HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-06-12, Page 3CatteaT11-4,,new %Testate:x.2. Perhaps the *not enraordinary XING OF QUATA:TY gumeas that. bait been achieved in mod, in medicine has been attained by the Wilt Stand for Mares this Season Dixon ireatwent. for catarch Out of AS follows : ninety per ;" m mbist fo 2,000 patients treated during the pat .14 01201 4 ; y tl rulTift.oc1:1 bYrjewy a:of 14/Ingl7awnan six nonths, full licent have been cured of this stubborn malady. to Intia'vainie;reru'lla ; from thenoe Thais none the less stlirtling when it TrADA.:Y—Preeeedsbv Way of boundary t..1A., no. Aveper cent. Caintfentatnell feiroX1ruoln;c0 la is reipe.abered I il i s e frophtlience to Wiill.THISDAY —Preceleare n to Crecket of patie. nts presenting themselves to "gal i!.1 rts' Ifoorrniorilj; from thence to, Wu. to regular pi ietitieners are benefittal, . wink; the patent medicine3 and other TIMISDAY—Yroceeits to Mr Johnston's, ativertLed cum never record. a cure at telinc000ntooTurnberry for noon ; from Yrr,fonbie, Oth con of Turn. all:. $tarting with the claim now gen, berry for nih g, orally believed by the most scientific VIglea•—ut;rosoeirs to Thomas Gamble's men that the disease i4 clue to the pes.. h me to u 'g4usregtlVs"gl.'0;tt .:01); ) i 4:.) of Turnberry for niglit. S4 encu of living, parasites ia the issue. 4,TVItep.A.Y—Proveeds byway of Zetland Mr. Dixon at once adopted this cure to At riiield's hot 1, Wingham, for the to their extermination—thafternoonis pliehed, he;ileum the Catai prac. rrh iTho above route will be continued dur. ing the season, health and weather per. tieably cured, and the permanency is miffing, unquestioned, as cures. effected by him m four years ago aro, cures still. No one rnincrxln clog has ever attempted to cure Catarrh wInnzarmted Sisiliv, 1880, by James Tieling, in this manner, and no. other treat: dale Stud Bololt.egiZZeAlif,InVil;,'2WI: gout bait ever cured Catarrh, •The :briful• bir foalrf?'une 11, 1882 ; bred Oapplicatoon of the remedy is $imple, *1.'0 ?rn14711ile),Inairle(42(ippgatr•a7cclas'ilA•eylrilliirlkei • and can be 'doneat home, and the pre: Tom (41(3) ; grand sire, Young Conqueror sent season. of the year is the most.. MC,Iigelvtrinne? brynhilainifictelerltliglliar . favorable for the speedy and pennon. grand dam Sally, by Sootchman (740) ;; g. ent euro. The .maiority of oases grland. sire, Surprise (340). Sir William be: w ion two years old gained first prize at • .. ing cured at one treatment. Sufferers Dundonold Show, and first at Irvine, and s;iould ecrrespond Ali Megsrs A. H talilwillholfaidygebsncinatinrAleeelainl for ythaertest Dizeni, & SON, 30(3 King street, KING Or QUALITY took first prize west Toronto, Canada, 'and etudes() .w anidnXiairgerna . at North Nyestern., Tiair, 1884, and first prize at Wingham Stamp for their treatise on catarah. • Spring Show, 1885. Montreal Star.- Nov. 17, 1882. TERMS—To insure n, foal $12. Insured • money to be paid in January 1886. Insured -=, . ' . mar'es roust he returned regularly to the 4N UNEXPEO.VED REPLY 'horse or they w•11 be charged whether in foal or not. Parties disposing of ti. oir Mares before ';eollecting time will be held Ali, my little boy so you want a pa: responsible for insurance prices unless the per do you? Well, you should have proofa're° t l bei)1 daccidentsil° eadt the risk of tk. e or satisfactory knne into, the ceunting.rooni down eta: owners of mare& One. dollar palabie at irs.to get it, noIever•, never mind; tnimsuereelmemerreysicaTcotigiinglml be .e greens not 1 think 1 eau find . one here for you. being in foal the $1 will be kept for our labor 74.11111.1.•••--: t• So glingpg•••••••••-• Ti -JE TIMES, FRIDAY JUNE 12. Te Puse Bred Clgdostiale, Ah, there it is my little man, 1)o you want it for yourself? " 'ateth, thir." " then you needn't pay me itaything. I'in always gla•3 to encour: • little boys who want to read good substantial literature. I'll warrant your papa has kigun your education. ''C I don't want it to read,. Cdr.", "What. for, then?" • ' To make a kite, thir. It'll make. a bully kite. . Pa says it is the light: est paper he ever ADVICE TO MOTHERS Are you disturbed at; night and bro- ken of your rest by a slots child stiff ering and prying with pain of tuttin• g teeth? tf so send as once and get a bottle of 111raWinslow's Soothing Syr. up for Children Teething. Its effect is inca'culable, It will relieve tie: poor little suffrer immediately. De- ' pend upon it mothers, there is no mis take about it. It cures, dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the •stomach and bowels, cu es windcolia, softens the gums, retinues inflammation, and kives • tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs, Winslow's Soothing 'Syrup Ur Children Teething'. is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of' the oldest and best female physiciant. • and nurries_In the•Vnited States, ai,d is for sale by all druggists throughout • the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. MAIM LI.GHTNINag All sufferers frotu that terrible tor- ment, neuralgia, can te made happy in one moment; bva single application of Fluid Lightning briskly rubbed on painful parts, and without using any disgusting medialue day after day - with little or no result. Eluta Light - /*atm also 'oures riS Offedilally, tooth. ache, lumbago, rheumatism, ;headache and is only 25 cents pet bottle at 0, E, William's d-utore. . . „. If you need any kind of job work all:atTim Tints office, TO Rent.. --A good frame stab/a) to rent cheap., Apply to John Kerr it L..,t; aloe. . • usatiwi lliamandw • twillfinavinduth t•tinirefor1 wholey • :". JAMES TIMING, Prop, The Dominion Organiand Piano -Ca -.•-•''r . -,,,,. „;•,, 0 •?', f, A••,,, .1 44 f„,, •••44144:411 °J" -i- t otho. , 1, ,:.,,,t, ser ..` „It It-,•it,,,,t.sapq ,kEnt,'. 1 L' 0 # 05i* ' L` 9rtirr4 ,f f.... „, • ,-,,7---,—,,, , • ••• ,f, SIA r ,Aleeit.j1T''''' sit ; '5WIrit'' EaS the largest and most complete factory in4ht Dominion -150x153. Highest ItOnors over Awardedlo any Maker in the Meld Modal and Diploma at Centennial, 1810. Medal and Diploma at Sydney, AuStralia, 1877. Gold Medal at Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, 1818.Highest Awards at Industrial Exhibition, Toronto 1819-'80.'81. Wiz ARE ItOw MATrupAOTUBTECt SQUARE MID UPRIGHT PIANOS, • BEST IN TER MARKET. Correspondence Solicited. Send for Illustrated Cat alogue, mailed free. Address DOMINION OMAN AND PIANO COMPANE liowsuarvirss. our. WAR. lAr"11;'":„. 26 Cents will pay for the Times for 3 months Sub-. scribe now, and get the war news, farmers & Landayincrs Do yeti want to borrow money? To buy reOre land for Yourself Of Your ST ons. o 'build a House ori3arir To Vence, Clear, tincterdrain, -or otherwise improve Land, To pay off a Mortgage or other pebts. Os for wry ether Purpose If you clo the tni. • dersigned are able to 'Loan at the lowest rates ot. Intareat and more reasonable Tering than any one else in this amnion et the °canary. . VIZIER itc DIORZISON. Dairmters, Wingti ' SOlielOre for the Bank °titan:10ton. %Luz NEW FIRM OF 3ar,-("oy f c ii, oCrunifioll re Ofieruig GItEAT 'VALUE in Stoves, Tinware and House Furnishing Goods FOR THE , eLN.rErxT 'TIT IRT MAKE HOME '7 0 c. SUBSCRIBE FOR 50o 50c n a - 111100 , To End ef car Fif Lit0. Oc'4k A Good Local Paper JTArarzralrermar=,1,1Leammacvme,,...mrs,,orssrroPfmNsmil,...,e,.... rerg'e GOLDEN UREA D& OPEM zyoR,7 o host preparatio it known to science f (*beautifying the 011EPLEXION on?, siNco.,n APPLICATION is warranted to Derfutity the Paco and ore to the Padetior i•utlow Com- plexion a Perfectly Healthy. and Youthful Appearance. It Conceals Wrinkles. Freckles, Crow's Foot % and tht Evidence of Age, leaving -the kin ffoft, Smooth, and White. 1'RICE—t0 rents. Sent to any .adaross. Vostage stomps taken. A ddress ellletters to CREME DY Oil, Drawer 2,678, Toronto P.O. .Aslt your drugzist for it Wholesale by all whole. rale druggists. LIMASZSMMrisaleartiesksZICEMEMS 'learcageVenreireeiligra ...dente •ceeceee•-• --eot—• ay-% .92%rostasese'llgo=ti • g ; A MARVELOUS STORY TOW lit 'Ivo carom FROM THE SON; Tr" $t,,Te ,Ooass,100. lientlemen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. US has been a great 'titterer from sorer. ma, and the indosed letter -will tell Pawl* a marvelous effect Ayer's Sarsaparilla, has had iu hls ease, I thinlc hie blood must have eontained the humor for at least ten. year. ;'but itdid not show, except in the form of a ecrofuleus sore on the wrist, until Omit lite years ago. Prom a few spots Which ap- peered at, that time, it gradually spread so as tovover hui entire body. I assure you he was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when babes= using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy RS good health ee be has. I could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his CANN • Yours truly, W.M. Pratrarri." FROM THE' FATHER, is both* s pleasure an& mdlity for me to state to you the benefit I have derived from the use of 4. 'Ayer's: Sarsaparilla. Six months ago Iwas completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin °reeked so as to cause the blood to Sow in many places whenever L moved: My sufferings were great, and my whurden. I commenced the use of the SAEsAvAlsihr,A iit,April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began to Improve at once. The sores have an boated, and I feel perfectly well in every respect —being now able to do a good day's work, although TS years of age. Many inquire what has wrought suoli a euro in my cage, and 1 tell them,,as I have hereetlrolevdert,ovtet.11, y000ut: .d 2ivonsIt'S.ea,SLUSAPAMLIel. YOUraffaraugratefil,pllynn,„ ATER'S' SARSAPARILLA' CUM, Scrofula and, alk Scrofulous , Complaints, • ErYilp; °las, Eczema,. Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of ' the Skin. It. dears the blood of all impu- rities, aids digestion, stimulaterthe action of ' the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the.whole system. • PREPARED DE Dr. J. 0:Ay er&Cb., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $5. '.114res, Completely Scronaa, Anneals, traneer, Miteormatten,, nt4.,03, tel Mood DALsensCE of every ...x..;scrt1.1.. $10S0 reward to any chemist w1l2 Awl. on anatssis of 100 betties of t. 11 land Syrup one particle of .:t.r•r• • Iodi,lo of Potassium, or any - stao.ce. SOLD tvEmywae. /rico, - $1.00 Iv Bottle, or Si: for Solo Agency for minghani e '1 lie ,Pharmacy, Dr. Towler s drri store. Ludir•lahr . ?me, Hemlock, Cedar, Tamarac, As' :ainple and Elm Lumber of all sorts con .stantly on hand or, mannfactu:o DO ,eustomors. al, 1 8hingles of all grades from N at ottom Prices. S_A3I11 S A..1.1111 Staves, Heading and Barrels of every le seription always on liana or rustic +is ,••••d t Our facilities for slaking flour and s barrels' ure inferior to none )1, until. i; Cheaper than the Cheapest. . CUSTOM Sawing done as usual, And at Lowest Prices. Cistern Tanks made to order. Highs prices paid for all kinds of logs. Call and flee us. Saw mills ant wf r1 shops alioining the G. W. railway static; • 3. j. A'aD.EII,S DN. 1 r•••; t , . ,•„ • ••• •••• • • - •"'Yok• ctrt- • •••4- • .c;.-;•• 7.11,"4.1 ..1t;•., • I..;.;es,• • • .. st • 4 r AL.., toe. • - Oliedre41. Dens, Loss ,f Alpotitt% .Indijas; ton. biliotimets, Joanditc. .4ifecons of the Laver and ./i)acys, 4t1 . , Poks, Humors, Balt Pheunt, Scrofula, 11 te:+pdas, and all d;,teates- aris:ny ftont inure De-anied, Syonaelt, or irrepdar action te Me g!".TOS. TEZZAZ=VitgrArNierlt01r ' Ma . (T1V 1,‘ EIVVIIAA