HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-05-29, Page 8-+"-.P+4n+wY.,.•�o..rn41, LOOAL E S N.'wsy Notal, $0141,1 " Qr'leket, Straw hats. Spring bonnets. Revision court yesterday, 'Subscribe for Tun Toms. Spring work is booming. The watering cart will ss needed again. Thunder storms on Sunday afternoon last, Two rows of maple trees have been planted ill the park. Our new dentist is no chicken. $e is always a pull -it'. The Queen's birthday was observed' very quietly in town. Advertise. Get. Your seeds. Rake your lawn. Dig your gardens. Cour milliners are busy. t' THE TilViES FRIDAY, ALAY ' ��i+en-.. .M ,. e. ..-... �. � _.-: � � Ny'M.0 ,r..r.H - �' 4..,rte.0 ,..ns� n_r'+MxudAe.,m+w,.,..-• +ar` �.: ...-� nF iersonid 'iarwgraltplltls. WIND AM, ITB'L10 'SQUQQL.. Pertinoaat Personal. Polluters, telrs, Prgmhwu' cusps Produce el. D. .Bray, of Chatnam, was visiting Fruit trees are commencing to friends here this week. bloom, Dr, Gunn, of Brucefeld, was in County Qounoil•meeting on Tuesday town Sunday and Monday last. ' next. ' _• Mr. J. Natoli, formerly of the Mr. Thos, Bell, jr,, who was severely Queen's is visiting friends in town• kicked by a horse recently, is able to Mr. 'T Van,A.11en "spent 'Queen's on be be out again, birthday visiting friends in towns. Mr, J. G. Holmes is at press: nt at home enjoying a short vacation. 'The old i'F'liable expression, '"Ainit. *t slot," will soonbe resuscitated. right Band of fellowship to 44 persons;. Mr: McGregor, of the_ firm of Mc - Gardeners and farmers feel ranch who, on profession, of faith, were a4- Gregor & Parke, Hamilton, was in Happier since the late rains. nated to wembership;in the ehurdh. town on aTuosday. To Rent .-A good 'frame to This. was the' twenty. -+fifth reception rent client. Apply to John stablerr, at .servce held during ills,, ministry of ,Mr, Chris; Dickson, of the City his o office. three years in his town, and the. Book Store, Clinton, was in town number admitted has been 826. Yesterday, ',- Reinamber the Emma Wells coo. The following letter reoaeivea. by Mr. « Mr.. J. -W. " Green, of the Howick cert company in the town hall k H. W. 0 Meyer will be read with Enterprise, paidus a pleasant Ira- , The many, friends here of Mr, Geo. Theobald, a former resident of this place, will regret to learn of his death which took place at Clinton on Mon: day last. .r The open season for pickerel, num. kinonge, and miss has commenced,. end partiesare at liberty to catch them -if they can. An last Sunday, morning the Rev, Geo, $, Cornish, pastor of the Minnie street Methodist church gave the Mr. Bot:;itby, formerly of the Bank of -Hamilton here, was in town on. Monday. Mrs.. and . Mies Maud Fleury and Mr. W.J.•Fleuty are visiting friends in Toronto. ' M rs. Hugh Carmichael affil her little daughter. of Iven, 'wen) the gnesta of .yrs. M. McKay this week. night.. • : interest by or citizens:- to nal visit yesterday. Saimaa/era not getting their Tibias. Toronto. May 23r -d, 1885. Mr. `F. Solloway, of the post office delivered regularly are requested to. H. W, C. MaYLR, E$Q,, here, is in. London this weak, He is call at the office and let us xnaw. Winghaln, Ont. one of the witnesses in the. case -.of The Guelph annual Conference.. of! Dn&n Sin. -I am in' receipt of ' Fisher Ts Scott, ' the Methodist church meets in Owen' yours of the 12th inst., and am pleased 1rs. E. 'W.,Johnstone, of this town, Sound ..n June 4th next. .: to k sow that a by-law for the purposd left on Tuesdayfor a visit to friends' in The regular meeinz• of the Town of sinking a salt well'has been passed Toronto, Courtright ,and Peterboro. Fathers will be held on Monday even:: by so large a majority,'and I trust you She expeots.to ba absene two or three ing next. ' will he as successful in- finding salt as weeks: ' . ° stir Mullen, of the Royal bloGlr', is you have been in carrying the by=law, r, Jas• Johnston, of . this town, • 'fitting a part of hiss prenuses for a Ycjtirs truly,• who enlisted as ' bugler in the.- :Tees- piioto ga lery for M;.:Kaake. ' W. Wu -nu, Gen. -Supt. water company of the 32nd (Bruce) A. number of otiz" citieene are' in. On Monday last at Walkerton there battalion, returned home, from South - Loudon this weel°as witnesses on the was quite an extensive celebration hamptonon Tuesday., ease of Fisher 'Gs.' 'Scott, at the than- end a long programme' o#• sports, the .. Tlie. Rev; Geo, H. Cornish left town .eery court.. most exciting and •interesting event 'yesterday, to'•;attend the Stationing -'Mr,13e11, the contractor for sinking being the lacrosse znatch.between the Comalitteo of":the Guelph. Conference ":the salt well has commenced opera: Waubunaukees, ef' 1'Vingham, and the at Owen Sound. The Rev. Samuel • -=, lops. The site selected. is situatedw Landsdono. Club3 of 1Valkertoli, for 'Seller,* B 1 of Bernie, will 'occue dear the asliery' a purse of,$25. The Wingbani play the pulpit `ot• the •:Minnie str e. In'several of the churches on Sun- . ens in ,this match were its followers Methodst c h rch. next Sunday morn - W. Andersoir,', goal,. Campbcill,'. Mc: :nig and •evening. ' . :day last reference was mode . by the Dcnald, Carr, . Mctlutcbeon; • Roe; :rz. , ipastore to the manner in which the Youhill McAlpine;,kitewart, Stephen: -tor' s. Scot ct is. beinn"enforeed in Wing- s. Scott,a g son; Cornyn, >,nderiron; ' A. Daern, For•.:Sale-A:.irst class covered' has' field captain and . R. B. 3olinee, bliss,, almost new :"rias been. in use There May Ilea'Ilea'be Hseen on the umpires 'The first game comiaenced:at only three month's. Apply. to Dr, ° Queen's hotel pump .here a 'notice to 10 88i, and after hard'a,nd a*o ting 'Towler, ; 6' M:9.0..-;; ' ' a decided VI iIi�k'i; .:of •,. -:,r:•. n's the effect that , families . nein„ wAter.: play was decid d a Wlall.er: A ;biz&iness limn's happiness. -.-A from the pump,uiust pay 25 .cents.: i,en, in 18 , minutes, -vlie pall, being wealthy",nnert'hant' • said 1 ,.'always 1ser.month, • . put tnrough by a Otuyer: of the Walk:. regi lttippy tirlien ,I am idvertisil3g, for The town ban3.are6 goin g to have : "rton'club, said to be frorii. Riversdale, then 1 know;that waking or sleeping,: an excureloa all.along the line flow ua'aied lr •Stepan, deaf and'clumo, leave a strorig though silent • orator Rtucttrdiue and intermediate bi,abions by a smart fellow and a good writer, worts int; for iris ;one who never tires .either to• Guelph. or Toronto. Pa by welch means. he carried' on con: seder s:ePps, -,never makes rristakes, tlzsuiaes as to ansa of excursion, ,t;.:.; vei'sation. The second game coin. and who is certain to enter the house will be given in due time. tnenced at 1107 and wits also decided holds froiu Which. if' at all. my trade m favor o.. Walkerton at 11.88. The must come. In No. 4 V and 74 signatures have : Waukuttaukees t:ien saw that some n been obtaieed on the petition to be: heav'er work Would be required of The following is what the Semforth presented to Parliament from this : ;thele, many of th. it opponefits being Expt,siter thinks of our chief officer: iso vn against Sir Sohn s •Franchise much heavier men, and consequently -•-' Mayor Neelands, of Winghanr, is Bill. They ai a allgenuine, and were - they settled down to: busines3 and a ladies man without doubt,. When not obtained by'•fraud" 'or "misrepre n "ter h.,td work the thirdswine, whit he ran for the mayoralty he succeded sensation,' elute!•. • was called at 11.50, was. decided in in capturing their votes and on Mon, :''The nieinbers of the Lucknoa- fay.,r of. our club in 58 minute's. T.ht3 day of last week he again managed to' lacrosse club intend paying a visit. 'hum of time atlowed for lacrosse being ,met every lady voter in his3 ward out :Here in about two weei,s to engage iii' then readied. an effort wad made to .said ttiavote 4 rthe' l mllbi r ti>'s stowti- afriendly game with our team. We have the match stopped then and de. adiase our Boys not to neglect frac•• in lea le favor of Waskeettin, but this could hitve' done the seine e thing. tice, as the i uoknowites have the re= i was strongly opposed on behalf of the; W nrham insist have a o g S ts-tors, aiid after conferring inn or, antinion of hair.;; good players. „wait y . the comantt:e fG was decided that Is IT TLC/ SAME. -A paragraph in the It is rumored that there are a the utntch should, proceed. The daily papers, a few days since, stated number in. towel and iieighbcrhood Wan-ou.tattLees nee 'hen de- "The wife of Air. Geo. Boners, bar - who are contemplating commencing - ;,breis ued 'to iViii the snatch if the Less maker, of Baacebridt e, Ilea tom: housekeeping shortly; OYu edvice to time was allowed, as• was shown by mitted suicide by t•+Itin1 leudanuin.'' thein und.tili inneed of exeelleet fur- their spirited relay in thsi 4th game, Several years ago a person of that enure is to:carefully reed Messrs Scott which was decided in their fi,vox ia W naive worked here at the Harness Bell s advt. which appears to this tii)'no ies,t ie ball Le.ng nut through by trade; subsaequently going up into the issue. 0 Carr. ',Chis was the liveliett sad Muskoka district. His wife was a One of the attractions in town en qulcaest game ,of die induce and dis:' Miss Craven, from near Londessboro, ;kb itday rias the bazaar held under. p;a ed fine playing o.i both sides. At (her father, since dead, being a very the auspices of the Willing Workers this stage the referee, Hauled Milligan, highly esteemed, resident of Hallett Foreign Mission Band in Mr. Stetvart'•s from Tbi'oa,,o, declared the game r. for years) and several in this neigh: store, Josephine street. There was u draw, It b *ing 1 p. m,w`the limit of borhood have expresser) the opinion large number of visitors and the ladies further time that torts allowed by thethat she ie the party who has ended in atter dance were kept busy dis: couitu'ttee. If another game could hbr exlstance. We hope their stir posing of the marry useful and erne: into been played there is I...tie doubt mise may turn out mooned, trental articles.. E-efreshments were .tut that the match ,would have been in reference to the above which served during the day, and in the iron by the Wauhttnaukees, and it=.wfas appeared in the Clinton New Era of afternoon the town band was 111 saarcely'the correct thiii'tiit t Walker: the 15th dust., we have 'beim informed attendare e, and gays some choice toil ebould 1.10,v0 imported players !Wont' by Mr. E. Bowers, of this town, that • elections of mUsieisri their usual good Enicardlne and 11•versdate. Ab it it was M. Wim Bowl its harness ttyln. In. the evening the Itev. Mr, was, t ,e prize of $25 was divided maker, who married Miss Craven, not 'fin 'um, who hes 'leaf, 27 years .in lit tween the two clubs. Tia other George ; . 'ai'•o that after leaving andel, gave & lecture in the Then? sports arse gamest eupied the after Clinton Mr. Bowers slid no4 go' to /lall on the religion of the Eindtts. Hoon and were much Setter attended Muskoka, but came to Whtghatn. nand exhibited some Tele gai idols mild than in the beelaonn. • The W inghalr.• and carried on businestt here. The following is the result of the exatnivation in geography held on Friday last, FIRST DEi'2i,R'PA*ENT. 100-M. MoDcnald 95, M. Sneltt88, Junior form. -M • 96, at; ►S'nell t3a, J Eakin, 87, ASMcLaren $4, A;k'isher 80, W. Corny:a 77, F, Graham 77, N. Paulin 76, L. tf5Cullough 78, N Gray 72, A, Talbot 7f ` Jas. Eakin 62, W, Johnston 62, E. Roe 63, J. Davis 60, W. Dinsley 60, W, McKay 591 T. Vornyn 55, H, Scott 52, J Campbell: G2, S, Pettypieoe 40, SECOND DEPARTMENT.. Senior form --Marks obtainable 100. -J. Elder 90, F. Radon Si, A. Roe' 86, A. Habkirk 83, M. ' Hastings 83, J. McDonough 81, N. Baxter 78, C. Risdofa 78, It.. Eomuth 78, J. Gregory 77, W, Danns 77, G. . MoClymont 78, M. Hanna 72, M. Inglis 7 i s E. 11'1c - Laughlin 69, O. Gordon 68, L ll.+'luoty 68, G. Elliott 67, J. McLaren '66. M. Tiplin 65, W. Nichol 64, M. Sadie: 68r M. Cargill 62, B. Smallhorn 60. Robert Moelymont 0, dismissed for Copying. CRI(3KET. On Mondsity afternoon last the first cricket match of the season took place on the Park here between the bache. lore and benedicts. There was quite a large number of spectators, and the gaiueexcited considerable interest. Thebenedicts went to thebat first,and 'succeeded in running up the respec table score of 70 runs, of which 17 were contributed by the Rev.. 'Mr, MoCosh. The bachelors in their first innings were disposed of for 42, runs, Bray being the only man who made -a stand, his gem being 14. The - mar. ried men in their 2nd innings: madee 44 runs, .and the bachelors had Inde 21 with 5 men out, when time was called, it having been agreed to draw stumps at '7 p., in. -` :she mar- ried hien therefore were - the Victors by 28 runs on the first innings. • Alt though the single men feel rather sore over their defeat, it is rumored that when the return match is playedshort- ly the benedictswill suffer a 'similar hick - disasterous rout; .as that w ove x took the rebels at Batoche - The pro- ceedings were .enlivened• by choice Selections' of `music given by the town band in their - usual excel legit style. Thefollowing is the score, of the „fafrst innings' . MARRIED. - J . Dirldey, C1. Tracey, b•T"raey 'W. J.Mc0utoheou, b Bray:" W. C. Meyer,' b Bray T. Bell, c :Dufield,'b Tracey • E, Williams, b 'Bray W. E. Groves, c Tracey '4 Rear. R. Me0osh. o Di•rneld,o Bray 14 . 3. Hurtibese, c Trico y ' 4 R. Paulin. c Tracey 8' J. A. Cline, c Tracey . 1 E. R. Talibot, not out, 'Byes, etc. 8 .. 5 0 1 ,4. Total • - SINGLE. H.E. Bray, c Hurtibese, b Williams 14 E. Dickenson, b Williams 0 G. Dttllield, b McCosh• -- 2 4 19 70 Dr. 'Young stumped out T. Knechtel, c Williams G. Mooney, o tiV it linins. E. Dinsley, run out . T, Nicol, not out $. ;Taloot, c Williams Byes, etc., 0 2 8 0 0 1l; ' Total 42 An old nurseryman in Guelph said to areporter last week : - 'There is going to be a great) crop of fruit, this year. Plum trees, of course, were bably damaged a year ago, but the p, opeet for apples, pears, cherries, and in fact nearly all kindsof fruit, is most promising,This is the kind of weather to make a good crop, because. it keeps the buds backuntil the frost is over.' When preserving time comes ltourewives will hope that Ibis pre- diotion has proved correct. Anyway it, is, o, relies from the perreniii'itlcry of the croakers, who, by the way, are not so plentiful this year. This fits our case exactly i ,An ex change • says : 'No " sensible • roan getangry stn ry because a newspaper matt duns in,for money. A dun is not an :mpeachineiit of a subscriber's integrity, but is simply an out -Drop• ring of a publisher s necessities' For instance three or four hundred risen Hindus curiosities. The attendance is are very fa% drably ioapressed with After leaving Winghain . he went to owe us front One to -five dollars. .We wax not so large as it engirt have been, We:Icerigen ntia ire pleasant surround, fhuce• Mutes, where he has been living have to dun them all in order to get We have born requested to• stat* that sins, pa •ticu_ ttrly the t augeen 'With its, fur about six yea's and liars never enough money to pay our expenses, the bazaar will be rte:opened oti &hum limestone ilius. They left, after a resided to Beaceliridge (Yur rotor- instead of getting angry and'etopping day avenit g naxt,. cotttmenrnnw itt O . ;:rnit.:r f.t t,t, lfariley t4oube,linti' had irlant says he has Never received.. utiy the paper, because the publisher asks. o'clock, when silt the articles let or. t' the 1 •ive tf 26' it;Busts by nsounlight, word of Mrs. 13,,wer's death, and that hint for what is honestly due, the from Mouthy whit* sold at t1"b lose -4' arriving home a little afier i.riinigl r the Mrs, Goo Boitera mentioned itt subscriber should thank ' him for wait• ressibyetiigores, lee drain:11r ,1t4, w, tl in gon,t spurts -bite trig "MIA kthee i the ebnve pnrugarpli and his brother's ing so patiently,and pay up like 'a H';At SYMItt IN TE 1'U 3.LI0 SOROOL. To the Edda- of baa Times, S 11, --.Many aoulplainte.are being made by tae ratepayers in regard to the half Olay systemin our Public School, adopted by the. Board at its Met meeting. As One of the trustee's, I think the system adopted is not at all necessary. The reason ziven ,"or its ` atoptio.i was thai; the.clasbes were oteroro ;det1, Now, there is no as tetn. sity for biriSi as there nee' •vaeiuit roalnb the•schnot which cowld' +.e utilized as a very mat'. e' peese. Maus par: ents arecomplaioing dairy to me about the injustice of their arils/ yen being deprived of the whew pat vileeve, and the opportuulty of ai:'end' ig in 5ne weather. I nope the Boa►•d at the ne :j meeting wi:l rescind the motion passed for the half nay .eys„em, and devise some plan whereity n.+ the childrenat•.endiag the school may be accomodated, and thee put au end to the complaints that are ..loins made. Yours, &a., it OUR aANNA. Wingham, May 28, 1$85.. FLUID LIGHTNING; All sufferers from that terrible tor- ment, neuralgia, can be made happy in one moment by a sirgle application of Fluid Lihtning briskly rubbed on painful parts, and without using any disgusting medicine day after ,b',day with little or, no result, Fluid Light- ning also aures as effectually,- tooth- ache, luinbago, rheumatism, :headache and is only `'2 5 cents ' per bottle. ; at C. E. William's dyug store, MARRIED..' , At, Bluevale, an Friday, May 22nd, 1$85, by the Rev. Geo. IL Cornish,, Superintendent of the Winehain district. Rev, Geo,Lounds, of Blue- - vale to Mary Helen, daughter (Atha }ate - Thos. Fulton, of Wincheeteri Dundas Co. Ont,. ' local.' Market Re or Wingharn May :29 til. 1888 Flonr p r cwt, 92 50 to Flour per bbl • 6 00 to Fall' Wheat per ,ons .t 90 to 02 Spring . " • " :. 90 to 92;. Oats Barley'+ .,. d8 to 55 'Peas c., " • ... CO:to 6:5 Potatoes "'"l .... 40 -to 40 Butter per lb' 13 .to 'i8• Eggs per doz..,... -'10 to 10 Hay per ton .,.' 4•00 to 16 ,00 Wood- . . ., . 1 'no to "1 ''2.5 4 o1 12111:1 S71Tf@C MEC9IS; iteco sized �, c And the tgbet o j iii 04`4P�'ONLYMArNtNE.., ' BEST l'i"{ i 0%4"0.'S S i) • FAMILY KNITTING - MACHINE IN USE, -.A.ff,r of the nitu i- articles that can he made on -- our - our Family Machine are i.ttderehirts, Drawers, Mitts, Hosiery, Gloves, 'Ctiptl, Cuffs, Tidies• -alt these can lid made any size, • ODI. i.IIIDEI. as PE1a EOTIOM. Makes the Pearl Rib -Stitch one -anti -ono, one•anil- •two,' ono-and.three, etc., perfect in elasticity, beautiful in appcaranco, snore durable and per- fect than hand XCnitt ing. - Our Machines snake the only perfect seamless full fashioned HOSIERY' IN Tan iaa,IIlLD. With more stitches in tbo top than ttn the ankle. Knits the coarsest Farmer's {Yarn, Cotton, Silk, or Thread. F3irrtd girls can knit and finish one dozen pairs of books In one day; and 4"AJ, $3,C0 slid $4.00 can be easily made in one Cay. Send for Descriptive Catalogue and ,Testi Menials ff-reont the Iilind,• . O EELM I.�`� ]3 Q3.,y GEORGETOWN. ONT. `%b�,' j, That will KNIT RIBBED and PLAIN WORK ` • Perfecti1, 05* The Council of the Corporation of the'County of Huron,Huron,will moot ha the Court Nouse, iii +ltc• town of Gode:.. rich on Tuesday, the ,2nd clay ofC•il.tine next. Alldaecounts against the 'Poon cil must, be presented on or before the second day of the session. - P8TE1t ADANTr oN, Co. tient ' Q Two Dors * of lend, bonsistiug of iotas tt &a ib. Queen street soil 00 ,k 01, Atta%tlattd street, Town plot of Wingbtvtr„ iiuitabrie for gardsuing puryvasa. Ader'ws, • - •(,11.1.1'Ail Galt ll t i stC, ?.• ilclorooii, Micldl444VI Co., *km be "reeved. • 1 and t•Ito e, tiwtet orae.' Rife aee,net the same, little man,' •