HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-08-21, Page 5RIGHT HOUSE Genuine Bargains: Good Value THE appeal in Riel's case will be heard at Winnipeg on September 3rd, TILE legislative grant per pupil in public schools is 54c; in High Schools, $7,17. Ontario the cost per pupil in public schools is $6.67; in High schools, $29.47. Tun Simmons murder case will conte up for trial at the Middlesex fall assizes. ONE fact exceedingly creditable to our volunteers on active service, to which little or no prominence has been „*riven, is that there was not a court 'martial held during their absence. We believe history does not afford an in- stance of five thousand men going on such an expedition, and returning without having a solitary case of crime or insubordination requiring court-martial. Perhaps the absence of strong liquor had something to do with it, bat certainly the fact is creditable to the force. A WARNING.—The Liman .tante,- prise sounds the warning note as fol- lows:—"4. man by the name of Wm - Goer hasbeen canvassing in this dis- trict for two papers, the Fireside Visit- or and Family Journal, published in the States. Look out for him, he is a fraud and a dead beat, we are in- formed. He promises to send either of the above papers and an armful of pictures for 75c., but you will never see paper, picture, . or your money again. Several parties in the village mourn the loss of three silver quarters. A tramp who has "worked the clock racket" tells how it is done :—"One of us goes ahead and tinkers up the clock, taking it partially to pieces, tickling it up with a feather, and anointing it .vitt ile or lard or something. I al- ways, when I'm on the tramp carry, boa -constrictor ile or yak ile for the purpose. Its coal oil or lard, just as it happens. When I conies to put it to- gether, if I don't know exactly where all the wheels go, I do the beat I know how, and • if there is any overflow of wheels without holes to put 'em in, as •is usually the case, I jest quietly slip 'ern in my pocket. I then handspike the hands ahead a half hour, and tells the folks it is unhealthy to turn them back, and that they had better wait un.kil the time comes as pointed by the clock b;fore they start it running. This saves disarrangin' the innards, I tells 'em. That half-hour lets ine out, and I goes if the clock don't. Catarrh—A now Treatment: Perhaps the moat extraordinary success that has been achieved in mod- ern medioine has been attained by the Dixon treatment for catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, full ninety per Icent have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular pr actitioners are benefitted, while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now gen. erally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the pres- ence of living parasites in the issue. Mr. Dixon at once adopted this cure to their extermination—this accom: plish,ed, he claims the Catarrh is prat: ' ticably cured, and the permanency is unquestioned, as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat: meat has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the pre: sent season of the year is the most favorable for the speedy and perman. ent cure. The majority of cases be: ing cured at one treatment. Sufferers should ccrrespoud with Messrs A. H DIXON & .SON, 305 King street, west Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on catarrh. Montreal Star. Nov. 17, 1882. SMUGGLED MEDICINES.—The name of J. C. Ayer, & Co., and their many patent medicines, are familiar to every house in the land. The firm are great advertisers, but it appears that they have also been great sinners. It will be remembered that sotne months ago $120,000 worth of patent medicines irnported into various cities in the Dominion, both east and west by the firm,- were seized by custom officials belonging to Montreal, for being far under their proper value. The matter has been undergoing a searching and minute investigation there, in Ottawa and the United States, with the result of finding that the custom of defraud- ing the revenue has been in progress for sixteen years past, the loss of the �` Dominion exchequer in that period being estimated at over $600,000. Ac- cording to the tariff act the Govern- inent is prohibited from preferring a claire for the deficiency of duty for more than three years. It has how- ever decided on claiming the deficiency for the full period allowed by law, with a fine of fifty per Dent. in addition on the full duty. Tho amount which the firm will have to pay the Government will be enormous, as only nominal duties were paid on the skilfully pre- pared entries' that were made. Of course, the company wilt be able to pay the amount demanded, as it is one of the wealthiest in the United States. The local firms hi the Do- minion are not involved in any way, as the consignments came to them, duly paid. THE NEW LRAYMOND a o ®trDUNTI®©®00R®fr7 ILM a a®®tam THE FAVORITE 17000 1-*SEVIIING —MACHINE INLE 1®®R01263 510t1®®®01©®® FOR FAMILY USE. HIGH ARM -HIGH FINISH • £eclbey . yrgi'erzt Zura8fe ell the "Raymond " Shuttle Machines lfi aro fitted with the Patent Automatic Bobbin Minder 3 CHAS. RAYMONDi MANUFACTURER a GUELPH, ONTARIO. $1,000 Reward! MACHINE Now is the time to get your ,Sea ing Machines repaired, iron or woodwork re finished by a man who has had 12 years experience and will compete with any firm in Canada or • United States either on chainsaitch or lock - stitch, groover and back elastic stitch —all of these aro a different stile h Then wo have the curved needles Wheeler & Willson, Florence, and over 100 other different machines which the undersigned will repair. Stop any machite fro'n breat mg needles or thread, droping stitches, or any other aihnent machines are sub- ject to. This gentleman will tell you how your sewing machines woras by looking at it without seeing it sow, which may keem impossible, still, it is true Will call at residence if re. quired, and teach how to use attach. meats. All work warrauted. 1 11EFERENCRS—A. R. Morris, J. d" THIS PAPER iiR1"0 1 Iiewei aper Advertising 8nrcan CO Spruce bomgstray conte of dm r NEW YORK m840 for it sip ? JL'./PI JIOL.!IEX THE NEW FIRM OF 3aftey 011. I re Offering GREAT VALUE in Stoves, Tinware and House Furnishing Goods FOR THE NEXT TIIIIR,TY 1)AY'S y --JUST . RECEIVED -- A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF atoh , Jwe1i7 Jrz,welry t At Lower Prices than Ever Befoi , Offered in Wingham. Sell AS CHEAP as any House in Cana'a, Try rye and see for yourselves. HALSEY PARK THIS RESERVED FOR Wm. ELLIOTT, Who will have something of impor. tance to say to the readers of the Trams next week. PAPS, A book of ]00 pages. .: az'+S The best book loran ERTISINQadvettiset' to con, Solt, be he export- enced or otherwise. toontains lists of newspapers and estimates ofthe cost of advert ising. The advertiser who wants to spend one dollar, fleas in it the in. formation he requires, while forhim who will intrest one hundred thnnsand dollars in ad- vertising, a scheme is indicated which will bieethis every requirement, or cots be made to doso by slight changes eerily arria,e:iat by cor- respondence. 149 editions have been issued. tpolnto a' 10° WrietoGEO. lROWiLL CO, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU. imamate et. Printing House Sq.), Dew York. TNA Lending Undertaker Cowl MsI11ss1, $s, 25, 1. 0. F. - tune T.'alcr u1 1V nigbani.. i f E'1'S i:VE1tV Seigv ) ANO LASD I''It1nAY L� L o•smiles In rho inontlt, In their lltdl, T m1ytfa Sleek. 'rile space r,^set• ete and, F'a' 1 Wlii Aur Lodge, No, 134, A. 0 11. W. J wmVnERY LUp cD'RD,Tm1lytaN.t0 INb. Fr A MARVELOUS STOR'i TOLD 111 TWO LIMN. a 1 FROM THE SON. "'o Cedar St„ Ne-. . York, Oct. 28,188e. "Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. fie hu been a great sufferer from Scree. ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you what a marvelous effect Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had in his ease. I think his blood must have contained the humor for at least tea years ; but it did not show, except in the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about five years ago. From a few spots which ap- peared at that thus, it gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. I assure yon he w24 terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, whe n he began using your medioine. Now, there at 3 few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name fifty persona who would testify to the facts labia case. • Yours truly, W. M. PSILLIPs." FROM THE FATHER. "It is ppleasure oal t a duty for me to state to you the benefit I. have derived from the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. Six menthe ago I was completely covered with, a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Zito, humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were groat, and my life a burden. I eommenoed the use of the, SARSAPARILLA in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores hava all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect—being now able to do a good day`e work, although 73 years of ego. Many inquire. what has wrought such a cure in my case, and, I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, AYER'S SARSAPARILLA.Glover, Vt., Oct., 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, Maur PHILLIPS. '1 AYER'S SARSAPARILLA cures Scrofcla and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip.. else, Eczema, Bingworm, Blotches, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of, the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu-, titles, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality cad: strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BY' Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by all Druggists; 41, six bottles for 13., AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of, youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich, brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use light or red hair may be darker -ad thin hair thickened, and baldness oftnu,. though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and sti in-. laces a weak and sickly growth to vigor. T.. prevents and cures scarf rind dandruff, 'e -if heals nearly every disease peculiar to ',u, scalp. As a Ladies' Hair Dreral„L., life. VIGOR is unequalled; it "nntains rteitre nor dye, renders the heir a nit, glossy, ::e. silken in appearance, and impb.'s a,,•Pc. agreeable, and lasting perfume. Ma. C. P. BittenEn writes from Kirby, July 3, 1882 ; " Last fall my hair coumtetb•,.,ti falling out, and in a short time 1 heca' a, nearly bald. I used part of a boccie AVEn's HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the 8' - fug of the heir, and started a new growth, i have now a full head of hair growing vii -s curly, and ate convinced that hut tor si•�, use of your preparation 1 should have Wet, entirely bald." J. W. Bowen, proprietor of the McArthur (Ohio) Enquirer, says : "Avon's HA1nVl0 u&. is a most excellent preparation for the hail 1 speak of it from my own experience. lis: use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The V loon is al n' a surd cure for dandruff, Not within up% knowledge has the preparation our laiio,tt to give entire satisfaction." MR. ANGt,s FAranAnRN, leader of the, celebrated "Fairbairn Fatuity" of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Roston., Mass., Gi•b. 0. 1880: "Ever since my hair began to give sil- very evidence of the change which fleeting time procnretb, 1 have used Aven's 1ivft! Vlttole, and se have been abio to maintain an appearance of youthfulness—a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ora- tors, actors, and in fact ovary one who lives, le the oyes of the public." MRs. 0. A. I'RirscaTT, writing from 18 Eh», t,i (lzorlestoren, plass,, April 14, 1882, says • 1woyears ago about two -girds of my hair, tante oft. " thinned very rapidly, and I was, at growing bald. On using Area's RAM en the falling stopped and s. new growth, commenced, arra in about a month my hea,lf was completely covered with short hair. It has eoOtinned to grow, and is now as good as; before it fell. I regularly need but one bntile; oafdressthe VIGO ing.'•R, but now use it eeeasietts,lle t Wo have: bnndreds of altriilar testimorkt14 to the• ctfieapy of AYER'S IIAUI Vltton. 1ak needs but a trial to eonRia;ae t,l ns8 tke)f4 cal of its value. YrtEPAttED Bt Dr. 3. C. Ayer & co., lowed, > tow oy all Drugf .1t