HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-05-01, Page 7• *Mery new Treatineris. thanast extraordinary \RR ilt] ,A.looess that has been aohieved in mode ern medicine hes been attained by the Dixon treatment for eaterrh. Out cif 2,000 patients treated din ing the m past six enthefanm lr etyper (sent have been cured okthis stubborn mil 26. , A THE TIMES, FIUDAt MAY t. WAR, Wy. This le none the iess startling Cents will' pay when it is remembered tuat not five per pent. of patients pre nn them. selves to the regular practitioners are and otheradvertised cures never re 0 raOritli. Sub - for The TiM6S for • benefitted, while tbe patent medicines Q Buy your Ciatto-nades, Grey Cott and Shirsiatnvgesilawohne:; you can card a mire at all. Starting with 6Cribe au. • the claim now generally believed by rinse is dile to the presence of hying lie war news the most scientific men that the die ge ‘1, t t parasites in the tissue. Mr. Dixon at 01100 adapted his curet° their extol', ration—hs apeemplished, he claims the Catarrh is practically cured, , and the permanency is unquestioned, - as cures effected by, him four years ago are cures still No one else has ever attempted to euro Catarrh in this manner, and no otheretreatraent , -lices over cured Catarrh. The applica be dope at hem°, and the present' tion of the remedy la simple, and can s'wE,u41471:: ptrang easen of the year is the Most. favor"*.wqm Vox, 1-,z51‘iltvinzl&reErZPRONTO' cd„ oLa AGIZOTS. , able for the speedy and 'permanent euro; The majority et eases being cured at one tree, anent Sufferers tr-,f 5 00 'I'O1IFF41 T sbonla correspond with 1VIessrs. A. H. Having the utmost confider.to the DIXON & SON, 305 King sreet,west superiority over all others, and of that Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp tt h sands of, tests of the roost complicated DX • for heir treat se •on ca arr , Mon aeverest cases we could find, we feel justifi. troal Star, Nov, 17, 1882. edin offering to 'forfeit One Thousand Dol. tars for any ease of coughs, colds, Sorg throat; influenza, hoarseness, bronchitis, ADVICE TO MOTHERS congurai lion in its early stages, whooping couw., *led all diseases cif the throat and A'disturbed at in ht and lungs, except Asthma, for which We oan re ou8aimiirglief, that we csicn't cure with Wets broken of your rest by a sick ohild eel; 25 5coorag to sufferincs, ening with pain of eat rectionls,vr Z'Pa'mwpleenbtottl ting teeth?.if so send at ance ancl get large bottles One dolla,r. Genuine wcernapS, pers only in blue. son: by all Druggies" a bottle of ?sirs. Winslow's Soothing sor by Alger race ipt of price' Syrup for Children Teething. lCO.,.81 d effect is incalculable. wi4 relieve 8°2:it TCOrWonto, Ont. the poor little sufferer immediately Depend upon it mothers, there is no roistake about it It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cured wincicolic, eoftens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and, energy to the whole eyetem.! Mrs. WInslow'a Soothing Syrupfar Children Teething is plea. sant to the taste, and is the prescrip- tion of one of the oldest and best fe. male physcians and nurses 'n. the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price • 25 cents a bottle. •THREE BOOKS GIVEN A,WAY. We will send the followieg three • books " free' : LADIES PREVATE COMPANION, .a comple,e medical adviser for women, Illustrated and • bound in Cloth, (former price $1). • FUN AND (}AND, a 48 -page beok telling how to make over 100 kinds of candies and othersweet things, , handsomely bound, (former. price 50 cents", and LADIES GUIDE 10 • FANOY WORK, a practical instruct-. in all kinds. of Art Matters. con taining 64. large 4.coltimn pages, civet!. 20C4 handsome Illustrative Engrav- Inge, awl well bound, to any lady who eend s 50 cents for 'six months' trial • subseription' to' Tun HonSEWrm, a large 16.page journal devoted to Fasbe lane, Fauoy Work% Art Recreations- • Hew To Cook,' and Household Mat- ters lf you wilisend $2.09 for four friends, you will each receive all the above, and we will send you an ele- grint Hand Mirror. For club of fifty, •• we give LADY'S GOLD WATCH. .4.ddress, THE 11 TJSEWIFE PUB, ;CO., Nuncio.; N. This space reserved for These are the goode T, A, MILLS is offerbeg inducements in. 11 of them being bought before tb.e rise in the market, the customer reaps the benefit., We offer Special Value in these Goods • A Full Range of . ° l3 tiaiirctolall . s Ixiell the Newest Patterns and Styles, and a Grand Display of Cretonnes, all prices and colors. See our Scotch Ginghams. All, the newest Dress materials in stook from 10o up, and Special "Value in Black Cashinere. See these goods before you buy. lust Arrived our New Stock of SCOTCH & CANA IAN TWEEDS And all the Newest Patterns in En1ili n• rnali 7tth nti PutingL PARTICULAR ATTENTION given to ORDlektED CLOTHING •Orofey firg' See ourNew Styles 1:Gents' Scarf Phis and our new stock of Felt • . Hats and Gent's furnishings generally. . o • Greater bargainsthan ever in Oarpeta. The largest stook in town to • select from and prices Jewel.. The Leading Undertaker and Furni ture Dealer in Wingham. . A $20,00 BIBLE REWARD. The publishers of "Rutledge's DIonthly" offer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for May, among Which is the' following: We will give $20.00 to the person • telling us how many verses the.% ate, havingbnly two words in each, in the New Testament Scriptures (not the ' Revised edition,) by the May 101n, • 1885. Should two or more correct answers be received, •the rewards will be divided. The money will be for- warded to the winner May 15th, 1885, Persons trying for the reward must send 20 cents in silver or postal notes, (no postal stamps taken) with their anatver,.for which they willreceive the Monthly for June, in which the naine • and address of the winner of the reward and the correct answer will be published, and in which several more valuable rewaris will be • offered. Address EareLUDGIS PDSLISatia COI* PAM', Easton, Pa, • , Pardee intending to travel will do i/on to 011.i 0110. E. Williams, Agent' Qauada Paoiflo la lway., KiliG'S EVIL Was the name formerly given to Scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cured by a ,king's touch. The world wiser how, and knows that SCROFULA . can only be cured by a thorough purifies. tion of the blood. If this Is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Among its earlier symptoinatie developments are Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu. mors,,s Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Uiders, Nervous and Phy- sical Collapse, ate. If allowed to con. tinub,Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca- tarrliA Kidney and Liver Menses, Tubercular Consumption, and vari- ous othenjlangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. All the new Sprit), Stock of Shoes have arrived, and no trouble to • show them. See them r id be convinced that the syles and prices are 'right. • 9110k0O Groceries alw iys on hand. Try our TE 0, Ayet!'t is the only potverfut 'and, always rdiable blood -purifying medestnet 11.12 wale* nal an alterative that* eradicates from the system Hereditary Screfule;alid the kindred poisons of contagious di/Mites and Mercury. At the same tintOit en- rIcbe and vitalizes the blood, reStOntoo , healthful action to the vital organs :mt.:. rejuvenating the entire system: 140great. Regenerative Medi Is composed of the..geintille Honduras Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Melt, Mil- lingia, the Iodides of Fotitesiunt and iron, and other ingredients of greet. po- toner, carefully and seieutilecany corn - pounded. Its formula is generaUylolown to the Medical protection, and the bed phygleitilis constantly prescribe AYER% weveattize as an %.bsolute Cure measee aused by the vitiation of .1. :It is concentrated to the high- • actieable degree, Ur beyond arty ether preparation for which like effeett are ehiimed, and le therefore, the cheapest, es Well es the best blood purifying wadi* eine, It the world, Ayer's Sarsaparilla PitliPABED ItY Pr. d. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast tAnolvtleill Chenilsta.1 Sold by WI Druggists: prieesgi bottles for $, T. A. MILLS THE NEW FIRM OF 3arkic re Offering GREAT VALUE in StOves., Tinware!! and House Furnishing Goods • FOR THE NET TI rs DAS .. • 3OLDEN CREAM, LA OR.MlieLIT1 ID7CDR4) Thebestpreparation kriownto science f orbeautifyIng tho compLExi ONXI SINCILt APPLICATION is warranted. to "ati Damnify the Pace and give to the radtd or Sallow Com- plexion n Perfectly Healthy. Natural, and Youtliftll .Apeoriraueo. It Conceals Wrinkles.Fr(e/tles, CroW Rot, and th*: Igssidente of Age, leaving tho Skin Soft, Smooth, and White. PRLOIC-theenis. Sent to any address. Postage stamps taken. Address **Skaters to CREME D' OR, Drawer 2,678, Toronto ah your arueetet , for it, Wholoalo by ell If lie' We druggists. straammazroacetriatavamtmli..., A FEW HINTS YUJI Tll tin cif AS _ dill 1 DO..21s STS.move lits bona. Alp eh fionali, 2 to 01 Pingo $ 000404 , 4 to CNN. v. 1 ,1 Nocrionos wail a eagle am r PO , . proper Opos in cool* cooe. Per Constipation* or CoSt4reneSs* ne remedy is so effective AB ATER'S raT.6. They him° regular daily action, and TO* store the bowefs to a healthy conettion. 'or Indigestion, at Dyspepsia, Avaii.0 .eitor.ii arc 'minable, and a sure cum, Ileart-hurn, foes of Appeute, rola Atornaoll4 riatudeney, Dizziness, Head. ache, Numbness, Emmen, areal' relieved •mid cured by.A.visit'S ril,r,S. In liolvor Complaint, BillousDisorders, and Jaundice, Avan's Pius sheuld be given in, domes large most to excite the ever and howls; Oil reraor"'penstlyatiou* As a demising medicine in the Spring„these Pats are unequalled. Woriim, caused by a morbid condition of the boweis; are expelled by these Pim.% Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Pile the result of Indigestion or Constipation, ate armed by the use. of AVnis'a PiLts, For Colds, take .A,Fart's Primo te open the pores. remove inflammatory Pecretions, and allay the fever. Per Dlarrhom, and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indipstible food, ote., Argun Pima are the true remedy. Rheumatism,. Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result froin digestive derange. mot, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of Alma's PxnIs. Tumors, Dropsy, Itchier Complaints, and other disorders:eaused by debility or • obstruetxon, are cured by Avan'a Prize. Suppression, and Painful zienstras. tion, have a safe and ready remedy in AYE WS -P1 US. directions, in various languages, sa. company eachpackage, knEPABED BY Dr. J. C. AxssIL Co., Lowell, Ntatra. Sold by all Druggists. !lu•res Completely Aerorima, Ahltilis Cancer, Eiteurmatixtn, •Cat;errh: Mears and Neat, and Blood Disenees of every detaerip. tion. 21000 reward. to any obemist w171 find, on analysis of NO bottles of 1-Italccr. Blond Syrup, ono partielo of Ater - Iodide of Potassium, or any mineral J- stanni. SOLD EVERYWHE*.C. rdoe, $1.00 Por Bottle, or Six for Solo Agency for 1,Vingbani Itt Pharmacy, Dr. Towiet's drug store. knihr lahr hear Ptne, Hemlocks Cedar, Tamarac, Ault itlaplo and Bina Lumber of all sorts eon- stantly on hand or manufadure po customers, and Shingles of all geadel from N at ottom Prices, S -A-1211 S Lir"' Staves, Heading and Barrels of every de- seription always on hand or made to order Our facilities for =taking deur and salt barrelsare inferior to none in Otitexic Cheaper than the Oheapeet. • : CUSTOM 'Sawing done as usual, And at Lowest Prices, Cistern Tanks 'matte to order. EUghed prices paid for all kinds of logs. Oall and goo us. Saw mills and work shops adjoining the G. W. railway station, Vingham. 11 .a•sc,,, 77,1.7 Ki 2 t2 Ai :4 . A ranatIVIlirrst Lf OVID E Aro pleasant to hke, Contai•• their 44 Mutative, to a age, nitro, oil eitettek, '17....V;WiriZeilkagrh.irii=2Z1111$04ir ilomiramere Ad %%val. tu CAxilseettio 6.4Et A AWAAA•valt ltaljr A Oral VINGII Cam Dizzznese, Loss, f Aeivtit,!,144ilaso.„3,1Weltsitess, 1)y..14,,1ect, ef the 2..ie.'er and, „Ifeitieys, P:! ,libt,Aes, Add, iheinkrs, Bait ./?Iteetn,O.crofidet, evil 21& dis6e.Gle,s o1$n) front Impure Bkoti, 1). eronril 134,..thezeh,r irrlular aetion thd DeVee. altrdlarlat=i4=7=721realltifti :'—eeiviteee‘iloOkflgra;OP:t4e.; 1 • #0110411,66 Agent • 1 * • ' t