HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-24, Page 5ten AT THE' • KIEL• BEFORE THE 0OTTRr. REGINA, July 20. Louis Riel was arraigned to day before Stipendiary Magistrate Richardson, with whom was associated Henry Lejeune. Gen. MVliddloton and staff were present. On .,the prisoner being asked to plead, his dliouncii at once raised the question of jurisdiction, holding that the oourt as then constituted was not possessed of power to try a capital offence. Coun- sel for the crown demurred and the defence joined issue. Argument was heard and the court adjourned until tomorrow. REGINA, July 21;—:T le trial of Riel was resumes this morhing, counsel continuing their arguments. Judge Richardson, gave his opinion of the Act of 188o, which he did not consider ultra vires. He therefore called upon Riel to plead. Johnstone; on his behalf, took ob- jection to the information, and filed demurrer. This was overruled by the Judge. Biel then pleaded "Not guilty." When asked- if ready for his trial, and can he done at home, and the pre: Fttzpatrick asked for an adjourn. sent season o2 the year is the most ment to prepare affidavit, showing favorable for the speedy and perman. the necessity of having certain mater- ent euro. The majority of cases be: lar witnesses in the persons of Du- ing cured at oue treatment. Sufferers wont, Dumais, and others,. brought should correspond with Messrs A. H from Montana. DIXON & SON, 305 King street, The court adjourned until next west Toronto, Canada, and enclose Taesday, then to go on peremptorily. stamp for their treatise on catarrh. Montreal Star. Nov. 17, 1882. NEWS •ITEMS. ni erl • r ' ,xtas.a..,a •',1SE ct yy r x• rgains! t Catarrh—A now Treatment: Perhaps the moat extraordinary emcees that has been achieved in mod- ern medicine has been attained by'the Dixon treatment for catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, full ninety per`oent have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent. of patients presenting .themselves to the regular pi ectitioners are benefitted, while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with•tho claim now gen. erally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the pres- ence of living parasites in the issue. Mr. Dixon at once adopted this cure tof their extermination—this a000m: plished, he claims the Catarrh is pias: ticably cured, and the permanency is unquestioned, as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attempted to mire Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat: resat has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple, Twenty four years ago last Tuesday t'he:battle of Bull's Run was fought. -s•;: "4°The Scott Act was defeated in Hal - dimand by 308. Prescott hotel keepers have raised the price of whiskey to 10 cents a glass' Sir Leonard Tilley arrived in .0t - tame on Mouldy in time to attend pro- rogation. - It is supposed that the entire cost of the rebellion in the North West will be somewhere in the vicinity of $6, 000,000. A Little boy named Dnnbrr was playing at Mildmay station when tl e train came along and threw him to one silo breaking his leg and shoulder blade. It is rnderstood that Bishop Bald: win has appointed the Rev, William Johnson, of Ailsa Craig, to the position of assistant minister of St. George church, Goderich. A Walkerton gentleman was nearly killed by mixing Paris green with lime and attempting to scatter it on his potatoes. He inhalyd so much of it t iat his lifo was despaired of. A man named, Howard 50 cr 60 yearsold,cut his wife's throat in Alna, Me , on Saturday, then beat her badly about the head, and afterwards cut his own throat. The woman is dead. A ladv writes: "I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in my family for many years, and could not keep'liouse with: -3 cue it, For she relief of the p:sin;, erre.: seauent upon female weakness and irregularities, I consider it without an equal." Not a particle of ' calomel or any other deleterious substance enters into the composition of Ayer's Cathartic 0' Pills. Onsthe contrary, those who liave used`calomel and other mineral poisons, as medicine, find Ayer's Pills invaluable. Rev. J. Fallis, Dutton, certifies :-- (Tor many years ray wife has been , troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried and thing after another recommended with but little or no effect until adv ed to give McGregor's speedy cure a trial. Since taking the first bottle I have noticed a decided improvent.and can with confidence recommend it to be one of, if not the am medicine ex. tant for dgapepeia. This invaluable medicine for liver complaint indiges- tion, kidney complaint, is purely vegetable. Sold at 0. E. Williams' fkng store. Trial bottles given free' AYMOND 'h? far®© 11312'l12120®idt3a ek', 1.744=KEl THE FAVORITE 15dffi d SEWING -MACHINE 4D1116213nmani©®OtarEIMEI EICIVENI FOR FAMILY USE, •HIGH ARM -HIGH FINISH 6 . &ct r ,r Oifer2t . Zurc fe. I Automatic Bobbin Winder CHAS. RAYMOiiiD- , MANUFACTURER a GUELPH,' ONTARIO. -S.c—r—r S moi TP.97 All the "Raymond " Shuttle Machines aro fitted with the Patent $1,000 Reward,! FOR ANY SEWING T'T CHI ., E At THAT CAN'T -, .L1. e • _-0---'— eve • '.he time to got your 'Sowing lri i`,::c.Iit:^.' .•;l . cd, iron or este dwerk re f111i1;'LC.I by is .... :i?'. '.: s 'eta 12 years extacricne.i t..;i ; 471 with any firm in fk it.da es States either or c'ti'I15t.Itt'1 or leek. stitch, groover an . heti; chaotic stitch —all of these are 4, i ':arent ditch. Then we have the curved needles Wheeler & Willson, Florence, and over 100 other different machines which the undersigned will repair. Stop any machine from brei.'+ ing needles or thread, droping stitches, or any other 'ailment machines r:^cl M+ab- joat to. This gentleman will tsiI yen how your sowing machines vsorits by looking at it without seeing it new, which may seem impossible, still, it is true Will call at'reside.ieo If re- quired, and teach bow to nee attach- ments. All work warranted. 1P'REFERE VEs—A., R. Morris, J, J, Homuth. SB.OP beibiv Exchange Hotel. 4t. US. VANSI0IS;L'h;,. HA'atir 110144411ES THE NEW FIRM OF arLLey 1 re Offering GREAT VALUE in Stoves, Tinware and. House Furnishing Goods FOR THE TI-IIRT " Z7AYs -JUST RECEIVED -- LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF • doe , Jewslry ere Lower Prices than Ever Befoi Offered in Wingham. Sell AS CHEAP as- any House in Canada. Try' Ise and see for yourselves. HALSEY PARK THIS5RESERVILD FOR Wm. ELLIOTT, IOTT, Who will have something of import tante to say to the readers of the TIMES next week. rt. e C'It• A hint p p . 1'S ba isi re'.t lt '1- rise ode se. Itoonlainsnets ofr e r i : ales °Cabe Cost ofadve i i 1 n •10 wants to spend ,. ti `o•Jn• f mationberc,e d, _ t121 :: ono bund:'dl t er... " s . ad- vt ^Inlj, a sett. l u' _ ,111 1^ie evew .. • o.e t • ,'1ill alit.,. ., anee 14.i tr d i. '{, •t,e to" : ,.. NL:VSPAt ".: • . t)'t 21AL, (10Sprao5Lt.k';iatdn_ilc 4 :York. Casa ..... •... I.a ., F. A/ BETS LAST 1'1:tUDAY 1 1. o enirgs e . t' •;1 , s Ilan, Tamlytes Bock. Miagttns u , i o. 4b'4 A. 0 U. W. $F•Ts EViARY'.1:2111'.7)aii 1 DAY tkNING u M the ment]t. Ixd, react Tamlyn's.Blook. ,,4:..Alc c rear -av- ter-a, t This space resew The Leading Undertaker and Vim,i turn Dealer in Wingham. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD ID TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON . "28Cedar Bt., New York,04.28,18W4 . " Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. He haw been a great sufferer from Scrof- ula, and the tnolosed latter will tell you what a marvelous effect Ayers Sarsaparilla has bad in his ane. I think his blood mint have contained the humor for at least ten years ;*but it did not show, except in the form of a aorofulous sore on the wrist, until about live years ago. Prom a few spots which ap- peared at that time, it gradually spread so as to cover his entirt body. I assure you be was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when he began using yourmedioine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could swill name fifty persons who+would testify to the facts in bis case. Yours truly, W. M. Pusiwns." FROM THE FATHER. pleasures am/ a duty for me to state to you the benefit I have derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the akin eraoked so as to carne the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden.• I commenced the use of the SAR8APARILIiA in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began, tel improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect—being now able to do a good day's work, although73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my cane, and I tell them, as I have here tried to toll you, AYER'S Skuserart1LL.. Glover, Vt., Oct. 21, 1882. Your gratefully, HSBAlr Pwa.mrs.' Aran's SAR8AP t RTT r A cures Swan's and all Scrofulous Complaints, I:ryelp- elas, Eessema, Ringworm, Blotehee. Sores, Boils, Tamers, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impo- r1tiee, aide digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; Si, six bottles for Oa. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded er gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep blaek, as may be desir••d. 13y its use tight or red hair maybe darkened thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though net always, cured. It cheeks falling of the hair, and stimu•• lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. Ie prevents and cures scurf and daudrufr, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladles' Hair Dressier, the Viooa is unequalled; it contain r.. nor dye, renders the he : sea, glossy, rust silken in appearance, and impr..t a •' "heats, agreeable, rind lasting perfume. Mn. C. P. Ba ansa writes from : e:ay, G'. Juts( 3, lee : " Last fall my hair ce.,.meneed falling out, and in a short time became 1.iarly L:;lyi. I used part, of a !,-tt:e of A vnies dura.. i <ors which stepped .he fall- ing c.' the ,t..r ted a new gr nvth. 1 hat t Low .t 8x11 u.Gd of hair growing vign! oue:y aud sign convinced that but for the use of you:; preparation I should have been entirely hr1 ." J. W. 1i:,wns, proprietor of the ei c.4rthter f;nvirer, Bays : "AYER'S HAI ? VlCUR is a most excellent preparation for the hair. I speak of It from my own experid.see. its use promotes therowth of now 1• sir, and makes it glossy aud soft. Tho Vicon is also a sure euro for dab•iruff. Not witlnn my knowledge has the preparation seer tolled to give entire satisfaction." Mu. Axons ii'Ainp9IRV, Ieader of the celebrated "T'airbairn family" of `•e"ttihlt ✓ oeaitsts,'writes from Boston, Hans., dib. 8, 1830: ',Ever sines Iny hair began t,, ,:ivc sil- very ovidcnr+o of the change whits :acting time procure%h, A have used AYI t s iL8 t r. VIooR, and so have ?seen able to tealtitain au appearance of youthfulness—r :re' er of considerable eoneegnonce to minis. e, ora- tors, actors, and in fact every one t. lives in the oyes of the public." Mits. O. A. PRESCOTT, writing from .43 Elsa • Ctarlestown,,llass., April 14, 128, says: "Two years ago about two-t(•ieds of my hair carne n11. . thinned very rapidly, mei 1 was et growls Isald. On using AYIia'a HAtu i • nu the falling &topped and a new esowth commenced, end in about a month • head wets completely covered with ahort 1.'1r. It has continued to grow, and is now rs ,ori es before it foll. I regularlyused but ons bottle of the y iooa, but novelise it occas dually as a drestIng." We Immo hundreds of similar te'timontal7 tD the efficacy of AYittes .1:tATR\'loot'. * needs bat it trial to Convinee the mast skeet&• sal of ltd value. PRIMA= .111' f Dr.J.C..Ayer&Co.oLoweit, Niefl& OW ay all Dtaggti i..