HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-07-03, Page 1• .el
`E`ui 1 Roller Flour.
liaitieforcl, N. W. T,, June 27--.i1
priest hasj:e,st .arrived here who has
been stopping with the Indians at
Poundmaker'a ireaerve. Ho says they
lore very unruly, and many are amicus
'to go on the was path,
Wiahipeg, Siea.,June 28. •A des-
;laPi'tt'"hl'. ram Medis'iae fiat report that
'eel while the 'uetnbers' of. the FI.utifex
Battalion were t;adinig i ► see ;Sas,
•r katpliewa-i an So..u.day one of their
riumber,;P ivetek'efvain, was d -owned.
He leaves u i e .aid feef'y to meso i
sibs nthtiinely eed
All the troops in (P0 t Fitt were
reviewed by Gen, •Middleton on Satur-
day aftornoop, after which orde*•e•
were given to nropare for .embarka-
tion today. .It will take three days
to reach the mouth' of the Saskatche-
wan at Grand Rapids, near Lake
Winnipeg. Their arrival in Winni-
peg is net expected before the 8th of " "•
July. '
W,1,.4•.. 1 GHA.1,r.,t FBID.A, . JULY L 3, '85 WHOLE NO 681 :4.
meats or troops along the river, and
oil her return infour or five days the
whole brigade will go honkie, Boats
eta; been provisioned with ten days'
A, Regina dispatch. says:: Mr.
Scott, Mayor of Regina, has been' re-
e-.tai red as one of the counsel on behalf
of the grown, hut up to the present
bas been unable to say what charge
Riotwill be tried. As it is maintained
that the p-iso•ler will readily strove his'
citizenship of the 'United States, it
generally belieleed here that he will be
charged with a relony tinder21 Vic,
chap. 14, sec 12 and 3, Tnis law pre -
vides for the t"iel or. iadieiduals, mem-
bers of ,fueeier States. acousea of 'a
felonly and was instrumental in the
conviction of the eapeured Fenian
raiders in 1866. Reil will be tried
firstand the case agaiust Pound-
ound-maker and the other lndians:•aTid half.
breeds will follow in quick succession.
THREE O ` A li:1VD.
Winnipeg, Jnne 27 A.;eorrespond- a ins vex eon !roe teowaT Goveaniesiet.
ent writine in Le 'Manitoba givea `a The election in East L,imcoe, Len:
• barrowiuga cconut of the su le•• ii.,s-o p . nee• and Algoine tool: LI lace simul-
thh fauuly ct the late aaseph Tou taneously ori Friday' last ',ellen each
,iaiid eesultiug I o .s the battle of ,supporter of the Liberal Mowat' Gov:
tali Creole pal Tia ile The writer _ eritment, was reiurued. Mr; Drii'ree
F a too . , wine eturned to East Si„rcoe by the
states that''Joeeph Tourat'it moved greatly in,szeased majority of 115,
three years ago with hie wifed eight .nutwithstending • the whole liquor
ehiidreu ±i:oui;.the paiieh of ,l Fran and Anti -Scott Aut iatereet was
cois Yavier to Fish Ceee'.; -where be
built a beautiful residence, aril where
he hesided" mail the be ;:bel ig ot last
year, schen itis death occurred. Otte
of his sons "followed him seortly a.te:
wards to ttre'to.nb, leaving fade'4
Toeroed with a Fao_'i*j of jive boys Weat `"Algoma,' which formerly
and. two 'iris /t ed re•pectireiy 18 gage a !air Conseeveti,,e majority,
•' * ud ? ears., V, ?e (Teti, Middlee ee*urned Mc. Cjotiinee, the ktetorin
,),- see . . -P••• : `• ..,. nr 0.-0 vet e' `•"w> rli}:%. 1L',w.ti 1
-nen Aran arrived ttie •haves 'k a = ,
' majority of 52, with Feve •al Polling1
tacked with caneoih. and the Tou'+olideta:-.: , to"•4iear f,- a', <<r111012 are
brothers ;•► she 1 ops et' seving their ce:'tain to increase Aft Comnee'3
Arranger against hien.
Ie Leni 4: the at crop was a• fail-
ure.. a td, elelackstock suffered a de.
feat, the majority ttgaieet him being
(3. .The majo;itu. for: Ms sueeessflnl
opponent is thus "somewhat .widerthat
of last year: "e
Fair Canada's 18vh birthday politi:
airily was loyally and quietly kept
here, Our Brass and went to
sardine .to assist their brethren ,;here,.
end eapecii a retinae of. the uompJiment
at an early date. In the morning a I.
cricket match were played on the Park
between the Dandles and the Dames,
Mr. 0. k, Williams was the champion.
Dandy and Mrs Oreo. 1)ufltele the
captaiu of the Daisies, Aa will be seen
.by the following score the Daisies won
property, joitlecl''the hand; -of irsur..
gents eommentled by Dumont, and
fongneeis best they could during••this^
time. The two young , gi''ls, feaing,
'for their'livea, ana yielding only tee
their fright escaped with one Miss
Geveis carrying in their arae two
children. .allost without !ilothing.
They gained gained the woods and disap:
peered to be found no more,. With:
out doubt, they perished with cold and
lhutiger. ,,:After the battle] of Fish
'Creek the Tuuronds. retreated to Ba:
tool', where two . sons fell neon the
battle field. The third' was' danger,
ously wounded, and the remaining two
'.are' now prisoners' at Regina. The
mother is now alone wi.hout a dwell:
ingor means of subsistence, and with:
;,o it even the support of the children
ale) survived So many midi ortunes.
The feeling live is that, too much
sympathy is tieing created !or the re;
bets, They created the troubles,.aud•
i a v re.:p the consequences Unless a
speedy example' is made of the -ring'
leaders, it is believed there will be a
greater rebellion before many weeks.
Every day adds. to the belief that a
•aeunrt:martial is the outs tiring tribunal
rr the trial of the rebels.
A deepo,toh, `'ooh' Fort Pitt ear!.
,;that Gen. Strange Was a petted to
at ;Ye from .t'leavee til:selon w'tb his -
i•'t,ops last i1'„lit.
No new has been received from
either Col. O..te; or Co', I dne, bat
both etre be+levect to be at Ca. see Lake.
Fort Pitt, June 37, via Stratibenaie,
;7. W. T;, Juni29.---Tire Winnipeg
Iu'iintry ana 65th Battalion
Acirtesl this morning from Bever
Ver, The latter marchod 38 miles
one clay.
'teenier Baroness; started this
• for Edwentdau far detach -
ine orio-v'. .
'the fallowing are the marks obtain-
able in the month of Jnne in S. B. No,
11 East Wtuwauosh
\.Fourth class—Marks obtainable
1100. !Maggie Lind 950, Sarah Irwin
782, Emmy, Hanna 7111, Agnes Icing
Third class--Manks obtainable
1718—Charles .Ding 1435, , Maggie'
Jackson 1432, John Lind 1273.
Second. class, Senior --Marks ' ob:
tamable 1739—Adeline Roach 1081,
Albert Jackson 962, David Beecroft
Second class Junior—Marks obtain-
able 1261 ---Willie Lind 1001, Mary
Lester 864.
A can eo ,taintng sixty dynetnite
cartridges was found bi some epys
under a stable neer(!eebec,'en Ties;
An exchange says,—Some elder
maiden about town dun's like us be;
cause occasionally we call them old
maids. That's no sigh we' dont like
them; why our own wite would oe au
old maid if she was'nt married
The Bishop of Huron has appointed
the Rev. G. G; Ballard, A. Be T. 0.
D., to be .:ester of the Ci,apterHouse
in London, a; successor to bile Very
;Flee, Dean Boomer. 111, • Bollard
«ill take charge ox his now perish on.
1st Sep6enilhor.
A coerest,o'lde*at says : The test
logging bee that ever was heir in tae
tow_ ship of Colborne •res at the fir
of Geo. Buieovis on the 12th lull.,
whets thirty line, siva VOA t.l of horses
and one yoke of o:.ea logged fifteen
acres and did it well. Some of the
au i.Steotts 8.61 there wound be no use
ml i.Prg a tree whets you Coltla ,hop he.i
'whiskey, tttt it in quite the opposite,
for as iuueh work, as welt done,' with.
out ono wor:l of dit'eeeuoe, was never
pre°ornl,ed hi Lbo county of I,urou
before the 1st of ,lJ ty, hetet, as wad
dine at this b -e.
Tracey,.:..,..1 ••• ........ b Bray . .
Hawk....... ..c, Duffield b Bray
Will?.clasp .......... ......b Bray
Whitney..,.., o .Duffield;,.. b Upas
Nichol .' ... ., o Duffield
W. Dinsley, cBrat, win, b Duffield
C,,•. Mooney ,stulnpeu' out
Dr. Young...o Beat'..1t. Dueield
T. 13e11.. .... ..b' Duffield
(Jerilyn.. . ,.• .....,lrascqutcheon
Total,. , .
The weekly Round of Lubin the County
• of Huron and Vicinity
Oa Sunday last, Mr: 'Wilson of this
line had . horse Struck dead bylight-
Mrs, W T. MoEinney, of Turtle
unvain, Manitoba, formerly of Hits
locality, is tome visitt►g her friends of
Bluevaie and vicinity. •
Mr. Frank Wright, of ,Iainestown,
has received theeontraot of gravelling
on Ws ,line opposite Mr. Maxwell's
0 at 65 Dents per sq. iod,
Miss Maggie Collie, teacher, of Ver -
14 'met :eine, Afich., daughter of Mr,
'John Collie, station agent, Bluevale,
is home on a visit to her frieads-of this
locality. Sorry to' intimate'ahe. never
saw a person under the influence .of
intoxicatink liquor from the time she
left Canada until she returned..
o. We regret this week to anntfunce
the death of Willie Elitott, son of Mr,
47 James Elliott of the 4th con.. of
Turnberryoallie deceased' was affii.t-
ed not more than three days when the
case proved a serious one and on
8 Saturday last 'he was called home to
8 that .mansiou prepared above fir all
those who servo the _ Lords The
funeral took place. on Monday last,
which .was largly attended and the
remains were conveyed; to the Bluevale
cemetery where they were interred.
Ile leaves a loving father and mother,
1 brothers and sisters to mourn his
Z+1: .demise,
I. L.. Bray b ms .
G. Duffield...o Hawk b WilliaWilliams 14
F,, Stone: . b Williams:
E. Groves, ...o Tracey „ Nichol . 1
E Diusley .. ...b Williams . 4
FMc(sntcheono bNichoI 0
Brad win ,...,.. b'.Wtlliehiis. 2
Mcquarrie stumped out. ........ 0
F Found li Nichol 1
Hemuth not out
Total. , 44
A 'Poet ball match Wes also got up
beteeeP• t }}''9 rneni )ere who were not
taking in th,a=' tooling tri eezes,"' The
Captains were Messrs. Feaak Hello:
way and s . J. H leeocks. ens His-
coelssiie wore bv.glues to! 1, so of
course tli$ others gay $ had' all the
The Coad Cha..'»!onsl►ip Cups Fere
pleyeu fo • And won by `Mr. Bio'•v1; in
the heavy cotess„ and Geo. id'ix,hee in
the li lit .weight claev.
The annual' picnic of the' Eentist
+iSabbath School, held in Peiton's grove,
was n very successful affait,. and both
old and young, spent a ce}',y' pleaaan;
and enjoyable clay. The Members of
the • eongregationbl S. S.`'held their
annual t•outbig" in Wilson's grove,
acid hast a good tiiire also.
In the afternoon hnuchllt adver-
tised Lacrosse Tournament, the Her:
riston, Cuckriow, 3iineardine, l•Vroxo
ter and other teams" did not present
themselves; Lista well team bei.ig the
oal'y- aspirants 'for the championship,
(which by the; way' is held by three
or our d` Brent clubs ai:•ouch't) The
‘\Veetbtinaukees plavod. just well
t nough to 'gel: downed 8 goals to 1.
)n fact it r.*ei,!g scale thi ee year since
thee won a match success wonld ee an
awnl surly ise,' A repo:•t sot having
teen h•bntled :Hand ovr reporter not
hatiug betel i.uvited, we cannot enter
into an ai►alys+e of the playing. We
uudr:et1nd the hankie team did. some
very 'vette- pletyiree tun( tuns they
have a., •emc,edt to play i.i Listowel for
the cup bee eea she 12th and 17th.
.. The shit e:►olders of the Loyal
Oauadia'. ' visa 'ac 3e Conhpanv have
cotlfirmeid tue proeoeed retiuctiou of
the capital, ,
Toronto P:•estoterians have begun a
so les of pea+se meetingi, the filet bele
iu. tete Aur ew's Geo. ch, being very
A painful, and whet Wight have
been a''atal accident happened en the
farm of Mr. Thos. Maunders, hoer
Ethel, in the township' of Grey, last
week. J t appears that a young man
named 3'olitz Nicholas took aim at a
crow sitting on the grouud ani the
ball glanced about seventy rads,
striking William wbarp, who is engag- I
ed with Mr. Maunders, on the jaw-
bone, inflicting a nasoy wound, Mr.
Maunders had medical assistance slim'
monad et once and the bell WAS
Extracted. Niclitotes says the shooting
,ware purely assileiltsl'
Rey. Mr, Healy has returned from
his trip to Montreal where he was
attending the General. Assembly.
Palette bilge bud implement agents
are t e worst' pests the farmer's have'
to dee; with, Which tiro the worst 2
e a► ,?t.::sr ,134448. .
ast Monday the Buevale Cheese
factory .Witted :cut forty three cheese
aiveragiag about seventy Ib. or over
three thousand lbs. of cheese. What
factory eau beat that.
'A few, evenings ago at rather a
late hour three young. men callecl,.at a
house on the .Bo,iuna' y. All the in-
mates were in bed but one of the
yoang ladies. They politely asked
her forsomething to eat as they inform
ed her they were veey hungry anti had
travelled Prom Brussels and were 1 u
their way to L ineardine, They
could not be prevailed on to enter the
house to eat, as no doubt she young
lady was anxious to see the young wen
with lamp light (why should'nt she
be but they preferred lunching under
the hop vines, where ample justice
was done to well cooked pies and
cakes that were freetyy given. them
and still more to the i fresh milked
calves, they certainly loomed old en-
ough to be wearied, but from the de-.
crease in the Weight of the milk at the
'factory nett morning proved that to be
far frons t to ease. Ansi from the
hearty appetite and jovial memos
I think th..i our own tetra ieiglht lar
claim to dune ,eittzenship, but they
will, no doubt 'be' welcome to earl
again if the ravages of hunge!.. over--.
ta1-e them in their nee t- tramp to Kin:.
sardine, if they will not be quite so
mu lb a"raid to siiow their faces.
Sttlnnier etr,orteents are in full
swing end •plc ecs. socials, creeeet
pe 'ties, t&c,, tt'e all the 'age.
There is a .e: e alma:tancce he •e of
au utnhsual y see' vy o op, etoee'a+'v of
the ole ores' The heavy Wes
which' li:.'e vi, ted lie *ewe One Lo
irate have roue a cel ta'u atnoa et of
damage, bet at the scree tent, . base
done more than ail eq, :;reeet..tnhoo. t
of good.
5t.eedeet •ir,t wienteteed it
A .'Cv 903ee3410' t W*..11itry ikosi eool:ji 711
the Co??,,regatro 'at cult Chi heie. The
ltoa a' clteueu at i O'clock, refresh-
ments woke dispo%e.! c;: until half past
and a nuleleal and literary pre -
gramme wise opened with an addrea s
from the pastor, Rev- Mr, ifcLend,
after which the auperintendent, tdr.
Longley, spoke for souse tilne :on the
past and present rotate' of the Sunday
school bene. The tnnsical talent of
G,orrie, Wro.:eter and Wingtiatn were
represented and writ sustained, 111.0eft
Rogers, of Gorrie, who sang are solo
and took part in some quartette drew
forth thunders of applauee from the
audience,, Miss Brows and Mr. 'Thos.
Gibson sang a duet' ,and received an
enthusiaatiti encore., They, also a .s-
listed at the quartette singing, Mr,
, T. Gibson was much admired for
hisGeodeep, mellow voiee while singling
in quartettes and solos, The hasten
mental part of the programme a as
well sustained by Mr, Alfred
Hems, .of Winghane, who wts enthusi
astieaily encored and;'applauded. li4r.
S. Caney, : of Wingham, was also
present and gave ••several readings
which kept the audience •in..perpetual
convulsions of Laughter and drew forth
round after round of applause. The
speakers present were Revs. 141essre
irl ai they,
Edwards, Totten and Black,
with Mr. McLeod its the chair, which.
poeitiou he just *tamed•fitted to ' oc-
cupy. 1 n regard, to the speaking it
woa:cl be barn to find four speakers
so- thoroughly in 'ae'ord and who
seemed' to understand sowell just
what suited the people. Altogether
•too' residents of Turnbeiry and
Howick received a treat which they
will not readily foiget, and we tray
hope it will in. time bo repeated,
The population of is village, ac•
cording to "the assessment roll, - has
increased 125
F ars rupia e year
y ..
Or `Mr. P. Corrigan an old and 'res.'
peeted'resident ot Kinloss,' died last
week,' age;! 77 years.
' The tea meeting under the; auspices'
of the Ladies' Aid Society of the
Methodist Church h.ei a xw'at; 'sadly
and financially a success.
Mr. J. Chapman, of this place left
last week on a trip to auld Scotia:
While a number of young men w ere ..
engaged in, jumping, throwing the
stone, etc.,';on'the square here a son of,
Mr. Roach, of Culross was struck on
.the side of, the face by the stone. which
'weighed some,,fifteen or twenty
pounds. He lafor some time On the •
ground in an insensible state, bat was
finally able to be assisted, home by his
A member of No. 1 company, 32nd
Batt., Port Elgin, named John Gar-
row, nes been sentenced to' the county -
gaol tor 20 days for neglecting to re-
spond to the call when the 32nd was
out for active duty to the front
last montih.,The News thinks this
should serve as a wholesome warning
to all other members of the volunteer
force, that when their country calls
there is no option but to promptly
obey. t
Aro yen, distul•hod evli night aitd bru-
keun of your rest by a sloe child stiff.
ening and crying with pain of witting
tep.thl if so send at once and get a
bottle of 1Irs.Winslow's Soothing Syr -
tip for Children THethhng. Its effect
is iuoa:eulable, It will relieve the
poor little suffeer immediately. De-
pend upon it mothers, there ie rco mis-
take about it. It cures dysentery and
diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and
bowels, antes wiin3colic, softens the
gums, reduces inflammation. and gives
tone and energy to the whole eyetera.
Mips. Winslow's Soothieg Syrup for
Children Tc ethtug is pleasant te the
taste, and ,s the proscription of one of
the oldest and best feiniale physician
t,nli rouses :tt the United States, ar a
'a for ..it by al iruggists throughottt
• :,, WO d. 1.{s ieei 25 cents a bottle
Fih ro ct*-r n ed+c`nal preparation
have the rein d4 of the lnosi, intdll;l'hit
study situ sein!h.i:iu 1 +rami'.! been to
bteedily anti t,h eeres trete' eutilieed as
in Aye^'e' S!:rsa pat•:lia. :lt leads the
lis*. as a truly seieu*ifio pretptratitat
se u ' b .ntti tii3 ea1►ed,