be 149 years possession of a most respectable library old. She rs one ot the fe wonlen at the present time which is, no doubt, who tike pride in telling their age. very enticing for the children. But Renfrew, a Quebec fur dealer, pur if they have to go and beg upon the chased over 81,000 worth of furs freint secretary to come down And exchange teturned soldirs from the Northwest their books as they did on the last oc- one officer alone of A Battery dispos casion, we fear the hopeful band will ° ing f $250 warth to nim. dwindle. It is whispered round that it is kept up more for honor than for The. Cunard steamer Etruria has lowered the ocean record by crossing glory. Is time the cause ? if so "Lily from Queenston to Sandy Hook in six the snowflake on the river a moment W hite and banish for ever." days and five hours, thus beating the best record by five hours. WHOLE NO. 711 and can be done at home, and the pre: sent season o2 the year is the most favorable for the speedy and penman. ent tame. The majority of casea be: ing cured at one treitinent Sufferers stould correspond with Messrs .A. 11 IMCON & SON. 30 King street, we Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp or their treatise owecatarrh. Montr4.1 Star. Nov. 17, 1882. NEWS ITEMS. Dampness has characterized the a sack of salt to his shoulder and do EAST WAWANOSH weather here lately to sucn au extent many ether feats of strength with hie --- that it is feared it will injure the grain tentla A field test of binders took place ea, in the shock. Fall wheat has been -.A. cyclone 'passed over the 'north on Tuesday of last week on the farm sown in several places and in seine end ot Muskoka district last Friday of J3hn Reid, 12th con., to test the localities is said to be showing ince y evening*, winch literally swept every - merits of the birders represented by above ground The spring wheat thing out of its path, mowing down " ed badly. .rwo cliairen were kited, bes.des unroofing houses, barns, etc the different . agents who had been drumming up" Mr. Reid regarding i • . • crop t ire season is a failure as it rust- trees, purchase. Many of the farmers of the which several people were injured. locality were present to witness the Jno. Green, who has been enjoying event, but the work was at last con a season of holidays here at his home, In Liverpool recently a returned fined to the aiaxwell and the Toronto has returned to the scene of his labors convict who was charged wit% un. Light Binder, being the only ones to in Oxford, where he is canyaSsing for mercifully flogging his child with a put in au appearance. The tield was a very useful work culled "The Home belt, gave as nus excuse to tl e Magis: very rough, being comparatively new Physician." His son, Jno. Green made trate that by so doing he hoped to ground, and contained eight acres of a very successful delivery recently of prevent; the child from felluwing ire very badly lodged and tangled oats. enlarged pictures fin'slied in India, ink his own footsteps. He was fined. Many pre,-ent doubted the possibility and crayon. Some of the pictures are Neville 011ie, the nine year old son of machines present doing the work, from the hand of a famous artist iu of Alderman Oille of St. Thomas, had but their ideas were soon knocked on Guelph. his dye shot out on Tuesday evening the heed as the Massey binder went ti hle playing with a cross bow and right through it making a good job of arr6w. 'Nis is a distressing accident, boh cutting and binding. Tlie Max- as it leaves young Oille totall blind, well, however, could uot stand the he having lost the other eye a few test, hnd was soon drawn to one side years agoby the accidental discharge having the light Wilder to complete of a piston the task the following day, thereby Tne Hamilton Tiines says there is satisfying those present of its edapta something wrong with the tomato biiity to such an extent that Mr. Reid crop this steraon. They are late in was induced to purchase one ripening and mane are scabby and i'he council met in the council room blotched. The consequence is 'that on the 18th inst. James Flynn, con. the price rules high, $1.25 to $1,50 8, West Watvanosh, claimed pay for por bushel, as compared with the price 95 yards of gravel at the 'e rate of 10 this tinm last year, . witich was 20 cents per yard. The township by-law cents per buthel, and b. drug at that: only provides for the payment of five melte per yard and the council declin: ed to pay more, and Mr. Flynn refuse ed to accept the ierduction. Clainpbell catarrh—A now Treatment. Perhaps the limit extraordinary success that has been achieved m mod- ern medicine has beeii attained by the Dixon treatment for catarrh Out of 2,000 patients treated during the pest six months, full ninety per teent have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startting when it is remembered that not five per cene. of patients presenting themselves to the regular pi ectitioners are benefitted, while the patent niedicine3 and other advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now gen. erally believed by the most scientific Details ot the destruction in Canton men that the disease is due to the pees- China, and vicinity. by the June ram ence of living parasites in the issue, storm there, have been received by • Although the details of the awards Hanna was allowed $5 for damage Mr. Dixon at once adopted this cure private patties. the flood was the to the Oanadiau exhibits at the Ant. done to his fen3e throtegh taking to their externiination—this Room; most serious whieh has vieited Canton warp Exhibition are not published gravel from beneath it. Accounts plislied, he claims the Catarrh is prac. ie 30 years. More than 10,00 until September, it is understood it amounting to some 096 were allowed ticably cured, and the permanency is paeans lost their lives, mid a far I has been decided, subject possibly to arid ordered paid. It was agreed by unquestioned, as cures effeeted by him greater number are ]eft in a starving d ntirevillages were a ee,