HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-02-05, Page 3Grace United Church, Porter's Hill Grace Church, Porter's Hill, con- ducted the annual business meet- ing on Tuesday, January 20, with a good attendance of members. Following a short period of de- votions led by the minutes, Rev. Peter Renner was asked to preside over the business period. Wilmer Harrison acted as secretary of the meeting. The last annual meeting minutes were read and adopted, and reports were called for by the chairman. Rev. Renner reported for the session. In the absence of the treasurer of the congregation, Ar- gyle Lockhart, Rev. Renner sum- marized the receipts and expendi- tures. Contributions by envelope and loose collection showed an in- crease and when all accounts were met a small balance was carried over. The Woman's Association report was given by Mrs. Peter Harrison; The Missionary and Maintenance report by Donald Harris and the Sunday School report by Jim Cox. Officers elected for 1953 were as follows, session, Rev. Renner, John Torrance, Reid Torrance and Wilmer Harrison; board of stew- arts, Allen Bettles, James Cox, Elgin Cox, Argyle Lockhart and Donald Harris; parsonage board, Reid Torrance, Argyle Lockhart, Wilmer Harrison, Mrs. Peter Har- rison and Mrs, Donald Harris; trustee board, Keith Cox, Ray Cox, James Cox and Milton Woods; church treasurer, Argyle Lockhart; M. and M. treasurer, Donald Harris; auditor, Ray Cox; organist, Mrs, William Cox; as- sitants, Mrs. Austin Harris and Mrs. Argyle Lockhart. Superintendent of Sun day School, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison; assis t a n t superintendent, Mrs. Reid Torrance; secretary-treasur- er, James Cox; pianist, Mrs. AuS- tin Harris. Committee in charge of anniver- sary services: Allen Bettles, Reid Torrance and Mrs. Argyle Lock- hart. All business having been com- pleted the meeting was closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the ladies and a social half hour en- joyed. Gordon Dobie are plate collectors. For the Sunday School, Miss Ruth Daer was chosen secretary-treas- urer with June Letherland assist- ant; organist, Miss Laura May Letherland. Reports of the different organ- izations showed substantial bal- ances, During the year a Mission Band was formed, under the lead- ership of Mrs. F. 0. Mellveen, Mrs, Don Haines, and Mrs. Ed, Davies, ca.adaid "SALAD .c.x.wroN NEWS-RECORD r'AGg VOW ; Clinton and District Churches Show Favourable Year TIfORWAY, -FEA3RUARX 5, 1,9P Bright Future Promised By Primary Department These children are members of the Primary Department of Wesley-Willis United Church, who meet every Sunday morning in the basement of the church. Under the leadership of Mrs. Merritt Nediger, superintendent, and Mrs. Daisy Holland, assist- ant superintendent, they receive instruction from teachers, Mrs. Douglas Andrews, Mrs. Reg. Shipley, Mrs, Wilfred Jervis, Mrs. Elmer Hugill, Mrs. Wesley Holland, Mrs. William Holland, Mrs. Edwin Cooper, Mrs. Percy Livermore is pianist. They are an eager group of youngsters and their attendance in church school, when taken along with the numbers of children attending similar schools throughout local churches, bodes well for the future in church work. "DOWN DAIRY 'Ass. Ligon to this No:reamom bN WedfiltdaYs 1j15 04 rok0 k.;11.5.T,00rr ss NotirorAa ago. lay 6 'Vat mu have milk if pm and the family ate to stay healthy. That's why it is a sensible idea to keep a supply of Milk powder in the kitehen always. You cart use it itt most recipes just as it allintS (rota the container, or you tan make it up into hold milk if your quart runs out at an inconvenient time, Milk lewder is an excellent and inexpensive 'source of protein and minerals, the food values you can't do without, oAllitt *CMOs SIRVICI iliftiAlk .400 Plows *roe, Uresso, 0,004* St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church The annustl congregational meet- '$Pg of St. Andrew's presbyterian Cengregation was held in, the school room of the church on Wednesday, January 21, The Moderator of r Session, Rev. D. J. Lane, opened the meeting with scripture reading and prayer after which the assembled con- gregation voted to have Dr. J. W. Shaw act as chairman for the business period. Ed. MacLeod, secretary of the congregation, read the minutes of the last annual business meeting, and they were adopted. Reports were heard from the treasurers and secretaries of the various organizations within, the church. Mrs. Eric Sims, in be- half of the Girls' Club, submitted the report of her club, showing a very fine year's work, and Miss Mabel Harvie gave her treasurer's report, Mrs, R. L. McEwen read the financial statement of the Wom- en's Association, and Miss 0. Mc- Pherson gave a resume of the meetings conducted from a sec- retary's point of view. The report of the WMS was interestingly told by Mrs. Robert Scott, secretary. Interest had been sustained and strengthened, and the subjects discussed had been informative and educative. The treasurer, Mrs. James Makins, re- ported 1952 had been one of the best years in the history of the society. The auxiliary had over- subscribed its allocation. Mrs. Clarence Neilans, secre- tary-treasurer of the Sunday School, spoke of the growth of the school, the addition of classes, the new superintendent's appointment, and gave the balance, after oper- ating for the year as sufficient to purchase supplies for 1953. Mrs. Lane, leader of the Mission Band, informed all present that a changed method with the Band was being pursued, whereby the whole Sunday School constituted the organization, using the first Sunday of each month as the reg- ular Band hour. It was successful. The report of the Men's' Club was submitted by Ed MacLeod, Guest speakers at the meetings of the men had brought much food for thought to the members, and the men's lives had been enriched by their fellowship together. The men had taken care of various improvements, supplied expenses for Sunday School Christmas, ent- ertainment, sponsored picnic and winter entertainment for the child- ren and financially were able to report a nice balance. Alex Cudmore, congregational treasurer, distributed copies of the general church finances which showed the revenue from differ- ent sources to have been $5,000. A balance of $880 remains in the treasury, This was stated to be the best financial statement for 25 years. The minister reported for the Kirk Session. Regular worship had been maintained, Thankoffering and anniversary services had been arranged. Satisfactory vacation month's worship with the Anglican brethren was recommended if agreeable with St. Paul's. New members had been received. The sacraments had been observed. Eleven children were baptized and three adults. Growth in various organizations was noted. Four elders had been chosen and ordain- ed and the membership roll revis- ed. New officers among the Board of Managers were elected, includ- ing Eric Sims, replacing John Leiper (removed) and re-appoint- ment of the former members. These now are, William Mutch, McBrien, H. Cowan, R. Mac- aulay, J. Snider, Alex Cudmore (treasurer), F. Mutch, Ed Gibson, Dr. J. W. Shaw, K. W. Colquhoun, E. Sims, G. W. Nott. The auditors appointed are F. Mutch and H. English. The meeting closed with prayer. WHEN PAIN /STRIKES At the first twinge of rheumatic pain—take Templeton's T-R-C's, Over a mil- lion T-R-C's used every month, for speedy relief from pain caused by rheu- matism, arthritis, neuralgia, lumbago and sciatica. Why suffer needlessly? Keep T-R-C's on hand, and use them promptly, Only 65c, $1.55 at drug counters. T-8.42 Wesley-Willis United Church The congregational meeting of Wesley-Willis United Church was held on Thureday evening, Jan- uary 22. After a brief devotional period, George Beattie was ap- pointed secretary of the meeting, Those elected to the Session were: Charles Nelson, John Lines and Fred Potter, Elected to the, Committee of Stewards: Douglas Andrews, Glen Wise, Wesley Hol- land, Dr. W. A, Oakes, Wilbur Martin, Frank Fingland, Q.C„ R. N. Irwin and E. Ie. Epps. N. W, Trewartha presented the report of the Session and this was followed by the memorial tri- bute to the members who died during the year, The following reports were giv- en: Sunday School, J. A. Sutter; Junior School, Mrs. M. W. Nedi- ger; Missionary and Maintenance Fund, Lester Martin; Woman's Missionary Society, Mrs, Margaret Addison; Mission Band, Marilyn Miller; Good-Will Club, Mrs. Mil- ton Steepe; Young Mothers' Study Group, Mrs, Percy Livermore; Woman's Association, Mrs. A, E. Shaddick; Young People's Union, Lloyd Holland; Choir, R.' N. Ir- win; church treasurer, R, N. Ir- win. M. and M. Report Receipts: Balance on hand, $2.86; regular and special envel- opes, $1,815.65; Sunday School, $126.38; Good-Will Club, $25.00;. Young People's Union, $18; total receipts—$1,987.89. Disbursements: Remitted cheque to headquarters, $1,962.89; Mis- sionary speakers during year, $25; total disbursements—$1,987.89, No balance on hand. Words of appreciation were spoken to the choir by Frank Fingland; to the janitor, by J. A. Sutter; to A. T. Cooper, for his work in preparing the annual re- port, by Charles Nelson; to the ladies, by M. T. Corless and to the minister and his wife by N. W. Trewartha. A pleasing feature of the evening was a presentation to James Vessey and A. Benson Corless in appreciation of their services to the church. During the evening the follow- ing program was greatly enjoyed: A male chorus by the men of the choir; a reading, and a charming encore, by Mrs. E. H. Epps; a number of selections from the poems of Wilson McDonald, read by G. H. Jefferson and a male quartette composed of Richard Andrews, Lloyd Holland, Donald Andrews and Hugh Wilson. Mrs. Rennie was the accompanist. At the meeting of the official board, George Beattie was appoint- ed Recording Steward; N. W. Trewartha and Charles Nelson, representatives to Presbytery and Conference; Edward Jenkins and Lester Martin, M, and M. commit- tee; treasurer, Lester Martin; George Beattie, Cree Cook and R. N. Irwin, music committee; H. C. Wilson, ' N. W. Trewartha and George Beattie, pulpit supply com- mittee; Wilbur Martin and M. T, Corless, auditors; M. T. Corless, Thomas Riley, J, A. Sutter and Wilfred Jervis, look-out commit- tee; Wesley Holland, captain of the ushers, It was decided to celebrate the church anniversary, the last Sun- day in May • or early in. June. There was an excellent attend- ance at both meetings. The sup- per served by the ladies of the church was greatly enjoyed by all. Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn Members of Knox Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday School room on Tuesday, January 27, for the annual meeting. Rev. R. G. MacMillan, Goclerich, interim mod- erator, was chairman, and J. C. Stoltz was secretary. The session report was given by William Watson, clerk, and the board of managers' report by Mrs. Wellington Good. The retiring managers were Alfred Rollinson and W. Good. Mr. Rollinson did not wish to be re-elected; and Al- vin Letherland and Mr. Good were chosen for a three-year term. The auditors, Arthur and Victor Yung- blut, and the church treasurer, Mrs. W, Good, were re-elected. Mrs. Wes Bradnock is secretary of budget; trustees, J. C. Stoltz, John Doerr, W. T. Robison. Ar- thur Yungblut was re-elected as church organist, Don Haines and Trinity Church, Bayfield (By our Bayfield correspondent) The annual meeting of Trinity Church was held in the Orange Hall on Wednesday evening, Jan- uary 21, at which there was a good attendance, The meeting was called to order and opened with prayer by the rector, the Rev. E. Carew-Jones, who presided. Mrs. William E. Parker was appointed secretary for the meeting., As vestry clerk, Mrs. Parker read a splendid ac- count of the last annual meeting. The treasurer's statement was read by Lloyd Scotchmer and showed a larger balance on hand than last year with all bills paid. Miss Lucy Woods read the treas- urer's statements for Trinity Church Guild showing a healthy balance, and the Women's Auxil- iary with a small balance on hand. Miss Berthena Sturgeon read the secretary's and treasurer's reports of the Trinity Club which showed a very active year with but a small balance remaining in a the treasury. The Trinity Club, amongst other committments had purchased twlve folding chairs and two tables for the primary depart- ment in the Sunday School. John H. Parker reported a balance on hand in the Sunday School report but appealed for some small assis- tance for extra supplies this year 'owing to the increase in attend- ance. A letter was read by James A. Cameron, retiring people's warden, from Bishop Luxton regarding the rules and regulations concerning the appointment of church officials and advising adherence to such, His Lordship also requested that the matter of an additional sum for travelling expenses be taken up and this was left to the church wardens to arrange with the other churches in the parish. The following were appointed for 1953: rector's warden, James A. Cameron; people's warden, J. E. Hovey; lay delegate to synod, Maynard Carrie, substitute, James A. Cameron; treasurer, Lloyd Scotchmer; envelope secretary, Mrs. C. Knuckey; Vestry Clerk, Mrs. William E. Parker; the board of management includes those al- ready named and Mrs. M. Carrie (president, Trinity Club), Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner (president WA), Mrs. L. Scotchmer (president Guild), J. H. Parker (superinten- dent, Sunday School), Mrs. Lar- son, Mrs. J. B. Higgins, J. B, Hig- gins and William E. Parker; sides- men, J. and W, Parker, J. B. Hig- gins, W. McDool, M. Corrie, B. Larson, J. SturgeoreSe, Alf Scot- chmer, Jr.; auditors, Mrs. Alma Bassett and Miss Lucy R. Woods. James A, Cameron moved a hearty vote of thanks to all the church officials. The rector ex- pressed thanks and appreciation for all the kindness shown him- self and family, and he also thank- ed the church officials for their ,co-operation, and all those who in any way did any work about the church, for, he said that it was often the little things which, coun- ted for so much. Following, the closing prayer, the ladies served refreshments and a social half-hour was spent around the good old box stove. Londesboro United Church The Londesboro United Church held its annual congregational meeting on Tuesday, January 20, with a fair attendance. Rev, W, Gandier Opened the meeting with a short talk and prayer, After this he was elected chairman for the Meeting which position he filled capably. Mrs, McNall was secretary. She read the minutes of last year's meeting. The reports of the many departments of the church were given, All were gratifying, as every one Showed an increase of givings with all obligations met and a balance over. The WMS and Mission Band had done exceptionally well dur- ing the past year, The WA also was busy during the year, Clare Vincent spoke for the YPU which was a new organization in the church, which has shown much ae- tivity during the year The Still-, ,day School had an increase in at- terelarice and also in givinga. The election of officers for the Session and Stewards Were put through, Rev. Gandier remarked on being well pleased with all re-ports whith showed good work and much thought. Lunch was served at the Close and a social time together was enjoyed. Brucefied United Church The congregational meeting of Brucefield United Church was held, in the school room of the church on Tuesday evening, January 27. With Rev. W. J. Maines perform- ing the duties of chairman, T. 13. Baird was appointed secretary of the meeting. Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and ad- opted, Reports were given as follows: training school report, Mrs. Allan; session report, R. P. Watson and W. J. Maines; YPU, Robert P. Al- lan, president; choir, Wilma Din- nin, secretary-treasurer; Sunday School, N. Walker, superintendent and R. P, Allan, treasurer; cGrr, Mrs. William Scott; WMS, Mrs. Alice Ham and Mrs. William Scott for Mrs. H. Dalrymple and Mrs. Ben Keys; Mission Band, Mrs. Ed- gar Allan; Baby Band, Mrs, Walt- er Moffatt; WA, Mrs. Lorne Wil- son and Mrs. Gordon Elliott for Mrs. H. F. Berry; trustee board, Ross Scott; board of managers, John Broadfoot; church secretary, Miss Eva Stackhouse for J. W. Stackhouse; auditors' report, T. B. Baird. A committee consisting of Mrs. C. Christie and Mrs. L. Wilson was appointed to investigate possibilit- ies of forming a junior congregat- ion. Walter Moffat, session; Miss Edythe Bowey, WA and A. J. Mus- tard, managers, were appointed members of the M and M commit- tee. J. W. Stackhouse was re-appoin- ted secretary-treasurer; Wilmer Broadfloot and Clen Christie were appointed managers to take the place of the retiring managers, William Burdge and Jim McDon- ald, while W. D. Wilson was re- turned for a second three year term as manager. The financial position of all branches of the church were re- ported in just as good or better shape than at the end of the pre- vious year. Lunch was served by the ladies at the close of the meeting. St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield (By our Bayfield correspondent) Following a pot luck supper, held in the basement of the church the congregation of St. Andrew's United Church held their annual meeting on Thursday, Jan. 22. Af- ter the singing of the "The Chur- ch's One Foundation" and prayer, Rev. Peter Renner took the chair and D. McKenzie was appointed secretary for the meeting. The minutes of the lest annual meeting were read an* adopted, and the financial reports of the different organizations of the church were received: WMS, read by Mrs. Robert Scotchmer; WA, read by Miss J. Stirling; Sunday School by Albert Woods; YPU by Ted Dunn; M and M, by Mr. Ren- ner in the absence of the treasur- er, A. Scotchmer, owing to illness; the Cradle Roll, by Mrs. Robert Scotchmer in the absence of Mrs. Bert Greer, Superintendent, and the church read by the treasurer, Lloyd IVIalsins. In all cases the financial objectives had been reached or passed, The resignations Of three offic- ers were received: Miss A. M. Stirling as Sunday School Super- intendent; Mrs, Robert Scotehmer as organist and A. Scotchmer as M and M Treasurer. To replace these Don Kingsbury was elected Sunday School Superintendent, with Miss Stirling as his assistant; Mrs. Don Kingsbury, organist with Mrs. Scotchmer, assistant; and John McKenzie, M and M treasury er, Albert Woods was re-elected Sunday School Treasurer with Ken Scotchmer his assistant; An- na Porter and Elaine Grainger, pianists. The session was re-appointed; also the Board of Stewards; Board cif Trustees, Parsonage Board, M and M Committee and ushers. Lloyd Makins was re-appointed chtirch treasurer, The Session re- ported 85 families snider Pastoral Oversight, with 127 resident mem. hers, ten baptisms; ohe marriage and three funerals, The fiftieth anniversary peojett of re-decorating the Church audi- torium, also of installing new light fixturee had been suceeseful- ly accomplished during the year and the thanks of the meeting was tendered Vit. Renner, for his help in the work, frifr, Renner expressed his thanka for the fine gift of a turkey which: had' come to the parsonage at. Chriatinag Carmel Presbyterian Church, Balsa (By our leeesall correspondent) Following a pot-luck supper served by the ladies of the cen- gregation, the annual corigregas tional meeting of Carmel Presby- terian Church, Rensall, was held in the Sunday School room on Fri- day night, January 30, with a good attendance, The session report revealed that 27 new members were added durs ing the past year, 19 were res moved (eight of them by death), bringing the present membership to 250. The sacrament of baptism was administered to 22 children and one adult and four marriages were performed. Reports from various organiza- tions showed good progress dur- ing the year. The congregational financial report indicated a sub- stantial increase in givings over the past year as well as an in- crease in the number of contribu- tors from 112 to 170, Total revenue from all sources amounted to 7,800, representing an increase of over $2,500 over the previous year. Elected to the Board of Man- agement as treasurer and envelope secretary respectively were Garnet Mousseau and Clarke Kennedy, Also elected as managers were Wilmer Dalrymple and Alvin Ker- slake. A nominating committee to bring in a proposed slate of all officers to the next annual meet- ing was appointed as follows: George Walker,e' Alex McGregor and John Soldan, Record secre- tary, Mrs. L. Baynham, and aud- itors, W. W. Jarrett and Clarke Kennedy were re-appointed, Edgar Munn's appointment as bi fleet treasurer was confirmed by the meeting, The congregational meeting ap- proved a grant of $50 to the Sun- day School for the promotion of its work. Rev. J. B. Fox congratulated the members of the various organiza- tions, leaders and teachers for their faithful service during the year, and in his closing prayer remembered all members and friends of the congregation who had entered into higher service. •-• EBENEZER WA January Meeting The' Woman's Association of Eb- enezer United Church met at the home of Mrs. Morgan Jones for the January meeting. With the president in charge, the meeting was opened by, singing the theme song and repeating the Women's Creed in unison. Mrs. Stewart Farquhar took charge of the devotional exercises. The roll call was answered by the members paying their annual fee. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. The secretary and treasurer gave their annual reports. Cards of thanks from Mrs. Tavener and Mrs, Newton were read. A missionary reading was given by Mrs. Harry Oakes, and readings were given by Mrs. C. Tebbutt and Mrs. F. Jones. The meeting was closed by singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpah benediction. Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meet- ing was held in the church on January 20, with a good attend- ance, and satisfactory reports were given by the secretaries of the different departments of church. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, fired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, lust a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 St. John's Church, Varna (By our Bayfield correspondent) The annual meeting of St, John's Anglican Church, Varna, was held at the rectory, Bayfield, on Mon- day evening, January 19, The Rev, E. Carew-Jones opened with pray- er and gave a report of the, ser- vices held during the year. He read a letter from the Bishop, and later proposed a vote of thanks to all the church officers. Mrs. Harold Elliott read the minutes of the last •annual meet- ing. George Beatty read the treas- urer's statement. The financial report of the Women's Association was read by Miss Mossop, and the Guild by Mrs. H. Elliott. All were satisfactory and showed a small balance on hand. The following were appointed to office for 1953: Rector's Warden, Wilmer Reid; People's Warden, Dean Aldwinckle; lay delegate to synod, Dean Aldwinckle; substi- tute lay delegate, E. Chutor; treasurer and vestry clerk, Mrs. H. Elliott; the Board of Manage- menI, Miss Edith Beatty, George Beatty, Mrs, D. Aldwinckle, Roy Elliott and Harold Elliott, togeth- er with the wardens and other of- ficers. At the conclusion of the meeting, the rector showed moving pictures which he had taken in Arabia and in his former parish in Norfolk, England, which were very much enjoyed. Refreshments were served before a happy even- ing came to a close. South Huron Hospital Holds Open House The new South Huron Hospital in Exeter was open for inspection Thursday and Friday, last week. The hospital, which was built as an addition to the former Car- ling homestead, contains 35 pa- tient beds, ten infant cubicles and two children's cots. In the west wing there is mod- ern kitchen, dining bar, nurses' dining room, treatment room and two-bed wards. The east wing houses nine two-bed wards and utility room. A nursery, two operating rooms, sterilizing room, X-ray section, treatment room and four two-bed wards, make up the main section. The basement contains a board room, auxiliary room, sterilizing room, pharmacy, laundry, healtn nurses' quarters and storage rooms. The former Carling home, with entrance on Huron St., has been fitted up for administrative of- fices and nurses' quarters. 0" e atukeetf eeivat, YOUR FUTURE MAY BE FINE ... BUT NOW ABOUT YOUR FAMILY ? You want to he sure your heirs will benefit as you intended. To ensure this you should: 1) Have a Will 2) Have a Will that clearly expresses your wishes One of our experienced Trust Officers will be glad to advise and assist you to plan your Estate Program. When these matters are settled, consult a 'lawyer about your Will. It takes surprisingly little time and &Vanes to ensure that today's intentions botorne tomortoes realities. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPØATION )010.4 otttC IlitAMeR OMNI ter00000 tot iholkii Ale SO* 40