HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-11-20, Page 4Election MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 1952 Nominations FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 1952 M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Returning Officer 44-5-6-7-b the most gracious hotel at the gateway to northern Michigan and Canada — in the heart of America's great automotive center 750 neW outside rooms, every room with bath. Ample hotel 'parking space. Air-conditioned lounge, coffee shop, dining room and ballroom. CONVENTION AND GROUP MEETINGS INVITED II Od le4r dt edoi teehe Proclamation Municipal. Elections TOWN OF CLINTON N TICE Is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the position of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councillors, Public Utilities Commisioners; and Members of the Public School Board, for the ensuing term will be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, Nov. 21, 1952 Between the hours of 7:30 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the evening. M. T. CORLESS, Returning Officer and if necessary, an Election to fill the above named positions, or any of them, will be held on Monday, Dec. 1; 1952 at the following places and by the following named persons, that is to say, in ST. ANDREW'S WARD—At the Town Hall, Wilfred Pickett, Deputy. Returning Officer. ST. JAMES' WARD—Frank Layton's Garage, Victoria Street; T. Scribbins, Deputy Returning Officer. ST. JOHN'S WARD—At Ball-Macaulay Show Room, King Street; K. W. Colquhoun, Deputy Returning Officer. ST. GEORGE'S WARD — At E. J. Reynolds' Shop, Huron Street; A. W. Groves, Deputy Returning Officer. commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of six o'clock in the after- noon, and the results will be publicly declared in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of December, 1952, at 12 o'clock noon. Guaranteed 33/47. Trust Certificates A profitable investment for your regular savings, Guaranteed Trust Certificates . . . — are unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest — pay 31,14% interest, payable half-yearly — are short term-5 years — are authorized investment for krust funds — have no fluctuation in principal In 5 years $415.24 accumulates to $600.00. Invest wisely and well THE STERLING TRUSTS CO R P OR AT ION HUD OFFICE 372 Bay St., Toronici BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St., Beath 10.2. • ..",!1.4%." LOWEST -PRICED IN ITS FIELD! Chevrolet, the leader, is the lowest-priced car in its field. It's Canada's most beautiful low-priced car — and Canada's most wonderful motor car value! Illustrated —Chevrolet Bel Air A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE and save! .00 / es kf-ear extras are yours whih ieee lowesitiorkedk7e /4;7 hi- )4W11 -get ate PRICED SO LOW! GORGEOUS NEW COLORS Choose from a wide choice of rich new colors and two-tone color combinations ... the most wonderful in Chevrolet's field. Distinctive new De Luxe interiors are color-matched' to the exterior body colors for new color harmony inside and out. EXTRA STRENGTH and COMFORT of Fishier Unisteel Construction Steel welded to steel - above you, beneath you, around you - to form a one-piece unit of massive -strength and rigidity. You feel the solidness of Fisher Body every mile you drive. EXTRA SMOOTH PERFORMANCE of Centrepoise Power Here's power so smooth you'd hardly know the engine's in the car! Engine rides flexibly suspended - centred, poirl, cushioned in rubber - to "screen-out" vibration from driver and passengers. EXTRA RIDING COMFORT of Improved Knee-Action Chevrolet's famed Unitized Knee•Action ride,is now smoother, softer than ever. NeW°C)Quick-Rellex shock absorber action gives instant and continuous spring con, trol - levels the ride, gentles the bumps, GM "SHAW-LITE" GLASS Reducas Glare, Heat, Fatigue Chevrolet offers "Shade-Lite" glass with exclusive, shaded windshield.tinting for your extra protection. "Shade.Lite" glass all 'round reduces glare and heat, helps you drive more safely and comfortably. (Optional at extra cost). 0 EXTRA STOPPING POWER of Jumbo-Drum Brakes Bigger brakes give more leverage, fbr more stopping power with less pedal effort. Chevrolet Jumbo•Drum brakes have full I IP, drums, Bonded linings last up to twice as long, EXTRA STEERING EASE of Centre-Point Steering Control is centred between the front wheels giving a smoother feel to steer- ing on road bumps or tuts. You steer, park and manoeuvre with wondetful ease, little wheel effort. EXTRA PRESTIGE of Canada's Most Popular Car Make your choice Canada's choice. Enjoy the satisfaction of owning the car that leads them all in popularity, year after year. Nationwide preference for Chevrolet confirms your good judgment. EXTRA SMOOTHNESS OF POWER 1746:14 Automatic Transmission It's more than an automatic transmission alone. It's a comfilere power team with extra.powerful Valve-in-Read engine, Automatic Choke and EconoMiser axle, Only Powergiidd in ill field is oil•swoorb, oil•cooled. Optional on De Luxe models at extra cosh C.I95211 EOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! Huron County Council In Session -•••- Mr„ and Mrs. 'Tack Heal, Wing- Harry Caldwell who lives east an, are getting nicely settled in of Kippen. Sixteen men of the church used circular and chain sows to fell the timber, and a bulldozer operated by Alex Mc- Gregor, hauled it to the road- side, Seven truck loads of fuel were taken to the church. The men who helped with this project were Glenn Bell, Bert Thompson, Rex Dick, Syd Mac- Arthur, Bruce Walker, George Walker, Harvey Hyde, Archie Hoggarth and Son, Rochus Faber and Son, Stewart Bell, Clarence Volland, John McMurtrie, Alex McGregor, Harold Bell and Son. Wohelo Class Plans Program Members of the Wohelo Class met in the United Church, Wed- nesday, November 5, with Miss Winnie Gray, president, in charge of the meeting. Following the devotional, a period of business was held. It was suggested that the class plan special program to be held in the near future, Mrs. George Hass, Miss Winnifred Gray, and Mr. J. F. Blackwell were named :heir apartment in the Fink lock, At Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday morning last, Mrs. J, W. Bonthron rendered• a pleasing solo. Mr, and Mrs, George Hess at- tended the Royal Wnter Fair, Toronto, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell and Pauline; Mrs. Gertrude Keen, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. William Stanbury, Brussels. Mrs. W. A. Kerr, Miss Betty Kerr, Carole Lynn Kerr, Monet- vine, are spending some weeks with the, former's sister, Mrs. Tttaude Hedden, Mr. Kerr, who visited with his mother, Mrs. J. L. Kerr, Seaforth, returned to Northern Ontario on Tuesday. Wood "Bee" for Church Wood to keep the fires burning through the winter in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, was cut by church members at a "bee" held on Wednesday, November 12, on the farm of a committee for this 'project, Mrs, 0, Hess and Miss Gladys Luker contributed delightful vocal duetts, Rev, W. 3. Rogers pronounced the benediction, A recreational period of crokinole was enjoyed, with Mrs. J. Cor- bett in charge. During the social hour, Mr, and Mrs, Ed Corbett, valued class members and a recent bridal couple, were presented a blanket, Sam Rennie and Miss Shirley Flynn, doing the honors, The re- cipients made fitting response. Delicious refreshments were serv- ed under the convenership of Mrs. S. Rannie. WMS Birthday Party St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, lovely with profusions of autumn flowers, was the set- ting for the annual birthday party of the Woman's Mission- cry Society Wednesday, NOverri- LeT 5. Mrs. J. Sinclair was in charge. Mrs. N. McLeod, guest speaker, was introduced by Mrs. Errimer- son Kyle, and spoke to the meet- ing concerning missionary hospi- tale in Western Canada. Mrs. R. Elgie, Mrs. Carl Mc- Clinchey. Mrs. Jack Cooper, Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. W. Caldwell, Mrs. R. McGregor, Mrs. Roy Con- sitt, members of the Kippen. So- ciety presented a skit. Musical numbers le ere contributed by: Mrs. R. Broderick and Mrs. Haun with a vocal duett; a solo by Mrs. G. Hess, Hensall; vocal duett, Mrs. Pearl Love and Mrs. Harold Jones with guitar accomp- animerit by ,Mrs. Jones; solo, Mrs. E. Butt, Seaforth. (Accomp- anists were Mrs. J. McGregor and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt. Luncheon was served from a tea table centred with a lace cloth, flowers and pink tapers. Pouring tea were Mrs. James McLean and Mxs. W. Alexander. The birthday cake was cut by Mrs. Robert McBride. Special guests were the rnernbers of Hen- sell United Church WMS. United Church WMS ,„ Mrs. W. D. Cross presided for the November meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society held in the United. Church, Thursday, November 0, Mrs, R. J. Paterson was convener ot the meeting. Mrs. W. Stephenson conducted the devotional period, with Pray, er offered by Mrs. Jarvis Horton, Plans were discussed for the bale to be forwarded to head, packing in the near future of a quarters in Toronto for European Relief, and members ,are asked to leaY0 good, used or new, clothing, with Mrs. George Arm- strong. In charge. of this project are Mrs. N. E, Cook, Mrs. Paterson, Mrs. William Forrest, Mrs. A. Alexander, Mrs, George Armstrong and Mrs. N. E. Cook were appointed a nominating committee to bring in. a slate of new officers at the December meeting. A Christmas party will be feat- ured at the December meeting with Miss K. Scott and Mrs. G. Hess, program and lunch conven- ers. Mrs. W. Henry, delegate to the Sectional meeting at Chisel- hurst presented a splendid and comprehensive report relating many important and helpful facts as they were presented from each of the different speakers at the meeting. Mrs. George Armstrong very ably gave the topic "Family Life in an African Village," outlining their eifferent ways and beliefs and showing different pictures of homes and schools. Mrs. George Hess favoured with a ,lovely solo, "An Evening Prayer," with Mrs. Sherritt ac- companying at the piano. South Huron WI Executive A meeting of the District Ex- ecutive of South Huron Women's Institute was held in Hensall Town Hal, Wednesday, Novem- ber e, with each brandh well represented. Chairman for the meeting was the president, Mrs. Kenneth Johns, Woodham. Mrs. Harold Taylor, Elimville, district dele- gate to the London Area Con- vention, gave a very interesting and informative account of the convention held at Hotel London. Mrs. R. Kestle, Exeter Fair Board, was present and gave a splendid talk on how the exhibits at the fair were judged. A - com- mittee from Elimville and Hur- ondale has been appointed to de- cide what kind of exhibits the instituter will display at the fair next year. Plans were made for a rally of Huron County Institute members to be held in Seaforth Arena, November 21. Each member at- tending is asked to take a box lunch. Silverware, dishes and tea will be supplied. Plans were discussed for suit- able souvenirs of Huron County to be given to the delegates at A full membership County Coun- cil met in Goderich on Tuesday, November 11, with Warden Har- vey Johnston presiding. The Warden welcomed all mem- bers and addressed the council on the matters which were to be dealt with at the session, He congratulated the citizens of the county on the abundant result of the harvdsts of the year, and said that in his travels in many other counties of Ontario, Huron com- pared most favorably. Warden Johnst'On stated that certain rentals were being re- ceived within the count y on Governmental premises in lieu of taxes on the same, He instanced the airports in Stephen and Tuck- ersmith townships from which $702 were to be received, also $100 a month rent was coming to the county from what was in war time No. 12 EFTS or commonly known as Sky Harbour Airport. He stated that a report from the architect relative to the pro- posed addition to the County Home would be submitted to coun- cil and explanation for non-ful- fillment of the proposed addition being built. In submitting the financial statement of the county, the treas- urer, A. H. Erskine, stated that the- majority of committees in council had remained within the estimates set before them, but predicted that some increase might have to be made for the road levy as the present levy was not sufficient to maintain 400 miles of roads with the bridges associated therewith in the condi- tion which the public demands. The assistant clerk-treasurer, J. G. Berry, read the statement which revealed estimated receipts as of December 31, $270,691.55 and expenditures $151,600 and a balance in bank of $119,091.55. L. P. Bridgeman's representat- ive submitted final plans under preparation for the county home addition at estimated cost of $300,000 of which half is borne by the 'province. The county's share of cost is to be levied at $50,000 for three years. He anticipated that plans and specifications would be presented. to council at the January sessions. The property committee of the A.C.W.W. conference to be held in Toronto in 1953. Mrs. Ross Chapman, Kippen, Mrs. W. Sims, Hurondale, arid Mrs S. Turnbull, Grand Bend, contributed readings. The meet- ing concluded with the Mizpah benediction. council reported a contract had been let to replace the roof of the county gaol with asphalt shingles and for repairing roof of gaol re- sidence costing in all $975.00. The registry office's need of a rectograph machine was referred to 1953 council by recommenda- tion to purchase the same. Appointees of council to District High School Boards were; Robert Bisset, Goderich; George Reid and Dr. W. A. Oakes, Clinton; H. Wal- per, K. Johns and H. Cowan, Ex- eter; Russell Bolton, Seaforth. Endorsation of the Agricultur- al Committee of Council re inves- tigation of floor prices on all liv- estock and produce was made and a recommendation to 1953 council was sent on to increase the grant for Junior Extension work conduc- ted by Department of Agrieult:, ure in the county, The Historical committee of council reported that the county museum recently established had been a great place of interest, having visitations to the number of 5811 and a, revenue of $1.342, A work shop had been set up at the rear costing $325. How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight b have shapely, attractive figures. No more limbs, ugly hollows. They thank °Meg. It flesh on bodies skinny because blood lake Pape you up, too. Improves appetite, thileetke food nourishes YOU better. Don't fear gettft"teri stop when you gain figure you wish. Introdu or' g.at-acquainted" size only OOk. Try Ostrez Tablets for now pounds. lovely eurYes. DOW 06.2 today. At all druggists. News of Hensall GLINToN NEws-REGGRD THURSDAY, Novglawt. go, 1.952