HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-06-19, Page 6Tf.a TIMES R.LMAY, SANE 19
CONIIIO iSUAAN LWLEU'S !took a dip from the reulitard pot,
'etnd hie eyes lakewiee proved too weak
or too istrong for hie will, Theta Alia
WILMS Congressman. Lawiier, of young friend,, in a sympathising tome,
Qhteago, made bis first visit to E'ew •iugnired the cause of tris grief. biped
York, some years ago, a friend invited the beguiled tone;
born to a restaurant. where they cal'. 'I was thilllring it tree &.Pity yell
ed forr seen cI before, and le hail. did not die when your old father
ed soft•shell crags. Levels
y d not aid,' '
kuow what they lose. He liked the>u,
however, and a ►few days Afterward,I THE SCOTT AUT:
a ishiatg to regale himself again with
sotee'o •the toothsome crustaceans, he The writhe visited Port Elgin last
hunted up the restaurana, walked in wok, driving by way of Tiverton,
and 'sat down at the table; but he had d:,Tnderwoad and the Devil's Ell"'
All along the report was heard that
Sao liquor oenld be parehased at any of
the hotels. In Port Elgin a personal
trdeit to several hotels led us to firmly
believe that the Scott Act has shut off
all bar room drinking and hag less
forgutten the name of the food be
•eesircjd. Looking over the bill of fare
Le saw lobsters. He called the wait
,er cud said
'"1,Viiiter, have you any lobsters '14
"'Yes," said the waiter.
'Bring ane a dozen," said Lawler, soled the consumption of spirituous
''A dozen,?" exolairn the waiter liquors by at least 90 per cent. l:n
In astonishment. conversation with a number of reeves
Lawler sate that he had made a . and •deptt'ty reeves at the cd)tvnty coup
Inistalre, blit he was not going to ad- oil, it is even admitted by thole who
opposed the passage of the Mt Haat
blit it. much good has been accomplished
"Coltfouud you,.'. he said, ''dont,
since the first of May, and that were
the Berne to be submitted to a vote of
the people now that the Act would be
sustained by twice 1311—the majorty
given. ---Brace Reporter.
Dr. Oaesiday, 'of Goderich is a
lover of the bowl,, and it is alleged
" 1w niter, I was not so hungry as that since the Scott Act has ceme in
tuought I was. How much is' the to force in Huron county that he is
:bill 1 ' willing to: grant a medical certificate
'"Fourteen dollars and fifty cents,"
replied the waiter.
" Veiic is notas Mach as 'thought
it. would be," said' Lawler. "Here.
you needn't mind the change,' and
him ling the waiter $15 Mr. Lawler
waked out.
;you suppose 1 allot what I want 2
13, lug me a dozen,'
The tabs, was cleared •ef everything
that was on it, and Lawler pitched
in. lie ate an .he possibly could.,
sailed fora glass of brandy, thein lot.k-.
,ed up at the waiter And said:
to any person who wishes to purchase
a drink of spirits. The license com-
missioners learning that ouch was the
case have served notices upon the
liquor vendors of Gederich, request-
ing nim to fill no more orders upon
certificate from Dr. Cassiday until
further notice, We aro pleased toeee
GASTROJIU'MIG-Gt;SSI13, the authorities taking action in the
matter of the abuse of medical certifi-
Pa,noakeP, says The (deet, are an
•evil peculiarly American, ca•.es.--Ex. Harlcnzss ,gr Co,
.Tolhn Pratt, of Kincaraiue, prose- Lender, Ont
A.good dinner sharpens wit, w>lile Sold by s11 Ice ' ^•t:
at oitens iile heart. A hungry man cutor under the Scott Act, was charg- and i'attccna,. Tisa tat
Is as slow at a joke as he is at a ed by Lot Roe, with carrying u reS: ol-
... .,•�, �,,. ,.. -_,..*c, _,,_.•
l Akibl., AND GARDEN..
Adorn your rural bottles,
:t pays to look after the bees.
Sue, bran and you buy manure. •
The only A 1 timber in .br,ilding.
Stook Farm,
ea6O$aZ ILS. WAYNZ 00,11D01.
SAVAGE k FARNUM, Proprieteee..
Keep adding to the compost heap. .,-Ifeteteo rise
Make manure fine before using it.
C band (horse the beet o i nseod.
PERCHERONCay soils groe the bet onion seed, a 4.itil
Clean, careful culture compensates.
I3ad farm hands cortilbinate '�chil'
Give the bay's a holiday ocoasio-
Good variety el seegliana ^the am-
All stook ssleot'ed Frere the get of
sires suea, datee of ectisblirhed ;.sputa;
tion end registered hi the J.+reech and
American staid becks,
87:4 \rc'! EQA..E ..
Isbea'atifally situated t~t the haticr el
,ADVIOIi3 i• TO MOTHI BS • Grosse le it the Detreit rive., ten
miles beton abs city and accessible by
Aro you disturbed at night and bre-
railroad ate eteemboa . Visitors not
ken o8 your rest by a simii child suff-
ering and crying with pain of cutting
teeth? if, so send as once and get a
bottle of Mrs.Winslow's Sectling.Syr-
up for Children Teethipee Its effect
is incal. ulablc. It will relieve the
poor little surlier immediately. De-
pend upon it mothers, there is no mis-
take about it. It curer dysentery and
diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and
bowels, cures windcolin, softens the
gums, reduces infeulrn:t,tion, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system.
Mrs. Winslo,v's Soothing Syrup far
Children Teething is rleasent to the
taste, and le the pressriptiou of -one of
the oldest and best female physicians
and nurses in the United States, and
is for sale by all druggists throughout
the world, Price 25 cents a bottle
liAii BALM
Retires ercy
hair to its race
turas eater, re-
moves Dandrt-ri•,
stops the Mira;
fror, felling oat,
increases it
gra;ntii, addi will
not soil the i
skin.'?'• r
As. hex drys -'fir
sing, it heel co `�
superior. Guar- "f?
anteeelI1umleea:. ,
familiar with the location may
call at city ofa.n, C`a Carnpen Building
and an escort will accompany them to
the farrn, Sand for catalogue, �� post
free be' mail. Address OA'VAGE dr; FAR
NUM, Detreit,Mich.
!AULT urn's; tu:glia;
,la orgissd ow 44 %1 Andthe
tlllttoa i; �•!4Aw.t f1Nt''i,hcintit
h�` That will KNiT
, ,;+.44 j+3 INBRED#nd
perfectly. .,
"l USE, .r.re►'; j,.
A. few of Cu zrticies that can be Palade oh
one AY.mily Ms hire aro Undershirts, Drawers�,,
Mitts, limitary, Mot Cs, Ceps, CulTh, Tid4css4w
these sae be made any elle,
O11U153 Tvh73Pl1l:Y IS ?1'ifPL'CTION,
Ma':soee read Rtb•Stiteh ors-and•one, one•ancl-
17o only-agd•th we, etc„ perfect in elasticity,,
beautft^a in ap;iearnnec, more durable and per
eos At:.n Haul a1 nittln,r.
ua• Machine make the only perfect seam1es
' e.t.ac!toncd
T.71`h more stitches in the lop than in the ankles
;Inns the me/meet Fanner's Tarn, Cotton, Silk,
or Thread. •
Blind glee an knit and Mobil one dorm pains
of Socks in ono lav; and $2.00, $8,00 and $4.011
tan be easily made In one day.
Send for •bescriptive Catalogue and Tee*
inoniais from the Blind.
Cents will pay-
ayfor. the Times for
3 months, Sub- 0 ®
scribe now, and
get the war news
,TheDeminionOrgam and Piano Ca
Peeparcd by
It is related 'of .a famous cook thet
he prepared fish so exqusitely that
they returned him grateful land ad-
71i,rring looks from the frying -pan.
itest before ]reals makes digestion
An:,re complete. Fxertion' immediate:
lv before retards digestion, and exer-
t'o immediately afterwards deranges
Beef brains are an arti le of diet in
'Chicago. Resturants where specula-
tors en Change take lunch buy all
that can be obt"ined. There is a
,superstition regarding brain. food that
causes speculators to eat large quanti-
ties of this dish.
'flow 'many of your pert'nts, shit•
elreu, say grace?' asked a Sunday
Scheel te.deher.
',['lease, Muni, what's tiletu 1' asked
,an overgrown girl, in a'last year's
• Why, Maggie !' exclaimed the
ttaceer, 'is it 110saible you (lout know
what grace is '1 Deese t your father
illy sumethillg before yuu begin to
•e,, t'1'
'On,' responded the girl white t ow
d,t , uitel:tigenee, •'yles, mum, lie duos.
.Ile always slays: Dont ruesse huge of
,yourselves; teat's all the _butter there
1n the 1,o'a a 1'
As a rule Indians do not give
d.peln expression to, their feelings. A
: t•trler an she far Nest giving a little
4 lines party, invited thereto a few
n,dl! civilized Indians, who displayed a
d.eslre to 'se thruug t' we ball of fere,
:1 toting eider alter eyeing the anus -
turd curiuu:,.y fu,.' 'some time. ' helped
euei,elf to td gunid spoonful Butt steal.
;0e d:.. it. lie said nothing to betcay
11•, a i.tunishe lona; bat despite Ihilneelf
t,.. .ears streamed clown :his cheeks,
sic aged c. lot dilating opposite asked
*lax. ,te :1'ir$ oryi.lg atom,, ,hitt Was
4tl:`!d'd.•i' intotome Uti wta4 t:,zi.nailily nil
tits ,,00r old 1"dtcber ,bo diet's a sit oe,
tune riga. Ivrd•s'ent1y the old fellsw
ver contrary to statute. It appears
that on Sunday night week some men
in disguise are said to have visited
Pratt's house for the purpose of show-
ing their resentment to him on tic•
count of acting as prosecutor for the
dbcott Act Assoeintion. This they
were unable to do as Pratt refused to go
outside. In order to protect himself
he purchased a revolver on Tuesday
last. .Before he reached home, being
delayed in prosecuting the charge
against Hiram Monsen, Constable
Walker was directed to search hlnl
for a revolver, and Lot Roe afterwards
laid information before Vie mayor.
No offence having been committed by
Pratt, the case was dismissed.
Catarrh—A new •1•raatmen•e
Perhaps the moit extraordinary
saceens that has been achieved in ruod-
eru medicine has beeleattained by the
Dixon treat went for catarrh. Out of
2,000 patients treated during the past
slat ui.inths, full ninety per !cent hats
been cured of this stubborn malady
This is none the less ntart:rng -a nen It
is remembered that u,,t five per cent.
of patients presenting themselves to
the regular p1 ictrtit»iers ars benefitted,
while. the patent medicines and other
adverti..ed (lures never reeor,l a cure at
'all. Starting with the claim now gen.
erally believed by the, most scientific
,nen that the disease is due to the pees-
ence of livii'eg parasites in the issue.
iIr. Dixon at oece adopted this cure
to their exterrninutioi—.this aceum:
plished; hdt claims the Catarrh ie prac.
ticably cured, and the permanency is
unquestioned, as•cures effeeted by hint
four years ago are cures still, No one
• else has'everattempted toeure Catarrh
in thts manner,. and no other treat:
m•ant hale ever cured Catarrh. The
application of the remedy is simple,
and can be ,clone at home, and the pre:
sent season o2 the year i;s the most
favorable for the speedy and perman.
ent cure. The majority of oases he:
hie Cured at one treatment. Sufferers
should etrrespond with Alessrei .A. H
DIXON & SON. 305 Bing street,
west Toronto, Canada, and enclose
stamp for their treatise on catarrh,
1tontreal Star. Nov. 11, 1882.
own ferdvarduth
e unesf'0rl
TLo Pure Ered Clydesdale,
• Will Stand for Maros this Season
as follows
MONDAY, May 4th --Leaves his own
stable and rrccoeds by way of Wingham,
to Wm.).sbister's for n•ocn;$from thence
to BlueyA,le for eight, •
TU.ESDA—!?roceedsbv way of boundary
to 'IYtorrisi an i for noon ; fromthence to
Camille Hotel. Gerrie, for night.
WEDNESDAY —Proceeds to Crooket
Willis' for ,i000; from thence to Wm.
Harris for night
THURSDAY—Proceeds to Mr Johnston's,
Pith con of Turnberry for noon ; from
h once to lirr. JWeb's, 9th con of Turn -
berry for night.
FRIDAY—Premeds to Thomas Gamble's
to -the Culross boundary for noon ; from
heain to!August Homuth's on 10th con
of Tnrnberry for night.
S A TURDAY—Proceeds by way of Zetland
to Merrifield's hot• 1, Wingham, for tl e
The above route will be continued dur-
ing the season, health and weather per-
Imported July, 1889, by James Tipling,
Wingham. Is registered in Vol. 6, Clydes
dale Stud Book. King of Quality, 2007, is
a beautiful bay foaled June 1.1, 1882; bred
by Thomas Speirs, Jitliaarnock, Ayrshire;
' sire Sir William (2420)4 grand sire Liberal
Tom (410) ; grand sire, Young Conqueror
(959); g. g. grand sire, Conqueror (190): dam
Maggie (vol. .6) by Prince David (643) ;
grand d.a:n Sally, by :icotchman (749) ; g.
grand sire, Surprise (810). Sir William
when twn years old gained first prize at
Dundonald Show, and first at Irvine; and
the :Highland Society's Medal for the best
animal of Clydesdale breed in the yard,
ICING. O!j' QUALITY took first prize
and Diploma at North Western Fair,
Wingharn, 1884, arid first prize at Wingham
Spring Show, 1885.
TERMS—To insure a Mal $12. Insured
money to 'be paid in January 1886. Insured
mares must he returned regularly to she
hone or they w ll be charged whether in
foal or not. Parties disposing of t1 eir
mares before !collecting time will be held
roapousible for inauranoeprices unless the
mare can be produced or satisfao;ory
proof. All accidents at tile risk of tt.o
owners of mares. One dollar unyable at
time of sorviee, which will bo taken off
in:eared mares n,t collecting time. Aures not
bailain feat the $1 'Will be kept Mr our labor
JfehriES TIPLTrTG, Prep,
Five acres of laud, beautifully situ:
Med on the north beak of the river
Maitland', in the town of Wingham,
fronting the railway track. Torras
rea unable. Title perfect. For further
particulars apply to
P1 Ti 13 l?ISflT 1t.
Take the Times.
. .>s.._. .ia
Has the largeet and most complete factory in tilt
Dominion-180x1tei. .
•Elgbolt Sonora my Aweided to any !Loi b. the World
Medal and Diplom-4et centernisl,1076.
Medal and Diploma at Sydney. Anstralla,1877.
Gold Medal at Provincial Exiilbltlon Toronto 1878.
Highest Awards et Industrial Zxhfbition, Toronto
Wal ABJ1 STOW jifAx�7ACV:Mi ne
Correspondence Solicited. Send for Iilnstrated Cat
alogno, mailed free. Address
BowacexlvILLJ1. ONT.
14 ci5
i c�3
H cd 'a
d El
. ap)
H q Eril 0
n, r24 cl) 4
>;0 ria 0
h`) +2 1.....4
rd c Cie
0 Pit 0
I") as 0
Farmers , Landocrs
De you wantto borrow money ? To buy
Moro land for 'Yourself or Your Sons. To
build a (louse orTierw To Fence, Clear;
Undorclrain, or otherwise improve Land,
To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. Or
for any other Patrpose, If you do the rin-
doreigned are able to Lean ay tho lowest
rates of Interest and more reo,eonaltln
Terms than any ono oIlle in this seetioia Of
the country, ttrlydoclr ".' Taste 6antit,_at should ba
MEYER Sc blgiiEN i;U1dt u.,.•wdwii with Burdock Blood, Bittetli fat
, caring UUlcers' Abitinzes Fevers, Sores, &c. Price
13airisters. Wingham i as .c3t+parber. T MILBURN' & CO,, .
Solioitors for the Doak of Ham Atom ' - s•.. •x•.e 5ot1 actaaTI• ro„oteshlt...
This space reserved for
The LeadingUnderaker and Furnl e
urs Dealer in Wingham.
Veterinary Surgeons,
Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary
College, and registered members of Voter
leery edical Association, are prepared to
treat all diseases of Domestic Animals, on
the latest and moss Scientific Priecil leis
Calla attended to day and night. Horsee
bought and sold. on commission. Office any
infirmary in the stand'lateiy ocouped b
T. Kerr V. S., opposite Merrifield's Roo;
sephine Street, Wingham.
A large proportion of the diseases which
oause human suffering result from derange..
went of the stomach, bowels, and liver.
AYER'S CATIZARTIC PILLS not directly upon
these organs, and are especially designed to
cure the diseases caused by their derange-
ment, inoluding Constipation, Indiges-
tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery,
and a host of other ailments, for all of
which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and
pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these
PIer,s by eminent physicians in regular pray
tic°, shows unmistakably the estimation iq
which they are hold by the medical proles
ose P1LLs are compounded of vegetable
substances only, and are absolutely free front
calomel or any other injurious ingredient.
A Sufferer. from Headache writes :
"AYER'S PILts are invahtable to me and
are my constant companion. I have 'been
a severe sufferer from Headache, and your
PILLS are theonly thing 1 could look to
for teller. One dose will quickly move my
bowels and free my head tram pain. They
are the most effective and the easiest physio
1 have ever found, It is a pleasure to me to
speak in their praise, and 1 always do so
When occasion Offers.
W. L. PeoE, of W. L. Page & Bro."
Franklin St., Richmond,Va., June 3,1882.
"I have used AYER'S PILLS in number-
less instances as recommended by you, and
have never l mown thein to failto accomplish
the desired result. We constantly keep thele
on hand at our home and prize then, ab sb
pleasant,safe and reliable family medle1nd„
FOR DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable.
Mexia, Texas, June 17,1882J.. T. HAM."'
from Atlanta Go., says: "For some yeari
past I have beau subject to constipation,
from which, in spite of the use of medP
cines of various kinds, I suffered increasing
inconvenience, until some months a es
began taking AYER'S PILLS. They have
entirely corrected the costive habit and
have vastly improved my general healthy"
AYER'S CATUARTZC Pitts correct irregu-
larities of the bowels stimulate the appe-
tite and digestion, and by their prompt and
thorough action give toile and vigor to they
whole physical economy.
Prtr,PARDD HY ,^
Dr. J. C. Ayor at Co., a..owoil, Maser.
Sold by ail Druggists.
YOUN(I, ' AI► ezperlence the Swondlodel
OLD, AND bShofletal elfeete of
t- 91E• Ayer's Sartlaparilia.
Children with Sere Eyes, Sore,
AGED, Ears, or any eorofulous or syph-V-,
Ririe taint, may be made healthy and etrotfg{
by ita use.
Sold by all Dfnggi*ta $a, if= tettI. for $
mYA•ItlSc. a.w.aru.z•.