HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-10, Page 4•; r
.B0A11.0 OF BRALTH, Personal Paragraph TOWN 0OUNOIL. Memory is the etorehouee of life.
1 1 HI 11 11 1 1 1 1 I 1 1
.. ,...--.
At *meeting °fate Board of Health P*14$0•10.-Irirrnat PO10'414 Prmloci' 'The reguler mouthly meeting of the
suety Produces*. Wingharn Council wao held on Monr
for the town of Wingliain held ou the ' 4,
day last. Minutes of last mting
7th inst., the chief was ordetet1 to in.,
Mr. 'Will Harpereof Norval, is `iielt. Nero reed and adopted
• enact the town as Poen as possible, . m W. E. ta
.' ' The following connu'inicatione were
partictilarly the back yards., wells, ing °4t r rove*.
cellars and other places suspected of Mr. Hendereon, principal of the read and ordered to be. filed I
unn!eanlitmee, As a result of this Blyth public school was an town on From the Comity Olerlestating that
$689,40 wee required to be levted from
WRITE ROSE ORME 14'1°4824°e Iv? expect to hear of l'aelglaT,
many err Our citizens having to pay Itirs. 0. R. Williams ie visiting in pthoetgeg oftila ou
Wbrigrelluatirafcrr. county Per.
FOR, TIIE COMPLEXION. ' deartv for nin eglect of duty . this hie Goderse
Ws itsnenatre oes portant matter. The Public Health Mre Wm Holmes es visiting frlenOs
From Miss E, Murphy, requesting
I R the Council to refund her $5, hall oat
makes it imperative LW 014317 in paisley,
ter any preparation that will equal White Act
Pimples. Soften the Skin aik Beautify 1st day of July in each year, and that mount Forest. 7 g n an tlie r b 1
to be aa represented or nione.y refunded., Thaw 0. any1 kind shall be allowed to Miss ,Tennie Duncan la spending acti 08 taken.
retain or accumulate on.thepremises, her holidays in Brtrefield.
Price 7e oentsper bettle.' From the Mayor or Loneon, ex.
THE PHARMACY Sok Agent for;
and that all putrid and decaying • Miss Alice Kincaid who has been tendino an invitation to the people of
Wiugham, Out. animal or veget‘ble matter must be teaching at Day Mills Algoma is open. Wiimliann to be present at their Cale.
Sose • Cream to remove Tan Preoldes, weld $hould be vleaned out before the Miss 'Alum Catle N vieitin whir** eh° Plod for the use of the WI
ot u t., tor the purpose of a
iecture whith was not delivered. No
the complexion. Every bottle guaranteed no waste vegetable, or other filthy
Noway Note', Neatly Naueftt." •
'• Ret.. 1,
ee Hottest.
• iic!eunmer.
6; The small boy is loose.
removed from •1411 cellars and out. ding her vacation in town. &man games.
' buildings before the fifteenth day of Mr. :Fred Simmons of Woodstock Moved by the Reeve, sec. uy be F.
May in each yeer. Complaints are College is in town. He expects to Black, that the Mayor and Treasurer
mew before the Board of violations of spend tlee eammer with friends here. pe instructed to issue and negotiate
:the by-law in reference to piga andMrsF50•debentures under the . salt w,eil
-pig pens This by law Bialo and Allentown, Ny„
eays that no . E. 13owere left town test week
onus by mw, and also to provide for
pig sball'Oe kept in the. municipality where elle will spend a few weeks visit:,
for le.
the payments to Thos. Gregory it the
except iq pens one hurdred feet from
' Moved by W. F. Brockenshire, see -
any .hou.e, and these pens are to be ing her brothers sod frie ndii,
. * 1and di i f t d everyday We had R
• C eanPe s u a e , call on Saturday tram a by j • Elder, that ther
Fiand Water
Oapt. McGregor, ot Goderich, the gen: Committee ask for tendere
s to ereota
a e saaitary condition of a town is
amnortant matter and we are ial master of the steamer 0conoto. new brick wheel -house and lay the
gla the Beard is taking During .the summer mewls this coni - result before the Council as early as
modious steamier runs pleasure possible -Carried.
to see t
cave part in
uld incur the chap ea
ay have to pay for their
•excursions from Goderich on the lake, A by•law. No. 108 1385, to borrow
it sh
and all who desire •a few days re. the son, of $2,500 for school purposes
creation can not do better than take a and other curzent . expenditure ,
read three times and passed.
Fi lance Committeereported mown-,
mending 'payment, at the following
accounts : J, An eren, er
for waterworks and streets, $218.65 ;
John Hanna, charity orders, $10.68 ;
0 E. Williams telegraph meet- $4 84
respect even if
e of some
Heavy rains this week.
Sunday next Will be the 1.2tht=of of a atter of euch vital =pertain
• The members of the 13oarcl tire res: trip on the Oconoto. It is a first class
Tee magical(?) fife 1113d, drutn is pectively 'Paw. ;_ boat, efficiently officered, and the rates
alessid in the land, A : Walter Scott, °Waimea represent* are very cheats
Ina Ward No. 4; John Reelands,
The cottage union prayer meetings _ _a ,4. .
are b.eing well attended and increasipg., .1.e..taydr,,W.ard_leo: __1. ___ . _ _the
in interest. wma'r psi ota t8t :
41.„ ward le o. '2 ; NV IX. liar, To Editor of THE TimEs.
,•- z, .T. 13. Ferguson, Secretary/ Diaait Sin. -I noticed In your last
...ode" The Episcopalians have pureheited week's is'ille an article in reference to
the 1 te residence of Mr. C. Tait Si* the Mayor and myself, censuring us
The F saver Block is being painted for not seeing that the Scott Act law
f. r the sum of $2,050.
ed out. The
and toub!od up generally. was inure strictly carri
feNlessra Barkley & MeOrimmon. are.
Speeches golden, silence is m ver ,
'1 n ,, letter was signed "A c'. en on
2 0
"1-- fitting,' up the corner building opposite,
while slang is mud. . .
account of the writhe being cowardly
t te Exchange and' intend to remditi 4 and asnamcd to put his real name to
their stock there as soon as it oan op ii • We ofteu sympathize with a. dog tile article he wrote, or got somebody
got roily. „ ; when we think of the man who ,owria else to write for nim, Edo not think it
'• ' Mr. E. J. Smallhorn claims to be it. • werth while diecussing the matter
the nut in town to have now potatoes While working in the country' last with him, In the first place ho does
ready for use Mr. Smallhorn besides week Mr. Bradshaw Kerr, of this town' hot, tell the truth, •and when 1 meet
being a good station agent, is a good bad a bad fall from a balm, and' re;;- with a man who nye the law should
Judge of "murphies" als.i, ; ceived neeere injuries.'
We exist next time a cirrus visits The Itincardine' Standard Says tliat out that he sets forth. wilfult lies.to try
our town dal, the authorities tl‘e playing of our band. iti that town a
an deceive the public, 1 think that 1
,, h admired/ sbould have nothing to do with Such a
.will take prompt action in suppressing on Dominida day 'was tune . ,
- ' - the trade Of ,the. gamblers nod , sharp- tied they are a credit to their town., man, forif ort month dirt you may be
ars who generally accompany snre that soYme of it will stick to you.
-eilell ' Mr.."1t';Clitrit Pnaini• triakian4.4bis If this upstart of "A. Mani" who
e•:hibitione. . . town, has a curiosity in his garden in wrote the letter -wili-giOeatily.Praof of
,The water works are nearing cow the shape of a young pear tree covered my doing. wrong then Id him say what
pletiou .and a sense of security once with blossom. A very unusual sight it was, but he le like the Yankee when
more illumines the features of tl e 'in July. ' he getathis feet ou the stove on a cold
property holder/ It was expected to
As the inlefatigable potato bug winter's day. lie can do a large bud
- heye neon able to turn on the water l .- Ibis ness in "guessing'. 1 wonder if
'' ' promises to be as numeros as ever .
4yestcedayl if necessary.
' sumnier. the - following, gold to be a "Citizen" got Tnn Tama to publish his
/An exchange says .-'"I'en veer's' reliable remedy for tis hugship. ie article with the expeetuttou of boom.
experience in battling with the uncer: ; • worth ttying. Take equal parts of ing popular is the county of Huron,
teintiea of journalistic life has taught' copperas and slacked gtne, using .5 and forgot to. put his name to it 1 I
as that tho man who makes it bis, pounds of each to 20 eitiloris of water should not wonder. Now if this
beeinciss to dictate how a paper .441 and sprinkle with a brush,' It is said dandy evil' just write another article
8 to be Sore death to the bugs ' wbile it on the same subject and sign his real
tie run may usually be found stealin
henelitnithe vine. name to it, then 1 will reply' in 'tel.
• „ lehe service In the Baptist @Web eee4 'meeting of the Young fie is something lido Biel'a rebels-
-' here on Sunday evening last weeeon-, - Ifell'e be will fire haiku behind. a brush heap
Liberal Club Vita held: 0.11 Monday even. at a good British subjea, but dere not
ducted by Mr. J. W. Kelly, Io de .!
: ing last in Mr, (1racey,' store, After itow hitneelf in att. Open fifildk III
livered * very interesting and /Wit' - eonsiderable discnssloa in witlea those concluelon let. me say that 1 think
abie cliscourseer There was • !loge: eneo ton pert showed tatm they thit vi, 1,, d bus been a complete
4 . r s on
40/),Preivittion present,
e -, posseked debating ability of no failure in Me new office, and 1 Wettick
A f.r Ind strawberrY ffali,411. Will Mon oda, the cOaEltittitiOa and by advise him to resign his poeitioe es
1 . •
be enforced lima maintained, and find
• f
h's reaaing in a barber shop."
the 010' were adopted, A proeseutur At all 04rly date...
take place in the Seved Arm, bar: laws of
reoloi this (Friday) evening_ enema cOmmittee was appointed to draw up You re.
cling tit 7 o'clock. An eteellent the atform of the nesoctationjwhith Jane/ HANNA.
1r :gramme al a been provided, and a win b' dui* (indeed at the next 4eetitig
good 1 iine is expected. A &flied= in. to be held on Monday evening, the _ I . ..'
C ailing refreshment, 10 cents. 20th instan Williams Hall. An Inter Dr. Bit roam,. , ot .uotitiou, 4 ng.
about the la 1
esting time is op c -ed, end we trust land. is geurling "0
The Rev. lktr. McDowell, *fie new there will he a lame attendance. week in July, a patty of one limn
pastor of the Minnie street Methodist , -0 died boys for fat in and other employ-
ehnrole preached Ms Madge/el Ser. •Litit SatUrCifles" Glolp, contaiitea a nlvdat. 'Those desirous of engaging
mous en Sunday last/ We extend to seusatientil report headed. "..5 great boys semen apply en lo to .:11r. Ed:
bito a, o rdiai weleonte to ant •town, dAsr In Wingliarn,t' and referring to the ward Duff, Hazial Brim, Peterbm.
and trust his labors will be abundant,. circus whioh appeared here on Fru*, °ugh, Ont. .
10 ,dpssed. . The report says the show brought
"A gaime of base ball was 'toyed together "the largeat concourse of • A craintry editor who has been there
'on t e park hero en Wednesday be. people ever congreacited here ;" that himsif. thus describes his class : That
eonntry editor is a man who reads
12.000 and 15,000 persons'
tween the Clippers of BeltnOre and
attended both perfermances," and that newspapers. writes on any subject,
the N talt Stars of Wingham. The sticks type,,folds patrs, makes u
• • •
tatting team proved no match fc,r the show was joetly entitled, "the .1 . 4 P
mai., runs errands saw. nom worn
reatest show on earth." The report
our boys and were bather defeated, the
ficoro being -North Stars ; 50 ; Bel: is so full oftitntie:a.43men.ttee nvaidee ex.
,„ ;
D. Rush, work at tv,aterworks, $35,62;
Laccounts, $15.86 ; L. Moxdon, dray- °cal maiket Report
ing for waterworks, 50cts : Thos Mar.
13. Wilson, paid sundry. waterworks
tin, work at waterworks, $9,44 Wan. - , , ,
. Wingham July 10th. 1885
Flour p, zr:nevt. . $2 50.f,to
Flour per ibbl, .. . . . .. 5 00 to
nen Wheat per ens,- 87 to 80
'Spring 4. ... 87 to 80
Oats " " ... 30 to 82,.
Barley " . 46 ... 48 to 50
Peas ," " ... 60 to 65
Potatoes " " .., 40 to 40
Butter per lh............ 10 to 11
Eggs per doz........... 11 to., 12
Hay per ton.............14 00 to 16 08-,
Wood ....,... . 1 On te 1 50
A base ball match is expected, to
eelMe els next welk between the St
Thomas:and Whighom clubs.
/Gladly the 010101 teacl er
Lays up the sttato
Bless the dear creature
„„,.. Shen' going to bet pap.
EMMA! Been BOirree. The
' case of Inspector Ball aeainst John
McBride, of Goderioh, tor 881010
contrary ttellity, intoxicating 14.10P 11.6
a beverage, (leaded Fridey
against McBride, eind-a tine of $110
ad costs imposed. Notice of AMAi
was given. The liquor sold wee Blue
Ribbon beer which was held by the
manufacturers to be perfectly innoeu.
ous, and sot corning within the dam,
tion of au intoxicating liquored.
The Scott Act will come in force
in the countmo of Northumberland
and Durham ou the expiry ot the pre
sen Booms.
The eneire clover crop in the Bounty
of Hatinge is threatened with dose
traction from the ravages of 4 small
worm. ,
Lieut. Ool• Dennis: Deputy 11Paister
of the Interior. 10 so dangerously LI
at Ottawa that his recovery• is not
There is an Indian rising in Kama,
and the savages have got:possession of
the town of Neocatiagen,
New South Wales is on hand with
a scheme for a confederation of all the
Englisleopeaking peoples. '
Montreal dealere ape suffering greatly
from the last order relating to . the
duties on spirits aad tobacce.
Stapleton, do, $35 %Val. Holmes,
blackamithing, $12.50 ; Win. Elliott,
raid tharity orders, $17.10; Jolla
Cargill, cleaning • ponnd, $1 ; F,
Hughes, draying, $3.35 ; 11. W. 0.
Meyer, paid for map of proposed rail:
way, 51 ; Oornyn, work at water.
works, $30.75; 0. Varney, do, $71.87.
efevens Turner, re material for water;
wolks, $3.44.; McLean & Son, timber
for waterworks, $4031, ; S. Yuahill•
do, $10.08 ;. J. A. Cline & 0o., sup:
plies for hall, waterworks and streets,.
$30.85 ; G. Pettypiece, quarter year'e
salary, $106.25: John Dickson, do,
$20.;• J.13. ,Pergaa.014. .4,162.50 ;
Robinson .te BOtigt material far -rid'
work at waterworks, $50.48 ; 0. Smith
ork n streete, $31).38 ; J. A. More
ton, conveyancing re Patrick street,
$5.25 : Smith material fot
waterworaa and ktreets. $5.55 ; ere
Fisher, postage ammo and rent ot
drawer,. $3 901; J, Saint, draying,
50cte' ; J. Saddler, do, 75cts• ; J But,
lard, eating as constable on 3rd lust
I digging drain on Edward dewy,
$8. -Report adopted,
Ooonoil then adjourned.-
Mi B: Mentgoneeryr of Wing:
ham, Is canvassing this. viper as
agent for a deism cooker:
We are pleased to 'offer onr cengra-
tulations to Nelson McLau,ghlin, of
this place, on his success at the recent
0. O. P. examination held at Toren,
Dame Rutnor, never tired of bear.
in e herself talk, predicts another
wedding, in the not far distaut future,
The last shouln base been a "double
Win. Eraigoy, who has been work-
ing in the "Sun" Office, Seaforth, for
the peep :five 11104t118 IS home on a
visit to friends and relatives. Will
looks well.
Vacation has come, much to the
dellight of the children and regret of
school closed on Friday last for tux voziesselie
of things that he never thought of,
r 11111i1 BITER EMI
Dino ixed
to be
Ate", of the /deny emotes that can be made op
our Faintly Machine are Undershirts, Dratver4
fditts, Hosiery, OloveS, Caps, Cuffs, Tidies* -all
Owe win be nolo any sive. •
a. And 14h0
c. TPR lh :to aDwK$01:tt: 7'1
'.44.14k Perfectly.
MIS 11403X114 XS ITHIFE017014•;
Itairee the Penal ntb•stadb Onegitut•one, eneordid.;
ime.and•three. eto , Perfect in alastieltre
beautiful in egrairance, enure durable end per?
-OvAteoldnei mato aa eels perfect, seeAsW
loot Went:tan tunf.
fen memo:led •
With snore entobee lit the aithan the &ate.
Naito the coarsest learntot'd ern, Cottod, eak;
or ThretaL
Dlind girla can knft ttnish one dotetr tato . •
of'SoOks hi one dos'; and 8f.00, Cue and Ow
can be easily made In one day. ;
Send for Descriptive Cahilogua mut Testi' -
nionlaIS from the Blind, •
AllEATFI SERVt^:44 AT 11 A. M. AM:. P. X.
1,-;) Sunday sehoc.1 as ...!3( Prayer meeting,
Wedn0aday eventng at 7:80.
Int desist,
Q ASSAM SERVICES AT 11 A. M. end 7 P. It
kJ Sunday School At 2:30 p' Prnyet, ineontig,
Welineeday evening at 7:20. lbw. 0. 11. 'Column,
Sttriday 0ohoot at 12:80 p.m. Pr;iyor medley: -
Pi, a, garden, is biained for thoesiteas rno%ers and "big"' sisters. Our o.
evening 7:80. Ito% Ma. Torriw, -;'?-
aggerations la itis qui e n
Mere 5, Next. thatjt is a "puff,' sent hy one of the
The united prayer meetings will employees cf the sem The large
he held on Tuesday e /ening; "'A at concottese of people nnethered between
fie following places: -Mr. E. Murray's 100 and 2.(100, and the qtnion of
en the gravel ; Me. Peacock's, 13, line, those who attended was that the exit
Turnherry ; Mr. Stephen's Morris ; hibitioe was far from what was ad:
Yr. Parker's, over the railway bridge; vertised, and that the best part of it
11r. L. McLean's, Lower 1 in 1
-- V- giarn: was the street parade and the large
Mrs. lat. Saddle .'s Scott street and Mr, posters We fail to find in the report
P. Murray's, Minnie street. 11.14tvitliti Globe any mention ef the gang
hotel on Wednesday evening forithe oompenied it and who succeeded in
A, meetiug vete held in the Queen's of sharpers and gamblers who ao-
PerPote et nergamisi0g it Senior been swindling many visitors during the
Nal club. when) %'.ns A good atten: day. We advise the authorities ,„of
if it 0,, of:those tuterested, and the club the cities and towns where this 0115w
was eeinnized and oilicers elect ed tie exhibits to be merle look out ff a these
foil° ff. -Captain, Chao IN n (slap , swindlers and pot let' them ply their
works hard all day. hely% pa* into weeks.
office wio forget *ill about it after- Tho 1st passed over very tinetly QABEATII SzttviCE4 AV it P. It. AIX) 71'. of -,
W0Ptia, and Very frognently gets cheat. A number of pleasure seekers resorted 1,.?„y:r";t143,;:g t'v'IV,11',1)%kgr,/abl! 3 ng f.412'.• '
ed onl. of half his earnings. lie puffe to Mr. Spotton's grove to participate MR. Steens% limiter.
and does more to build up a town in any pleasure to be found there. -- - ' clued el as *um Nom.
than any one olse and the miser and 'Judging by the smiling faces of the va, held sank* on Sunday, Mariith next at
• .
fpt t)are beneattedi
. penteere on their return 11 pleasant VY io;304. In Pavel% WHIM, lAtlast,
dile had the .pleteure Monday even. time wee anent. A few went to Mt. ...... ___-__-.....-
ing et witnessing the performances of Forest and other places.
Vitin.glialt Veinal(' littee ball team on Next Sunday being the anniversary*
the commons RajOihilig thA6-
e 6°1 of the Battle of the Boyne, the cob).
grnuuds. They can throw a halt, jump hratinn wilt be held en
the lethere beiug none in enrrie this year
a fence an:t do the whole business at. ,ph
Moat as well es the mete exceptide it ie 6tooted a largo majority ot the
perhaps tlie sweating and tebacce juice people will raged te Ilerristou, where
omitting *tete. SiteceSS go with,,you a largo crowd, and 18v017 time is en.
giritt ft isnt every toaffn can beget ofi i
tacapated. It being the 1/taMitt heat ee
neer wry
Trees; John Wiotece • F. trade unmelelnea. They are liable to Vdmite Sago tenni( ateit sport for the day, Tie .ewill bo
Hon away, Presidenti; J. O'lle I. erred aed punislimeete 64 tin es swiv.o,ft indicate a atkowo hal.°400 issued at stations along the line a;
Vies President. ample be made of thein. Delmore. reduced rates.
' . f • Pt '3""
ettotte tipc I8. 111, A. Y 511. M., O. 5, e.
ID7N EVERY TIJESD4V, o ort eggnog
IVJ_the full of the Won, in their Hall, Kent
OPPICX 11/6t111.9 FROM 8 A. IL 'Tt) 7 P. II
P. VW:18N POettnAsttir.
sanely Sahoof at 2:80 P.m
M Prayer et
adnosday availing tit 1:60. lbw. H. amyl,"