HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-02-19, Page 5CLINTON NEWS-RECORD PAGE FIVE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1953 sammitaaw WANT ADS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE. BIRTHS DARVILLE--In Montreal, Quebec, on Wednesday, January 28, 1953, to F/O and Mrs. M, G. Darville (nee Coronna Wendorf), a son L(Pyarmule)Gregory, brother for Janis GODLEWSKI—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, February 14, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Godlewski, Clinton, a daugh- ter. IRWIN—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, February 18, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Irwin, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a son (Robert Willard). JERVIS—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Friday, February 13, 1953, to Sgt. and Mrs. Ivan Jervis, Holmesville, twin daugh- ters (Donna and Debbie). LANDSBOROUGH — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wednesday, February 11, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. James Lands- borough, R.R. 3, Seaforth, a son (William David). MARRIAGES SCRIBBINS - GRAINGER — In Trinity Anglican Church, Sarnia, on Saturday evening, February 14, 1953, by Rev. G. G. Stone, Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Grainger, Stratford, and George Thomas Scribbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Gordon Scribbins, Clinton. BRANDERHORST - LAFEBER — In Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, on Thursday, February 12, 1953, by Rev. J. Buurma, Strathroy, Corry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lafeber, Hol- land, and Gerald Branderhorst, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Branderhorst, Hensall. PLATE - BRANDERHOST — In Caven Presbyterian Church, Ex- eter, on Thursday, February 12, 1953, by Rev. J. Buurma, Strath- roy, Reda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Branderhorst, Hen- sail, and Edward G, Plate, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Plate, Col- fax, Iowa, DEATHS ENGLISH — In Adastral Park, RCAF Station, Clinton, Beatrix English, beloved mother of F/S P. J. English, 7 Halifax Road, Adastral Park, in her 73rd year. Requiem high mass will be sung in Sintaluta, Sask., and inter- ment made in Indian Head Cem- etery, Sintaluta, on Friday morning, February 20. For fur- ther information call the Beattie funeral home, Clinton, GREER — In Clinton, on Friday, February 13, 1953, Robert G. Greer, in his 60th year. Funeral fr6m the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Monday, February 16. PAISLEY—In Clinton, on Mon- day, February 16, 1953, Oscar Lionel Paisley, in his 73rd year. Funeral from the Beattie fun- eral home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, under the auspices of Masonic Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 84, to Clinton Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, February 18. PASSMORE—At his residence in Exeter, on Tuesday, February 10, 1953, Thomas Percy Pass- more, beloved husband of Edna Gunning, in his 66th year. Fun-eral service in James Street United Church, Exeter, to Exe- ter Cemetery, on Thursday af- ternoon, February 12. STEWART—In Clinton, on Mon- day, February 16, 1953, Fenwick Stewart, beloved husband of Alice E. Rathwell, in his 851,11 year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High St., Clinton, to Baird's Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 19. 0 r .......... 1r. ""••• "Ir. Weddings SCRIBB1NS—GRAINGER Against a background of snap- dragons and tall white tapers, in Trinity Anglican Church, ,Sarnia, Margaret Elizabeth Grainger and George Thomas Scribbins, both of London, exchanged marriage vows Saturday evening. Rev. G, G. Stone performed the double-ring cere- mony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Grainger, Stratford, and the groom's parents are Mr. arid Mrs. T. Gordon Scrib- bins, Clinton, The bride chose for the cere- mony an atteactive navy dress- maker suit, with white trim, the jacket of which was styled with a diagonal front fastening. Com- plementing the ensemble was her navy straw Edwardian sailor, with its chiffon streamer of graduated grey. She wore navy and white accessories and a gardenia corsage, As matron of honor, Mrs. Wil- liam Mitchell, Lakeshore Road, Sarnia, and formerly of London, wore a grey tailored suit with white straw hat and a corsage of red carnations. William Mitchell was groomsman. A wedding supper at St. Clair Inn, St. Clair, Mich., followed the ceremony. Upon their return from St. Clair, Mr. and Mrs. Scribbins are residing in London. The groom is a ,graduate of the Ontario College of Pharmacy, University of Toronto. w.•w "111,1' ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Classified Rates CASH RATE — (If paid by 'Wednesday following date of in- asertion)—Two cents a word first 'insertion (minimum 50 cents); eaulasequent insertions 11/2 cents a -Word (minimum 35 cents); 15 cents extra for box number or `lor direction to NEWS-RECORD Officfe. PARK THEATRE GODERICH—Phone 1150 CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICII — Phone 47 TEN LITTLE PIGS, eight weeks old. W. P. Roberts, R.R. 3, Sea- forth. 7-b SEVENTEEN PIGS, six weeks old. Apply to Merrill Switzer, phone Clinton 900r23. 7-b RED SHORTHORN BULL, ten months old, Well grown and de- horned. Glen Bros., R.R. 5, Clin- ton, Second concession, Stanley Township. 7-p Now playing (Feb. 19-21) "SHE'S WORKING HER WAY THROUGH COLLEGE" Techni- color, starring Virginia Mayo and Ronald Reagan MON., TUES., WED. (Feb. 23-25) "Rose of Cimarron" • An action drama in Natural- Colour. She rode for vengeance, lived by the law of the six gun, but fought for love. — Mala Powers, Jack Buetel and Bill Williams Now: Gary Cooper & Mari Aldan in "DISTANT DRUMS" Technicolor Now: "MONTANA TERRITORY" with Wanda Hendrix and Preston Foster In Technicolor MON., TUES., WED, Peter Lawford, Janice Rule and Richard Greene — High. advent-. ure and tender romance are the keynotes of a top-notch advent- ure drama dealing with Queen Victoria's empire-building army. "Rogue's March" MON., TUES., WED, and THURS. For purposes of renovation the Capital. Theatre will remain clos- ed four days each week during the entire month of February, IF CHARGED-15 cents extra. DEADLINE-12 noon, Wednes- day, CHINCHILLA'S. GET INTO THIS fast, growing, profitable industry. Registered breeding stock., Mated pairs. Males or females for herd improvement. For further partic- ulars, call Clinton 266M, or write Box "R", Clinton News-Record. 7-8-9-10-b FRIDAY & SATURDAY Drama! Adventures Romance: A documentary story of the Tiger Country and of a man-killing beast that was suspected of hav- ing supernatural powers. ' "VOODOO TIGER" THUR., FRI., SAT. (Feb. 26-28) "Bronco Buster" — In Technicolor — A story of the men who ride the rodeo circuit, the heroes and heels, and the women who love them. — John Lund, Scott Brady and Joyce Holden THUR., FRL, SAT. Jeff Chandler, Susan Cabot and Alex Nicol — Present a thrilling war drama glorifying the motor- transport corps during the Nor- mandy invasion of World War "Red 'Ball Express" Coming: "ABOVE & BEYOND" starring Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Your Druggist sells Cress Callous Salve too, relieves 7-b Cmpr, 1911 Gray•Moore Agency Coming (March 2-4): "PLYMOUTH ADVENTURE" Spencer Tracy & Gene Tierney Ya say ya sot a problem Ya don't know what to do 7) Just put an ad in classified bat's my advice to you. Coming: "G. I. JANE" starring Jean Porter and Tom Neal BALED HAY AND ENSILAGE wanted; Raymond. Forbes, Kippen, or Neil Campbell, Clinton. 7-8-p WHY DID USERS OF 36 LONG- tube milking machines change to Surge in this district last year? Send inquiriei to Lovell McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wingham, Phone 593W. 5-6-7-8-p SSSA Cards of' T hanks 100F NOTES Clinton Lodge Initiatory degree team motored to Waterloo on Sat- urday evening, under the direction of the degree captain, Jack Clegg, and conferred the initiatory degree on seven candidates from Kitchen- er and Waterloo. Brucefield Lodge second degree team visited Clinton Lodge on Tuesday evening and conferred the second degree on five candidates flap Clinton and Goderich. Visit- ors were present from Goderich, Waterloo, and Brucefield lodges. DDGM James McMillan, Goderich, was present and paid his official visit to the lodge. A pleasing feat- ure of the evening was the presen- tation by PDDGM J. Pinder, God- erich, to PDDGM Barrett Taylor, Clinton, of a PDDGM jewel. CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING CHIMNEY BLOCKS MRS, WILLIAM SPARKS, Bay- field, wishes to thank all who re- membered her in any way while she was a patient in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital. 7-h ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'F.URNISHED, HEATED ROOMS, ,all conveniences. Adults only. Util- ities paid. Available on March 1. Box "G", Clinton News-Record. 7-8-b WOULD TRADE DOUBLE BED with mattress and springs for bunk beds. Phone 598w1, L. P. Michaud, 1 Toronto Blvd., RCAF Station, Clinton. 7-b Mr. sincere thanks to all who were so kind and helpful during my recent illness. Also for the books, cards and flowers sent to me. Personal calls were very much appreciated, — W. E. PERDUE. 7-b BRANDERHORST—LAFEBER PLATE—BRANDERHORST Caven Presbyterian Church, Ex- eter, was the scene of a charming double wedding when the Rev. J. Buurma, Strathroy, performed the ceremony in both Dutch and Eng- lish. United in marriage were Corry Lafeber, recently from Holland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lafeber, Holland, and Gerald Branderhorst, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Branderhorst, Hensall. Also wed was a sister of Gerald Brand- erhorst, Reda Branderhost, and Edward G. Plate, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Plate, Colfax, Iowa: Both brides were dressed in suits, Miss Lafeber in grey jersey with black accessories, and Miss Branderhost in beige with acces- sories in brown. Both carried bou- quets of white carnations. A reception was held at Monet- ta Menard's, Exeter, and Mrs, Branderhorst received wearing a black silk dress with black acces- sories and a corsage of white car- nations. Mrs. Plate greeted guests in a black ensemble with a white carnation corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brander- horst will live at Hensall, and Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Plate will live in Colfax, Iowa. FOUR - ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment. Heated. Private ent- rance, three-piece bath. Upstairs of house. Apply to Box "Z", Clin- ' ton News-Record, 7-b NOTICE Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 I AM CLOSING MY OFFICE IN Clinton on and after February 28. I will continue to be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Mon- day and Thursday afternoons and evenings, as usual. D. H. McInnes, Chiropractic, Drugless Therapy, Foot Correction. 7-b The family of the late Robert G. Greer wishes to convey its sincere thanks and appreciation to friends and neighbours for floral tributes, expressions of sympathy and other kindnesses received during their sad bereavement. Special thanks to those who sent cards, flowers and helped in any way through his illness; also to the special nurses and Rev. Peter Renner. 7-b UNFURNISHED for couple; three Private entrance. W., Goderich, or 1040W. APARTMENT rooms and bath. 54 Picton St. phone Goderich 7-b 38 4 -ptfb FURNISHED ROOM, HEATED, suitable for two. Phone Clinton 419W. 7-b PERSONAL "SKINNY" GIRLS! Get LOVELY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets. Introductory, "get-acquaint- ed" size only 60c. All druggists. 2-4-6-8-b New Times Thursday ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO men. One and one quarter miles north of Clinton. Phone 807r23, 7-p I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank all the Canadian friends and Dutch friends who contributed so generously to the fine gift of money that was pre- sented to me and my family. It has done much to enlighten our sor- row. I shall always remember your kindness. May God bless you all for your goodness to us. — JOAN LAZET. 7-x Bus. T ime Changes: Effective February '19 I A VE4 MOTORWAYS j rs-rEnt FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE on Base Line, four miles north of Clinton; close to school and general store. Apply to E. Ellis, R.R. 1, Clinton; phone Clinton 802-r-4. 6-7-p PROPERTY FOR SALE EIGHTY-ACRE PASTURE FARM lot 30, concession 5, Goderich Township, Terms reasonable. App- ly to Elvira Churchill, 2183 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ont. 4-5-6-7-b CLINTON TO LONDON 9.00 a.m.—Daily ex. Sun. Holidays CLINTON to GODERICH 8.00 a.m.—Mon. to Fri. 3.10 p.m.—Daily 5.15 p.m,—Mon. to Fri. 7.35 p.m.—Daily 9.25 p.m.—Fri. & Sat. 11.15 p.m.—Sun. & Hol. Accommodation Wanted HOUSE FOR YOUNG COUPLE with two children, steady employ- ment, will pay any reasonable rental. Apply to W. H. Robinson, Bank of Montreal, phone Clinton 30. 7-b 12.15 p.m.—Daily 4.45 p.m.—Daily 6.10 p.m.—Fri. &Sat. 9.10 p.m.—Sun. & Holidays tag ONE AND ONE HALF STORY house, living-room, dining-room, two bed-rooms, kitchen and bath downstairs, oak floors, two rooms upstairs. Garage, 17' X 25', gar- den with fruit trees. Central. Apply to J. D. Wilson, Isaac St. Phone Clinton 58M. 7-b NO CHANGES in departure times and Wingham to Stratford ARTICLES FOR SALE GREEN COAT, FOR SPRING OR fall. In excellent condition. Size 14. Phone Clinton 674. 7-b PLANNING A SCHOOL TRIP? Let us help you. We arrange all details' for one- day trips to' Detroit, Toronto or Niagara Falls. Consult the nearest Motorways ticket agent for details. - Buses equipped with public address systems, radios, reclining seats. Fully insured to operate any- where in. Canada or the USA. WOOD FOR SALE REGAL ELECTRIC BROODER. Just used one year. 300 chick capacity, Also pair of 16x600 tires; one 450x21 tire, tube and rim. Ap- ply to J. E. Crich, phone Clinton .614r24. 7-p HARD LIMB WOOD AND mixed winter wood; also slabs and cedar kindling. Elmer Trick, phone Clinton 907r5, 4-tfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tfb AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE PERSONAL ATTENTION Given To All Details vaffie (c..1.T.tuteral Tctioure 7-8-b 1952 DODGE REGENT. DARK metallic grey. Air conditioning beater. Overdrive. Low mileage. Apply at Clinton News-Record Of- fice. 7-b SALESMEN WANTED THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE All Have All Need To Be Sinned. Saved. ENJOY SAFE, SILENT MOTORING with a RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well est- ablished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Raw- leigh's Dept. 3-169-189, Montreal. 7-b CHRYCO* MUFFLER Play safe! Let us check your ex- haust system today! If your muffler is faulty, we'll install a new Chryco muffler that will give complete protection. FREE MUFFLER CHECK TODAY! *CHRYCO is a trademark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited 1949 ANGLIA. BLACK; green leather upholstery. A wee small car for a wee small price. Motor in good shape; gas heater. Good for a lot of miles at low cost. Phone Clinton 4, 7-x TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works lest any man should boast.—Eph. 2 : 8. Charles Fuller — 123 Los Angeles, Calif. — Tune in ABC Network Sundays, 4 p.m. (EST) 4.4-0.4-4-4-0-4-4-00 i s e0-U-4-1-6-P+e0-U-4-1-6-P+4-0-+ 4-04-44-0-0440. NEW PORTABLE REMINGTON typewriters at Groves Electric. Phone 688J. 1-tfb. BABY CHICKS Canada has the most extensive fishing grounds of any country in the world. CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRICAL WIRING AIR-CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM-AIR HEATING PLUMBING BRAY HATCHERY HAS BEEN supplying poultrykeepers with fine chicks for years. February-March chicks grow to catch the best sum- mer-fall markets. Order now, from Agent—Mrs. Alex Paterson, Bruce- 7-b 4-0 4-4,4-6-4 -4 -41- 4. 4-4-4,4-4-0-6-4-4,4-4-4,0-4- Optometrist Gordon R. Hearn Murphy HALLADAY, RO «1NSON & Co. ros, CLINTON PHONE 465 Is unable to continue his practice of Optom- etry in Clinton. Any of his patients who have a breakage, etc. may write him at 1028 Danforth Ave„ Toronto. Thank You. BUSINESS OPPORTUN ITI ES CHOOSE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery .stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Thomas Steep, salesman. 30-tfb Chartered Accountants rola tAR It 01010 t Shirts ARE YOU INTERESTED IN OWNING YOUR OWN BUSI- NESS? There is a "Western" franchise available in your com- munity! Become associated with a large chain store organization, proven successful over 25 years of operation. Profit by our exper- ience, We have the secret to suc- cess, Highest quality, lowest pric- es, best guarantee. We offer a complete line of auto parts and ac- cessories, hand and power tools. For further information write to Western Tire and Auto Supply Ltd., 86 King St., London, Ont. 7-b Box No. "E" CLINTON NEWS-RECORD MORE POWER hallmamilu ALM A FURNACE FOR EVERY JOB Wools — Doeskins WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147—Clinton Flannels Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere LONGER RANGE A.. GREATER SENSITIVITY HURON COUNTY Overseas Flood Relief Fund K. C. COOKE FURNITURE REFINISHING FOR PIANO, FURNITURE AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 35/, Clinton. 4-5-6-7-p FLORIST Phone 66W --- Clinton Just the thing for these cool February days. SAVE UP TO $4.00 ON A SHIRT 1111111111111111111111111111111111111)11111111111111111110111111 1111111111111111 FURNITURE FOR SALE Motorola— specialists in car radio con- struction— give youa eom- MODtl. 401A pact, powerful radio like this at an unbelievably low price! Patented noise fil- toe, automatic volume control, Gclden Voice tone control, head adaptable to the instrument panel of The following parties will receive pledges between the hours of 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, February 22, for Huron County Overseas Flood Relief Fund: George Beattie—Phone 184J—Clinton E: How .17—Phone 10—Bayfield Merton Reid—Phone—Seaforth Donations may be left at Ross Scott's I ONLY THREE-PIECE BEDROOM with springs and mattress, light finish. Two years old. 51 Winni- peg Road, RCAF Station, Clinton. 7-b DINING-ROOM Sillies good as new; two dressers; Axminster rug, 4'x4'; day bed; music cabinet and metronome. Apply at Clinton News-Record. 7-p woo oamaaab 0111111.1111111111. OFF Get There Safely! LIVESTOCK WANTED NAt A Atilisciif,iiTTOP.Sr.g AND