HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-01-15, Page 41 PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, A. J, Deseck were in Toronto last week, Miss Ann Dusty, has commenced working in Clinton Electric Shop. LAYER CAKES 40c each CREAM PUFFS 3 for 25c BUTTERSCOTCH TARTS 50c doze CLIP CAKES 6 for 25c HONEY DIP DONUTS 40c doz, FRESH FRUIT PIES' 50c each SUEY LOAF 30c each TEA BISCUITS 30c doz. TRY OUR BREAD TO-DAY Garth. postill has reeurned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Quaife, Bwrie. L, Picot spent the weekend with his family, returning to Toronto *4-s-4-** Our Saturday Special- From Our Store Only- Chocolate Chiffon Pies . Reg. 50c For 39c IN 1M ',NM. BARTL1FF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners 9-194-** 9** Save 'up to $6.50 on STATION WAGON COATS Equally attractive discounts on Wool Plaid Bush • Jackets Parkas and Lined Windbreakers Al LUGGAGE and LEATHER GOODS 44-0-**-11-4-•-• T«)::r dairy foods Quild muscles Wong Try some today cr, - 4 4 . We have checked through different departments of the store and put new items on sale. You Can Save by Shopping at IRWIN'S resses Our Complete Stock of Winter Dresses on Sale. -9-4+ 4-**-4.4-0-40**-*4-•-***-0-*4- 1/2 Price and 1/3 off There might be something here you like! WOMEN'S CHAMOISETTE GLOVES- In White, Beige, Brown and Black as well as other odd lines of gloves- Values to 1.89 pr. - Special pr, Misses and Women's PULLOVER SWEATERS and CARDIGANS- Assorted sizes and colors- Special One-Third Off CHILDREN'S SNOW PANTS - All Wool Material - Regular 2.95 pr. -- -Special at 195 pr. + • 0-9 4-0-44- For 79c you can buy -Women's Lisle and Cashmere Hose-Valued at 1.50. Children's, Ladies' and Men's Scarves-Valued at 1.95. -Misses and Women's Wool Gloves and Mitts-Values to 1.39 pr. -Girls' Cotton Blouses-Values to 1.95. For 390 you can buy -Children's Stockings - Values to .79 pr. -Women's Cotton Hose-Values to .89 pr. -Women's Rayon Scarves-Val- ues to 2.19 ea. -Babies' Wool Booties. For $1.00 yd. -Taffetas-Striped .Chanbrays and Dress Crepes. .4 4 4 4-*-0-*4-4«4«--0-.0-•-•-**4 44.4-4 4-4 40-6-0-•-• 4- For 69c yd. -Jerseys - Wools - ikyons - Linings, eta. F r 5 c -0 hildre n's Winter Weight Vests - Children's kngora Bonnets. For 25C you cal buy -Children's Hose. -Children's Cotton Panics. -Angora Yarn-.25 ball - Pink, Blue and White.' 4-4.+-4-4-0 4-4-4.4-s-c--«„«-4 4:« -« 440-4 *****-0. + -+ 1«-**** 4-9-***4-4-0-4-4-*-**4-11-44 ***-*4-0 Our 1/2 Price Rack has: COATS - WOOL DRESSES CREPE DRESSES - SIRTS BLOUSES - SNOW SUITS Look Them Over! CHILDREN'S and WOMEN'S WINTER WEIGHT UNDERWEAR . , All :0% off DR.. DENTON SLEEPERS Pink and Blue - All sizes 0 to 4 . ... All 0% off CHILDREN'S SNOWSUITS - STATION WAGON OATS PRAM SUITS .. All :0% off IRWIN'S 1 1 111 II Mt 11 11 '11111 11111111111111111111111111 11 111 111 1 11 4111111 111 11 1 111 1 111144111 I P111111111111111 111 111111 11'11 11111111011 OH 1111 111 II Fireside iscusses ar etmg Marvey Taylor; lone hahands, held its first meeting of the new Year on Monday, January 5, at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Hoggart, with 20 members in attendance. The subject, "The Cost of Mar- keting", was discussed. The opinion of the groups was that the producer could take over marketing services, thus elimin- ating the middleman, and the consumer would benefit by lower costs, Oliver Anderson gave a report on the Seaforth High School Area. Cards were played and the mdiett Fireside Farme Farm Forum,rorurn 1winners Were: ladies' high, Mrs. George Hoggart; low, Mrs. Wes- ley Hoggart; gents' high, term Riley; lone hands. Wm. Dolmage; low, Mrs Harry Tehhutt, Mr. and Mrs. William, Dewitt invited the Forum to meet at their home the next Monday evening. ST, ANDREW'S WMS WILL MEET ON "11.7ESOAr The Women's, Missionary Soc- iety of St, Andrew's Presbyter- ian, Church, will meet at the home of Mrs. George Roberton, on Tuesday, January 20, at threes o'clock, PRESBYTERIAN GIRLS' CLUB PLANS JANUARY MEETING St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Girls' Club will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tues- day evening, January 20, at 8.15 o'clock, in the Sunday School room• of the church. Members are asked to wear something plaid to this meeting. Sunday, January 18, 1953 ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH! "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR-REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.A. ORGANIST-MRS. E. WENDORF 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 12.45 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Union Service in Wesley-Willis Wednesday, January 21-Congregational meeting TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.-Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School Thursday, January 22-Congregational meeting • - • - 4 - -* Pentecostal Church Victoria St. "K. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service Friday, 8.00 p.m.-Young People's Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.-Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON One Block East of Albert Street, North of Par-Knit Sunday 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a,m.-Communion Service 8.00 pan.---Gospel Service Friday, 8 p.m.-Prayer and Bible Study. "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee", -Psalm 55 : 22 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D..1, LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader 10.00 a.m.-Church School 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship, Children's Story Sermon: "Take It Easy" ' 2.30 p.m.-KnoX Church, Bay- field Service. 'rues., Jan. 20-Annual 14leeting, Knox Church, Bayfield, Wed., Jan. 21, 8.00 p.m.-Annual Meeting, St. Andrew's. We extend a welcome tb any and all people to worship 00d with *us, Huron St, Baptist Church Minister-REV. J. E. OSTROM Organist-Mrs. George Grant 11.00 a.m.-Worship 12.15 noon-Bible School 7.00 p.m -Evening Worship St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BT,ILTEEL, Rector Mri.'"Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service and Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Evening Service 'rues., Jan, 20, 2.45 p.m.-WA at home of Mrs. G. M. Counter, Mrs. J. E. Ostrom, guest speaker.' Full attendance re- quested. Thurs., Jan. 22, 8.00 p.m.-Chan- cel Guild at the home of Mrs. Caryl Draper WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. }HMV C, WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R, RENNIE, Cheir Director 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "When the Tempter Came to Him" 11.20 a.111.-Ptimary School 12,15 p.m.-Church School 7.00 p.M.-Evening Praise, "Saul's Armour" Congregational. Supper Thursday 1,1vening. Caine to the I/O6ute of Prayer Cl Nolv$4:AcoaD THURSDAY;. JANUARY 15, 1953 FAGS 'OUIi Where he IS now employed. W. E. O'Neil, brother of Misses O'Neil, Clinton, returned to Hali- fax after visiting his sisters. Mr. and Mrs, ' Fotheringham, Hamilton, spent the weekend with the lady's mother, Mrs. Chris, Vernier, Mrs. T. Leppington is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and, fam-'' ily, London. % Miss Florence Cunninghame spent a few days with her nephew and his wife, in Owen Sound, dur- ing the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth MacLeod, Joseph Street, were with the form- er's mother in Bayfield, Sunday, celebrating her birthday. Mrs, Treleaven and her sister, Miss Elizabeth Gibbings, left this morning for Lapeer, Mich., to visit their sister, Mrs. W, J. Kay, Rev. J, A, Cranston, Toronto, a brother of Lauderi Cranston, hus- band of the former Miss Torrance, Clinton, died last week in Toronto, Mr. Madill who moved from Clinton to St. Marys about 18 months ago, has returned to town and is living on Albert Street, north. E. S. Livermore, Q.C„ and Mrs. Livermore, London, were dinner guests on Monday evening with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore. Bill Shearing has returned to the Royal Military College, King- ston, to resume his year's acad- emic study, He placed 35th out of 108 in his mid-term work. Mrs. M. L. McTaggart has re- turned to her home after visiting two months with her sister and brother, Miss Eleanor and Fred Broder, Morrisburg, Ontario, In King's County Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y., twin sons recently were born to Dr. D. W. Ross and Mrs. Ross, the former being a nephew of the Misses D. and W. O'Neil, town. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sommerville, E. Sommerville and Maretta Som- merville, all of St, Mary's; Mr. and Mrs. T. Peard, St. Thomas, were holiday visitors with their aunt, Mrs. Thompson, 'Sr. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Irene Henri has been called to Windsor, where her mother, Mrs. Victor Bondy, passed away early Wednesday morning. Mrs. Bondy was in her 89th year. Rev, H. C. Wilson, Rev. A. Glen Eagle, Rev, J. E. Ostrom and Rev. D. J. Lane attended the Wingham District Ministerial Association meeting at Rev. Alex Nimmo's geittqa..44_,:.+EWA*4++.1,444.4.44.+44.iitt++0144n4ta 4444 k144:14.144+:44:444444.44-.:4-434 t :i: 4 "Dull Days Require : * :3 44 t Bri ht Homes" x ,t. x .t: st Painting and decorating around the home :. .t: is an all-year proposition, brighten $; up your home during the drab A + days of winter. ,t4 , x A v f .e We carry X :, V+ I. First Qualify Paints and Enamels A +.t: x SHERWIN WILLIAMS PRODUCTS A +:, MOORE'S UTILAC +,$: ... ALMATEX ENAMELS and CLEAR x FINISHES $4 ,t; .44 Do a jobs on that bedroom, bath, den or basement, If:, We dre only too glad to estimate the cost "for you. Just Arrived ALMATEX EPON VARNISH A new Finish for Floors and Woodwork. No sealing necessary on floors, etc,, wonderful for linoleums - resists marking. 414 1 : 414 7 4 BALL & MUTC 4" PHONE 19S 4LINTON id" • Ontario St. AVMS Instals 1953 Officers The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of Ontario Street United Church met in the church hall on January 13, with. Mrs. Milton Wiltse presiding in the absence of Mrs. McMurray. The meeting opened with hymn 240 and psalm 736 was read in unison. Miss Sybil Courtice, with. Miss Maude Wiltse assisting, took charge of the devotions, The theme was, "The Means of Grace" Miss Courtice said, "Prayer is the primary need. Let prayer be the key for the day; the bolt for the night." 'The annual reports were given The new officers for 1953 were installed by Miss Courtice, in the absence of Rev, A. G. Eagle. Mrs W. S. R Holmes then took the chair. Roll call was "Prayer" Plans for a Valentine tea at the next meeting were made, A reading, "New 'Year Thoug- hts" was given by Mrs. Norman Carter. A solo, "Beautiful Garden of Prayer" was sung by Miss Elva Wiltse. The meeting closed with hymn 488, and prayer. • Ontario St. Sunday School Board Meets The Sunday School board of management of Ontario Street United Church met in the church hall on Monday evening, January 12, with 13 members present and the superintendent, Charles Stew- art, presiding. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer by Miss Cour- tice. The lesson was read by F. Townsend. The minutes of 'the previous meeting were received as read. Chapter 6 of the study book was very ably taken by Miss S. Courtice. Membership in AVEL was re- newed and R. Wheeler was ap- pointed to look after the films Thanks for gifts received at Christmas time were conveyed to the executive by Rev. A. G. Eagle All bills in connection with the Christmas concert were approved for payment. The treasurer's re- ports for December and the year were received. Several thank-you notes were received from sick and shut-ins. The men surprised the ladies by bringing lunch and serving it in their own inimitable style. They were tendered a hearty vote of thanks by the ladies who hoped they would continue the good work for 1953. 0 Women's Institute To Hear Radio Editor The Clinton Women's Institute will hold its January meeting in the Agricultural Office Board Room on Thursday, January 22, at 2 p.m. The guest speaker will be Miss M. Brophey, of CKNX Radio Station, Wingham. A good program and demonstra- tion is being prepared by Mrs. N, Carter and Mrs, M. Batkin, and a paper on Agriculture and Canad- ian Industries will be given by Mrs. C. Elliott. The roll call is to be answered by "Ways of Neighbourliness," The motto, on the fourth verse of the Mary Stewart Collect, will be given by Mrs. R. Fear. The hostesses will be Mrs, H. Monaghan, Mrs. M.crich, Mrs J. Kyle, Mrs. Ron MacDonald, Mrs. W, S. R, Holmes and Mrs. W. 'Forbes. Ladies, come and enjoy an afternoon with the Women's Institute. LORA No. 377 Plans Card Party Next Week The Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association, No. 377, held its first meeting of 1953« on Tuesday even- ing, January 13. General business was discussed as usual and lunch was served. A card party is planned for next week, and Mrs. W. Shob- brook is lunch convener, assisted by Miss Doris Tyndall and Mrs. Joyce Andrews. Prizes will be given. Everyone is welcome at this party to be held in the lodge room above the Clinton Public Library. The Mitchell LOBA has invited members of the local LOBA and their husbands to a birthday party to be held in the Mitchell audit- orium on Monday, January 19. The next meeting will held on Jan. 27. eve-Save-Save 11111H1111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111 I MI11111111111 1 For January 15 - 16 - 17 SHREDDED WHEAT 2 for 31c TEA, Our Own Blend-Black-1 lb. 51c COFFEE, Kadana-1 lb. bag 87c MARGARINE, Rose Brand-lb 30c ORANGES-Sunkist, size 344s 2 doz. 33c BACON-Breakfast, Rindless-1/2 lb. pkg. . , 29c SMOKED PICNICS-Boneless-lb. 49c POTATOES-Ontario NO4 1-15 lb. plc. , . 59c TOILET TISSUE, Blue Bird 3 rolls 29c GAINES DOG FOOD 3 tins 29c 4 Thompson's Food Market Free Delivery Phone 286 CA pi SPECIALS rr 4-4-4-4-4-4-44-4-4-44-4« home in Wingham, on Monday, January 12, AC1 E. J. Robinson, Roblin, Man., a recent graduate of RCAF Station, Trenton, left on Thurs- day for his new posting in Rivers, Man., after spending his annual leave at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Fitzsimons, London Road. Rev. J. R. Thompson, Willow- dale; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tinny- Son and children, Dunnville, were visitors with •their mother and brother, Mr. and Mrs, H. A. and Mrs. Thompson, Sprucedale Fami, concession 16, Goderich Township. Mr. and Mrs, T, J. Salkeld and Miss Helen Salkeld, B.$c„ ph.p„ Lucknow, spent Tuesday the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Miss Salkeld returned in Novem- ber from England where she had spent two years obtaining her Ph.D,, at the University of London. 0