HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-12-18, Page 11'"';C''MR$DA'y,'DEC MBER, 18, 19$2 nrwsfaxcoup RCAF Station and Adastral Park News B'AGE MOM? 4�iitor: S/114 IL W, FRO Phone V32 x,acal 252 Assistant. F f o Helen Tuttier if opal 217 .1Uome• School Group :Meets 19.53 Officers The Hone and .School Associa- .tion of A7\>71111 Hugh Campbell School met on Thursday evening, • December 11, with C, Pinnell pre, siding. The election of .officers re- sated as follows: President, 'J, Gattinger; first vice-president, C - Pinnell; second vice-president, T. Jackson; secre- tary, Mrs. R. Abbott; "treasurer, FL Harley; members of the exec- utive, Mrs. J. Chambers, Miss J. Miller, Miss" D.:McGuire, Maitland Edgar, Lunch was served by Mrs, C, Pinnell, Mrs, "R. Carter, Mrs. George Bury, and Mrs. D. Forrest. Meetings of the organization are held on the third Thursday of every month, in the school. All parents of children attending the . school are welcome. a A "dash" is equal in quantity to one-third of a- teaspoon of liquid. Children at Station 11014 Christmas Party Santa Claus arrived at station Clinton in a big rest fire truck. He had foresaken his friends Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph because •of the absence of snow. At any rate, he was certainly welcomed by the children who attended the annual Childrens' Christmas Party held Wednesday, December 17th, in the Recreational Centre. The Christmas Party is an an- nual event which has been a trad- itional feature of RCAF stations in Canada and overseas.. The recent party held at RCAF Station Clinton was attended by 650 youngsters, the sons and daughters of officers, airmen and permanent civilian staff. A com- mittee of officers and NCO's, un- der the chairmanship of F/O Al Sturgess was responsible' for the organization of this party.. A gen- erous contribution from the Stat- ion Fund, which was supplement - NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Application are wanted Lor ,the position of Road Superintendent for . the Township of Tuckersmith. Applicants are requested to state qualifications and applications are to be in the hands of the Township Clerk on or before "'2 ;'p.m., Saturday, December 27. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township 'of Tuckersmith ... 51-52-b + • 4 R & C School Officers Visit U.S. Air Bases Wing Commander B. G. Miller, Officer Commanding 1 Radar and Communications School, and Squa- dron Leader R. E. Henderson, Of- ficer in charge of Conmiunication Section returned to this station recently .after a five-day visit to U.S. Training Centres, They vis- ited Keesler Air Force Base at ed by grants from the Officers and. Sergeants Mess helped make this party a huge success, The program started with ra selection of Christmas music by the pupils of Air Vice Marshall Hugh Campbell School, The sing- ing was conducted by Miss June Miller and Was under the musical' supervision of Mrs. E. Wendorf. The 160 pupils. which comprised the choir were selected from kin- dergarten to grade 8. Their singing was warmly applauded by the large audience. Following this entertainment, the doors of the Roundel were op- ened and before long Santa Claus drove up in his bright red fire truck, much to the welcoming de- light of the children. Santa Claus then distributed gifts to the youngsters and on occasion he had a friendly, if brief chat with his many small friends from Clinton. During the distribution of the gifts, airwomen of RCAF Station Clinton served ice-cream, cookies and chocolate milk to the children and before leaving the hall the young guests received bags of ap- ples, peanuts and candy. The success of this .party was due mainly to the members of the Entertainment Committee which included; F/0 Al Sturgess, F/0 Wally Burton, .F/L Tommy Cook, F/0 Angus Feldhans, Roy Fitz- simons, • WO Rusty Brown, F/S Standing, F/S Brandley and F/S Wilf Doyle. Biloxi, Miss. and Army Signals School, Fort Monmouth, N.J. The object of this visit was to integ- rate Telecommunications Training Methods and .keep abreast of new- est developments in this field, Presently in the United States,. on similar duties are; SIL G. J. Bury, Assistant Chief Instructor; S/L A. L. Musselman, Officer in charge Electronic Section, and F/L F. P. Boyczuk, acting Officer in charge Radar Section. They will visit the Naval Air Training Station, Memphis, Tenn. and the Fleet Electronic Training Unit at Norfolk, Va. before returning to this station- Flight tation• Fli ht Cadets Hold Pre -Christmas Dance A gay Christmas spirit was the key -note of the Pre -Christmas Dance staged by the Flight Cad- ets in their lounge at RCAF. Sta- tion, Clinton, on Friday evening, December 12th. Some 175 guests danced in a colorfully decorated lounge to the music of Johnny Brennan and his 11 piece orchestra, The lucky winners of the novelty prizes in- cluded Miss Clara Gruhala of London and F/C Maltais. Another lucky couple was Miss Jean Hoyle of Clinton and her escort J. Burke. Guests at this event included G/C E, A. D, Hutton, Commanding Officer, RCAF Station Clinton, S/L and Mrs.W. Bayton, S/L and Mrs. G. Bland, S/L Ted Ender- sbe, F/L and Mrs. Hynds and F/L and Mrs, J. Hoult. During the intermission a buf- fet style lunch was served, The colorful buffet included a variety of food, suitable to the festive oc- casion: "The members of the. Flight Cad- et Mess Committee, under the supervision of their PMC, Flight Cadet W. McCallum were respon- sible for the gay Christmas dec- orations which ornamented the lounge. `*:41 i'?H tai.. }leie:efefea FF? ^} t.F4(lf'?Nf 444+ 4-4+4 .44 4. 4F -44-(t a*XefatafeaFfei + N1.++ +.8.1,4,}F.«} :1+.8:+4Illi}H}F+}FI'. N}N.4 4?F44-4~?e•'. 44,1 }Wfe}•44.4.+A4.''} 4.44 1, • 4�+ F ,4 4, } '4 } iT4 4=+ F 4=4 A 4 4♦=, 4*, 4=4 4.4 44 }=r + ♦�r 44xF 4I4 4=4 4$4 4 4=, 4=r i=4 4=r 144 « 4Z4 Only 1 1 More Shopping Days Till Christmas! i, ;4. AND YOU STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT TO GET MOM, DAD, OR SOME OF THE OTHERS? Perhaps we can suggest something from our wide selection of Radios & Appliances Just read the following and see if there isn't something that would please some member on your Christmas Gift list. IRONS $5.4$ -. $24.95 MIXERS $23495 - $69.95 SANDWICH TOASTERS $9.95 - $22.50 TOASTERS $3.95 - $39.50 TEA KETTLES $14.50 HEATERS $8.95 - $19.95 FLOOR POLISHERS $49.00 - $89.50 FLASHLIGHTS 98c - $8.35 - RANGES WASHERS REFRIGERATORS TELEVISION CLOTHES DRYERS ELECTRIC TRAINS VACUUM CLEANERS $32.00 - $147,50 LAMP (all types) $2.45 up COFFEE PERKS $5.95 - $19.95 ELECTRIC SHAVERS $29.50 - $31.95 CHRISTMAS TREE "LIGHT SETS and COLOURED BULBS Our Specialty CLOCKS $3.29 - $14.50 RECORD PLAYERS $17.95 - $64.95 CORN POPPERS $5.95 HEATING PAD $5.95 - $9.95 ciGNTS 41 I; TABLE RADIOS FLOOR MODEL RAD OS L it $2d,9 coli $99,50 * $269.00 Ii Merrill Radio an Electric 4I4 44 _ 4=r ♦.4 + 1. 4=4 4=f 444 4+ 4 $tr 4 4 +4444 a,;414,44,+f4T',+,a44.m.,++4:4 'T.4444-4 ikealtal4rt4+1+104 ,,t44.4 4.44+ ` atatetaf,444'4"4•,} (•Y4✓}iM4f.441 '4`4. 4M4}is4,4 44ri,4.1`4 f 4 4 }44♦44.444040:44e.tatetatate.t.4 i4' 44+.+4 4 Na J06 .zon,g row (Cr,,,Ile Cammartbitt8 fficer RCAF Station, Clinton At this time it is traditional to review the history of the year that Is passing and to 10* forward with hopefulness to the year that Ilea ahead, It is true that these days .are uncertain, difficult and troublesome, both at home and more especially abroad. We should not allow - this state of affairs to depress us, however, but shoo 14 regard it as astimulus to do everything we can, individually and collectively, to foster those sentiments of Cooperation and understanding of whieh the world is so in need today. In 1952, the RCAF passed through the great est expansion period in its peaeetime history, The expansion will continue in 1953. Inevitably, such an expansion has been aceohnpanied by inconven- iences to its all. We have had our share of these growing pains here at Clinton and no doubt will continue to have thein in the coming years; thou gh we may reasonably expect that this winter will see us over the hump. These are testing times. In every test may be round a challenge and an opportunity. A chef+ lenge to put forth our best efforts. An opportun ity to show whether or not we can nceept our personal responsibilities. The overall air force zn ission to preserve a free and lasting pence cannot be attained by otter leaders alone. Its attelnihzehrt depends upon each one of us meeting the eivar- lenge and grasping the opportunity, thus benefitting .ourselves as well as others, Always mindful of individual responsibility, the men and women of RCAF Clinton can make 1953 a happy year for themselves, thereby building towards a more stable future for us all. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL RCAF PERSONALS It is another boy for S/L and Mrs, H. Keane of AROS. Congratulations to F/S and Mrs, Grant on the birth of twins, noth- ing new to them, this is the second time: Congratulations to F/L and Mrs. Toms of AROS. Tommy has been all smiles for :the last few days. He is the propd father and this time it is a girl. LAC Bart Moher who has been in the ME. section for the past 18 months has been posted to Goose Bay. His replacement AC2 Roger Bigas of Pembroke, Ontario, is welcomed to RCAF Station Clin- ton, The friends of Sgt. Fred Barkley of the Supply Section will • be pleased that he is making a speedy recovery from a recent car accident, Fred is presently taking occupational theraphy and hopes to be back in the Sergeants' Mess very soon. Travel talk has been very pre- valent around RCAF Station Clin- ton and many servicepersonnel are planning long journeys to spend •Christmas at home with their families. Travel is planned by TCA, train, bus, and motor car and there are some who plan to travel as far as the east and west coast. None of the travellers are more ambitious than F/C Gordon Taylor who has hopes of flying home to England. NCO's Wives Hold Christmas Party The Senior NCO's Wives Aux- iliary held a very successful Christmas party on Monday ev- ening, December 15, in the dining room of the Sgts.' Mess, RCAF Station Clinton. Court Whist prizes were won by Mrs. L. McAuley, Mrs. C. Jansen and Mrs. Mildred Daw. The door prize was won by Mrs. Grace Richard. Thirty-eight ladies were pres- ent and enjoyed a delicious buf- fet supper, after which gifts were exchanged. Cera, ORDER TRADE:RIARK REG. with your groceries. TAECalbieli SPORTS COLOUR Sestet 90e9a46. It's Oh ristmas again. And no matter how hard-boiled and impervious to sentiinent you think you are, or as folks may believe you are, and, indeed as perhaps you are, as a general thing Christmas does something to you. It did something to Old Scrooge, so probably the rest of us, who live in a rug- ged, realistic world, where no, one expects, or gets, any the better of it, are not immune, either. As eyery Christmas' approaches, you decide that this year, you're going to take the attitude, but firmly, that Christmas is only another Saturday, or Tuesday, as the case may be. This time, you say, you're not going to go overboard for a lot of gifts --well, maybe something for a few little nieces and nephews, but no one else -and no partying, and running around to other folks' houses, no receptions at your own. Just a good book, curl up in front of the fire, and relax. Then the Christmas cards start to come in. You hear from folks that, . in many cases, you'd almost forgotten, from others who form a bond or attachment in your We that, you strangely find, is a great deal stronger than all the anti - Christmas resolutions you'd mentally made. You see the light in a child's eyes as he peers hungrily through a half -frosted window at the glittering array of tempting toys grouped about a giant Santa CIaus who shakes with rumbling laughter. Or you hear sleigh -bells across the frozen snow. Or the boys who sing the Christmas carols torch some half-forgotten chord of other days that was lurking deep in your memory. And allof a sudden, you realize what you knew all along, that there's a real Santa Claus, a real Christmas for all of us, in the spirit of the season. It's something you can't escape. And when you come right down to it, • who wants to? You'll go through with that one resolution, though, to curl up in front of the open fire with a good book. And the book will be Dickens' Christmas Carol, and you'll rejoice in the reforma- tion of Scrooge, 1.si the joys of Tiny Tim, and all the rest of those folks in the greatest fictional Christmas story ever written, so poignant that it still can bring a lump to the throat of one who has read it from boyhood, which is more years back than he cares to think. And a day when you can make the . old wish that never seems to become trite: A Merry Christmas to Everybody Yam .ou moots uad avirgestIons for fhb cohts a rrl f b•••86•••84 by Ekn.r f rguson, c/o Calvert Hous., 431 Yong, Sit., Toreals. CaIVeItDISTLLERS .LIMITED /STWRQ, atliARia 1 i Our Christmas Present To You HOCKEY STICKS Last year's stock (all rights) reg. $3.25 for $1.50 .. KIDDIES' SPECIALS (While They Lust) 0 $5.00 5(1 $3.95 -SMALL KIDDIES' SLEIGHS --reg $1.75 now $1.50 1 Only -CCM TRICYCLE a• SKITS; HARNESS and POLES (complete) 1 Only -4 Ft. TOBOGGAN -reg. $4 $19.95 Special! - Special! --- Special! 1 Only - 6 FOOT TOBOGGAN 4 i14,r Slightly damaged in slipping --- Now completely repaired GIRLS' and LADIES' CCM TUBE SKATES LADIES' CCM FIGURE SKATES BOYS' and MEN'S CCM TUBE SKATES WILKIES ANKLE SUPPORTS -best on the market $8,95 to $14.50 $13.95 - $15.95 $8.95 - $52.50 $1.85 To The Ladies: If your husband or boy friend is an outdoorsman, Here are a few Christmas Suggestions: REYNOLDS CAMPING KITS -14 -piece aluminum outfit consisting of 4 plates, 4 cups, 3 kettles, 1 ted or coffee pot, 2 frying pans -reg. $15,95 -Now $13.95 RI • GUN CASES-- No, 300 for the take-down gust .. reg. $4.15 -Now $3.50 No. 1060 full length case $6,75 -Now $5.75 No. 1070 full length case $7.15 -Now $6.50 HOPPES CLEANING PACKS -consisting of oil, grease, solvent, patches - 0 'Reg. $1.50 Now $1.25 HUNTING SHIRTS from $4.50 to $11.50 10% Discount $595 --Now $4.95 SEAL{DRi (Plastic) RAINCOAT SIAL -DRI STORM SUIT PANTS . keg. $6.50 ----Now $5.$0 SEAL -DRI WADERS ----------------------------------kg. $$.9S ---Now $7.95 SEAL -DRI HIPPERS Reg, $4.45 ---Now $3.1SS BRONSON REELSleg. $6. i 0 ----Now $5.00 FISHERMAN'S DE LIAR Reg. • $2.75 -Now $2.25 (Combination sCafes and +measuring tape) +1TF' :potato c .1,114 ettwood L IPPS l`tatO+► . ON TA $O PHONE 42 w. CLINTON' �y"�-�,�'`�-�l +-+4 a y TT1I�Tq'�•"�I'+T'T 'I� Y