HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-01-08, Page 7For ALL Your Feed and Farm Supply Needs 4 0 STOP\ SERVICE CLI TO 'Maher you feed farm live stock and poultry to make a Iivulg—or keep a dog, a 'pleasure horse or a rabbit for the fun of it, *corn now on you'll find the feed to fit your seed at Neil D. Campbell's--the Store with 'the Checkerboard Sign in Clinton. We are really pleased to announce our association -with the Ralston Purina Company— proud, 'Iwo, for this puts us in a position to be of real service to our neighbors. Not only will Ice be supplying feed, sanitation products and farm supplies of extra high quality and value, kat we'll have behind us a great organization NEIL D. CAMPBELL, Mgr. that "knows the answers". Yes, Purina products give real results— results that have behind them 57 years of experience and observation, taking full ac- count of agricultural college research and practical farm feeding; and over 26 years of steady work in the Purina Research Labor- atories and at the Purina Research Farm. Come on in and talk over your feeding prob- lems with us, We'll be glad to help in any way that we can—and we can always call on Purina • experience and research in case of need. DISEASE AND PARASITES ARE STILL A MAJOR THREAT Disease and parasites can cut a big hole in your profits unless you hit therm hard. We have the products to do that job, effectively and economically— Purina Sanitation Products. Look over this partial list. Ask us about the one you need. We have it. Purina Disinfectant—the ail-purpose disinfectant, de- odorizer and sanitizer for farm and home. Purina Insect Oil—kills mites and lice, preserves wood and kills any germs it hits. An insecticide and preservative all in one. Purina Cheit-R-Ton----the simple, easy way to rid your flock of large roundworms, and stimulate their appetites. Purina Chek-R-Tabs--one tab to each quart of chick drinking water helps prevent spread of disease among chicks—and very economically. Purina Pig-Tab Granules—a most effective wormer for pigs, Just mix it in the feed. TO NEST We eaw Supply AU Your Poultry Needs FOR PIGS . . FOR RESULTS . . Follow the Purina pro- gram with your poultry. It starts with Chicly. Star- tena, always a mighty good starter and this year better than ever. You can see the difference too when you feed Purina Growing a n d Laying Chows, because every one is built to do a better job—faster, more econom- ical growth, rapid feath- ering, and more eggs per bag of feed. After all, it's the results that count, and Purina gives real re- sults. 4-•-•-•4-+44.44.4-+4.4-4-4-4.-.4-e4-0-••••• CT41)7011 NEWS-RECORD PAGE '0Arirtit WHUIRSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1953 .41114441441101r New Year's Day Vows Spoken Gloria Claire Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Palmer, R.R. 2, Clinton, is pictured here with her husband, Roland Gerig,"son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gerig, Mexico City, Mexico, following their marriage at the home of the bride's parents, on New Year's Day. The groom obtained his Bachelor of Aeronautical Science at the Geneva University, Geneva, Switzerland. The bride, as an active member of Opera Work- shop Society, London, will be taking part in their spring pro- duction of "The Magic Flute". The young couple plan to live in Oshawa. Photo by MacLaren's A FULL LINE OF DAIRY CHOWS Purina Calf Startena saves time, saves work, saves money and milk. You'll soon "See the Difference Purina Makes" with Purina Calf Startena, It raises a top-notch calf—deep- bodied with nice spring of rib, solid fleshing and a big frame • at four months. That's the kind of development that makes a good milker. Purina Dry and Freshening Chow is designed for rebuilding the milker and conditioning the springing heifer before calv- ing--easing in the clutch after freshening. Purina Cow Chow balances your grain to make a top milking ration—one that keeps up the milk flow and keeps up the cow. Ed Yungblut and F. Prest have been working in Seaforth this week and last, James Hesselwood is still quite poorly at the home of his sister Mrs, J. Melville, Mr, and Mrs. James Crawford were with Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Cool and Phyllis for New Year's, Mrs, Thomas' Fairservice is not at all well, but so far has been able to get through with the mail. Mrs. L. Webster and Jack and Miss L. Young spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Adams, KIDNEYACIDS Rob your Rest.. • night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it on 'nerves'—when it may be their kidneys. Many people never seem to get a good Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess adds from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. If you don't rest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's 'help the kidneys so that you can rest better—and feel better. 136 :Dodd's Kidney Pills Clinton. Mrs. J. H. Shobbrook spent New Year's at the home of her daugh- ter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Per- cy Gibbings, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. William Mountain spent New Year's Day at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Josling. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin and family, Zurich, visited on New Year's evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longman, Auburn. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yungblut were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Wells at Clinton on New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott and children, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Alister Broadfoot, Seaforth spent last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, John Scott, Londesboro. WA Will Meet The regular meeting of the Lon- desboro Woman's Association will be held in the Sunday School room of the church on Thursday, Jan- uary 15, The program committee: Mrs. A, Clarke and Mrs. C. Craw- ford. The hostesses are: Mrs. R. Youngblut, Mrs. R. Townsend, Mrs. T, Allin and Mrs. L. Webster. A cordial invitation is given to be present. YPU Meets The regular meeting of the Burns-Londesboro YPU was held in Londesboro United Church on WEDDINGS GERIG—PALMER A pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, R.R. 2, Clinton, on New Year's Day, January 1, when Gloria Cla- ire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Palmer, became the bride of Roland Gerig, Bachelor of Aert onautical Science, Oshawa, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Gerig, Mex- ico City, Mexico. Rev, M, G. Newton performed the ceremony in a seasonal setting, graced by a Scotch pine Christmas tree and lighted by tall standards of candelabra. Music was provid- ed by Miss Eileen Glidden, pianist, who accompanied soloist, Mrs. Pamela Saddler. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in her snow- white gown of chantilly lace and French net over satin, Her very full, ankle-length skirt of lace with scalloped hem-line floated grace- fully over net underskirts reveal- ing a frilly edge. Her formal bod- ice of lace was covered with a lace bolero jacket featuring long, tap- ering sleeves and a small stand-up collar with scalloped finish. A dainty ruching-trimmed pearl- sprinkled headdress of net, held her finger-tip veil of imported tulle illusion, and she carried an informal bouquet of white garden- ias. The maid of honour, Miss Car- olyn Proctor, Detroit, wore em- broidered lilac lace over satin, featuring a full ankle-length skirt arid a formal fitted bodice topped with a matching stole. A yellow latticed headdress with nose veil completed' her costume and she carried a hand bouquet of yellow chrysanthemuns. Valeria Gail Mathieson, Goder- ich, was a dainty flower-girl in an ankle-length gown of white nylon lace and a white silk bonnet trim- med -with ribbon and flowers. She carried a colonial bouquet. Joseph William Palmer, brother of the bride, was groomsman. At the leception held in "Park House," Goderich, the bride's mother wore a dress of blue lace with seed pearl trim, matching shoes, a silver metallic hat, grey gloves and a corsage of pink roses. The bride wore a sequin-sprink- led white wool jersey dress, match- ing winter-white hat, muskrat coat, black accessories and a cor- sage of gardenias for the wedding trip to The Laurentians. Since the bride is an active member of Opera Workshop Soc- iety, London, and is taking part in "The Magic Flute," the spring production of the society, the young couple will not be taking up residence in their new home in Oshawa until after that time. ' The groom is a graduate Of Geneva University, Geneva, Swit- zerland. "5'04 ate Sved./ "SALAD' A: 9 TEA its COFFEE Are You Considering Repaying or Remodeling Your Stable? We will have an expert barn planner make a sketch of your layout free of charge to you, with an estimate of cost of materials required. . RUNS 0 Dealer for BEATTY BROS. LT 1952 Pontiac Styline Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Fleetline Sedan 1951 Deluxe Dodge Sedan 2-1951 Chevrolet Styline Sedans at $1800.00 1951 Chevrolet Styline Coach $1800.00 1951 Pontiac Sedan, with radio 2-1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Styline Sedans 1950 Chevrolet Coach — Fully equipped 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe Fleetline Sedan — Fully equipped 1949 Chevrolet Five-Passenger Coupe, Fully Equipped $1495.00 2-1948 Chevrolet Sedans 1947 Pontiac Coach TRUCKS 1948 Chevrolet 34 Ton Pick-up 1946 Mercury Panel Truck 1953 Dodge 1/2 Ton Pick-Up — Below List AND MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ruses M tors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 73-X • 4444 +4-1+4-, News of Londesboro 4-+44-44-04-+4•44-• January 3. The meeting began with a sing-song led by Gail Man- ning, after which Grant Snell gave the call to worship. Hymn 219 was sung, and Bill Cowan led in prayer. The offering was taken and the film entitled "Women Who Min- istered" was shown. This part of the meeting was brought to a close by singing Hymn 181. Following a short recreational period, lunch was served and the evening closed with "Taps". Hullett Schools Own Projector The Trustees of the School Sec- tions of Hullett Township met on November 27, and decided to pur- The next meeting of the HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Cham- bers, Court House, Goderich, commencing TUESDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1953, at 2 p.m. AK accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Jr:intr.:try 17th, 1953. A. IL ERSKINE, County Clerk, p Goderich, Ont. ARE YOU FEEDING STEERS? Then you'll be constantly striving for faster gains, lower feed costs and greater profits with those cattle. Try Purina Steer Patella with your grain, It is a real Steer feeding supplement built to "round out" your grain, give rapid gains and prime finish, and keep cattle on feed. Your steers will reward you handsomely in high quality beef per ton of feed when their ration is balanced With Purina Steer Fatena. Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by Appointment Local Repi'esentative: J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH GODERICH TOWNSHIP Federation of Agriculture will meet Wednesday, January 15 in S.S. No. 6 at 8.00 p.m. FILMS WILL BE SHOWN ALL FARM FAMILIES WILL BE WELCOMED ROBERT STIRLING ROBERT WELSH President Secretary 1-b NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSIVIITH t To facilitate snow-plowing operation in the Township of Tuckersmith, ratepayers and others are requested not to park vehicles on the roadside during the winter months. The Township will not be responsible for any damages to such vehicles as a result of snow-plowing operations. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith 51-tfb chase a movie sound projector for the use of the schools, and appoin- ted a film committee: Elgin Nott, chairman, Lloyd Pipe, Donald Buchanan and Ward Knox. On December 4 the committee met, and after a demonstration of a machine, purchased a projector. They appointed R. N. Alexander as secretary-treasurer of the Film Committee and supervisor of the projector. The projector is avail- able to other organizations within the township, on a rental basis. A projector available 'to the schools will enable the teachers to make use of Department of Ed- ucation films. Purina Sow and Pig Chow with your ground mixed grain makes a real milk-maker for sows---a real growth-maker for little pigs. It's recommended for sows from breeding through to weaning— for pigs right up to 125 lbs. After that, Purina Hog Chow with your grain speeds up growth and saves grain—gets hogs away to mar- ket sooner and cheaner. For runty pigs, poor doers and an extra fast start, we recom- mend Purina Pig Startena. It's a great nutritional booster. Just what pigs need to snap out of it and "get going". +4+4-444.44-44.444444444÷4444-444-44..44 +4+44-44-44 +44 +4-4