HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-10-16, Page 3I NEWS-ngcoup News of tondesboro an inter Catch You Unprepared I.D.A. Brand Specials AROMATIC CASCARA regng0,6, 023c, 37c COLD CREAM "Theatrical" 1 pound jar regular 89c 73c IDOL-AGAR 16 & 40 oz., 59c $1.29 reg. 79c, $1.59 MINERAL OIL and SGAR DRUG STORES mom VALUES 'and REMINDERS fqr Thursday, Friday and Saturday WORK GLOVES Every Pair a Special GLOVES — MITTS and GAUNTLETS Gives You DOWN-FLO HEAT ACTION plus FLOOR-LEVEL HEAT Blower Forced From Wall to Wall iy rir ,4 4 X- Psalm, followed be the singing of the teselet "0 Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea." Mrs. Harry Cudmore gave a prayer of Thanksgiving, and Mrs. Jack Yee read the ecriletere. During the business period, Mrs. Norman told that a bale weighing 100 lbs. had been packed and shipped to the WMS headquarters. Plees were made for the Autumn "Illankoffere ine meeting which is to be held the evening of November 11, with the members of the WMS of On- tario Street Church, Clinton, as guests, Mrs. Fred Mulholland read an article "This Is What Love Can Do," and Mrs, N. Heard gave an article on temperance. Mrs. Nor- man gave a talk on the chapter of the Study Bede The meet- hie closed with the singing of "God of Mucy, God of Grace." and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Edward Grigg, was in charge of the WA meeting, which opened with the theme song and repeating the creed in unison. Ar- rangements were made for the bazaar to be held on October, 18. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Grigg. Hostess- es for the day, Mrs. E. J. Tre, wartha and Mrs. Reg. Miller, ser- ved a delicious lunch. ti PAGE lenitle • •-+4-•-•-•-••••-•-**4-44-4.-1-•-•-4-44-4-11-41,- Mr. and Mrs. Ern Reed, Lond- on were guests on. Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Welsh. , William Stirling and Jack Wat- son axe in Western Canada buy- ing their supply of feeder *cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Picot and, family, Clinton, were with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Picot. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Johnson, Deer Lodge, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Welsh, spent Thanksgiving day at Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tyndall and family spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Len Weir, Dunnville. Miss Kathleen McNaughton, 42-b London, spent Thanksgiving weekend' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. *, " 4, Mrs. Betties, Goderich; Mr. and + Eariand i3ettles, Toronto, LIBERAL ORGANIZATION I Lteleswiotvher Miss t the allilcdilidMayrs. . hy Reinke d Miss Allen Vale, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams, Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance. Mr. and, Mrs. Ted Harrison and i Mary, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling, Toronto, spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. James Stirling, Mrs. Moulton, wife of the late Rev, A. Moulton, attended St. James Church, Middleton, on Sun- day and renewed many acquaint- ances of former years.. Rev. Moulton was at one time minis- ter of St. James Church, and when he died thirty-four years ago, his body was buried at the cemetery there. MEN'S PLAID SHIRTS WARM COMFORTABLE DOESKIN and FLANNEL All Sizes from 2.65 to 5.25 Miss Eileen Glidden spent Thanksgiving weekend in Detroit, Mich. Jewel Stock spent Thanksgivs ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Stock. , Miss Marie Glidden, London, and Mr. Frank Lawson, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, D. E. (liddon. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Heard, Baefield, and lVfr, and Mrs. Herb leirkbarn, London, called om Mr, and Mrs. N, W. Heard during the Weekend. Mrs. G., M. Elliott, and Elean- or; Shirley and Ross. Elliott, Lis- towel, were the guests on Thanks- giving Day, of Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Trewartha, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norman. United Church` Annivetsery Holmesville United Church was beautifully decorated, with bask- ets of gladioli, asters, baby 'mums and autumn leaves for the an, niversary services on Sunday, October 12. esIseeeleeetlelelseeeterlet-e,' The guest Speaker was the Rev. Livingstone, McKillop Township who delivered inspiring sermons at both morning and evening ser- vices. The choir under the leadership of the organist Mrs, W. Yee saiig the anthem "0 Be Joyful" and "I Sew the Holy City" at the morn- ing services, land Mrs. Bill Cox of Porters' Hill sang as a solo "The Saviour of Galilee. At the evening service the choir sang "All Hail the Power" and "He Leadeth Me." A duet "Dear Spirit Lead Me" was sting by Mrs. Edward Grigg and Charles Wil- son. WA and WMS Joint Meeti The regular meeting of the W- M.S. and W.A. 'of Holmesville United Church was held at the home of Mrs. B. J. Trewartha on Tuesday, October 7. With the president, Mrs. Will- iam Norman in charge, the W.- 1SLS, meeting opened with the reading, in unison, of the 100th Miss Mary Jamieson, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at her home. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Estelle McBride. Aix:well., Mission Circle The Aimwell Mission Circle held its October meeting on Oct- ober 13, at the home of Mrs. Allen Shaddick with the president, Nona Pipe, in. the chair. The meeting opened with a call to worship and the hymn "Blest be the Tie that Binds" Mrs. Fangrad read the scripture. It was decided to hold the Thankoffering at the home of Mrs. Edwin Wood on November 10 and have this in the form of a quilting and pot luck supper. The offering was given and Doreen Carter favoured with a solo. Helen Lee introduced the study book by telling the location, and other information about An- gola. By Merrill then read the first chapter of the study book, The meeting closed with the Hymn "Breathe on me, Breath of God," followed by prayer and the Mizpah Benediction, Burns-Lendesboro YPU Members of the Burns-Londes- bore YPU held their regular meet- ing in Londesboro United Church, on Sunday night. The meeting started with a sing-song led by June Lear, The business part of the meet- ing then was held. During the business period it was decided to accept an invitation from Blyth YPU to attend a Hallowe'en party in Blyth United Church an Oct- ober 29. The worship service in charge of the Faith and Evangelism Commission directed by Mrs. Hunking was held. After the sing- ing of Hymn 250, Mrs. Hunking read the 100th Psalm and expres- sed a few thoughts on this pas- sage Hymn 109 was followed by the SUMMERHILL Miss Emma Griffin, Welland, and Miss Jean Miller Niagara Falls, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neville Forbbes. Summerhill Ladies' Club The October meeting of the Summerhill Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Pen- found. The meeting was opened by singing "Abide With Me", fol- lowed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. During the af- ternoon the ladies worked at the quilt. Mrs. Orval Rapson conduc- ted a contest which was won by Mrs. E. Ellis. A bingo game was enjoyed by the members, Winners were: Mrs, Russel Good, Beverley Wright, Mrs. W. Penfound and Mrs. E. Blake. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Orval Rapson. The lunch committee will be Mrs. G. Wright, Mrs. 'N, Forbes, Mrs. Wesley Vodden and Mrs. Ivan Hoggart. Those on the program commit- tee are Mrs. Rustenberg, Mrs. Rapson, Mrs. Lloyd Stewart and Mrs. Keith Tyndall. offering.. Prayer was given by Mrs. Reeking. Maxine }Igniting read the scrip- ture and led in prayer, Mrs. Hunking gave the topic which was "The Life of David." This part of the meeting closed by singing the first hymn. Fell- owing a short recreation period, lunch was served and the evening brought to a close with "Taps," HENSALL TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 192 4-•-•-•-•-•4-4-e4-•-•-•10P-I-.4-e-seesee-ees GODERICH TOWNSHIP It News of Holmesville EXPERIENCED GENERAL COOK GOOD SALARY — FULL MAINTENANCE REFERENCES REQUIRED Miss A. B. Sinclair, Superintendent, CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL CLINTON, ONTARIO Wanted at Once Apply To MEETING LIBERAL ASSOCIATION of CLINTON 42-b for the TOWN OF CLINTON in Hotel Clinton at 8.00 o'clock Tues., Oct. 21 Don't Let Old W.; Check these items and many more from our lines of quality merchandise, priced to suit you. Miss Helen Moir, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Bertha Moir, r M. and Mrs. John Henderson and family spent the weekend hol- iday with relatives in Glencoe, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pollock, Lachute, Que., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Sherritt. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manna ana Donald, Toronto, were Thankgiving visitors with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Manns. Pupils of Miss Greta Lammie will present a half hour program on the Kiddies Studio Party over CKNX, Wingham, on Saturday, October 18, at 11:15 a.m. I.O.O.F. Officers Elected District Deputy Grand Master McMillan and staff of Goderich, installed the following officers of Hensall IOOF Lodge on Tuesday, October 7, in the lodge hall: P.G. Cliff Weida; NG, Garnet Mousseau; LSNG, Ed, Corbett; RSNG, Percy Campbell; VG Al- ex McBeath; LSVG, Clarence Volland; RSVG, Allan Johnson; RS, W. R. Dou.gall; FS, P.L. Mc- Naughton; treasurer, Lorne Hay; Warden, Wilmer Jones; Conduct- or, Harold Parkefe IG, William Parke; OG, E. R. Shaddick; RSS, Tom Meyers; LSS William Hays; Chaplain, Milton Lavery. Bride-elect Honoured Complimenting Miss Norma Sangster, bride-elect of this mon- th, Mrs. William Lee was hostess at her home, Wednesday evening, October 8, for some seventy re- latives, neighours and friends of the bride-eject to honor her with a presentation. The affair, arranged by Mrs. Ron Moir and Miss Mary Good- win featured a period of contests including dressing up the contest- ants in bride's costume with news- papers. Winner in this novel contest were Miss Lois Henderson and Mrs. Hannah Workman. During the evening Norma was presented with many beautiful gifts including a tri-light floor lamp, electric sandwich grill, wall mirror, flanellete sheets and many individual gifts,' Miss Mary Goodwin read the accompanying address, while Mrs. R Moir made the presentations, The guest of honor expressed her thanks in a very fitting manner. Refreshments were served, and the affair enjoyed by everyone present. WI Grandmother's Day Grandmothers were guests at the Historical Research meeting of the Hensel' Women's Institute in the Legion Rooms on Wednes- day, October 8, with the president, Mrs. George Armstrong, in char- ge. Hostesses were Mrs. E. Geig- er and Mrs. R, Elgie. In keeping with the theme the following roll call was answered "Grandmother's Birth Place." Mrs. N. McLeod, Kippen, guest speaker, addressed the group, choosing as her theme, ''Our Great Heritage," The speaker stressed the fact that some one had to work for every comfort and every freedom which is ours today Our heritage is so• different to that of other lands. We should pause and remember how hard it was for us to have this free Can- ada, etc. Mrs. R. H. Middleton and Mrs. R. Elgie were proposed as dele- gates to attend the Area Conven- tion in London, October 28-29, The articles shown at Exeter Fair, and which placed first will be on display at the November meeting. Interesting stories of Pioneer Days' were told by Mrs. R. Middleton. Mrs, G. Hess and Mrs. T. Coates sang a vocal duett, (in costume). Miss Helen Love, a piano solo. Mrs. W. Caldwell, Kippen, was awarded the prize for being the youngest grandmother, and Mrs. C. Devlin, London, received a gift for being the oldest grandmother present. Refreshments were ser- ved. lamanum .....1111 SAVE? SAVE! MONEY SAVING OFFER :NOW! Discover This! -1 Big 6 oz. Jar-of :Mew MEDICATED Way n • To Shave"Paidessif NOXZEMA. SIG 10 OZ. ▪ ECONOMY JAR $44.0ft ▪ Clogorg SIZE emr. 00,j:two • ii • LIMITED TIME ONLY 11111111111111111•111111111115111111111111.1111111111111111111611 Nivni1M4e.r."/NINwisAp4Movhin.M.,04,41,04,04INPINP4 ABSORBENT COTTON "Val-U" Brand 1 pound (grs. wt.) Roll 89c SERVICE DRUGGIST Promptly relieves deep tight chest coughs es C Big 8 pa. bottle . I ac 1.111111111111111011111111111 TALCUM "Jeanette" 12 oz., shaker-top can 22c, 2 for 43c PHOTO F. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE 14 A-S-A TABLETS (WA. Brand) liAL113UT LIVER Oil Caps, 50's .. 75c MERCOLIZED WAX forCrsrini, Bleach. 89 I.D.A. Brand BRONCHIDA Cough Syrup NOW ONLY comiv.gwrovg. rglogs P14115 PERSONAL sgRvivg .44 .a4 JNINNONINNNP*44.4411,41se#••••••••••••••0441414•M POWDER PUFFS only▪ .894 II • 3 Warne A pRoovcr Of NOXZEMA I For Pain 19c 49c 100's & 500's 9 Soft Velour Regular 10c values 8c, 2 for 15c INSULIN Protornine Zinc, 40 unit 96c 80 unit $1.85 Insulin-Toronto 40 unit 83e 80 unit $1.00 N.P.H. Insulin 40 unit $1.00 80 unit $1.90 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 3 P.M. Town Hall, Clinton AFTERNOON TEA 45e Rolled Ham Potato Salad Cottage Salad. Pie and Tea 'BOOTHS BAKING FANCY WORK TOUCH and TAKE PRODUCE CANDY 4 +4 4,1 Only •It I. .44 eeeleteeeseeeseeeteeeeteeeeseeseeeseeteeseseesesteteeetetetseseeseseeseeeeseees 0 ,o7+4,1414; X ..i. 4't: II I e sv i I I e 7A B 4 azaar it ::. *‘. +44 14,. t +_+ y- ..++.1.•++:•-•1'••:••:••:••1:41;1q,',44.44,4••:*41-4•4+4••:•-kt•-0.•:44i•441-4•i•-•T•e;•4•-tti-•''••••:•-•1:-•:•-•14.;4464-4 40-b 44* V S WINTER UNDERWEAR All the leading lines of Pen- man's, Stanfield's, Harvey Woods and Turnbull's. Complete range of sizes for MEN and BOYS. Prices Are Right BOYS' STATION WAGON COATS Brown or Grey — Sizes 8 to 16 years 44. A BUY AT 14.95and 16.95 ..,tf BOYS' TWEEDUROY SKI CAP'S LONGS and BREECHES CORDUROY - GABARDINE Some with MOuton Ear Flaps 4 PICKETT C MPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats 11.1110111110111101011011111111111111.111001111110101111.11111.111.111111111111111111111.111111 Phone 25 (Opposite the r heatre) Clirzton ZURICH 44-4•4•4-•-44-4,4.-140. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McBride spent the weekend at the farm on the town line, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schnell, Can'irose, Alta., visited friends in the community this week, Goshen WMS entertained the Kippen and Hensall Auxiliaries on Wednesday night. This enter- tainment had been previously planned for Thursday night. Thanksgiving visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Mc- Bride were Miss Lois Rapson, London, Mr. N. Braun and Mr. and Mrs, Orval Rapson, Londes- bore. Celebrates 79th Birthday John McBride celebrated his 79th birthday on Thanksgiving night at his home in Zurich with, about 33 relatives' and friends present. At the supper table, centred with a big birthday take, were his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James McBride, Zurich, and two sisters, Mrs. Maud Sehriell, Regina, and Mrs. Mary Ann Stephenaon, Hensall. The even- ing was spent with music, song and dance. 4.. YOUR IIVOURIIE BEVERAGE No cold floors and hot ceilings with Evans. The Evans Super Console with exclusive Heat-Wave Blower circulates 18,000 cubic feet of wane air an hour across your floors in a broad carpet of warmth. Provides circulation and abund- ant radiant heat; means better heat he the important part of your home—the "living tone". Other heaters using the "Ported Circulation" principle create hot spots and hot blasts Of air instead of overall heating comfort,. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Corniah WESTINCANCIUSE MAIMS PtiON 479 keside e 358 CLINTON'S ONLY AUTHORIZED EVANS DEALER