HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-01-22, Page 3' Canadian Design Looks AU Right A4: This is a combined living and dining area in a model Canadian house which was recently erected in Thorncrest Village, Ontario. All the furniture shown is of original. Canadian design and is listed in a record of good design maintained by the National Gallery of Canada. A duplicate of this room is being featured in the opening exhibition of the new "Design Centre" in Ottawa this February, along with other examples of Canadian design. Surely this modern furniture is as attractive and as comfortable as any imported designs to which Canadian house-owners have been accustomed. This Design Centre will be open to the public, and visitors to Ottawa would find a visit there of great interest. • ew Low Prices! n ESTIlGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS • Remember these new low-price Westing- house refrigerators are no stripped-down specials! They have all the features you need and use every day. The $299.50 model il- lustrated has such special features as Large Frozen Storage Area . . Handy Stor-Dor limuldrawer to keep vegetables and fruit crisp and fresh . . . Ample Bottle Space . plus the famous Westinghouse Economiser Mechanism and 5 Year Unit Guarantee. NOW ONLY 299.50 Here's your biggest money-saving value of the year. Sensational new low prices on famous Westinghouse Colder Cold Refrig- erators. For example, you can own' this big deluxe 8 cu. ft. model for the almost unbelievable price of $299.50. That's the complete price for this top-quality full-featured Westing- house model — value you just can't match anywhere. Now is the time to get the refrigerator you've always wanted . . . a Westinghouse Colder Cold model — at a new low price! Come in to-day. FOR A DELUXE 8 CU. FT. MODEL ASK ABOUT TERMS AND TRADE IN &drew YOU CAN BE SURE . . . IF IT'S Westinghouse ebrell• • Clinton Electric Shop D, W. Cornish WESTINGHOUSE DEAL 1ERS PHONE 479 Residence 358 N e wCeasnt ad a's Mem ber [RIG, DA DE of a Famous Appliance Family! • RL AUTOMATIC WASHER gheec,oticil'z'Aese Antares r.(e,;)"< Live- Water Action! 4 All - Porcelain Finish! Rapidry Spin! Unimatic Mechanism! \\Aw..x. Listen to your watch tick ! That's how fast Frigidaire's Pulsator goes up and down, creating the famous "Live- Water" Action that gets clothes so clean—so gently! And Live-Water Rinsing flushes all soap scum and dirt out and away I Come in I See a demonstration of Live-Water Action! There's nothing else like it and only Frigidaire has it! Only ens with PORCELAIN FINISH Inside and out See These Features, tool! • Select-O-Dial, set it and forget it • Top loading convenience • Underwater Suds Distributor • No belting down, Put it anywhere • All controls in easy reach • Beautiful, new styling SUTTER-PERDUE NOXZEMA A? ir F 0 R • "" $1100 y••••• I(Z (A n eon, HANDS I.D.A. SPECIALS Thur. - Fri. - Sat. AROMATIC CASCARA 3 oz. — 23e 6 oz. — 39c BABY COUGH SYRUP 390 CHILDREN'S COUGH SYRUP '39e CLEANING FLUID 4 oz. — 29c 10 oz. — FLAXSEED — 29c IODIZED THROAT GARGLE 39c IODIZED THROAT TABLETS 39c VEG. LAXATIVE TABS. 370 WITCH 11AZEL 4 oz. — 23c le oz. — 59c WRITING PADS Note Size 8c; 2 for 15c Ladies' or Letter 12c; 2 for 23c COREGA 33c — 53c — 89c PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 cakes 25c MAX FACTOR LIPSTICK 2 for 51.50 Dorothy Gray Blustery Weather Lotion Reg. $2.50 — for $1.25 • jgrfarre • • • SPECIAL • III 40 0 SIZE n N n • • mon•n ••nn •1 At Last! • ▪ PAINLESS SHAVES. ▪ WITH NEW • MEDICATED • TRIAL III n isia n mU il ilia n Harriet Hubbard Ayer Hand Cream SPECIAL — 89c I \I 21 TUC F. B. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DRUGGLST PHONE 14 Annual Meeting of Clinton Horticultural Society will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER CLINTON Tuesday, Jan. 27 at 8:00 p.m. An Interesting Film Will Be Shown EVERYBODY WELCOME MRS. S. CASTLE, President MRS. F. FINGLAND Secretary-Treasurer 3-b OFFER II WITH Amazing New CHRYCO* ORIFLOW SHOCK ABSORBERS... Chryco Oriflow shock absorbers are a tremendous improvement over ordinary shock absorbers. Oriflows take the jolts and jounce out of even the roughest roads. Drive in today and let our ride-control experts install Oriflow shock absorbers in your car. While they're at it, they'll thoroughly check the entire suspension system. WE FIT ANY CHRYSLER-BUILT CAR BACK TO 1937 WITH ORIFLOWSI *CHOW° is a trademark at the Chrysler Corporation of Canceia, MURPHY BROS. CHRYSLER .:PLYMOUTH — FARGO TRUCKS Phone 465 CLINTON Huston St. for the ensuing year: past presi- dent, Mrs. Gordon Bisset, Coder- ich; president, Mrs. D. G. Camp- bell, Seaforth; first vice president, Mrs. D, Sinclair, Exeter; second vice president, Miss A. Toll, Blyth; third vice president, Mrs. J. F. Scott, Belgrave; fourth vice presi- dent, Mrs. John Fox, Hensall; treasurer, Mrs. J, B, Russell, RR 2 Seaforth; secretary, Miss Bell Campbell, Seaforth; girls' secret- ary, Mrs. ID, J. Lane, Clinton; children's secretary, Mrs. D. East- man, Seaforth; home helpers' sec- retary, Mrs. Fred Ross, Auburn; literature and library, Mrs. Albert Taylor, Goderich; supply secretary, Mrs. James Robin, Goderich; wel- come and welfare, Mrs. W. Good, Auburn; glad tidings secretary, Mrs. Harry Strang, Exeter; press secretary, Mrs, G. W. Thompson, RR 2 Seaforth. Mrs. Bisset, the retiring presi- dent, spoke of the fine opportunit, ies open to the WMS in their fut- ure work, under the guidance of the Christ. The Women's Association of St. Andrew's Church, Clinton, served a noon-day luncheon, with Mrs. W. Shaddock, Mrs. W. J, Cook, Mrs. Ed Farquahar and Mrs. George Gawley as the committee under- taking the service. PAGE TURES ,==tisimasassom Mrs. D. G. Campbell, President of WMS Presbyterial The executive of the Huron Presbyterial of the Womens' Miss- ionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada held its annual meeting in St, Andrew's. Church, Clinton, on Thursday, January 15, with representations from Exeter, `Hensel], Seaforth, Auburn and Blyth, Goderich and Clinton pres- ent. Mrs, Gordon Bisset, Knox Chur-, ch, Goderich, president of the Presbyterial Society was in the chair. Reports of the various de- partments showed faithful and en- ergetic work carried on by the local auxiliaries during 1952. Mrs. David Ritchie, Seaforth, led in devotions, and brought a-unique message for the work of the New Year. A letter of thanks from Miss Ida White, India, was received. Miss White is stationed at Ankhut, Central India, and is engaged at present in language study. A minute of silence was observ- ed in memory of Mrs. C. Hudson an officer of past years in the society. Mrs. Russell, treasurer, in sum- marizing the finances of the Pres- byterial gifts for the work under- taken by the various auxiliaries, stated that $42Q0 had been con- tributed, which exceeded last year's contribution by $477. The allocation for 1953 Was ac- cepted as $4715 and was allocated to the various groups. The following were appointed Good-Will Club Has Successful Supper About 36 members of the Good- will Club of Wesley-Willis United Church and their friends sat down to a delicious pot luck supper on Tuesday evening in the church hall. This was. served cafeteria style and was a decided success. After supper the regular meet- ing was held with the president Miss W. O'Neil, in charge, and Mrs. J. Innes at the piano. The meeting opened with a hymn fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in un- ison. A resume of the year's work and minutes of the last meeting were read by the secret- ary, Mrs. M. Steepe. The treasurer, Miss L. Walkin- shaw gave a summary of the year's receipts and expenditures, also the past month's financial re- port. Mrs. H. Jenkins reported for the flower fund. Mrs. Rad- ford favoured with a piano select- tion "Prelude in A Major." There was some discussion as to the program for the New Year and it was decided to continue along the same line as last year. A Twilight Musicale for Good Friday afternoon was discussed. Definite plans will be made at next meeting. Mrs. Radford played another piano solo "Onward Christian Soldiers". A hymn followed by the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Women's Institute Aid Those in Hospital The Women's Institute of Ont- ario are taking an active part in a wide variety of enterprises for the health of the people. Where- ver a hospital is being built, we find the Women's Institutes of the district furnishing a room or a ward, or providing some special piece of equipment. For example, even before the site was chosen for the South Wat- erloo Memorial Hospital, the In- stitutes of the district were hold- ing bake sales and quilting bees and in all the ingenious ways known to women, raising money for their hospital fund. We hear that Preston and South Dumfries each have contributed $900 to furnish a one-bed room in this hospital and that Galt has given $1350 for a two-bed room. Similar contributions are coming from ev- ery branch in the district. We know that the Institutes of South Temiskaming, last summer presented the hospital board with a cheque for $2,150 for the new hospital and promised $500 more toward the furnishings. Royal Institute near Guelph has given $600 to furnish a room in the new general hospital in their area. South Dufferin Institutes gave their local $2500 and a prom- ise of $500 more. Nestleton put on a party and raised $200 for the Port Perry hospital. The Institutes of Perth county, in addition to furnishing a room, gave Stratford hospital an "orth- opedic cart" for carrying casts, pulleys, weights and other equip- ment for othopedic cases. These reports tell only a little of what Women's Institutes here and there all over the province are doing to meet the pressing need for more hospital accom- modation, Friendship Club Holds Annual. Meeting The members of St. Paul's Friendship Club met at seven o'clock in the Parish Hall on Wed- nesday, January 14, for a pot-luck supper. At the conclusion or the supper, the president, Mrs. Ruby Fitz- simons, presided over the annual meeting. Miss Mary Hudie, sec- retary, read an account of the past year's activities, and Miss Freda Schoenhals gave the treas- urer's. report. These reports show- ed that the club had a very suc- cessful year. Mrs, R. M. P, Bulteel asked Mrs. Bea. Cooke, to give the list of officers for 1953. They are: president, Mrs. Jessie Hart; first vice-president, Mrs, Dorothy Croz- ier; second vice-president, Mrs. Opal Jones; secretary, Miss Evelyn Hall, assistant, Mary Hudie; treas- urer, Miss Freda Schoenhals; buy- ers, Mrs. Dora Harrison, Mrs. Bea Copke; flower convener, Mrs. Daphne Johnston; sewing conven- er, Mrs. Josephine Winter; pro- gram convener, Mrs. Phyllis Thompson, Mrs, Marion Leyburne. Mrs, Bulteel offered a prayer dur- ing the installation. The new president, Mrs. Jessie Hart, took charge of the meeting. Some plans were made for the an- nual Blossom Tea in May. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 28, at 8.15 in the Parish Hall. STANLEY COMMUNITY CLUB The regular monthly meeting of the Stanley Ladies' Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Walter Moffat on Thursday, Jan- uary 8, with Mrs. Cantelon pre- siding: The meeting opened by singing, "0 Canada," followed by the secretary and treasurer's re- ports, and the roll call. Plans were made for a party to be held on January 17, in SS 1. The February meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Norman Baird and the roll call is to be answered by a bible verse and where it is taken from. The meeting closed by singing "God Save the Queen," after which several games of bingo were play- d. NIGHT CLASSES A SUCCESS IN EXETER S.H.D.S. At the halfway point in its win- ter curriculum, the agricultural night school that is being conduct- ed at South Huron District High School is enjoying good attendance and sustained interest in its clas- ses. Organized with the assistance of the agricultural representative for Huron, G. W. Montgomery, and his assistant, John D. Butler, the school has an enrolment of 404. 0 SEAFORTH NEW YEAR'S BABY RECEIVES SILVER CUP A silver baby cup was presented to the first baby born at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, in 1953, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCallum, Mit- chell, when the Hospital Auxiliary met in the nurses' residence Tues- day evening. The baby was born January 7, 0 WINGHAM CALF CHOSEN RESERVE ALL-CANADIAN Banella Statesman, owned by Walter Woods, Wingham, has been named Reserve All-Canadian Bull Calf. He was first prize junior bull calf at the Royal Winter Fair and at Western Fair and Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Hol- stein at the Huron County Black and White Day. He was bred by Thomas Hayden and Son, Gorrie. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1953 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD LADIES, this is your page . . MOTHERS' STUDY GROUP MEETS AT MRS. HUGILL'S ,The Wesley-Willis Mothers' Study Grop will hold it's January meeting on Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 27, at 'the home of Mrs. El- mer Hugill. Mrs, Fred Miller will be in charge, and hostesses will be Mrs. Hayward and Mrs. Currie. All mothers of young children are invited. Ton SEJMMERHILL LADIES' CLUB The January meeting of the Summerhill Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Wesley Vod- den, with 19 members and, five visitors present. The meeting was opened by singing "0 Canada", followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. "Thank You" letters were received from Mrs. Wesley Hoggart, the Craig family and the Children's Shelter. The program consisted of a joke contest led by Mrs. L. Wright, a reading by Mrs. Norman Wright and a contest which was won by Mrs, Bert Shobbrook, The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Roy Vodden. The lunch committee will ,be Mrs. E. Ellis, Mrs, G. Ranson, Mrs. Graydon Neal and Mrs. W, Fenfound. The program committee will .be Mrs, Clareoce Ball, Mrs, William Blacker, Mrs. Earl Blake and Mrs. E. Ellis. 0 Prince Edward Island was the only province listing no boot-, blacks in the '1951 census. 47••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-••••••-•• Announcement I Eyes Examiried — Glasses Fitted Repairs to Glasses J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST, • OF SEAFORTIL ONT., Wilt be opening a part time office in Clinton beginning Tuesday Evening, Sammy 27. Location: Albert St., next door to J. A. Anstett, Jeweller HOURS: Tuesday Evenings 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This office will be separately equipped with modern opthahnic instruments to give prompt and efficient service. A complete range in styles of Eyewear will be carried. For Appointment Please Call Seaforth 791—Collect 3-4-b ARTHRITIC PAIN Don't suffer night and day—with dull, wearisome aches—or sharp, stabbing pains. Lead an active life again. Take Templeton's T-R-C's, Canada's largest- selling proprietary medicine specially made to bring longed-forrelief to sufferers from arthritic or rheumatic pain. 1-841 365c '5 'TEMPLETON'S • T-11-C's 1.3 DRUG STORES