HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-05-29, Page 77
Two Acres of land, consisting of tots 74
0; 7s, Queen street and 90 it 01, Maitland
B. M, Calkins, w Amaryllis N . 130430, Town plot of Whighain, Suitable
has just :00znou, ed One 0i a for gardening purposes. Mars, Bogs to tender thanks to her numerous customers for the liberal patronage
most wonderful pieces o2 mechanism V. CR A,PAN GRAHAM, • they have bestowed upon her, and in the future as. in the past •+,‘U kora
ever pioduced. Be has worked on it iklorteu,mddiesex ca,, out nailing undone to serve them so as to merit their continued confidence
for 20, yrars, and. like Darius (en's , support, As my business Las inereased more than double tl
..711 "c;71f
flying Machine, 'at last it is done,' •
On a large platform, 'Tx20 feet, on! ;
stn acted so as to represent mout4i4
scenery, rooks, tree, lawns, rimer,
wearies, caves and lakes, there are
.several hundred ineving figures of ;
men, birds and beasts. In the centre litonday. May 4—lieaves his own stable
ls a, lifelike facs:inile of Washington's OceedS to Wm. Xewitt's, 2nd con, o
residenee at Mount YemenOn the f
AT for noon; thence to Wamestown for
roof are two beautiful figured
and painted so ato represent calp-
s, cerye
Tuesday—eceeds to Bluevale for noon:
toted marble, gudrding cirawn s s
thence .to Gofton's hotel, Wroxeter, for
swords tl e historic mansion', while a,
gilt eagle perches upon the porch, In
a room 'Washington. is. lyhig on his
death -bed surrziuncled by 'Weeping
friends. in the kik.then aro colored
servants at work.' In the yard are
men sharpening their scythes and
chopping 'end sawing wood, Saverall
i» idents connected with Indian life.
a. pictured. Railway cars
aro runpuig, and ships with sails un -
faded and laden with passengers float The above rout o wM bo continued'dur:
n a miniature riverEven Noahs
in g the season, health and weather per:
ark.is represented, with Noah at the : miffing*
head of tin proomm
f-eu arching into
it, While upon the hill tops surround.
i,ng arw
e men and women awestruck at
Imported. July, -1.86g, byJames Tipling
the rising waters. A perI/1
fect grist W01am. Is registered in Vol 6, Clyde&
1401m operadon is represented ; also dale Stud book. Garnet, 2795, is a beaut.
a country Lome, with the fattier and ful dapple brown, with 4 white pasterns'
mother sitting by the fireside, reading ,,foaled May 28, 1881; bred by Wm. Cald-
well, A ' rdropan, Ayrshire • sire, "Ring of
by the light of pine knots. The tho Forest," (1170) ; grandsire Lord Lyon
figures aro all kept in motion by a (480) ; g. dam Glenheacl Maggie(227), sire
stnall ove0hot wheel, less than ten of Dan Loeh Fergus Champion (449) ;
ihe diameter
Garnet' u ham, Darling; grand dam, March
ft'es in .
by Old ; gunnel Bess4 Biro
All the fig1113:a wdam,
ore carved with of Darling, Johnny Cope, vtho was chosen
jack knives, Mr. C. I iins living worn at Glasgow Show to serve the district of
out several knives since he began the Blairgowrie Society.at a premium of Too
work. guineas. Darling eost £140, whea,e. colt,
and now weighs a ton. From the purity
of the breed it wilibe seen he is from stock
of great value.
11113P ournusPAIM
Will stand for mares- this season
as follows;
Wednesday—Proceeds on the gravel to
Longley's for noon, thence to Lakele for
—Proceeds on Boundary be
tween Carrick and P.fowielt to Samuel Mo
Kee's for noon, thence to Ambleside's for
Friday—Proceeds to Teeswater for noon
thenoe to halfway house for night,
Saturday — Prooeeds to Aferrifield1/4
hotel, Wingharo, for the afternoon.
Catarrh—A. no vz Treat:11014'2
Perhaps the most extraordinary
success that neabeen achieved innwde
ern .medicine has been attained by the
Dixon treatment for -catarrh. Out of
2,000 patients., treated during the
wait six months,. -full ninety -per cent
have been curd of this stunhl,,rn mal
ady. This ifigione the less starling
when it is remembered that not five
per cent. of patients presentinc thein-
. &elves to the, regular practitioners are
benefitted, whilp the patent medicines'
and other adverised cures never re
eprd a • cure atall. Starting with
'the Claim now generally believed by
the most scientific men that he dis
ease is due to the presence of living
parasites in the issue. Mr. Dixon at
once adapted this cure to their exer-
minatam—this accempiished, he
I aims the Catarrh is practically cured,
and the permanency is unquestioned,
di cures effected by him four years
ago are cares still Ivo one else Las
ever. attemptel to care Catarrh in
this Manlier, and no other treament
has ever cured Catarrh,. The applica
tion of theremedy is simple, and can
be done at hone; and the present
season of the year is the most favor
able for the speedy and permanent,
owe The majority ot cases being
cnred at one treannent Sufferers
should correspond with Messrs. k H.
DIXON ik SON, 8t)5 King,sreet,west
Toronto, , Canada, and enclose stamp
for their treatise on catarrh. Men.
treat Star. Nov. 17, 1882.
Are you disturbed at night .and
broken of your rest by. a sick child
soffering and ce‘ ing with. pain of cut
ting teeth? if so send at mice and get
a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup for Children Teething, its
effect is inealculable. It, will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately
Depend Upon it mothers, there is no
mistake about it, It cures dysentery
and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach
and bowels, euros windcolior softens
the gums, redness inflammation, and
gives tone and energy to the whole
siodp.m, Mrs: Winslow's Soothing
Sy'ttip for Children Teething is plea-
sant to the taste, and is the presorip•
tion of one of the oldest and best fo.
male phvoitins and nurses 'n the
United ,States, and is for sale by till
druggists throughout the world. Price
t5 cents a bottle.
, paayegr, 1 am
now in a better position than over to supply my customers vvitli all kinds, of
Millinery Mantles SilksSatios
stAln rarveliieux, Ottolsign cord Satin Marrollieux, Oltintkv Fringes-, Mantl
Ornalsellts, eN Jet Trimmings, Real Laces, Silk . wpm, Spanish andben.
elle Orientalo, Hamburg Net, Victoria, Lawn, Fowered Muslin andsParasols,
Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Embroidery and
Insertion Underskirts, black Cashmere, Crape Cloth, Cretonnes, and Dress
Trimmings of all descriptions:- For the spring I have the Largest Stock
ever shown, and will be happy to snow intending purchasers.
garEggs taken as Cash b exchange for rods,
Witigham, March 18th, 1885 •
1 re Oflering'GP,EAT V ALITE
Stoves, Tinware and House
Furnishing Goods
TIE MT -Y. Y -Si
• TERMS—Td insure a foal 612; in-
surance money tobe paid in jay, nary,1886. `1"'
Insured mares must be returneeNregnlar-
ly tb the horse, or they will be charged
whether in . foal or not Parbiss dispos•
ing of their mares before, collecting
time,'will be held responsible for insnr.-
once whether in foal or not. All accidents
at the risk of owners of mares. One dollar
Payable at tiine of service which will
taken off insured mares at collecting time,
mares not been in foal tie one will be kept
for our labor.
Sas the largest and most complete factory in thi
Dominion -180x155.
Highest- MUM ever Awarded to say Maker in tho World
Medal and Diploma at Centennial, 1878.
Medal and Diploma at SydneyAustratia, 1877.
Gold Medal, at Provincial Exhibition, Toronto 1878.
Highest Awards at Industrial Exhibition, Toronto
Correspondence Solicited. Send for niustrated Cat
atogue, maned free, Address
llownenvxmx. ONT.
AR: WAR. 1.1A11.,
Cents will pay
for The Times for
3 months. Sub-
scribe now, and
A letter the war news
r eceived in the Londbn •
post Office 301110 time err W is address.
ed as follows:
"To my elder Joan,
tip the Oanougate,
Down a dose,
She has a wooden leg."
This reference to the wooden, leg
was the Moans of getting the other.
wise vaguely diinsted, missive to 1t
111114'100z 01 Ing ti t should be
r**.' . . lath 'Burdock 13Iocd Dinars foi
taring Ulcers, Aloodtisses, revers, Sores, &c. Price
nqnrbox T & CO ,
Sowt Anstalt Tomei*
• '14 ..1." •-•
Subscribe for
One of the best Local Papers
in the County.
o ring
Executed. Prices Moderate.
4,110,40.1.11•1 60{iLaillagarata40. I ...4*.I.1,art14,2171,11g7S62/7MVP1.147...17,
Viatica preparation known to Belem:of or beautifying the
Steautliy the liton opt) give to the Faded or SallelvItkan.
pie:viol'. a Perfectly Bealth,v, N Mural, and Yonthful
Appearance. It Cenorels Wrinkles, Freekleti. Crow's
Feet. and the. Frith:near:if A0;4E:eying the Skin Soft,
Sineotb, and '
PEICX.4t30c,entn. Sent fc:- adrisesffl. llostage
Eitainist taken. A.ddrest ors to
CREME Oft, Drawer 2,870, Terente.tn(i.
.Ask your druggist for It. Wholesale by all
jzazarirtat, jolty, iiiirsAgZattitainger
• ..1=szial 11, 1.4
• . .
Cling Pi:41:04A LOM dippcitte,
Dyspepsia, jaundica, krationsy 1,iver &ze'
.Liotchesi Peas, Limos, Bait Pheunt,
yepdlos, anti all diseases arising from Impure
Perfingi'd Siomad, or 1"; regular. action. rtf Ile:44.16td.
• 4
• .44.• •
UtO '14017 CW 1 1 4",`44' " • •
•FROM 418orir,ebwct.34:1147FRHO:
44 Gontlemo: My father resides at WaverT. ,
ttla,alln4r1 hthaes inbeeelposaer leeatte t sigIlleretrelfiroymOnSw"a
a marfelina effect
Ayers Sarsaparilla
Jia s bad in his mule, 1 think he blood must
have contained the humor for at least ten
years; but it did not shew, except lu the form
of a serofuleus sore on the wrist, until about
Ave years ego. From a few spots
peare4 at that time, it gradually spread so ati
to cover his entire body. I assure you be was
terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when"
he began using your medicine. Now, there are
few'men ef, his ego who onjoy as good health
as he has.. 1 could, wily Dame tfty persons
whowouliftestify to the facts in his case.
'Yours truly, W. M. Panares."
FROM 'FRE FATHER: ,xasisurbeot
a duty for me to state to you the benefit I
have derived from the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Six months ago I was completely coveredwith
a terrible humor and sercifulous sores, Tho
humor causedan incessant and intolerable.
itching, and the skin; cracked so ao to cause
the blood to Sow in, many places whenever
I moved. My sufferings were great, and my
life a burden, I commenced the use of the
S'Anst.p.samrat in April last, and have used
*regularly since that tline, 117y CondttiOn
began to improve at once. The sores have
all healed, and 1 feel perfectly well in every
respect—being now able to do a good day's "
work, although:73 years of age. Many inquire
what has wrought such a cure in my case, and
1 tell.them, as•I have herettried to toll you,
Si, DM XDUTARmAngrateinplly,
AYR'S SAusApAtirmA cures Scrofttla
and all Scrofuloni Complaints, Erysip.
elas, Emma, 'Ringworm, Blotches,
Sores, Boilis, Tumors, and Eruptions of •
the.. Skin. It clears the blood of all impu-
rities, Edda -digestion, stimulates the action of
the bowels, and thus restores vitality and.
strengthens the whole system.
Dr. 3.0. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mese.
Sold by all Druggistsr. 31, six bottles !MO.
urles. CdnrtmoTerie,111L:Reur:trtZI
Xy ,
Catarrh.. rleers &Mit Skin.
nlood Diseases of every .deserip.
$1000 reward to any eh °mist who wttI
find. on analysis of NO bottles of Shaker
Plead Syrup, ono particle of Mei', •
Nide or Potassium, or any mineral.
• name.
Esico,„ - 81.00 Per Boit% el Six for V.CD.
I Sole Agency for m high= ti . '111 G
Pharmacy; Dr. Towlefs drug store.
LIIhr hex: Lulu
Hemloolt, Cedar, Tamarac, Aad
Maple and Elm Lumber of' all sorts con.
t stantly on hauttor manufacture po
and Shingles of all grates from
IT at'ottiFa Prices.
Staves, Heading and Barrels of every de-
scription always on nand or made to order
'Our facilities for making ileur and salt
'barrels! are". inferior to none in Ontario
, Cheaper than the Cheapest.
OUTO. Sawing done as- usual,
And'at Lowest Prices.
Cilittitn Tanks mad b to order. Eighesi
prices paid for all kinds of logs.
Call and. see Us.. Saw mills and work
shops adjoining the G.N. railway station
, l 1
,FP• .1717.1.4.217VS
17 0 It 1.. W Zra
Arn siensant t. 8 Le. eorttal-,
on...iati%o. Is t vitro, and *Hp.*
0.401Naireir ea tr.n. I.:a:weft at 4030
14012'. 061117,111011A31
t Agent.
Ott.till Onwtto.