HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-06-19, Page 5Ste THE TIMES, FIZMATJITNE __ HT Genuine Bargain Neighboring News • On Friday vening last Luther, son ofilVIr. Frank Gill, of Exeter, was severely wounded while playing lures- , se. Miss Aggie Thompson, of Tees - water, was thrc,wn from her horse while out for a ride on Tuesday even- ing. She was . painfully but not seriously hurt. Mr, Sinclair Tait, died in Exeter on Monday last at the advanced age of 88 years. His remains were folio qod to their last resting place on Wednes day afternoon by a large concourse of people, W. Cunningham, of Colborne, while working at Mr. Potter's last week, was knooeed down and xun over by some runaway horses. His arm was broken, and the wagon also passed ver his leg, injuring. hiapainLuI1y. Mr. J. Mccanutn„ of the 7th con., Morris, who got his hand .cut by ac. cident some time ago,, has been suf. fering severely for some time from blood poisoning. At last acconats he Is improving although it will he some time before he will have free use :of bJhandi On Saturdayafternoon a number of the Walkerton High School students w.pre swimming in the Saugeon, when one of ' their number, named Jelin • Erwin, suddenly: cried out and sank to rise no, mere:' He was 21 rare old and an expert swimmer, • His parents livet.near Wiarton. The body watexeeaverecl. • „.z..f..)OeteWeligefedayeeaf-last --week. Arr... Stewart. BleDougall, ot Gcelerich township,,lost his fine imported stal-t lion,Fearnot.. It seems that he has not been in the best of health for some time, and disease getting a firm- er hold on him he finally succombecl as above stated. Mr. McDougall's ass, is between $2000..and $3000. • • • • For. some time. pest the Mechanics' Institute, of Goderich, has been finan- cially in an embarassed condition, and, it seemed that the, public reading room must be, closed, and the librarian dismissed, However, relief haetome in the shape of a grant of $100 from, the town council The friends of the Institutelad a hard fight, but . sue- ceeded in passing the resolution by,:,a good majority. • One of tLe literal landmarks of this - 'section, hes entirely disappeared, and, given piece to a better order things. Many of our readers will remember a. frame building that stoodon the north side of the Huron road near and.which was known:in th.1 'annals of the county as "The, Bridgewater Hotel." Iu years gone by a thriving bminess was transacted here. but the premises have been un - um/ for some time, and, the property falling in o the hands.. of Mr.. Elford, he gradually removed 00 timbers that formed the construction, until a few days since , when • the last v esti, e,, of the once famous buildings were re- movidi and there is nothing to indi- cate the, existence of "Bridgewater" except the Spot marked by the former buildings. The hotel was built some- where about fifty ycars ago, bye Mr. limits, grandfather of the present Rieke familv, of Mitchell, who car - Vied it on for some time, a ROSS Robertson, who had failed in business in Clinton being his successor, Mr. Walkes, father of the late John Walker, of Londeshoro, succeedinq him. /n. 1855 Mr. E. Dinsloy (one of tLe olaest residentof Clinton) took , chat ge'of the hotel, and carried it on. for three 'pits. At this time the "trilgewator itaceP were quiet a feature of pioneer life, and every year a great crowd attended theta, the course being a partially cleared fieldf Wiliek, took in vhoro Mr. Elforra .-THE PHARMACY B, LAURANUES CELE13.RATED SPECTACLES, PURE PARIS GREEN and Dalmation Insect Powder, Unadulterated White Hellibore, and .verything in the Line of Orugs And' Druggists Sundries you want et -THE PHARMACY, VT I I•T C+ -JUST . RECEIVED -- • ei LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF, US ood Value 110L AS Tbt orld's Falorite 1 ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE GREATEsT AND GRANDEST OF ALL MAMMOTH. SfelOWS. AT. Winerham, Friday, July 3. atelso, lower &e 50 Cage At Lower Prices than Ever Before Xenagerie Offered in Wingham. Sell AS CHEAP as any House in-,Cenade. Try me and see fur yourselves.. 100 Star Yirtist er- e72,t HALSEY PARK JOHN 91 OMIT GREAT CFR -OCEAN CIRCUS house nowstands. The last, gather- ing of this nature was in, 1.857, and during the two ditys..of the meet Mr. Diusley ook in about $300 over the bar. in these days .gaine was toler- ably abundant, and game hunters were as plentiful,, as ,Itind hunters. ,Many a thrilling story of. adventure and experience wee told while sitting , around the large log fire in the bar- room, and there are still living in the vicinity quite a number who were pel.sonally familiar with all. the early' incidents and ,events of this once famed but now obliterated hoselry.- 01itton New 1 II. • • NO' ••••••• •”' •' • Arrinarrla., ADVICE TO..MOTHERS7.f. Are yon diethrhed at night and bro- ken of your rest by a skit child stiff ering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? if so .send at once and get a bottle of Mre.Winslow's Soothing Syr-. up ha Children Teething., Its effect is iubalonlable. It will relieve the poor little snffrcr immediately.. De- pend upon it mothers, there is no mis- take About it. It cures cly.eentery and diartheea, regulates the,. etomaah and bowels, cutes• N16)140011; soften e the guns, reduces inflammatiou, and gives tone and energy to the whole system:, Mrs, Winslow's, Soothing Syrup 1)1. Obildeenc Teething is pleasant to the taste, asd is the prescription of one of. the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the 'United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 eents a,•bottle • usa$wi Iliamandw ewillforwarduth. etimesforl wholey ORE Mr. Joseph Byrne], ex -M. P., is lying very sick a his home at Bar - tort, Gayly the bycicler Glides o'er the tar, Like a demigod olden Astride of a star. . • His girl at the casement site Watching hie pranks; While Sally, the cook cries, 'My ' • Louis at them shanks." • • OOMBINLD WITH': ME NEW MONSTER SHOWS. ,.;.. 3 .B1G"CIRMISES'!ineseparate rings. 50 CAGE MENAGERIE. CORR DIRECTORY. • • 12.-_,-,!,00HPL.11TE MASTODON SHOWS...united. The, .., Greatest, Grandest, Best and Only Show • . • Presbyterian ... 7., , * . coming this. season. , .., . r j I ABBATII SERVICES -AT 1 A' if. ,AND.7 P. ' ' Sunday School as 2:30 . M Prayer. meet! K'R A 0',. the Living Missing Link, 'acknowledged to be the greatest of Wednesday evening at 730.. ItNvi it Magna. all wonders. KRAO if, a specimen of Darwinian theory, the only one a this .20 Open Dens of Savag,e Animals. GRAND FREE STREET PARADE takes.place ti.t 10 it m. Cheap Excursion Rates on all It. R; One Ticket admits to all Advertised Shows. pastor... strane.e race ever in civilization. meanie •, .• ft, . ABBATH SERVP'N AT 11 A. M. AND 7 P. M. 0 Sunday school at p m Prayer meeti.ng, Wednesday evening at 7:30. Methodist. SABBATII SERVICES AT 11 A. AL and 7 P. M Sunday School at 2:30 p• in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Ituv. la. H. Coamsn, pastor. • 'Congregational. • ABBATH SERVICES.AT II A. 1.1; AND 7 P. M Sunday school at 12:30 p.m. Ptayer meeting, Wednesday evening at 7:80. Rev. Ma..Tovrmr, pas. tor. • Eplacopati • SABBATH SERVICES AT 11 P. M. 'AND 7 P. 81 Sunday school in MooKenzie's hall at2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, on Wednesdayevening et 7:80 Rev.. Ma...McCosa, pastor. Church of the Soared- Neart. w• hold service on Sunday, Mar. 8th nest at 1030 a. m PATH= WEST, Priest. SOCIETIES ' Winghem Lalge, No. 286, A. C. R. C. Tor EETS EVERY TUESDAY, ON OR BEEOVE _LUL the full of the Moon, In their Hull, Kent Block. • Maitland Lodge, Ile. 119, 1. 0: 0. gi Aft EETS EVERY THURSDAY EVENING Art 8 0. .1.11 clock in their Hall, Mason's Block. Minerva Encampment No 47, I. 0. O. r. it TEETS EVERY SECOND AND rocorn VI day ineaoh month. Visiting Patriarchs e,0o45- tly Invited. Coerl Jilt:Bland, No. 25, 1. 0. F. 1 EETS 'EVERY SECOND AND LAST FRIT)AY L e enings in the month, in their Hall, Tosnlysts 13look. Wingliont Lodge, Nu. 136, A. 0 U. W. EETS EVERY THIRD•PRIDAY EVENING 221 the month. Lodge room, Tamlyn's Blook. • Niacin Candi, • No. ID. Order of Chosen friends. ASEETS EVERY PIRST MONDAY EVENING IN .13'JL the month, In their Hall, Tandyn's Block. • L. 0. L. so. 704. inEuosniEaVa1! MIST PRIDAY EVIINIM IN Mechanics °Institute. Beaver Bleak, Reading, room open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays froth. • 1 to 10 o'clock, p.' and on Saturdays from 0 a. ,to. to 10 p. Libraryopen on Tuesday, and Friday ' evenings from 7 to 8 o'olock and on Saturday After- noon from 3 to 4 o'clock. t• Poll ONce, t,r\ MOE IICHIRS PROM 8 A. M. TO 7 11. 11 ki PISIIRRstmatter. ff Uwe Bend. Airms TO14 PflA014IE. tvaav TuasuAi ILL and Friday night W. NICUOILIS Preakitili , • •1 1 ,,,,,,,.2,............,..„.........., r .iog,000 PRESENTS ! .g fit? 17T7Z7 r. 7 PPIOGIlirtN2 tl gi 0 Everybody who sends es directed Oets a Present worth from 20 cents to 81,000. Th0 proprietors of VTR rorimar ICSISPER. being dosirome of having the already' wall•knom and Mules Poult47 041041 04 .0 4ae sand you immediately by sealed man one Numbered lisselpt'llo' eI for one or the fonowing presenWin 10 U.S. Gov't Bends, 8500 oath -.05000 1 It !ash Palms 10 U.S. Groenb'ks, $500 each not alresly known, hove determined to throw off all profit on the soh:m.101one, knowing well that when thic journal reaches A. (sr the sole muss of Increasing tbe circulation. 200,000 substritare, tho advertising patronage will pay ler the inducements we offer, if not, will oas a 'portion of our apesil i' eaus 'ono nave a bows Oda circulation of over 100,000 melee, mere widely eirealated and introduced into houses ache" 0 ta FOR FIFTY (ME.,MT,,S iw.1,71,),),-Zir Tho List of Prosonto to 4o ()Ivor. to our Subooriborei 1.;33egakttpi;LIEfiltliora,bryku.s sundwriltrou rezt.o. $T act t'.. ..., . • 10 U.S. Greerab'ke, 8100 each :00000(1 , 1 Nickel Witt Coinnitda Bicycto ... 150 . 1 Cash Prize 7000 11 (41:anan td1C8littultur:t 104 r• ;tan American Movement; 8 &Maim Dlationd finger Rings, 3 Patriot Ilerveatera, 200A Elegant Art Gems, 5 Raw Silk or g PI I, p.ri ..1:,,,,O.). ,!!. 1 Threesseat Rockaway, 1 Silver Dinner Service, 5 Top Doggies, 100, S. Greenbacks of 12.50 each, 1000 Aukczntiilt *1),.,,.. rt 82 embh, 2 Tillage Carts, 1 Pony Phecten, 1000 Peciket Silver 1,11 Itnivoe, 1000 Gent.' Prei.N.1 )11111•00, 1040 1. 0. Gro t o• .. Furniture, 1186 Gold Finger Rings, Ladies' Breast Pins, Ciente Sour(Fins, Luoketa, Pam ond Chain. mad 92,421 other tirco•rits, or 01 *soh. 10 Gents' Geld It etches, English Movement; 10 lad es' nom Watches. Ftglish 510Ye•cattt l 20 Hors' Sara? It al ••• .....‘ Valued from 20 coma 0. 81, makes a grand aggregation of 109,000 prasente, thus guaranteeing 6 tWeaent to esek sad 'mg new subwriber who steads 01 60 cents. All of tho above pro:lento *14) 0. awarded lean falr end Impartial m.o.,. Presen00 will be sent to any pert or the 4,, United States er Cenada. No postage wilt los naked Worn any subscriber to forward presents. The NC! 4.21:6110' t. which you send no le the regular price for tutor's sabeeriptien. and therefore WA Aug. nothing tot the meant. Oen room La swill he in your future !setronase 00,4 10. inoroasod rate we will get For our advertising epees, YOUR suesesirrion Pltild, v., 0.1 0,0 of your friends to min yen by mating this eat and *bowing it to Mesa. Send us 3112.07CI and we will 401,1 3,,,a1 TIM POULTRY ICEEPfill for one year, mid ens numbered receipt fur with of your aulisoribers, MI one extra 60. 4000 Double. 6,, 0.0000s communal wisw *S.C.() andso will wend you SSA subscriptions bud '.1 3 receipts. Send Two -t 14 soi Aluminum Gold Hunting Coo,,l Water'," yes The watch is worth $10. Gut tw traded kr double this amount. 911,0(000000 and /601.C2c.e0C) and we will .end a paper and receipt to egell of your eldrcoribeni, and boantif a ial nt 1 TO11 w"0bfd1""L'1Atf-:',,-w•7'd04'I00011 iL';pri'M7 '74F1t.rd..,.I0...:,W2),..-11R140tr.:1.)Zr4zL;4.1'<. so. 0.00604 ablest catit:ronry rope*4, tit. counry, an aimed)has a eirenlation of 102,coies, and ow just 4m•1 plot the distribution of 100,000 fruiter, Wile first 100,000 aubscribers. It eontains sixteen pesos, beautifully illustrated, and toUe lion, to make pooltry pay. No p.irononrcnt. 500 STEM:WENDING WATCHES FREE, Mfnthese 500 Wahes wilbe rives .c,)*, the AndMk people *0. &newer this advertiLnnnttXgive uthe Iltni61 ttls paper where they r.,,, the adynrtilionftlt. If you kind na AO ecnia you will be entitled to ono 07 04,,,, old, well known and re/tells watets• and en. receipt good 6.0 000 present. This once Is botai Ade and, unit be curried out to tbn lotto,. Send MTN THE POULTRY KEEPER 1.1ur4,,t'orbT.Tp,„'•r„T.,,,„=4.7;,°,,,0i,n,:,,05:,",,,tv..,,,,r0;1!;0Z;',,,b•InYaneritcLatree•‘11,1.„%0 could not afford otherwise, We will' who' o printed sat of the Alcor& ?too, ono Id p0600 000 Will to forwarded to 0.0)40.2 4 006011•:: Lan:bey may dirr:...4,161,Ult OLD, PATRONS AND SUBS0441119113 should solo stork at ewe and help us to Increase oolimtvrend MI c e, offts Ono number of tbe paper iis worth doubt* the subscription prim. 4.00 *yr . Secures TOR .routray xlierRit eas yenr okul one rectint good for OM present. rek.br'liti•• too Woe Aorta who do nor know) pa to rosy Dards or Agereantile Arm:* These are Presents to ou' aubscri bore, trroen to them absolutely 1re0. (3 -cent Postage MataP8 taken.) MOUCY in SnIni Pt 111 Or lots ronv be sent in en ordinary letter at 000 000: larger werns,shoniel be sent ty Registered Letter or astat Mote, &misdate, eta to TIIII POULTRY KEEPER, 89 Randolph St, Chloago, ilL •" • GOLDEN cRFAm IT.111VI 1)7CD, Thohetit prer.aration known to se e nee t or b'eatitifying the CriliVICI°LLIXIC)N oNn SI7GLR AT'I'LICATYON I.,..rrantod to Peanut, the Faeo and give to adcti or f,aliew plexIon a l'afectly Healthy. Natiiral, and Youth''ii Appearance. It Conc.:Mc Wrir k os. Frt.. E'rul• Feet. and the Evidence Of Ate, leaving the Skin Soft, ...--'•">t0"•4‘ Smooth, and cor.te. Sent to any adarots. Vecttle 114: at:traps taken. ddtt$8ixii letters to CREI1E 1)' 08, Drawer 2,678, Toronto NO. AtT your etatgaist tor It. Wholertile by ell vhcle• Irado Mark. 1st:to . wo.,46.114t10600451)4Mo. woo mo loo porooli000000Noora, r 0 • • rrr • ,,3 • .."••••• •••••)••• •