HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-24, Page 1Try linttota, Piked 84 Carr's
»ai! Roller Flour,
. #IAMII,TON, Oomrnlealonore for taking iClda
vita for Manitoba. FriVato (undo to lend In straight
loans at lowest atce, offaw,•Ecnt's Brook, Wings Wb weeklY Round of Life in the
h1,101S110 and po;rio. of Huron and Violui$Y
U. L1,101S110W. 0. NRYHR. te. L. MORMON.
i►vtncha Nov,is 188e 14y
Ft A M '•
Wirighaw' Oat
,ung, 7317T11W1,WNE *4 •YOvPNG,
peke, co: i Centre and atriak atrtots, Wingh
ALEX. ErTlig)14. 1i, D., W, J. Ya'LNO Id
?. R. C. P. 9. R. M. 0. P.
'Veterinary Surgeons,
tag Haying in full blast here. The
,yield is above the average and quality
good. The commencement was much
later this year than last, on account of
the sappy onndition of the ground
owing to the frequent rains.
and Mrs. Robt. t.; oFarlane, cif
Lauark Co., Ont., were visiting their
un old fxirnds ]fere last week. Nagging,
Thos., Rebt, Agnew and Miss 4gl;ieet
• of Wawanosll, also made call in
• Sleepy Hollow quite recently.
Mr. J. W. Green, who is at work
enlarging photos., is now canvassing
*in the vieininity of Whitechurch. His
samples are far beyond the ordinary
enlargements in execution and finish,
especially tho India ink work.
flcuiired Graduates of Ontario Veterinary
'Qellego, and registered members of Veter
ivary edioal Assootation, are prepared to
treat all diseaRes of Domestic Animals, on
at le latest and moss Scientific Principles.
(falls attended to day and night. Horses
bought and Old on commission. Office and
1Ctfirrnary in the stand lately oocuped by
T.' Herrn V. 8., opposite Merrifield's Hotel,
ro§ephine Street, Wingharn.
Dc yon want to borrow money? To buy
rnereland for Yourself or Your Sons. To
build a House or Barn, To Penes, Clear
Underdrain, or otherwise improve Land
To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. • 0
for any other Purpose, If you do the un
dersigued are able to Loan at the lowes
rates of Interest and more reasonabl
Terms than any one else in this section o
the country.
Barristers; Wingham
Ceolicitors for the Bank of Hamilton.
Ding up Business,
.Having determined, to go to British
Columbia, 1 wail .sell at cost ,'.for
THIRTY DAYS, my etock of
BOOKS, STA' .'hhNE "•Y',
FANCY GOODS, •Wall Papers, &c.
Stock mist ba cleared out as the Store
is,]1.E:LET, Come Early end'Bemire
Bargains ,
11%P. . A House and Lot far Sale,
also "a Phaeton Buggy.. .
.f RO5b7E ILe, WA.Y$E CO
SALVAGE & FARNUM, Proprietors'.
•— Imported-'
All stook selected from the get of sires
ani dams , of established; reputation and
eltizeegistered'in the'Preno}i tint American
stud books.
ISZft) l zojuz
Is beautifully situated, at the head of
Grosse Ile in the Detroit river, ten miles
below the city and accessible by railroad
and steamboat. Visitors not familiar
with the location ii'iay pall at city office,.
52 .Campau Building, and an escort will
accompany .them to the farm. 'Send for
eatslogue, post free by"mail. Address,
licYVAC L JeVA.11,NiU11f,Detroit, Mich,
This house has lately been re -modelled
to eonsidorablo extent, and is thoroughly
comfortable in every respect. Always
sets .a GOOD I?IU3Ll1. Mesa s well
pleased and Dome 'again, Uwe reason.
able. Good stablieg an connectcon and No,
1 hostler,
Heytng operations are being press-
ed briskly, The Beason is somewhat
later than other years, and owing to
the first of the inonth coming in wet
it kept a good many from starting
The weather during the last few
days has been all that could be desired
for haymaking and a good deal has
been secured.
Fall wheat is coming on splendid,
and a good crop is now almost an as-
sured fact, and should the weather
keep warm and dry for a week er so,
it will keep some of the farmers busy
to get around with the hay in time to
harvest it.
Roots seem to be doing well especi-
ally potatoes.Turnips base not conte
tip very regular, and in some places
there is complaints of the fly taking
Miss E. James is away .on a visit to
her sister, Mre. Don of Mitchell.
Mr. W. 13. Smith and wife, of Aft.
Forest, spent last week here visiting
Mende and relatives.
W. .j. Perkins, of Brantford, paid
his parents a. short visit this week,
returning on Wednesday.
Mr. H J Besanson, P. M., has tak-
en a :couple of weeks holidays, and
has gond to visit friends in :Lens:
"Oh, for a lodge in some vast wilderness,
Some boundless contiguity of shade."
The weather has been oppressively
het during the last week. While
tome at wishing for rain, the farmers
are very ankletis that it •slibtila. keep
dty until they have their buy tido
Itev..T. oorhoure, ` and family,
who have been residing Iltroxet,
until the erection of the now parson.
age, have moved' to town, ' This is a
fine brick building and adds much to.
site appearance, of the village.
• 'We very much regret. to hear that
two of Mr. Jas, Youtigfs, children are
ill with eymptonie of .typhoid fever,
while his eldest daughter has been
confined , to . her, bed :for over three
months. She also had thar• fever 'but
is new suffering intensely from infiam
oratory rheumatism. We;, are sure
Mr, and Mrs Young have. the singerl
est:sympathy of all the people, and
best wishes for the speedy recovery of
,their children.
Strawberries have been 'very plenti''
ful here this season.
I3oth fall wheat and, hay will zbe a
Heavy crop in this section.
Mr. Etcher, Who cut hit foot very
l:adly a short time ago, ?s•gettfng along
1tfr. Iteacling lies raised an addi:
tion to bis barn, std is improving
its appearance considerably.
Our base ballteam feel much elated
otter the big victory they achieved x
the game with the Winghani club last
S atordtty.
HERE AND THERE, I ties that have been engeadered. We NEWS ITEMS.
A reduction of $8,500 was ;ado
on Seafotth hotel property, on ac-
count of the Scott Act,
Caledonian games will be held in
Wingham on September 10th, in
ucknow on September 9th, and Brus-
sels on September 8th.
Mr. Geo. Forsyth, reeve of Morris,
hae sold out his farm stook aucl props,
MA 310w desires to dispose of his farm.
It'',ta said lie intends leaving this coup.
try tie soon as he can sell his farm.
One.dlay last week a Clinton pian
went out into a field to catch his
horse, but the animal had no desire
to be caught, and he threw a stick at
it, which, struck it on the eye, knock:'
ing it out of its socket entirely, and
landing it trenty feet away.
The Star says : Perhaps very few
people, even in Goderich, have any
adequate idea of the extent of the
cattle trade done by the,
dealer, Councillor Wm. Mc•Lean•
Last year he bought and shipped about
4,500 head, handling over X860,000.'
his season promises to exceed all pro
vious records in the seventeen years
since he began business. He has now
well on tc 3,000 animals shipped, his
purchases extending as far east as
Guelph and »from Middlesex north to
I3ruce, A lot shipped last week of his
own feeding, averaged considerably
over i 500, •los. ;Probably 1600 anim-
als ab least will be Itaudle& by Mr.
McLean, who. we think, can claim to
he the largest individual shipper in
A species of green caterpillar has
appeared in great numbers in Huron
audsome parts of Perth, and is at:
tacking the apple trees. The same
pest is creating considerable trouble
in the orchards, where many of the
trees are completely stripped of both`
leaves and fruit. If the pest becomes
general throughout the country, fare-
well to the prospects of a good apple
crop this season. In many orchards
the russets appears to be attacked by
the caterpillars more than any other
variety of apples. It is said that by
getting up in the morning just before
sunrise -and spreading a• white sheet
on the ground below the tree you can.
shake the destroyers td the ground,
where they can be killed. Keep this
up for several mornings.
Messrs, Henry Young, Miter Cole,
and Robt. Brown, ail old men, were
standing on the street the•other day
when the question 'of using liquor and
tobacco cisme up for discussion. "I
rhewed tobacco 'far ,45 years"' said Mr
,Brown, ""but corning to the conclusion
that it was a bad 'habit, gave it up,
and for a yearend a half have got on
withent it." " ve not used tobacco
for over 70 years," said Mr. Young;
(he had newer used it,) acid have n3t
,taken a thimbleful of iiq :or for any
.purpose in theiirtet 80 years."' "I Can
bot that', said Mr: 'Cole, laughing,
"" fbr I've not taken that much ligner
in '40 years." These men are all up
in years. yet healthy attd vigorous,and
thtiir testimony in favor of total ab-'
sttttende should carry • some -weight.—,
Clinton New Era. •
Mr. Darius Doty, ex -collector of
ctt torus at'Godericiediecl in that town
lasts weeks• • The Star says : Consider -
his advanced age 78 years,it is not
eu prising that be suncuinbed, but un-
til a few days ago even his physicians
holed he. might pull through. Mr.
Doty for sotne time has not been et
all strong. and was in no condition to
withstand the lung trouble which de-
veloped eo seriously three weeks ago.
flora December 25, 1812, he entered
tht customs service at Fort Erie in
182 ; from there ho was stationed at
, Lngorsoll and Lbndon, and thou prop'
milted to Getlerieli iu 1866. He re-
etn ved his well'earned superannuation
onOelly 1st, 1884, He was a man of -
ktndly and social disposition, a true
Meal,' arid held the opinion of all who
knew hitt. We shall miss his genial
fano and' spare form from our streets.
he Ret rortage Progress makes
the following complimentary reference
to 'a leading professional gentleman of
this county who assisted in the reeont
political campaign in Algoma : t" The
election is over, and we sincerely hops
will be buried With it all the ailltiosi.
have ail Tough% as hard as bard as We
could, and now that the strife is over Chatham want the electric light.
let friend and foe grasp hands and all The major:ty'for the Scott Act in
bygones be bygones, We think we Ontario is 1,379
are echoing the statements of Rat The Marquis of gonna thinks Mr.
Conservatives and Reformers Parnell should be in the Cabinet.
alike when we say tut there was
not a more pleasing incident connect- Germany is said to be seeking an al
ed with the campaign than the visit 'Mance with Englard against 1tussia.
paid us by Air. Manning. His two : In Spain on Fliriay last there wore
speeches bore were gentlemanly and 1,629 new oases of cholera and 672
oorteous towards Ws oi:p:nents and deaths.
able, snpositions of the questions of The Taionto Trades Unions held a
the day. That this statement is oor- grand out door demonstration on Sat-
rect.is amply born out by Mr. Mere. urday last
dith, who paid Mr. Manning an ex-
ceedingly high compliment in the The early closing movement appears
cognac of his speech Wednesdayoven- to be finding great favor throughout
ing. Mr. Ma zing carried awawith the Province.
hire the host wishes of political friendtIanager VanHorn says'. the Cana -
and foe alike in Rat .Portage." than Pacific will be completed through
to the Pacific in seven weeks.
THE HlaRO OF BATOOHE. A Lindsay poli-ernan arrested. ,a
r -- Salvation Army officer while pra
rowaita , OF THE LATE COL. WILLIAMS in the street on Monday night.
AT Pour nom' The ballots cast in the recent Scott.
Act contest in St, Thomas have beon
Port Hope, July 21.—Fifteen thou• found to have hang tampeered with:
sand persons attended the funeral of The British Bible Society issued a
the late Lieut. Co. Williams, command. New Testament a12 cents a copy. _ In
ing the Midland I3 i,ttation. The ba• nine months 850,000 have been sold.
geant was ttie grandest that ever
passed through the streets of any city A woman at DMe.,
in Canada. The solemn event occurr celebrs ted her 100 birthday last week;
ed at 8 o•clock. Duringthe morning and among these present was a daugh-
morningthe body of the dead hero, wrapped in ter aged 81.
the Canadian ensign, was removed to Connors the Moosejaw murderer,
the Drill abed and pisccd upon a can was hanged at Moosejaw an •Friday
opted catafalque. Around and atpo a last for the murder of Henry Mules -
the casket were lata floral tribuiesfrom ke, on the 6th of April last.
` the Governor-General, the House of The volunteers at Wimbledon agree
Commons, the Liberal Conservative that the chief prize is likely to go to
Association of East Durham, the Sons Oanada. Asball, of Toronto, has take
of England, the Ladies ofPort Hope, en a high place in each competition.
Bowm,nville, Owen Sound, Orange. The Elgin brewery bas discontinued
`ville, Toronto; ti•e Regiments of Kings•, the brewing.gf ale and lager, acme-
; tool Port Hope, Cobourg,Bowmanvilie l quant, on the passage of the Scott ,Act
Whitby, Toronto, 'Winnipeg and 4in St. Thomas and Elgin.
Brantford, besides hunctre3s of private f The 25th annual- convention of •the
contributions. The floral display, for ; Ontario Teachers Association evil be
elegance and beauty, was never before:held in Toronto on Tuesday, Wednes-
eclipsed, and but slightly evinced the `; day and Thursday, August 111, 12th
feeling at the death of so popular, so and 13th.
noble, so patriotic a man. Port Hope! A counterfeiter from Lucknow is
vas draped with trappings of woe. A flooding Toronto with circulars setting
single arch spanned tho street, bearing' forth the value of his bogus notes,
the mottoes, , We Mourn a faithful which he will sell at .fifty per cent.
Friend, and Cur Country Laments i
tThe procession started promptly, discount on their face value. The
lio Hero of Batoche,,, ' to :store
, circulars are mostly . sen,
and passed through the streets lined clerks and bartenders.,,
with people, who reverently removed he Woodsworking
ook Times, in referring
their hats, while ladies wept as the, to the workinof the Scott Act in
cortege passed. A firing party of that c,unty says:—There are no anti -
bronzed and battered .veterans, jest
home from the Northwest, who had
served under the deceased, led, follow-
ed by the casket on a gun carriage
drawn by six homes of the .Durham
Field Battery. The pall hearers were
•L'eut:Col, Villierea D. A. G.,.Lieut.
Cols Boultou,Lazier, Gravley,Cubett,
Benson, I(irkpat! ick and Rogers. The
deceased's regimentals were 'on the
lid of the casket, while following was
horse withhoots across saddle and
spurs pointing to the front ; the floral
-tributes Came next, after which were
th,s infantry regiments and batteries
Of artillery, and along line of officers
concluding with Lieut;Col Strauben:
eie, Ool, Hewitt, R. E., and: Surgeon,
Gotierat Bergin, Clergy, Lient:Gover,
nor of Ontario, Senators, i hinot
Ministers, lion. Alr. Caron Minister of
alilitia; Legislators, Juclge,e, Ameri,
,can Cottsur Dutcher, the Mayon and
Clerks of the cities and towns, and
Sons of ] ugland. A vast delegation
of citizens and fire brigades followed.
The procession tools. l0 minutes to
pass a given point.
The body was consigned to the
grave at 5 o'clock amid the roars of
ntuske ry. The event was the saddest
that has fa:}en upon the people, who
were felted with unbounded cnthusi:
am over the success of the troops in.
the, late rebel-lian.
Tuesday last was decoration day ilt
Guelph, a day set apart by the Odd
fellows and other secret so••ieties for
visiting the cemetery find &wrath)
Scott Act people in the, county. The
law is so satisfactory that even • the
tavern keepers will support, 'the Act
when it has to he voted on again.
A collision occurred • on the Great
Western division of 'the .Craiid Trunk
about a mile west of London and two-
twohundred yarc'ls.enst of die atve:bridge
between a specialfrei bt train coming
east and a construction train 'going
west to work at Si" tones cut. The
trains were running ata highspeed hS
neither 'could bee .seen 'until three'
hundred yari3s'of each ott er, ` 'Both
engines wore smashed' to splinters and •
about ten cars of the freight badly
%racked, together with the flat ears ;i3
the construction train, The men on
both engines jumped for their lives,
but the or inner of the comber:tioe
train, J. McFadden, was caught under
his own engine' and instantly killed.
The others escaped with slight injuries
The damage will be heavy.
The Dominion Parlament was pro-
rogued on Monday afternoon, Ulm
speech Irani the throne refers in
tar xis of paa&se to the services of the
volvnteors in the Northwest, expresser;
sorrow for those, who have. forfeited
their lives, acknowledges the action of
the United States in protecting their
own frontiet, refers to the franchise
act, ventures to hope that Manitoba
will be seitisled with her settlement
and that the Cninese restriction hill
will lay the Feeling of discontent its
British Columbia, declared that the
additional aid irrtr,nted to the C, P. R.
with flowers the {;raves of deoettod' will ensure the competition of the
road, that the 131100006 of Sir Leonard
illey's recent loan shows the high
Seto Georgia House of Ytepresenta• 1'
standing of Canada's credit abroad.
tives on Saturdaypasaed;by a note of and that the re•aujustment of the -
Ill to 22 a general local option law tariff will tend to increase the revenue
for .counti s in Georgia which have and enable the government to meet
not already adopted a 1:'rohibition Act the various engagements of the cants
The bill now sows to the Senate. y try",