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Clinton News-Record, 1952-10-16, Page 5
"l'I11UiZSDAX, oCTOa31 R 10, 1952 I'N.NEWS-RECQRD PAM VIVR Classified Rates CASH RATE --- (If paid by 'Wednesday following stag of in- ertion) --Two cents a word first f nsertion. (minimum 50 cents); esubsequent insertions,11fz cents a Word (minimum 35 cents); 15 cents extra for box number or 'dor direction to NEWS -RECORD "Office. 1F CHARGED ---15 cents extra. pEADI:.IND--12 noon, Wednes- CI pr Ott G Oportunity knocks but once, So philosophers wisely say But our classified section Is opportunity every day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT APARTMENT TO RENT, :furnish - ,ed or unfurnished. No objection ,oto, one or two small children, Available October 15, Phone "785, Seaforth. 42-b FARM HOUSE FOR RENT, with hydro. 11/2 miles from town. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton •9044. 41-tfb COULD ACCOMMODATE TWO boarders. Phone Clinton 795R. 42-b Accommodation Wanted FURNIHED APARTMENT IN 'Clinton' for married couple, no children. Contact Cpl, Morris, phone 215, -RCAF Station, Clin- ton, between 8 a,m. and 5 p.m. 42-p APPLES POR SALE CIDER APPLES FOR SALE also Kings, ;ralman Sweets, Spies and Russets. Percy J. Gibbings, Jot 28, concession 7, Hullett 'Township, phone Clinton 805r32. 42-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 12 -GAUGE ITHACA PUMP Shot Gun, only used one box of shells. Also clothes line pole. Phone Clinton 3593. 42-p NEW REMINGTON Typewriters (portable), Groves Electric. 42-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1929 MODEL "A" FORD. 600x16 'tires. Fair condition. George Mc - :Dwain, :phone Seaforth 841r14. 42-p BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 'NEW StTBDIVISION LOTS FOR :sale, adjoining property of new -school. L. G. Winter, real estate, `phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- • nae, phone 146W. 28-tfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — business trades listed: restaurants, *as stations, tourist camps, groc- -ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; 'homas Steep, salesman. 30-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE GIRL'S WINTER COAT, wine, -size 6, in excellent condition; also a pale blue coat. Phone Clinton 614r11. 42-b COAT, SILVER FOX COLLAR, .almost as good as new. Size 18. 'Can be seen. evenings. J. W. Manning. 41-2-p FARMS FOR SALE FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. 'Confidential information. Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 5993. 5-btfb FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE CORN FOR SALE. Choice corn Qn the cob. Delivered from the .picker. Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton 902r6, 41-2-b FURNITURE REFINISHING 'OR PIANO, FURNITURE AND .adie cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, Clinton. 41-2-3-4-p FARM IMPLEMENTS for SALE -NEW AND USED CORN Pickers, tractors, spreaders, etc. Water bowls, Titter carriers, Gibson re- "Irigerators and 'stoves. Get our prices before buying any farm equipment, New Idea Distributors, Goderich. Phone Carlow 2$21. 40-1-2.p FURNITURE FOR SALE :SIX NEW, 14 USED, PIANOS; 18 chesterfield suites; 16 bedroom suites. Select from wide variety at Mildmay Furniture Centre. "Low prices, Free delivery. God- frey Schuett, Mildmay. 40-1-2-b HELP WANTED--a-Female 'CAPABL'E GIRL OR WOMAN to help with housework and child. ren in a good home in Goderich. Bed sitting room, Iive in. $15 -weekly, One weeks vacation with pay, yearly, Permanent Position If satisfactory. Apply 1',O. Box 798, Goderich, or Bots "tC", News;Record. 41-2-p HELP WANTED " ROUSEWAItE ,PARTIES NEED dealers, men or women, for part time WOOL- i3oX "L", Newt - Record, 4i4 -b LIVESTOCK WANTED `WAITED. OLD HORSES Amr) dead cattle, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, Goderich', 1phinie Collect, .936r32, or 98021, 9. tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE T13REE YOI1IKSHIR, SOWN, bred 212 months, Apply da VanEgmond, phone c 1 i n t o n $05r13. 42-p THREE PUREBRED LEICESTER rams; two shearlings; one lamb. One Scotch Shorthorn bull, 16 months old, William R. Pepper, Seaforth: phone Clinton 615r21, LOST AND FOUND LOST -- ON SUNDAY afternoon or evening, one pair, ladies' navy blue fabric gloves; also jewelled Move holder, in Clinton or Au, burn. Reward. Phone Clinton 4.76R. 42-p FOUND—BICYCLE, in the ditch on Bayfield Road, at Middleton's Corners, Owners may have same by proving ownership and pay- ing for this ad, Charles Cooper, phone Clinton 905r15. 42-3-4-b MISCELLANEOUS CRESS BUNION SALVE relieves fast, wear stylish shoes soon. Druggists sell Cress Corn Salve too. 42-b MADAME JOSEPHINE, Clair- voyant readings. Cole's Trailer Camp (middle trailer). No phone calls please. 42-p FLOOR SANDING—Old and new floors sanded and finished. Cree Cook, Phone Clinton 233. 41-2-3-4-p JUST ARRIVED. The latest in key duplicating machinery, to give you (minute service) on ex- tra,keys of all types, for your car,' night latches, padlocks, rim and mortise sets, entrance locks. "Don't be stuck with one, Let us cut you some." Ball and Mutch. 42-b FIXTURES - FURNACES - Filt- ers - Fittings. Complete bathroom fixtures — BATH (41/4' or 5') BASIN, • CLOSET, Powder room sets—white or color with chrom- ed fittings. KITCHEN SINKS white or color—chromed fittings and KITCHEN SINK CABINETS for porcelain enamel drain board tops or plastic tops. FURNACES —coal and oil gravity or air-con- ditioning with controls and re- placing FIBREGLAS FILTERS for forced -air furnaces. FIT- TINGS and pipe in copper—cast iron—black and galvanized steel, Laundry tubs—shower cabinets— electric ranges, f refrigerators, pressure systems, oil burners. FREE CATALOGUE: Write or visit our new modern showrooms. We deliver—you pay no freight. S. V. JOHNSON Plumbing Sup- plies, Streetsville, Ontario. NOTICE 1, HAROLD F. GLEW, Victoria Street, Clinton, will not be re- sponsible for any debt contracted in my name from this date for,- ward or-ward without my written consent. 42-3-b PERSONAL "SKINNY" GIRLS! GET Lovely curves! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight -builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets. Introductory, "get -acquaint- ed" size only 60c. All druggists. 28-9-30-32 PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tfb PIANOS FOR SALE _ SHERLOCK-MANNING PIANO, medium size. In good condition, Thomas Churchill, phone Clin- ton 241. 42-p POULTRY FOR SALE 100 NEW HAMPSHIRE x Sussex pullets, laying 65 per cent. Char- les Riley, Kinburn. 42-x 95 LEGHORN x HAMPSHIRE pullets. Seven months old, lay- ing. James Landsborough, R. R. 3, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 655r16. 42-p 150 ROCK PULLETS; also four registered Beagle pups (dam, Hyde Park Ramona —285652—). James East, phone Clinton 807r6. 42-p PROPERTY FOR SALE FIVE -ROOM HOUSE, THREE bedrooms, three-piece bath, ex- tra lot, small barn, nice surround- ings. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- man, phone 146W. 28-tfb ONE STOREY SOLID BRICK seven -room dwelling with all conveniences. Ideal location. Sold subject to present tenancy; Price: $5,000. H. C. Lawson, real estate, Bank of Montreal Building, phone 251W. 40-tfb SALESMEN. WANTED RAWLETGH BUSINESS NOW open in Huron County, Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity, Full time, Write at once. Itawleigh's Dept. ML -3-169- 189, Montreal. 40-1-2.b STOVES FOk SALE KITCHEN RANGE, burns either coal or wood. Electric rangette with automatic oven, Phone Clinton 5453. 42-b WOOD FOR SALE WOOD FOR SALE. Robert Tay-; lor, phone Clintpn 906r33. 42.3-b HARD BbO' ' Olt MIXEli winter woad, also Slab's and cedar kind- ling. Elmer Trick, 'phone Clin- ton 907r5. 34-tfb KINDLING FOR SALE — Cut from cedar rails into I2" lengths. $4,50 per cord, delivered. W. J. 1±'orbes, =hone Clinton 964r31, 42-pttb CROXWE MAPLE AND BELCH wood, 12 inch. $5,56, $5,75, and $0, - delivered, itr two cord lots And bt' t•. W, J, Forbes, phone Cilntbti 904r31, 42.13 BIRTHS DOLMADOE---In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, October 13,/1951 to Mr, and Mrs. Ras - sell Domadge, Seaforth, a son. MERNER --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on friday, October 10, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs, Arn- old Merner, Zurich, a daughter. ROGERS—In Clinton, 1,'ublte Hos- pital, on Thursday, October 9, • 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rogers, Clinton, a daug ter, MARRIAGES , BARNARD-HUDIE•-.In St, Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, October ,11, 1952, by Rev. R. M. P. But- teel, ,assisted"by =Rev. F. H. Paull, Listowel, Sarah Donelda, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred 3. Hudie; and Alfred Francis Barnard, B.E., Hamil- 1 ton, son of Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Barnard, Pictou, N.S. DUFFIELD-GRAHAM—In Trin- ity Church, Port :Burwell, on Saturday, October 11, 1952, by the bride's father, assisted by the groom's father, Constance Monica, daughter of ,Rev. and Mrs. John Graham, Port Bur- well, and Donald Edward Dale, son of Rev. and Mrs. A. E, Duffield, Lambeth. GUETTER-VELDHUIS -- In St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church (Dutch Congregation), Clinton, on Monday afternoon, October 13, 1952, by Rev. John Gritter, 148 Wharncliffe Road, London, Johanna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marinus VeIdhuis, R.R. 5, Waterford, and Peter Guetter, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Guet- ter, R.R. 5, Clinton. LAZET-GUETTER—In St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church (Dutch Congregation), Clinton, on Monday afternoon, October 13, 1952, by Rev. John Gritter, 148 Wharncliffe Road, London, Rita, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Guetter, R.R. 5, Clinton, and Peter Lazet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Lazet, Londesboro. MANAGHAN-HOLLAND—In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clin- ton on Saturday afternoon, October 11, 1952, ,by Rev, R. M. P. Bulteel, assisted by Rev. D. J. Lane, St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Pauline Hon- oria Louisa Holland, daughter of Mrs. Norman Fitzsimons, and Robert Henry Managhan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Man- aghan, all of Clinton. MORRIS-McLACHLAN—In On- tario Street United Church manse, Clinton, on Tuesday, September 30, 1952, by Rev. A. Glen Eagle, Vesta Viola, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, C. B, McLachlan, Rosthern, Sask., and George Peter Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Morris, Port Hope. McCAUGHEN-FLETCHER — In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Saturday morning, Oct, 11, 1952, by Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, Audrey June, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fletch- er, Clinton, and Donald Everett McCaughen, Clinton, son of Gordon McCaughen, Hamilton, and the late Mrs. McCaughen. WREN-GRAHAM—In the Church of Christ's Disciples, Owen Sound, by Rev. Donald Bailey, Eleanor Jean, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Selby E, Gra- ham, and ' Ivan Louis Wren, Preston, son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon. Wren, Kippen. 0 ST. PAUL'S LADIES' GUILD The October meeting of St. Paul's Ladies' Guild was held in the rectory on October 7. Very satisfactory reports were presen- ted and adopted as read. In new business to be discussed were several banquets, for which the Guild had been asked to cat- er. One was too large; 150 per- sons was more than the Guild could handle, and they were ob- liged to refuse. Mrs. William Robinson invited the Guild to hold its next meeting at her home, on November 4. At the close of the meeting the hostess and her helpers served lunch. SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED MACHINES. Repairs to all model's. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Goderich, phone 1135. 19-tfb FURNITURE For Sale Extension table, small round dinette table, living -room table, double bed and springs, single bed; child's crib, -commode chair, and go-cart; number of kitchen chairs, rocking chair, small cup- board, good wood heater, fernery with tray, bird cage and stand, budgie cage and stand (almost new), several table lamps, rug 9x12, feather tick, two iron fry- ing pans, coal -oil bracket lamp, coffee percolator, and tea pot, serving tray, dishes; several pairs Dr. Lock's shoes, size 7, 7%, only worn few times; bread box and small swing mirror, LANGFORD'S Secondhand Furniture 42-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED 'f0 It18NT SMALL HOUSE oil APARTMENT In Clinton, by Young Couple, one child, 2 months. PERMANENT Ii.ESTDENCE ItEOVIRRED PHONE 562 42,-b DEATHS GLTDDON — At the home of her son, Wilbert Ciliddon, Clinton, on Monday, October 13, 1952, Ellen Bolton, widow of the late Samuel Glidden, in her 88th year: Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clin- ion, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday; October 16. 1-1O1YLDEN--In Southampton, on Sunday, October 12, 1952, An- thony H. Houlden, formerly of Clinton, beloved husband of Isabella MacAulay, in his 76th year. Funeral from the fam- ily residence in Southampton, to Southampton Cemetery, on Tuesday, October 14, McTAGGART In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, October 13, 1952, Miss .Annie McTag- gart, beloved aunt of Mrs. Earl Kinsman, in her 84th year. Funeral from Bonthron funeral home, Iiensall, to McTaggart's Cemetery, on Wednesday, Oc- tober 15. THIEL—At her home in Zurich, on Wednesday, October 8, 1952, Mrs. Elizabeth Thiel, widow of the late Henry Thiel, in her 88th year, Funeral from, the Westlake funeral home, Zur- ich, to St, Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, on Saturday, Octob- er 11. Ontario Street WMS Volunteer Baby Sitters The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association of Ontario Street United Church was held on Tuesday, October 7, in the church parlours. Mrs. J. Radford presided, The devotions were in charge of Mrs. C. Elliott. The theme was "Christian Brotherhood." Luke 15: 11-32 were read, fol- lowed by prayer. It was decided not to serve an anniversary supper this year. The treasurer, Mrs. MacMurray, re- ported a balance of $202.54 in the treasury, Twenty-three calls were made during September, Mesdames Trick, Holmes, Mar- tin, Tyndall and Freeman volun- teered to make calls during Oc- tober. It was decided to serve the banquet to the Huron County Holstein Breeders' Association on October 17; a luncheon to the Star carriers, and the banquet t• the Orange Lodge. Mrs. A. G. Eagle reported that baby sitters were needed by the Happy Doubles' Club and sev- eral ladies volunteered. The lad- ies are asked to bring their dona- tions for the bazaar to the next meeting. Flower collection amounted to $1.85. Mrs. Lawson favoured with a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Tre- leaven. Miss Grant gave a hum- orous reading. The meeting clos- ed with the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served. 0 ST. ANDREW'S PR•EBYTERIAN WMS The Seventy -Fifth Anniversary of the Women's Thank-offe{hg Missionary meeting, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will meet at the home of Mrs. W, Nott, on Tuesday afternoon, October 21, at 3 o'clock. 0 Cards of T hanks I wish to thank all those who sent cards and gifts while I was a patient in hospital; special thanks to the IOOF, Brucefield, for their gift; to the doctors and nurses; and to my neighbours for their help and thoughtfulness.— ALTON JOHNSTON. 42-b ALFRED EVANS wishes to thank all people who loaned cars, sent flowers, or helped in any way in his recent sad bereave- ment. 42-p MRS. MAY McELROY wishes to thank the many friends and neighbours for their sympathy arid beautiful floral, tributes, and all those who assisted in any way during her recent bereavement; also Dr. Goddard, Dr. Yates, and the nursing staff at Clinton Public Hospital. 42-p Funeral Services That will leave your mind forever at ease. From your home, church or our chapel. .eaftie jf mural Alum AMBULANCE HALLADAY, ROBINSON & Co. Chartered Accountants Banc No. "Eft CLIM ON NEWS.RECORD ROXY THEATRE c r4i N w o N Now playing (Oct, 16.18) 5%A.14 R TICE $41301-,E" whit Randolph Scott MON„ TUES., WED. (Oct. 20-22) "DAVID and BATHSHEBA" --- In Technicolor --- Note: -Note: Owing to its length, the above feature will econmence at 7 p.m. The most forbidden of the world's great love stories,' with Gregory Peck as King David, and Susan Hayward as the flaming beauty for whom he broke God's Commandments. Raymond Mas- sey, Kieron Moore and Jayne Meadows. TRUR., PRI., SAT. (Oct. 23-25) Macdonald Carey, Alexis Smith, and Edgar Buchanan The mystery of the Wells Fargo robbery "Cave of the Outlaws" -- In Technicolor — Filmed in the Carlsbad Caverns of New Mexico ' PARK THEATRE GODERICH.-,Phone 1150.. Now; "WHERE'S CHARLEY" •-- A musical adaptation of Charlie's Aunt with rumTeenRay nieolorBolger MON., TUES„ WED, Glenn Ford --- Ruth. Roman and Nadine Ashdown Sprightly comedy -drama in which a brash youth argues him- self intocomplications romantic and otherwise, "Young Man With Ideas" THUR., FRI., SAT, "The Cimarron Kid" -- l:n Technicolor — The Daltons ride again and en- list a new member in this new story of a desperate outlaw gang Audie Murphy --Beverly Tyler and James Best Corning: "DECISION BEFORE DAWN" -- Richard Baselrart and Gary Merrill In Memoriam KEN'S—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Amos Keys, who passed away on October 13, 1949,—Ever re- membered by the family, 42-b Clearing Auction Sale of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At Lot No. 12, Concession 1, No. 4 Highway, one mile south of Brucefield, on Wednesday, Oct. 29 at 1 p.m., the following: Team of horses; cows; young cattle; pigs; Case 5 tractor; trac- tor equipment; a full line of farm implements; some household ef- fects. •- TERMS—CASH. Not reserve as the farm is sold. A full listing in next week's paper. WILLIAM BIURDGE, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 42-43-b AUCTION SALE of 30 Dairy Bred Cows and Heifers At Lot No. 31, Concession 5, Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, October 21 at 1.30 p.m. Consisting of Holsteins, Jer- seys and Durhams. Some of these cows are fresh and the balance springing; all are from 2 to 4 yrs. old. These cattle have been all raised on our own farm; are vaccinated and recent- ly T.B. tested. The milk business is the best on the farm to -day, so arrange to attend this sale. Eight chunks of pings. 100 Sussex x New Hampshire pullets, laying; 100 Rock x New Hampshire pullets, laying. TERMS—CASH A. E. TOWNSHEND and SON, Proprietors Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 42-b SMALL HOLDING FOR SALE There is offered for sale by tender a 171/4 acre parcel of land on Highway No. 4, about 1 mile North of Clinton (the property occupied by the late Cornelius Hoare). On the property is a house and barn in need of some repairs. There are also approximately 250 fruit trees. It is believed that Town water under pressure would be available. This property is exceptionally well located and must be sold to close an Estate. Sealed tenders will be received by F. Fingland, Clinton, Ontario, marked "Hoare Estate Tender", until October 21st 1952. The high- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. The property may be inspected any forenoon or in the afternoon by appointment. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton. F. W. ROGERS, Executor, 252 Cathcart St., London, Ont. 41-42-b Gordon R. Hearn Optometrist Huron St. * Clinton On Friday Each Week PHONE 69 ,:.44+ ! Flowers Telegraphed AAHy iv'here K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phbno 66W - -- Clinton 4i-#-#-++44# -. , CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICR -- Phone 47 Now; "KATIE DID 1T" featuring Ann Myth Mark Stevens MON., TU.ES., WED. Ginger Rogers--- Joan Davis and Jack Carson A woman lawyer and a cowboY star tangle with the law in this merry matrimonial fun -tale. "The Groom Wore Spurs" TIIUIt., FRL, SAIF, "Finders Keepers" A small -fry guy and his grand- mother run afoul of some robbers when they find a cache of stolen money, Tom Ewell — Julia Adams and Evelyn Varden Coming: Stephen McNally and Gail Russell in "AIR CADET" •Y-c•-.�o-o-4-o-o-e-o-o-+p-w--o-+-�-�-�e-+ ARE YOU A CHILD OF GOD? For ye are all the child= en of God. by Faith in Christ Jesus Galatians 3 : 26 "All that believe are justified"—Acts 13 : 39 "Christ died for the ungodly" — Romans 5 : 6 Charles Fuller — 123 Los Angeles, Calif. — Tune in ABC Network Sundays, 4 p.m. (EST) o-�f-e•e-e-�•o-s-e-s COMMUNITY .AUCTION SALE of HOUSEII(OLD EFFECTS From the home of the Auctioneer, Cutter Street, Clinton, on Saturday, October 25 at 1.30 p.m. Included in the sale will be: Chesterfield bed, and chair; Lazy -Boy chair (nearly new); Stromberg Carlson walnut, cab- inet combination radio and 7.e - cord player (automatic); a large number of records; upholstered rocker; walnut arm chair; wal- nut arm chair (antique); walnut hexagon table (antique); axmin- ster rug 10'x12'; linoleum rug 10'x12'; Westinghouse Spin-dryer washing machine; comforters, quilts; woollen blankets; linens; singular tubular. bed, springs and inner -spring mattress; 3 card tables; table lamps. Included in this sale will be a much larger offering than adver- tised. Plan to attend as there is some very good furniture. The sale will also feature glassware, cooking utensils and dishes, in- cluding Limoge. TERMS -=CASH EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 42-43-b AUCTION SALE of Fully Accredited Registered Scotch Shorthorn Cattle At Lot 19, Concession 7, Hay Township, _3/ miles west of Hensall, or 21/2 east of Zurich, Wednesday, Oct. 29 at 1.30 p.m. 4 red bulls of serviceable age; 2 red bulls, 7 months old; 2 red cows, bred to freshen in March; 2 heifers, due time of sale; 4 heifers, bred and due in March; 5 open heifers, rising 2 yrs. old. All cattle are vaccinated, TERMS—CASH ROSS DICK, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 42-43-b lei TAXI - \ 4"11tt Get There Safely! CALL ASHTON'S TAXI ' AUCTION SALE of CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT and POWER TOOLS At Hensall Sales Barn (located' next to li7ickle's Feed Mill) Ilensall, on Friday, October 24 at 7.00 P.M. For further particulars apply to the auctioneer. ORVILLE RODGES, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 42-43-b It's the Newest RCA Vicro* Oat GALBRAITH RADIO & TELEVISION "Clinton's Only Record Bar" Expert Radio Service TELEPHONE 482—CLINTON Pity Alt 3 SPEEPS &4IPV f With new RCA Victor 3.speed changer that gives equally superb 3 -way per- formance --tor "45", "3316" and "78" records. • Finest 3 -speed changer aver made • Standard and Shortwave i' -tube radio • "Golden Throat" tone system * Superb cabinet styling and craftsmanship Come in for a demonstration Winter Is Coming EUY 'YOUR HEATING SUPPLIES HERE Our pipes are hand made to suit your wants A, full stock of all elbows, tees and tapers If it's a Coal and Wood, Electric, Gas Stove SEE ©URS J 1RST Beatty and Clare rIewel Dealer Men better goods are sold we will sell them Hugh R. Hawkins Hardware, Plumbing and Heating Eavestraughing Sheet Metal Work Hotta Furnnce*