HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-08-21, Page 1VOL, .XIV. ---NO 34, 11 ti •! • _ III 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 11 1 1 1.11.1111.114ri•• •?'i t'171 `'WTN GRAM;' QNT,1'RIDAY`, AUGUST 21, 1885. . WHQ L, + N( 710 M YER do =SEWN WINGHAM. ' AMOURS, $G+ SOLICI TORS EOR BANK OF HAMILTON, Conunis5Ioneni for taking aMda ria for Manitoba, Privato funds to land In straight loans at lowest ate,. QQlooe....Kent's Block, Wing, hunt, Luckne and Gerrie, u. W, 0. xEvaa.• -• 1.L. DIOAINSO$. ,Wingham Nov.18 1880 - Llv ," J. A. MORTON, 8emuseen s71 ngbam outs »RS. =TIME es Yb UNG, PiIYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ,Offoo, oor t Centre and . atriok streets, Wingham us,, rario, BETIiUNE,11 1X, W. 4. YOUNG M. F. n. 0 1 6'. a. M, fi. 1•. . . & J. WILSON' • 4 . Ba$diy Crewing, s1,4. Prosperous Tow44 Vlowedby an outsider. the Toronto Mecheetiical and Mill- ing Sews has had a, correspondent travelling along the. W. G. & B. branch of the Grand Trunk Railway, and writing 'up his ideas of the places visited by him. Under the head of Wingham he writes as follows to his paper. This rapidly growing town is situ. ated iu the county of Huron, and is on the Wellington Grey & Bruce and London Huron & Bruce' divisions of the Grand Trunk railway. The Mait. land river also makes a half, photo of the town and supplies good power for the several manufactories along its away. For many years these mills COUNTY ITZMS,° the old stone sy stem, but a revolution The tax collector of Stephen town• is shortly to take place, when a full combination system of machinery is to be adopted. At present there are even run of stone,' with a capacity of ;1,10 barrels of flour per day, ,divided into three distinct grades, the product being shipped principally to Halifax. The mill building is a substantial frame structure,'containing 3 stories, basement and attic, and is in every way suited for a first•class roller mill. have done a flourishing business, under When the changes are made, we will not fail to give a descriptiun. MISCELLANEOUS. Messrs. Brennen & Co. are largely engaged in, the tanning business here. and have been established fpr eight banks. Wingham to all appearances years. The, premises are commodious to $12,175, to raise which an assess - ship gets 890 a year and no extras, A grand band tournament will he her at Clinton on September 25th, The Belgrave chose oomprtny haltS sold their June make for 8 gents per pound. r* A new paper, to be called ` the dette will meteits appearance in Gorrie this week. 4 Duncan McCleod, lid, D., formerly of Kippen, has been appointed .pro- fessor of mateifie rnediaa and there.: peutics in the Detroit College of Med• The estimated expenses of the tone of Clinton for the current year amounts tf 1 is in a fairly prosperous state, fewer and well constructed, and in 'every' meat of two cents on the dollar will be, complaints regarding stagnation of Way suited to the business carried on. trade are to be heard than is usually "The aanufacture consists solely of I the case at present in towns of the slaughtered sole, and the works have At a meeting of the creditors of M. Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered members of Veter inary edical Association, are prepared to ' - - - ------uunu required. treat all diseases of Domestic Animals, on he latest and mops Scientific Principles. Calls attended to day and night. Horses bought and sold on commission. Office and infirmary in the ;stand lately; ogauped by 'T: Kerr, V. S., opposite Merrifield's Hotel, Josephine Street, Ilringliam. aa c ci oft in o , t 200 sid s B. 1VIallol.y, general racer of Bl th well represented, and although . the week, which are shipped to the trade it was ascertained that his 1' b'1 t same size. -General manufacture is a ape it n g u e a g v; is ra i i es various firms are not very extensive, in Toronto. There are 79 vats utilized inou,}ite to 03,000, and assets nom - they are nevertheless apparently work. bn the tanning floor, and the establish- i Ing on a sound basis. W inghain boasts moat is equiped with the latest applii- of many public spirited citizens who ances in the best regulated tanneri X900. The spring, wheat crop in the neigh- borhoodof inton is said to be a corn- not only take an interest in their own About one thousand cords of bark, re , plete faitur •. One farmer reports avocations but also in the prosperity consumed annually. The firm employs that be de not expect to reap a f h t T1 6.h I d 10 hands' and are doing a very sue- b sh I fr xi; tlii t fi Id - other public buildings. are the. best - cesSive trade and find a ready market ' "' argument in favor of the energy dis.• for all the goods they can manufacture. At a meeting of the Directors of played by the citizens in advanoing The Wingham Agricultural Works the East Riding Agricultural Society •' h t and the Grey Branch held a few da "s the autumn of 1886 and nettled' in are among the leading industries re- • f, Messrs. - Robinson- & Bette,.'These' ago, it was decided to hold the fall ' a p °I an the TVANNIfi>lzri+'R. The spring wheat which had. suvh.a,. fine appearance a. short time ago, IS badly rusted. A goodmany farmers a_r utting it and saving it.for feed. enf r, P. Wells, of the. 10th ; con., .shipped 26 Bead. of supberb cattle ,a few days ago: ' They were destined • for Great Britain. We Suppose they wi11 help to fill the rapacious maw of JO -Bull. A Monday of last week as .fr. A. evins,-(who resides in Lower Wing ham) was travailing a short distance ficin here, he took: suddenly ill, and was taken to the.residence of Mr. Robert "Curry, who rendered all the' assistance they' possibly :could to the . unfortunate man, but he only lived about half an hour, heart disease beingthe cause. • He leaves a wife and child to mourn his sudden demise. Death of Sir Frauds Mucks. SirFrancis Hincks, who was recently taken down by smalbpox, died at his residence "in Montreal on Tuesday night, and was buried early yester- day morning. Sir' Francis, . although not a Canadian born, was one of Oen.- ada's greatest' statesman. He was born in Cork .on December 14, 1808. He received a primary education in the Fernley school and completed his academical training inrthe Royal Bel- fast Institute. He came to:Canadain farmers & Laodoncrs Do you want to borrow money 2 To buy Your o To or us m laud for YourselfS ore build a House or Aarn' To Fence, Clear tlnderdraic, or otherwise improve Land To pay off a I ortgage or other Debts,, 0 for any other Purpose, If you do the un dersigned are able to loan at the lowes rates of Interest and more reasonabl Terms than- any one else in this seotion' o the country. MEYER &-DICKENSON, Barristers, Wingham, deflators for the Bank of Hamilton. ISLAND HOME • Stock Farm.: , ' GB.O$,ip Ile, WAYNIS CO SAVAGE & FARNUM, Proprietors, the interest of the town Following are prospering under the management y Toronto° following mercantile pursuits gentlemen have been established in '• Show' at Brussels, on Thursday anal d ' profession of a journalist. He presented: - file foundry line for the past fourteen Friday, the 24th and 25th of Septem FURNITURE. years gird devote their energies prin her years,,and Thefirm of Messrs was elected ' 1841 at the first elect'" - .under the union representative for . Scott & Bell.are f Oxford in• the legislature as a reformer well and favorably ]mown in this sec-cipally to the manufacture o "n;o+wers A correspondent writes from Esean- and vrorked and voted side" by Bids tion, and in fact all over the province, reapers, ploughs, •gang plougli6. an aha, Delta County, Michigan, under with Mr. Baldwin. In 1842 Le joined, as extensive manufacturers . of office, several other varieties of agricultural date of August 6th asp follows: The the Government as Inspector -general, Lodge and household furniture having implements. The trade is entirely 'wife of the late John Sharpe, of Fast: became Premier in 1851. resigned in been engaged in that class of mann- local, . but by the amount of work ' aiviznosh, died .oa the 29th of Jul)85d, wasappointed Governor, in chief ,• turned out we should - judge that the at lies. brother's Lome, Fayette, Mich ,3 facture in Vl ingham for the past ten h d 11 Th deeeased of 'Barbadoee and the Windward Brit - Years. Thos e;ial manufacture is de various machines' made give a de- a vus a d9,ngbte Qf the, ieiat otlirt bpi ,; and Gor~sr inr `,if $sit- oted to bed oom sets, end wood=•seat, sired gatisfadtioli,` Employment is' trite" oho 'Diamond, of Htillett, 1n. ah Guineit in 1862, was created a: K. chairs, about 1,500:of the above named given to twelve hands, vont Bounty. 0• M. 0; in 1868, and beeame finance articles being manufactured .weekly. W est Huron' Woolen Mills,l %Geore Owens, of the 9th con East minister of Canada in the same year, • From the cheapest to the most elabor- which are manufae ure , :principal) Wawanosh, meet with a terrible aced succeeding Sir John Rose, trader` • Sir ' ate walnut and marble finished ,goods flannels, were, at the time of our visit ,dent cue night recently. It appears John, Macdonald. He was then 61 •' are also manufactured in largo clean- riiunini; full capacity and giving erne that be was in the mow in the barn pears old. A seat was found for him Cities and shipped to various points ploymeent to teeenty 'hands. The pro- throwingdown hay, after which he in Renfrew. He resigned m February throughout the country. .Tice works , praetors; - Messrs.Inglis & Co., are malted from the mow into a load or 1878, and upon the fall of Sir John's are contained in two lases b • ° the priecipg set in .-Hnportett— size; two and three stories high'. The' n extensive store house and show room Fxx .,,.t,,,,t,be,., ,..ilea a., inn o,xds his abdomen and. pierced his inside for Toronto Examiner and smile years buildings, al One being 1010x86 f practical men, and carefully supervise ratings on the floor, A fork handle miuisti'y, .on . the Pacific scandal he the working of the mill. The flannels happened to be sticking up in the load retired into private life, accepting the manufai turecl are shipped to the prin• and young Owens lit squarely upon it. pl'esidenoy of the City Bank of Mon. cheat •cities throuahout.the Dominion; The handle enterers the lower part of treal. [ 1888 lie cstab• isled the All stock selected from the get of sire an3`dams of established reputation and registered in the French and American stud:books... • - ISLAAO OSE Is beautifully', situated at the head of Grosse Ile in the Detroit river, 'ten miles elow the city and •accessible by railroad and 'steamboat. Visitors not •familiar with the location may call at city office, 52 Campau Building, and an escort will accomp5,ny";them:,to the farm. Send for Catalogue,. )lost free by, • mail. Address, SAVAGE' .i; FABN TFM. Detroit, Mich. Mr.; Alfred Williams; lata of Biriing- ham,.kngiand •having' taken up kis resi- dence in town, it propared'to`receive a limited numbers df- pupils for inetruotldf4' m instrumental Mudid, piano and orgafn. Por terms, etc... apply f►t hitt residcatoe, Leopold streets °-• WHITE ROSS Gell p'UIl. TIIi' Cf t?tEX1Ol . 3100' - 1ttWARD ego ler any preparation that will equal White Mote Cr>'arn to remove Tan, Freckles, Fifties, Soften the Skin and Beautify the Complexion. Every bottle guaranteed to be as represented or money refunded. Price 75 cents per bottle. TAP. PLIAEMAUY Sole Agent.for Wingham, Ont, ,,; is • 100x40 feet. The - firm 'operate a saw 'mill for the production of their own lumber from the raw 'Material, which has a capacity of 10.000 feet of lumber per day, nearly a million feet Cf, which is constantly kept in'stock. The output from these works foot up to $50,000 per pear. From 80 to 85 hands are employed. FLOURING MILLS. Wingham has two well conducted flouring mulls, both of which are doing a prosperous business. Messrs. 'Hut- ton, Price &`= Carr operate' the largest mill in this section,;it having bean changed to the celupiete roller system but aw few months aka, by 'Goldie & MnCuiloch, of . Galt. The mill has a capacity of manufacturing 125 bbls'. of flour per day, which 'is divided up into two grades;- esuperier extra and strong bakers'.' The mill its "limning night and day eonttntiicusly and giving the beat possible •results: The 'build- 1ng is of; frame,' 44x61; feet, 4 stories, basement and attio. The• machinery consists of two double sets of Goldie & uaThe plainng mill of Messrs Watt & 'tasct wiili his ribs. Medical aid was recently. Sir, Francis coutributecl an Derr was not overlooked'white on our immediately suu'"ifnoned and at latest eeoasional article to the Montreal tour of inspection of 1'Vinghaur Indus accounts the young man is•progressin., Journal of Commerce, showing almost • tries.' This business has been eetat• favorably, up to the end a love for his old pro - lisped: ten years, and; is new iii a - fession. 'rhe deceased statesman was aboat 19 inches, tyleen it•came:in con- after the Montreal Pilot. Up to very flourishing condition.: The '° factory 'BELGI{AVS, aReformer arid. Liberal in -politics, proper is 36x88 feet' 'in size, in which , and that of no ,,Tiubtful kind, and w -s is 'contained sixteenrJ first,class cod ` Harry Winfield has Leen in town, by all . odds : the abltest financier working machines, all of which were for a few datys. He looks well, - Canada ever saw. of Galt.ured by Goldie .& These machines are nth b ` A.1£red, Harlem is having his store 1 onndm;ikor Sentenced. y • Painted and a veranda built in front. an `1$ h en ine contained in a sop• p '— p- -engine The trial Of ?oundnialer was con; israte ..building grid manufactured •bv Dr. 1tfeDonald is again attendint the, sante firm. • The output ,consists:. Mrs. LawI rence Pearson, who is bed eluded `at Regina on itesday. The of general builders'- supplies,. the gra ;fns aid. • evidence went to"show that he was . at • Cut Knife Hill during the fight, but it duet elf eight the bu iuess ranging pr. yeaifrom ,' The spring wheat is entirely ruined was commanded by De:erre. -The Weto were inf rme& that the building in this county with rust and it is onus of the ]3attleford trouble is bathe cut for feed, • th'rown on the youngbucks and hall: ' trade of the town Was. better this year ;; ; than for some time past, a fact which`''Miss Bengough as yet very week and breeds who conteolled I'oundinai.or and who compeli'ed him to remain with - thein. Poundmaker trice on several occasions to got the control of • the camp. He counsolied them to- give up fighting, and often said their acts frigntened hien, The In: dians threatened to murder the • Half: breed prisoners several times, but. Poundmaker intereeded to prevent bloodshed, Tae jury returned a ver: Act of guilty after half an hour's deltb:. oration. Poundmaker when asked what he had to say why sentence shoilld not materially benefits an industry midi it wa11•be sometime before she will be as the one referred to. Ten. hands as strong.,, if site recover& at all. .a rule are employed. . . Drummond Bros., butct:ers, Wing- _- ham, supply Belgrave with fresh meat, AND HE Knows. --P. T. Barnum and Chamberlain, the Blyth baker with iread. made millions by ,persistent adverbs- : McCulloch and two Bets of Geo. '!'." ills; "One thing T wish to say to avid Geddes, of the 8rd line of Smith rolis,'I "Garden City"teduutime you;" he remarked,"You do not any Morris, raised s• large barn on Friday mill, 2 run of stone for reducing mid- of you advertise enough. You ought last, and the youug people enjoyed a dlings and 1 run for feed, 1- wheat to invoke the printer's ink every day, good dance at night. ,seOurer, . 2 flour paokera, 1 "Rich -'sou are sleepy and want your buss -4. Taylor has received a stock of n w ea se Ara r, scatr9, egg run i e enc in a Vet. 18•foot reels, tanning from first to tisements in a paper command con• wants to engage a first-class tailor now mo d" h t p to 4 pe 6 n to is if St l g d new fail goods and Scotch tweeds. rile fourth floor., 1. "Garden City' scalper, fidence, The .mita who for a year to make business livelier then ever i be passed, replied.—"I VMS good all 2 centrifuge's, 3 purifiers, 1 bran dna'resides in a community, and lends a summer; people told lies. 1 saved lot ter, a smut and brush:machine 00n1' respectable life, even though he be of.' he cheese isetory is paying very bloodshed. 1 Can't understand how billed and other necessary'. machinery tuoderate ability, will grow in the con- Well this year. No doubt patrons it is dist after saving so may live:, of a minor nature. , The power for fidenee 0,nd•esteem of his fellows. On will have more cows another year, t am bimusiht here, I could hay: this mill ie supplied by the 14iaitland the atone principle a'newspaper adver- Which *ill make it pate Much hotter been an the prairie if I would." .pile waving his hand majestically, he aai wheels, The output of flour he nearly of the .reader. It niay seldom be George 'OWons, the young man who with a smile, 1 am a elan, do as ye..1 all used for local consumption. read, still it .impresses the name and' Was recently injured with a piteufork like. I con in your power; I gate Messrs. Johnston h 'Turner, proprir business of it marl on the publicmind, is slowly gaining -strength, Dr. Mc- mlyselt up; you did not catch me." etors of the Wingham Flouring Mills, as the sun does a mans portrait on a Keasie opened the wound and pressed Judge Richardson sentenced him tI, were found, at the time of our visit, chemicallyprrepared plate of glass, and out a large ° quantity of corruption, three' years in tale penitentiary. Who,. busily engaged in making rep.ha to its presence in the columns of a paper together with pieced of cloth and he heard the sentence he asked tire - their dam on the Maitland river; whfoh inspires confidettee in the 'stability of aaveral straws winch were foresa fn by he should hn hanged right off as 1.• river, operated by four Beffel water tisement beoordefs familiar in the eyes aft it is in a good locality. - a recent freshet gild partially washed the enterprise." the fork handle. 1preferred that to imprisonment. • 1