HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-06-12, Page 2• 11IS°1511LiairT4.0Uti ITE lb.nr PT. . Mammoth cave in Kentucky' reeds vett 3000 vieitors annually. A musio expert says only one man ia a. 1000 can whietle a tune. President Oleveland is said, to 'have sieved his first month's eatery, ' There isL gorge in Yellowstone park where no sowed aaz be award The grasshopper plague is assuming arming' proportions in Oalifernia. New Orleans was founded by a company of adventurers in, 1748. Brooklyn claims e 'population. of 700,000, or about half that of .New Ys rk, Minneapolis sets an example wiihI 's destined, to find imitators anions, estern towns by ohargiug $1,000 for circus license. Electricity Is now employed in ax- trecting teeth, a. recently invented machine pullieg, in aa actual test, seven teeth in five seconds. e A. true politician," says the !Sayan- tuali uews, is the highest type of citi- zen, and it is to be regretted that there 'are not more true politicians." A Sacramento, Oal., farmer who .has twelve acres out in asparagus es - TUB Timm. FAIDA417 JIM reQ' THE 011.0, OLD STOUT. • Country people are alwaye in search of bargains, Auetum eales in the 'ties attract a good meny farsuersi who came with •thef, wivesl to leek ate r bargains, ill furniture and horses, They look over the list of elections and find• that a gentleman, who is about to go to Europe, offers his splendid furniture and carpets for sale. Here is a elia,nce for bargaius. The fertner'e wife takes her husband. —arid his pocket book. --and goes to - see the handsome furuiture sacrificed. Every bid she makes is raised by a stout man with a red bottle nose. handsomely oolored and knobbed all over by rum. The lady wonders why this man wants everything she wants, and bets her mind, on beating him every time—othe nasty red nosed thing." gets mad; 'ler danders upe" to to speak, and. she gots all she wants and a great deal. more, in , spite of the remonstrances of her husband, 4Woll,' she says 'Mrs, Jones will open her eyes when she sees' Me blue satin parlor set and the best bed -room set, widths gorgeous carpets.' The goad woman finds to her sorrow that the goods never were owned by ,any 'west Secondly, we shall endeavor to 'Great goodneee, jeems, evhiete€ namely, where the devil be was.going?1.4 ram oilint Rather lItebbartli saki .the 0 • grodareeed• %Vests:. Ontill.:10:707 saseee es• te, That will KNIT PLAIN WORK v.' Perfectly, A few of the mane articles that tenn be made cal on:. Family Machine are Undershirte Drawors, Mitts, Hosiery, Moves, Caps Cuffs 'Tidies -al" these can be made any size. lilake I? re PIE: fis rnl RTS Sc hl'OEn :ern Ed -Clot nne Qoa snlkiet.irt yd feghP.Nar s 0 oni a enquire alto hie geographical peoition that Thirdly, who the devil Le was seeldag 'Youre not a OW to wear those ce, are .And fuUrtfily, amt lastly, we obeli en- . end you.' BEST deaVOr to solve a question wt leis has 'I've got to be fashionable to keep FAMILY i:ever yet been 0044 wino the devil up witliyou. I've got as much right he was 'oaring about.' to go egv:airuttlehle onriaenal bags as you have IIITToil: 'I'd take it off., IN USE IIITMOROUS, 'Are you pope's boy, 'Yes sir.' 'And are you mamma's boy.' sir,' how can you be papa's and mamma's at the same time.' After a pause. 'Can't a nice carriage have two horses.' It is said that a young lady can never whistle in the presence of her lover. The reason is obvious. lie doesn't give her a chance, "When she gets her lips in a proper position for whistling, something else alweys oc- . cure. 'Can you give me a definition ef nothing, enquired a school teacher. 'Yes mum, its a bunghole without a barrel around it,' shouted little Ted Saunders, whose papa is a cooper. A bright three year old described a dream yesterday as, 'When you see something, but d an' t see it.' d 1 • gentleman gone to Eurepe, but are What this great throbbing publia • niau e y 7:The..); of whith $9,000 is clear 'net. A. preacher in Butler' county, Ga , merriest' a couple a few days ago and received the following ice for his ssrviees: Twelve duck eggs 50 cents sto.0., prise of two ducks $4; making a total of.$10. The preach; • i -ode ten mile to perform . the esereneony. ; • • • The Uaited States consume more. lenions in a year than all the oth et -tunnies combined. Russia miles neet. The custom Russians .lieve of drinking a cup ,of tea with a sliee of einon nn it 'accounts for the large ;cone eruption the e. • .A child witletwo tongues is said to lite living .ia Yonkers, New York The eecond has grown from the• root .id on. the top of the 'fiest. The' ainW ter°11.0.ticea it when tho child was floe e days old. It teas ilea quite 1 -lar ii. but new that the. clild is two ,yt,a.rs,oldiit is nearly as large, as the areal tongue. WHAT TO TEACH GIRLS. To darn stocking, it,nd flew on but- tons. To say 'not •and mean it, or 'yen,' and stick to it. Teach them to regard the morels and not the money of their heeux. To keep house ht neat order. That the more one lives within ones. income, the more one will save. That tight lacing ought to be pre- vented by law. That a reliable young man with good, business qualities is worth u dozen loafers in tine harness. Teach them e'verq clay some item of dry, hard, practical, common souse, and they will yet find time for itieel- own Image. That any amount of tight lazing and pinching of corns cannot improve a farm the Almighty has made in His Give them if possible a goad, sub. trashy rub Ash stuck together with is yearning for is a scientist who will etantial education, and as mauy of ghee the blue satin is cotton and discover a woman that will not 40, the accomplishments as you oan af- ford, but never neglect their traiaing, fades all oat, and the carpets "mans.' knewledge that any other woman's It is all bogus: This trick is pled dress does not hang likes rag. every day, and the red nosed man isle A female teacher Su a public school fraud who never buys aeything, but Was amazed the other day by seeing makes his living by 'raising bids' day a perfect forest of juvenile hands fly after day. Avoid ali auction rooms up m the air. and. gesticulate and horses which ,aro 'the property of 'Wit do you want,' queried the puz a widow whose hueband, recently de- zled iustructer. Chorus. 'Your ceased, was in the truelsiag trade.' hair's blithe' off.' The ungrateful city is what the 'old A witty clergyman'costed by AD itOunlai poet called it, and.what 'Was old acquaintance by the name of true two thousand years agn,. is true Cobb, replied: • don't know you sir. now, because human nature is always 'My name is °ebbe. replied the man the same. And this is precisely. why . who was about half seas over. neh, history repeats itself in steal' tiiings sir,' replied theclergyman, 'you have as well as in great. If a farmer or so much of the corn about you that I country dweller goes to a city in search . "ecould not see the cob.' of bargains, let hiin go to,a reputable 'Dolphin is very economical, is he store and never, never trust a stranger, 'Yes he is. the meanest man I or 4e will bo sure to find how ungrate. 110.0 know. He always asks for a pear ful the city Is to the men who feed it instead of an apple at the fruit stand. and supply it with business.—Amer- because it sounds as if he was getting icsn Agriculturist for June. the most for his money. IIERO1S11 'NOT ENTIREtYi 'Johnny, it would be a good thing . . DISINTERESTED.. for you to remember in life that • we . never get. anythingin this world rine SHE GOT AT THE FACTS. — • • ; less we ask for it.' 'Yes we -do pa,' • An aged negy0 Bat on one of. the answered Johnny, promptly. 'I -got a J hnny (who is spending the after- • wharves at Salem. Mass., fishing. A liking at school to --day, and you can colored boy was sitting besiele him, bet I didn't ask -for it.' .on :it the Smiths')—My mother said she aould like to look like you, Mrs. eagerly Watching the bob as It danced . Needles. were invented in 1545, and up and down. Suddenly the bob some men haven't learn& to thread aide went under, The boy in his excite- them Yet - Mrs. S. (who is extre.mely plain., tnent leaned so far over the edge oI Fashionable Ma---fehildren, child. about thirteen miles west my girl • nob entirely aware . of it(—Like the wharf. that he lost his balance and ren, stop that noise. -Sit down and lived, and as I had no Sunday trains me. my dear ? I take that as a .coai fell into the water. Instantly the .1,`,"1? quite -1 Ohildren—'Why what's or business of any 'kind I used to go line me-lecke& frona so very pretty old man dropped his pole and jumped the Tatter, Ma—'Doggie is tak-' upthere and stay ovcr Sunda3-, Bet • y as 3 out mamma. Yeu're quite livmg horse from Saturday night to lite it was 'I, Johnny, that she meant? FISH Sr.CORIES. Over 3,000 boats are on the Colum- bia River ealmon fishing. , Embank whale, 74 feet long, came ashore Juring.a gale recently, ,near the entrance to Cape Cod Canal. A sturgeon caught in the Feather River, California, sueasuyed eight feet ia length and weighed 194 pounds. A melt shied 'aught in the York River was 25 inches long, 18 inches round the belly, and weighed eight pounds aed a half. A trout that weighed •6/ pounds and measured 2 feet 2i' inches' in length was recently taken in the River Derweut, England. White's pond, near Pond Eddy, N. Y., -was frozen to the bottom last winter, and ,now the surface' of the rater is- covered' with dead fish of all kincla and sizes. , . WIND TEMPERED TO THE SHORN LAMB. • 'The prairies of the west are great places ter wind,' said a telegraph eperatOr; '1 used to have a station out in Nebraska, right out on the open prairie, and the way the wind blowed there was a oaution. But it was a lucky wind for me. At a station • nny (accepting another cruller) —Oh, yes'in. She said that if she could nave your health and stresigth, -She believed she'd as lief look es you .do. EN113APeteASSING MISTAKES ..1Intended to tell Jane to bring ,sno a fresh bucket of water," said the 'wife terProfessor Nottlehead, looking into the water after the boy, and after • a good decd. of splashing and splutter leg, with thelielp of several men on the wharf, both were hauled.mt gasp- ing for breath. One of the Men who had helped them expressed his al miration for the negro's courage. That was a brave deed of yours, my man, said he. "What, dist? asked the disciple of Walton, as he- went, to pick • tip his rod. 'Whye you jumping in to save that elp from her sewing. boy." . ."1" doubtless man blkekfit 4.)f -"Dab boy! doan' keit nuffin for iresii %lrater' rejoined her husband. him. But begot all the bait in his . I. a ish you ,wonici pay some little at- pocket 1" itintion to rhetoric; your iuistakes are /Ntlibarrassing." niGnLA.14D SERMO:.N A few moments litter the professor • t' • -My dear, that picture would show t betet advantage if you were to na it over the dock," "Ali," elle said, ',you doubtless itiebn if were to hang it above the ,00 if 1 %%ire to hang it Over the t we coriltiti't tell what time it, is. w,::. yoU pay some Hide at- teLti a in rhetoric, pair mistakes are lilies Mg.". ai• at is said that the sting of a hornet will cure rheumatism, or at least make you forget it. • Emerson said:—"Every inan would be a poet if his ineellectual dtgeetion was perfect,. This shctvs that indi- gestion is a blessing. Little Polly has a neighbor who has little donkey tenni in which she often has a nice drive, One day as she was sitting with her mamma, the donkey was 'ward to bray, and Polly looking up says, 'Matnma, I like the donkey, but I -don't like,to hear Inni dank. itHEIt HUBBAHD. The other .clay when old Major Sehuan announced •his readiness to proceed to church,' Lis Wife gppearod wearirr, a Mother Hubbard dress, Scotch Highlanders have the habit The old. man tutently regarded her a when talking their IiInglish of inter. feW minutes and asked. sperstng the personal VrOn01111 ho" i'ptliiisry what sort of a coat do you when not required, such as 'The king 'it lastat Mother n bb d he hiss emu.' Often, in cohsequence, 'Air you tzoia, uto arwe'areetaibs'to ' a sentence is rendered extretnoly lu., church.' dim.° us. A gentleman says he lately now71134, Certainly, Joni S. The listened to the Itev. "AK be. Mother flubbarcls are all the fashion gen his (ligature() f Matta, 0,1411, I'm glad to kno* ib,' replied you wi:1 fink' my tet in the first epistle the olci man. 'Just wait till get general of Peter, fifth chapter and ready and go.' eigete verse.* .The easel he goeth The old n10,11 went out the kitthen took a tioupl,e of meal stieks, Venn n former reports dna lie About like a roaring seeking whom out the bottoms out, sewed the tops kner'd, tie $213 tenni six hells he new devour. Now, y brethren, toeetitor, and put thin on in an itni„ see .er seawni. Rola them earl for ear instraction I have divided ray talon 0; pantaloons when be to, Iu the Spring ant consequent': otly ttx: into four bends. flatly, we ahull turned his wife uttered a cry of t‘t pant his warden one. outlaw/or to as lertairt who the devil he astonishinent and exclaimed. Monday moraine cost me to inuch money, and so I° rigged pp a sail on an old tie -car. All I had to do Satur- day night was to hoist my sell, push my tie car out on the main traalc, alid in leas than en Hour I was at my journey's end. Per more than a year I went to see my girl every Saturday night by means of that sail - cites. Pretty slick, wasn't it.' 'Yes, pretty slick.. .But vole mean to say that the wind blowed in the same direction every Sae tirday night during all that time.' 'Of course 1 don't.' 'Well, hew did you manage it those nights when it blew in the other diree- tion?' 'Etisy enough, had another oirl at a station fifteen miles eant.'— Ohicago Herald. CHOLERA PRIgV1NTATVE. In order to withstand Ohelera and such like epedetinos e‘ perfect purity of bloodoiad proper action of tl e stoni ch are required. Todnaure that end, in the oheapest, most available arid comolete meneer, ttse McGregor's Speedy Cure l'or dyspepsia and im• pure blood. There is to purer, safer or mere reliable remedy iii exist nee for indiegestion, despepsia, costive. nese, etc., Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold by a Trial bottle given free. 'Take the Times. t yrncv beditiful agrr'ance,' more durable and per ee perfecteam ess full fashioned HOSIERY THE WORLD.' With More titches inthe top_thau In tboankle. 1{nits the Coarsest Farmer'e YtIVS, COUPS, Or Thread. Shad girls can knit and gene ono donna pore pt Socks in one dal- and $4.00, $;LSU and ;cue gl:liovue and Testi. menials from the Blind, CREELMAN BROS., GEORGXTOWN. ONT. ° Thie space reserved for S. Grace 2 The LeadingUnderaker and Furni ure Dealer in Wingliam. . & J. WILSON Veterinary Surgeons, Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered members of Vete:: inary edioal Association, are prepared to treat all diseases of Domestic Animals, 011 the latest and moss Scientific Prinoixles. Calls attended to day and night. Horses bought and sold on commissrou. Office any infirmary in the stand lately ocouped b T. Kerr, V. S., opposite Merrifield's ilea; Sephine Street, Winghara. AYER'S PILLS. A largo proportion of the diseases which Cause human suffering result from derange- ment of the stomach, bowels, and liver. Alma's °AVIAN= PILLS act directly upon these organs, and aro especially designed to cure the diseases caused by their derange- ment, including Constipation, Indiges- tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, and a host of other ailments, for' all of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these Pius by eminent physicians in regular prao4 tide, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are hold by the medical proles. 8107.111;ese Pints are compounded of vegetable substances only, and aro absolutely free front , calomel or any other injurious ingredient: A Sufferer from Headache writes : "Armee Pints are invaluable to me, and are lay constant companion. I have been a severe sufferer from Headache, and your Pxaas are the only thing I could look to for relief. OSS dose will quickly move my bowels and free my head from. pain. They aro the most effective and the easiest physic I have ever found. It is a pleasure to me to speak in their praise, and I always do so when occasion offers, W. L. PAGE, of W. L. Page &Bro." Franklin Si., Riehmond,Va,, dune 3,1882, "I have used Alma's Pius in number.. less instances as recommended by you, and have never known thein to fail to accomplish the desired result. We constantly keep them on hand at our home, and prize them as a pleasant, safe, and reliable family medicine - FOR DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable. Meths, Texas, dune 17, 1882j. • T. RILY"." The Rsv. FnAltcre fl. HAIthown, writing from Atlanta, Gal says: "For some Years past I have been subject to constipatioN front which, in spite of the use of meths. eines of various kinds, I sutrered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago began taking AYR's Pius. They have entirely corrected the costive baba, and have vastly improved my general health." AYER'S 04VOIA.ItISO Prate Correct Irmo, Urines of the bowels stimulate the apps.' Lite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and `rig* to the whole physical economy. Penns= Int DP. J.C. Ayer 400., Lowe IVIase. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNg., " Ineretileeniestel etifile6otev°011fdeltil OLD, AND by to tie "A'iGE'lg-i ASter'S Saefia.parIlla: bo made healthy and strong liildren with Sore Eyes, Sore Hine taint, Ears,may. or any scrofulous or hyph. $oldbialthruislitii 01,ms bottles for $61 kir curing Ulcers, Abscesses, Fevers, Sera, dm. hid its per lam '1", NilLbURN Sc Ca, $tile* AGattl, Tolufatisia 14e