The Wingham Times, 1885-06-26, Page 6• THE TI.UES f `1 ID AY, PINE rcz 0 JCDOE TOMS QN THE SCOT`f 'wl vds bow her m• Mala had sung re: TRE La= 'MOWS OP- 141,1!E Aar, plied: 'Very bedty, for they made her do it over ag>tin,' Amu .father remarks made to the 'feud jury .Rt the County Court seas - int recently held at Gocderioh, Judge otua spoke as follows concerning the guff &t t.and the law relating to it; .'n the latest May the Scott Act had (come law in Huron, and such being Le case every effort should he 1ntJ,de ay the constables and other officiate 4 have it carried out to the fullest extent. One law had as much right o be p operly carried out as another, and the a(.ott Mt should be no escep- i tl to the role. The i;eueral sessions al the ,peace was meeting, and it .41ltttild Ida strictly itrlpressed upon all. If there was more push in the itlicuelc that dismissal would be the world there wound be fewer th angry, portion of any who failed to en_orce half -clothed, t omelees, suffering child- dlae: low ,iu this respect. The officers ren • fewer broken -clown, dissipated eQtaould not be allowed to wink at vio• men and worsen ; lens need of alms• lativaes of the liquor law. His own houses, houses of correction and homes IV•iewe were to insist upon the consta• for the friendless.. ltte� Alia others to see that the law was Push menus a little for a neighbor enfureed on Lain of dismissal. At the in trouble. Push mems a lift for lest uwetins; of the county council, that yourself out of the slough of despond: iv.ni,y had been petitioned to snemorin• encs and trouble, real or fancied. ,lize'tlle• Lieutenant -Governor in Couu- Push never hurls anybody. The hard: cin to appoint a police magistrate for er the push the better, if it is given ta,r darty .or. Huron. The duties of in tee right direction. Always push the police magistrate would not be up hill. Don't be afraid of your c,.ntiued altogether to the administer muscles and sinews ; they are given ing erf the enforcement of the Scott y:a to a e, Don't be afraid of your Act alone, but would extend to other, Bands ; tiny were sum it for sorvieo. brunches of work. In the Scott Act Don't be •tt£raid of what your compall: :natter his ,jurisdiction differed from ices clay say. Don't be afraid of your ilaa. of ordinary, justices of the peace, conscience ; it will never reproach 1 . coat there was no.appeal from his you for a good deed --but push with ne:wion. In other cases his powers all your heart, might, and soul, when. Wuulo be little inferior to that of a .ever you see anything or anybody will. ,judge. Jnder these eonditions, the be getter for a good long, strong de - P r•.un selected to perform the .duties a,.eould oe ebuseu irons the • members of tne bar. He should be a man who p st•eseed the confidence of the people, t should be possessed of oouside- X a :eigal ability. Just listen to this, Mortha !' ea, CI aimed 'D,r. Ja;phly, who was read. ing his eveuteg papa". 'Une 'e !ill's doge in London prize bow is valued at $50,000.. Good gracious. That's more money than 1 ever expect to be worth in my life,' 'Some dogs are werth wore taint others, Jeremiah,' q&otly remarked Mrs. Jarphly, and Mr. Jarphly eyed her for a moment, audesaid she need not sit up for him t11a• evening. PUSH. OAI ''TIE S. o. • '11e "What do you say to Christ - elves for .our wedding. day." —"I sty no, sir; ,you must be simple. Do. y n think I want t 0 be cheated out of one set of presents." *..stern lawyer. not in high repute t o. i gentleman: 'Do you know ttnat I aur a direct aesceniiant from . ilr•c Standish Z ' Besponee: "Is it 1••,Lsil,ie 1 What a decent !" Spaniard, in the first pages of English grammar, desiring one "• :•niltl at the table to co helped to ere boiled tongue, said: ''1 will 1 ,ark you, miss. to pass mit the le.i liege." ' V,•1•y colt last night, Mr. Town• ss.:id observed the reporter. "Grid, shtlu d say so. Wenthome' lit a .teeelle; jumped into 140; tried t 1.:.IW the candle out; (Ofidtl't do it; l,efize frozen; had to break it off,' 7 •,riled Mr. Town, end A poet sent as a poem beginnieg. al "gaze at the moon in the sky.' '1 .1 oe right, young man, that's where t ate .at 1t. Don't try to gaze at it a n >r the tea or in the coal cellar. k r •k to the sky. •Ueptain, we are entirely out -of a. !sanition, :aia the orderly sergeant n company of veluntoers to his uaptaln at a late review, 'An t:r iy out ?' said the captain,' • 'Yes, tirely out,' answered the sergeant. case tiring,' raid the capteiu. A story is told of au old lady who ref1' f cl to be comforted by herpastor*s aloe that tl.e Lord would send a 1 t r pastor As his successor. 'Na, the said, I line seen fourteen Ugh 1' exclaimed Brown, 't believe 1 .hall :reeze to death; but /tee goo to de, sometime,' !madded, 'and 1 might as mai die that way as another.'' web better,' replied Fogg, consols i.„cry; 'you'll have Stich an a roel1 etlt cll,',eN CO threw Ont oft the other side, termined push. • Posh ! it is just the word for. the grand, clear morning of life ; it is just the -wird for strong arms and young hearts ; it is just the word for a world as ;full of work. as this is. If alty- body is in tronble, tend you see it, don't'stand back, push If there is any good being done in .any place where yott happen to be, p:ish ! • LET US'TItY IT INLIHURON That a system of larger constitu- encies, represented by several mean: hers, •toula secure a better Perlin: ;nett than some et single --membered districts, steins likely enough. The inattcr has not been anuolim discussed in Canada yet, but it has received a pretty the: ongb ventilation in England in connection with tl:e re:distriiontion of seats: The small end of the wedge hes been inserted in Ontario by giving 'Foron:o three membra !arid each elector oily two vcteo un,ier tithe Be: 1istribntion'Act of last session. If the plan works well it can easily be ex°ended to counties which have three I11otnb.lrs, like Huron, Brnee, Gray, 11id,llesex acid Siincoe.- Toronto Citi: zen. ,r FA.SHIION'S FANCIES, Laois lazuli is the newest shade of Mlle. Parasol:; have canopy, mushroom tops;. Jersey corset craters bi'l fidr to supersede all others. liens have mostly Sugarloaf crowns and narr 'w rolled brims. More and more popular grows the jersey ,racket, waist and web.,ing. , The cidt brim bo.itmet growls slowly itt flavor with the American, women Parasols match the costumes of those wlio can aflbr•1 everytliitag they avant. They ore often made to order of the same materiel as the dress. Coldred and bordered handkerchiefs o: every coeoeivllble color and furter' tie pattern aro in the height of their glory. Bill the fashion will collapse suddenly before leng,. round and . y r .. fit/ tr. ' Collars tend culls of red and bine A lady Was singing last week ata perc.tle. cotnhined, are a novelty. A meas :y aancert, and ha audience in wet..y stat are o,G blurt of eetked percale, Slotted un 13cp:tin lie. swig 'a *scowl *,eed•Wit 11 recd. The corkers are turn: lame. Iter daughter, a 1iatle ehlla, I eel Iick, showing he'' led lining etas pr eestc,and on beiltg asked atter. Either ride eau be word oattvard. It is often eitei r to make great sacrifices than little ones, to right some great wrong than to prevent .a multitude of small odes, : t is easier to do battle for a grand idea tl an to give up a prejudice, to; estublitth a man'a ifht to citizenship than to respect in silence his right to dress as he pleases. Yet it is the little things of life that contribute moat largely to fret and worry, or to peace and glad nese . and bo who possesses the true spirit of conciliation knows that no Right is too email to be respected, no kindness is too trifling to be rendered, no part of life is too insignificant to command oonsicieretien, BEER AND WINE QfiESTIQN A drinking man ,, if he can't,obtain whiskey or brandy, will guzzle on beer or witted, and it is only a gnea tion of a few more drintrs to roach the "paralyzed” state of intoxieatiou. If it is baneful to be )orae intoxicated on two or three whiskies or brandies we cannot see that it is commendable to attain the same end by double that nnmber of glasses of a Milder intox- icant,—Ayr Recorder. PRUNING EVERGREENS. Many parsons are afraid to trim evergreens, under the impression that tis the buds are in sJ many instanees terminal it would be impossible to cause .a fresh growth of yunng shoots. The fact is, no other family of plaints is more greatly benefitted by systematic pruning, not even the pines. The great majority of plants aro furnished with adventitious buds, that is, hidden organs which develope and grow from the surface of the branch apart from their usual position. We have. only to examine a perfect hedge to ascertain how much denser a plant may be induced to grow when frequent clipping has been resorted to. Under talo plea of formality some otherwia1 careful aboricniturists gleet the pruning, but this .is a mis- taken Niew, as the operation is merely' recommended while the trees are young, so that in after years an oc: easional refectory limb 'will be all there is needing cutting. Many care: fill gardeners prefer leaving this work until the first week in June, as the tirstgrowth which is usuilly the most vigorous may then be 'checked, and induced to thicken up. Sufficient time is also allowed for the new growth to mature before severe weather can injure it. • DIRECTORY. Presbrierias. . 0ABBATH SERVICES AT 11 A. M. AICD•7 P. 0 Sunday Sehoolat.2:SO P. M Prayer: meet Wednesday evening at 7:30. .Rev. ti. litaQuaa pastor. irptlH. ABBATI1 SERVT•' 'c AT 11 A. M. A:iD 7 P. M. iJ Sundayaehool at 2:1.0 p m riaycts mooting. Wednesday evening at 7.30. N, koelso. tC'ABBATII SERVICES AT 11 A. M. and 7 P. 111 Sunday School at 2:30p• m. Prayer meeting' Wednesday evoniag a2 7:30. Rev. (3. M. Cossisa, pastor. Seeerseenssal. • • ABBATII SERVk;PS AT A. M. AND 7 P. M. aJ Sunday mime' at 1.3:30, pan. Prayer 'netting, Wednesday evening at 73X. Itov. 3ie,. To'roa:t, pos. tor. Episcopal. 0ABB ATi1 3EP. VICC3 AT 11 P. M. AND 7 P. 51 0 84nSay set»nl in 1C.aolicu.do a haIt at"2:30 p. tn. Prayer meeting, on WW anesd.iyeve0tttg at 7:3J Mr.. Bio. 51eCnsu, pastor. Gersh of the Sawed Nati. Whold cervico ouSunday, Mar. Sth 311 1031a 1u Feru';w tVayty Priest nest at )i►� • QGIETIES Fac. • Whighan ltdjo, No. 208, A, r. a A. IN., a, 8. C. 1,4 BETS EVERY TUIOSDAT, OPi OL BE1 O13E 1. the tull or the Moen,, in their Had, Kent Bleck. tls;tlred tedme, 140, 116, 1. 0. 0. Y. � LETS EVERT'"rX1TJI1SDAY EVESLNG AT 8 O'• 1TJ clock In their 11,11. Marion's Brook. e abate* Cnetapz,,d No 47, 1, 0. 0. P. 1CrrEPAS EVL1WSE, oNu AND FOURTH liON'- 711, day inom ei month. Visiting Patriarchs. cord1. ly invited. Court Ntifl,ed, 9o. 21, 1. •t. F. i BETSEVEnY SECOND AND LAST FRIDAY block a eninga in the month, in their Ha11, Tas mly Wirehui lodge, 114. 126, A. 0' 11. W. A� EFTS{ EVERY men FRIDAY EVENIN(l II+I jYk the ntonth. Ledge roomy Tamtyn's Meek, Norge Cornell, No. 16, Calor N /bows Friends, 1ih"EETS EVERY t15$T MARIlAY EVENING IN IV1 the month, in their Ilntl, Tentlyn'r Block. L. 0. L. lie. 764. '. i CUTS EVERY 1 Stet' FRIDAYEVtNINO IN 171 the month. „r tdoebtefae Institute. Beaver Bleak, Itoluther recut open nn Mondays, Tne'dsya, Wodttaodeye, Tlydredtys And Fridays front I to 10 &clock, p.lo., And on Saturdays from 0 A. m., tele p, m. Library open on Tnosdaty, and Friday evenings from 7 to 8 o oieok and on Saturday atter. noon from 2 to 4 o'clock, ISLAND HOME. E Stock Farm, 411t tl%aii II. , WATNYI (00,, MOS. SAVAGE & il'AI'4NI/Me $'rgirietose. -lmpoli•ten— PZH,CHENON HORSESI All stook selected ftrora tile gel o1 siren sad Urns of estttblisla replete:: tion end registered int ties g,erroh and American stead becks, .1-SLAMQ HOx. ; Is beautifalli situated at tie head of Oroeee !le t* the Detroit river, ten miles below the city and aeoesrible by railroad and ateemboat. ''ichors not familiar with the Rio losetloln may: oall at city oflee, 51 Campos' Building and an escort will aeoompany then) to the farno Send, for catalogue, poet free Ise mail. Address Savaem & FAR HIM; Detroit,Mioh. ?iARI WAR. WAR, 25 Cants will pay for the Times for. Gr eey, 4 -•n.w*-w.�w.�Y1Y4L■ - I J� C0T.TR PAW 12111rIN 111:111}Zt e Heegnetled T •* �4-4 .And 1110 k MT t , t ek.441 °KYiGattRt:t rnt�lrr° �,` `°'3 Thatwii ItMs KNITi1MQ r s 1nr 1 ,a INDEED end” 1 ] m- rule WW1 ht13411Nf � I•` �1,, ,, ,,.,rs'.4— u3z reffeitl�w E USE, F. A its w of the tttaty artielee that ear he nefele ort our Fondly Machine are CJndt' ohh'ts. Drawer% Mitts. Hosiery, Chorea, Caps, Cuffs, Tidioe—air these eau be Stade ally nine. ' ODA NIIIIPIEll IS Y' aestrrserrxieet. ' Malas the ?sari atlb-)Hteit enetind-one. olioanclt two. one-end.three, etc , 'melee* in plasticity, b.axtiful in./wpeenrtrce, store durable and pea,• feet fleet 1ltvad Knitting. ftOue,iMiaphdos mare he only per*. maantleof NOSINNY 11'1 THE WORLD. Wait more istiteher in the top than in the arkM Knit* the eeareoat lartter'e Tarn, Cotton, SI11 sr Thread. itlind porta seat lct'it arc! Rauh one dozen pate) of Socks in one day; and $2.00, $3,00 and $4;141 eau br, easily /nada in vac day. Sand for Descriptive Catalogue apd Testi menials from tho Blind, CREELMAN BROS.* GEORGETOWN, ONT. This space'reserved for months. Sub-' 3 months. cubo' scribe Now, and : rhe LoadingUnderaker and r tee D calor in gingham. get the war news 131 The Dominion Organ and Piano Ca Hae the largest and most °omptete iscteoy in tht Dolnsnior-150x183. Highest Bonn over Awarded to any Nokia CAM Todd Medal and Diploma at Centennial. 1873. Medal and Diploma nAustralia, Bs(becaistrhiofTmto MB. MigtMedal at nduel*!loYovonto 1879.'60.V. • • WE ARS sea MASwaerzoi dna SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS, BASE rte TRH hammer. Correspondence aefoieed. Send roe 1neetrated Cat move, matted tree. Address DOMINION ORGAN AND PIANO COMPANY. Poornar. vILLa.,oxr. 1 lJ � "4 464 r4 c) Eett O: 0,) 4-4 0 to . , Farffler&Candewncrs Do you want to borrow money? To buy more land for Yourself or Your Sons. Vo build a Rouse or 13 vier To Pence, Clear, truderdrain, or otherwise improve Land, To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. Or for any other Purpose, I! you do the un- dereigne d are able to Loan as the Lowest rates of Interest and more reasonable Terms than any one eine in this aeetIon ol! the country. MHT lit ct! Dr:C HISNSOA1', Bairistern, Wiughdm " Solicitore for the Bank of Hamilton. . & J. WILSON Furni e' Veterinary Surgeons, Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered members of Veter i.tary edieal Association, are prepared to treat all diseases of Domestic Animals, on t ie. latest and moss Scientific Principles, Oath; attended to day and night. , Horses bought and sold on_ootpmission. Oce any, infirmary in the stand lately occuped b T. Herr, V. S., opposite Merrifield'% Hoe sepliine Street, Winglia,m. AV'ER'S PILLS. A. largo proportion of the diseases which cense human auitoring result from derange* moat of the stomach, bowels, and liver. AYISR's dATSAITIO PILLS net directly upon these organs, and are especially designed t0 euro the diseases caused by their deranges moat, including Constipation, Indigos• tion, Dyspepsia, headache, Dysentery, and a host of other ailments, for all of whioh they area safe, •sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS by eminent physicians in regular prao. tion, shows unmistakably the estimation 10 whioh they are held by she medical proles/ Bion. , These • Prize aro compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free !roll calomel or any other injurious ingredient. • A Sufferer i]vtn headache .writes t "AYER'S PILL0 090 invaluable t0 me and are my constant companion. I have 'been a severe eniferee from Meedaoho, and your Pius are the only thhig I could look to for relief. One dose will gxiokly 0070 my bowois and free my head from pain. They are the most effective and the easiest physio I have ever found. 19 is a pleasure to 100 tb Speak in their praise, and I always do NO when occasion offers. W. L. PAGE, of W. L. Page & Bro." Franklin St., Biohmend, 'a., June 3,1882. "I have used AYER'S PILLS in number‘ less instances as recommended by you, and have never known theta to fan to ueeomplisb, the desired result. We eonstantly keep them on hand at our hone and prize them as 6 pleasant, safe and reliable family medicine. FOR DYSPEPSIA SIA they aro invaluable. . T. HAYES." Meta, Texas, Juno 17,1882.d The REV. Flt,tvcrs B. HARLowr, writing front Atlanta Qce., say's: "For some ycard peat I have Atlanta, subject to constipation, from which, in spite of the use of med,- cince of various kinds, I entered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago began taking AYER'8.PILLS. They have entirely corrected the costive habit, and have vastly improved 107 general health." • AYRIt's CArizAnr30 PILLS COrroet 1vregis darttics of the bowels. stimulate the nppo- Mite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and vigor to tisO whole physicai-economy. PIUIPA1a8D BY Ar.J.C.Ayer &Co.,LoweltyPOa ,. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNLI, 1 M2 experience the wonderful beneficial effects of I OLD,ILE- Ayer's Sarsaparilla, AGED. FChaloen wthrSrle niya, sSh illto taint may mae healthy and strong by Jul use. ' Vold by all Drngglsto; $1, els bottler for Lir ;3 Tani of-' heti Uiritet�.:t sinned bet t wish I1'rdock Blued Skiers ike twee, Ai,icewtas, Fevers, Sures, *0. brat • p p t11 T 1I1G8UhiV t GO.. .... gos.t,l,axrsls„ T au* .