HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-10, Page 2' tug1am(11110 The Franchise Bill passed its third reading in the Dominioa Parliament on Saturday morning last. /The Chicago Current slys that "few men iu the whole vsorld'e history have readied old age eo* full of im: perishable honor* as Mr. Gladstone' The exposures by the Pt 11 Melt Gazette of the secret V iCOS of the aristocrats of London is caPhing tremendous essentement in England, . . , RiAccording to the Braeidon Sun, el says the bill enfranchising the Indiaes is a good one, This is also the opinion of the Tories of the House of Commons Bat it ie not likely to. • be the opinion of those still suffering from the effects of Indian bullets. - — Lord Salisbury has formed a new mmistry. and has assumed control of. affairs in England. Its the present Ministry are eight of the colleagues of Earl Beaconsfield in his last cabinet Randolph Churchill will be the fire eater in the new administration. It is not an,eclifying spectacle or very creditable to the country that a bar should be in the Dominion House of Parliament without a license, and considering the disgraceful Bachana flan scenes that have occurred there it would be a good thing were it done away with altogether. Telegraphic despatches Announce that Lieut. Governor Dewch.ey, of - Manitoba, gave a "brilliant ball" at Regina on Friday evening last, which was a very gorgeous and extravagaat affair. While numbers of the settlers. inthe Northwest are in a half starving condition and the shadow of deabh hangs over the Northwest capital the high carnival .held by the Lieut. GovesOr was very meseemlv and out of pia' (se. THE. TIRES!, FRIDAY•37ULY 10 I 1 1 EyerybOdy will regret to bear of eee • the very moment when tas victorious Jorio I UU 11‘11-1U1 the death by brain fevex Col. Wit:. 1. liaras,.of the Midland Battalion, at ll[nn Inn Po :cUSOVffl )61 The Senate insisss" upon tile wine 'and i leer oleo ses beieg . etam; in the Scost Act, wed it is evident the Commons • will have to pronounce upon the question iteedn. The liquor dealers have ween Wo-Lin as Ottawa, aid they have sang.,e eepectiscons now. that the Commoesi will be More in conformity to Weir wishes on the nes t oceasion. As the Commons have thrown opt thie cesium before, we believe they wi't do ea again, in spite of she fact that tue ir- responsible bram.h of .she Legislature "‘insiets" upon it being restored. In the House of Commons on Mon: day Mr. Blake delivered a six hour's speech on the North West policy of the Government. He showed in do: tail, and with voluminous proofs, that to the neglect end oppressions 'of the Government and its officials the out break of the rebellion is clearly trace» able. Petitions had come down con. tinouely from the lialf-breeds since 1878, but the Government did nothi, g of consequence towards redress of grievance. Mutterings of discontent had grown loud towards the end of 7884, but the Government took no precautionary measures. Then came the rebellion, the loss of life and the the waste of money. Mr. Blake con- cluded by moving "Thee in the ad- ministration, of North West affairs by the present Government prior to the recent ontbreek there here oceur: red grave instances of neglect, delay and mismanegement in masters af- fecting the best White and. the good government of onr country," This charge Mr. Blake ettetaisted by a mass of unanswerable evidence, and f Braved the respenstbility of the. Gov. Senment for the rebellion and its corr. sequeneec It is quite evident that in spite of all the warnings they recaivea that air John and his colleagues wil. fully.negleeted, their duty, and their reckless folly and gross blundering ought not to be allowed to go uncoil; r, tri or .t on;•nnY f•d., troops were about to start on their return borne. A brief sketch of his career will •be found on the first page. His death will make i vacancy in the Have just received. a part of a. Largt.--.. Pur representation of East Durham in the chase of CANADIAN & FOREIGN. TWEEDS, Fine Suitings, Kum Fine! Worsteds. nese Goods Rouse of Commons. should be seen and our prices,obtained by intending purchasers before placing shat order. e Laet year the Senate cost us $1a4e. 624,57. The capital represented lek 0114'am:turd cheep would suffice to redeye the Federal badget of a good , part o: the leg ,iguies whioli We see on it. 'Why 'shoeld we not have tub coer:age to area thio netorm; while en the one haud here is such a margin for economy, and on the other tnere is nothing as compensation, but rather grik00 of comOicatione as useless as tbt are expensive On Sunday morning list Rev. E. Stafford, We of 'Winnipeg, preached, his inaugural sermon as pastor of the metropolitan church, Toronto. Dur- ing his sermon he said people demand- ed; very rightly, sermons whicli toms's- ed upon live topics, and he thought it. was the duty of the pulpit to attack? corruption in every form and in every place. A m ulster should not un- necessarily interfere in fierce politioa 1' partyism, but he thought a minister unworthy the name of a man if he became a mere nonentity in regard to the affairs d hi% country. . A minister should be a patroit, and as suelnshould uphold any party which might come out as a champion of any great move. anent fcr the benefit et his country. The Montreal Herald, an ex.:Tory ministers organ,in referring to Bloke's speech says is now as clear as 'daylight that the rising in the North West, which has cost so mu3h in blood and money, was no sudden freak and was not without warning. On the watery it was the climax of a gra: dually growing discontent. Every step was brought before the Govern: ment, reported up. on by their officers, and told them by bishops; priests, lieutenant:governors, surveyors, and apparently by every one 'rivho bad a right to hold communication with them. Still •Mr. Blake has shown that the only thing done by the Gov: ernmert to prevent the outbreak was to bribe the rebel leaders, Dumont, Schmidt, Dumais, Isbester and others with Government offices," -se The oung Men' Liberal Club, of Toronto have, in 'view of the political situation and of the numerous im- portant and vital questions agitating the 'country, in which 'our young men have an especial interest, deemed it desirable to hold a convention of th e yonng men of Ontario. in .I.'oronto, during the second week of the Indus: trial Fehibitiou in September net, for the purpose of forming a Provie: cial association The object is a gopd • one, and we 1 eve no doubt that the effort e of the Toronto Young Men's Liberal club to form a Provincial As• sociation will prove successful. Dele. gates to this convention should be sent from every electoral district in the Province. farmers 8LCrindowncrs Do yen want to borrow money 2 To buy more land for Yourself or Your Sons. To build a Ilouse orBarn, To Pence, Clear Underdrain, or otherwise improve Land To pay off a Ntortgage or other Debts. G for any other Purpose, if you do the un dersigut d are able to Loan at the lowes rates of Interest rand more reasonabl Terms thlu any one else its this section o the country. MEYER & DIGREI.ISON, Beirieters, Wingharn Solicitors for the Bank of Nathanlea WINN. v‘r„e.',cyr.,2k,,A°4,1:situ°z2:,r,T,Itie;d113,7e:n lot1.01(11.1,ocki:iult% on sTIZI„,3•1' faro014.1! o. egiiria1t01oeloek and on Satrdly Meet.raogntto40,0n;c. IF L. 0. L. to. 1a4. RVRIrt FIRS/ ISMAY P,VZ;Inla VI* MOnt)1.. BOOTS AND SHOES We are offering a very large stock of superior melte at Bottom Figure GROCERIES Fresh, Choice and Good, Extra value in Tea ancrStgar: See our 20 lbs Sugar for $ and our 25c Tea We are determined that if selecting our goods with the greatest care, buyineseeei the most fever -table terms, and selling at a very smith profit will continue to increase our business we are ping to do it right along. GoRnow az MOINIDOO, • ANCHOR HOUSE, INGHAM' YEWLSPAPER The best book for an A book of 100 pages:, advertiser to con- VERTAIR sult, be he experi- - eneed or-otierwise. toontains lists of newspapers and estimates ofthe cost of advertisi 'lg. The advertiser who wants to spend one dollar, finds in itthe in- formation he requires. while forhim who will invest one hundred. thousand dollars in ad- vertising, a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement, or can be made to do so by slight changes easily arrived at by cor- respondence. 149 editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to GEO. _, P. ROWELL . & CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU. (10Spruce St.Printing House Sq.), Now.Tork. HO ! FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA. Giving up Business, SELLING OFF A_ T. COSTI Having deteemmed to go to British - Columbia, .1 will sell at cost for THIRTY DAY S, my stook of BOOKS, STATIONERY 9 1, FANCY GOODS, Wall Papers, &o. Stock must be cleared out as the Store is RE:LET. Come Early and secure Bargains. • • JOS. READING. • N.B. A /House and Lot for sale, also a Phaeton Buggy. WEEMA THE NEW YMOND NC,* Ir212=33132111MINEEMM21:2 „ ',NECIZI THE FAVORITE WINIUM_IT fricammasincirmammmirciammo ri FOB FAMILY USE. El •HIGH ARM -HIGH FINISH adv. Aiferzt . Sektrafe • • • 1 tho "Ramona" Shuttle Machines ni are fitted with the Patent se Automatic Bobbin Winder lllllll min, lllllllllllllll mmerr, :RI CHAS. RAYMOND. MANUFACTURER _g GUELPH, ONTARIO. '452-V-57-C7Age.7•MsUF1=aren HARf'd\TESS::. Restoresgrey hair to as na- tural color, rn- nm-.'an Dandfuff.O. stops the hal* from falling out,f,t increases iSses growth, add wIl1Kv. not soil the skin., As a hair dres- sing. it has no? superior. Gua-: anteed hantlest./ to... tiro r. a :eltjA;t:i1171:13:4e : ese Prey)ared by -t,. ,. Etarlroess StCo, 14 'ii liv all lirov,;...=,•il ,.. see e.esete eel noses Moe:list V - """i' tt :1Egli.u-dt. Lca,:oa. ... land. IF 'YOU ARE 1N NEED OF Of every description, can and • see our stock at the Wingliamrunitui DAN" , We cannot be undersold, as we make sucli large quantities at one time that we are enabled, to sell at a Less Price. Try us for BEDROOM Si PARLOR SUITES before you purchase. The more you buy at one time the Cheaper you can get it. Orders kr Car • Load Lots. always bee e our prompt attention. Saw •Log e taken at our saw mill in ex- change for Furniture. SCOTT Sz BEJDD WING11A111. • C1 4 GREATER BARGAINS Lii THAN EVER ArTEB Tht 1; t Specia Value in Lawns, Musins Hindoo Cloths, Laces; Einbroders,. &c. A' New , lot of Plaid Gingams for Dregs materials, and a Greater Reduction than aver in Prints. No trouble to show you our endless variety of Tweeds and General Dry Goods, for which any amount of Wool is taken in exchange. Highest Price paid for Wool in Cash and Trade. All kinds of wool- len goods to give in exchange. Try our teas. 1,4 PIWITICIPI TirES14) . Pri1ay nisht Preskon T A MILLS. 4 ,