HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-06-19, Page 8t,
! FOR BraTISII 001.4.1MB1.4.
•Giving up Business1
sEnal•To arr
T 0.0 $ T I
• Having deterunhea to go to British
Columbia .1 will sell at cost for
THIBTiDAYS, my stook of
FANCY GOODS, Wall Papers, &o,
Stook must be cleared out as the Store
Come Early and. secure.
N.B. A iliertse and Lot fiir We*
also .a Phaeton Buggy.
• Newsy Notes, Neatly Nailed.
Lawn sooials.,
Fine growing weather,
Boating will be poPular.
Veeetatien s progressing finely.
The fall ieseizes will open at Code.
rich on October 18th next.
•Get your neighborie to subscribe for
Tue Tress. Balance of the year for
The adkpertising car of Doris' Inter -
Often circus arrived here on Tu.esday
dr The net increase in the membership
era the Guelph Conference is between
1700 and 1800. . .
'Theannual pima) of the Baptist Sate
huh solemn hero will be held on Do.
niinion Day.
Iteinernber • the enoetiug of the
Yallag. Men in•• William's Hall on
Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
A magic lantern exhibition will be
held in the Saved Arnay barracks to.
morrow evening, commeneing at 8
Rev. W. J. Branclop, of Belgrave,
supplied the Methodist pideit Sunday
owing to the absence of Bev. Geo. .H.,
gornish. ,
We notiCe In the list of gradeates
at the Wesleyan Ladies College,
• Hamilton, the name of Miss ' M.
fl, lines, of this town. •
T A. Mills announceetbite week
thee greater bargains than eriee are to
be nal ab the "old reins "store."
Read his advt. au another- column.
Remember the garden party at Mr.
TLos. ' Hendersorese 131tievele road,
this (Friday-) evening. Band in at-
teueance. Admission' including re-
freshments only 15 eente.
the tentlpeteeenell. They have already
ein Bell finds it slow Work sinliing
' gemPthrough over fifty feet of grevel
.islightier more than was bargained for.
the new butments of Johnston's
bridge have been completed and the
• bri-ase is now safe to cross, although.
in our humble opinion, the whole
thing should have been over hauled.
T104 Mtn FEIDAY0 'TM 1
MUSICAL TUBAT. 'Personal PisiragVaPh. 1413.0M-THB_NOiall 'WEST. °)ntained twenty open cl°111 P.evW.
• ming wild animals, jut as this mow
. ' !On Thuraday evening next, the • Vertine'nt Persona outorst rrosalasa. The following is an extriot from ster drew advertised, Thie will he.
the most gorgeous exhibition eveagler.
ensfy Produced. a private lotto received by a friend
nth beet., ooneert: will be glveri in. ere by the Telgrnann
the Town Hall of Gilbert Leogat,e, formerly of. en on the public streets* We tibial,
Family, witeh premises to be themiss meeuke. a ilooso'ii, la Bast Wawanosh, now a •seout in, the all Ir°i° I:14444°4 tl) be' on hand °/
richest wasical treat ever given here. Tikotlop, at lib« W. ()hammier). North West, addressed, froM Aftioee rseearatt t°11YestlieeeateSeht°W10eta!liem."re:
Wherever' this talented eompany - Mountain, and dated Ma' filet ult :—
have appeared the menabers have won Mre. 4'. B. lilaolrall, of Clinte.n. is malt rocorr04 1170n; member day and date.
for themselves unqualified conimendir visiting atUr, Geo, Moicars, 'kind, and welcome letter last night and
,on for their lino and enjoyable Mrs. jas. Johnston has returned was very glad to hear from you. 1:
concerte, Each -member is a oultured from her sisit to Courtwright. never theught 1 world have to ge . ,
artist m the 'very ' highest class of • miss Bonaneyne, of St:;Thoteas is through the same racket as 1 have• WaTorre,—At hie latelesidenee, No*
music and we bespeak fee them here visiting at kr. J'ohn, Anclereoeas, • dere the last few days, 1 am just uel Wright,
, . .88, Suffolk street, Guelph, Mr. Sam -
Deceased was born in Suffolk, Brag;
Peter Fisher, postmaster a this town.
father -in law of Mr.
land, in the year 1800, being one of
with a first class entertainment we is visiting •,at her fathers, Air. B days, so you may know I feel sSrt cif the pioneers Of ' the eity of Guelph,
and the oldest member of the Baptiet
trust will be highly appreeratect and Nfeao, blue to -day, but 1 have one of the , eaeree, _Fee pasaqd away 2 !at Xay. .
meet liberally pataanizecl. t.l'he mem: Miss Louie Cornish is visiting - best horses X ever rode—iv Montana
riends gt Kincardine and Barlingtin chief, and well trained, T
- eaa make - leaves three daughters to mourn hita
at the advaneta age of Sh years,
hero of the orchestra ha,ve always
been ready mad 'willing to assist in all eleie week. , • him lie down and shoot over his back lose, He , was peeeekaial for bis
our local en ertainments, and our We had a. hanist, upright dealing, and his Wait.
Mrs:Peter Fisher bas returned, from. and he will never move.
eitizeue should •shove their apprecia: big time the last tight, as we were all
weeks with friends: eat ahead of Col. Otterle. troops., We ness to the poor. Mealy splaisters
tion ot this by giving them a crowded Guelph after a stay a a couple of
advance of taondhiostiarma ewhveciilLl ahvael;ebeseintieewreoleryue!
house on Thursday evening next. For • oot as far as five pallet in adv
Mr. Oliae, S. Black returned Tues -
further partienlars see posters and them when eve saw the rtibels in a pathy
prograins. Theiollowing press notices •daY evening from a trip to, Lindsay ravine and some others in pits, with • this° whOnt his loss.
the Telgmann li'amily have received and neighborhoed. • •or two of our number went back and
Ono bereaves. Father Wright, as he was
prove that their coucerts are well Mr. John Clegg, of Myth, is spend- reported. to the Colonel, and he speeei„ familiarly celled, lived the greater
worth ettending: ing a few days with his brother, Mr, ily got his men in good shape for ylzratsoifroaplicceint;t7. ry a life of godliness
His beautiful champ,
The BrookvillaDaily Tinaes says:— Wm, Clegg, grain buyer. ' advancing and marehecl them up ter and" simple Chei tian faith .liave
The audience were delighted with.the °. 'ttlr. 0 E.. Bina, of' the Royal Em- within a short distance of the tebete impressed their lessons utifedingly
entertainment and are enthusiastic in pormm, in in Toroutu this week en. quarters. The enemy then began to upon the great many Who cOlo within
the. The command was at once given
, for us to "exchange shots" which we his Christian intineace. It will
. their praise. Meny considec that no joying a little recreation.
such eutertainment wee ever heard UN. Jinnea Watson spent a couple be long before the Memory of
Sarnael Wright, and the testimony of
his life Will die in, the city of Guelarb.
a hearty welcome by our mutate loving • 142„, Wm, gepps is Immo again. borne from oaaup after very long
eitizens. They appear here underride, having been down to Qu'A
the auspices of Kincaid's orelestra, Re has been working in lierriston.
whose efforts in providing Wingham Mrs. John Williame, .winninegeters, 1 rode there and bank in five
about 195 miles from our headquar«.
bere before. 'pn„ did at once ; be; as'we were• workiog
of clays in Kinearline this week
The Guelph Herald says:—The joying the. breezes of Lake
Huron.- under • considerable disadvantage
Telgmann Ooinpany's audience is • - 'against their ambush -we could not
never disappointed, hilt always from '"' ' i'ir. 'John Carruthers, who- has been
make a successful attack and had to
the fiat piece to the last listen with doing California and. Missouri, return -
eager attention to the perfect oxen: ed to town Monday evening.retreat, and this is the time our men
fell. We retraced our march four
bion of some of the. master pieces of aqr., Mrs. jas. and Miss Mary Rey. • huudred yards and turned. two gat -
the greatest .musicians, while their nolds, of Walkerton, spent Sunday : ling guns on the black rascals, meddle
. renderme. of :Scotch and Irishairs call with their friends in this town. truth of the matter is 1 dc not ever
forth a perfect hurricane of applause. •Mr. Reba Tennant is absent this want to witness smell a sight again.
• The Kingston Daily News says:— week in search of a N. L pair or The siege ' only lasted half an - hour
horses to acid to his already excellent l when the lobe's that- were left ran for
It is very seldom that a larger and
. .their lives. • We immediately mount-
inore select audience than Which as: livery stook. •
Mr. S. j. Sovereign; of Chieago, ,i, ed our horses and took after then,
sembled to • listen to . the concert by .
the Telgmann Family is seen iu the • -8 ; running, moSt of them down and taking
at present at the Bay.' Mr. McOosh's, :teem priacthers,
Opein House, Every box was taken •The most km was
his dauger is - lying ' danger-
every seat on the ground floor was oc: wherewith the teemsters when they were
copied, and :the gallery was filled. �u037 IlL ' ,, . , , ' retreating, :as they lied to crops a
The music surprised and delighted the , Mrs. Hague, wife of the Rev. A. 0. little erook, and most of them got
audience. At the close of each Ace E..uge, of Arcade, Wymning Co., N, steek, and if ever :you PAW men ex-
a,..e peio 1 ) I a. 1:: is visitivisitingher mother, a Mrs. F. eit they wee, es the balls were fly -
ed and. . . • • eceived ' a well deserved en. • e
1V.00urdyeef Turreberry. , in=°-paee ' them' in all directions. 1
tore. •
. Mr. Oleas.•Solnandt, formerly of the think die fuss is pretty well over now.
Exchange, hotel, is in Toronto this , U, L.
The k oot Ball team has arranged to week securiog the stook' for the tobao: -.
meet a team from Turnberry at lien. const stare which he is gotag to open '
.dersonesam the Bluevale Road this here. - • ...• - • ' ' THE • COMING . MONSTER AG
(Friday) evening. mr. i.witeet4 %war of leir. James: , . , . GEEGATION
A large wedding party. from Bruss: b. Wateoraimplene nt agent here, spent - john 13. Doris' mammoth shows uni:
els drove into . town Wednesday eye: a. few. days with; Ms son last Week, ted -with the great later -Ocean. Al
ning, did the town in short time and baying kvit returned from a trip to Wreitheen. Friday July 3rd, is the
dreve out again. ; the Emereld Isle.. , He appears much day and (bee announced for the app-
. .- , improved in health and spirits by the ,oara000 ee. the "Greatest Show on
MreThos. Nixon, cf Donnybrooke jeep,
has a lien which recently hatched out- Earth," which has received the high.
a broad of 34 chickens Mr. Farrow, Mr, la Drown, proprietor of the est marked encomiums of the eutire
M. Pea Weald rte doubt attribute this to saw liiii1;9411
con.,East W n h
awe, es , press and public wherever its might:
returned on Thursday last from a jest of oanyases have been ereetod, and
the effects of the N. P. four weekstrip through southern Da-. one of our excheages says: From the
The hot weather that is coming will kota. Hereporte afa'e.ryehing booming entrance of its Greed Zoological lnsti:
greatly help the man who earns his in that dietriete .and gays he found the tute to the exit of its Mammoth Three
bread by the sweat of his brow. crops further-' ahead ow reaching De- Ring Circus, it eoinniancled wonderful
When it, is hot he can'eia down and kola to rreent'hiege than they were on adauretion; while the elegance and de,
swoiti without ever eifting a hand. his return here last week. Ono via cortenwith which every department of
this colossal consolidated show is con:
doted, secures the patrebage and app.
We have received from Lurie &
Graham, Toronto, a copy of their
sheet nausie, "Welcome Horne, Dra-ve,
-Volunteers." It is patriotic and well
worded. and' -we predict for' it an ex-
tended sale.
To -morrow a game oc base bail will
be played on the old aeldetiegrouncle
here between the Young Active junior
vial) of Goderich and '-1ia Norte Star
junier club of this town. Genie to
eommence about 1 p.
The Canada Gazette e'rf Satueday lags, he says, which started fouryears
ego with -one house -now boasts of a
eontares the fallowing announcement.- little over_ 2,000 inhabitants, and is
Thirty third "Iiitroe-Battalion of royal of the most fastidious. who are
Icnown 'by the mime of Scotland, al. ' notin the habit of attending public en.
Infantry —No. 2 Company, Wi
- -ngbelli -though very env "Scotch" are to
—To be •setiond lieutenant, provisiou- f be tertaiuments of any description. The
. ound among- theinhabitants. aeanie features are the best on the
road, rendered iu a smoothness and
- eleanliness'rarely seen with tent shows. Wanneece 133'0.1.S.—An exceedingly .
'1:115 missionary .. income of the - Among many ef the attractive novelties pleasant event took place at the Royal
Guelph Conference kisaiointry 'Society The garden party nnder the auipices
for the yeanjust closing is $16,399,78, of the Y. P. L. S., Methodist chiirch, Riders; the equestrianship of the Von: of Mr 'Will Ballage. miller, to Mist, -
were the Troaps of l'i enole Bitycle hotel,. Teeswater, being the marriage
and eery circuit; is eeported in full. will be held a week front next Tuesday derful William Showles, who, as a ' Sarah A. Willey., 4.e Strathroy, A .
bare bitch rider, has no equal; Troupe large nemaer of guests witneesed"the .
elf Skillful Siberian Roller
rect. from St. Peterstairgb, apootally nicely being preformed by tits Bev.. •
Skaters, di. tying of the ,neptial -knot. the ceie-
engaged for Doris' New i'vIonster alr, Stewart, of Behnore, assisted by
Shows; reurteen 13r:wily Turks in the Rev. Mr. Munroe, of Teeswal sr.
bale treble v 0. pv couple .were the reeipients
their vvonderbil riatIVe eostninee, pre, tree hap
i meats the whole . forming human pyr- in ecling many useful artieles. of silver. •
minting thrilling aad acre of numerous and .costly •presents. in, •
next. The attractions .and novelties leetrateiwith numerous Mier:winos
.t 'tof II E 1 t' d 'd s tl I''' I ' D tl . ,. in triela w'are. Afor.the ceremony ,111r. and, '
to be preseuted will be the means of embr . -,
acing poi rex s on. c War aim si- le 'is ioi ro le.t..4,.
briiiging an immense crowd to town. Blake, Sir. joliu A. Macdoaald, and new and citing 'aerial trapeze bete, atria Dellaele left on a houeymoon ''
Wath for posters.
• other Canadian statesmen., The farm; are (viler wonderful, end deserve the trip to 'St Thames, Londori,. Sarnia,
Mr. W. A. Eider is'in 'town at pre ' ing 'department is edited hyYrof. Win, immense applause given thoni; Flinny and Strathroy. We exteuel to thein
sent soliciting orders • for Artiold's Brown., of the Ontario Agricultural (,J. IL) Adams' known as 44Fico," the - our congratnietions, and unite With .
Automatic Steam Cooker, ', This novel College; the home department by -Mr. celebrated English Acrobatic( (flown, this their limey friehde in hoping that
and in eniorts ia entioti constrneted Mereer Adanis, founder of the "Oana: is a marvel, and one of the sunniest ,their married life may be one ofhap- :
ally, Charles Jedward vireo
James Johnston, deceased,
Heavy rein storm on Monday last.
Axle of the saddest deathsthat has
coourred here for some time, is thatnf,
Oliver Tiowson, which took place on
Tuesday morning, after an illness of
only one week. Deceased 'was the
third son of Mr. Ames Howson, and
and has 'been fore some time in the
employ ot R. Coats & Son./ He was
a member of the Town Band, which
accompanied his remains in nioutia•
ing to the Cemetery, and'as a eilark
of friendliness and respect, the Dohere
ty 'Band else attended, He was
member of the Presbyterial) &nuclei
To say that hie relatives hasee the
deep, heartfelt sympathy of the people
here, does not convey a proper idee of
the feelings of the community. Tho
floraktiibutee sent by friends weae
both numerous and very beautiful. --
Clinton N Era. ' r. Rowson was
well known beae, and was a general
favorite with the boys, alio will tegret
to heat of his sudden death,
BALT.A.G31---WILEY--At Te0S4VA.tel"# at
the resideace of tho bride's brother,
by the Rev,. Mr. Stewart, ef 1301 -
mow, assisted by the Rev. ,
Munroe, Teeewater, Mr. W. Ballagh,
• miller, to 11 ise Sarah A. Wiley, of
Strateeee, '
Lately the question has :leen asked ,
here which is the real representative '
of the DInevale imp) agency --
the owner of the top buggy or the
Mr.- J. W. Brutapton, of the Ford: •
wick store, liar probably the best
assorted steel; in the township—und
Will knows bow to heudie 10 the
very best advantage is his rapidly
grewinn popularity asserts.
Tho income of the itlethodiet church 'This week eve have been shown a,
of Canada for 1883-84, from the same new work published by J. S. Robeit-
• ground was ee14,640.47. son & Bros , Toronto, entitled "The
Canadian Home, Farm aid Business
The Caledonian Society of this towu 0 ei
ye ape a. It is a well bound hand-
' are nialtitig preparations for Caledonian sonic book of over 800 pages, printed
games. to be' held here in September in dear pe on tele ejected paper; a.
• A meeting of the Directors of the,
Winghern Elorticultural Society. will
b ael4 in the • Mechanics' Institute
to morrow at 1 o'c:ook p. ni., to re
e-ve a deputation from the W Ingham
C iledonia Society, and for other
besiness, ,
Mr. Armour, of Walkerton, who
has purchased the airline and skating
rink here is going to convert it into a
ill rink. A. two -road -a half maple
meta floor will be laid down and the:
1? I Ming thoroughly renovated and inn.
pr med. Mr. Barry ]err ha e taken
tit coo:tract, and the work is Ur be 0:
slimed by September next,
Tio sub in Ohnneere, •Visher es
havirg been decided irs Nvor
of to former, it is rumored that there
Are i .ite number of applicants for
the p irohare of Seott's late residence
on John street The t.cristle" will be
g.t1 hortative for some of our lead:
ing capitalists. The property beine
enntral and beautifully situated, will
prove a good investment for goats
on seientifie prineiples, is uneijuuled atoll Monthlyf and the business de: clowns. Ws sayings are new, novel piness and prosperity.
for cooking Anything that can :be
baked, 'boiled or roasted, it 004 be
used on any kind of stove—coal, wood,
oil o' gas, and is universally endorsed
end recoil:owed by all 'who have test.
ed it, Among the Many points of
exeellenee .possessed by this cooker
are—it near boils o'er; needs no
watching; all the nutriment and Piave'.
'of the food is retained ; no steam, or
odor can escape into the. room:
great variety of food can be cooked hi
it at once without the slightest inter,
mixture of flavor. We eat confidently
recommend Arnold's Cooker as being
the best mid cheapest for family tide
that we have over seen, end have no
doubt itrwill have A large sale in this
neiglibdrhood., ,
pertinent by Mr. .George McLean
Rose, ex President of the Toronto
• Board at Trade. The numerous sub.
jec s are ably treated, -and it is the
most complete andpraoth re book for
'general infottaation ever published in
this eountry-. The work • is purely
Canadian, Is especially adapted to tae
terming cominuoity, and we predict
font a large :ale. It will be sold
only by subscription . and we redone
mend all who have not yet seen it to„
call upon the agent, Ur, James Witt
son, of this town'and purehase a
copy. They will Alia it te be well 1
worth more truth the pride asked for!
is Every business mitti and farmer
. should have a Copy of this usefel and
valuable work, •
, •
and pleasing.- Next cetnes "Betts."
the ponderous and pioneer 'WM -eI
phant,141 years of age, the oldestin
the world. Following these you will
positively see the best male aitd, female
equestrians and equestrienees, more
warohats,wondlful strongest men and
wonier, twenty bf the world's best lea.
pars, eintrepion hurdle riders, larbotis
lady hveehorse riders,' lady aerialists
sassy and gentlemen trapeze petforet
ors, daring lady w1re4valkerS i whole
family of giants and midgets, teu of
the funniest of all clowns, fifty sages
of traly wonderful rare wild aniirielS
perfcrniing elephants, performing li-
ons, a earavan bf trained camels and
tigers. troupe of trisk stallions end po-
rnes. The grand free strict parade
Local Market Ile ort
• Wing:ham jute 10t1i. 1880
Flour p,,r cvst; i50, to
Flour per 5 00 to
lFVi e•at .pet oils.— 90 to '92
Sin 's • 90. to 92
Oats n ... 40 to 40
Barley .41 44 *.. 48 to 5.3
Peas 44 44 00 to VI
• Potatoes 44* 4, 40 to 40
Dotter per 10 to 18
ItIgge per doz..-- 11 to It
to 1600
4 1 fl C) fa) 1 StV