HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-03, Page 8•
• ..e.e.itailss**
• a is ae,
MELANCHOLY DROWNING Persensi Paragraph PROSTITUTION OF OFFICE1 oluatimaitoreansyo.eitrtetn; tlheogintelectimuxick, teeylisitrele
no. arnadsed upon us lay or represener
Vert*** rertionai Pointers, rromiricu.. T° the 4aitor Taz Tins.
On Saturday last our town was the ou roducea. Si, -e -The Scott Act, being Lpieseed, tativee In Pallareelltbut rather it 14*
ecene of a very sad drowning Accident, iu the ouaty of Huron by a 'Very PI° °Yerwhelming vola of the people
the viable being Duncan, sou of , large majority, came it force en the nearly every county, city rind torn
hltarimmon. The deoeaaed.°
, who , 4„ r"nbil gaat3°,° "intIng friends let a May, theeefore is now the There they have had an opportunity
was deaf and dumb and had only ee: 4fl'Peale•rtlle duty of every loyal 'citizen(be be in to "6"180 their franchise. The liori.
turned hOnie a few clays before from Miss Annie hIcOutcheon, of Illein: favor of the Act or not) to see that the W'm Gladstone °Vs that "true isgla.
WRITE ROSE OREMVI the Belleville Deaf ancl Dumb Insti- burg, is visiting lo towu. law la duly obserren and lation is to make it easy to d9 light
and diffioulb to do that which •is
'tate for the holidays, in conipany with m carried, out. The ' citizen that does
arrow," This is the spirit of the
aater "tether Carr hags •,..eturned
FOR. THE COMPLEX/011T. his brother '-and nun.ber of other from his visit to Holbrook, not, and more particularly the man o.
mit down to the Maitland elver
is a , Scott. Act. To remove temptation
that permits in breaking the law,
.. s siee REWARD. ma boy o w ,
Mr. I', Marshall of the Teeswater rebel to tliecountry in Which he lives out of the way or.those who are not
Lase Cream to remove Tan, reakles,
iretnerationabat while wading in the stream got out ot . News, spout Straclay in town, and, also .0 its laws. " True he has pooessed of resolution enough to iih.
nc't g°nellm'far Yet 4take UP arm5 ing that exists eo larglY
stain, and to break tip this social treat -
in this fairs
: •ier Wwin .equa1 White ••for a bathe. He could not sib]; and
Pimples, Soften tale fikin and BeautifY his depth, and went down to a watery • mrs. sawn Itesti
%the completion. .tmerybottte guaranteed greve His brother, Peter, who is la
t g a r. os en men s. .
ace of Dumfries
• ' and delibe 1 •111 t d
rate.y _,..00_own his loyal
years a age, noticing his danger, hb buth ' • .1 .t conetry of ours, 'We nearly all to a '
to be as represented or money refunded. •
etertee as• gents per bottle. nog ors,e is only a eery b
man of us 'condemn the rebellion in
went to hie assiFtauer.. He went lie: Mr. Jeckson, of Clinton, step from the committal of even eliat
Tap, .ettARMAOY Sole Agent forman who puts d
the Northwest, but what better is the
yond his depth also and bevel to sink. friends town Dominion Day. breaoh of the law. I feel iatisiied
• that it is nothing bat cowardice, the ediance and treMples
Wingham, Ont, and buafor.the heroism and pluck of
Ire R. H. Wdson is visiting under his feet one of the most popular
'her fear of losing his oSyn life of freedom
another little fellow, , named Robert sister alre E. Mason' in Chic 0
laws of our oounty. I ask, sir, has
N't I that stays hie bench Therefore,
(Urns, who,swam in and rescued him, in.
he might have shared the same fate
cover under which he oil
repeat that. every citizen of this ehee any
dee ? You will say ne, but he who
The Rev. Geo. H. Cornish and country who has an interest in the
is, counted a rebel for taking part iti
e : as his brothers/The news of the ac:'
;,- oident quickly epread, and a large, family left Thiusder for their nevi welfare of the country should see that
number of 'citizens were so the laws are rsspected, obeyed aria en. the rebellion, has in all probability
01 un: field a labor. .. for tha grievance and can show some good,
forced. ' It is surprising lied discredit -
the scene, and the search, body Miss jennie Craigmileof Chicago,
, , commenced. The boys who were III, is vieitiug at Mr. Alex. Mitchel's, able to see that many of our citizens, reas5u1 why he became a rebel to his
oountry. I can excuse to some ex -"----
f present at the time the deceased went of this town. even the chief nvigistrate, should so
The ease ten e o e opal. w lo he eenT, •
Ohangeable weather. very far shirk their deity.
engaged ' hi the. liquor traffic for '''
4 down were very reticent about the
/Overcoats were in requisition Sun. affair, and it was didioult to find out Mr. james Turnbull of tl Clinton
• i' of Itisdon vs. Roe is too glaring a faree .
showing fight, as it encroaches on 'his
day night. the place where he was last seen. High School, was the guest of Wto . E. • • •
go unnoticed, and it would he with -
bread and butter. It is not the hotel
Groves, on the 1st. nig more than right and reasonable to
.1teeting of the Town Fathers on However there were plenty o willing ask the mayor and electors if his keeper we are waging war against but
Monday evening next. workers In the .seareh, all n about Mr. E. P. Black returned Friday
actions have been in accordauce with his busirese, and if he too wishes to
two hours the body was discovered by from a business trip through Nebras- become a law abiding citizen let him
The Eand.and quite a large number this subjoined oath of office:
seek some other business; for his is a '.
of townspeople veent•to Kincardine on, Mr. ,T. Hurtibese, only a few feet; ka,tind soine of the Western States
' "1 do solemnly promise and declare
from the spot where the,deceased, y
:It is reported that ot new barker' home nd h M d y in 'net
a o on a orni was - i •
on e nes ay from a four wee"' daily to Lhe uest of m kttowled,te
, twit I will truly, faithfull a ' perTshecauntkeidngonyeotuo iz. tted ., least for the
y an =par. • .
the 1st, went down./ The body was taken •ty• 0 a
rs D. M. Gordon returned home a
News', Notes, MANY Nailed.
Krao. •
w P
B1 k vis t b Listowet and neighborhood. ' and ability, execute the office of Mayor ePeee.
is going to start in e buried in the cetneteiy. The funeral. se
„shortly, . largely attended, and the sorrow eee. aom, H. smith, or New yothe to which I have been elected in this
Get. your neighbor tc subscribe for -dug parents' have the sympathy of the is visiting at Mr. Smith's, of the firm town, and that I • have not received,
' es Balance of the year for entire community in. their &Valle' of Sraithet Peithick. . ana will not receivt , any payment bi
.50 cents:. sudden and sad bereavement. -
* CTI,
oveneicee.--In Wineham
• Mr. W. IL McDonald, dentist, is ztuy 1
• - ard o romise for the i exerrooistehe
ity or mulversat on o r reeidenO of Rev. •Rn, 11010.osit
Mr. 3'. W.Kelly veil preach in the , vacating in (bride. We understand Undue excution of the said office ac.
In. New 'York they sprinkle the 'trip to Scotland. • Mrs S.. J'. Sovereien,oliahiesaa nee
Wingham, June 25, 1885.
Baptist Church here ca Sunday Mr. James Hutchison, of Carrick,. be is not conting baok here but yak JUSTICE. Sunday, June 280, 1885;aZdtvina
• vening next. left here yesterday .(Thursday) •for a return .to Brussel,. Fern. the infant daughter ofthlt. and
, •
Mr H S bbsens of the Bank • 2 yeas and 28
. .
streets with salt water. Wingham The scarcity of small change in; of lia,milton
, relieving Mr. B. To the, Editor of Tait Toms,
• ,
The circumstances, atteMding the '
prefers fresh veater, aud allows naturel the pocket is in a measure counter- 'Wilson, the manager here, who goes . Duin Sm. -he disgraceful man -
painful. Mrs, Sovereign vra's en a e.
Don't fail to attend the meeting of in the weather. ' ,s, - • •
neiph conducted on Thursday of last week is .risit
. . • "Mr• F. Grange is away in G to her Baiter's, Mrs. McOth's
i, ' alm•Young Men's Liberal Club on . ' Mr. Toni Kinsman ia limpme proof positive to me that the Mayor,
eo , e - when, the ohild WAS takeu ill.. ,Mr.
died this week hi New York and was
€--3-:„Mr eetacers furniture store. result of havi4 said foot caught be- case was tried) wouldnot make a good
brought to.Gneiph for interment.
Oa Tuesday last Miss Owe, teacher tween the sidewalk and a heavy irou
death of this little childereeexceediugly
.to do the sprinkling. :.; balanced. by ;he frequent great chain° on a two week's vacation. ner iu which ----.er majesty's court was
and bed been here but a a '
attnnding the' funeral of a sister who
Mond/iy evening next in the mem oyer around town with a sore f t th°
Sovereign was sent for, and the 'best
peacher, else he woteld not allow him
medical skill was summoned to the
eie the public schoolltere, was present; weight' the boys practice with. ' WA regret to leare that owing to self to be troddeu down by a • roc
• , •
b'edside, Everything that was possible
• eal ivith a handsome album by a num.. It is our aim to give all the local the Mimes of his fattier, Mr, A. me The case in question was aliiiiiisb Mr.
was done, but theameder nursing,
It Iler, of Ottawa, is al, present lOn au A. Roe, of the Queen's Hotel, fof the
h if• availed nothine, „ and Edevem was
ome u i ay ea lame, 1,
Mr. W. L Schwab the ovular in the way of news iterKs interestiug . , of the Scotteact Associationof Wino. ea
'a . d f • th f i t ' •
bort time
(as, hewas the officer before whom the
eer et her pupils who have been pr . news possible, and to that end we are e '
moted to the highest divIsion. •
always pleased to received anything here. " - Risdon being the proocutor in. be a
• , . , Heel onc's o • 'Tt
tY •
tha ()tiniest prayers of the mother,
untispeeted" visit, 'to the h9mesteBra violation of the Hcott Act; •
..e'unduetor on the B., branch, to the communitygened Ily fromegur 1.1islitgarli;01 You'll!! has laic) the hate Tea case taa an adjourned
'circumstances are rendered in
the • -
before, while Sovereigu was
visiting at airs. McColl's' et 13eyfield,
laiog filled by 1.1r. D. McCall% of the ae
ki la 1 "vaca.one ere accompanied• by her
„ h .• couot -et the principal witness being . .
absazit. I sv giee his name .Tohn
• ,Jurrant and goohsbaerry. bushes
C.+, B. •
to keep down the worms, with kero- Ta s 'Welt
Me neon transfer a to Lon on but subscribers. and ;etniers..
Aral staler= on the branch, his place
' she lost a childv- Rdwina
becloset wate e this season • E y f z t • Al/
more sa tom e not t uric°
one from the previous Week, on so- • Mrs
An ab 8400 room and is • b
“birch" lef for re ten Week s rest -in t le • •
,sister,Emma ou o as
. Hanna Cf course J•elin is consider-
Wa I. .. &WI) Of a sport, but seldom %as been and lovely little _girl upon whom the
• , The Rev D. (1 McDoWeli and seue-emulsion or hellebore, whichever _so' -,pareuts lavished . their ' mot tender `
Mi ;John A. MoEwete returned known to prosecute the fishing bind.
4;iinily arrived .by the 4 olclock traiu. ea &aimed . the' best. It is uo reason 1.'affection%and the blow to' them is a
froili a limit to Scallaiid on Saturday. aess for so Long a time on any one occa
yesterday . A large .comoany of 'ladies, because the fruit is off that the worms heavy ono. The people of Wingliani
s Aim alit: in number were in • wai/L- should be allowed to eat the leaves. El" el'ealc4-1/4rY 1414 ofextend their heartfelt sympathy
the many sioa before. 11 was generally suppos:
„rowth kindaesees and civilities he received , ed that-Jobn smelled a rat previous
. dne toreouve them at the parsonage They are necessary for healthy
that to the afflicted plirente. The remains
^ but della get "triashed" on tlie to his exodus from ;own and
and gave them aright royal welcome. and fruit next year.
were ta,keu to Baytield on Tuesday for •
•• in ate. . air.hoe had something to do with •
Damn and luncheon will be served A writer in a scientific journal says ' •
interment, aud the two little Orme
John's absence: However, the clay
to- lay from 11 a. m. to S. p. ta. in that to diecover how an insect breathes No in. , follow rest side by side. . .
pilaus effects can the end hour had arriyed for .the trial.
,Mr. A Stomata vacant store, next to 'take, say a wasp or hornet' He-
Mr. lienna's, by the Ladies Aid of mean well, but the man who takes
rneY use of Ayerrs Ague 'Cure in malarial The prosecution asked for another ad. To us, ono mote, the ',Atter imp . ,I
diseases. It contains a specific and journment as John had not turned upo Is passed, for us to clnan -;
utifailiug antidote for miasmatic poi- holdine that it eaa 'his opinion that OhI „God of mercy, fain would we
he Presbyterian Church. Ice cream either a wasp or a hornet to discover
and wffee will also be provided. Din- how an insect breathei is pretty aPt ' sons with remedial azents which ex this fisiierwan was evading service, Not taete its galling came:oat twain.
and 'by him he believed he could sus. A second sacrifice hi asked- •
tain the charge. The Mayor stated
openly to the court that it was his A fair and lovely one -
If thou tau it take her to thyself,
own conviction that this man Hanna : Wo bow oar heads -"Illy .will be
was eyading eervice, and that he in.d e
. one
tended to adjourn the trial until such
time as John could he produced. Jane •-kleavealy father, at thy .ee ,
I t •
at this stage of the proceedings , Mt We jay, these lambs, of tender tot se
Roe -lumped to his feet, and spake his The moss is heavy ; out thoult heal
iter 25 centa to do some very raced sad „vie orous
. pel .the poisonous immors, purify the
systelt, and leave it healthy and rein..•
a:At:door to Mr. John Hannit'e, far with the investigation. . vigoratede, •
efeeop line at, to Mr. Barber, .ef Wroxe Everybody should pay special • at-. • . : '
ThaGrip Printine arid .Publishing
eter, mil intends moving here in a Oration to our advertising columns at
Company are a'ooat to issue Part No.
few aes, aria.`will open out a general ' this season of the year. Business
1 of their ."Souve•Iii Editinn“ of The
;store of dry goods, groceries, &0/181r. men who make themselves known
B user has gone to Toroato to yur- through judicious advertising are the IIIII.strat°0 War liew°• This edition
olease his stock. ono determined to do businese and will cotanie a compaae lestory of the
will please their oustomers. There is P,Abolibe• and wig 6e issued iu two
The follovieg ' are the officers of one ciontethaig 8O pp,
no part of a local paper more valuable Is eneb'
Maitland,Lodge, No. 119, L a a I` , which 1:', a di be hlartratious, The
' to readers than the advertising col -
elected for the ensuhig term :- histery has been carefully writ.en hy
• • umns. A. caretui rierusel of them °f-
ist 0 , Bro. W, T. Brockenshire • -
breathing himself before he proceeds
rS1r. D. Ste-warthas rented his store,
the anther et ar ia the Sot' aim
'V G.
H. Graham ten puts money peoples. .pookets.
and the eriiirar;nLs cotton up in the
B. .4.1
1'S. A4 •
Treas. "
Eepresentative to
-4. A. Mortou
W..j. Chapman Me. D. Stewart cattle buyer, has bast poseibte style. here will be a
Wellobertson sold another two car lead of fine ex -
W. P. Hiscocks port cattle to Mr. W. McLean, of
the Grand Lodge Goderieh, the great cattle king of the
eorth, who will forward them to the
The Garden Party given by the British niakets. As the cattle are of
very choice plenty they will no doubt
T.P. _Cert. , Methodist Church, was the
success of the SOI1E1011. A large crowd Command the very highest price. Mr.
Stewart intends telling two more car
AVIS present and seemed to:enjoy them
selves thoroughly. The strawberries 1°"'s to Ma hIcLeat next week,
and ice treara disappeared as The July '$t. LOW Magazine' con.:
if by magic, The Band was in atten: tains articles - veldt portraits -on
dance as was also Kincelds Orchestra Victor Hugo and Mozart; posh= by
which, proauced some very lle. music 11, Bushnell the veteran author,
,during the evening. Their net 'Minnie 0. Ballard, Lizette Or, Reese,
venture will no doubt will be anxious Liga N. Cushman:ars. Monfort of the
ly looked for and may it be equally Pittsburg Democrat, Hattie Whitney
aa successful 'and several others. an interestin
"It is amusing," says an exchange Mexican story by 'Enrique Parre
"'whoa soliciting to hem a man, say it the "Literary Topies" department has the residence 01 Mr. W. lintton, on citimens, when it collies to assisting in -
doesn't pay to advertise. Why doe articles on John G. Saxe; Charles Eg- ;Wednesday july lst 1885, Mr L. A. carrying out the Scott Act they ere Prepared be
this mast put oat a sign t That's ad. bort Craddock with portrait, and Geo. 0 McOninellotged1311yeale .5 months ,opposiel to you. Of ousel do not HyarlrlSesa 44sa Co,
vertieing. Why does he gbstruct the hf. Grumniond, by lifettie E. Spore 14 days. • , °midterm. a man bonus° he clufill not .371dellierus°U12.t;:cointtlt,,
pavewont in front of his store with Leek rani A. ItT. De Mee; and the . atee,zuse_in eviottharo 01 s n vete far the passage of a prohibitory And ?Meet Modldro.
mind saying, "this is not right of, •:;Tho 'orbken' hears•, -the bitter , tears.
from you. lf lain persecuted much ,
Y• Accept them iroli ; the st:vceoirddee:
'.• si.o-eat;but thailkslo, Lahl,are given
your Worship. 1 use you Aiffereutl
I (lc business 'just across the street
more, in this way I wilt have to, close For the o-otemein tby
up my house. I am in e position to "They -
t" it -ti me in heaveu."
help your business. e leant you to We feel. that:our art hearer still;
largo two tinge illastradon,' printed in. use roe as i use you.. Thy voice 1 s us in got.tle tone .
colas, of the erineipal. il S the The inference
°1--'"--' '1'1 --'e is seratali my back and Lewin watch To a reunion, tie'er to part,
yours. it was more like a bar room In a heavenly bottle -sweet "me. • , .,.
front, and the cover eeill also be print- ,
ed in coley. and will fo. el a very at. scene than a court ot justice. The ' • ' • G. •
trutive • title pitige for the edition ruler who satin the chair, put there a --
Each »-'rt Would make an ordinary : all in 141 goad faith to deal out justice t.,r
book of 120 pages., and w'en bound
attractive anti • ratilab.e mementos of
nitinher will be 50 tends and sve p.a.
the Rebellion. Toa ,. Mice of
in book form will he one of the most
each os to dojust what his obligation re- ' billr to its na'''ssie .44.1.!'‘le
impartially to all, commenced to think ' •Iln-JAA-ill l•-•'" t
it was not wise nader all eirctimstan ttestort..e greyekaAt•
that hit craft was in danger, and that HARI ULM
quired Of him, and he dismissed Inc lural color. rtri4e! t'Ayrt
.aiet larf.;‘, l'ai VI: will be -eadv 00.6e. , DAAtiftlft,'
Stept the lutit pip -
of an 13ooksellers, or from the Publish- never has had a trial. I will leave increases Its g
on the 13eti Icly, oral can ae procured NOW, sir, 'ycu see that that case from falling' alit,
..1•114••••• •••• '''' •
atiroatvvseilhz314s:7Vit.il. 1! .41 t
yonr readers to judge of the justice1.
of this case. M. Editor, its a pro- As hr dies. ' crtil
found mystery to me that Men, who sin, it has AO (11)
r. McConnell- Itt Lower Wingham at in nearle all other respects make good e'Vellor.
law abiding eitizen ought to observe!" tylIPICE 'ROUES lellOM 8 :::11. TO 7 P. It
. 1 U •,•, „
8411.1tAes 'of goods lie sells‘ 'Alois ad., "Light. footle" departa en f bus eonday ,Thati eseh inse Margaret gay; tiptoe maw, peovided he di -,es ii, eon. Deolem _......,. . -
verthing too Why does he daub the tributions from Luther G. Riggs of berry, aged eta •yeeire, . sciontiously; bat 1 do think that over% rot OW,
heed 01A mackerel barrel or dry goods the (lineage Evening Telegram, Itor. • ,
box with the woedie iAlt or'r into h R••Iler and Editor De Menil: IldoCnitnrolt.- In Wireshana outlet. the.litwe of the o ientry in which he 1 k./.... 1'. Filmy-, Powtiu&sta.
fOnbs choEp and stick it up ill a Priee, only t5 cents. Ht. 1.01114 Lf.... unlit!, hue 27th 188.5, .Dunctia, eon belie ".011O law as as good a right es ' --- —ara-0,--e-s-e-0-.-----"
eg of balm or a we of sante. in hie wee Publialierie 213 X. • Eight el Mr. D IleCitranionaiged years ituother to leacarried out, and this I •
MOMS Volt rear rata temper navel
et -ere f' St., St. e.ouis. 110. .tale n in.iitLs, 1w':rauee .SAffi bas AS stroug a claim and Friazr nb,/la . P