HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-06-12, Page 5• THE' TIMES, FRIDAY JILNI If 111 I LT .,— MITE • 1 a gams Is. 00 0 COUNTY'. pouRattdollar per acre —Oarried by a majo; rity of 7, Moved by Mx Beacom.; Ttre County Council met in (.ode : sec, by Mr. Elliott, "That Godcribti richo TtleiR(INy of last week. The township be reduced one dollar per usual preliminaries were gone through acre"—lost by a majority of 22. with, R, D, Bayley was appointed. Moved by Dr. Buohannan, see: by Mr. •mg tbustee fOr Clinton High, School in. Rannie, that Hay township be reduced pace of A, 8, Fl8her A number of by one aollar per acre," lost by 4. • repor is and letters were read,, The Moved by. Mr. Currie, sec. by Mr. ° Council sanctioned the openings of a Anderson, "that. East. Wawanosh oe • street in•Wingliam/ • reduced to $30 pe acre" lost • by 27. Report Idopted After the reception WEDNESDAY, ' of various repor s the Council adjourn: The reports of Elliott, Strao' ban, ed till December Girvin and Hardy were referred to ' ... .the finance committee. On motion, of TURNBERRY. MeMurchie and Coats, the resolution — of D. D. Wilson and •°colic, recluest:se.mr r , Robert Aiken has returned ‘.. log the Lieut. Gov. to jappoint a sal: from his rather extensive tour through .• , • laried police magistrate for Huron, at ..,.,.... . the States and British Columbia, via,. . • ,lia.,,,,. art early date, in accordance with the T.. • California. He looks a great 'deal • ' ', , , the statute, was referred to the finance. better for his tripand he says be committeeenjoyed himself splendidly , , , . TrantenA • •.r 0.. Y. . Mr. John Fortune, of the 9th con., Report of. ,Analfr,ation 'committee -dame very near losing a twoeyear read and' laid,*'4the'table.i Minutes old colt lita, ''peculiar manner. .It ap- , of yesterday readzitiad affirhaed. ,Repears he was going to dri•e it out of a '• Per'A•••'of Finance Committee read. field, when the animal ran against a Moj'!in amendment by Mr. Clegg, plow, the stilt entering.flm chest about. . Elibei4:'that thelquestion of ten inchk.making Etti uglywound 0101 44** of a police magistrate but strange to say there are prospe dor ,$VsrAiltilAlie Deer. session of ef• its re,.,-timy. .the Couticikpending.the result of the Mr. P. S. Linklater whiS9vteeived a atnerreiment itow t116 -House of severe kick. on the lute° from a horse Coannons. Elliott, •a few days ago, is able to be aroundBeacom. BeaCom, Koine, ,Otirnin, 4".H. Eliber, ' ball id ll istight, • Dr. Buchanzian,a' ain' dwisoon e Olegg, ,Tohns: ton, Cameron, Bissett, Forsyth, Wray, Simpson, Mita, ISTcOlymont; !Manly, EAST W .N0' Hays, Britton and Clare, 21, , -Nays H. Young, Cooke, 0. Wilson, The following is the report of S. S. McMurcnie, 0, Eleber, Ranaie; Esson, IsTo, 11, East Wawanosh,for Hardy, Campbell, Giiffin, Carrie, D. Fourth Class Mazks , obtainable Yyting, Girvin, SAn: 1090.-1aggie Lind 860, Agnes Ling ders, Strachan; McPherson, Hennings, '739, Sarah, Owls 640. Annie King , Oliver, McMurehie, °Jets, Anderson, Undilie, Walker, Kay, Beattie and 'Third Class—Marks ootainable 968. Haney -27. Moved by Mr, Johnston, :-..:Maggie Jackson 8.3, Charlotte Me - sec. by Mr. Bessit, "That the report Bhrney 666, Oliitrles Kin(' be amended in reference to John Fer: • 'Seeond Senior. --Marks Cbtaitte.ble 'gni= (caretaker of Bayfield lockup) 1086. — Addle'. Roach 757';'..4bert. acct. bY,AikAtig the payment of $20, Jackson 685, Elizabeth No,ylinl'..VAD-, Oarried.".•,',* report as auonded was . Second Junior —Marks OV4ineble —JUST RECEIVED -- A LARGE CONSIGNMENT II aches, Jewelr At Lower Prices than Ever Before Offered in Wingh.am. t3ell &S caBAN as -any house in Cithatla•; Try mel -and see • for yourselves. HALSEY PARK MEM & DigIERNSON . -DAREIBTERS, &a. SOLICIT:0E8E0E BANE• ,. HAMILTON. Comnaiseloners for taking vits for Manitoba, Private funds 0' leztkin st4s4.Jt, loons et lowest otos.' OfEce's ookYiJ ham, Totekno and Gorrie. IL Winalimn Nov 18 1$$ 5. n:?•nrbrirssok.'-‘ • MORON, eaartasria wungtatir-out • • • DRS. 101,11'HUNILI& 0V2:' • PHYSICIANS AND SIIEGE04-" office, co r Centre and t atrick Strut' Wrogluotn Oucarloi • ALEX. BETIIENE, M. Po; • 1 -YO11, P. R. o. P. 8. UNG D • 14, CHURCH D1REOTORY;- nno . ON A FIFTY' CENT I SLgililly S.Sch9fti;E11111".e: ; ' • • , A CHANCE TO MAKE 11.119110 IVaesdtonre.sday ening at. 7;20. -}ttv,- R.AnYI - Ai tqt: INVESTMENT. p - i. .7.. Et saiktilems34•111cOco- i- inTill i=t.tootoktir.e. X.sOests ---. -I! 'X'23.etooa 2131 Vezemarito lox pisies312.. ..t... The following ihit of Prizes will a:aarded td the Pereens who subscribe or our paper between this date and tho 30th day of July. Positively and absolutely no postponement. : FOR FIFTY CENTS Wyoue VrIggrrtl'It9:1Pcelame oont'hirfraxriVannSet3hrtafli, _: - - Field and Stockman, bound, stitched anusat, and send yallninalendiately by Sealed mail one num* bored receipt good for one of the following presents: . • • The List Of Presents to be Given Our Subscribers: -7. 10 ILS. Gov't Bonds. 0500 each ....$5000 . 50 U.S. Greenb'ks, S20 each . $1000 —, 20 U.S. Greenh'kst $100 each - 2000 • 100 U.S.. G1.6134213'10, $10 each........... 1000 -1 Cash Prize' ;:i.. - - 1000 4 100 U.S. Greenitlipt; $5 each • • - - 500 • 1000' 1 Cash Prize...4o.- • r., • 500. = • 20 U.S, Greenblatt- 1400 each . - • 5 Grand Parlor Organ, 3 Gisitd Pianos, 1 Twentyfoot Sloop Se11.13oat, 1 Itobaloy PifkAn.foot Canoe, 1 Four -Oared ROW,: - • Boat, 1 Columbia Bicycle,'21Mtogya,.6 Top- Buggies, 6 Elegant•Black Silk- Drees Patterns, 2 Tillage Carts, 6 Best Singer Sew. h.p Solto, 2 ' ' , 5 D . S I „I Block -Walnut Nerbleldp Chamber Salt, 100 Sets Solid.SilVer.7Teaspoons (0 to the sot), 100 Solid Silver Tablespoens, 100 Solid Silver•Destekt Speona,100 --Z Sots Silver Parks (0 to the set), 100 Sets Oilver•Plated Dinner, ICnives (65. the iet); 100 Shiver Mugs& -S11-014,60' Sliver Ice 7 - Pitchers, 1,000 Photograph Albums (12 each), 1,000 Pocket Silo 2 Fruit KniviAsi 1,000 GehtlermeWe Pocket' Knivet, 20 Gentle- MU mono Gold 'Watches, 20 Ladies' Gold Watches, 20 Doyle We cheg, 8 Solitaire Diamond Finger Rings, 2,503 Souvenir Art 7, Portfolios, 600 Ladies' GoldLockets, 500 Cickl Finger Rings, 900 Ladies! Breastpins, 200 Gont. Scarf Pins and Watch Chains, 2,0001,1., Mounted Gold Toothpicks, soonelettihn Nickel 05.05., 2,600 ne 2,600 Gold Toothpicks, 2,000 Gold Pencils, 104 TelescopeS,' Every subscriber who does not get ene of thealgive valuab e Prizes will receive a presenbil Tvreety•flve Ceuta In' cieth;. .4 Remember, everyone who subscribes for sii,.inontWw111 Moot,' our -elegant illustrated paper far sit Months .04 0. Receipt good for one of the above preleinta-, ranging ,,64m, 25 cents ' in 'cash 0000o Thousand Dollars In Crab. Our paper has- ,x .now a- bona- 840 circulation .0f150,000.sObscriliers, 'Boa boot . established eight years. All of the above presents will be -2 awanedJuly 80tly, in'a Mir and'impartial manner. A full -list erne award -will be furnished subscribers free. - Sa lot ABBATH'SbliNfir''S AT 11ANI P' • Sunday school at ` p. Prior ,,,, Wednesday evening at inso. FOR ONE DOLLAR:W(117=r /1?,,yenafoilmofi.: eiliariireytiontbbocie ks. an,r1Brofi_ !_ 4 and Stockman, and send you immediat4 yb sealedYmail tliree numbered receipts good for three of the above presents. rootage stamps taken. 500 STEM-WINDING WATCHES FREEl?ar"1w?;Psivilrr'trAtP77r. 'gfer1.Nt6CgAaitlF,..es.5% Vetches will be give 0W03 to the first 500 people who answer bus ad ernsementAntgiveno zne nage:rtensper'where they saw he adVertisement Ifyou sendus50 mots you will beentited to one watch nude= rocelptodforonopreeen -.. Them watcees aro warranted to be good timekeepers. -4 The paper i*worth double tho subscription.price. As to our reliability, we refer to any Bank or Eitpress Companyin - Chicago, and tho Commercial Agencies. 'We are now known the world over. Money in sums 00 83 may be sent in an cl. .ordinary letter At our ;in; larger sums should be sent by Postal Moto or Registered 'Letter, P. 0 Money Order or Express, AD • Remember, these'are.Presents given to our Subscribers bmIntely Free. The 2 1 is the regular sabacriplion picot. the paper for one year, and 60 cents for six months, so fink, t,ire. e eremite cost yolinuthiug. Address • . . FARM, FI81:0 AND sTOOKI0.40, 89 Rkiidelpti- St., Olikiagia,1114'imalika0. S. A. j • then againSUbmiteu ta the Council 669.—Alex. Zing 657, Willie Lind 0-r..7zt and atlopt.ed. Moved by Mr. Camp: 644. . bell, sem.,by Mr. Strachan, "That this - • Council di approves of amendment to ,• •The following is the combined re- mg IIITTIE0N1 AnI tls.,., I 1 . the Scott Act, proposed by the Senate, . port of S, S. No, 9, East Wawanosh,' ,eco nized — • • '' and that the Warden and Clerk in for the tnonth of April and May, :— to•be 6 ' ,e+ ud the o, the mime Of the 0Juncil„ inemero,lize Fifth class:—M. Morrison 470, S. BEST • the Dominion, Parliament, asking that Perdue 351. • J:lour ea ctss—L. Young: 686, 0.- :P.'KtiaTT a ' tAMILYIti • the said ansendment bo not allowed to m ,., , beef:line law." Yeae--Haney, Beat: Love 6.1, 6 S. McDouall 240, • Archie tie, Walker, &lane), Britton, Ander. Morison 66 H Pe .d e 59 •MACHINE • . son, Hay, MeMurchie, Oliver, 1111.1ne, Senior third elass—J. •Riv1.°6.? ONLYMACHINE • °4'difrlp Thatwm . !IMBED 00, PLAIN WORK- Perfectiv.-' Beatings MePherson; Strachan, .1...tel..14101glio many articles 4tirntcan be made on 6091 Jane Fer naafi 4913. S. Ferguson' our Family Machine are Undershirts, Drawers, Sanders, 'Girvin, Young, McMilian, 25d4P:.Pearezi205, - v Mitts, Hosiery-, Gloves, ,Caps, Cuffs, Tidies—al! Currie, Wray, Grifflu, Campbell„. ' these eau be made any size. junior third class—B. McDougall , Cameron, H. Eliber, Mcgurehie, 0 OUR RIBBEYPIS PE73.PECTION. ` 780, jag. Love 765, L. Lennox ,762, Wilson, Cooke, Durnin, Yoiing, anid R. Stark 5)7, Jas. Williamson 851.• Makes the Pearl Rib -Stitch one one.and- two, one -and -three, in"mPol3dettralit:Iletostlitiite:C! Kaine• ' Nuys—Clare, Hays, Manly', A. McDougal 802, M. °mutes 197, 0. 11:getit ille2PiEgge.: Hardy, Simpson, Essen) Foreyth;',•ynniitione 70; T' • . ' — Our Machines make the only perfect seamless , Bissett, johnston, Oler,, Ratz, Mc: ' . •, um fashioned Seeenc101o.es.—A. Elliott 500, J: o. O4ymont, Beacom, Elliott, and Allen. Stax.k.'428, W. Walters 463, IL Perdue • HOSIERY ea THE WORLD. The Council then adjourned till Friday 'With More stitchea in 'the top, than in the e,nkle. . 425, G. 111011i9011. 290, H. Detietin 242, ‚Knits the coarsest Pariner'sYarn, Cotton, suk, at 10 a. ni. •jermyn 189e• or Thread. •Blind girls can knit and finish one dtiken pairs . I FRThA' art 941a—ti. Williamson, B. Mot- ". _f Go. lo in one ,lav; paid 211.00, $8,00. and $4.00 Minutes of y ? esterd's meeting wer4, Atty.- can basil 1 y made n one ay, Ben& for Descrirtive CatalogW rind Testi- Esson,, sec. by Mr. 'DOrnin "That In Stark;•/1. Coulte4'1.1.1. WhliaMs0u; Armatred‘,, ...A.L4'iiiFealttis from the B indt read and affirmed. Moved by 1.11r. First Olitss.-31...; OVEELIVtA t AOS the event of 04 appeal from the equal: 'AWL • .) • CoUnty judged, The—Carriere: GEORGI1OWN, ONT. lization that it should be left•to the • , A fi:e eoke out ni 6:30, p, in., Tues. --°---' •• • --- ,,,port of the equalization committee day, in the basement of McCall Bros,' ). was again reo,d,, when the Ootancil large flours.milt,,Listowell, totally • des. 1-1ARINESSilyArV.W. • went int6,committee of the whole, Dlr. • '• trd yin, the infit and machinery. In: `HAM IIALM ti *111 'k" Y) sured in the Traperial for • ',, :. Henninge in the ohair. On motion $3•500 ; Reateres grey 'of 1.1r, jelintiboo, the debate was ad: Tile council Oititens",i,<$8,500 ; llarfford, $2,300 ; hair to its z10,41 journed•Until 2 p. in. Stlitish.Aruhricani-$3,500. , tuna color, re -v resumed.,at 2 p. m., Mr, Henderson .•..., •moves paridraff again in the chair, Moved by Mr. c;.ritt'week pipit, Downey, of Sen- stops•the hour g .E.aine, Sem by ?Jr. Girvin, "That the forth, bad la- alit from, Minout, so injured by a value of township municipalities be circular saw, that a portion of the 1:0crect,ses il the same as last year," lost by a map', limb bad to be amputated. and a iiotIltndlYg eit:theel titi.4r1 thy of 15, The Warden: having young man named Cornell had his As a tisk dm. s- ',..,te, sing, . it has no 4., riSilixibd the chair,. Mr. Oooke moved, hand drawn into a 'planer at the sec. by 0, Wilson, "That the report be Doherty Organ factory, Clinton, and Ituij6"r* amended by redueinct the value of the bones , considerably crushed "t'edl'nrmicw:: • 64..11.10 Howiek township $17)0,000,'' ))y Were A not that the belt was quickly ntl:rti,1;:sedscb" Majoritv of 82, Moved by Mr unshipped by one of the- hands the London, Ont. Co. 13ritton, sot. by. Mr, Manly, "Thal the consequences would., have been ;very nom by tit Drugttlidt assessment of Uullett be reduce 0U0 seriousif not fatal, £as1,tgn4 Deniers. Methodist. S_• it3ti'lqa}311ool 7,VIOES §S p1.3.inA.. Ir.ayatn‘rd Wednesday oVening at'7:39. Bev; IL-COds..411.,` .pastor, • Con gregatienalr Al3BATH StitTICES -AT 11' IL'AND 7 I': ,N2. Sundayho1 itt 12:3 p.ni. POoyep met t, Wednesday evening. at 7:80. Item, Mn. Torres, ; •••• tor. Episcopal: • • ABBATH SERVICES AT 11 P. M. :AND.7 P. 0 Sunday school in XacKenzie's ball at'2:31 1,.. Prayer meeting, on Weduesdayevening at TI35 .112R. McCosn, pastor. • Church of the Sacred Heart. -1-xr hold service on Sanday, Mar. Eth matt ut Tilf 10:30 a. 10 FATIIER WEST, -Plied. S WIngham Lodge, lio. a$8, A.' F. & 81' 'tS EETS EVERY -Tussativ, O mi BEPOYE the full- of the &loon, In their- 114`.4 IL.nt , LILA. ilditiand, Ledge, Ed: 119, I. C. O. F. 'IA Eirms EVERY THURSDAY DVENING .1.T 8 Cv. • ,v.1 clock in their liall. Mason's Block. , . eihnova Encampment Ho 47, I. 3.c. F. •• • 0 --xlt• t l'HiiT8 EVEEY SECOND AND FOURTH Ide V- li. day ineach month. Visiting Patriarchs wadi. CD , . ,,,, dy invited. • t . N 6 •t : cow Maitland', No. 25, I. 0. F. b''' T4'. '' ...' E.A‘'. . I./ I. u tmings in the month, in their Hall, Ten...1.0s t f CETS EVERY 'SECOND AND LAST Teritax- 0 ,`,......, week. . A .: ., •,'" Windham lodge, No, 136, 11. 0 U. 1.2. L' A A .ESTREVERTR Y IED PRIDAY EVEN1A1 • ri• ,LY1 the Month. Ledge room, Tamlyn's 2 (6 Huron Coulon, No, 10. Order al Doom . narlEDTS EVERY FIRST IIDSDAY E'VS.Y1Zi'a Ed • ce the month, in tacit lia11, Talniyit's 4,‘,4. • g - L. C. L. No, 794. • Fr di' Eui A TEETS EVERY FILtiT C.)wi•-•1 .10-2 .111 the mont0. • Stscheals, tataltotc, crl 9•4 11) }leaver Block, Beading rObril open on ItIondnYks, arq 0.4 .419 4 . Tuesday's, W'ednesdays, Thuratlay. and, Pridk s ILU I to 10 o'clock, p, tn., and on Saturdaysfrom 9 C) E•zi • to 10 p. m, Library open on Tuesdayi and Irbil)) •r.QCr3 evenings front? to 8 o clock and on Satitteas •neon front to 4 o'clook. crts a) 4-0 • Pest Otte, OFMB HOVIIS FROli A:1. 1TO 7 Nr •V. Ftsomt, Postmaster: Taws Bast. A a' EMS Fon. PRACTIOg, V1"Tr.rrallia and Friday night- W.- arAcitt0c,0, Prankiet• • — • • .• • e•• *. • •• .• A „ , g, AS 5' 1r 0 v. m,,,eciamitTo t0:0, Comet, thelt • tiatsethe. Kit., tent, atm irdteda ituoltrov tok 'twat in Wu:51rea-0r *dtS AL_ LOCAL RAILWAY 'TIME 1141:0 Colds 1400. 00:40'a, nt. Depart -40:0 a. en. 41;10 p. in, D.1part— 5:10 p, A,rrivta. 5:00 p, 02. Depart-. 8:0011, • Arrive...10:20p. to. Di4art---10:201). M• • Traiusleaving at 10:20 runs Tacit:lays, Thoreau,/ AIM Saturdays only. 80128 South W 0: & 0. Attire 6:8055. m. . CM o. ut. Arrive— 7:45a. to. Arrive -11:i8 a. 01. 1.,-4pArt--11:19 8. Arrive— 2:035.10,• Arrive.- 7:lo p. 121, Depart:— t Train leaving at 0:00 mot VuesuaYt1 74.111$41 Saturdayeonly. L At:Ire-10:40 8. 10. JOsperi— :4 8.r Area sift' StOt p. to. Depart— 9:51 g .52.10•11.1v a , AO* - • • 1