HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-06-19, Page 1... , • „ft...0 . 10,.; 01.
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• ereee•••• • 4
, • „fir,
oiler Flout
rocar4040:14A-i-'4-.t' r
naines, se far as known, engraved on
the monuments. • •
Quebec). thine 15,-4 Mrs. Miohol°
Dubois, of the Bt Sauxeur suburbs of
• Quebe6,4inio 13.--lfessrs, Charles this eit, who el ims to be a first Pallnexs
imtv missAhx, FORDWICII.
g Vow- " dons were
1.1 dame runor unders•tands what
, she is ying there will be sereral roar,.
thurivale, BUSiness is good here notwitbstand: lieges in the neighborhood of G
)4 ing the Seott hung terse and shortly. Perhaps itsorris
not safe bo be too
Fitzpatrick and F, X Lemieux haye t 8. B tja t 0 • worth. ey. P, plemed tile hard tunes ffeAst any delicate Just at present.
ocusi bee.n.cie.fi.na.te.ly!etained to flef#nd rIgealietyar'onsae7E8 dean°. ildeL ree
at nis 1.4 Itepinee ',fossil. Fitz. herb Eon fL L 41erlAtImeTa" list' 8111)erin-
tetondients Of districts were Walter to
pOri0k aika Lemieux were ntkteryiew: of g. Levi Pfr farm" e
datomiglit, and sta,teci •rhat bey 'w is alio a co tounty, and that „go.it ItaTeon an M.
us n of he poet, Ur. L. a °13''
. Freeliette, Her story is, that Ed. teeezaterreerosenit,
take the defence if sufficient ouard lambert, at the age of twenty.
• "The following. were electesuperin.
fauda are provlaed to cover exeenses went to the United States, with two d
teudents of districts a,ud Ananeial
of witnesses, enable them to get friends, and that tor .t ,venty yeers •ins secretaries:,
s:eelx :information ae regaired to fluoily heard nailing of Lim. At the
triD D;
ro e deemeee, 'II -A(44. an ina ortitut end of 'that period they received a lett.* Glt n deistenrticte7e7
er informine, them that he had Peen
e3s°' captured by Orees in the NortheWest
lest130 LvIeunl:Pt 131,a -r: • lilieltWunntsr)ahleleed toso Neviri.r2se;IYthalltatinbecoallsa: superintendent;. .A0 Cialt4tuli'dln":11c4380%1\sloort
supel in e . niuun rani, seers-
riors with hire. The abandonment of %.1.:.'enca f certiath 'pets of braV•017. on ' Goderioh,-T elie Campbell, superine
is part m a teen compelleda - •
B oe oreta
• the pursuit is koowe to the scuts, and ept in marriage the daughter of a, chief tellaetiz' r Y` vY.
"ilrizigham--D MeDewell, elver.
•'the band is now Making things leisure; . end that upon the latter's death he had • . 1, • • -
• intenclent, J. Fie er seeretary.
doubt they will be joined by been chosen' to succeed him, 1Virs. •Risiismdscb4, superiti,,
The farmers in tilts sectati are ell Mr. B. G. Xencedy, of the Gerrie
in good spirits owing to the splendid foundry, had several riba broken by
appearance of the °reps. - au accident in Palmerston last week.
"eer„. were Bsere, 0eateadee, 0e,thie He was barely able to return to lite ,
village) haa been selected by Nix. Thos. - home and is now oenfined to his bed,
Wilson to build his dam which was- Gerrie is in. the throes of roadwork.
taken away by the re°eut flocla.egSrixelaTex*tesietbeauvd(). rbepe°1aneedti:142101;11); t7a31:
• Mr. Wade is werlcing up a tailoring
i the t the road for a long way south of the
business second to none
ri* „ a.aadu Y' village has received an excellent coat
Be well a t b e
• of gravel. if the present plan of lay. ,
he is withoett doubt an excellent -
werh0300. . . , jug the sidewalks 'On . heavy cedar
Mr, . matt isisePaevrea Lsecontinued Gerrie will short -
Samna Gawwell, ayoutig most sabstantial walks in
w120 was in ,tne employ of fvfr. David vhthecountyI.
Groble, died suddenly last week of
lAlvels It can iicatcely be vonsidered. an evi
inflammation of the e
- .. e _ . ei donee of the bard. tunes we hear so
Colonel McGratlf has received an tench about in some places, that very
-appointment ore tt. O. P. B. Boil: _many farmers in Ilowiek And it nee.
rq. * ''.. essary to add. to their barn buildings
Al . / ,Be 0 t 0, fine heiee and can afford the limury. of fine pew '''
o'n` srEtt'uIraajany, .dinec.Thoil inngarnattort, • residences. Amoeg Others /Ur.
A.rthur spotton
;/"We think there is no seetioe .4 .
conntry cen show as good a recerd of ieeaeousittr...barsittotitheertralie414131012-44'r.
iet buildings odium°.
ve ent 'as this neighborhood. P'
Burling the, present summer there are Aik!as ie410 preparing f" a barn
a gl.eat many good farm houPle'ill,scsres being rii„.8-e-litelg8111 c/nillY; less' CiltGuree 212Ida-
erected. Among some of the gland " i are
bons under their barns; Mr.
lne§ tla. at might be mentioned are ",/fh.t... 10.0utgomery is busy ereeting„ a stone
Thos. Wallece'; s, 4th con, B
deputy:reeve, .901 eon* , -0ie'08.k°1.:1K residence and When finished it will be
110),..e of the finect in the towiesliip.
Davidson. anc Wm. Strong, ear 111e. John Burns, of the 10th Gm.. is
villaes There aro nine or ten benlf
barns eohla op, heeide,,, mr. Tho_es building e fite residence, and Mr.
wilsolf anti, mr. B. a cook Wm. Strong, of Fordwich, is putting
bunting; beautiful beielt residences in aP a farm reaidenQe. .
_ •
this village next summer. `,
• diseoritenteuindians frorn tither bands Dubois adds •that one ot Edouard:I
tencientt. ;1'13aggin,,,sflor4tary,
-Their united force will be a standinee br,othetS tobseellleatlY paid 'Walkerton -0 Scott, 14 A•, stiPerioe
him a visit in the Nortn Weet and
menace for some tiro to come- It # tendent J. Gal orre44 $e4rotere-
be neceseerY, therefore, to, keep
that lie is:ver feh el has two
found him oeoupying the dosition ats4- maant Foraah ,,,,,Lexe44.41govvortia,
• 0o ary.
strong garrisons at Battlofol1.
l: • au d • clang/dors being 0d7ools'tedaina. a convent 640°11r0sutIonat.;_fa,Clif
Pitt. Garrisons must as be main: "and that be has a wen or mark onIiis
monde/it; W Ca'eson, secretory.
to:Med at Rizirice Albert and Humbelat ;face, which unmistakably identifies Geo. H., ocallish, 3, Gray, E.• 8.
tn, Onkntuille 1:24,00.• middietows laitnesEdolia.rd Lambert. •' ,Repeet; Nes Heretege (trui Kenner
Tj Straubenzie, June -1.-.& despatch •
lame is
worn out •iseth fatigue.were apfiChited as the -Conference
from Pitt says Gen.. Middleton lett special committee.
•1 An Ottawa despatch Says,: arch: yesterday morning with the seine for.
Tech& who arrive' here a few ee as went with to Loon Lake- - -
days since from the Northwest, is joia Cron. btrange's column at theBee- DISTRICT NEWS
yer. River •
shortly to be followed by Bishop
Cl'. asing, .3 olDe .16.-7-G rent . ' .
Grandio, of Saskatchewan, who comes . t• -
eci.' ement was eaused at 11 Veloelc last erne wedgy iituna of Y.,ife in the CountY
• here to urge atclemeney for
.. execive night when Clarice and NS,3f , . settlers' ° of ia rim end Vicinity'
Ilid. IA will be remembered that here ' t the
'''. •' both these inembees ,zif the Clatholie that over one hundred men were nisr- - ...
hur h drew a tent on
rushed• in o camp, reporting
1 •
' I,
, r
•thet of the Gov: oiling on ue, The Fusiliere', turned - At a eone:ecation of temperance
out qui° ly, and soOutmg,
t'l t fall to what would - r e' -were The IV. 0 T. U. of Blnevale hive
workers held at Fergus, the following
erlm8° as ftIl sent out. After about an hour they fm,„ ish,a ,.gn ,„,rient . ° f --- .._. re0Ohlt1011, was unailimOuslX passed:
evitahV follow if iminediL"e steps returned and 1reported that ea small ----7-1-7 — — — — '--- — a"°rtal°,.°t ° 'under the te,rins of awileortarentisinhaz -That this convention. deplores the
' were nOt taken to Settle the lutlf:hreed here ee - - books for the Band of trope and "also with ner, J,W. Growl, V70
,, berm f wood. iie, it. heti of paella; trodp's 'wero then ` aismissed for the coateeePhisn'ml1sty°8°144/1PP ett v/{1) Pala ni advanc° t'c'' ti PaPcr' rel. the aua expresses its. earnest desiae that
• - ni ht. Com Allies four tricl. five of . lengtIr of time that 'Moir subscription was
ponies, coming over the browerofCIATI
f Bond "Willem= Tisztes" VIVEE to Subscrt. late atterniet, of .-e eena.e of
the meta
claims,' and their rOpresentetiona have of the hill hati, caused the scare. Thee f, f,1 - exceete.t.eteeleeweeee,enteenreee *who had' to -render inefdeaeteue-the SOotfr Anti
'the members 'of the House of Com:.
meat represenfling Quebec constitu: I
Th 0 U B1 1
e ee,,raph coulee to replace two cornee been petitioning. the ouse th. Com -
A larp'ne amount of wocd. ie 'being people, so far from according to the
to•save;Riel' 1 neck, and the impression panies'of the Midland ordered to the nions to vote agaiost the sineuEnents
delivered at NVroxeter this season. eseuate's wishes will still support the
a niznos" • .
b = • • • - - ' - MO4g, the, true representatives cf Eire
0 effort the usiliers, le eve in the morning for e T. o ueva bave soluu• • •
.• eneies are putting forth very
• to the Scott Act pawed in the Senate;
prevails that they widesucoeed. . front. - recent anaeutiments sanctioned by
Battieford, June 15. --Col. Otter's
brigade reached Turt'e Lake on Sat:
urday morning. Otter's' scouts who
vrere• thirteen miles m advance 011,
the west side of the lake, encountered
a party of Indians and captured five
ponies and i quantity of fienr and
bacon. The Indians fled to the woods
A detatchmerit from Otter's brigade
persued them yesterday. ••
The Indians are leaving the Battle
River reiiervesand. going north toward
Big Bear's outfit. They are supposed
to be induced away by Indiana who
were observed a few days sago going
toveotasPounaniaker's reserve., Fears
are entertained that uuless au ex:
• .
• a
ese A heavy rlinaterm passed over this their Own honorable House. with a
The people of Bluevale never' `ees.
:Ger$Lpa coNeeEREeeut, the face „ „„1,s 110 eectiou on Monday last thoreoglil-Y view to greater effieiency in working
F/NAL HA -''S IN TRU LIST OP The tea party givee under the Messre, Ostrander & Rogers bave ft is now over a month since ithe
this popular measure.
comes from Wingham. , drenching the last.
STATIONS. auspices Of, the ^Scott Act emibnittee,' bought out the "Enterprise" beat- Spott Act cattle into force in Stmcce
in awl of the Temperance house ee house and will hereafter control the county, during which time not a single
The following changes have been
made mthe list as already reported:
ample is made of the ringleaders of
the rebellion the Indian fight ,
have to be done over again,
Qii'Appelle Station, June
91st Battalion, under Col. Scott, went
against the rile Hill band yesterday
and arrested Chiefs Star Blanket and ,
Pakielciee for leaving their reserVe.
Three compel:13,s of the 91st were left
on detetchment at the reserve. -The
prisoners arrived here to -day in eharge
of Mounted Peace en route for
'--Pot and. Pasquali are at ,the
fort determined to hold a sun dance.
11ae Indians are very uneasy 'all over
the district, •
Platt Pitt, June 15.-061, Otter's
conmar d is near Turtle Lake They
have seen some Indians who retreated
into the bush, . It is regarded as • t ot
at all improbable that they are of Rig
Ilear's band which is breaking up.
The Ohippews.yans who surrendered
to vaeri, Strange are utterly deetitute.
With them are some 'of the Loon Lake
reds, who we. forged aecompod
,Big Bear. Yr.= those surrendected
. it is hoped valuable information as tc.
Big Beat can be learned,
The Midland battalion have teural,
a number' oft skeletons at rrog Lake,
and have interred the Sante in the
genietery and ereeted crosses with the
ti t t 13 i
t f G
• Mr. R. Mills Hazelwood, of Hen, gaol for drunkenness. A decided bal-
een, a former Gorrie boy, spout part of Provment both in business and moral
t Inevale, was quite a success. aqua e aper o ca prisonrr has been commit e o air e
J Snowden.
Era:iota-3 Walker.
teeor,getown-J J Rapp.
Erie street) Stratford --G Con.
respecte .
y p Den y tO DC
last week and this with relatives and
The following is the report of 8, S. friends in thie township. every side. Men now attend to their
No. 8, East Waveimosh, for May. business with peomptitude and leave
. Crops are doing nicely and the late- 0
Fifth elaee-Mterlee obtainable 149. ,0 . h t wil early, as if they heti an ieterese
n ss of the season is ardl noticeable
Spriog grains are eery thrifty in ap-* in thew own ag well as their feria&
-Christy Robertson 136; Thos, -
enry . peerauce ana promise well. welfare. Even. ehould no other pro.
Fourth el.-1farke obtaina we gross b . made th.e.touity will feel it -
G Sid Win repaisl bind' the trouble and .
317 Meggie Porterfield 21, Bella T. meet at Searfrs Cornere on Thurs. expellee M-fr op,..n. 3
lseleDonald 228. • of this iveek. The report will be sent of the poison thus far.
Junior Third cless-Marks obtaire- to Tim Tinns fer publicatien in next
ieh • 520 -jobb And ion 349, Wm Redly East Bailin District Lodge, 1.0 .
• E enbro-LEJ.blair. .
Thainesfortl-A Scratch.
able 246.--ekunie Anderson el 1, jno. lame.
• • i
e ilo
The Canadian Temperance Act
Clinon, Rattenbury street -E (leclerecl to be force in the eounty
Retie 209, .1%.(arian Audereen ni.
Report. Alex. Porterfield 169, Mary Agnew V
Council ref et in Forawieh, to. day
. of 'Wellington on the expiring of the
g , unie c ona - 101 10 ability that they will epee their hearts
*lora _....D 0 ivuov.,.61,, , levee.. I. Ueletteney ,22, ,TuAnes. Ageow . ., ) . , through the window ef the Bruce
pet aece e...1., eel , V t eL,. el erecte( it)
Dun atincei--3 Cobbleclick It A ednesdayi There seenas no prob,
present Liceose.
165 A ' D la 14.1 01 '"1"
.• WINGRAF .DISTRICT. McBurney 98, Dimean MeDonald 74, e d. xt d 1 z , eee .e = On Friday night a bullet was fired
liereld efliee at \Valkerton. The
Beleeave-N S lenrwash. • - ei orrie,
No move le heine inele In any of , 1,
the orator's ceur but the occupant
misbive flattened silt on the w.ull above
B11 evale-J S Cook. • our villagee towel:de. the cole,brittion et was absent at the time'. .
Salem- S H Watts. Dominion Bey. ;eine° Gerrie has the
LISTQWEL DISTRICT. flue hhicic flag tioaci:,,i• item. the high: i J. rarrie,,toolceeper foe J. A Grif-
1 ee Allis ot Pealchain decamped Th ay
; •
• Listowel, 1--:-G Richardson. * eat pole she is peacet.,y eatiellee w . e. , . • .
With $2,000 in cash and notee, it -is
Listowel 2-.1 Smith, stat ay further ,.eleins'' ei,'roxeter,
Alma-S.Kente :y. •• however, may spruce up, yet and give not known which direction Barrio -
took. He lias been in Orif60'S..,
te they
D .(• the nee. tem-
Bruesele-W biuyth.
junior Third class-Ili:arks cbtain:
able 217, -Grace Dragon° 276, Liz-
zie Dalgarno 176; Mug& Stewart 105,
Susie MeColluin 156, Allan Scott
147, Flora McCallum 142, Robert
• Scott 98
Senior .26c1. ---Marks eutainable 110.
-Doriald Robertron Charlotte
f Bea don • owleY 94, )ilary AlcOollum 92, Sautes us one of those entertannuen
employ three Months.
)4•OtTXT tonss,r DISTRICT. • T. Robertson 87, James A. Robertson know so well how to give.
Durliaro-P. IIeskings.
82, Agnes Scott 78, Lottie Mel3urney A horsn belonging to Mr. James While Nfr. Geo. •Powells teamsie: •
Clifibra-K A: Chown. 71, Richard Rielly 28. Mitchell, just south of Gorrie, broke was loading somelumber at Watt
leriaden-J Pepper.
ior Secendarka obtainable away from a hitching post in that Iteit's mill Tuesday afternoon, his
G )
It-War:Um:eh-3 J" Noble.
101 Ilenry Owens 96, Valley Ander- village on Seturday, btu, was stepped team beetdue frigatened and started
. son 82, jolin A141)4W 78, Alex Robert- before donig any damage, although Tlowly street for a runaway. As is us:
NV.O.,XEUTON DISTait% son 59, George Robertson 53, Sidney eonsiderable exeiteruent was caused :nal daring the afternootis to great
Walkerton -Sohn Scott, M.A. Perris 52, I for some thua • "se many other NatilS and vehicles were,
Oheslev-J !termer. .
The Spring bank cheese faetory ie waive, streot, and Rowena team dadi
Dobbingion-E 1I West. To Rent . -A good frame stable to now turning otit 32 eheeees a day" not go far teleeee eniiiding wieli teherse
Lately a new boiler and other ha. and 1.A.!.tkiy i4 mi,,,114, to Mr. WIII,
Invermay,--ft W Williams. rent cheap, Appy to john Kerr at
0W)11 SOUND DMA= , this office. -... i
, provements have been added and tin ee.reee ef Owe rairow. They came
Olt sherton--W Ayer. ' The Fergus Xews Record Bays.- faotory• ia now m first class running with telleeent foroe to Irriock down
Willianisferd-4 Perry.
'be Telguciann Family Concert was order, Mr. 1,T. S. McOreedy is put. ne her e and trample oval it but the
Bugenia-D Auld, one of the greatest musical treats ting in bit sixth .year as elieesmaker wawa coming le contact with a tele.
Ohatssrorth.-3 }Tart, ever presented to a rergus audience: at the factory. Mr. Jos, Montgoa, graph pole was stepped before also,
Walter's Palls -It Johnston. The Inhale was of the highest order, , ery. the salesman, recently sold the pitesing woe it. 'rhe horse, a valuable
Alleristord--•S 0 t dmonds. and the execution throughout perfecv°1Isy melte, bat the price WAS low at 6 e, was very badly injeti.d rad walk
Wiarton--.1 N" Saunderacm. tion. compared with other y 3tati • ikeky die.