HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-10-16, Page 6Mr. and Mrs. B. Baker, Connie and Gwen, and Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Burt and JoAnne, Londen, were at their home here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Galipeati and Mr. .and Mrs. Albert Grundy, North Ridge, Ont., occupied one of the Jowett cottages over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon end Jerry Sturgeon, Presten, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon, over the holiday vv eekend, Misses Betty Lou Larson, Jan- et MacLeod, and Margaret Stir- ling, London, spent the Thanks- giving weekend with their re- spective parents, Magistrate and Mrs. A. Mac- Millan and sops, Windsor, were at their home on the Blue Water Highway, Goderich. Township, ov- er the weekend. Cadet Charles Casson, R.M.C,, Kingston, who was spending the holiday at his home in Stratford, was the guest of Miss Barbara Basset on Sunday, AC1 end Mrs. G. T, Scanlon and babe, who have been oc- cupying one of the Jowett cot- tages are staying at one of the Brisson Apartments. • • William Rowles, a student at Huron College, who has conduct- ed the services in Trinity Church for the past two Sundays will have charge for two more weeks. P. C. Lloyd and Mrs. Westlake returned to Owen Sound on Mon- day evening after having been with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms, from Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wayman, Miss Ellen Wayman, Mr, and Mrs, D. Marshall, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. William Menerey, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chatterton and daughters Carol, Beth and Kath- leen, Yale, Mich„ were the guests of Mrs. Bruce Menerey over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred tiutler and little Lois were weekend guests al the home of Mr. end Mrs. M. J, Butler. Mrs. Butler reterned home with them on Mo.iday to s, erd a week at Oriltta, Mrs. M. C. Hart, Toronto, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .3eorge King on Mondae Mrs. 'Kale accompanied her daughter to •roronto on. Tuesday. where sne is spending this wrek Miss Grace Pepper, principal of Bayfield Public School, has receiv- ed word that three Normalites are to do practice teaching here under her supervision, for a week each, at different times during the academic year. Mrs. David Dewar left on Mots ay to visit her son, Jim and family in Kingston. She accomp- anied her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ltehn, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mica , who ere on a motor trip to Quebec. Maynard Carrie returned home after having spent a few days in Detroit, where he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore, and in Marine City, Mich.. with Rev and Mrs, LaVerne Morgan. He took in the Indianna-Michigan State football game at Ann Ar- bor on Saturday. William S. Wightrnan, returned to Detroit on Tuesday after hav- ing spent the Thanksgiving week- end at The New Ritz Hotel. Mr. Wightman, who is in his ninety- first year, is quite active and drives his own car% He maintain- ed a summer home here for years and his friends were glad to see him again. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, who motored to California with the latter's uncle, Harry King, ret- urned to the village on Friday and are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King. They had a most enjoyable trip and visit in California. Ronnie Poth, Kitchener, was home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hughes, Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth over the weekend. Miss Edna Jowett, Port Huron, visit- ed them on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kendall, Amy Grace and Jane, Elmira, Mrs. William Jowett and Mrs. J. A. Ferg- uson, Goderich, spent Thanksgiv- ing Day with them. Logan Cleave Injured Logan Cleave, Bronson Line, 'Stanley Township, is in a criti- cal condition in Victoria Hospi, tal, London, as the result of an automobile accident on the Bron- son Line on Friday night, in which he sustained a fractured neck. His many friends hope that he will make a good re- covery, Exhibits Early Canadiania Mrs. Le Roy Poth gave a very interesting address on "Pioneer- ing in Bayfield" before the pupils of Bayfield Public Schoo] who as Built arid Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb P ViC AD OR , WABLED . 1: cows iiespitst ' sTai.igtON PHONE ,01.1.ECT FOWL SUPPER BRUCEFIELp ' UNITED CHURCH Thursday, Octobei 30 Supper Served from 5-8.30 p.m, ADMISSION: $1.50 — .75 42-43-b DRAPERIES ALL THE NEW AND LATEST PATTERNS Visit Our SECOND FLOOR DRAPERY and CURTAIN DEPARTMENT and select your "Window Furnishings" DRAPERIES by the Yard MARQUISETTE CURTAINING by the Yard TAILORED CURTAINS FRILLED CURTAINS SHIR-BACK CURTAINS COTTAGE CURTAINS They are here for your inspection. you your home by visiting our show room today. AT NO CHARGE TO YOU- -We can bring "your selection" of draperies to your home where you can see them with your furniture and walls. —We install Drapery Track at no extra charge for the work— And measure your windows and give advice on draperies that might suit your liking. For a small charge we can make up the draperies in any manner you might like. We Carry A FULL LINE OF PLASTICS— TABLE COVERS — WINDOW CURTAINS WINDOW DRAPERIES and SHOWER CURTAIN SETS A large assortment — FINISHED PLASTIC DRAPERIES are also in stock. I itt W I N'S can curtain NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF HAMLETT COURT OF REVISION THE COURT OF REVISION for the Township of Hullett on the 1953 Assessment Roll will be held Iii the COMMUNITY HALL, LONDESBORO on MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 3', at 3,30 p.m>, GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk 42-3-4-b —NOTICE— \ COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITil NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision on , the 1953 Assessment Roll of the Township of Tuckeremith -will hold its first sitting in the Town Hall, Seaforth TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, at 2 p.m. for the purpose of hearing appeal's., The last date for ap- peals was October .14. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 42-3-4-b Electric Stable Falls (manufactured by Sheldon Engineering). * Equipped with shutters Changes air in barn every four hours O Easy to install G Economical to operate CALL FOR ANY INFORMATION J. B ON • "MY DANii TO A MILLION CAINAOMAIS .remnsAMMT4- YOU CAN BUY YOUR BONDS-for cash or by instalments- at' your neighbourhood B of M branch Clinton B anal:- WILLIAM ROBINSON, Manager c. toedesbotough (Sob-Agency): Open Moe. & Thum WbiallIN6 W1111 CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SI NCE 181/ Di7219 WM, M. W, CORP THURSDAY, OCTORRR 10, 194; Mrs. Willard Sturgeon is visit- big her daughter, in Kincardine. Mrs. Keith Pruss and babe, re- turned to their home in London last week. Ur, and Mrs. S, Bryant are spending a few days at their home in Byron. Mr, and Mrs. George Fellows, Riverside, were at their cottage over the weekend. Fred Turner, Goderich, spent the weekend with his son, Grant 'Iurrier, and family. Bernard Reid, Wfndsor, was at his cottage, "Enfield," over the Thanksgiving weekend. Dr. and Mrs. R. Torrens and family, London, occupied their cottage over Thanksgiving. Mrs. F. V. Martin eiosect her cottage, Boulder Lodge, and re- t irned to Detroit on Tuesday. Misses NT, and M. Kruke spent the weekend at "The Village Guild", their home in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Grierson, Charles and Anne, Waterloo, vis- ited Mrs. F. A. Edwards on Sun- day. Miss Grace Pepper spent the weekend and Thanksgiving in De- troit with Dr. and Mrs. Hall, Ail- sa Craig. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Tilhnann and family, London, were at their cottage over the weekend and holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Dunn and two daughters, London, were at their cottage on Bayfield Terrace, over Thanksgiving. Mrs. W. J. McLeod and daugh- ters have moved into her broth- er's home, recently vacated by Douglas Gemeinhardt. Mrs. L. M. Burt and Miss Mary Lou Burt, London, spent the weekend and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchrner. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McPortland and two daughters, Chatham, v.ere at their cottage over the Thanksgiving weekend. Mrs, C. W. Brown left on Wednesday for London where she will be the guest of Man. G. S. Atkinson for a week, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Buch- art, Dunnville, came •on Sunday to visit the former's sister, Mrs, N. W. Woods, for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, Lon- don, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bailey, The New Ritz Hotel, over the weekend and holiday. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Nicholls, London, were with the latter's mother, Mrs. F, W, McEwen, over the Thanksgiving weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchnier were guests at the Duffield-Gra- ham wedding in Trinity Church, Port Burwell, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MeLaren and Miss Christine, Port Elgin, Visited Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirling over the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, Maier Alice and Sally Beth, To- rent°, were at their home in the village over the weekend. Mr and Mrs. Delbert Haw and fairi:::y, Proton, spent Thatiksgiv- fo v eekend at the levees of letierell and William Heard . Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Weston and Judy, London, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston, over the weekend.. Mr. and Mrs. M. Leckie and daughter, Donna, London, were at their cottage in Lakeside Park over the Thanksgiving weekend. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and family, Toronto, and Miss Ada Bingley, Detroit, occupied their cottage over the weekend. Mrs. Gordon Heard, returned to London on Monday night after having spent Thanksgiving at the home of her father, H. N. Brand- on. Mrs. C. Guest returned to Lon- don on Tuesday, with her son Charlie, after having been the guest of Mrs. Charles Bell, for a week. Miss Janet Watson visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan were visited by Mr, and Mrs, Murray Squire, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. McClung and Bobby, spent the holiday at Wat- ford with friends. Miss Lou Allen, -Hamilton, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Allen, Miss Shirley Mustard .spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. William, Pepper. Misses Ina, Ellen Mae and Ruth Scott visited in the village for Thanksgiving weekend. Mrs. T. B. Baird returned early last week from a visit to her brother in Western Canada. Mrs. J. R. Murdoch returned last Week after spending some time with her daughter in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths, Danny and Becky, Stratford, vis- ited with Mrs. H. Berry last week- end. Mr. Thorton Mustard, Weston, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Mustard over the holi- day. Brucefield Fire Bigade reports that the Firemen's Frolic held in the village, August 14, realized almost $650. Don Gray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gray, Brantford, have moved into the apartment over Gray's Store. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cairns and Mr. Tom Cairns visited Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Viv- ian's, Cromarty. Mat and Mrs. Stanley Neale, sembled in the Junior Room on Thursday afternoon last. During her talk she demonstrated early utensils, tools and clothing, etc. all of which have been handed down in her family. On the same afternoon Mrs. Path ?spoke to students of S.S. No. 3 Stanley. She had several exhibits, one of which showed progress in lighting from the first wick lamp to an early electric light bulb once used in Bayfield. Trinity Club The Trinity Club met at the home of Mrs, Robert Turner on Tuesday of last week, Mrs. Alf. Scotchmer was in the chair and the 'meeting was opened by a reading on Thanksgiving by Mrs. .1. E. Hovey and prayer by Mrs. Pat Worth. It was decided to hold a euchre party in the Town Hall the evening of October 24 as a fund-raising activity. Plans were made to hold a Christmas party for the pre-school age children of the community, and also for contributions of clothing for the Children's Aid Society of Huron County. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Cadet Furter at Military College At the official opening cere- mony at, the Royal Military Col- lege, Kingston, two London cadets received top honors, one of whom was Cadet William F. Furter, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Furter,. 24A Partridge Street, and a grandson of Mrs. William J. Stinson, Bay- field. Cadet Furter, winner of the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario's silver medal for general profiency in general course subjects in the third year, will be presented with this medal soon by Lieutenant- Governor Louis 0. Breithaupt. He also won prizes in military studies and physics which were presented by the Director-General of Mili- tary training, Brigadier J. M. Rockingham, CB, CBE, DSO, ED. A graduate of Central Collegiate, London, Cadet Furter was the winner of Governor-General med- als during his first two years• at college. At a special ceremony he was presented with the Engin- eering Institute of Canada prize awarded for the first time this year, by Dr. J. B. Stirling, presi- dent of the institute. Bill, as he is familiarly known here, recently returned to Canada from Germany where he spent the summer in practical work in connection with his course in eng- ineering. We congratulate him upon his brilliant achievements and wish him continued success in his studies. Patricia and Ronald, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse. Mr. j, 1VICEwing, Winnipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwing, Ely- tb, called on Mr. an'd Ws, H. Dalrymple, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Pere aleMartin, Toronto; visited with their cous- ins, Mr. and. Mrs. A. Zapfe and family and Mrs, H, Aikenhe.acl. Mr, and Mrs, Murray Squire and Miss Evelyn Howard, Tor- onto, wisited during last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ,Robert Allan, Mr, and Mrs, Ben Kaiser, and Mrs. R, McKenzie, Detroit, vis- ited on the weekend with Mrs. H Zapfe. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zap- fe and Wayne, London, also visit- ed there. Rev, Parrott, Crediton, preach- ed evening service at Brucefierd United Church, on Sunday. Rev. W. J. Mains was taking the an- niversary service in the Shipica United Church. Mr, and Mrs. A. 3. Dinnin and baby Joan, Toronto, visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Dinnin. Other visitors dur- ing Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. T. Munn and family, London; A. R. Dinnin, Parry Scamd; Mr. and Mrs. H.. Dinnin and Kathy, Pet- rolia; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barr, Patsy and Jeanne, Burlington. W.M.S. 75th Anniversary The 75th anniversary of the WMS and Thank Offering meet- ing will be held .on Tuesday, Oct- ober 21 at 8 p.m. when Rev Stin- son, Seaforth, will be the special speaker. There will be special musical numbers and all women of the congregation are invited as well as any former members of Brucefield W.M.S. The study book which is prov- ing very interesting was taken by Miss E. Bowey and Mrs. W. Moffat. The book is entitled "Along African Trails" and the program was about villages in Angola; christian and pagan. Hymn 238 and prayer by the leader closed the meeting. Brucefield W.M.S. The regular meeting of the W.- M. S. was held on Tuesday after- noon, in the schoolroom of the church with the president, Mrs. R. Allan, in the chair. Mr. N. Walker was in charge of the dev- otional period. Psalm 727 was re- peated in unison and Hymn 26 was sung. The scripture reading was read from Eph. 4:1-6 and Romans. The leader gave a read- ing on "The Fellowship of the Church," and Hymn 373 was sung. The president took charge of the business period. Minutes were read and roll call answered by a verse on Thanksgiving. Mrs, H. Dalrymple gave the treasurer's report, Mrs, B. Thompson gave a report on Community Friendship. The sectional meeting is to be held in Londesboro, with. Mrs. H. Dalry- mple and Mrs. A. Zapfe as dele- gates. Pictures Shown by Miss McGregor Saturday evening, October 11, pictures were shown by Miss Mar- garet McGregor in the basement of Brucefield United Church. They were coloured slides taken by Miss McGregor and her sister 4444.444. NIOArIPBEITER-B1/fraiirtilit 1951 Meteor Custom Coach-41950 1950 Ford Custom Sedan, very clean--$ 1750 1949 Ford, Standard Coach, A1 con- dition, new radio-41500 THE FOLLOWING CARS— YOUR CHOICE FOR $200 1936 FOrd Coach 4935 Olds Coach 1935 Chev. Coach McPherson Bros. FORD - MONARCH FORD TRUCK Representative FRONT-END ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING Kate, during their summer tour of England and several, European,' countries. The Misses McGregor were brought up on the second of Stanley, and are at present teach- ing .school in Toronto. They were with, twenty-four others who made the tour, and commenced taking their pictures with the beautiful sunrise as their plane lifted from Gander airstrip, Newfoundland, There were views of the ancient castles and history ical spots in England, in Germany, in Scotland, and in Switzerland, and excellent pictures of English gardens, both individual flowers ana the whole landscaping. When the tour planned to go to Italy, the Misses McGregor left the group and spent some time -CANADIAN -SCHOI4ARRIIr WINNERS IN .BRITAIN twel7;te. Canadian University graduates, winners of the Loral Reaverbrook overseas .scholar,.. chips have arrived in. 13Titaill study at London University,. France visiting a cousin, who, while serving overseas in World War I,. met and married a French girl. During the evening the audien- ce was entertained with piano solos by Mrs, J. R. Murdoch, and little Miss Joan McCowan played very well also. .4h1IP *-0-1—t**11-4.,-.**-0-**•-•,-.1r-e-lo,0-4-•-•-0-0,•-•-•-•-*-4p News of Bayfield BOSS T.,T,Tcv R. WQODS Representative; Phone pAYFIEuo 4511 •••••••-•-•-•.•-..4-4.-*-•••••r•-•-s-41-0-• CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING, and CHIMNEY BLOCKS News of Brumfield INGERSOLlt4 21 SEAFORT11 6551t2 GODER1011 936021 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voter's List Municipality of Goderich Township Voter's Lists, 1952 NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with. Section 9 of the Voter's Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office on the 9th day of October, 1952, the list Of 'all persons entitled to vote in the Said Municipality at Muni- cipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors• er omissions corrected ac- cording to low,. the last day for appeal being the 31st day of October 1952 1?ATtD this 9th day of October 1952. R, t. THOMPSON, Clerk 42-br faape-e4-1-0-44-0-4-4-4-4-4-44-4-.4444-0-4-0-e-e-O-e44444-**-a-e-e-ea -4.44 PHONE 492 CLINTON eeae+eeeereeaeeaeer+e'eaeeaeeeeteeeaaea-e 1.1111=111111111111111111111.111 —NOTICE— Court Of Revision The Court of Revision on the Gode- rich Township Assessment Roll for the year 1953, will be held ,at Holmesville on November 3rd, at 7.00 p.m. Those appeals that have been presented properly will be reviewed at that time, in alphabetical order as far as possible. R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk 42-b