HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-03, Page 4i'' ir''-"'"." 1 ,, .41..4;511..••,,, . i, .r, • • • r r'-, ... ,lf,.. 'lt.,l, ' . • 4' ' l • P • 414 )131iTer IWO'S LIBZHAL CLUB. A. Weill of the Wittgba tit Young Mena Metal will he held on Mon: day event' next, the 9tli inst., in the Igloo= over * B. Grace-oe ftirniture dere. The constitution, by lavol and platform of the Club wili. be disciug an on interesting time p acted. We hors to see a large at: taiciAnce. Meeting to commence at 8 trePolr. in, the supplementary eatinttee, the lominion Government as $35,(P0 cr "expenses of Half Weds 0Q11.111310' ion," upon which the Hamilton Times ertinently asks:-,-Wia;.. spend this arge SUM, if, as the Minister -Wire . cutetior Contend; "the balflareede • have no grievances whatever 1" Those people who oelieve in 0112011S, tud are curious about coincidences, 7.111 be inveree'ecl i noting the fact that in the consiituencizsthe names of which begin with "p" the Sootb Aoc has not been suceersful. It has been . doff abed in Peel, Prince Ede and and Perth. 'it would be repute able if the same result follow in Peteeboro' end Prescott, where is has yet to be submitted. Ca Weonesday last the e;git'teeeth anniversa-y of the consunenatlon the liforniiiion of Canada was celehret. ed throughout the cooniry, Woo° 1867 the Dominion bed made great progress. Our population has largely increased,. our commerce bas extended. our railway system has grown rapidly• , and our Manufactories have become ranch greater. The outlook 'for the future is very hopeful, and.the Do- minion, with its vast territory, its ex- c,d °anent climate and resources, possess- es the necessary elements for a great ' nation. The half time system f= the- public schools has been iu successful popular to make the junior class nurseries for little ones who had barely reached the school age. Tho pressure for room in the junior divisions forced the true: tees to adopt the half tiree system as the only way out of the expense of erecting new room 16r the R0001Xl1310: dation of tho children who were really too young to spend the full day in school. The new' plan divides the junior pupils into two detachments. One attends in the morning and the other in the aftermion.• Thus at the same cost as under the, old s stem twice the number of children are , ac- commodated. • The Winnipeg nines gives a 'moil' glowing account of the crop prospects in . Manitoba. It says:--"Iteports from all parts of the Province show that the prospects were never better. The season is fully at= weeks in ad- vance of last year. The -weather was unsurpassed for seeding, being dey sad favorable in every way. This has been succeeded by opporiame rain; which hastoaed vegetation to a remarkable extent, and when the June rains aee past they will no dou Jt be succeeded by a period of hot vieath- er whioli will rapislly tiring the g•u% to maturity, From every disti4ot the report L that the prospects were never better. This will be the year for the North-west fanners to i in. Those wbo have increased their at:reset)wiI bo able to c gratn'e theio3e-ve4on the result." 4.• The eleetion h East Algoma took ;lace on Monday Mt ard the returne as far as beard 'from, give tr. Lyon, the Beforro candidate a illitiOi")7 of ever 700.. • 4. A London,eable says: ,Itev, Mr; Spiv. geon has prodtioed a profound Seam tial by an article over his signature lu "The Monthly Review." In this the great preacher narrates ill detail the story of the death last year of an eminent judge in a brothel and Ais- closures brought out in the recent Jeffries ORSe, He makes these ex- amplesfrom high official life the basis of= 0 full flavored denunciation of English immorality, and IA Gar:— "Sodom in its most putrid clays could scarce exceed London for vice. To our infinite dtsgust and horror the names of the greatest iu the land are openly mentioned in nneat= with the filthiest debauchery and the most hideous evil that drags in the wake of vice. These things are alleged to be the chosen luxury of certain bereditat ry legislators and rulers in England: Woe unto thee, England, when thy great ones love tie harlots' house top ! Deep is our shame, when we know that our judgee lire not clean, and that social purity is .put to the blush • by magistrates of no mean degree. Ye; that courts ofjustice lend themselves to covering up and bushing up iniqui- ties so great. Shall not God begriev: ed by such a nation as this? What is looming over us—what clouds are • darkening our Shy • • . NF WS OF TPE WEE11. A $10,000 bolt htte been decided a,saiost,the E Almelo Bank. The e over 000 ocachilatee for meteiculation at the Toronto Thiiver To Qui.° boilkeen are et;13 on stake Mateoz au.. ny!ii are deterini'oed to iio • vour.tiwo.tm.f.tts..vAbtxao.di. Last ?Ansa-, wns a bad (4. fo-. to! Milt 'Three elecijni-s v' . Laurie: , Si .ieoo at Wecit e.nd three atifol•lieo, opArk tee:ss of pro. vieciai :fit Vas dust. 1.1.m •'St. Pete) 'e"Cetheci al, Looilon, was (welled ou I'3,111.1ay with intros', off eve!' foonial. Hp,s-c1,t1e is caps; ig veat .osci to tI'o far s rtr .icioity of Slaw!, A conveuti. Wellatai bas de: eu to oettoo.t the Lsubwission of Nt• ,Scett Act', "Sh- Leonant 't taao 'Ole Gtli JrY., E Is Lealai is inoe!a iropyo, ea . Local Market Report, Wingham June 21,111 1885 Fkur p_r cwt. . 2 50to FiourperbI. 5 00 to Fll Whe t per ous.... , 90 to 92 Sin "• 90 to 92 At to 40 48 to 56 if 60 to 6,5 Potatoes 40 to 49 Die.cer per ... 30 to 18 Eggs per eoz Hay per A: 00 to 16 00 Wood 1 00 to 1 Oats •" Dar ey Pcas " ••• S.. • •••1. NOTICE. A job of work vell be let by 'Public- Alio- 3.1.1 S. 8. C1.11rObb, on Saturday, ure20 h, at l"wo o'o eel:. The job is vo build stone forvidation under school botse, sairs.e,,ps.`nt,Iwt u new floor and wiple- wash.self ool house and repair t-thousesk Partionlars to be inadohnown On the 20th, or by apulyiug at the school or to the un- dersigned, XOSEPHWELWOC:0,Socretarir 1101 FOB, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Giving, up BusineNs. frolLTANG avri Co ST leader ok io nit To. r re flaying determined to go to British teele Teri, tt, Columbia I will: oil at cost fa he co..ttonipaix:1 Mai°. !iv of .TifilITY1DIVS, my si:oult of i7 wmob will he I. -0:1-cd ozpi Ls% • Lb S A1147071 7 ilfif t , blame A VA if be e,ibilee te. ;e0 , 0 A:kaiY 0001)8, Wall l'arinni il:e. (qtyi .sii74 1.16e 4,.ee,,...;',11 lip DI. 4, ‘itkiel..r InU3t Lc' olc,;w,:ti Oil t tut the Otore t 1 d alt. -0 Alla ±)ilrinV tvl ns4b,,i, II wie i;lj.,I1121'• • 'agl"' La -1Y `I''1-1 scnaro i Led UV i• 0, ii, --1 , ,.11,0 ir0,-,.10, 1,1,b;01,ca ii" ,".,- P7.71a)INC!,.. cAo, roi," 11,11. A ''1-70Mn uY tr9t, far L 1,1011.1141:611. 41$.5 a :',Janot....n. TIMES*. FRIDAY JULY 8__ • • • ordelltiallit:oo:Alloliorloue,WinOam. ave jtist received apart of a Large ,Pur cumea N4DIAI4St 101i,IO'TWEET-43, Fine Battings, Eta Fine ,Worsteds, These Goods should be seen and our priCes'Atalnad,b7 in,tendmg-purahafere before placing that order. • BOOTS AND SHOES We are offering a very large stock of superior make at Bottom Figure r. GROCERIES Fresh, Ohoiceand ood1.. Ertra value in Ta and:Sugar. See our 20 1b Sugar forand our 25e Tea We are determined that if selecting our geode with the greatest care, buying on the most favurahle term8,. and soiling at a very"small profit will continue to increase our business we are going to clo it right along. GoDorsr & ANCHOR HOUSEI WINGHAIVI SPAPER The best bookfor au A book of 100 pages, advertiser to eon? VERTISag salt, bo Ito °next.. meed or otherwise,. t contains lists or newspapers and estimates ofthe cost of advertising. wheadvertiserwho wants to spend on OUST. Ands in it the in- formation la e requires. while forhi in who will Invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad- Vertising, a scheme is indicated -which will meet his every requirement, or can be MaChr to do so by slight changes easily arrived a bv cor- respondence. 349 editions have been issued - Sent post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Writeto GEO. P. ROWEI,L & CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU, (10SpruteStPrintingllouse Sq.), New York, CARD OF' TitANIM... I desire to return'my sincere thanks to the ,kind• frienof this vioinity, and especially to the irembere of Gorrie Lodge, Igo. 57, Canadian Order of For resters for their "'Iliad attention and sympathy duringmy late husband's prolonged illness. I a,ni also very thank- ful for the prompt manner in which the aura of 01,000 was paid within three weeks of hie death, . With 4the best vrislresfor the prosperity of that noble Society, 1 -remain, • . Very Bespe.otfully, , MBS. AL. Cueivroun Gorrie, aazie 10tb 1685. POST CY1-1:191ICM Oiensa frauc Closes at 6.30 pan •Mails for, Made up Leaving • *at at • London, Manitoba and the Western' States,' ' via L. H. & B. express ,9 oo p.m 7.20 a.m And again via mixed trabi , 11.16 a.m 11.30 a.m Toronto, Montreal and the Fast viaW. G: B on Tuesda-ys,Tburs day and Saturday 9.00 p.m 7,00 a.m Monday?". Wednesday and Vr117 11,05 a.m 11.21 a.m Kincardine, Luoltnow ani the North, via, G B 8.05 pan 8.20 pan TG & B, yiaTeeswater stage, •11.30 &in Gienfarrow on Tuesday Thursday -a Saturday 4,00 p.m ' Arriving from Open at Eincardine,vie WG & l3 . Tuesday, Thursday tfi Saturday 11.21 a.m 11.45 a.m Monday, Wodnesda3, and Friday • 8,00,1a,m London, vie, Ii IT & B Express 8.00 a.to mixed train 11:80 am 12.00 Toronto, Katuilton, via W G &B it • 8.20 p.m8.45 p.m T G & B & Tcesvater via stage . • 6.00 p.m Glenfarrow, on Tuesday Thursday. &Saturday . 2.30 p.m tJ MEHL fb,,otzzed to BEST FAMILY KNITTING T2 PLAIN WORK MACHINE 'AN. t ,it„ 4 ki Perfectly, IN USE, • A. few of the many artick% that an be made on our Femur Bioto.tine are 1Milershirts, 'Drawers,. Mitts, inosievy, tiloVes, Caps, Cuffs, Tidies -al; these tau be made any size. OM% fl1Bu XS PEttrncittoll. !Sakes the *Pearl ItilAtitth one -and -one, one•atai. two. one-and-tnree, etc, perfect in elastielti;:, beautiful in applaronee, more durable and pe - feet :ban nand .unl:sing. • Our :Mu:hires matzo the only perfect seamless 'fill Widened FVY .1 THE W,ORLD, V1nt,0 Pf(411-3 in the ton than in the aide. rarneir'sarn, Cotton, gir13 cry, knit ono divert ttaira 3!) 1,11.1y; /.00, 10.00 and v.oti M143 Ne!td for 1.1.-.1erit,.;‘,1 catalogue, out Testi. :Iv -alias from 01131131LIIISIT BROS., azerigtzzowN, oNt • • And the '11. 10'4'4 ONLY MACHINE )•`‘k?s, ThatwIll UNIT RIBBED and 1 !- IF YOII ABE 14 NEED OF Ofovery description, call and sce our stock at tbe Wilighathraito rutory We cannot be undersoldr as we make such large quantities at one time that we are enabled to sell at a Less Price. Try us for , BEDROOM & PARLOR SIPTES-. before you purchase. . The mo .e you buy at one time the Cheaper you can • get it. Orders for Oar Low] Lots always hate our prompt attention. Saw Logs taken at our saw mill in ex- • chauge for Furniture. • . •SCOTT i3ni.t14 • W‘NGHAIII. GREATER BARGAINS —THAN„ EVER AT THtt4.7"'n Specia glue in Lawns, •Musins Hindoo ;Oloths, Laces, Embrodero, 8cc. A New lot of Plaid Gingarns for Drers materials, and a Greater Reduction than aver in Prints. No trouble to show you our endless variety of Tweeds and General. Dry Goods,: for whioh, any amotint Of. SJVooi is taken in exchange. Righest Price paid for Wool in 'Cash and Trade. All kinds of wool- ' leri goods to give in exchange. Try aar t -3as, T irILLS