HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-01-08, Page 4Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marsley,Wing,
ham, visited the lady's cousin, Mrs.
David Steepe, on Sunday.
Mrs, Kilty, Toronto, has return-
ed after visiting With her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. J. W, Shaw.
Harry Shaw has returned to the
United States after visiting with
his parents during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and
baby, Forest, spent New Year's
Day with the lady's mother.
Miss Shirley G, Sutter, Guelph,
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter.
Mr. and Mrs, George Cawley,
Huron Street, have returned from
visiting over Christmas in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neilans
were with Mr, and Mrs, John
'Alper, Weston, over the - New
Dr, D. B. Palmer attended the
wedding of his sister, Miss Gloria
Palmer, Holmesville, on New
Year's Day.
Mr. and Mrs. George Roberton
and Mrs. MacLennsen spent New
Year's at the home of Ken Rob-
erton, Aylmer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C, Nickle spent
Christmas with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Basil
Holloway, Toronto.
Rev. D. J, and Mrs. Lane spent
New Year's Day with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Clayton Edward and
family in Goderich,
Mrs. M. McDowell, London, is
spending several weeks with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs, F. M. MeEwan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neil, Hali-
fax, N.S., are visiting the latter's
sisters, Miss Frieda. Schoenhals
and Mrs. E. C. Nickle.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson,
Huron Road, entertained a num-
ber of friends and relatives to
dinner on New ,Year's Day.
Mrs. George Nichols, Ingersoll,
visited with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Riddick,
Ontario Street, over the holiday.
Dr. Harry and Mrs. McIntyre
visited the former's brother Ed-
ward, Grand Valley, and their
daughter, Dorothy, over Christ-
mas, '
Miss Edith Paterson, Hamilton,
spent the weekend with Mr, and
Mrs, W. N. Counter and also vis-
ited other friends in the com-
Mr, and Mrs. George McCague
and Mary, Harriston; Mrs. M. J.
Cook, Sarnia, are visiting this
week with Mr, and Mrs. E. C.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray
left on Saturday to motor to Flor-
ida, where they plan to spend a
month visiting in St. Petersburg
and Miami.
Miss Evelyn and Marjorie Young
Nile; Miss Anne Elaine Caldwell,
Blyth, have been visiting their
grande;arents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Webster, Clinton.
Mrs. John Innis is visiting her
daughter and family in Toronto,
De:Ye Tieman; Mrs. Mervyn Tie-
man and daughters Nancy and
Linda; Mrs. McRae and Mrs. Hoff-
man, all of Dashwood, visited on
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Kelso
Miss Jeanne Fitzsimons, Who is
a student at the Marvel Hairdress-
ing School, has returned to Toron-
to after spending Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fitzsimons and
friends, Clinton.
Visitors over New Year's Day at
Rev. H. C, Wilson's home included
Mrs. Kenneth Cragg, Brian and
Catherine, Toronto; Mrs. J.
Reycroft and her son; Mrs. L. A.
Eedy, St. Marys.
Mr, and Mrs. William G, Leach
and Margaret Anne, Mrs. Doris
Colbeck, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
John Pitchford, Detroit, attended
the wedding of Miss Helen Mac-
Gregor, held on Saturday, Jan-
uary 3,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Potter, Marilyn
and Alvin; Mr. and Mrs. H. Squire
and Mary Jean; Mr, and Mrs. M.
Maguire and Steven; Mrs. Lucy
Swan spent New Year's in Harr-
iston with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Swan
and family.
Peter Walter, a student for the
Presbyterian ministry, conducted
the morning service at St. And-
rew's Church last Sunday while
Rev. D. ,T. Lane took the service
in the Protestant Chapel, RCAF
Station, Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Millson,
London; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Per-
due, Galt; Cpl. and Mrs. Don Per-
due, Hensall, with their families,
visited over the New Year's week-
end at the parental home, that of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Perdue.
Guests during the holiday with
the Towns, High Street, were Mr,
and Mrs. C. W. G. Salisbury, Lori
don; Mr. and Mrs. A. G.. Sylvest-
er, who had just returned from
Atlantic City; Allan Bart Sylvest-
er, University of .Toronto, Toron-
to, Ont.
Miss Jean Gibbinge, commenced
work the first of this week in the
office of the Agricultural Repre-
sentative .for Huron County. She
replaces Miss Marjorie Stanley,
who resigned after three years
service, and plans to be married
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper had
the happy experience on Christmas
Day, of hearing the voices of their
son, Willis, his wife and five child-
ren, speak to therri from a point
near London, England, by tele-
phone. The voices were as clear
as if from next door.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neil,
Halifax, N.S.; Mr. and Mrs. M. 3.
Cook and Betty, Sarnia; Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Schoenhals and child-
ren, M, J. Schoenhals, and Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Nickle spent New
Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs.
George McCague, Harriston.
Holiday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider, Albert
Street, included Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Hetherington and daugh-
ters, Margie and Mary, Brampton;
Miss Irene Snider, London; Miss
Kay Snider, Hartford, Conn.; Mr.
and Mrs. M. J. Snider and daugh-
ter, Janet, Meaford.
Cpl. Don Perdue, who recently
returned from Hanover, Germany,
where he was stationed with the
Canadian 27th Battalion for the
past year, has been enjoying a
furlough meeting old acquaintan-
ces and visiting relatives. Cpl,
Perdue will report to Wolsley Bar-
racks, London, sometime this mon-
th, and expects to be sent to the
Yukon Territories for a period of
three years, Mrs. Perdue and
their young son will accompany
Holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Carter were, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Carter, Donald and
Glenda, and Lloyd Carter, Tor-
onto; Mr. and Mrs. Len Evans, St.
Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Campbell and family, Mrs. F.
Campbell, Miss Winnifred Camp-
bell, Westfield; Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
ton Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Lawr-
ence Copeland and family, St.
Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lad-
Pentecostal Church
Victoria St.
K. L. SWE1GABD. Pastor
10.00 a,m.—Sunday School
11.00 am.—Morning Service
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service
Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Young People's
Tuesday, 8,00 p.m.—Bible Study
and Prayer.
Gospel Hall
One Block East of Albert Street,
North of Par-Knit
9.45 a.m.—Sunday School
10.45 a,m.—Communion Service
8.00 p.m.- -Gospel Service
Friday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord,
and He shall sustain thee"..
—Psalm 55 : 22
.4•44,..• 64*
St. Andrew's •
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, 13,A., Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyce, Organist
and Choir Leader
Chamber of Commerc
Ladies' Night Speake
To Be Joseph Cannel
The Clinton and District Chain
ber of Commerce will feature lad
ies' night on Thursday evening
January 15, when the member
and their ladies; with their friends
and their ladies, may look for
grand evening.
The meeting will begin. at 6:
with a turkey dinner and all th
trimmings, served by the Wesley
Willis WA in the banquet room o
the church.
The executive officers of th
chamber, wilh Hal Hartley as pre
sident have arranged for the mus
ical portion of the after-dinner
Program by securing a well know
popular singer from the RCA
Station, Sgt. Murray Plunkett
who will be accompanied by Sgt-
Frank Harrion„ also of the RCAF
Two exceedingly fine speaker
have also been secured. Josep
Connell, secretary of the YMCA
Kitchener, who has addressed and
iences throughout western Ont
ario, will be the special speaker
Lou Buckley, Ontario represent
ative on the Canadian Chamber o
Commerce and former secretar
of the Ontario Chamber of Corn
merce, will also speak.
This meeting promises to b
best yet held under the auspice
of the local Chamber.
ouceur, Miss Margaret Tamblyn
Dresden; Mr. and Mrs. Don Stone
house and Rickey, Guelph; Mrs
Evelyn and Mrs. Frank Berkwell
Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Fra
Tamblyn and Jack, and Mr. an
Mrs. Keith Webster and family
Blyth; Fred Shobbrook, Londes
Huron St.
'R apt ist Church
Minister—REV. J. E. OSTROM
Organist—Mrs. George Grant
11.00 a.m.—Worship
12.15 noon—Bible School
7.00 p.m,—Evening Worship
St. Paul's Anglican
Ch urch
Mrs. Theodore gremlin, Orgatis
Mrs, J, G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer an
Sunday School
7.00 p.m.Evening Service
Thurs., Jan, 8, 8.00 p.m. — Go
Getters Congregational Fu
Night in the Parish Hall.
Monday, Jan. 12, 8,00 p.m.— An
nual Vestry Meeting in th
Parish Hall.
Wednesday, Jan. 14, 6.80 p.m.
Friendship Club pot-luck supp
er in the Parish Hall,
United Church
ReV. HUGH C. WILSON, Miniete
MRS', M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R, RENNIE, Choir Director
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Sermon subject:
'The Baptism in the jortlan.
11.20 a.m.—Primary School
Miss Bertha Webster has re-
turned to her home in Toronto
after spending the Christmas holi-
days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Joseph Webster.
Mr. and Mrs, Cree Cook return-
ed last week from spending two
weeks with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Stephens and children, Toronto,
Mrs. A. P. Addison, Timmins,
spent a few days last week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W.
Trewartha, and also visited with
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. H. G.. Mawson and
family, who have since returned
to their home in Vilna, Alta., af-
ter spending the holiday season at
the lady's parental home.
SALMON, Maple Leaf Sockeye, 1/2. lb tin...39c
CORN, Culverhouse Cream Style, 20 oz., 2/29c
SHORTENING, Jewel 1 lb. carton 23c
LARD, Schneider's lb. 16c
FLOUR, Pat-a-Pan Pastry, 24 lb. bag $1.35
TEA, Salad, Yellow Label, 1/2 lb. 49c
KNEENEX, Reg. or Chubby pkg. 20c
POTATOES, P.E.I., 75 lb. bag $3.25
ORANGES, Sunkist, size 252s doz. 29c
ORANGES, Sunkist, size 344s doz. 19c
GRAPEFRUIT, Seedless, size 96s ... 5 for 29c
ONIONS, Cooking No. 1. 2 lbs. 15c
Thompson's Food Market
Phone 40 We Deliver
Bakers Owl fandectlatteni
men's Hospital Auxiliary was held
on Monday afternoon, January 5,
-with the president Mrs. D, J. Lane,
in the chair. The reports of the
various committees showed a, year
of outstanding achievement,
Mrs. H. C Lawson read the
secretary's outline of the year's
activities, and Mrs. Reg. Ball gave
a splendid financial report, Miss
Winifred O'Neil, finance convener,
spoke of the success of the Games
Night at which $617,15 was real-
ized; the Tag Day which brought
in $191,17 and the Autumn Sale
which netted $765.03.
Mrs. W. Robinson reported
the buying. Among the outstand-
ing purchases paid for this year
were two sterilizers at a cost of
5884, an inhalater, arid a mobile
oxygen unit.
Mrs. F. Fingland, social conven-
er, referred to the annual Flor-
ence Nightingale reception in May
and the nurses' graduation exer-
cises in December and thanked
Mrs. D. Bartliff and Mrs. A.
Knights for assistance at the lat-
ter reception.
Mrs. C. Epps, convener of nurs-
es' committee mentioned a $25 do-
nation of turkeys to the Christmas
party for the hospital staff.
For the election of officers for
1953, Mrs. Lillian McKinnon took
the chair, and Mrs. F. Fingland
presented the new slate of officers
whicji was duly accepted, •
Past president, Mrs. F. Fing-
land; president, .Mrs, D. J. Lane;
first vice-president, Mrs. Ball;
secretary, Mrs. H. C. Lawson;
treasurer, Mrs. Reg. Ball; conven-
ers; membership, Mrs. D. Bartlif
and Mrs. Alex Addison; nurses,
Mrs. C. Epps; sewing, Hrs. H. Mc
Intyre; supply, Mrs. Haddy; buy
ing, Mrs. W. H. Robinson; social
Mrs. George Beattie; finance, (ta
day) Mrs. W. Counter, (fall sale)
Miss W. O'Neil; press secretary
Mrs. L. MacKinnon.
Mrs. Lane was congratulated
thanked, and welcomed back t
the chair for a third term and
brief discussion was held regard
ing plans for 1953 activities.
Hospital Auxiliary
Holds Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Wo-
Everyone Welcome to Worship Congregational Meeting, Jan. 22,
4444-.44444-4-41.4444-4-e-.444-1,444+++-4-04-+-e-#.4444-4 44.4+444* With St, Andtew'f arid iKnok Come' to the House of Prayer
10.00 wt.. -Cfnirch School
11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship,
Children's Questiobaire
Sermon Subject: Faith amid
2.30 p.m.,--Rtiek Church, Bay.. 12.15 p.m.—Church School
field Seiviee. Union Evening Service in On.
Thursday, 3art. 8, 8 p.m,—Prayer tario St. United Church
Service at Knox Week of Prayer Service, Friday
Tuesday, Jan. 26-- Minitel Meet- oVellingf +tail. 9f in VhsleY-
Ing at Bayfield. • Willis Chureh,
•.••• `1,11. ••1, 4.1•4
Luggage and Men's & Boys' Footwear
Phone 2
You'll Enjoy Our Variety
of Delicious, Appetizing
Baked Goods
Req. 30e for 25 1
Our Saturday Special—
Prom Out Store Only--
Sunday, January 11, 1953
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
12.15 p.m.—Sunday School
7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship.
The Movie "All That I Have"
2.00 p.m.—Worship
The Movie "All That I Have"
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School .*
ton ton
. ed.
Holstein. Club
Its Secretary
Ontario Director
Huron County Holstein Club at
executive meeting held hi Clin-
on Monday afternoon, January
passed a resolution which will
forwarded to the annual meet-
of the Canadian Holstein As-
in Toronto, January 28,
a ban on vegetable oil
The secretary of the County
Hume Clutton, R.R. 5, Gode-
was chosen to be a candidate
director of the parent associa-
at its annual meeting.
The executive was in favor 'of
up the number of calf
members, and committees
appointed to arrange for
the organization of
Dates for meeting were set
April 2, ladies' night at the
room office here; June 4,
meeting, with the centre
be named later; October 15, the
banquet; and the annual
in Clinton on November
Clem Galbraith, Blytie presi-
was in charge of the meet-
' substitutes,
KCAF Station, Clinton' '
CO Dies Suddenly
(Continued from. Page One)
those under his able command. No
commanding could have
been more active in station activ-
ities than the late Group Captain
Hutton. He was a keen and me
dent follower of athletics and
often accompanied the station
teams on their many travels. He
enjoyed en Englishman's charact-
eristic love of true sportsmanship,
however, he had also acquired a
Canadian's inherent dislike of a
poor decision by an umpire or
referee, He was RCAF Station
Clinton's number one sports fan
and fully realized the physical and
moral values of ,athletics to the
success of an airforce station"
GrouThCaptain Hutton regularly
attended the Protestant Church
services at RCAF Station Clinton
and read the lessons on numerous
occasions, He was active in all
forms of church activities and
gave strong and impartial support
to chaplains of all 'denominations.
There is no one who will miss
the presence of Group Captain
Hutton like the children of Ad-
astral Park, On occasions many
of them have gone on picnics, fish-
fig and swimming with the late
Commanding Officer and his two
children. He had made numerous
plans to provide recreational facil-
ities for the hundreds of children
at Adastral Park.
Group Captain 'Hutton was int-
erested in promoting good rela-
tions between servicemen and the
civilian populace of the surround-
ing area. He was well-known in
C I i n t o ii, Goderich, Stratford,
i(Vi"Ilanl end London, also eats
addressed service clubs in the
area. The Air Cadet work of the
Western Ontario squadrons was of
great interest to him and he fre-.
quently inspected the air Cadets of
these squa.drons. .
A very impressive military sex-
vice was held for Group Captain
H. A. D. Hutton in the drill hail
of RCAF Station, Clinton, on
Wednesday afternoon, January 7.
The service was not conducted in
the chapel because of its limited
capacity which would not accom-
modate the many hundreds that
attended the service.
The last rites of the Church of
England were accorded the late
Commanding Officer by Flight
Lieutenant J. N. Bracher, protest-
ant Chaplain of RCAF Station,
Centralia, Following the short-
service the remains of the Gtoup
Captain Hutton were carried by
six RCAF Senior Non-commission-
en Officers and escorted by a
party of six senior RCAF Offics
ems. The casket was taken to a,
waiting hearse which was draped
with the Union Jack and the
head-dress of the deceased officer,
-for transportation to the railway
On arrival at the railway sta.-
tion the Guard of Honor come
mended by Flight Lieutenant J.
Hoult and consisting of 20 flight
cadets were in attendance; also
present was an escort party eon-
sisting of 49 airmen, six NCO's,
three supernumary officers and
Flight Lieutenant Boychuck, corn-
mender of the escort party. The
remains were carried through the
ranks of the Guard of Honor and
the trumpeter then, sounded the
Post.iilane G militaryroonupT hwci
ittrt oiblno
a cno
dFr , du eild '
place in Beechwood Cemetery.
The airmen; airwomen, flight
a d e
andfrie nofficers
join l
late ee Group
Captain in extending very sincere
sympathies to Mrs. Hutton and her
Bride-elect Honoured
Prior to Marriage
A trousseau tea was held at the
of Mrs. Frank MacGregor
her daughter, Helen, on the
of December 27, prior
her marriage which took place
January 3. Many guests from
surrounding community attend-
Mrs. Edward Bryans, Walton,
tea and Mrs. Ward Knox
Mrs. Ernest Knox served,
Miss Edythe Beacom, Londes-
entertained at a miscellan-
shower on the afternoon
December 30 in honour of the
Mrs. James McNevin and Mrs.
Ross Dabol honoured Miss Mac-
Gregor at their homes in St. c _al • b oAionereionuess shy arranging for mis-
owestrasif of Connaught of The teaching
School, St. Catharines, entertain-
ed ,her to a tea, prior to her leav- ing.
11111111101111M I I IIIIIIM 1 . II I I iliilliffilf1111 111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111121111111111111111011111111101111111111111111111111111
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For Only 79c Mitts,
Assorted sizes and colors.
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Winter-Weight Scarves
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