HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-06-12, Page 8,la 0 0 A -►„ a ,i.`r - i Y Y S Noway Notes, Neatly Now, Lettuce. Esoursicris, Barn raisings, Plaut your potatoes. Sabbath sohonl nicnios, • TEE TIMES FRIDAY,. JUNE 12 Our plank sidewalks are being re, Personal Paragraph paired, Better late than ud'ver. )ling T, Alarshall, of the Teeswater Artinent personal Pointetrs, Proan eau• " News",spent Sunday last in town. cooly Trroaucall. mos. spent , Size. --411 are egrreod that farnae, Mr., Louis Moltibbon, of Teeswater, Miss F, Billingsley has returned to ars becoming, .from the hontinual spent Sunday. last with friends in town own, after a short yisit to Toronto. Clearing of the remains of our forests, ' The June session opened at Godes• „ very destitute of shelter, greatly to jell on Tuesday, Judge Toros presid I?r• A. X 1 enaie of Port ,Arthur, the injpry Of various crops, and the is viaatzng hispitrei tg at present, generale fertility of the soil. Will you •••••••• e:. . ,d WORIJ Qh1EF PLANTING, Whiteohureh-Thos. C. Sanderson, Salem.-Hugh,F, .k'air• (Teeswater), To the Editor of the Wingham . MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT.:. tug. , Mr..1'rank Kaake, formerly of this Miss Minnie Griffin returned from a allow. me to suggest to some of your Lacrosse.tournament on Dominion town, but'now of Pinkerton, was the long; visit in Montreal on Friday, readers that town of evergreens,. pltyut Day. guest of Mr. J, L. Jerome on, Sunday Mr, John Kerr,.; of. THE •TIMEs, ed slang tho'North oi! exposed sides y last of the farm,form the. best wind break, Early kvegetables are „now, to the visited Gorrie ori business this week. Am exchange publishes' an article .Mr, W. J. Fleuty, of the "Advance." that in, :nine. or ten years a farm so front' '.'How to tell a mad dog." We have p tooted will readily sell for, in many • er wino has been visiting in Toronto, re- eases, thousands of dollars . more than Georgia Minstrelsrto-night in •the •not!rinff to •tell a mad dog that :we: ,turned• home on. Saturday last.. ,„Mrs. Jos. L. . Coutts.is spending a 15th of June, that is when the buds town this week, The white dress and the straw hat few days with her parents in Moosley, aro begining to burst -is the time to / Tho crops are growling splendid in are gradually gaining ground, regard- Middlesex.Qo, plant them. After that the last week 1 f temperature. move Mr Will Hisdon, of Rochester, Town Hall. cannot eommunloate by telephone or one whish is not ; and that up to the IA. hand of gypsies passed through postal card, ' ester N in July cedars or spruces •will trans- this section. trans - less o the They X. an expert in the artpreservative,plant more readily than pine having a with the almanac almost as much its. P Watch for the announcemeut.of the with the weather. is at home on a visit.. greater quantity of fine roots, but with ail.ud esoursion, care either can be transplanted, The While attempting to mount a bi- • Mr. R. McXndoo, is attending the roots should not be exposed to the.suin• ',Granger's cn i ,fro.: , here . to cycle t Gorr'e attempting week. .master :J, : Guelph' Conference. at Owen Sound as for even a minute h • h d To Rent, --A gond frame`atable to 111'ount.Forest- .Isaac 13. Aylesaorth' Za I . ; Thos. Dudley, superanauat• ed. Durham-Qbarles Y, Lake, Bd. •West, Holstein-.Rohert J. Husband, Harriston -Jobu W, German. Gerrie, -•James Charlton; • Belmore-Samuel • H. Edwards (Wroxeter). Forwich--Wm. Ottawell: Clifford--Wm, Smyth. Gleneden•-•.-David Perry. Arthur -Benj. Sherlock. Kenilworth -David Auld; Reuben 3. Tyler, superannuated (Petherton). I,,uther-Wm. 11. Bielby.; Franklin C. Calbepk, B,. 4.., ' left without a sta. ion for orae year at hie ' own •re. quest. ' Cedarville -Adam Glazier, . inue, t e rain at ens ex rs on a • a a 'Guelph . on Dominion Day. Rogers had the Misfortune. to receive a lad delegate, from here. and closes the tubes. Choose small rcpt cheap, Appy to John Kerr at / i 1r. Geo. Powell is • improving and cut in the knee, He was brought to : Mr. D. X. Mallooh,.Sohool Inspeq- trees. The ground should be mulched this ofllce, enlarging Jim residence on Minnie his home in this town, where lie will tor, inspected the V1 ingham Public and the lower branches let grow tohe,Qounty Council has sanctioned street: remain for some time. school this w.eek. • shade it..Uedars and spruces like the opening of Patrick street,. ' They The woodchuck. out into the 'situ- damp -not wet -ground, therefore referred the matter of repairing the Dr. Prondfopt,,o£ Montreal on bo.--- crawls; the tom ..cat scales' the Mr. E. Ecl o Goc, of Tae TIMES, was, plant them close• in the row, two or gravel road south of the town to the et the Brunswick House )lore on the woodshed roof and; squalls; the robins witness''aed ii the caserlof this liolmea k pis three feet feet ,. or closer, for cedar committee. 24t1t. of this bf hedges. Pines do with dryer soil ; Tho Youn choose their partners and. are. lived; McKibben,g Peoples;Literary Socio The Re', Mr, Stewart, of Belmore, the old: hen rakes the last.years let- twelve feetI have known them to do •.ty of the Presbyterian church intend Preached in the Presbyterian Church. time bed; the wife swabs ,out the From' this week out Mr. John G. well at, but should rather plant them ,giving a °Arden, party on Friday even, e'er. on Sunday evening last. winters smoke and lust;,the:btisband Holmes, of this place• can write B. A, closer, and thin out when desired, and log, 18th lust. Particulars' in , wen lunches on the lratchen post; the after his name: • Allow us to extend tolerably fertile soil answers ; pines do , We nnderstar,d that Mr: Charles weeks issue; of Thallium S.1 iinidt, Iate prop. of the Exchange' fly launches• from his withal retreat;Theeour congratulations, John; on poor soil but not so well ' hotel, has decideteto repnailr in town. ' the tramp starts out his weary.wav to . Mr Aroh: Fisher and family ;leave 'tion toeilant another is dnthing-a'prepare.in Teeswater A cricket club with tt weonnbers organized beat; all nature to•newlife now seems on Monday next for• Paisley, where 1 •.t? planting -which ..p w chtldlren will b ree Weeks Econ o '.n0om theirthe $ s ml, to •rise -••and loudly yells`"Tis time to Mr. Fisher intends going .into the mill' you" o tewell the bue sh, inJune. eoun If then trees,75. The officers are as follows,- e 7 yjng u l y g , y gJohn Campbell, Pres.;. H. W. (leiter, TE TiniONTO , .INDUSTRIAL • FAIR Mr. JOnn' Nee ac vertise, ins business. :mor Faaations, and with a sh• arp harp spade cut a circle Captain; Robt, McConnell, Sec -Tree Both Rev. R. 12eCosh,preathed in Bxus- We have received 'fropn'Mr. Hall, Seo• a wo .o attending N about Yuv.u, away eight Inches front the Captain - See-Treas. ! mer zYIn meeting of ;the HighCourt of•'I+orres.. stein, and leave at until fall, by t rat ghamtt s.• sols lest Sunday. The Rev. Mr, sluff retary of the Torot:ito'.industrial Fair, tors at Peterboro' Mr Neelande • is tune the summer's growth will have rf •tbat•.place occupied the pulpit in which is to be held .this year from the 'Et. Pauls Clruroh here High `Treasurer of that order. started roots inside the circle, and the 7th to the 19th of September, a copy t •of the Prize List, in which is offered; MissFnank.(OroIl,, oiQlinton,.was in ynazng tree properly lifted with a Mr. Flack conducted the.service in spade, will come up a mass .of earth •the -Minnie street IViethodiet church on over $25,000'in ,preminums, a large. town on-Menday,; on her way to :Tees - Sunday morning last, Mr, Welwood'+ Proportion pf which is for Live Stock water, where ; she has 'accepted a and roots which will cling together, g and generally Brow without fail, If , 'officiating lir the evening and d A: ricuituralTro ducts6 &o. The ihtua ion•:a cOMPo eitor in the officef when circling. ' In tate meantime, -• o moiety top roots, scut them a foot deep ,announcce t sit ey are pro-; e. eeswa er • ew a At the •meeting; of the Hicli"Court. paring an immense programme of:• ' .of Foresters at Peterboro on Wed.. special attractions, which they promise needar,'Mayor Neelands , of this town, will eclipse any of their previous ,was ele.ted R. W. •H. Treasurer, efforts. Any one desiring' a copy' of We add this ;week,' seine- 200 new: the; Prize List or other information ;naw names to 'our subscription list`s in connection with this Exhibition, and expect in tlie'course'ok ,#i eiv,,ek will secure it.bydropping a post card ger perhaps two weeks to add tis i:iany; co lee Secretary at:Toronto. mere. "The sheet" diesabard a.. GALE. ---Whilst one of,the congre- our .lacrosse dab, tai oceivod a cations in town were returning from si llianiandw ewillforwarduth etimesforl wholey • ear • Mr. J.. (..:Holmes is in Toronto this mark the tree to know'it, and to know Ori Saturday last a game of cricke• t Wee];; attending t( o i .ogatlon. ani the .its south side. Tien in the fall if was played on the.perk here .by,•,li1 University;whets he has : just taken you take all the earth: you can, 'plant boys, attending the Public school: his degre .with honors.. • He .will chow at once after digging, and fill up with . The teams were captained by 'Messrs, 'oommence to: study for• the legal .ea re- soft eirth, not hard chutiks, and';mulch Mcdutcheon and Groves, and the f6ssiAlt..o : ,• afterwards, most trees will grow if match hr esby lie rims. d viol f following t the i t .d,,i. mice and cattle can • be kept'away. 'the score: --126 T e ons team s This I•b ve known excellent with A', nnrakrei 'of onc'ueighltoring teams est innings, 89, 2nd 39, total.78," and villagdi: that gr e:,boasti>ig of what maples,, but, they will transplant with- o the can sh'ikv..- the -wa `trf a liade out it. If the trenspltin't'ing. front the Mr. Grove's seam, let innrurs 27, 2114 :challenge from Listowel to. engage in service: son Sunday evening last • a trees and general attraeti°rness u cued bush of the hard -wee ed trees, which 25: total i ,2, tia feieudlymatch. The challenge has' severe gale struck them abaft, which do:viol) to see Wingham in this .res- are deficient of transplanting, owing . DIED. beeu •r•ccepted.and the gate is 'expect: caused considerable damage to the peot before anoliolising to theinse1ves to their having roots, be tried with ,• fl '1 t ballast d thismethod, h t ," Bess 4 e° gun 1n the comity. 1 J. E use wife of Jrl. Vase li tacking was necessary to keep c ear•o ,of the beautiful' say -that as a desir- Couldwe see t is a a goo many .Luso aged 95 ears, Mr's. 'Rush for Bated inacolor,cid trimmed to get a the digester. The larger and stronger able place'in'which to live Wingham plantations of some hones set outwith ,'ivas a sister of air, Samuel 'S'l s succeeded in braving the storm by; tapes rho lead • care, say 4 feet apart; it would soon•be of this town• ,e1. ig-eomeoff. onrtbo 17th 'or )8th of set. Sails were rent, a est aiz credit for pdasessing all the me o , mug greater success," the. 13th of May, Mrs. M. tiffs mouth. • bearings lost and the most skilful t b 'f d • Loversmaybe eepe.ted than without R p k 1 1 f h fel d f found an excellent investment. Good ' ,be defrayed ,by subscriptions. They suddenly shifting the boomsail to the,) We understand the members of our timber of alt sorts is growing scarce -•••••- in Ver on lave an excurs on to about. HurPort apposite aide of the mast. Some of j hoots a elub cnr have rho fuer arra n B 'and dear, and in ten years he who • li Y g the +mailer craft had their top rigging : a . In 1•?' 1• blown off entirely, others sailed into for the tournament on July 1st. , game of foot ball will be played nearest port and remained there till They intend to level and improve the ern the old athletic grounds here on the storm subsided. No lives lost but gr ands in inch a manner as will no ,S turday. the 20th inst. between the great anxiety prevailed until all were doubt be an advantage to the town, Young Actives junior club of Godes- safe in their respective harbors. • the agricultural society and the .olu . ;Black military braid. The costs will skilfully holding first to leeward, then ticli, and the North Stars junior club We hope the "boys" will be heartily Mr. D. Stewart, cattle buyer of this encouragedby our citizens generally, Cif. Ilii :town. An interesting contest town, purchaser) recently .from Mr. es anticipated. Peter Fowler, Bluesale road, a choice "Did yez hear about the Franchoise ter: Ro'rt Tennant .gave the hand a phir of fat cattle whialr turned the Bill that they stave been'spendin' ao .drive around town in his new rigs scales at 1840 .ai.d 1840 each, !dr, much time over down at Ottawa, Mrs. Friday evening;, the 'boys in return .Stewartsays be never before had any Mulrooney ?" "Faith 1 did not, Mrs, playing some favorite selections 11 Tr, to equal them in weight and quality. O'Grady, and what is b Fraiehoise Tennant has added four new ries to Mr. Fowler is deserving of much credit Bill, anyway ?" "Oh, ICS .a • scheme his stable, the workmanship of Mc; for bringing these cattle to such a: of John A's, to give the nagurs and .Clyr-ront 13r,s state of perfection. Mr. Stewart like• Chinese and Indians a wote and to ze of each of 'Coronto geveb t fed byurMrsed a Isaac Wrair ightroice of steers,Turntwinty ciout the ntsice of on a doz n hin Talk about own to p izq of $. sash Week fir the best !terry, another good .breeder, that freedom And the N. P. 'Nis. Mul- r +m either original or "select. d sent ten for publication. My s Louie V. C l this placed+ plants successfully.' now will be fortu- nate. True, it will not be fl to cut then but it will sell for a good figure to those who are prepared to wait until it is fit: And -one word more -many good pieces of forest which will otherwise dry un, die, and blew dojwn, could be _ocai i iarKe .eport Wingham. June 1 2th. 18,86 Flour p r cwt. • $2 50 to: ` Flour per bbl 5 00 to ' 1.+' 11 Wheat per ons.... 90 to . 92. saved, yielding beautiful successions S ing • •' `' ••+ 90 to 92, of trees, a perpetual storehouse of Oats 40 to 2 timber, could we but afford to keep Barley " " 48 to 66. cattle out of them. Peas " " 60 to 65 Yours,• &a., Potatoes " ... .40 to 40 R W, Pxzr a. Butter per lb ' ......, .'10 to 18 9 oronto, 3u ne 8rd,1885. ' Eggs per doz...... • ` 11 to 11 ' ° Hay per ton. ,.....' 4 00 to 16' 00 Wood 1 AO to 125.. METHODIST CONFERENCE: The :following is taken from the XOS QMN=CV woigiled 2740 ; also three ehoioe steers. rooney, but what will become of the from Sir, Lewis 91h.con. of Turn- natives ' whin Pottndcake and . Bigfirst draft of stations of the Guelph. :1. , inis i, ut is i's awards berry; that net 8650 All these choice Bear and Streik Hina en the Jaw finMethodist Conference subject to eor- Opens at 8 a = t` a prize this wee!' foY a' beatttifil, rection We understand, that the 1'tiny loom selected h her entitled' cattle left oil Saturday last for foreign the Chinese 'and min the laundry Rev. G. H. Cornish has been sent to Mailafr0 Mao up Leming. Closes at 6.30 pm "There is Black in the Tina of the marltets, air. St:rwart expects to have trade 4' No furriness should be uat another load *eddy for shipment in allowed to compete wid us, Mrs. 0' Stratford, and that the Rev, D. Mc• London, Manitoba and ••._ about two weeks. Grady." "Mo a3intime>jts "to a to , Dowell', of Flesherton, is to conte here, the Western, States, y y y but eveaye not Been the corrects h h d via L.11. & B. ejxprosa 9 00 p.m 7.20 aSark draft. • rile committee of the Young 'The famous Georgia, Minstrels will Mrs. 111ulroOtiey Andagain ." via mixed P enle's Literary Society, in. coanec•' train • 11.16 a.rn 11.80 a.ni, t on with the.; Methodist church,, met hire thke a ea (1+' xdtzy) evening. erformance in theown cone: Pictorial and illhe tenth nber of iistratedbN ar News tiadiatt WINGHA.si DISTRICT,'' r` Toronto, tirs in tV Montreal and J.. Norris, ars embraces 20 accomplished e+' before us, lt•contama the follow- Wingham-John Scott, a.. ttie,resiclence of air.A, •. B onfiuesditys,Thurs Tuesday evening and decided d hold Pan"' rru.rs, and the programme gill ;.0 n• is illustrations: 't Brigade funerals Kincardine, --games McAllister ; Cagy and Saturdayde 9•otz p.m 700 e. ; a garden party or aboesi the 25th silt of Ethiopean burlesque, planta: of Lieut. Fitch and Private Moor, Joseph li Hilts, : superannuated Monday, ayr 111,08a,m 11.21 a, •f this riionth, at the residence of do melodies, jubilee sons clog and Royal Grenadiers" scenes from Streetsville . IA Mr' be nold's, of which due notice 4 J songe, y ( ( 1Kineardtne,Lucknow will Y %wen.. e' tglvn b.nd ie jig dances, etc., &c. The company sketches by out own artist, and in. Ripley m.'Baugh,- aril' the North, via $ they very' g. ) p photographs y- W tc Zi . ' 8.05 p.m 8.20 p.t>9 keep+•cted to be • in attendance. have a eared and the tollowin Timms • "Row the Royal Grenadiers Lucknow-Gee Turk' John Walk. T 0• & B, via Teamster hags been ver successful wherever stantaneoai hoto ra hs byFred Amber a Geo, Lends. A tournament under the ie anal of , the man favorable ressgot their dinner before Batooho"(from er, superannuated. stage 11.90 a.tq I' grandy P lig (lienfarrow on Tuesday anspiees. of the Wingham Lacrosse notices they have received:.• -"The a sketch by oulr special artist, 'Mr Ashfield -Wm. Il, . Moss (Luck_ Thursday &'Saturday 4,00 p.m club will lir. held here on Dominion Famous Georgia Minstrels (gave a fine F. W. Curzon) : "Air. T,a Odour's now). Arriving from - 0 'en at Day, when a'fever cup, valued at $20, entertainment At the 4oadotiiy, last Portable Rifle Pits in Action (from BBervie--Samuel Sellery, B. D., I Arriviiite,viawG&B mill -be offered r competition. Luck: evening. The troupe is coru1 osed of phntograpbs.taken at Stratford. .Ont.) Robert 0. Burton , Jatnes Gleddes, Tuoaday, Thursday& now. arri.rton,, Listowel and Kincar: colored then, and is quite a strong one. "Big near, the last of the Rebels Supernumerary. Saturday 11.21 a.tn 11.45 cm .dtnn have been invited, and are oxpect: T1 .,music, both vocal and iustru: (fiord a Photogragh); "The 88th Bat: Teeswater-Austin Potter. Mond+, Wednesday • ,etl t • sake part in the tournamen incptal, was of a superior character; talion (Dufferin Rifles of Brantford" Brussels -john Kenner; David C, and I'rid .v 8.00 a,tn f ( ) London, via L H & 13 '14 ,ie will he all attit&ative feature Xf the Jokes were new and good, and the from• a photograph by Park k lin.), Clappison, superannuated (Toronto, Express the Ethel - Pottsville showing Su8.00 am! .t:,e acv's eel, b ii.ion hare, and we whole pr:rformanue was received with Also a fine, Two-page Suppleiont' 87 Wood street.) mixed train 11.80 am712.'0 '• 'No,. n , dryuh; a large ztumbor of the ui,bounded applause." -Jr ndrryq Sketcher frost ltioltard Paul. Toronto, Moulton, via Jo' »r' •f (7t' -rl-t national seine wi!' .Yo',1r:ial This afternoon the will: Pont, by Mr, 1. W, Carson, The Walton ---Thos. J. Sabine W 0' & B 8,20 p,m-3.46 p.m, y1' f4 h B. & Teamster ho ire's}tem-td.: as to witness the coma give it greur stre't parade by their paper sells at lfotq per copy, obtain.. Blyth -#-John S. Fischer, vin mugs 5.00 p.m, p-ebirtton. Prather partioulara will b. 0rrt,at band in full uriform led by the able from local booksellers atixl from .. Belgraver--Edwin A Chown, B. D, Glenfarrow,onTucseay given in due tete. wizard oornttist, Prat. I:i<. It. Holland. the offices of puhliratio'n. 1314041e-1altez J, Nobler Thursday &Saturday 240 p.'r 9e.