HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-10, Page 3Of'
A'I" T�2E
Aa'f.O'TLiER LEAF FROJ1 THE but who could speak divers tone
CHALDE CIIRONIO.LES, , eoltd be seen in ti tent. Some In ck-
e1 and said, Did not Rebekah put
CHAPTERS YE TWENTY SECO.;D. skills upon the arms and neck of Jacob l
and was not Esau it hairy man 7
1. Ncw, in tue forty and eighth 9. • And many were wroth and said
year, Dor, a son of Nimrod, the mighty we have spent oar 'money:for naught,
hunter, caused it to be writ in the -10, Now" in the second watch of
Ceramides of Gotham after this man-
uli .he night certain young men, sons of
Belial, spoke roughly unto Simon, son
d. I, Dor, the hunter and of Baruch, saying, Give unto us wino
subduer, of beasts, wild and tame, or stron4 drink.
shun compass the city, even.I, my Irian 11 But he answered and said,
servants and mairl servants, on the Nay, brethren; 1 ala a man of peace
third day .of the seventu m.,nth. and must abide by the law.
3. Then he sent trusty messengers, 12 But they spake mockingly to
who hired workmen to put up boards the roan of grey hairs, and when they
like unto -diose of tlio tabernacle, went ir.So the street of the city they
whereon weed goodly pictures of the brake thf, indo\vs of his houses.
lion, the camel, lel, whIeil men call the 13. Ana the window of another
suip+of the desert, the ostrich whish citizen was broken o,u the saline night,
leafed' her eggs in the sand, and tela and the stone may be seen even to
Behetnot><, that 4a .s grass like an Ox this day.
and thinks rivers drys 14. Then certain, of the citizens
4 Then when the boys of the oily west filled with inclignaation, and they
gazed. on the same they, began to lion- said one auto another;. Let search bo
or their tather and their mother,. to leads for those sons of .Stella!, so that
hew. wood and straw wetter. they may be put in, bald many days,
5., For they knew well in doing so and be made to eat and. drunk the
that their falhers:t•:d in idlers w'uuid bread and water of affliction.
not refuse to give unto them twenty 15. Por if this be not done, other
gerahs, which makes a shekel of cities shall shoot out the+hip and say,
silver, that must needs ue ptiicl to see \Noe nolo the city whose rulers are
tile groat sight. • Chil t
6. And when the traffic' ers, and the
merchants, and the workers in gold
and' silver, in )sass and iron and tin,
h. and the same, they rejoiced and
ware exceeding ahead:
7. 1?or said they our purses and
our scrip shall be filled. with silver and
with gold.
8..11orever eertain.devout and hon
orable'<women of one of the synagog-
ues, who were willing. to aid in Watl-
ing up..tne waste places of Zion, said
unto the another, Go to, let us s«,y+
to the weary wayfarer, Come and
dine, and thou will pay unto the
treasury a half shekel of silver.
9. But. and if thou will be poor,
then will we give thee,a cup to drink
that cheered' and gladde let!' the
heart of loan, and tnou will pay unto
us Silcageralis.
10• N)'.v t'ie herb w'\eeoof the
drink was made groweth in Arabia,
the land of sweet spices, of myxrh
and. frankincense.
11. And tho thing phased the
_Rabbi and elders of the synagog.t1e,
and'tlhey said it is•wfll..
1• Now it case to pass early in the
morning of the third day, that the
tillers of the ;;round, their wives' and
theist little ours, even some that suck -
c; ed the braast, their sons and their
daughters made- really to be in this
city at the foarthi hour.
•L. Then was heard the noisy rf`thf'
wilip,;ire rambling of the wheels. the
prancing of horse:,. which made (hist
to rise in clouds,.' as 111 t!hd day of
battle. •
3. And about the fifth hour they
began to co.npass the city with c tan.
huts and horsemen
. 4• N.iw the first eharriot was c )ver
ed with burnished gold, fixe unto
those of Solomon -
olom l._511 rhea came women, beautiful ns
the Queen Or Sheba, hitt with wanton
eye , tike ti•e proud,dangIlt.tra.of Judah
t'' in tele clays of the prophets..
6. Aud•ecrtaiit young men of the
baser sort who had seen them in the
(city of the South, made as if they
world have spoken tttt o•tile damsels,
who rode upon horses. a:line 1(110 0•
war horse that sin 11e a the t,aitl.e
:;far oft
7. Then came men playing upon -
instruments of 111usie, eVOn trumpets
and horns like until rams -horns, math'
of br.L,s, and' many others, of strange
df+rice;not known to our., fathers.
5a And when the chariots, in
'nlut)er•about fifty, and horsemen, re
turnecl to the plain a het aid proclaim
ed. that a damsel like Intoan. a. 0,
1G. Now at the door of the tents
tight b1- seen the tables of the m..xlrey
changers and other wicked nom. who
lie in wait for the fs' 1islh and 'iulple
l7. And many souks men were
caught in their snares by guile, and
, lost Much honey ear.led uy the sweat
of their brows,
18. uta certainimaI1 who was
like unto Saul fallen; the people, would
have taken one of the thieves by the
beard alai would: have; smitten liiu,
hip anti thigh, but the eb;aa-pee as a
bied,frotu the vuare of the fowler,
In no other medicinal preparation
have the results of the most intelligent
study and scientific inquiry been so
steadily and progres ively utilized as.
in Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads the
list as, a truly scientific preparation!:!
for all blood diseases.
rite for Manitoba Private funds toHAMILTON.. Commissinersorend in straight
loans at lowest ate,, Office, -i tint'e,Block, Wing
hang, L+Ickno and-Gorrio.
Wiltahnm Nov. 18 1880 1 -Iv
. atarrh-A =taw Treatment.
I urltaps the um: t extraordinaey
Nllficeos teat has 1•le0ll LLCIltOVed 111 r1101 -
t l'n.,tileill(ille
IGLU heel; a s...linetl by t1i' 't
Dixon treat:tient tor catarrh Out of
2,000 •-,,Cadets treated during tlle•pn:it
`;1\ 111 ,tltl{s, hull ninety per lout have
been orti'ed of this stubhor'n malady.
Phis is 11011(1 the Its, srart.ing w lien 1L
is reeteuloerecl chat net live per cent.
of parleilus presenting themselves to
the sego 1at: p1 ACILtiollers are b;iietilted,
while the patent inedtcinod and titles
a,dverts ed eur.-'s !lever record a cure at
1111. ` taming with the claim now .ell
orally befievc'd'by tlho must selentitio
`rutin that the disease is dei t to the p.'es.
• encs of living parasites in the issue.
11r. l)ixt,, at tome, adopted this ...sire
to diets ex tel•.Itllr,,tien-this x00.•111:
plishoti, ht' clu.i,li5 tit; Catarrh. i. pr 10.
•ticabiy cured, and .he perni.ueuey id
enip„tioned, us cur.'s r Ib-'etf•d by Iti.0
'.f.)Ilr yea.i s ILg') ate Cil'"] still kin Gate
Ilse hits rear 1tt,tempt.:41 to gibe °s,tareb
in titin ies It,161 , .and 11 otllf'r treat:.
intim• huts ever eur, d Catarrh The
application of the, rrroo,ly is > itu:'le,.
Lute can Lie thane lit itn;ur, au.¢ tars pro:
Sent `'eit0J',1 LlC the ye:tt' is tilt: 111051,
favorable tor the spec.dv title • p erman.,,
'ells mord rhhf) luajnt••ty of else$ bf :
deg enrol :At nl.te tl•"11,i,111tetlt. i•1l'ti!1'(:r9
s'!u)i11dsere p.ln,l'wide iliasxaA.I3
DAXON. 8pa. 30., ling stre'"i,
west Toronto, t,' Ltltultt, atid enclose
stamp for- their treatise nt1. catarrh.
Ji ureal sitar, Nov..17-,1832.
'•=ism i�
✓� e
4Tli6l3Llri .+r
M.•tt1'liVi,•k Dir ,, f ea.11t1'. .Jt Fi.,uld of
1 �:1•,,.it OILL•+d itutcrs f'.t
u.;, (l� . I;P'6u its 1"rve15. 5.185, &. , .V210
'r :111.,11•17:$11. Ft ti l„
,aC..•t At:gN•rge TOxnn,m
W 1ighaill Ont
00i40, co: 1 Centre and . atrick streets, Wingham
P. It. O. Pi S. R. 51. 0. I'.
Naltland Lodge, Ho 119, 1. 0. 0. F.
1L1 clock in their Hall. MasmPs Block.
Mincers En:ampmellt No 47, 1...0. 0. F.
U. day ine,tch month. Pattrarcha cortli•
sly invited,
Court Maitland, IM. 25, 1. 0. F. ,
L e oulugs in the month, in their Hall, Tainlyn's
Item Council, Ho. 10. Order 01 Chosen Friends.
tho month,in molt• Hall. Tautlyn's Block.
The Dominion Organ and Piano Co,
nag the largest and most comp sto factory 111 the I
Dominion -150155.
8lgboat 8onor9 ever Awarded to any Maker In Cho Weill
Medal and Diploma at Centennial; 187G. II
Modal and Diploma at Sydney Australia, 1871.
Gold Medal at Provincial Exhibition Toronto 1879.
Highest Awards at Industrial Exhibition, Toronto
TVD ARE NOW MA2,-1rPACrtettmo
Correspondence Solicited. Send for illustrated Cat
aloguo,•luailcd.free. Address
P'swbfk 8VILLE. Oxo.
TI11t• spate reserved frill'
cif�' / t r-,
•liI' � a
i'h'a I8e' i(liny Uildf'rtaker and 1 u;iii
:use, Dealer i.1. \\ in shape.
6713ph.n1 L610e, ko. MI, A. 0 L, W:;
1A k, E1 x'a 1. JI:ILY TIIIItb 14411:11.1.1tRVENiN(1:,IN
c..e month. Lodge roam, Tann ye's Bieck.
ood Value
'.t' +' NEW FIRB 01'
arey & fcCriffiffoll
re Offering GBEAT V ALITE in
Stows, Tinware and House,
Furnishing Goads
N"E. .'3:' T•.EIIRT-y "
(glebe: * Jewelry
At Lower Prices than' Ever Before
Offered in Winghame. .
hell• AS CHEAT? as any House in Cauala. Try me: and lee
fur yourselves:
-.THE Pr',T0..OY-
P. LA(IRANC.L'WCFLI'JI;itA'I"EI) ;*.P1.1(.11'.%CLEN, PII PARIS {111
anal::Utiluutt5bi1 t11SP L L'6nilr'1, t 1118.lultt't•aLetl Whit.). 11r•Ilit,ur0, tilt.;
Eve? y7;:-7,72 Z,Tb - L? �. ,r?,i� ni' ' ,.77
`. ,.. ` •ter •.
And Urinte'irts fat:dries you want at
l'1 GSI. M
No A51,ubstoribor t7C7'331 Rooaivo Lalletlet
!,L'haYs 2S CJeastes fats Cateth.
The following list of Prizes will be awarded to the perk0na who subscribe for our paper between this
date and the 30th day of 'July. Positively and absolutely no postponement.
FOR FIFTY CENTS Wo will enter your name on our enbenflption books and mail
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The List of Presents to be liven Our Subscribers:
10 U.B. Govtt Donde, $500'enck....$5000 _ 50 U.S. Greenb'ks, $20 radii 81000
20 U.S. Greeni,'ke, $100 each '2000 ',10011.S. Greenb'ks, $10 each
1 Cash PAZ° 10110 100 U.14. Greenb'lrs, $5 each 100000
20 U.S. Greeub'ke, $50 each....,;;.. 1000 1 Cash Prize 500
5 Grand Parlor Organ, 8 Grand Pianos, i-'ywentyfoet Sloop tall -Boat, 1 kob•Roy Filltenauot Canoe, 1 Pour•Oared Row.
Boat, 1 Columbia Bieyole 2 Potions: 5 Top Ruggles, 5 Elegant Black Silk Drees Patterns, 2 'Village Colts, 6 Best Singer Sew.
ing Neehlnes, 2 fl* - 5ilk Parlor Suits, 2 Piueh Silk Parlor Stilts, 5 Silver Dinner Services 1 Bleck Walnut Markle Top
Chamber Suit, 100 Seta Solid Silver Teaspoons,(nto the set), 100 Solid Silver Tablespoons, 100 Solid Silver Dessert Spoons, 100
Sets Silver Forks (6 to; the set), 100 Sets Sllver•Plated Dinner Knifes (e to the set), 100 Silver Sugar Shell, 50 Silver Iee
Pitchers, 1,000 Photograph Album (42 each), 1,000 Pocket Silver Fruit Knives1,000 Gentlemen's Pocket knives, 20 Gentle,
men's Gold watches, 20 Ladies Gold Watches, 20 Boys' Watches, 8 Solitaire Diamond Finger Rings, 2,5so wt& Art
Portfolios, 500, Lathes' Gold lockets, 500 Gold Finger Rings, 40(1 Unties' Ercuetpina, 200 Gents' Evert Pins and Mulch Chains,
2,000 Fine N6unted Gold Toothpicks, 500 Beautiful Nickel Clocks, 2,500 Gold Toothpicks, 2,00011°1d Pencils, Ido Telocepes. '
Every subscriber who does net get one of the above valuable proms will receive a present of Tweet,.ore Cents in rash.
Remember, evixyone who subscribes for sig months will receive our elegant illustrated paper for atzmopn(u end ore 1166.158,
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three of the above prezonta. Yostitgo sMtpps taken {,
in (Tut Chet we may pceitiret know what a ern ma bee the
500 STEM-WIADING WATCHES FREE.. publisher has bought 600 Ste ..windin 01, cher. mid these and it`.
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ars p hr;; arca a.: rtiut:(tscs urf,'n• jrb>'t In»)ell's 1..• .,.
T�" %)t'.l it)l�Prl St') ifl•'iri, G!' irte'Jl,da aetiArl ro t%LCs.%?-"'
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