HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-12-04, Page 7''r'HURaDIKY, IDECEIVIESR 4, 1952 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 'AGE SEVEN �. WANTADS 000,Airoila Classified Rates CASH RATE — (U paid by Wednesday ,,following date of in- aertion)--Two cents a word first Insertion (minimum 50 cents); louibsequent insertions 1112 cents a word (minimum 35 cents); 15 cents extra for box number or `;?or -direction to NEWS -RECORD 'Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- x,2aye Core t't, ,tl.MoOte \nem, t 4.9 Rapid Robert• who Was a lover of fast action Used the classified For utmost satisfaction ' ACCOMMODATION for,RENT W O BOARDERS WANTED. ::Phone Clinton 246R. 49-b .,APARTMENT TO RENT in the Town .of Seaforth, 'available De- - cenaber 12, Phone Seafbrth 661r14. 49-b FURNISHED :HEATED ROOM, suitable for two. All conveniences. .Phone 419W, 49-b BED -SITTING ROOM, furnished .and heated. Suitable for a couple. Phone Clinton 905r2. 47-p A'1-1'ii,ACTIVE TWO LARGE rooms, share bath with two, up ; stairs. Heated, electric stove and refrigerator. . Possession at once. .Phone Clinton 77 after six o'clock. J. V. Flynn. 49-50-b Accommodation Wanted Y O U N G AIRFORCE COUPLE with' one child require three or four room heated apartment, un - ;furnished. Please apply •to Box "D", Clinton News -Record. 49-p HOUSE OR FOUR. ROOM apart- ment in town of Clinton or vicin- ity, by January 1. Apply to Post ,Office Box 353, Seaforth. 49-b ARTICLES FOR SALE .PAIR OF GIRL'S WHITE skates, good condition, used one •season, size 1. Phone 174J. 49b I.E.L. CHAIN SAWS. Several . good used machines on hand. Pric- ed to sell quickly. Apply to Ro- bert W Cole, Clinton. 47-8-9-b GIBSON L7 ELECTRIC Spanish gtdtar and case. New conditions $250. Cpl. L. A. Rudoski, RCAF Station, Clinton. Phone 382, local X41, 49-50-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '1950 FORD ANGLIA COACH in good condition. In excellent con- dition. Sale to close estate. Can be seen at Fred Middleton's, Clin- ton; on the Bayfield -Clinton High- way, opposite the church. 47-8-tfb 1951 GMC HALF -TON PICK-UP truck in Al condition. Sell reason- ably. Call after five. Ray Cham- bers, Gordon Street. 49-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 'NEW SUBDIVISION LOTS FOR sale, adjoining property of new • school. L. G. Winter, real estate. 'phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales - :man, phone 146W. 28-4fb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES '.BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ary stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; -"Thomas Steep, salesman. 30-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE BOY'S STATION WAGON COAT, :sand, size 34. Like new. Lloyd Batkin, phone Clinton 692W. 49-b BOY'S CHOCOLATE BROWN wool suit, good as new, size 32. Girl's green coat, chamois lined throught. In good condition. Size 14. Box "D", Clinton News - Record. 49-b Employment Wanted - BOY, 17 YEARS OLD, wants work for Christmas holidays. -Store work preferred. Some ex- perience. Box "E", Clinton News - Record. 49-b FARMS FOR SALE FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS Confidential information. Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, ,phones: business 448, residence '99J. 5-btfb 'FARM IMPLEMENTS for SALE GEM ELECTRIC GRAIN Roller. Capacity, ten bags an hour, run with a/2 h.p. motor. Lorne Jervis, phone Clinton 910r33, 48-9-b FURNITURE REFINISHING • FOR—PIANO, FURNITURE AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, .Clinton, 46-7-8-9-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32. or 936r2t. 9-ptfb LOST AND FOUND 1,OST S'TA'YED from Lot 19, Concession 5, IiullettTownship, one Durham Hereford, crossbred heifer, year and,a half old. Head and face part whiteand part red, Contact Gordon Reynolds, phone .'Seaforth 667 r 24. 49-p HELP WANTED—Female WANTED, EXPERIENCED wait- resses. $20 to $22 iper week and meals. Apply manager Cadillac Hotel, Blenheim, Ont. Phone 2061., 48-9-b THREE GENERAL DUTY Nurses required for 35 bed Groves Mem- orial Hospital. Starting salary $145 per month plus full mainten- ance and uniforms laundered. Reply to J. M. Gifford, Fergus, Ohtario. 48-9-50-b THREE CERTIFIED NURSING assistants, required for 35 bed Groves Memorial Hospital. Start- ing salary $80 per month plus full maintenance. Also, three ward aids, starting salary $70 per month plus full maintenance. Re- ply to J. M. Gifford, Fergus, On- tario 48-9-50-b HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WORK in food store, full time. Phone Clinton 40. 49-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EIGHT CHUNKS OF PIGS; eight pigs, six weeks old. One set of sleighs in good condition. Jack McGuire, phone Clinton 802r5. 49-b HOLSTEIN COW, due to freshen in January. Apply to W. Blacker, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone Clinton 805r3. " - 49-p MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE. $1 to $1.50 delivered, or cut your own for $1. Order early. Phone 428, Albert Bond, East St. 49-b CARPENTER WORK. Specializ- ing in kitchen cupboard, etc. Lloyd Batkin, phone Clinton 692W. t 49-b EXPERT WORK ON ALL carp- entry. Cupboards and trim our specialty. J. Spivak, phone Blyth, 20-r-6. 43-52-p ICE CUrl'1NG. For a real buy on skates, come in and see our dis- continued line of skating outfits. If they fit you get your choice at cost price, New, not used! Ball and Mutch., 49-b BRING YOUR CAR IN TO -DAY for a check-up. We specialize in tune-ups, washing and greasing. At Supertest Garage operated by C. L. Stanley and Son, Jack. Phone Clinton 205. 49-b IF IT IS WOMEN'S, MEN'S OR children's wear you are buying for Christmas, why not shop through DuJour Lingerie and save, this Christmas? Just call 478W and I will call on you, or call at my home, King Street. Mrs. Roy Mann. 49-p WANTED. FRESH Jack Rabbits. Highest prices paid. Limited quan- tity needed, weekly only. Kyle General Store, Kippen; F. T. Fowler, phone Mitchell, 141. 49-p CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Your Druggist sells Cress Callous Salve too, relieves quickly. 49-b SPECIAL OFFERS — Hockey stick and puck, reg. 1.50 for 89c. Aluminum percolators, reg. $2.35 for $1.59; Special Christmas offers on radios, refrigerators, electric stoves, etc,, ordered from Fire- stone catalogue. Catalogue sent on request. T. A. Dutton, Bruce - field, phone Clinton 634r4. 49-b NOTICE NOTICE—ANY PERSONS found responsible for reporting the false rumours concerning Carl Murray of being involved in the recent robberies in the town of Clinton will be prosecuted to the full ex- tent of the law. (Signed)—CARL MURRAY. 49-b PET STOCK WOULD LIKE A GOOD HOME for small dog, three years old; short black hair. Very good with' children, or as a farm dog. Phone Clinton 589 w 1, 49-b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX ROOM CLAPBOARD Cot- tage; three-piece bath, hot water, basement, furnace, fully insulated, extra lot. Ideal location. Apply J. K. Wilson, phone Clinton 258J evenings. 49-p GOOD HOUSE, EIGHT ROOMS, hydro, barn, poultry houses, 1i/s acres, 140 foot frontage, low taxes, Highway 8, two miles from Gode- rich. Good mortgage arranged. Suitable, large' family, new Can- adians. S. Langford, R. R. 1, Goderich. 48-9-p FIVE ROOM STUCCOED House on Albert Street. Three bed- rooms; coal furnace; three-piece bath. Priced to sell L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, salesman, phone 146W. 46-tfb FIVE -ROOM HOUSE, THREE bedrooms, three-piece bath, ex- tra lot, small barn, nice surround- ings, L. G. Winter, Rel Estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- man, phone 146W. 28-tfb NEW HOUSE, ON HURON ST; four rooms and bath; hardwood floors throughout; hot and cold water. Possession December 1, Apply toC. L. Stanley, Phone Clinton 205. 47 -8 -9 -s0 -b SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED MACHINES. Repairs to all models. Singer Sewing ,Machine Co., Goderich, phone 1135. 19-tfb SAW FILING ALL 'i."YPES of SAWS sharpened. Leave at Nelson's Machine Shop or 'David Elliott's residence. 48-9.50-p BIRTHS FEHR—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, December 1, 1952, to Corporal and Mrs. Ives Fehr, Clinton, a son, FINLAY In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, December 3, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. George Finlay, Clinton, a daughter. GRANT—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, December 2, 1952, to Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Henry Grant, RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, twin daughters. HARRIS—In Clinton Public Hos- .pital, on Friday, November 28, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris, Bayfield, a son. HITSMAN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, December 2, 1952, to, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Hitsman, Exeter, a dau- ghter. McLENNAN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, November 28, 1952, to Corporal and Mrs. Earl McLennan, Clinton, a son. MURPHY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, December 4, 1952, to Sergeant and Mrs. Reginald Murphy, RCAF Sta- tion, Minton, a daughter. MARRIAGES BABCHUK-PERRAULT — In the rectory of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Clinton, on Monday, December 1, 1952, by Rev. 3. L. O'Rourke, Marie Jean Dolles, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Perrault, Meleval, Sask., and Corporal Dan Babchuk, RCAF Station, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wasil Babchuk, Regina, Sask. FISH-PAVELICH—In the Roman Catholic Chapel at RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, on Saturday morn- ing, November 29, 1952, by Rev. Father Charbonneau, AW1 Jo- sephine Pavelich, RCAF Station, Centralia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. Pavelich, Highridge, Alta., and LAC Russell Dwight Fish, RCAF Station, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Fish, Medicine Hat, Alta. KNIGHT -CARTER — In First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, by Rev. D. G. Campbell, Marg- aret Beth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carter, Sea - forth, a n d Harold Edbrook Knight, Hensall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knight, Toronto. 0 ST. ANDREW'S WA TO MEET ON TUESDAY The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Farquhar on Tuesday af- ternoon, December 9, at three o'clock. Cards of Thanks FRANK HAINS would like to thank all his friends and neighbors for flowers, cards, candy and other treats, also Dr. Oakes, Dr. Yates and the nurses, while he was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. 49-p Gordon R. Hearn Optometrist Huron St. — Clinton On Friday Each Week' PHONE 69 SALESMEN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. ML -L-169-189, Montreal. • 48-b STOVES FOR SALE QUEBEC HEATER, used one year. $10. Apply Fred, Weston, Bayfield. 49-b F I N D L A Y SPACE HEATER, large size, with fan. Used six months. Reasonable. Apply to F. H. Pickel, Jack Elliott's apart- ments, Huron St. 49-p COOK -STOVE, Wood and Coal, with oil burners installed; white with glass oven door. Rocking chair (natural finish); baby crib, brown metal, with mattress (25" x48"). Apply after five or any- time Saturday or Sunday. Above old William's Bakery. 49-p STOVES WANTED GOOD USED FURNACETTE or circulating heater. Apply to Box "C", Clinton News -Record. 49-p WOOD FOR SALE HARD BODY OR MIXED winter wood, also slabs and cedar kind- ling. Elmer Trick, phone Clin- ton 907r5. 34-tfb KINDLING FOR SALE — Cut from cedar rails into 12" lengths. $4.50 per cord, delivered. W. J. Forbes. Phone Clinton 904r31. 42-ptfb HALLADAY, ROBINSON & Co. 0 Chartered Accountants Box No. "E" CLINTON NEWS -RECORD DEATHS. COXWORTH—At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Suitor, Chatham, on Sunday, November 30, 1952, Mrs. Arthur Co*worth, formerly of Hensall, in her 83rd year. Funeral from Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, to Exeter Cemetery, on Tues- daay afternoon, December 2. FOTHERINGHAM At the home of her nephew, William Fother- eringham, Tuckersmith Town, ship, on Wednesday, November 26, 1952, Martha Janet Fother- ingham, beloved wife of the late Alex Monteith, in her 87th year. Funeral from the Beattie Fun- eral Home, Clinton, to Baird's Cemetery, on Saturday, Novem- ber 29. JACKSON—In Clinton on Satur- day, November 29, 1952, Clara E. Rance, widow of William Jackson, in her 94th year. Fun- eral from St. Paul's Anglican -Church to Clinton Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, December 2. JENKINS—In North Vancouver General Ilospital, Vancouver, B.C., on Tuesday, November 11, 1952, Mrs. Minnie Eva Jenkins, formerly of Holmesville,. widow of the late William S. Jenkins, in her 69th year. Funeral from Burrard Chapel, North Van- couver, to Capilano View Ceme- tery, on Friday afternoon, No- vember 14. MONTEITH—At the home of her nephew, William Fotheringham, Tuckersmith Township, on Wed- nesday, November 26, 1952, Martha Janet Fotheringham, widow of the late Alex Mon- teith, in her 87th year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Clinton, to Baird's Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 29. WELSH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, November 30, 1952, Thomas Scott Welsh, be- loved husband of Hazel Clark, Hensall, in his 42nd year. Pri- vate funeral in the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, on Wed- uesday afternoon, December 3. o— Wesley-Willis Mothers Study Group Meets The November meeting of Wes- ley -Willis United Church Mother's Study Group was held November 25 at the home of Mrs. Howard Currie with 16 mothers • present. Mrs. William Murch was in charge and opened the meeting with a hymn, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison and the Bible reading. e The minutes were read; the business was discussed and the December meeting was changed to December 9. A humorous reading "I Always Sew by Ear" was read by Mrs. March; "Children Who Steal" was read by Mrs. Shipley; "Why I Tell My Children Fairy Tales" by Mrs, Murch and an article "Don't Shield Him—Com- fort Him" was read by Mrs. Jer- vis. These articles were all very interesting and short discussions followed each. A poem 'A Woman's Prayer," and a hymn followed by the Miz- pah benediction closed the meet- ing. The December meeting will be held on, December 9 at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Jervis with Mrs. Reg Shipley in charge, and with Mrs. Elmer Hugill and Mrs. Dale as hostesses. Members please bring in the gift boxes to this meeting. EQUIPPED FOR TODAY - - - Our facilities afford every refinement in presenting the ideal service - - - including that of economy. 4 exttie CIIYTIEL'�TC Tim!' W.11,10•MIWWWV`I EOefirEOUS SO /Wee Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now playing (Dec. 4-6) "FORT OSAGE't with Rod Cameron and Jane Nigh MON., TUES., WED. (Dec. 8-10) The Washington Story Here's the behind the - scenes story of the men and women who make the headlines in the Ameri- can capital. A blend of love, laughs and legislation,. Van Johnson, Patricia Neal and Louis Calhern THUR., FRI., SAT. (Dec, 11-13) Charles Coburn, Wanda Hendrix and Phillip Friend His name struck terror into the hearts of the unjust as he went about righting the wrongs that oppressed old England. "The Highwayman" — In Cinecolor — Coming: June Allyson as "THE GIRL IN WHITE" PARK THEATRE CtODERICH—Phone 1150 Now: 'FORT DEFIANCE" — In Cinecolor, with Dane Clark in a Civil War adventure MON., TUES., WED. Paul Douglas, Van Johnson and Joseph CaIleia Rated as good comedy -drama is this story of a priest and a law- breaker who are shipboard room mates during a Holy Year pilgrimage. "When In Rome" THUR., FRI., SAT. Glenda Farrell, Gilbert Roland and Richard Horton Bristling with action and liber- ally sprinkled with fun comes a spanking new comedy -drama from Metro Goldwyn- Mayer "Apache War Smoke" Coming; "THE DEVIL MAKES THREE" with Gene Kelly and Pier Angell CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH • Phone 47 Now: "CRIPPLE CREEK" .-- r7t Cinecolor, starring George Montgomery. MON., TUES., WED. Broderick Crawford, Donna Reed and John Derek A ruthless editor kills his wife to avoid exposureand is brought to justice by his star reporter.. "Scandal Street" THUR., FRI., SAT. Eddie Albert, Gale Storm and Jimmy Wakeley In a rib -tickling tale of a tender- foot enderfoot breezed in and took the' West by storm. 'The Dude Goes West' Coming: "THERE'S A GIRL IN MY HEART" with Lee Bownaart and Peggy Ryan THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The question was whether or not the new suburban communities around Dallas, Texas, should be incorporated in the city. The de- cision was that they would . not and the reason given was that they did not want liquor outlets in these new housing areas. They knew that liquor outlets in their midst would mean more liquor— more liquor consumption — more drunkenness — more accidents — more broken homes—more wreck- ed lives—more tragedy. We, in Huron do not want liquor outlets in our country. We do not want all the nuisance that liquor brings with it. We want the Canada Temperance Act which forbids the opening of liquor outlets and for- bids the sale of liquor. This advertisement is inserted by the Huron Temperance Federa- tion. . 49-b AUCTION SALE of DURHAM COWS and YOUNG CATTLE To be held a half mile south of Brucefield, on Highway 4, on Saturday, December 13 at 1.30 p.m. 13 Durham cows, fresh and due to freshen from December to Ap- ril; 10 head of Durham young cattle. Two sows. TERMS—CASH Reason for sale: Ill health. Full list next week. ALTON JOHNSTON, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 49-b AUCTION SALE of 30 COWS and HEIFERS At Lot No. 31, 6th Concession of Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill on Tuesday, December 9 at 2 p.m. The cows and heifers consist of Holstein, Jersey and beef type. Some are fresh, others springing and balance due January, Febru- ary and March; also 5 young calves. These cows are all young, of good quality, in good condition and mostly all vaccinated. Arrange to buy your cows now before prices advance. A. E. TOWNSIIEND & SON Proprietors Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Cleric 49-b Your Big Chance For Christmas 1 WEEK ONLY \ 1 / / IRONS KETTLES TOASTERS K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W Clinton .-4.4.•i-e-i$-a-4 * i • r•#+ -b+•-•. -4+4-+ $13.50 GALBRAITH RADIO and TELEVISION "Clinton's Only Record Bar" TELEPHONE 482 RADIO TV SERVICE -4 IOOF NOTES The Huronic Rebekah Lodge No. 306 held a successful euchre and dance at Varna Township Hall last Wednesday evening, November, 26. Winners at cards were Mrs. A. 0, Orpen, Barret Taylor, Mrs. T. Baird and Wesley Holland. The draw for the hand -hooked rug was held with Mac Webster making the draw. Mrs. Helen Miller, London, held the lucky ticket. Music for dancing was supplied by Mrs. W. E. Perdue, Stewart CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built.and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb McEwan and George Armstrong. Abe Gapfe, Brucefield, called off' for square dancing. an homes where Baby is the King Our fine fresh milk Is just the thing. 37 '(0NA. ITN. E S U S For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son That whosoever believeth in Him should not Perish but have everlasting life. John 3 : 16 S A V E S Charles Fuller — 123 Los Angeles, Calif. — Tune in ABC ' Network Sundays, 4 p.m. (EST) Christmas Toys REPAIRED BY Kinsmen Club of Clinton Will shortly be on Display in the Window of the P.U.C. GIFT if' BAGGAGE Very smart ladies' matched set Gladstone in fop grain cow. hide One of our many Ana brief tales Christmas Suggestions in Leather Ladies' Handbags Coin Purses Billfolds Men's Slippers Wallets Utility Cases AIKEN'S Leather Goods --Men's Shoes PRONE 2