HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-03, Page 6-4. TJE 'BILES MOAT, JULY LY SO11i,P EE PBACTIOALTAX Accepted the wrong: offer of mal riaae. EXPOUNDED, The local postmaster was unable to resist her 4110040s01/4 and; thus pare a German village there lived a efts, si and a clerk who had often ;fi,rtteled about trivial matters relat• tu,churoii aVairs. One Sunday orating rnituister choose as. his: ;_'xt,, 4A,nd unto him that snuteth. thee 1 tl vented a painful catastrophe. But a whole romance might be written ola the fallowing incident t A young lady' i 1+ ! G4!lR R DIREOTORY. who, had been engaged to f� prosper. .. oils young manufacturer,. was inform., Praatyleeles, d a few dt y"' before the the date the AB11A114 a/MI t;S0 AT 11 A. M. AND r t', 4 ,&u insect caller the• dwrl� locust is cua►l *itt.ng re,tlfye3 on apple tries in some of.the southwellt counties of Virginia,. The trete ere dying by hundreds. sat s t, 1:' SintdaySchanlgt 2iti0, li Paulen, meet marring° Was fixed for, that the. ficin - ed S:legy avehool at ;SO liar, i. Prayer cart :i tt HT1$t. cheek offer shout also. e tllee/itiA;lafteran eloquent discourse was insolvent. pa'i0Y' Bestial. gABBA7.11 SE1IVIn' "5 AT /1 A. M. 4WD V P. 1S, e proceeded on hia way home. The • Not a moment was to be lost, and e k waylaid tl e elergynan, mad a letter was written and posted break* kinking thatthetime triad at last ns, the engagement; when, within two hours it was dit covtlrcd that the re. Mort was entirely unfounded.: The raport continues : .The daughter with Tier pare -its rushed to the post office, and no words eau describe the scene —the appeals, the tears, she wringing of 1 aads. the united entreaties `of tile faintly to have the fatal letter restor- ed, but tlas 1 a'1 was m vain,1the rule admitted of no exception..—The he 1ioyttl fluff. IIOW ro E,E,t1P WELL AND LIVE LONG. Xrivocl for avenging past injuries, ho c,ttfranted hien saying : •Let as See if rf'n can practice as well as you can ale,t:li.' Ice then gave the parson a a' art blow on the right cheek:. That kre nmau determined zo act on Lis t•xt, rather than allow the clerk to teridk and sneer at him, so lie offered iia) Oa left •cheek, upon whi.,h the •n1eria, thinking the clergyman through, ,y coed, promptly administered a 1t-aPiex blow than before,' Now,. laid the parson, who was a man f 'confer large dimension, 'there is. tw..otttcr text which ;runs thus,. Tor ,v ltl the same measure ye mete withal it •Alfail be measured unto you sawn,' and suiting the action to the words, lar 1y,2Vo the clerk such a sound thresh- ing as he had never before received his life, and never wished to ie- ,i;e:tYe aain,. The squire of theparisn Happen ing to pass in his car loge, and di*airolie of. knowing the cause 'of the setae, sent his footman to ascertain ,• wilat it was about. The footman q -lie. ly returned, and touching his hat, :;dill, 'Oh, sir, itis only the part on anti the clerk expounding Scripture to one another ! .Dl•LF'SS PLAINLY ON SUNDAE. •-11:4;0 ,,taste. ' it w 1;ild lessen that burden of many . ,v It i. end it hard to maintain their °p teen .in society. Don't sleep• in a draught. Don't go to bed with calf? feet. Don't stand over hot air registers. Don't eat what just to save it.. Don't try to get cool coo soon sifter exercising.. Don't sleep with lnseoure false teeth in your mouth. Don't start the days work without a good• breakfast. Don't sleep in a :room without ventilation of some kind. Don't stuff a cold lest you be next obliged to starve a fever. Don't try to get along without flannel underclothing in winter.. Don't use your voice for loud speaking or singing when hoarse. Don't try to get along with less than eight or nine hauls sit ep. .Don't sleep in the sante under g,artntn; you wear thump., day. Don't toast your feet by the fire, bt t try . frictiol. instead,- Don't try to keep up on coffee and alcohol when you ought to go to bed. Don't eat s tow to quench thirst; it brings on it dammation of lino throat. Don't Strain your eyes by reading or working with iL suilicieut or flickering light. Don't use your eyes for reading er fino work t • to in the twilight or evening or early _. w.eald lessen the temptation morn. Dont wear close, heavy fur dress beyond the income. • or rubber caps or hats it your hair is If every ore dresscd plainly but thin er falls out, easily. Don't. neatly for church services, persons anytd .ig between meals bxcepting in ru 'deface circumstances and • the fruits or a glass cf hot milk if you feel p, or would be more likely to attend. fain Tont take some other persons Medicine because you' are troubled ...legit -ration in dress would improve somewhat as they •were. t)u manners of the congregation by . . Wrdnt sdu o niilgit17:30. p ni: Play.; iaaoiNr, MM$ti;ti. SABBATff SWIM AT 11 A. Al. and 7 P, lc Sunday School at 5:30p' ra. Prayer coating Wednesday evening at 7:80, ItsY, 0, It Oosatiet, pastor. Ceeeryatienai. SAB>'ATRI :SERVICES AT 11 A, id, AND 7 P. H, Sunday school nt 12:90 r,,. Prayer moetdrig, Wednenday evening 01700. aay. Its. Torres, pep tor. rplacepat. SABB?LTI1 SER.V:OE9 AT 11 P, b4, AND. 7 F, 31 0 Sunday s,.hool in Ltarlfennto'5 ball at12:20 p. nt. Prayer meeting, on Wedneauayovotting at 1:3011,w,. Ma. AfcOoeit, paster. • Chinch et Ilia Samna Aearl. Whold service on Sunday, Mar. 8th nest at 10:80 a. in Femme West, Priest. fl$ETI'�$ &o. WInpkaw Ledge, No. 290, A. F. A A, LS., G. I. C. MEETS EVER- TUESDAY, ON OU 11.61808E the full of the Moon, in their Ilan, Kent Block. Maitland Ledge, On. 110, 1. C. C. Ir. MSETS EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT 8 0'. eLoek in their Ball. Mason's. Block. Minerva Encampment lto 47, 1. 0. 0. F. EP..TS EVEltYSECONb AND FOURTEf MON• day inea,olt month. Visiting Patriarchs cordi- dy invited. court •klaitland, 110. 83, 1. 0.• 1. 'Liners EVERY SECOND AND' LAST FRIDAY 17A e eii nra frt the month, hi their 31a11, Tandyn'y Blook. Wihphom Volvo, No, 136, A. 0 11. C7. AA SETS EVERY TRIED FRIDAY EVENING IN n(,y, the mouth.• Lodge room, Tanilyn's Block. a`ly^r?F�,1i' i book of 100 panes. Std' ,+r�D LJ j The beet book -for an, "9 advertiser to cen- t F 1' 4', 17117 stilt . be he expsri- wy u: t s il?5k08 e'rteed or other -wine. It contains 11sia et u u w updperi stud estimates o'ftitorebtofatlut,r isin,2.1'headveitiserwile wants to spent one dollar, Antis iuftthe in- €orttulips* be requires. While tot Idinwho will invest one hundred tlionso-and dollars in n4 -' vertising, a sahorne is Indicated which w;'.1. meet his every requirement, or eanit mitre to do so by slight changeveasily rrraredZdt bycor• respondence. 148 editign.l have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for•10 cents. Write to GEO. P. 1.OWi✓LL & CO., - I4X8WnPA7.'EIt ADVERTISING. BUREAU.. (108prurdSt.PrintinngRouse Sq.), liew-York, N I T I C . w n erin'�s of the e es. GIVING HIV INI.OR,NIATION.. -.-- A.. job of wort.. will beleb by Pubho Auo- tioli in S, S. N o 5, Culross, on Saturday, Juno 20th Sat Two o'clock. The job is to bund :;•,ons fou:tydation under schoolhouse, ahinele, taint, vitt in new floor and whitei- wash school house rand repair outhouses. Particulars to be made known on the 20th, or by ;apnlyiag at the school or to the un• dorsi gne1. JO i1 PH WELWOOD, Secretary 1, ,e t .sting the a d „ y ,ti al thought% mit .would lessen on the part of • tie A IIegro was recently ! seated on a . rail fence in Arkansas, intently looking , .r.4.11 the temptations of envy, ' uncdar- at. the telegraph wires. A gentleman itahleuess and discontent. passing said: .t would relieve our means of serious "Watching the wires t" pr. seure anlleayemore opportunities "Yes. sag." ' of join good. "Waiting to see a message go by, o hey • TLie negro Smiled and said, "Yes, • THE SCOTT ACT. sah." The gentleman kindly told him that :It i? possible that under the Scott messages were invisible and expl:lined A. t, fur t)'ose want it, to have ail the the working ,of the eleetr;o current to 11 .0 •r they can consume, but they him at length. Concluding he said: 1.'tibt use it in private. Tine shows Now you know sotnething s:)out it. ;;1 :trly that the law was not aimed at wires s 11.te drinking per es, .but at"the public ox_ • "i'i Vat do you work at 2" hihitt 'u and sale of Ora liquor lu places "Ifni a telegraph t;perater "at the where other attraetions lure the: vic- 1Iaztlsw,tch station sail." trill, and help to enthrall him. The •The largest room under one roof in A et uray or may not prove elrective for Y ..the purpose lnteuda�, without ti e the world unbroken by pillars is in St p lyPetersbul g Itis 6.A feet long by 150 e- rreetttass- of ti e above descriptio,, I feet. r bc.iiig fiiable to chliillenge. its text ` A No .L.,' Hampshire court has decided spe>al:s for itself, and so do all the 113':e,y that a physlcian•s horse and :anis made to adores it. A law are 'tools' and as such. arc e:r . t:tnpt from sieznre for debt when they `"',•a must drinking would not be a Gaul fort necessary to enable hini to • prep tuaiy' law unless the ilitenllon were to dee his lrofebsiofi with ,retronaldc rtguiate the cost of living; bub the , sttceeh& t:•00.7,1. Act is not a law against drink- I ts. lithe girl girl, while on a visit to ing It is a lata against selling.—Ca. ; her grandmother, had been. seriously habit Citizen. • ill, and as she grew better was sp ken of Ds culirnlseeut. Thinking it would be 3lnart to ltse SO long a Nord, S ti .E'tO:3T OF rid' ROMANCES. wrote home: 'Dear mamma, 1 L;in happy to tt:ty 1 am convulsivs.' On one occasion a grfntlet 11'ltlyA scientific journal calls the seven- leen yearb locusts the supt:taloa:mita clepre<s:ied execration, After' being called seen an awful name VI's oking person culled and expressed a fear that he hltd enclosed two letters in wrong envelories, and that all his pros webs in 16 depended oil his sllnuldn't think the insect would have having his letters back and co%i'laoting del courage and effrontery to snake its the mistake, initaulueli Os they reveal.atprearltllco lte);oatter oftener ttliu once ed 1 ills which 3:) 11a'1 adopted to sue 111 rcitl years, p p A�atiln)A., what kind oi` a aggon. two 'mwroitntile houses ill till 41i.n10' 1K tlla'v9 'ilignired u 11tt1e girl 017 tVest i '.e O husineas, wi )3t' llttArr?8bS I;lash. .'rilaelt�tl�ti street yeiter'day. 'That's a tel inti e'1e'v point, A il:u;i1w blutlalrr stre'eticprlrlkler, my dear,' •Just then rh't"[+'tIt'd in a In ,re delft .te Earl' I , filler Inver of the wag!! in turned, on tier+ "`""v a" 1 tu,) htti" girl eli'tppi d when 0, eating MOwas most nn:tlou; llira iu I•T in devil= r itxcl iglitt 'OIt f � g, , IQ ban, tl/f l&ttlilrs returned as 414 {rad k maul try, sea it sptiuC I • AYER'S. - S tr aparil] is cures Ie)teumatism, Neuralgia, Bhont, st Gout, General Debility, Cutarr3r, se . n disorders caused by a thin and 'lmpovetr.:;;rea or corrupted, condition of tho blood; alp Stir the Glou.a-,oiaons from the system, ear! ••trh- and renewing the blood, and Ilestorlltg Its .rut iaing hewer. • Daring a loatg period of unparaileled n.ofn • MSS, ATER a SAn8A1'AiiltLA has prove a. it perseat • adaptation to the pare of all dh :'v4 of gieetring,la peer blood and a weakened vii let 11 is s highly concentrated extract of B .vat• p:arilles stud other blood-purhi'yingn roe:, eotn:,ined with iodide of Pottsgsfurit alt Iron, and fa the safest, most reliable, and . se cesmontieal bleed-putit1er and blood -food Et aa:, in: used, itti:attamatory kt1senmatleni Caret ii: Ytt C R.LI:SAr.11tILLA has cored me a•' ft thiitnidtnry Rlteulnatism, with which X '1 smte•re d tot' many years. W. II. Aloor ,Utlt it: tu. its,, ,onrclt 0, 1802. • " F'glet years Seo I had an• attack Of laherrt O et «aa.eatere tleatl er old net tnovetrom th. d 1r r,ht• s,v,itltenthelp. 1 tried several rs1v.y). :rtlhnu^, iamb if any relief, until I took At r 1 t A1' Al lum.A, by the uao of two bett3. bieh 1 was completely eared. I have not t.i t• untied with the Rkeumatisnt Sleet lIav ' '.t»•, r lt.0• rates of your ',i•.tn0APAAILh,A,lin d rush Sitswonderfulpopularity. Tho ;21 t •t:,bie a area it has efreeted in this vietnit., t'i ti ,•," nue that it it the beat blood medium.. rnt c t,e fed 3t t"" I'l;itile. 10. P. 1,;., r I, t., I%ttekhl td, Mass., May le, 1882. " T ant 'levet I wars se weak from goners # batt;' that 1 ectad sot walls without help, lo ttit: the cdviceof a friend. Icommeneed tFJ 11 Itr `y,.1:NAP Alrlr.LA, and before I Kati try, throe battles I felt atwell as I ever did in re r' a I hove been at work now for two mouth tit k vour t3AUSArAittLLA the greatest 1l. ,ue,I:ofue in tab world. JAxrs 1,fAYlem Ecru West 49.0 St., i' ttvr York, July x9,1880 !'. T) S'S e.'..r4.a0.1.3trt:0A elites Dereteek• nil ti:era l:dans Untatpla4ists, ]r.rlralpelsv.e.1) cons, I.ing:vorint, inotei,ee, OAree, 2 +"d 1'at:rr,rq, died lCrulitfere8 t t'tke Shin. It 'j; tta 1).o,..0 tf all l eserines, 51413 disput oe,t „; Imo.. ref ao41oe oi: the bowel!{, and tints Yee vita;I.y stud atreuaaheue the whole lusters. Ill'. .1. t;. wtye:' at tr tr., tt.eitiNt1111t fett'.li '` il+• '`i :!'I' 11.611,,:, r. r+ew NW 4Y,t itrya...0 4i; til—�°.-�---^-v�werle�a --gr..^T.iP"•'.,� '�" .� '" a! 11 a MltbauIu mi?:yer Bleck, Roadtnil room open on Alondays,; iea4iys, iYedne4daya, tputwdayt and l+rldaye front Ito ie V look,. bp. m,, and on seturdayr from 0 a, m. to 30 p, .m, Lf ri'y ellen oft Ttteaday, and Friday evenloga two) 7 to 8 o c1o* and on Efa1+wMMy +fetor• a,on from a to a a'oleok. Rocca Caaacll, es. I0. Oriar at 176g110a islttt*a, � �1IET9 liyli ar F1ii8T MOND) IOVItNING 1 J,u. the month, in their Ball, Taudym'a Btock. 1.. 0, Pr TIC /(AGTB EVEILY FIRST FRIDAY yiVEN1:NCi tN 1,71 the month, POST' o.1. pi° Operu at 8 0.111Oloses at 6.80 p.m Mails tor Made up Leaving at at London, Manitoba and the Western States, via%. FT, a B. expres8 9 00 p,m 7.20 a u1 And again viamixed train 11,16 at,m 11.30 sari'reroute, It oontreal and Os East via W. G;& B on Tuesdays,Thurs - day and Saturday 9.00 p,ni 7'.00 a.m Aionthoy, Wednesday and k'r11ay 11,Ot a.m 1I,21 a.ni 1inoardine, Tinoknow ani the Borth, via 1 3 8.05 p.m 3.20 p.m via Teeswater ata;;e 11.30 tamGtenfarrow on Tuesday Thursday h. Saturday* 4,00 p,m Arriving from 'Open at Htueardine,via W G i91B Tuesday, Thursday tri Saturday 11.21 a.m 11.45 a.m" Monday, Wednesda, and F ridav 8.00,a.m London, via L H & B Express 8.00 a.m nixed train , 11,80 a.m 19.00 " Toronto, Hamilton, via W G & B 3.20 p.m 3.45 p.tn 'i' G til: B eft Teeswater ' via stage 5.00 p.m Glenfarrow, on Tuesday Thursday Et Saturday 2.30 pan The Dominion Organ and Piano Co, C'•C7', , Reongnired x °you ' Aud the to be the BEST FAMILY KNITTING It INNE s;;�r• y ONLYMACNiN3 a r l?I; That will KNIT . RIBBED and' liYj ?MIN WORK t t Perfectly, RI USE, itw our.fkawnmofthe imasr amis4dan)oihn tba.o Tmlrail.eo Diits, Iosiery, Moves. caps, wTites-tilytx these ton be made any tine, 0 O 12II313I 13 IS Prf.Itll fi:t•IQi7. braked the Pearl Iiib-Stitch one-ancl•one, one•tincli two, shear i -throe. rap., perfect in elasticity. beautiful in appearance, more durable and,, ren. feet than Nand Ifrtfttir g., Our Dlacldnes snake the only perfect seanilesa full,fashioned irfO31/E. Rv 1M *1 WOl7Q.D.. •With more stitches in the top then in the anicha Knits the coarsest Fatxuer's ;`sten, Catton, Sill; or Thread. Blind girls can knit And finish ono dozen pnlr;; of Socl.s in one clay; and $:1,00, sa,00 and can be easily matte in one tray, Send for Descriptive Catalogue and Test. menials from 11101 Ind. OREELIVIAN 3313,0S„ GEORGETOWN. ONT. This space reseiived for Tarte g LetdingUnderaker and Furni Dealer in VVingI1am. i . ek J. WILSON Ytrar Eons, Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered members of V.eter ivary odioal Association, are prepared to treat all diseases of Domestics Animals, an . t ie latest and chess Scientific i'rinoiplep Uaila attended to day and night. Eloraea bought and sold on commission. Mee any infirmary in the stand lately ocooped b T. herr, V. S., opposite Merrifseld's Ecom se.pitine Street, Wingham. Heaths largest and most complete factory in thl Dominion -164155. 8lahott Soots over Awarded to any listeria the Wee13 Medal and Diploma at Centennial, 1676. Modal and Diploma at Sydney.,Australia, 1817. ' Id Medal at Provincial Exhbitton Toronto 2878. Wsheat Awards at Industrial Exhibition, Toronto 1879.'0'81. wm ,an Now MAIntifi I'l,nrat3 SQUARE AND UPRiIGHT PIANOS, , BOOT iris Tran M BILBT.- C0m0epond noed.SforIllustrated Cat sea mo(free. I. DOMINION ORGAN AND PIANO COMPANY. DowaLnrcvusn. oats.. 1-i PI 1 0 b 0 � rr,_ro Farfflrs B 0.5 (t? 0 —�- ,�1 tI2 .) ca col tD r•1 . •OS ` .J 0 5400 < (1) -4rrt bo you want to borrow money? To buy more land for 'Yourself or Your Sons. Td build a House or Baru` To Fence, Oloar, tlnderdrain, or otherwioe improve Land. To pay off a Mortgage or otherpobts. Or for any other Purpose, Yf you do the utt- deroigned aro able to Loan at the lowest rates of Interest and more 'reasonable Terms than any one else in this section of the country. AtnytR & D2CISENSON, Barristers, Wrnghanl Solicitors for the Bank of Eamilton. YE f '3 PILLS. Et A large proportion of the diseases which cause human suffering result from derange, nient of the stomach, bowels, and lives. Ay.mt's OATIrART1d 21.ms het directly upon these organs, and aro especially designed to euro the diseases caused by their derange• moat, including Constipation, Indigos. tion, Dyspepsia, "Waddelle, Dysentery, and a host of other ailments, for all of 'which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of theso Pima by eminent physicians in regular prat.• tits, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are hold by the medical profess cion. These PILLS are compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free from calontelor any other iujuriousingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes : "Arm's Pula are invaluable to me and are my constant companion. I have 'been a severe sufferer from Headache, and your Pius are the only thing I could look to for relief. Ono dose will quickly move my bowels and free my head from pain. They are the most effective and the easiest physio I have ever found. It is a pleasure to die to speak in their praise, and I always do so when occasion offers. W. L. PAGE, of W. L. Page Lk Brol' Franklin St., rtiohntond,Va., June 3, 1882. "1 have used Avinit's arras in number' less instances as recommended by you, and have never known them to fail to accomplish the desired result. We constantly keep thein on hand at our home and prize them as a pleasant safe ,d reliable tunny medicine, FOIL DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable. Idella, Texas, Juno 17,1882J.. T, ILoYE9."- T11e Rev. FRANCA B. IIA1tL0WI., writing from Atlanta Ga., says: "For some years east I have been subject to oonstipation, $cont Which, In fntito of the use of itteQi• eines of various kinds, I suffered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago 1 began taking AYEit's Pats, They have 1 entirely correeted,,.yhe costive habit rind have vastly improved my general health," Av:nt's minimum plus correct irregu tarlties of the bowels stimulate the an,pe- titc and digestion, and by their prompt and. Thorough action give tone and vigor to the whole physical economy, emir &nee BY Ayer & Co., Lowell Mess. Sold by all Druggists. DD103ar An experience the wonderful , b' nelicial effects of ,Agars Sarsaparilla. Children tvitlt Sore lyes, Sore AGED. Fars, or any scrofulous or Ayph. 1 n made healthy an trop i itio ttti t, may y d strong by its use. OWTdby alt Ylraggletei 1, Six betties for lid. tr;trrtleek fir.-»Intt natifr..,rt should bar „ .. idn with 2;.!. b'•.,d blit 11Jt 40,15 t11CCY3, Abtteast t r -;, res. site. :'ttt7st'box. T till Cell•.= d �. ,..,....._. Sous'.' •,r .,,t :toetainieto,.