HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-08-21, Page 6SOIENCE.
One of the properties conducive to dura-
bility in timber is its odoriferousness, which
repels insect foes as a rule.
The process of curling feathers consists
in heating t'' em slightly before the fire, then
stroking them with the back of a knife,
when they will curl.
The increase in strength due to seasoning
of different woods is gives as follows—White
pine, 9 per. cent,; elan, 12.3 per cent; oafs,
261 per cent.; ash, 4 41 per cent.; beech
611 per cent.
Dr, Sydney Thompson suggests the fol%
owing formula in eryaipelaa—Fluid extract
of Jaborandi, twenty.four parts ; laudanum
and glycerine, each four parts. This mix-
ture is to be painted lover the affected sur-
faces every four hours.
A good aubatitute for ground glass is
made as follows ; Work together equal
parte of white leas14and common putty un-
til quite Soft, tht.Jt),formit,into. a,'ball, mild
roll it over the .surface of the glass, and a
ground-glass appearance is the result.
Shoe -dressing: umtehellao''half >k:ponn'd,
alcohol three quarts, lissorve,.and add oa>n-
phor one and a half• ounce, lampblack .two
ounces. The foregoing will be found to give
an excellent gloss, and is especially adapted
to any leather they irfagg of which ieraugh-
ened by wear: ' ' •
Persons who utie braes letters on Oats
windows or doors are often troubled by
their dropping off,, from unequal expeaslon,
or from too violent - efforts on the part of the
window -cleaner. The following is said to
be a sure Dement—it Should be mixed just
before using —Litharge, ' two parts ; white
lead, one part; boiled ,linseed oil, three
parte ; gum copal, one part.
The following mouth -watches are recom-
mended for sick. Meets, Whose teeth! and
gums often become unhealthy through in-
sufficientnouriehment, medicines or want of
cleansing—One part per roanganate of pot-
ash to from` one hundred !to"onehttuidtetl'and
fifty parts cf water, to which can be added
some cami.hor, as the metallic taste is
agreeable; or a solution of baraoic acid one
in twenty or thirty; or the following—tinc-
ture of benzoin, ten parts;'tannic abid,twenty
parte ; alcohol, thirty parts ; oil of pepper-
mint, a sufficiency. 'Put ten . or twenty
drops into a glass of water.
A Heartless Case.
A. gentleman in the west of England, who
was possessed of large : estates, married
a lady who was supposed to be a widow, her
husband having lefther many years before,
and died—it .was thought—abroad. After
several years of married,llfe, the second hus-
band, as he was believed to be, dif d in-
testate, and soon afterwards the lady also
died. Then the brother and heir-at-law
came forward and claimed the estates; and
his claim being resisted, on behalf . of the
children of the deceasedr,the marriage was
proved to•be void, by the gre,duotiion of the
lady's husband, with 'whim she brother of
his successor had been in communication for
many years. The husband, it appeared,
had in the first.inetance,,00me back to Eng-
land in order to claim iia wife ; but having
been met with by the unprincipled heir, the
latter persuaded hirntonlake no sign,.but
to subsist upon a weekfy allowance from him
(the heir), in order that the supposed hos.
band might go to his grave in the belief
that he was the lawful husband of the
mother of his children; for the brother knew
that no will had been made, and feared that
if his elder brother—then a hopeless invalid
—knew of the invalidity of his marriage, he
would make a will in favour of his children
and their mother. This soheme was success-
ful]; the gentleman diets without making a
will, a neglect which is always foolish, and
often wioked. The heir succeeded to his
brother's estates, both real and personal,
being the sole next-of-kin as well as hair -at -
law; and the poor children were left utterly
Teeth in His Nose.
A small colored boy in Basseterre, West
Indies, has two large teeth in his nose. A
portion of his hose having been destroyed
by ulceration, he was put under medical
treatment for that dittoes, which soon heal-
ed with application of iodoform of potassium.
The doctor's intention was to have made a
new nostril for the boy, but while awaiting
to make sure oI the cure of the nicer these
teeth began to make their appearance.
They seem to be the two central incisors of
the permanent sot ; they spring from the
floor of the nostrils at the sides of the bony
septum, are freely movable, and are appar.
ently attached to the mucous membrane
only ; they have little of no roots, but large
Eat, digest ; read, remember f earn, save ;
love and be loved" Yf these four sines be
Strictlyfollowed, nealth, intelligence,wealth,
and true happiness will be the result.
Itis kindness thatmakes life's capabilities
blossom and paints them, with their cheering
hues and endows them with then invigorat-
ing fragrance. Whether it waits on its su-
periors or ministers to its inferiors, or die.
ports itself with ithegdale, itt ant is (e mark-
ed by a prodigality which the strictest dit.
eretion cannot blame.
Rupture, Breach or Hernia.
New guaranteed cure for woretoasee with-
out nee of knife.+ 'clThere' is no longer any'
need of wearing awkward,, cumbersome,
tjueaee, Send two letter stamps for pomp.
hlet and references. World's Diepennary
Medieal Aseooiation, 663 Main Street-
Buffale, N. Y. -
There is as much wisdom in bearing with
other people's defects as in being eex;sible of
their good qualities ; and we should make
the follies oPothtgrs rather a warning and an
instruction co ouf'r;,elvea than a subject of
mirth and monkery, of ;those who commit
Is It Not Singular
that consumptives should be the leastdtppre-
heneive oft their own condition, while all
their friends are urging and beneeohhig them
to be more careful abeut exposure and over-
doing. It may well be considered one of
the most alarming, symptoms of the disease
where the patience is reckless and will not
believe that he is in danger. Reader, if you
are in this condition, do not, neglect the
only meane of recovery. Avoid exposure
and fatigue, beregular'in your habits, and
use faithfully of Dr. Pierce'a:'i GoldpnMed-
ioal Discovery." It hag ei'ved thousands
who were steadily tailing.
The giraffe has never been known to utter
a sound.
Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and dis-
gusteverybody with your offensive breath,
but nee Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and enc)
On one of the Azore Ialande;;St;Michael'a
the people invariably drop the family name,
each being known by entirely different ;nn -
like titles. The same names are also applied
to either sea indiscriminately.
• The Rats, Cutting Winds
Of winter bring to.the surface every latent
pain. It is one of the strange things associ-
ated with our physical, well being that the
very air, without which we- couldnot exist,'
is heavily laden with the germs of disease..
*Rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and, other
complaints of a similar character hold revel
at this season of the year amongst human
muscles. There was a time when fortitude
, alone could make life tole! able, but now;
with the advent of-powerteil, penetiat;Wg;
i and nerve soothing remedies pain becomes a
• thing of a moment. The beet, the most
powerful and moat certain pain (sure ie-
! PoLSGN's Nerviline. Nothing equalsNerviline
for penetrating power. Nerviline is beyond
comparison the grandest discovery for .the
relief of pain dieted to the public.
Druggists a 11 a eample bottle for 10 cents :
large bottles cnly 25 cents at any drug
store. -
It ie said that' the crime of parricide was
unknown in one of the states of ancient..
Greece until a law was enacted for the spe-
cial punishment of such a orimo should it oc-
The experiment which Messrs. Tuokett &
Son entered upon when they commenced to
make their "Myrtle Navy" tobacco was this:
to give the public a tobacco of the very
finest Virginia leaf at the smallest possible
margin beyond its aotual cost, in the hope
that it would be so extensively bought as
to remunerate them. By the end of thrze
years the demand for it had grown so much
as gave assurance that the success of the ex-
periment was within reach. The demand
for it to -day is more than ten times greater
than it was then and it is still-inoreasing.
Success has been reached.".: , •
Swans have been known to live to the age
of 300 years, and Cuvier thinks it probable
that whales sometimes live 1,000 years,
Fun for Everybody
Fun is just what every person is look- -
ing for, willing to pay for, and finds hardest
to secure. We want a new prooesa mill so r
that fun can be ground out by the ton and i
sold at close nutting prices everywhere. How
would this be done? The first step is to re-
lieve all who suffer from pain, and Putnam's
Painless Corn Extractor stands in the very
front rank in this respect, Sure, safe and
Painless, causing no sore spots, nor prodno.
ing the slightest discomfort while in use,
Try Patnam's Painless Corn Extractor and
beware of substitutes and poisonous imita-
. •--'‘ •. is li'
n C.CRESOLINEl !" 1,
The Royal English 'Sorre' mud'battle Ltnameoi 6na
Wash for Domestic) Animate just lntroducod from Env,
land, where it hap bon in we over 120118., Owes all
ek'ndlaesees i haste cuts, bruises as sprain. Curds
mange on doge, and when used in the path, (about y
teaspoonful to a bats) podtively destrnrs.teae, flee ao.
all 1.6044 on dog wintry, or any other animal. Bot -
flee 95o% 500. and y$ 1.00 each, Circulars free i write tot
them. NESS a iv0., 759 Orals 8t., Montreal Agents
wanted everywhere. Good lndueementa to good mon.
Apply at mace for terms clodnartioulan.
Pork Packers, Toronto.
L. 0. Eaton, Rolled Spice Baoon, 0 0. Bacon.
Glasgow Beef Rams, Sugar' Cured Ham, Dried
Beef, BreakfastBaoob, SmokedToaguee, MOB Pork,
Pickled Tonguee. Cheese, Family or Navy Pork,
Lord In Tuba end Pails. The Beet Braude, o1 Eng.
fish Fine Dairy", Balt 1p Stook
VOA ,...PL]A iaNT.- BW1Nu.
Clapperton's Spool Cotton !
Warranted FULL Length and to run smooth on ant
sewing maohlne. 8oe that OLAPPAILTON'$ name 1v os
he label. Iii For male by all Dry -Goods Dealers.
Will bore 5 to 25iinoh bole• band or horsepower 00
feet per hour. Our combined augur and Rook Drift a
grand suooeee, worked by atom or borne -power. Bend
for Catalogue.
fig Mary Street. Hanxllton.'Ont.
W1llireopen Septeinber Srd, 188E:4Vhe Mortising
counted noir by its Tpeleasantiand healthfulealocatioe n,
its elegant buildings and grounds, its moderate
charges, and its superior facilities for affording a
lniehededucation in literary, musical, and tine art
studio. Four Professore, and ten lady teachers, all
specialists In their departments, besides a teacher of
walking. riding and calisthenics, are prepared to do
!thorough: work, and Meet the reasonable expecta-
tions of the beet patrodage. Students are prepared
for teachers and matriculation examinations. $192
immures board,' laundry, and tuition in English and
modern languages, mueio, drawing, and calisthenics,
for one year. Those desiring admission should make
early and definite application to REV. J. J, ARE,
M. A:, Principal.
The New Co -Operative'
ewing laellines
;Prevention Better Than Cure.
Many of the diseases so prevalent in these
days are caused by using soap containing
impure and infectious matter. Avoid alt
risk by using PERFECTION Laundry Soap,
which is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer
for PniwxoT1oN. Manufactured only by
the Toronto Soap Co.
P, 219
Fefs P
M01t BALE,-eB kin-ds.—.Bend for flet
Jona J. DArdtr, Guelph
- A81i YOUR 4R00ER FOR
XURE BRED AYB813IBES for sale: two cows, iv;
Pestling halters and one bull. Welk rot denote.
prioe and pedigree to G. 7', BARNA. Trafalgar.
e-11[LUABLE'FARMFOa SALI+S-1SO aero*, 3t
' miles east of the City of 8t. Thomas. For
partioulare Address J. J. LEWIS, New Saturn, Ont.
The Basle Sr...,
Washer is they ant
Worldly/ Machine 1.,
Tented that aweehl
woman or t,tt ,. 14
gnats old wft hon
thatun elA week
beard, can with ow./
wash 80 to 100 Ditto,
In 00011008. Agents
amnio* all over Can
edit. sample 6antf.t
trial and territory Own. 7 adice mnke gond stunts; no wear on
elathoa, and every lady wit rosy after Erring 1t• warrant,
to wash calic0s in Ava mlentes. cotton goads in 20, bodriethu
10, orlie sole, Addrnat, FEHIITS b (0, fiater.tota gad Mina
taotutire, 78 ;Ulla Street. TuEONTO.G'anada
n s
Latest`lmproved Attaahme
Agents price for similar machine'$60
Our price only 125 each.
Metope buying send•ua stamp for our elegant photo
graph and sample of sewing.
tZMachines guaranteed for three lean and sent on
trial. •
Any lady wanting a machine will do well to write to
Sewing Machine Co.
y t .
i ,.., ., ,test t 1 .L ;•U.oP .
11 ONLY $8.00
The cheapest in the
Warranted first-
class, or money re-
funded. Send di-
rect to manufac-
turers, or procure
from .your Hard,
ware or House -
Furnishing dealer,
Clotho Wring.
a re of all 1, it ea—
. -Royal Canadian,
Imperial,' 'Ring,'
also Mangles. -Two
Roller, and Three
Roller. Write for
Hamilton It dustrial 'Works Oo,, Nanufaoturera, Hamilton, Banda,
.A. 331 IL ISL. Ci.OXsInE1G ;FJJ
Tbfe Oo'lege; founded In 1854; has had In attendapoe over 3000 didorent etadente. It offers unsurpassed facili.
net for "general culture" and for matnoulatbo in, Atte Law. ate., at moderate cost. The Collegiate Course
embraoee • both "utstrleulation wore" and selected studies In Science and Philosophy. The Aosdemy of Moto
has awarded 26 diatoms' of gradu%tlon•in three ye6re. It wits never so peputar se sow. The Bu.inesa College
is under the *creation t f a Readiest am natant, Ornaments1 Penman hip a epoclaity. Who Soaool of Art Is
in af8ltationwith the Ontario bohool of Art, and teaches ire courses.
Far A nuclei course of lectures for oorivenee students of the Methodist Church, in which th^ Rev. Drs, Cs
mac, Jeffers, the Rev.' J, B. Clarkson, M,A„ end others take part, will be given during the winter months.
A •ednotion in 'feet' of 10 Der cent, (instead of a definite tum me 801 mei., y) is granted to students taking two
or more Departments. Both ladles and gentlemen admitted. Fall Term begin a September 8th
• • $10 Reward -for the Conviction
Of Dealers who of-Mc
Oil of Other
fer and Sell In i e Manufacture for
EQs t=
u e A.0 I c)1 OX3Car
Eureka Cylinder, Bolt I. I McCo
Cutting & Wool Oils.' For sale by all leading dealers.. 'll`llonontoBros.& " Co.,
f '. ' .=-21ANUFACTURERB OF—
Ell 1E11
Sar MIC 416 CI
THER—Sar1I416CI tx -n '0xia fig 14
Queen. Citi:...
Works, Toronto.
Goods stamged Merl -
den Silver Plate Co.
-ire not titer stake. I!
you wantrefiable'gooda
-nein on getting those
made by the
i ir..
'11R11111111 I ll ,, I' I lli11 41P
tk'• i-1+y blip (I ITo
The Finest Bnildlnita, Furnishings and
Grounds for the purpose in Canada.
Full staff of (18) thoroughly qualifed tesobers, and
bomp!ete o,ue e, dor gaduatlon in
can dOIENOE.
Bates from $39 to 048 per term, for board, room,
flair, laundry and tuition.
Fa 50 pp. annbuncement, address, Pnxxo3FAL ADS -
re Ekanthie Their Superior 1Vderait; !.
Are the cleat. At.
tested by the Fant
thattbero ar6 moroof
our males In nee In
the Dominion than
of all other makes
combined, May.
Stock *0101 Coal
Scales, Farmers'
Strain- dud Dairy Scales. Grocers et ytutchert'
Seals, dolled for Domestic 11so.
Housekeepers, COMM Your Beat
Bypurehaeing a scale, and in buying ono be sure•
to get the beet. Our etudes are full warranted in
every particular. All sized Railroad, Warehonae
rind 3010 Truck*s AlaTrtt Motley Drawer*.
For sale by Ula lardware Trade generally, 1.v
lnetrated Clustered and Prteo Lies fortiarded upon
WAa*nous*er-llesireal and WIneleett
sae Sfl ost Effective, Clean, Durable Sind EConoinieni l eattragai. the Market for warming and
, vent! sting Churches, Schools, Pubitc Buildings, Stores and Private Residences. .Simple in
construction and easily managed, capable of hiving more heat with lees consumption of fuel than any other
heating apparattle tS•,Absoiutely,Gas Tlalat. 00t Seven eine are made and Dan beset either' in
Brick or Portable Form. Correspondence solicited. .Fat Qataloguee and further information address, .
THE E. &' C L- GU,RfNEY CO,:'t.
(. S &p'4 -
ado, Lieut..Oovb 01 Onto, to.o Tjte' oat t u000slfui
Veterinary institution in Amends. Over live hum, • tired graduated fn euoceseful ractice All Mimi.oncod toacherp, 6teelon b line 0o" 21st.: Fede,
Iii t Piny of the , Fifty Hellas. Prinolp.a, P1tOF. SMITH, V.S. .
mi line- Appal *all 8teamanipr,
YRTLE Banton dunng winter from Porgand gvery Tbrsdand'Ha fax every Saturday to Ltrerpobl Id i t toss*
'' ' from Queba*evertSaturday toLiverpool,sailing Atto
denser* to land really and pOIeen err 10r Remand ae
N. 1., 80 Liverp000l fortnighif, d !ring summer months
IS ,tIV1ARIt ED The sieamere pt the Glasgow !Ines gall dining whilst
to and (tom Halifax, Fernand, Boston and roam.
pphbr; and daring summer between Gladtow till MOD.
treat weekly• G aegowand Boston, weeklyt en4 filmenu
rr and r'hllade{tbia, fortnlghiIy.
1 Bor freight passage, oar other inlotmaties
' I9 ppm til A. ticnnmachoi do co., Balthmote i d
((S1noor& &Co 1Ia11fax; Shea do CO.n t. John's
N. Ban. t & WmCo. ., khomeonChicago &t l:o., Love 13& .At. Johlden,n, 30.13.
York ;11. swirlier, 'Toronto ;Minns, Rae & Co.
Allan o1 oretlind, B ton, Philadelphia
H' a'
11 ielraetteleib:' •