Clinton News-Record, 1952-12-25, Page 15:1itSD.t#.Y"y JANUARY )., 1953. CLINTON NWS -It} CQItp PAGE FI ADS Classified 'Rates 'ASH RATE -- (If paid le esday following date of irk ion) -'-.Two cents a word firs ertion' (minimum 50 eents) equent insertions 11 .cents rd (minimum 35 cents); 1 is extra for box number o� direction to NEWS-RECORRZ ice,. CHARGED -.45 cents extra EADLINE---r2 nogn, Wednes• Y. Copt. IQ31 G,v,.Moor. APW Boss Bertram loves efficiency His office must be snappy He hired help through classified Now "Old B. B." is happy. ACCOMMODATION for REN FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, un- ished, heated. Phone Clinton, 788W.. 53-b CO147T'oRTABLE ROOM, all con- veniences. Gentlemen preferred. Breakfast, if desired. Box "3", Clinton News -Record. 53-p EIGHT . ROOM BRICK HOUSE, partial plumbing, modern kit- chen. On Clinton -Bayfield road about 7 miles from Clinton. Phone Clinton 909 r 25. 53-p ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC RANGE;" oil space - :beater; man's overcoat, size 35; rocking chair. Apply, 29 Edmon- ton Road, Adastral Park, RCAF 'Station, Clinton, 53-b ARTICLES WANTED -WANTED--42 or 16 -gauge shot- gun, pump or double-barrel. Phone 572M. 53-p BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ,NEW SUBDIVISION LOTS FOR •,sale, adjoining property of new school. L. G. Winter, real estate, nhone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- man, phone 146W. 28-tfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - -business trades listed: restaurants, .gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; bne Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; 'Thomas Steep, salesman. 30-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE ':HEAVY AIRFORCE COAT, can 'be seen at Cliff Lobb's Store. 53-p FARMS FOR SALE • FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. -Confidential information. • Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, .phones: business 448, residence 9993. 5-btfb FURNITURE REFINISHING :TOR PIANO, FURNITURE AND 'radib cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 461, Clinton. 50-1-2-1-p FARM IMPLEMENTS for SALE 'USED 10" GRINDER and grain •roller, Apply to James A. Cox, R,R. 1, Goderich. Phone Clinton .903r 34. 53-1-p HELP WANTED ---Female WOMAN FOR LAST two weeks of January, from 8.30 to 4.30 to :look after young family. Phone Clinton '768W. 53-b MAKE MONEY and win friends, selling our exclusive blouses, nylons, lingerie. Satisfaction guaranteed. No investment. Good commission. Stenber Distribut- ing Company, 30 McRoberts Ave., 'Toronto. 53-b RELIABLE MIDDLE -AGED woman to render services in nursing home for approximately six weeks. Reasonable wages. If interested, apply immediately to F lliatt's Nursing Home, Listowel, or, phone Listowel, 950. 53-b • LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED HEREFORD Bull, eleven months old. Herd fully accredited. Bert Beacom, R.R. 1, Blyth. Phone Blyth, 22 r 4, 53-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone coiled, 1/36r32, c r 936r21. 9-ptfb MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE for sure 'relief. Druggists sell Cress Bun- ion Salve .-- wear stylish shoes noon. 53-b 0. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that Doreen Patsy Leimeiszka, an Airwoman of the Royal Canadian Air Force, of Clinton, Ontario, will apply to Hie Honour, 'Thomas Moore Cos- tello, in Chambers, at Goderich, Ontarib, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of February, A.l]. 1953, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon ,to change her name to Doreen Patsy Lemihski, DATED at Clinton, Ontarib, this 22nd day Of December, A.D. 1952, P. Fingland, Q.C., Clinton, Oaitario, -Solicit?* for the A#�plicant 52-53-14=b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned'. ,Tua-t call' 0, W. "Cot cit Clinton I35013. 1.43i:£b ' POULTRY FOR SALE , 25 NEW HAIVIPSIIIE PULLETS, 6 months old, starting) to lay. $2,00 each, A. Leibold, R.R. No. 2, Clin- ton, phone 910r13. 53-h SEWING MACHINES ' NEW AND USED MACHINES. ' Repairs to all models. Singer Sewing Machine Co:, Goderich, • phone 1135. 19-tfb • SAW FILING ALL TYPES OF SAWS sharpen- ed. Leave at Nelson's Machine Shop or David Elliott's residence. 52-53-1-p WOOD FOR SALE HARD I3ODY OR MIXED winter wood, also slabs and cedar kind- ling. Elmer Trick, phone '.Clin- ton 907r5. 34-tfb J. KINDLING FOR SALE — Cut from cedar rails into 12" lengths. $4.50 per cord, delivered. W. Forbes.'" Phone Clinton 904r31. 42-ptfb DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, SEWING, fancy work of all kinds. Mrs. Stevens , Isaac Street, Phone 293-R 53-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of RICHARD CLARKE, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Chicken Farmer, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the above named deceased, who died on or about the Fourth day of February, 1942, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of January, A.D. 1953, after which date the a:;sets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which notice has then been re- ceived. W. MacGILLIVRAY PRATT, Q.C. Barrister, etc., LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, ' Solicitor for the Administratrix - 52-53-1-b ' ELECTROLUX Sales and Service Demonstration of Three -Brush Floor Polishers (Applies Wax and Polishes) For Appointment Contact G. W. LAITHWAITE Box 513 Phone 920-W GODERICH, ONTARIO 50 -tib +-.-.-.-.-a+-*- -1.-+o.*-179-17-0-$-4- o-*_• Gordon R. Hearn 1 Optometrist Huron St. -- Clinton On Friday Each Week PHONE 69 5 +-a-k'.'•'+'.1 • f COURTEOUS sEavtce Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 ASHTON'S TAXI --- 4-4,-.4-0-4-4-4-0-4-e-e-,-•-•-•-•-e-eee•-0-4-4-• CEMENT Contractors CEMEN.T BUILDING and .CHIMNEY BLOCKS 7 , ]wilt and Repaired GUY IVES .and SONS PhoneCarlow 1612 36•-ptib HALLADAY, ROBINSON & Co. Chartered Accountants Box No. "E" y CLINTON NWS.RECORD BIRTHS CLARE --In Palmerston Hospital, on Friday, December 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Clare, Jr,, a' daughter. DAY1VMAN -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Christmas Day, December 25, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dayman, R.R, 3, Kippen, a daughter. GARROW — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, December 28, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Garrow, Clinton, a daugh- ter. MacGREGOR, --In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 23, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacGregor (nee Jean. Monk), Kippen, a son. McVITTIE — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, Decem- ber •29, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy McVittie, Blyth, a son. WORTH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, December 29, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Worth, Bayfield, a daughter. MARRIAGES ROBINSON-COLQUHOUN — In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, on Saturday, December 27, 1952, by Rev. D. J. Lane, Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun, Clinton, and John Emerson Orr Robinson, R.R. 1, Zurich, son of M. and Mrs. Richard Rob- inson, R.R. 1, Zurich. DEATHS CROFUT—In Kansas City, USA, on Thursday, December 18, 1952, Ethel Marks, beloved wife of the late D. Crofut, sister of Charles Marks, Bayfield, in her 67th year; Funeral service and interment at Kansas City on Saturday, December 20. JENKINS--In Wingham Public Hospital, on Monday, Decem- ber 22, 1952, Miss Charlotte Jenkins,- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins. - Funeral from the Currie fun- eral home, Wingham, to Cline ton Cemetery, on Wednesday, December 24. JERVIS—In Nappanee, Indiana, USA, on Thursday, December 25, 1952, Bertha Marquis, be- Ioved wife of Albert Jervis, in her 78th year. McCONNELL—In Clinton, on Saturday, December 27, 1952, Agnes Eeler, beloved wife of the late Alexander McConnell, in her 81st year. Funeral from her late residence, Varna, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, December 30, McFARLANE--In Noranda, Que., an Wednesday, December 24, 1952; James McFarlane, belov- ed husband of Edith Riley, in his 52nd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, to Baird's Cem- etery, on Monday afternoon, December 29. 0 Poison ivy,, one of the most tox- ic members of the sumac family, grows wild in all provinces of Canada except Saskatchewan and Alberta, 0 Cards of Thanks THOMAS M. and GORDON WESTLAKE wish to express thanks and appreciation to their neighbours and the Bayfield Fire Brigade who so kindly protected their property when their sugar shanty burned during their ab- sence on Monday evening. 53-b MRS. W. T. BRUNSDON, Lon- lesboro, wishes to express her hanks and appreciation to neigh - )ours and friends, who sent her afds, flowers, and gifts, while a atient in Clinton Public Hospi- al. Special thanks to the nurses nd Dr. Addison. 53-b We wish to thank everyone vho sent cards and flowers at he time of the death of a loving ister and aunt.—MR. and MRS. 3OLDIE GRAHAM and family. 53-p MRS. RETA HAMATHER and ons, and MR. and MRS. RAY EAR wish to express sincere hanks -to relatives, friends and orrner neighbours for the many Dards and expressions of symp- thy since their recent bereave- ment. These kindnesses were nuch appreciated. 53-b MRS. M. E. JACOB, and the TAFF of HURONCO • FARM, wish to thank everyone who Wade the Christmas Season such merry one for the Boys and iirls at the County Home, 53-b The family of the late Mrs. ;tanley Carter wishes to express heir sincere appreciation and. hanks to their friends and neigh - ours for the many acts of kind- xess shown, cars loaned and cards ►f sympathy and floral tributes ent, during their recent sad >ereavement, Special thanks to ev. A. W. Gardiner and Harry ear. 53-p No effiort is spared -- No wish is unfilled-- teattle Service is completely satisfying table tttt>sl-ai iota 9-, GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Alexander are spending a couple of weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. 011ie Cole cele- brated Christmas with all their family home. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Picot and family, Clinton, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. F. Picot, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Stirling, To- ronto, spent the holiday with his parents Mr, and Mrs, Jaynes Stir- ling. There was a good attendance at the Christmas Day service of Holy Communion in Sty James Church Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Middleton, Catharine and Charles, Leaside, spent Christmas weekend with Mrs. C., 13. Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Williams and Miss Priscilla Elliott, Goderich, spent Christrnas with Mr. and Mrs, John Torranceeend family. Mrs. George Stewart, Misses Myna and Agnes Middleton spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton and Mrs. C. B. Middleton. Mrs. Murray Pollock and two children, Janet and Sharon, Fil- more, Sask., are visiting her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Picot and other relatives for a month. Mr. and Mrs. William McGuire arrived in Florida last week ac- companied by his sister and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Clark, St. Thomas, and are enjoy- ing the sights there. The Women's Association of St, James's Church Middleton, will meet at the home of Mrs. Harold Tyndall on Wednesday afternoon, January 7. Come prepared to quilt. . Community Club Meets Mrs. Carman Tebbutt was hos- tess to the S.S. No. 4 Community Club for the December meeting. The president, Mrs. L. Pearson, conducted the meeting which was opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and the treasurer's report showed a balance of $55.63 on hand'. A letter of thanks for a box of clothing received by Mrs. F. Sloman, Capreol, was read. Notes of thanks for fruit were received from Stephen Tyndall and Mrs. S. Farquhar. There were fourteen members answered the roll call. It was de- cided that we donate $2 to the Tubercolosis Benefit fund and $10 to the Huron County Children's Aid. The afternoon was spent in quilting, and lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. L. Tyndall and Mrs. W. Forbes. The next meeting will be held at the home • of Mrs. Fred Lobb, with "A Nei' Year's Resolution," for roll call. HENSALL W W.I. Hears District President .. The Christmas meeting of Hen- sel]. Women's Institute was held with Mrs, G. Armstrong in charge. Lovely decorated Christmas trees and motifs added to the setting. Mrs. W. Brown was hostess as- sisted by Mrs. F. Beer. Members answered the roll call with a don- ation to the London War Memor- ial Children's Hospital. ,Miss Gladys Luker, secretary, express- ed sincere thanks to the ladies for their visits,' cards, letters, flowers, treats received while in Clinton Hospital. The Institute gift was a lovely silver vase presented by Mrs. F. Beer during her illness. Guest speaker, Mrs. K. Johns, Woodham, District President of South Huron, was introduced by Mrs. Beer. Mrs. Johns addressed the group speaking on "Footprints in the W.I," For the program Carol Brown favoured with a piano solo, Mrs. J. Glenn gave a reading, assisted by Mrs. Roobol singing carols and Maja Roobol at the piano. Christ- mas carol singing was directed by Mrs. T. Sherritt, with Miss G. Lammie at the piano. Solo parts were taken by Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs. A. Shirray and Mrs. W. O. Good-' win. Mrs. I-Iaun contributed a vocol solo. Refreshments were served. ROXY THEATI, CLINTOIV Now playing "BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE" •-- In Technicolor with Mario Lanza MON., TUES., WED, (Jan. 6-7) Piper Laurie, Rock Hudson, Charles Coburn & Gigi Perreau A Technicolor comedy . treat, sparkling with fun, frolic and romance, "HAS ANYBODY SEEN MY GAL?" • THUR., FRI.; SAT. (Jan. 8-11), "STEEL TOWN" -- In Technicolor -- A mighty a drama filmed amid the fiery furnaces of the nation's foundries. Thrills, romance and rugged action — Ann Sheridan, John Lund and Howard Duff Coming—One Week—Jan. 12-17: "THE QUIET MAN" The pieture of the year Matinees: Sat. & 1Elolidays„ 2,30 PARK Th, ,ATeRh, GODER1 CH. --Phone 31.50 Now; "The MERRY WIDOW" In Technicolor -- with Lana Turner and Fernando Lamas ALL WEEK * * * Jan. 5 to 10 T H E QUIET MAN — IN TECHNICOLOR a-, Filmed in County Mayo and glowing with glorious back- grounds of the Irish country: side , . . See the hilarious Battle' of the Century Thrill to the simplicity of it's romance Enjoy every moment with JOHN WAYNE, MAUREEN O'HARA, BARRY k'ITZGERALD and the famed Abbey Theatre Players of Dublin Two shows each night at 7.3Q and 0.45 p.m. "Faith an' it's a Darlin' picture" CAPITA(. THp,.ATR,E GODEIi.I011 --. ('hone 47 Now: "OKLAHOMA ANNIE" —, In Trucolor with Judy Canova. and Grant Withers MON., TUES., WED. "The (lour of Thirteen" Are you in the mood for an evening of dramatic suspense? Then you will enjoy this new and entertaining mystery drama. Peter Lawford -- Dawn Addams Roland Culver THUR., FRL, SAT, Johnny Weissmuller -- Sheila Ryan & Bob Waterfield Jungle Jim leads an anthropolo- gist into the Land of Giant People and is caught in an elea phant stampede among other adventures, "The Forbidden Land" Coming: Janet Leigh & Carleton Carpenter in "Fearless Fagan" HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE SAVE 25% ° Direct from Factory to You Chrome Sets, Chesterfields, Bedroom, Etc. Write for FREE Catalogue and compare prices MAIL ORDER SUPPLY CO. - Dept. H, Box 309 BRADFORD, ONT. •50-1-2-1-b J. S. Scruton Oils - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton '3'77 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Itce cream or butter Milk or cheese— Both young and old Out products please. �i. ;t tS°vy, 'r a ar. .fii1FfJ'� r37$ Pt,:. X' FO . BY TENDER The Clinton Hospital Association offers for sale by tender the following properties ht Clinton formerly belonging to the late H. T. Rance; ALE (a) Lot No. 175, on Ontario Street -821/2 ft. x 132 ft. (b) Barn on Lots Nos. 210 and 211 on. Rattenbury St. same to be wrecked and grounds cleaned up. (c) Office building on Lot NO. 210 on Rattenbury St. same to be moved or wreoked and grounds clean- ed up. (d) Residence and appurtenant lands on Rattenbury St. being Lot No. 211, being 821 ft. x 132 ft. and East 641/2 ft. of North 122 ft. of Lot No, 210. Sealed Tenders to be in the hands of W. H. Robinson, Clinto: , Ont., Chairman of Hospital Board by 14th January, 1953, :marked "Rance tender'', Prospective purchasers may submit an offer on one or more properties. The properties are offered for sale for cash and, the highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The properties may be inspected on application to O. L. Paisley, phone Clinton 92. A purchaser of either (b) or (c) above will be required to deposit with the Vendor, in addition to the purchase price, the sum of $100.00 until the grounds have been cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Vendor. 13ui1dings, (b) and (d) above must be removed and grounds cleaned by 1st May 1953. Possession of. (a) can be given on completion of sale. Possession of (d) also on completion of sale, Subject to re- moval of barn as in (is) abode. For further partieulars apply to undersigned. W. -T. It01.3INSON, Chairman Clinton Hospital Association Dated 27th Dec. Ma. GODERICII BUSINESS `COLLEGE Winter Classes commence Monday, tlanuary 5 Write or Phone for Particulars Member of the Canadian Business Schools Association and registered as a trade -school under the Trade Schools Reg- ulation Act, 51-2-3-b PLAY SAFE Have Faith in God's Word Trust not in feelings, emotions, dreams, works, for salvation, Only in Christ who says; I am the door by Me if any man enter in he shall be saved. John 10 :9 Who so ever shall call on the name of the Lord. shall be saved. Romans 10 ; 13 Jesus the only means of salvation. Charles Fuller — 123aLos Angeles, Calif. -- Tune in ABC Network Sundays, 4 p.m. (EST) t:,':ITH RADIO and TELEVISION SEE THESE TO -DAY! GREYS -- BLUES BROWNS! Canada's Top Lines of MEN'S OVERCOATS at a real saving to yo"u. KENWOOD coats Reg, priced at 69.50 January Special at ... , 49.50 KARALAM coats Reg, prided at 69,50 January Special at MOO LAMKASHA coats Beg. priced at 85.00 January Special at .- 49650 . 49650 All Other Coats at $15.00 Off Regular Price P1CKETT CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRT'S STETSON HATS PHONE 25 .... (opposite the ,tyhea�t`re)y - CLINTON 41444 43:4141 1 H?tile H�.+.4:i��H_,Y.af: ..44.*0'!.+044. 4.444 41.4'�fH�4 iHf+1+4+4444444. .4*