HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-01-15, Page 5ii_dst Ott TEOUS solViCe Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 BONN'S TAXI No effort i8 spared-- No wish is unfilled-- Beattie Service is completely satisfying Almftit Atuterai Tuntt- K. C. COOKE FLORIST DRIVE Ili TODAY: GAL13RAITH Radio and Television Phiine 66W - Clinton "Clinton's Only Record Bar" TELEPHONE 482 RADIO SERVICE iiliIIMMEIMMIMIEMIREEMlla TV ' PLAY SAFE Have Faith in God's Word Trust not in feelings, emotions, dreams, works, for salvation, Only in Christ who says; I am the door by Me if any man enter in be shall be saved. John 10 : 9 Who so ever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10 ; 13 Jthus the only means of salvation. Charles Fuller - 123 Loa, Angeles, Calif. - Tune. in ABC Network Sundays, 4 p.m. (EST) 4 4aaaaaaaaaaa.-aaaaa-aaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaa-alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacaaa+ s Take Advantage of These Savings TEA (Blue Label) 54c 1 LYONS 1/2 lb QUIX SOAP POWDER 35c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD. DRESSING 8 oz. jar 27c SNOWFLAKE TSipHORTTOPENING 2 lbs, fat. 45a GT AO RADAE TN BE oS Y 28 oz. tin-2 for' 45c CARROTS-24 oz. pkg. 2 - 29c W. L. JOHNSON & SON MORE POWER BY FAR WHEREVER YOU ARE! MORE POWER BUILT Only Motorola with its experience in car radio manufacture could give you such high fidelity, superior tone, extra range and power. Patented motor noise filter, automatic volume control, big speaker and control head adaptable to instrument panel. on our January Clearance BALL WOOL 15c ball 2 doz. balls, assorted colours BOYS' PYJAMAS 75c pr. FLANNELETTE-sizes 8 to 12 yrs UNDERWEAR 95c BALBRIGGAN COMBS.-Knee and ankle length J' UNDERWEAR 1.50 to 2.95 1" RIBBED COTTON COMBINATIONS Free Delivery Phnoe 286 Motorola A ! CAR RADIO 4 +41: N* 1* 45 Ei trakitana-aainaiatataaaaaaattaintna anaaa-aaa-aAaa-aaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaa aaaa, .a.441:44-0-141444+, :+1+4. Bargains Galore ifi re 0+. +4 te« 7 4 PYJAMAS 2.95 pr. SANFORIZED BROADCLOTH-6 pair B. & C. BOYS' OVERCOATS 5.00 ea. Size 13 only BOYS' PARKAS 5.00 Size 10 yrs,-1 only 4. FLEECE COMBINATIONS 1.95 Tyner COMBINATIONS 1.95 ea. 3: Harvey Woods PDQ-30, 32, 34 STUDENTS' SUITS 15.00 STUDENTS' SUITS 19.50 t Blue Gabardine-,size 38---2 Pants a.,. ): MEN'S OVERSHOES 2.95 t tto *;. :14 :?+ +4+ ,t, BOYS' SNOWSUIT 5.00 1` Size .8-Leather Trim-1 only MEN'S MACKINAW COATS 7 95 Size 44-Leather reinforced Tiger Brand-36, 38, 40 FLEECE Shorts and Drawers . . 1.00 Brand-odd sizes Brown Gabardine-size 34--1 Pant 1, 2 and 4 buckle 0.4K4-04.44-0.44( 4.4444, 4. 44-0.4440.4444-+ 444:«i+.4.4 4:44+4444 444- 4..4,44444 PICKETT # .CAMPBELL PHONE 25 - (opposite the theatre) - CLINTON NIIIIII.11111111101111111111111111N11 1111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 D n 11 111.D. We Can't give Credit lout we can get it. ILD FEED PROJECTS For Turkeys, Other Poultry, Hogs and beef Cattle U CAN BE FINANCED THE CLINTON FARM SUPPLY Carries a full line of Feeds and Concentrates for all classes of liveitock & poultry. PURINA PRODUCTS are not rnacle to sell at a price but to produce best results at lowest cost. PURINA is sponsoring a PORK AND BEEF MEETING in the Agricultural Board Booartt To-Nit4HT of 8.00 p.m. interesting movies vein ors thminn. Bring your neighbours, farmers. ihoo*.i4 166.6oire .64:0 iliWoomt 'oW4o444 WinAir lia.arA41 1.1RSPAY, JANUARY 3.5. 1,953 Classified Rates CASH RATE - (If paid by Wednesday following date Of vertion),-Two cents 'a word first insertion (inininitim, 50 cents); isubaeaprent insertions 13 vents a word (minimum 35 cents); 15 cents extra for box number or 'Or direction to NEWS-RECORD Office. IF CHARGED-15 cents extra DEADLINE-12 noon, Wednes- day. Cap y•M s: AM Gnoon emir Wilber couldn't find a lob And was down to his last dime. He desperately tried classified Now he's working overtime. ACCOMMODATION for RENT a-/OUSE FOR RENT. Reasonable sates. Bob Allan, Brucefield, phone Clinton 625 r 25, 2-b BEATED, FURNISHED, self-con- tained apartment. Newly decorat- ed. No conveniences for children. Apply: 92 Cambria Rd., Goderich. Phone Goderich 387M. 2sa LARGE BARN FOR RENT. Suit- able fo'r use as storage space. Phone Clinton 231. 2-b THREE ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, Phone Clinton 487W. 2-b SELF-CONTAINED Apartment. Bed-sitting room, kitchen and bath. Newly decorated. No child- ren, Phone Clinton 65 evenings, after seven, please. 2-b ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO mon. miles north of Clinton. Phone 807r23 Clinton. 2-b Accommodation Wanted FURNISHED) APARTMENT wanted for airforce officer and wife for ten Weeks, from January 23, on, Apply to Clinton News- Record. 2-b 'YOUNG COLPLE DESIRES three to four roorri self-contained furn- asired apartment. Phone 206, Sea- forth, afterninn and evenings, or write, F/O J. A. Archibald, ono RCAF Static?, Clinton. 1-2-p TRANSFERItD CLINTON, Feb- ruary 15. Isb children. Require unfurnished Self-contained house or, apartment. Four rooms. If suitable will'!,consider renting for duration of transfer. Write F/S J. O. Leech, .CAF Chatham, N.B. 2-3-p AUTOMOILES FOR SALE 1940 DODG11 SEDAN. In excel- lent conditan. Priced fora-quick sale. Apply &;, Box "H", Clinton News-Record 2-3-b 1946 MERd.1RY COACH, com- plete with rater, heater and anti- freeze. Appl to Box Clinton News-Record 2-p BO CHICKS BRAY CHIOS. PULLETS. Cock- rels. started. Prices, particulars, tent, Mrs. Alex Pat- 'arson, Brucaield. 1-2-3-4-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS k"PORTUNITIES lousiness trees listed: restaurants, gas stationatourist camps, groc- ,ery stores; ne Main St. build- ing. L. GaWinter, Real Estate; 'Thomas Step, salesman. 30-tfb FURNEURE FOR SALE WHITE El0fELLED High-back kitchen sink Oack-knife extension kitchen tai?; Apply to Wilfred H. Glazier. phone Clinton 911 r 4. KITCHEN !ABLE in good condi- tion, marbdrim top. Phone Clin- ton 591. Li 2-b HELP 1) ANTED-Female -12,12 WASTED TO WORK IN modern IaAry. Apply to A. Garon, or i,ene Clinton 312. I 1-2-p 'WANTED-': STENOGRAPHER for generaaffice work. Apply in writing t( Purity Flour Mills Limited, Gench, Ontario. 2-b Saks H Wanted-Male WHY a'TTLE FOR LESS than g,000 in a year? The day re gone when a "few thousand" ,.year, salary was en- ough 'for Arian to take care of his familybuy a new car, and '"salt semeiWay for the future." If you 1 a middle-aged man Who has r`hed the "ceiling" on your earns and now want to make good i a new field, we ean M tiv ake you ne offer to join our organization here top men are paid up to 2,000 in a year. In spite shortages in other businesses, volume is expand- ing at a t fie rate. We have Openings fo en in Ontario. The men we wajmust be high grade (not high piaure), ambitions and Sincere, Mlinga are paid in ad- vance, no Atment is 'needed, no collections, 1, deliveries. Write a ksonal letter to our Vice-presid Dept. V., P.O. 88, Station. J, nforth, Toronto, 6, Ontario. . ' ...a...a LIVESVK POR SALE 21 mos, APEN WEEKS OLD Apply to [Illarn Jenkins, 'Base Line. Pho i Clintart, 802 r 21. . 1,,...., . 2-b LIVE$CK WANTED 'WANTED. L1 11011SES AND licad rata Gilbert Bros. Mink 'Ranch, G leh. Phone collect, 13602, or 01•21. 9-ptfb LOST AND FOUND LOST-LADY'S BULOVA Wrist Watch and expansion bracelet, in Clinton. Inscription on back, Re- ward, Finder please contact F/L Hope, RCAF Station, Clinton. 2-h "1,,OST YOUR KEYS" CYLTNDER, LOCK RESETTING, combinations changed, keys cut. Don't throw away your old door cylinder locks. We can repair them like new. laall and Mutch, 1-b MISCELLANEOUS 1931 MODEL "B" FORD MOTOR, in good condition, for sale. Will sell for any reasonable, offer. Ap- ply to V, Sytnick, phone Clinton 615 r 4. 2-p LOGS, TIMBER, WAN ILD, We are paying highest cash prices for logs and standing timber. James T, Craig and Son, Auburn. Phone Blyth 43 r 24. 2-3-p WANTED TO BUY. I am now buying jack rabbits at 30c each. Must be fresh. Also furs. Mervyn Batkin, Clinton. Phone Clinton 359J, 2-p CRESS CALLOUS SALVE re- lieves quickly. You4Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve-for sure relief too. 2-b PERSONAL "SKINNY" GIRLS! Get LOVELY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets. Introductory, "get-acquaint- ed" size only 60c. All druggists. 2-4-6-8-b NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that Doreen Patsy Leimeiszka, an Airwoman of the Royal Canadian Air Force, of Clinton, Ontario, will apply to His Honour, Thomas Moore Cos- tello, in Chambers, at Goderich, Ontario, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of February, A.D. 1953, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon to change her name to Doreen Patsy Leminski, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of December, A,D. 1952. F. Fingland, Q.C., • Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant 52-53-1-2-b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned, Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tfb SALESMEN WANTED WANTED: RELIABLE MAN AS dealer in Huron County. Exper- ience not necessary. A fine op- portunity to step into old profit- able business where Rawleigh Pro- ducts have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. A-169-163, Montreal. 2-b SEWING. MACHINES NEW AND USED MACHINES. Repairs to all models. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Goderich, phone 1135. 19-tfb STOVES FOR SALE OIL SPACE HEATER. 4-plate electric range. Both nearly new. 29 Edmonton Road, RCAF Station, Clinton. • 2-3-p TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE NEW PORTABLE REMINGTON typewriters at Groves Electric. Phone 6883. 1-tfb. WOOD FOR SALE HARD BODY OR MIXED winter wood, also slabs and cedar kind- ling. Elmer Trick, phone Clin- ton 907r5. 34-tfb • KINDLING FOR SALE - Cut from cedar rails into 12" lengths. $4.50 per cord, delivered. W. 3. Forbes. Phone Clinton 904r31. 42-ptfb AUCTION SALE of YOUNG COWS, HEIFERS and PIGS At Lot No. 31, Concession 6, Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, January 20 at 2 p.m., consisting oft ' 15 cows, being Holsteins, part Jerseys, and Hereford; 15 Hol- steins and Holstein X Durham heifers. Some of these cows and heifers are fresh; some springing and bat- ance due in February and March. These cattle are thrifty, of good quality and are mostly all vaccine a tad. . 15 Yorkshire X Tamworth pigs, 7 weeks old. TERMS-CASH A.-111 TO'WNSIIEND & SON Propricturs EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 2-b BIRTHS CLARK-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, January 11, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark, Auburn, a $013, GIBBINGS - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, January 13, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Gibbings, Clinton, a daugh- ter (Connie Lyn), HAKKERS - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, January 1,1, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Lember- gus }Iakkers, Clinton, a daugh- ter. PALIVIER-In Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, January 3, 1953, to Dr. and Mrs, D. B. Palmer, Clinton, a dthighter. STALKER - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, January 12, 1953, to LAC and Mrs. Ro- bert Stalker, Clinton, a daugh- ter. WESTENIIAEFER - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, January 9, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Westenhaefer, Clinton, a daughter. WIGHTMAN In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, January 11, 1953, to Gunner and Mrs. Orval Wightman, Clinton, a daughter. WILLOCK - In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on January 8, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. R. Willock (nee Peg Orr, Stratford) twins, a son and daughter, (Douglas and Kathie). MARRIAGES CARRICK-STANLEY-In Ontario Street United Church Manse, on Saturday afternoon, January 10, 1953, by Rev. A. G. Eagle, Marjorie Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarice Stanley, Clinton, and Robert Carrick„ Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carrick, Clinton. MacDONALD-MEGENEY-In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church manse, Clinton, on Friday even- ing, January 9, 1953, by Rev. D. 3, Lane, R,uth Alicia,"daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burney Megeney, Springhill, N.S., and Lawrence Arthur MacDonald, RCAF Sta- ion, Clinton, son of Mr... and rs. James Allen MacDonald, Vancouver, B.C. DEATHS BELL-Suddenly at his home on Wednesday, January 7, 1953, Andrew Blair Bell, beloved hus- band of the former Isabella Cooper, in his 77th year. Fun- eral from St. Andrews' United Church, Kippen, to Baird'c Cern- eter, on Saturday. January 10. KILBRIDE-In Strathroy Hospi- tal, on Sunday, January 11, 1953, Pearl Mary Kindree, beloved wife of William Kilbride, in her 72nd year. Funeral from_ All Saints Roman Catholic Church, Strathroy, to Strathroy Roman Catholic Cemetery, on Wednes- day morning, January 14. LOVETT-In Lucknow, on Tues- day, *January 13, 1953, Noble Lovett, in his 87th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Friday af- ternoon, January 16. RODGES-In Goderich Township, on Monday, January 12, 1953, David Hodges, beloved husband of the former Jean Straughan, in his 69th year. Funeral from the Lodge funeral home, Gode- rich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Wednesday, January 14 . 0 POLIO CAUSED BY VIRUS Poliomyelitis is caused by a virus which is a disease-producing organism, differing from bacteria in its very small size and the fact that it is a complete parasite and must reproduce in a living cell. O Goderich Township S.S. 4 Coinmunity Club • The S.S. 4 Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Fred Lobb for the January meeting. The president, Mrs. Les Pearson, was in charge of the- meeting, which was opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The roll call "A New Year's Re- solution" was responded to by ten members and one visitor. During the business session it was decided to hold a social even- ing in the school on Friday even- ing, January 16. The meeting was closed by repeating the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served by the host- ess, assisted by- Mrs. Irvine Teb- butt and Mrs. Ira Merrill. The re- mainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. R. E. ThOMPSQ11. ELECTROLUX Sales and Service Demonstration of Three-Brush Floor Polishers (Applies Wax and Polishes) For Appointment Contact G. W. LAITHWATTIE Box 513 Phone 920-W GODERICH, ONTARIO 50-tfb i•-*/ 4 -0-4-*-0- 4-4, 4-4,4 CDCI Juniors Guests Kitchener-Waterloo Kitchener-Waterloo laid out the welcome mat at their third an- nual sports night and played host to the CDCI Junior Red Devils. The Red Raiders of Kitchener barely were able to eke out a. 42.- 40 victory in the closing minutes of the game over a fighting, de- termined Clinton crew, The fast thrill-packed contest had the 1200 people on the edge of their seats and hoarse with cheering until the final whistle sounded. Clinton led at half time 20-15, Led by Stewart with 15 and Archer with 6 the Red-Shirted hosts finally pulled the game out of the fire with a determined last quarter drive over the Red Devils. Clinton led by their Captain Don Ladd with 19 points and sparked by brilliant floor play of Ken Por- ter, Tom Colquhoun and Bert Pep- per very nearly upset the experts. Clinton plays hosts to Exeter Black Panthers on Friday, Jan- uary 16. Junior game at 7:30. Lineups: Kitchener-Waterloo; Halman 4; Stewart, 15; Hiller, 2; Archer, 6; Merkel, 2; Shane, 4; Millmin, 4, Huth, 0; Shepherd, 2; Chambers, 2;• Baulk, 0; Ireland, 1. Clinton: K. Porter, 7; J. Hartley, 8; R. McKay, 4; D. Ladd, 19; T. Colquhoura 2; B, Pepper, 0; R. Snell, '0; T. Pearson, 0; H. Colqu- houn, •0; L. Jones, 0; G. McDonald, O. Card s - of T hanks I wish to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for re- membering me with flowers, cards and gifts aVhile a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to nurses, Mrs, G. Steep and Mrs. McDonald, also•to Dr. Oakes and Dr, Yates.-MRS. JOSEPH WILD. I wish to thank all those who sent me cards and treats and also thanks to all who visited me while I was a patient in Clinton Hospi- tal. Thanks also to Dr, Oakes, Dr. Yates and Dr. Myers and to the nurses of the hospital. - JACK PIPE, 2-p HALLADAY, ROBINSON & Co. Chartered Accountants :Box No. "E" CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 111111111111!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Flowers Telegrapbell Anywhere ROXY THEATRE 1p 1.,fli'lr0IN Now playing--ALL WEEK!--- "TuE (MET MAN" , with Maureen O'Hara & join( Wayne MON., TUBS., WED. (Jan. 19.21) "INVITATION" . - A tale of tender romance - The story of a bargain in love that paid lifetime dividends Van Johnson, Dorothy McGuire and Ruth Roman THUR., FRI., SAT. (Jan. 22-21) Marlon 13rando, Jean Peters, Anthony Quinn, Joseph Wiseman A brilliant historical drama based on the turbulent politics of Mexico and the revolutionary leader, Emiliano Zapata "VIVA ZAPATA!" Coming (Jan. 26-28)--Marge and Gower Champion in "Everything I Have Is Yours" - In Teehnicolor Matinees: Sat, holidays, 2.30 p.m. Gordon R. Hearn Optometrist Will be attending 'the Optometrical Mid-winter Congress f o r further studies and will NOT be in its office on Friday, January 16 but will be there on January 23 and the following Fridays as usual. 11111011111111111011111111111111111111 PARK THEATRE GODERICH-phone 1150 Now: John Lund Scott Brady MOW„T"BUREOS.174DB.U.STER" "PLYMOUTH • ADVENTURE M-G-M's Greatest Technicolor Sea Adventure! From the novel by Ernest Gebber, a story of the voyage of, the May- flower and the landing of the Gene Tierney - Spencer Tracy and Van Johnsen 'PHUR., FRI., SAT. Gregory Peek - Ann Blyth and Anthony Quinn A Story by Rex Beach transform- ed into a grand Technicolor drama, The rugged romance of a sealing captain and a Russian noblewoman, ."THE WORL IN HIS ARMS" Corning: "SALLY AND SAINT ANNE" Aim Blyth and Edmund Gwenn NMI CAPITAL. THEATRE GQDEBICII - Phone 47 Now; "FEARLESS PAGAN" with Janet Leigh 4; Carleton Carpenter MON., TUES., WED. Joan Davis -- Arthur Blake and Peggy Castle A comedy tale of -the Middle East, with rambpactious Joan rescuing a princess and saving the nation's, oil resources. "HAREM GIRL" THUR., FRI., SAT. Peter Larvford ,a•-• Jane Greer and Gig Young Highly rated as one of the best of the newer comedyromances, a yarn about a plausible young man who knew what he wanted, "YOU FOR ME" Coming: "The P*MILE>SECRET" with John Derek and Lee 3. Cobh 4 2 As.0444,04,04044,4444,40,444,0,040,00,044:444, Assu.stLiex..AL.."4.4es.:44s...ess,444...,SeiwaeX...soss.4 $69.95 Model 401A Golden Voice of radio tt