HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-06-12, Page 4(
TUE 'TIKES; .1' E1DAY .JIM1;2;
s. ;
0110006 -
• The first inkling of a ghastly trace -
The Frauohise Bill II still under cly committed in a small upstairs
disoussion in the Commons. Several room over No, 60 Dundas,street went.
amendments have been =tide the past lata evening was received, by De --
week. It does not now seem probe-
ble that Parlianeent will... adjourn. be-
fore the beginning of ,august.
As will be noticed by the report
of the County Council proceedings in
e another column the mefabers of that
body have sliown.themselves to be
friends of temperance. We heartily
congratulate the majority for the
stand they have taken Cue • this ques-
The attention of the senior legisla-
tors at Ottawa is directed to the char--
acter, of the ory. that is going up
Against the from all parts of the
'npuntry for their shameful and un-
worthy endeavor to frustrate the will
Of the electors by their "tinkering"
and mutilation,. of. the Scott Act.
Their action is being strongly eon -
derailed, and justly so.
ef Froma• list of contributors up to
if Jan..1880, to the Ryerson Memorial
Fund, just received,. we find that
South Huron has contributed the sum
of $99.83, and North Huron the enol:
mous sum of $340: At least .$2,000
more will be required so as to enable
the committee to . erect a suitable
memorial to the distinguished founder
of our system of National Education.
The Ontario Medical Assocation at
their meeting at London last week
adopted a report which affirms that
the use of alcoholic liquors as bever•
ages by healtliy. ersens is not bene-
ficial; that ` the indisoriminace use of
them by persons not in health is' not
berefieial;..that alcoholic liquors should
not be prescribed'by,medioctl men ex-
cept in emergencies, and' that the
medical p' ofession is opposed to the
indiscriminate sale of such liquors
The Methodist annual conferences
were in session last week in Brantford,
Owen Sound, Port Fl ope, Chatham
and Kingston. in all these bodies
there was a strong feeling .against the
Scott Act amendments made by the
'Dominion Senate and resolutions were
passed urging the House of Commons
to reject them. The speakers to these
resolutions used very strong language
in denunciation.
We underst ind it is the intention
of the East Huron Reform Association
to secure the services of the. Hon.
Edward. Blake to audress a mass
meeting to be field • at: Brussels this
summer. Thera are many of the
friends and admirers of.the leader of
the opposition. in Wingliam and vicini-
ty who would be. much pleated if- the
Hon. gentleman would pay a visit to
this town also.• It would be a good
idea it the Young.Menis Liberal Club,
which will'be organized here shortly,
would' extend an invitation to Mr.
Blake to address a uaeeting under
their • auspices.
teethe H. R. Schram, who was sit-
ting in his. doorway reading;the even-
ing paper. Benjamin Simmons Walk.
ed down the stairs, and going up to
Schram said, with many oaths, .t•I've The question c� cfi 7 n'n i S frequent P.1'l�',� V asked C� • 4 'What
killed the old woman; lr intended to
do it and I ought 'to have done it ••
itclor .4011.30
long ago, There'a the knife," holding
cue a large hornhandled jack knife,
all dripping .with blood, ,and with the
big blade open and broken off about
the middle. By this time tutee or
four young menanid gathered -around
attracted by the wild manner of the
man. Schram took the kuife, and
asked Simmons to step into the office,
while he sent.some of the 'young men
,for Dr. Waugh and went out himself
,and telephoned for DetectiveePhair
at the Police. 'Station, When Phair
arrived, Simmonswalked quietly. With
the two men to the Police Station,
where he repeated the statement that
The Scott Act' ere, although not
enforced with the rigour it should be,
i$ proving a success. Liquor is un:
doubtedly sold but iobthe quantities
fol ierly consumed. Drunken filen
are seen occasionally 'on our streets,
but those are men who have no 'care
fpr their reputation, Every drunken
pian is noticed, thus the number is
magnifica andutterly' false reports_
circulated' as to the numbs, of
•eirunk$'.' here. It is extremely hard
to get a drink now and we think ere ,
long 'it will be a. nttieh more difficult
matter than at present, and drunken
men are certainly not so numerous.
Cases for the violation of the Scott'
Act were brought again st 1Vlesare
O'1 oil and Hall,of Brussels, but were•
dismissed fur want c,f evidence.
The town council of Kincardine
have offered a row4rd of $800 for thc-
convict"nti of the ptrty or parties who
fired :Sir. Josoph barkers, stable and
he hadalone it and intended to 'do it,
].et the meautiane Drs. Waugh : and
Going ;carpo, and (were shown upstairs,
whoa% they f41i i,4`a woman lying ou a
loutie bleeding >fitribly' from two cuts
in the left arni, in%glee of whiohthe
broken piece of blade was fast, a stab
about an inch long on the right breast,
and another unimportant wound on
the left breast, pretty well under the
arm. 'rhe .}ispst serious: wound was
;that in the undet :part of the left atm
near the sboulcl'tr,whioh had severed
some of the larger veins and from
which blood was flowing in a regular
stream. Her clothing.were satuiated
with blood Alla : a large pool lay under
the lounge•' on which she was lying.
There was also a quantity of blood on
the be"d in a smaller room towards
the front of the building and blood
spots scattered all around the floor.
The sight is one that. would trya
strong nerve, as the woman. lay on
the lounge groaning, and gradually
growing paler as her: vital, powers:
were lowered by the tearful loss of
blood. Several times Dr. Waugh
said he thought she was dead,~ and
'spirits wore liberally administered as
a,stimulant while the surgeons were
exazniniug the injuries and applying
hastily improvised. bandages. When
the piece of knife blade was found it
wail so firmly imbedded in•the muscle
of the arm that it required all the
strength of a man to pull it qui. Dr
Waugh finally succeeded in extracting I
it,. ani• after bandaging; all thea
wounds the ambulance wagon was,
called, and ' the unfortunate victim
taken'to the City Hospital. She had
by this time become almost whit from
loss of blood, and the doctors
seem to. think when hemmorhage
again sets in she will die. Before
leaving for the Hospital the woman
'said that Simmons had done it. •
'['rhe Simmons referred to above is
well, known as a''hard character,' anck,
When drunk, which is not unfrequent-
ly, a dangerous one. His parents re-
side here and are regarded as nice
quiet respectable' people. Since the
alt;ave account the woman has died
and the jury have returned a verdict
of wilfztl murder with malice afore
An independent paper is to, be
the ,Anchor?
do • y U vaean
WWII, we meas, three thiiigs:at least as follows
rhat.:the Anchor House is :a safe
place to go to with either ()ash or
trade, for we give the highest': price
for eggs, butter and hams, . and' offer
the best value in every department of
our immense stook.
I desire;•to return my sineers,thanks
to the kind friends of this vicinity. and
espeoially to the .:members of Gorrie
Lodge, No. 57, Canadian Order of For-
resters for their kind atte.ition and
sym pathy during my late husband's
prolonged illness. I am also very thank.
Thi for the prompt manner in which the
sum of $1,000 was , paid within thre'e
weeks of his death, With the best
wishes for the prosperity of that noble
Society, I remain,
Very Respeotft lly,
Corrie, June 10th 1885.
Atjbb•of work will. be let by Public Auc
tion in S. 5: No 8, Culross, on Saturday.,
June 20th, at .Two o'clock. The job is'to
build stone fbundation under schoolhouse, '
shingla,'paint, put in now floor and white.• •
wash sohool house and repair. outhouses.
Particulars to. be made known on the 20th,
or by applying at the school.: or, to the un-
Five acres of land,. beautifully situ:.,
ated on the north bank of thetiver
Maitland; in tho town of Winghann,.,
fronting the railway track. Terms
reasonable. Title .perfect. For further
particulars apply to
Stook Farm,
SAVAGE & FA NUI, Proprietors
All stock seleotA from the get of
sires and dams of established reputa:
tion and registered in the French and
American stud books,•
I2117,1170 xoyz
started in Mitchell. Is beautifully situated at' the head of
• Grosse Ile in the Detroit river, ten
miles below the city an access e y
railroadand steamboat. Visitors not
familiar with the the location may
call at city office, tit Campau Building
and an escort will accompany them to I
he farm. Send for catalogue, post
bf mail. Address SAVAGE & FABl'
z;UM, Detroit, Mich.
- Reports Reports from, all overthe counties
of Huron and Bruce ' say that.; the
crops are looking well.
The Teeewater" News says, that
diptheria, in a mild 'form, is: very
prevalent in that burg, '
The Montreal Prince of. Wales;
Rifles have been dismissed from camp,
the collapse of the.-\crtliwest rebel:
lion rendering it unnecessary to send
the regiment to the front. .
Messrs. P. Kelly & Son, of Blyth
have completed the change of their
grist from stone to that of the roller
process, with the capacity of' 'mann:
factoring 100 barrels per day.
Benton, Mont., June 8.—Gabriele
Dumont blames Lawrence (hark 'for
precipitating the rebellion. He says
ne only had 26 men at Duck Lake,
four of whom. were kilfedi He de-
clares Crozier fired first. Gabriel got
a severe scalp wound in the fight.
At Pleb Creek his forced 47 men.
With these he sitocessfully' Stood. off
>1f iddleten. and his 601 Four . half
breeds were killed at isatoche; They
ran out of - ammunition " far -their
Win cheter. or they cotticl have gain.
rd a victory. Riel was in none of
the fights. Dumont says Riel acted
with courage, and not a single man
was killed by 11/41fdd1 ton's cannon or
Galling gun. ,;'1'lrry shoe t.,o high.
He has a poor opinion„of `14111djetoti's!
Weil as lightere.
\'Sretmean that we are here to stay, ..
That we are so, near the shore'ei ' and to offer to .ourfriends and the
cost prices that thd:anollor 'had to• be-. heltshelier .d harbory ur•e in nndade, the that
cast, yielding anchor affords to the
-=Furn ture7=
Of every description, call and
seem stook at the
Vtnham rurnitulr utdxy.
We cannot be . undersold, : as e
make such large quantities at one time
that we are enabled to sell at a Less
Price. Try us for
before you purchase.. The more you
buy at one time the Cheaper you can
get it. Orders for Car Load Lots
always have our prompt attention..
Saw Logs taken at our taw mill in ex;
change for Furniture.
a j
Plot% 000.-
But T, A. MILLS is bnund•:to have his prices suit the • times, and wantee,
every one in this town, and vicinity to see the BARGAINS
he is offering in
...fit. ID ME' S
Over 30 pieces to be slaughtered toy:
reduce the stock.
'0s- EAL` . iBE,.
w1GFt Alm -HMI int ism
jT Alt.iho +' 3Zairoond t' Stiitttto tachinea
111 ttre'aaced with tha.: Patent
Automatic Bobbin, Vigor
�r11ti1tUltitt1t11Ulltttllf {Ot1ztY1ttlltltttttNlttH t
ft, NANurA4'tuutN
the Moat Fashionable and Latest Materials in all shades. f
boughttlargely we must keep them moving, and offer Bargains thew
are.Bargainst Call and see them.. We think it a pleasure
' to show you' through.
Bee out -assortment at 10 oetl<ts,, The best quality, All the shades .
and styles in french Sateen'Prints, A fine line of Cheat-
and plaid Ginghams from l2 cents up.
tom' H'indoo Cloths iu white and dolor% Lawns; M
Lase% Ilmbroideries, 7!icso: Collarettes.' eta
See the Tweed Suits e get uS at $10.'
Ast tai toe the epee of SCOTCH TWEEDS we have at $16 a
Come and tooure one. Aifnll range of Scarf Pins, Ties, Fiats, Shoea,drpo,
T .L .
-:f i ai+'r'
4.6,60.:• 46 .,,.
.. 4C $ till, y It At . ",l' . +'tr7•.•,Mt.