HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-10, Page 1• ,.4 'Ott 1 tton, Price &• F i1 holier Firm: tri t'O[ XIV VO 30 91G BEAR CAPTUREDI c1he 2roops go",''rzeu'a c DE$STIT 'UF cot,. Wll'.LI A13S. WIN G HAM 'BII) Y JULY 10, , '85 50 men of. the Winnipeg Light In- fantry, the 90th Greuadie s. A square was farmed inside the stockade, and the service performed by the Rev. Messrs, Whitc,rbe and Gordon. RI84's TIi1A7., At a numerously attended meeting of Riel's Defence committe Friday night at Quebec, it was decided to call a public meeting after vespers Sunday in St. Roches to organize public sub- scription to defray expenses, as, there was little hope of the Government Winintieg, Man. July 5.—Big Bear giving the desired assistance; at the throe they ordered all correspondeeiee with the Government to be published iu the French papers to show that they have done all in their power. It is said that Reil Will.probably be confined in a cell in the courthouse during the trial, in order to overcome the task of ccnveying him from the barracks. nearly three miles distant, daily. In .that event the members of the Garrison Artillery Will likely serve as a guard, camping in the,,vioinity of the court house. Biel while exercis: ing, still continues to wear .shackles, no instrnctions from Ottawa to the wits captured Friday morning near Uarletou by by Sergeant Stuart, efj the Mounted Pokers. The chief's sons end one, of his counsellors *ere teAten; se the same time. Big Bear said his bhnll Was on their 'tv.ty to surrender. They had been some days without provisions He had passed Otter,s and Irwin's forces on the way. Seven more of the band were captured ' by the Surveyors' Scouts, and Irwin has taken seven: . teen. The -remainder are surreuc?ering, to the Indian agents and giving up their arms. • One of the Fro Lake murderers is among, those captured by the scouts. Winnipeg•July 5--A despatch from Batteford announces the embarkation of the troops for howwe. ,Winnipeg, July 5—A despatch from Battteford announces the death •of Col. Williams, of the Midland Bat- ttalion, of brawn fever., Deceased vas the 'hero ef'the c lebrated bayonet ,charge that ilec;ded the battle of Ea. toche. A metallic coffin is tieing forwarded far the remains, which are being taken overland via S•vift Cur: rent. The news of thedeatlhof ti,il: Arthur T• H. t'Ctlliaing,,of,•t a �.tldln ice, Wali be'a great shock to his 'friend`s, and will, doubtless, dash the rejoicing at: tendauton the regiment's return home. He was the sou of a man who did battle for Canuda, John T. Williams, who had pr'ev,ousty serval. for some mire in. Her Majesty's errvy, having commanded a venal uncer,Toe ou the Lakee'•during . the war ed 1812-15. The military instincts;.eflitte deceased filing vent in the militia; and for :VW years he had beeu Liont, Col. of t>;ie 56th Beeitneut,• winch blas been' brought to th high stateofeliotplitxe by hie efforts, In .1880 los :commanded • ihe3 :Canadian Wintbletott ream, and jAl;t before the Etiet rising he made en offer to the Imperial 'government to velem a regiment for entice in the Soudan.. Oanada, however, had heed • of his services before,'his•uffer had been eons'derea by the Iumperial autboriies and he was comntiasiened to raisa qh, battlion from the different regiments of the Midland countiea,litzd in a short; time a magnificent body of men were , ,selected, the material being drawn ' ,Korn the country lying to the north ' et L,tke Ontario, with the edition of al compat.ty from Carleton c nutty, In • 1867 Col Williams was enacted to re: present Rant Durh,Lttt in the Local 1ngtslaeare, w:ls reelected in 1871, • was ch•,aeu at the general election by the same constituency for the Donn: nion Parliament, and was re:elected at the last general election. Iie w.a§ born in 1837 and was coiiselttoutly �8 years of age. His conduct in the North Vest has been thatof a brave end cool leader of men fit far any soldierly artrltlra'ise, WintilDe °`1.1u1y ,e6—M11r. De'a:ley grid Mrs• (owenhlock arrived ' fr in the west this evening, and are enjoy- ing by in'vit;tition the hospitalities of Mr. and Ars. Bennett, of D,luglasa House. Both present a earowora appearance, and seem anxious to roach their triends iu the east. They start via Port, Arthur either tern lrrow or next day. l3attleford.July 50-4he removal of Cel. William'3 body from the boat to the fort took p'ace'1o•day. The order of snatch wt s the Midland, 90th, 11 and A Battery •.gun, hearing casket, the Colonels of 111 e.did'e 'ent, li.Lttalione, as bearers, the Gelkeret4vtkl sttatF, and town constables was there at the time„ A business man of the village asked) the constable how many drunks did he see that des. His answer way. ''Just that one standing there. '80.‘wno•other iso far," said he. 'That than is 'from boundary village in the county of Grey, There if you iook you can see a bottle in bis.pocket." The constable was asked how this year compared with former years ;When eindar license. His answer was wittiest year when a 'similar gathering took place he had to take care of several drunks who were unable to take care of themselves, and that the fighting that used to be teen ..ander the influeuce of drink was usore than the constable could; 'keep down. When sucn evidence as' the above comes from a tanatable it ought to go some length. Reports to the contrary are generally circulat- ed by interested parties, As I was coming on the ttatn next • morning a young roan came on in the county of Grey. Another business man and myself were referring to what we saw in the place above mentioned. We re- ferred to the workiuf 1 Scott DISTRICT NEWS • The Week.* Round of Life in the County of Huron and Vlolntty 'SLEEPY HOLLOW. Sickness!. Is very prevalent in vicinity 'at present.. Mrs. Jno, Gemmell, who has ill for some weeks, is recovering slowly. The Salem Methodist Sunday school held a very succi ssful picnic here on Dominion Day. . The three�churclhos on the circuit, viz ; Belmore. Salem and Wroxeter, united and spent Dominion Day in Mr. j Alex Thompson% grove. Baseball, Croquet, swinging, with music and • speaking, filled in the time most enjoy- ably, njoy ably, The same churches intend holding ,lawn social at the residence of Mr. dno Gallaher on Friday even- ing, the 10th inst. this been very ;s o the cot BLUEV ALE contrary having yet been received. Aet, and that we saw only one drnthk. T_ The young man referred to jumped up O ll 1 and said he could take us to a place in that same village where liquor was sold by itlhe ;wholesale. On further questioning him•,• he admitted that he Was a liquor traveller for a Toronto House. That settled hinp. Not'wisle. ing to take up more of your vauable space, 1 will merely say that travellers in Scott Act coihnttes can get as good accommodation' at same rates ss USLIgj• A few houses ask more. They will came to it soon. Yours truly. A Toronto Wholesale Lumber *Traveller. P. HE SCOTT AOT. To rut: EDITOR .—Having travelled constantly for the last •fc.ur years through cities, towns and almost every village in Ontahia, being not a total abstainer, but temperate, I claim ,Ito be able to judge the working of the Scott Act impartially in counties where in operation; and compare it with the counties selling under license. Now, for any ()tie to stand up and say, as 1 have ofteii,hcar I said, that th,,te is as much drunkeness in . Scott Act counties as there is iu licensed covet res, is 'absurd and far from the truth. I have no doubt but there is drink- A • EUORD OF IMPOTENCE, ing on the sly the same as Saturday night and Sunday drinking under the Crooks Act, but the restraint and fear What displays of impoten.:e the •ot getting,finecl, is suck that I,, do nyot.;Goorernim nt has meet The License beLeve there 'is ono twentieth part of Actnotlhiiio "but a:""series"of 1ptiiigles" the druuken exhibitions to be semi on from beginning to end, and finally the strebts or around hotels in Scutt complete defeat. The boundary des- Act counties as in license counties. puto with Ontario, tiniest, etioroach. 1 will give an instance which, X think, meats, and.in the end forced retreats. ougut to settle that point, which can The Gerrymander 13111, a most foul ab- be substautiated by other disinterested tempt to prolong elle power of a parties as well as myself ; A bons party. The Franchise Bill, an in. four;weeicsago I happened to be iu a qnitous measure, aimed at the liber: small city near 100 miles away, where ties of the people with the ammo- the ame the Soot Aet was defeated, The fire-• object. Our fisheries yielded for a metes tournament was thee, It was segs at least to the t?.rited States on a Wednesday, The toWx was fall. without any, return, and all chancel: ' of peel le from other towns & villages, ;of nu elly .00111'oeity or renewed 4 The hotels, no°iloulht did a Ivo besitze 'tire Tate treaty lost by the delay and esu ; three or four! bartenders at i P:ovideiice of the t+overntnenb. The / hese of the hotels 'were kept as busy' emu muses producing a rebellion in as eould be. At 9 o'elook in the e0csa-. the Northwest; disoont;ent in Brit's 3 ingtwo otherlhusiness men 'were sitting Qoluinbla and uneasiness theoughout with nee on the veranda of ohne of the thrr length and breadth of the Portent - hotels. We counted tiateen drunks, ion. Btrhu'what effect has ail Shia pro: 'principally young wen, twine of theist, dneed on the •Governtnetit party an nun trying to lead the others. They were very drunk, hardly ebie to take caro of tee nselves. In walking around town at 7 in the evening, we were met . at every corn •r and opposite hotels by • _ any uumhertof young men awl olcl men, \Ve were told they were not citizens but almost all outsiders, So wne:ll for license 1 towns or cities Now for a Scott Act conuty, Next my boniness called me :,O Neetli Ilrue.s ' It was on Friday of the satno week. 1 stopped at a large vill,h,gs en a point of lake Huron. The Nickle•Plato eircus happened to be there, and .tete _neigh- boring towns and vil:ages were fully represented• I should judge there werh fully 2,8Q0 or 3.00p outsiders. or as malty tag Ili,, tlreuien's . tottrnanieut in; On Monday morning last Detective the othee meutiuned ci•ty.:: The place: John Reid, of WpFpl{arrested jos. was t:iltltt,uteso mucic with 2ti e circus: epll Parr, hotelkSenoll . of Kincatdhne on a charge of sendnin• threatening with. ']I'Pero are four hotels, and .as; letters t,,SIr. Josef li Barker, Magis• they aro all in 'sight of oae Another, trate, in which it w4 Ord that gr. and as 1 sat clown at the front of Barker would loose hie life if he did the ono where I stopped, t could well not cense to act as a Magistrate on the see what was going on and l.ol' the Scott Aet Iiquor'cases, and that his er.lwcl around the hotels behaved cattle would be destroyed. Parr is themselves. There was any amount also. held on suspicion of behig int - of treating with ginger a e and pop, plicated in the burning of Mr. Bat k- .lf there was any drinking of beer or er's stable and Dimon Cort ofie in whisky on the ill', 1 could have obscrv. the town a few weeks ago. The pre. ed the efieets of it ou the crowd. They ltmininary examination took place *ere orderly. Nothing could . f • she, at Walkerton in the afternoon before with one exemption, that showed the Macnauhara, J. P. with Thomas Dix. °Teets of liquor. That one •party, we on, drowse Corney, proieeuting, 'saw .;bevy a and 7 o'eteek in• then when the qi against 31:r, Parr t]t@ttl►1 h1 silt ▪ sI .' w 4iswi1. ' Parliament 9 Led like sheep infer; they 'aost•1 nore eagerly for in'for oration a9d;aet as little upon what is forced upon them,--flalifax Chronicle. The Clinton ' New Era says,: the Northwest' Rebellion hits been a good tbirg indirectly for some of those who have horses to hire ort there. We know of"two brothers front this neiglt- horhoecd; wlho hired their teams when. the engagement just commenced: One put in .20 days at $10 a day, and the other not quite so lone. At tins price; there is cnnstderhble more profit then tilling the prairie, out the busin- ess is much less permanent. that I squid got no one to do, business WHOLE NO 681 menta for both old and young. The Band will be in attindanoe and fur; nigh •us with music. Tea will be served at 5 p. m. Come one, come all and yotttih will be restored. Admit; sion 116ets. We deeply regret to record the first break in the Band of Hope by the death of 'Willie Elliott, fourth son of !Jr. James Elliott, nen Vine wiener: Sad the silents at parting From those we dearly Iove ; Blissful the consolation, Soon we shall meet above. Partings on earth should brine us Nearer still nearer God ; Bowing in sweet submission, :Kissing the chast'ning rod. Silent, silently sleeping' Pulseless, and still and cold. t Still there's no cause for weeping For lambs of Jesus' fold. Tho'.tleese sweet bads} of promise Early are cane- from time, Sweetly they sing m glory, Safe in that blissful chime. n Dominion c sty a barge crowd as- N.ei gliboring Nerve senibled here to witness the slugging.. base ball match between the Hurons I r. J. Hunt, proprietor of the Royal of Fordwich and Bluevale base hale:-. hoteel, ` ` Wroxeter, has . removed to club. The game opened by the visit.. Palmerston: ing team going to bat and •4. ,three_year old daughter of Mr. retiring with one run. Iu their first Angus McQu age, of Lucknow,'while innings J3lirevale made three runs. walking on the, railway bridge near In the next three initings the-visitilhg that place the other •day, was • struck. team did net succeed in adding any_' by the steps of one of the passenger thin, to their score, .vh�ile the Blue- coaches'of a traits, aLd seriously tie.vale boys .piled up .9 ruitei'inaktii the • guru,, gave on the 4th inninirg ..1,2 • to 1 in Jlev, Mr;' Taylor, of Bayfield, IS not" favor of the home team. Iii the next - leaving Canada for good, as was stated tour innings the Hurons scored one sometime Since, as Bishop Baldwin is more run, while B1uevnle made 18,' most anxious to keep him in Huron the game on the eight Innings being Diocese. The Bishop has readily • 30t In the last innings the l'ordwich boys:, and he leaves for the old country at made 3 more run but liluevale did en early date, not go to bac ors the Oth innings, the >Mesars. Donaldson and Perdue., a l 0 2 uh favor of the Home team. granted him a earls leave of ab y senor, „r:nle c o,ing with ti score et 30 to 5 'iVho stave been sawing at Mr. James "1"Y" of B1311waie with an inniings Sallie' Ooderich township, the past to 'spare. ' y p. p pletely para ing of 'eV. 'Supported b The playing and T. John good, and son the' outfield Stewart and Messer. as she When waisted. visittngftea re w. ing, but the 13 .Hunt's pibehii The Fow4w oh pruritic° before t successful; in pia Out village has a shtfuld bc;Iprou3 o tattd making it hot ing towels this sea of Ford - h 10 .Ela cons were coin,- two months, removed their mill to the - reed with the curve pitch-* Bayfield Lino, where they have a'large ,edger, who was 'abl3 number of logs to saw. While at i�It send tlhe bat by MclIardy,. Wallis' they flawed giver 100,000 feet. 1 J. Johnston, Musgrove Lv't week n fire broke out in .the ton ou tylia bases• • wiis dwelling house,a e flue play was salads by 3 and " boot and shoe s, ' J. (:l ardier, • .W. store attached, belouging to Peter Patterson, tivhion la Doo. Wallace, Manchester. '.rhe• villagers stop wag, always arses , turned out to a man, and saved nearly' p- g� all the contents, but the building The lite Ti e; s vary, goi l "aansr ;.er Was reduced ;:to ashes. The En ;lisp evale boystpoatar *;,rlhurell and J. P. Brown's ,carriage all over the ; treed.',-' op•had a narrow escape, and were team require �t>aore saved only by the efforts 02 the people ray can hope to be 1 ,Tie Advocate says ; Blyth court of ng outside °Tubs. revtei n, was held last Friday riven:- earn ven eam of which tdiey ing gild dissolved without a motion of and the boy3 ri$ t i�'ourninent, consequently the sitting ors the neighbor-witl;iiro 144 hours` the longest by far. 111r. Gibson, ; of any, ever recorded in the annals of .wtv , umpire. the game to the ' the Douunion. Parliament at one time satisfaction of all, and the time oc- . during the present session sat for 57 copied in plying it was 2 hours and hour without an adjournment, but 15 'minutes. that does not ooinpare with 8.'ytli iolirt of Revision Runs. Onts. Lightning rod men nit operating in 5 2 the neighborhood' of Moleswortn. 8 4• They are working on the same old 4 2 plan which should be well known by Niemen and others, which is as follows: They represent that they will appoint the party they are trying to induce t,s. buy Their rods the sole agent for the Mcllardy, c W. Gardner, p A. Musgrove, 2nd b.. J. J•olinston. 1st b.-.... ... 3 4', Patters'ln,1. f • , ... 8 J. Gartner. r. f ............ 2 4 T. Johnston, 3rd b,.. 3 1 J. J. Messer, s. s r1, . Stewart, c. f Total No►tnlvte •11. 8 g township for the sale of their rods, • 2 but that he mast buy eerod nr rods —_._ from then hefolto they appoint hint 30 24 agent. The patty buys the rods, gives the note in payment, and the Duns. Outs. Nash, c 1 4 Hunt, p . . ............ 0 3 Stratltey, est b .... 0 3 W 'Lied h,.... 0 8 Duncan, c. f.. • . 1 W. Williamson, r,.f.....,.. 0 Mattbows, 1. f... ,., 2 Sothern, s. s .... 1 Bell, 3rd b... 0 • Total lightning rod man ties the man on next farm, and goes through the same performance, and so on. Quite a number of ,,,he farmers in Wallace, Grey and Howlett have been duped oy these sharpers. 8 4 Two men were struck by lightning 2 on Saturday in Markham township, 2 and one la 1, ie:.. Titers is probability of the Atlantic 5_ —27 cable telegraph rates beitlg reduced to '8c: a word. Tho Woniene' Christian Temper. a nce Union `.if illltevale rLurpose (hold: hag a garden party at the reeideuee of W. F. Shiite on 'iWedliesday 15th fust. There will he re:Linters, gongs' thud recitetious, end amine,) (maned,. The Arthur Enterprise relates the tollowirng story efunexampled.generoei: ty; A wealthy tartrer in the township of Arthur has very generously donee. eel otic dozen' ogee towards Lzt. Juhuso Cherub plena). 1 11