HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-02-12, Page 5TrojaspAy, FEBRUARY 12, 1953. this is your LADIES,pa ge • CLTINIX)hi NEINS-RECOR,D ittiot ,51:0; , • 4,41, •WesaWzaleeengeeatee. 4-':zeseeee., Pentecostal Women's Council in Parsonage. The monthly ineeting of the Women's Missionary Council was held in the Pentecostal parson- age on Thursday, February 5, with Mrs. K, SWeigaral, the Presi- dent, In charge, After the singing of a limn, Mrg, R. D, Ostler offered Prayer. St. Paul's WA to Hear Rev, E. Care k4ones The regular meeting of St. Paul's WA will be held in the Memorial Hall on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 17, at 2.45, Rev, Carew- Jones, 13ayfield, will be the guest speaker, A full attendance is re- quested, ) Those present responded to the roll call with a Scripture. verso on the monthly theme "Savelt. Following the reading of James, fourth chapter, by Mrs. 0. Hoy, Mrs. Bruce Cann sang "Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling." The new nursing station at Bay ,Ttiver, IsT.W.T,t recently Stil.aserlb, percloitrobT-41 seaterl'ottlrourpe,earebPyierteriow secretary, It WAS. clAAidAia fromlw" t h tehe" Njr ee4w41 4Tge s e of ann tapp ee ea 1- g e " , to send art offering to as- sist in this work which has I amounted at present to ten mil- lion copies to Korea and Japan. The afternoon message, "Red Shadow," . given by Miss L. Jervis, pictured, God's answer to I the adVanoe of sill in the Far East. The service was closed with prayer. .0,••••ryroo, Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service DRUG STORES SPECIAL VALUES and REMINDERS For Thursday, Friday .t Saturday SPECIALS ON I.D.A. BRANDS Low-cut week-end prices bring you extra savings on these I.D.A, products, all sold on a money-back guarantee THEATRICAL COLD CREAM relgIc 69e EPSOM SALT ih & reg. 15c & 25c 11e, 19c IDASAL PAIN TABLETS OLIVE OIL Rich virgin oil — STOMACH POWDER 4 and 16 oz., reg. 75c & 1.95 HAIR CARE , Well conditioned and well groomed hair adds to everyone's appearance'. We have a great range of popular, proven pro- ducts for hair care, many of which are listed here. • •„ • For your Valentine Yardley of London Come and see the many nice things we have for Valentine gifts—boxed candy, perfum- es, colognes, bath luxuries, manicure sets, compacts, sta- tionery, pens and many oth- ers. You're sure to find the very thing to please. - ROSE SOAP 3 rose-scented cakes, coiee phane wrapped, in colourful box $1.00 English Lavender, 3's $1.00 LADIES' HAIR BRUSHES "Crystalite" Brush with 7 rows of nylon bristles .. 98e Pro-phy-lac-t-le Jewelitc Roll-Wave Brush $3.95 Pro-phy-lac-tic "Half Flare" $2.00 Other Nrushes .... $1.00 & up VICKS VAPORUB IN STEAM Warm Vicks VapoRub in steam from a DeVilbiss Vap- orizer brings immediate re- lief, and effectively aids in the treatment of head and chest colds. Vaporub 53c Every breath actually medicates the membranes; moistens and lubricates dry, irritated linings of throat and bronchial tubes — helps, loosen phlegm, and brings relief right where the worst symptoms of colds are, DeVilbiss Atomizer No. 148 — $4.50 UP1\11I8-PS F. B. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 5 grain 300's, reg, 89c 69c oz., reg. 35c 29c 59c, 1.59 Regular sizes Formula 9 and Shampoo in combination pack- age only $2.50 Giant economy sizes Formula 9 and Shampoo in combinatilm package only $3.75 TOILET TISSUE T.D.A. Brand, regular 2 MILK of MAGNESIA I.D.A. Brand, 16 & 22 oz., reg. 35c, 60c MILK of MAGNESIA Tablets 33c, 69c 100 & 300, reg. 39c, 89c or( LANOLIN .!!! FORMULA 9 and SHAMPOO Its SHAMPOOS AND TREATMENTS Halo Shampoo....39e, 65e, 980 Lady Wildroot Shampoo 43e, 73,e Lustre-Creme, tube, 35e, 65c jars 69c, $1.10 Brecit Shampoos 85c, $1.35, $1.95 Drene Shampoo 39c, 65c, $1.20 Hudnut Creme Rinse 75e, $1.25, $2.00 Prell Shampoo...39c, 65e, 99c TONI PRODUCTS Tonette Set for children, Toni Shampoo 39c, 65e 2 for 23c, 4 for 45c for 27c 29c, 49e 40,5 Ito Ing rig rd Needlecraft News OOD LOOKING TABLE CLOTHS add much to your home decor, and niany'smart,renodern patterns Can be made easily. You need several for your daily lunches, for entertaining after bridge or canasta and for light evening suppers. Pretty tea cloths are much appreciated for gifts for the bride who needs to many in her trousseau. Try Different Patterns Make your fabric cloths from linen, cotton or rayon mixtures. For embroidery designs linen or linen-like weaves are best be- cause the threads are easy to separate and count. That is par- ticularly helpful when doing hemstitching or cross stitch pat- terns. Many attractive designs can be worked in cotton with applique trims. Applique de- signs are easy to do and very attractive when done in bold colors. Novelty sets can be made up for the kitchen, cot- tage or dinette by using the same appliques on your table- cloths, curtains, potholders and apron. Gay cotton plaid cloths• can be trimmed with plain col- ored borders using jumbo Ric Rae to stitch over the seams. Place mats can also be made using the same embroidery and applique motifs. Design for Sea Lovers Graceful white sea gulls appliqued on royal blue are lovely to look at. This pretty design can be used for formal and informal cloths. You can make your sea gulls in the appliques or embroider the design in Outline stitch, either one is attractive. The sea gull theme can he used to trim curtains and pillows for the summer cottage. If you would like to have a leaflet with directions far making this pretty cloth including the pattern for the sea gull appliques, ust semi a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper requesting OVER THE WAVES, Leaflet No. SS-50. by Paini,lie Roy 41111.1=.111 Your Superior Stores BIG WE FOLLOW LONDON CITY PRICES AS ADVERTISED WEEKLY Red Seal Fancy COHOE SALMON CARNATION 4 734, oz. tins $1.00 MILK 7 Ige. tins $1.00 • SUNBRITE MARGARINE 3 lbs. $1.(0 DEWKIST WHOLE KERNEL CORN 8 20 oz. tins $1.00 ANI1.010111111•MMID CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE or TOMATO SOUP 8 tins $1.00 MAINIIMINNIONO• STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE 8 20 oz. tins $1.00 Glen Valley PORK & BEANS 11 S oz. tins $1.00 Green Giant PEAS 5 45 oz. tins $1.00 Hillcrest TOILET TISSUE 9 ige. rolls $100 Libby's SPAGHETTI 7 '15 oz, tine $1.00 DON'T think you have to put isle with did4ttahloned fixtures and Insufficient *tithes. impieeer light. ) Ina an stnIrvitnit cind lock of won.- plotted tiWlkiies 00 taut* se. flout iattidefiti. DO Install modern fixture placed so that all the steps will be Ihibtod, S. moo to providoxoeltehoo at both hood find foot of halts to totti On oath light befit* oto• condloo or thititiedlel. Arriving Fresh Daily—SP1NACH, RADISHES, CARROTS, CAULIFLOWER, GRAPES, CELERY, MUSHROOMS Your Superior Food Market PHONE 111 Free De livery CLINTON "11VG" GALL, Proprietor Brussels Motors Penny Round Up Topic "Prayer" Wesley-Willis WA The "Penny Round UP" is or.. e !WY , tary, Mrs. Frank Fingland, and as organist, accompanied Mrs. The Ladies Orange Benevolent the financial report Was given by !Jane Reinhart, Trenton, Mich., Association, with Worthy Mistress, !the treasurer, Mrs, A. E. Shad- who sang "My Task" before the Mrs. W. Colclougl, presiding, heldl eiek. a The convener of the flower I ceremony, and "I Love You Truly ' e successful meeting on Tuesday evening, February 10. A gift of ' committee, Mrs. John Imes, re- during the signing of the register. ported, and Mips Ida Walltinthaw, , Given in marriage by her fath-goodies will be sent to the County i Home for Valentine's Day. , corresponding secretary, read a er, the bride wore a floor-length initiation of the Orange DegTrieleelnumber of note tk from ,gown of nylon marqpisette and will be held at the meeting on those who 'had received flowers, skinner satin. Over the shirred February 24. A social evening is planned for Friday,- February 20, in the lodge ropms. Every member is asked to do- nate toward the baking sale to be held Saturday, February 14, in the reading lisli . Milton Steepe gave a dotted with tiny satin rosettes Council Chamber, g which was much en- centred with seed pearls. Her ganized in the school section by odley , Shoebottorn the local Women's Institute. The Willist• United Church was held Institute interviews the School. in the church parlor, on Thurs., I et, Paul's Anglican Church, of all citizens to the fact that with Clinton, was the setting for a early ordering of Spring Plantings Board and the teacher to explain dal afternotan, February 5, to distribute the bags, When the dent Mrs. George Beattie, wait ewe February 7, when Rev. R. shortages in the Supply of horti- bags pretty wedding Saturday after- is a necessity this year owing to the project and to get Perrnission a large attendance. The preen. turns them and the funds col., worth was pianist. The opereipg lea, are filled the Institute re- in the chair. Mrs. IL Charles- M. P. Bulteel united in marriage s,ofwhthoedesosicrieetyto , thereby cultural stock in some lines, leeted to the Mental Health As- hymn was "Spirit of God, Descend kv7er,gieg.r7tair Ldu cperu "or a Shoebot tom, Officer p enis members Citi Citizens, soeiation, stitute have already made The Londesboro Women's se- offered Prayer, plans they devotional peeicel was "Pray- !Upon My Ileart", The president John Godley, RCAF Station, obtaining buying privileges at re., The subject of Clinton. The bride is a daughtex?. of Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. ivuisrnedgitvoensebcuyrethethserr duced rates , as well as the prem- i emt ye m, ab re er s ah idp- doubt, other of the local WI's en The Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Reg Shipley and bridegroom is a eon of Mr. and to carry out this project and nO Shoebottom, Clinton, and the cards as soon as possible so that will do the same. !Acts. Mrs. Beeson Cox gave ;"Lesson Thoughts" and prayer AfTrihdea. altar of the church w LOBA Members Plan was offered b y Mrs. A. T. Cooper. was Baki The minut e s o f th e J antra decorated with baskets of white rY bbhth d de- Sale Project meeting were read by the secre- aa y c rysan emums an can labra. Elme Poss, Trenton, Mich., Clinton. They will reside at se-,,sesseese-w-es--s--esseeeeenese-seesessessenss Greenwood, N.S, • I • o Pentecostal Young Folk Enjoy Evening A Young People's social was held in the Pentecostal parsonage on Victoria Street, Friday, Feb- ruary 6, with 30 in attendance. R. D. Ostler presided, with an interesting program of scriptural games, choruses, and recordings, which, with the beautiful basket lunch that followed, helped everyone to enjoy the fellowship to the full. PRESBYTERIAN MIMS TO MEET TUESDAY The Women's Missionary So- ciety of St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church will meet on Tuesday, February 17, at the home of Mrs. D. J. Lane. joyed. I fingertip veil of French illusion Reports from the various corn- was held by a crown of seed mittees were received from the pearls, and she carried a cascade conveners •Mrs. Fred Potter, for bouquet of red roses. the property committee; Mrs. ! Mrs. Lloyd Shoebottom, R.R. 3, Will Pickard, for the manse; Mrs. Chatsworth, sister-in-law of the D. Laidlaw, for sewing, who re- bride, was matron of honor, wear- ported a quilt to be done; and ing a gown of pale pink net over the. social convener, Mrs. Reg. taffeta and a headdress of white Shipley, told of the turkey' din- carnations, and carrying a colon- ner served to the Chamber of sal bouquet of white carnations. Commerce and their ladies, and Miss Shirley Sutter, Reg. N., of the supper provided for the Guelph, and Miss Beatrice Sims, congregation of the church on Reg.N., London, as bridesmaids January 22. Wore identically styled gowns of Some arrangements were made yellow net over taffeta and blue for the St. Patrick's tea and sale, *net over taffeta, respectively, which takes place at the church with headdresses similar to that in March. of the matron of honor, and car- Miss Mavis Steepe played two ried colonial bouquets of white instrumentals which were much carnations. enjoyed. I Betty Jean Shoebottom, Chats- A hymn and the Mizpah bene- worth, niece of the bride, as diction closed the meeting after flower-girl wore a pale gr een which afternoon tea was served organza frock with full skirt, and by Mrs. Wilfred Jervis' group and a green head-band of braided a short social time enjoyed. organza. She carried a nosegay of white carnations, F/0 R. S. Kerr, RCAF Station, Clinton, was groomsman, and P/O J. Dory` and P/0 J. Burke, mates of the bridegroom, were —es fruit and treats of various kinds. moulded bodice of satin, was' a Thirtyethree were remembered satin "hug-me-tight" jacket, at Christmas time; 29 calls were fashioned with bracelet-Length made in Jandary by the four sleeves. The floor-length bouffant groups. skirt of nylon net over satin was h .February of the het12th chapter of Mrs,J W,Godley,Kenya,East iatian of Wesley- n - ;By our Hensall correspondent) WREN—CHALIVIERS , A marriage of interest was sol- cmnizerl at Thomas D, Wren's residence at R.R. 1, Cromarty, on Tuesday afternoon, February 10, 4:1 when Rev. Robert Duncan son, 1,1 Crornarty, united in maneage, , Miss Grace Chalmers and Thom- ' I as I). Wren, clerk of the Towts- I ship of Hibbert. Guests were present from London, Cromasty, , and vernediate vicinity. A se- , i i cent (on was held at their re. si- 1 donee following the ceremony, o "Last Supper", Theme 742,00.iv ORDERING vuogia THE .EDITOR, CLINTON NEWS.RECORD PEAR SIR.: The executive of the Clinton Horticultural Society wish e through you, to call the attention PAGE FIVE The Women's Institutes of One tario carry on an active program of health work, Their late,st venture is a Mental Health Pro- jest, a "penny round up" plan by which school children collect pennies for the Canadian Mental Health Asociation to use to fin- ance preventive work among children. The stun to be collected for each little round up hag was set at fifty-two cents (a penny a week), so that it would not, be a heavy burden for anyone, It is hoped that the undertaking will be the means of getting some practical mental health education into the homes of the school section, With the bags, made by patients in mental hos- pitals, the Canadian Mental Health Association sends out a pamphlet explaining that mental health must be protected in child- hood when problems are just beginning, Attention is drawn to the need of protective services for "children who cannot play . . the 'outsiders' „ . . the 'un- happy ones" . . the 'shy ones' ." There is a message for teachers, too, in that "these children need help so that their school days may be truly happy Faye", they may be able to receive our list for Sprihg planting. Our only list for mailing our Spring selection is our membership list, Membership from new- comers to the community will be appreciated. The fee is $1.00, See that your secretary-treasurer, Mrs. F. Fing- land, receives it before it is too late. Sincerely, I), 3. LANE, President, Clinton, Ontario, February 9, 1953. DR. DUNLOP'S LIFE The Editor Clinton News-Record SIR; I am doing some work on Dr, William Dunlop (1792- 1848) an officer of the Canada Company and a founder, with John Galt, of goderich. I am most anxious to hear of corres- pondence, memoirs, or any un- published material by Dr. Dunlop or concerning him. A death-mask of Dr. Dunlop was exhibited at the Canadian National Exhibition sometime in the middle nineties. It seems since to have disappeared. I would be Most grateful to hear from anyone who has any know- ledge of its existence. I would also like to hear of letters of Louisa McColl, who became Mrs. R. G. Dunlop, a sister-in-law of the Doctor's. would be most grateful for any help your readers may give me in. this work. --W. el. GRAHAM February 9, 1953 76 Weimer Rd., Toronto, Ont. Weddings Alta., the bride donned a grey- mix wool jersey dress with brown mocha coat and matching acces- sories. I The bride, a 1948 graduate of !the school of nursing at Victoria Hospital, London, was on the staff of the Huron CoUnty Health. Unit. She graduated in 1951 from the University of Toronto in public health nursing, The bride- groom was one of the nine flight Canada','and the wording quoted cadets who was graduated Fri- below, be adopted by parliament day from the RCAF Station, as ,,,the Canadian National Hymn. Lon- CANADIAN NATIONAL HYMN The Editor, Clinton News-Record DEAR SIR: The Commonwealth IRCAP Station, .Clinton, class- prime ministers, assembled in Lon- don, agreed that the title of our ushers. gracious Queen will be "Elizabeth For a reception at St, Paul's the Secon,d, by the grace , of God Parish Hall, Mrs. Shoebottom re- of the United Kingdom, Canada ceived in an afternoon dress of and the other realms and territor-lace and crepe in grape shade. ies Queen, Head of the Common- ForI a motor trip to Edmonton, wealth, Defender of the Faith." Her Majesty will continue to be "Queen of Canada," and "God Save the Queen" will continue to be the Canadian National Anthem. In the United States the National Anthem is "The Star Spangled Banner", but they also have "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". In Canada we have an ideal hymn in "0 Canada". It is urged that the tune "0 Of Ontario St. WIV1S The February meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Ontario Street United Church was held at the home of Mrs. A. J. McMurray on Tuesday afternoon, February 10, with a large attend- ance. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn and repeating of Psalm 16 and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs, Aiken, the theme being, "The Last Supper". Passages of Scripture were read followed by prayer and an inter- esting talk on the Lord's Supper and what it should mean. Chapter from the study book, "Along African Trails" was given by Mrs. R, Fear assisted by Mrs. D. Carter and dealt with the min- istry of healing. She spoke of the work done by the hospital doctors and nurses, and how this wore brought many into the church. Religious work in Africa is ad, vancing, and reference was made to many instances of this fact. The meeting closed with prayer by Miss S. Courtice, A Valentine Tea was served and lands Thine own: much enjoyed. Mrs. W. VanEg- —(Copyr. A. D. Watson, mond favoured with instrumental 18594926) music while tea was being served. Lord of the Worlds, with strong eternal hand, Rule us in, honor, truth and self- command; The loyal heart, the constant mind, The courage to be true, Our Commonwealth arid Empire bind, And all the earth renew, Thy name be known through every zone; Lord of the Worlds, inake all the lands Thine own; Lord of the Worlds, make all the If all the nations were imbued with the sentiments expressed in this prayerful hymn, the present turmoil in the world would soon subside, ERNEST CREALY, B.S.A. Toronto, Canada 0 Canada Lord of the Lands, beneath Thy bending skies, On field and flood, where'er Thy banner flies, Thy people lift their hearts to Thee, Their grateful voices raise; May Canada forever be A temple to Thy praise, Thy will alone let all enthrone; Lord of the Lands, make Canada Thine own; Lord of the Lands, make Canada Thine own: . Almighty Love, by Thy myster- ious power, In wisdom guide, with faith and freedom dower; Be ours a nation evermore That no oppression blights, Where justice rules from shore to shore, From lakes to northern lights, May love alone for wrong atone; Lord of the Lands, Make Can- ada Thine own; Lord of the Lands, Make Canada Thine own: 1952 Pontiac Styline Coach 1951 Deluxe Dodge Sedan 1950 Chevrolet Coach — Fully equipped 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe Fleetline Sedan Fully equipped 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1947 Pontiac Coach 1937 Chevrolet Coach ELECTRICAL TIPS FOR THE HOME If Your Stairway* Are Poorly Lighted and Hazardous . . . ::.:•:::•••:•••••••••• .. '' ****** McCormick's CHOC. MALLOW COOKIES lb. 39c Five Roses FLOUR, 7 lb, hag . . „ 49c Florida GRAPEFRUIT . 5 for 29c NOW AT THEIR BEST—Size 96s Large Head HEAD LETTUCE . 2 for 33t. KLEENEX . . . 2 pkg. 39c Rose Brand-16 oz. jars Sweet Mixed Pickles, 3 for $1 Sunkist ORANGES, size 288s doz. 29c Golden Ripe BANANAS lb. 19c A Variety of '51 CHEVROLET COACHES and SEDANS to clear at $1595 Huron County's Perenaost Used Car Dealer's BittISSELS; ONT. 78-X 4,••••••• #* 4040 TIZUCKS 1953 Dodge 1A Ton Pick-Vp — Below List 1948 Mercury % Ton Pick-up AND MANY OLDER, MODELS TO MOOSE