HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-05-01, Page 5Gen • THE TIMES KAMAN', MAY 1 0 • ••••••••••••••••••,•• DISTRICT -NEWS 13 ••••••••••• •,•••••••••,«••• nerworw' •••••••••• .1111-1M 411i .s- A 65: ttr• • erane a it ins! Good Value Olarkele Crossing, N. W. T, winch Freedom.' and constituted after the- has received so much notority in eon. manner a the various secret benevo; IE °T.Ce m-LOR lent orgonizatious ; the fee to be a nominal one, say 253. each quarter, and emunest other benefits that its members should have hotel accornoi dation at the old figures, the fee to be paid in advance, so that each mem: ber's receipt will be a sort of pass: port that until out of elate the bearer wag in good stuncling and entitled to the benefits' of membership. It it were possible that smelt an organize: unction wide the Riel rebellion, is of ' mee Weekly Round of Life in ihe County especial interest to the people of this township. It was esta,oliohed by a Howick boy, Mr. W, Fowler Mar' e, • whose parents live near Lakelei. He has been with a surveying party of Iiinron and Vielnity Neigbboring News ferry takes in the Temperance Colony, and on Furors are getting ready for spring leeviner thwhicb em lie .built and run the wor he cheese factory at Delgrave lee Last spring he VMS home on a visit IS name. raL.,.secl het week, fe; eel liteetery society has beeu fc'Tmed Maggie, daughter of Wm. Ashton, , "'"•1; Doupe, or the leth coficession mr, ciark, besides Miming the ferry down with paralysis And is still un; Saskatchewan—and ems oharge of the , neSS. we understaud, acting operator.,-• and when, returned he took with him a beide irk the person of Mos at East WaViall0Eih. Esq., on the 6th con., tear Gerrie cf Usborne, vas recenyy stricken is postmaeter of the plaee well be however, retains conscious; telegraph dice at that pointehis wife, A, gentleman in Londesleoro got a flovvich. Enterprise. letter in'the °face Tuesday morn: —A needle, which has been two inr enele'sing untl'no explanation y eal,8 in a roan's: head and was etle4 tlenort It is sepposed to be broughe, ail ,the way fi frtlaud, ',44 • mance weneve .was tk %tracted 'uy one of our surgeons rseGeo. Scott, of the lith coo., on illuesde y last. It wile eery much Turnberry, dieh very suddenly last reseed, alai had wandered about con. Week. Intianiation .was the cause. icie -ably, from the time 't ei, eared. Wo understand this is the eight death Ae Irish doctor who had eeteakieed which has ocurredem te at vicinity in comparatively a"nort. time. • cia. Welch, one of the pioneers of Wawenosh, died saddenly last week of drop4"' cf the heart The deceased was k Tither eccentric in his manner, eeenne in' god ciremnstances main. • 100 aces of lend near Doienybroole°. • Reeeviis,enroarried, and was roeraber ' of the Cl. • A - petition containing about 100 signatures was sent to the Dominion License :Commissioners- asking them it came from, as he 'says, "it is not to grinitethe license under the So ktt drug: his. It belongs to a shweet Irish girl." • Act' jarees McLaughlin, —Seafortu Sun. etist, Gerrie, instead of to Mr. Oantp: the head befei e the yenee. man left the "old sod" declared that it e as no e a needle et a:I bid an 66idea" that had ecie Pat's head. Pitt decline:LI that he never knew au "idea" to give' him so much trouble and pair.) before, and if all the "ideas" were like them he wanted nose of them. B:eleet, the then could 'ue eetahlished it • would doubtless be a benefit to the trade. as at elections it would hu a powerful lever, end the hotel men void ehave confidence that the chances df a sworn mein ber of the organieatiou proving a traitor Would be small. The men in the (aide would have the saeisfactioki of knowiug that the wen who sought to damage their ieterests had to pay higher rates for accomodatiou than th ise evLo supported the licensed trade-. In: Weil' demand for British fair play. In the present state of offal's, the proposal appear s tu us one Which should commead itself to the -trade.' • MEYER & DICKENSON. •. idgrm.15,_ eo, gOtegITORS Fon BANE. OF :TO. m N. comitistonoro I or'talcinga vits for Manitoba. Private funds to lend initrefligt I Ions at lowest atm. Office° —Head Block, W ngr, bran, Llmkno and Gerrie., 5r. W. 0. Miran. B. L. Dior:ram; Winkbain Nov.18 1880 • 14y N idea on Tuesday last, or at 4,40, his •3. A. ORTON,. head did; for be went -home with .the "idea" carefully relief up in a piece of paper in his vest pocket. lie intends to send the "idea" back to the country ekI,of the Ioyal Canadian hotel, but • 130 attention was paid to the" petition WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT by• the Oonunisiioners, and Mr. Camp: •••••••••• sei6d. his appointment. From the Brussels "Poet, he Clinton. New Bra saYs:—It may The following circular from :A, „notbe generally known, but it is never: Hamilton L CO., ' wboloale liquor thelees a fact that several heavy dealers in Brantford, andsent through smokers ini this town are suffering the countrY, has been banded us by from cancers similar their char: Hargravee. It •speaks for itself itt aeter, though less iri-extent, to the mid' needs no comment ; °meow supposed to beceasing the : ,iu, consequence of the Unsettled ,deati of General Grant. ' ,, . • Attie of the wine and spirit tra0e, kiiieeting was held in Brunets last resulting from the 'so-called temper - week for the purpose of forming a, ante agitation and the.paSsege of the °•leeel orgeiligetleet 'ler enforcing the eScott Act in so many of the municipa- Scett Act. At assoeibtion was tam;&lie; we have concluded to issue our 4ila WWI a rilePber$1111). a 65 to C°12a`.7;:afirlual *eater for 1885 in tiro sprint menet) with; Field came elected ..eenstead of the autumn,' as we have Brussels evidently intends to eseehitherto done. The effect of the" pa. that no one buys ail anti•Scott consage of ehe Scott Act has been to trar 'to law. . limit the immediate' wants` of the r. Thos. Taylot's barn, on lot 6, trade, especially in countiesem which on.15, llowlek, was entirely consuin, the Act will come into fore° on the ed by fire last week toraither With its fleet of May next ; the prevailing eOntents, consistindoeent, cow, two opinion, boweeer, is that' just as large hop, two calves, a double buggy much spirits will be conSiimed as hero - reaper, hay rake, harness, liayi etc„ tofore in such municipelities* We Ana about 40 bueliefs of grain. The believe that when such enactments Deceevidently (taught from sparks 'as the Duncan and Scott Acts have bleivn frem the chimney to the loose .expired the ratepayers , will be cwt. 'straw in the barnyard. Tin loss is vinced that it is not conducive to over $500 on Will& there is no insur: temperance, order and morality, and AMA VT. Taylor Intends to rebuild they will be prepared to tote foe the al one. etern to' the House system. In the ,Mr. X. S. Tnek, the well-known and meantime if no rtmedial legislation popular proprietor of Tuck's hotel, can be obtained, it becotnes 1 h9 ' dew Oranlirook, township of Grey, one of of all having thoir money invested in the oldest and best kept hotels in the business to.exert theineelves so as Western Ontario, issues a cirfilpr to to hold their own finaecially and be hie peteone, hem which we WII:tiet in a position to profit by the rebound the following manly and,comneillikble, which will ultimately tithe place. A .* * pe,ragreph:.--lein thanking you;r suggestion hag been nude that upon ' O pest •favors .1 , would reepeetfally 'Intl: the Scott Act owning into form. in • mate that in sword:nice with the any municipality, that the betel • Canada Temperance Act, after the tariff should bo mimed 50 cod per 80% hist, no intoxicitting liquors will day, and single 11101Iiii and bids oceor • bo sold in our hotel. After that (late Jingly ; that a secret society be form. the bar will be supplied With the td with britikeli lodges throughout ecaliaonlietesattio rii,,iigskr,anclue t beetvrezygeiiivierlrol , teloilenp(Dzdninoinn, [ f thotahe° innieirevtaoriobtang . will polawity not be sold. No tiei. branches of the Remised trade anti tvszuce will he, mule in retee,incl farm: them sympathieing Vtitil them in op: .. , as and travellers will Ht.' oornfortaolo position to the Scott Ae, and preln- " aecortemodutini a al this I. ow 03 bition without commis:II ien. The I heretofore ruoderate chares. society to be eallea tit, %nights of- 1 - DARRISTER Wizighang Ont' , loRS. ISETELIINE & if017NG, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. • Office, corner Centre and . attick street:1, Gringbam Onoario. ALEX. BETHUNE, M. D., W. J. YOUNG M. D r. R. O. Y. S. X. M. o. P. .0 AYER'S PILLSC 0 A. large proportion of the dioceses which cause human suffering result from derange. wont , of the stomach, hovels, and livor. Airan's CA/mantic Mr./a:ad directly upon these Organs, and aro especially designed MI euro the diseasers caused by their derange- ment, including Constipation, Indiges- tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, ' • and a host of other ailments, for all of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS 1.)y eminent phyaieians in regular vac- tiee, shows unmistakably the estimation iri Which 'they aro held by the medical prolog. sion. These Pima aro compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free from nalonaci or anrother injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from '/34atlache writes 'AvEres PiLLs aro invaluable to me, and aro illy constant companion. I have been a severe sttiferer from' Headache, and your Pole aro the only thing I could look to for relief. Ono dose will quickly move my bowels and freo iny head from pain. They aro the most effective and the easiest physic I have ever found. It is a pleasure to me to speak in their praise, and I always do se tilon occasion offers. W. L. P.non, of W. L. Page & 13r0." Franklin St., Itichmond,Va., June 3,1882. "T have used A•run,S PIMA to number - has instances as recommended by you, and have never known them to full to necomplish • the desired result. Wo constantly keep them On hand at our honte, and prize them its oleasant, safe, and redable family medicine. 1?O1t DYSPEPSIA they aro nivel tml.le. Idexia, Texas, Juno 17, 18821' T. IlAYES." The Rut, ritANOtis 13. HAntown, writing frond Atlanta, Gm, says: eeeor some, years P1(%'11 I have, hoen subject to constipation, ,frons which, in *Ito of the use of mod - eines Of various kinds, 1 suffered increasing iv:convenience, until some mentlis ego I began taking AxItit's ..Pitif.s. 'They have entirely corrected the costive habit, teal have vastly improved my general healt1W A.vnit's Onerentio Pate correct irregu. Iarition of the boWelo etimulate the ants - Lite and digestion, and by their prompt and tooted& eaten givo tone and vigor to the Vito!o physteel coonemy. PIMPAMtb BY Or.J.C.Ayor &Co., LowniblvInt, Sod by all Druggists. YOUNP1experienee ten WOnderfu i • beneficial 0:lads 01 ,* 00$ ANu, • ILE. AYer's Sarsaparilla,. Ann, St act, kao,) `CHURCH DIRECTORY. 111 TIE NEW Presbyterian. ' IL10ABBATH SERVICES AT' 11 A. If. AND: P, kj Sunday School at 2:30 P. AL Praye_r meetin YMONDuili ;f4:91101.8claT evening at 7:30. Ray. IL aloguAstanf PIGUiallitillatEZIEDfilalt,i1ECIRB ,;.0 .:414 Ire nieleGe01 THE FAVORITE =PM ii SEviimr-tIACIIRIE ,,,,g, ,.......................-, FOR FAMILY M, pa.HtGii Amin - HIGH ?MISR aq • ----ai •-••••.....-..„=--,----....- .-.7.,:.--,,r--,„. ..„---4---„,--,- , 1 Zaby , 042., . IDurct6fe ., :. fa •,- 1...4.,-------‘-----a- All the "Raymond " Shuttle Machines U Piro fitted With the Patent Automatic Bobbin Winder inliguinlloginimmummammilimmun CHAS. RAYMOND•i iv;AhmacTungs •GUELPH, ONTARIO. , d "i^e. 'Me Fur° Bred Clydeadale, KING OF QITALITY Will Stand for Mareethis Season an follows • MONDAY, ltEay 4th—Leaves Ma own sbable and rroceods by way of Winghare to Wm. Iabister's for noone,frons thence to Blueyale for night. TUESDAY—Proceeds bv vrayof boundary to Morrisbank for noon; from theoce to Gamble Rotel, Goren, for night,' WEDNESDAY —Proceeds to Qrocket Willis' for noon; from thence to Wm. Harris for night THURSDAY—Proceeds to Mr Johnston's, 6th cm' of Turnberry for noon ; from thence to Mr, Jobb's, 9th con of Turn - berry for night. FRIDAY—Pzeceeds to Thomas Gamble's bn the Oulross boundary for isohn from thence to August Efomuth's on leth con of Turnberry for night. SATURDAY—Proceeds by way of Zetland to Merrifield's hotel, Wingham, for the afternoon The above route will be oontinued dur- ing the season, health and, weather per- mitting, PEDIGREE Imported July, 1868, by Tames Tipling, Winglieen. Is registered in Vol. 6, Olydes dale Stud Rook, Xing of Quality, 2007, is a beautiful bay foaled Juno 11, 1882 ; bred by Thomas Speirs, Itilwarriock; Ayrshire; sire Sir William (2120);; grand sire Liberal Tom (446) ;. grand sire, Young Conqueror (930); g. g. grand sire, Conqueror (196); dam Maggie (vol. 6) by Prince David (643) grand dam Sally. by Seetelunart (749) ; g. grand sire, Surprise (e46). Sir William when tem years old gained first prize at Dundonald Show, and first at Irvine, and the Highland Society's Medal for the best animal of Clydesdale breed n the 'yard. RING Or QUALITY took Amtprize and :Diploma at North 'western Fair, Wingliam, 1884, and firetprize at Wingham Spring Show, 1885. TERMS—Te insure a :foal 12. Insured money to bo paid in January 1886. Insured mares must he returned regularly to the horse arthey will be eliargel whether in foal or not. 'Parties disposing of teeir mares b!,..fere ",eollecting time will be held respOnsible for blear:woe prices unless the mere • can be produced or eatisfaetory proof All accidents at the risk of tem owners of mewl. One dollar neeable at time, of service, which will be talon off nentrol mares ee collecting time. Meres not beiug tea' the 01 will be kept for our labor 41.44.—••••••, OletZP.S TIMING, Pro». • pp:Re G:Cr:DT:2Te, D. R. C. 'O., I'elitibureh, and, L. It. C. S., fecoils,nd, Itileei;tiate of eledvelfeey,1.141tiburgit, And late of Hospital for Diseases of. Women, Louden, Eug„ OVVIOH—DR. IltACD0NAtD18 RESI- DENCE, WINOD.A.M. Mee mint may be mad healthy maietrong loy as use.EtIze the alimez. Sold by oil Thuggista; f SIX bOttlell fore& •......r.• • paptist, SA111,TIgfil.7.1`1;2:g:1.nt M, AND Wednesday evening at 7130. • SABBATH SERVICES n 11 A. M. and 7 D. M. Sunday School at 2:30 r tn. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 730, Dm H. Cearin$11. pastor. • Congregational. SABBATII SERVICES AT 11 A. AL AND 7 P. IL Sunday school at 12:80 p.m. Prayer . mel,tia6 Wednesday evening at 7:30. Rev, Ma. Term, pas- tor Esiscogal, • ABBATE( SERVICES AT 11 P. 31, AND 7P. 51 Sunday sohool in MacKenzie's hall at,2:80 p. no. Prayer mooting, on Wednesdayeveninr, at 7:30 Nev.. Ma. 14cCosti, pastor. ; • ' ;i1;,, • - , 1; Church at the Seared Neart. -rxr hold service onStutday,. M. tith next at y y 10:80 11411 WEST, Priost . SOMTIES 86c. :Gingham Lodge, Soy 308, A. 1. a A. IL, R. R. C. BETS EVERY TVESDAY, ON OR BREOFP, IVJ the hill of the Moon, -in their Nall, Kent Block. Valtlami Lodott, No. 119, 1. 0. D. F. . ' 11 EETS EVERY /THURSDAY EVENING AT 8 0'- • In clock in their Hall. Mason's Block. ' , elitism Encampment tis 47, r. 0. 0. F. itrEETS EVERY SECaND AND FOURTH At0N- 11,, day ineach month. Visiting Patriarchs write dy Invited. Co0rt.f3altland, no. 35, 1. 0. 1:. L,f SETS EVERY SECOND AND LAST FRIDAY o enings in the month, in their Ilall, Tacalyn'e Block; Wingharo Lodge, Sis. 130, A: 0 U. V. ,a BETS EVERY ram naxxitY`tvnnv-G, at In the month. Lodge room, Tarnlyn's Plock. Nom Council, No. 10. Order of Chosen Prins& •1t/TEETS EVERY FIRl3TIIONDAY EVENINNIE the month, in their Hall, Tounlyn's Blear: • L 0, L. ito. 794. lig BETS EVERY FIRST FRIDAY EVENING IN J.y.L the month. • Eccelsior Emmen Ito, 000 000et Tempters of Tamperaaca. Ais VERY NONDAY EVENING HI VIVA rtroomBIllucHenzie's Mechanics lactitute. Beaver Block Reading room open en Mondsys, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays frinu. 1 to -10 o'clock, p. 111, and On Saturdays irons ua. n.. to 10 p. m. Library open on Tuesday, and Friday evenings from 7 to 5 o'clock and on Saturday atter- woo irons 8 to 4 O'clock. Post 1151co, OISICE HOURS FROM A. No TO P. 74 P. Pollee, Postma,gter, town band. , m BETS FOR PRACTICE, EVERY TCESDAli a.1.. and Friday night W. Nionots,s, Pretidon LOCAL RAILWAY TIME TABLe 0.6*•••..6 Nies nub. Arrive -10:40 a.m. Depart -10:40 5, no. Arrive— 3:10 p. mn, Depart— 3:10p, ru. Arrive— R:00 p. tn. Depart- 6:00p. m. Arrir-0-10:20p. Departe-10:2:, p. rn. 'Trains leaving at 10:20 rune Tuesdays, Tioursda; and Saturdays only, Going Coatis W. L-& 1. .Arriv0— 6:50 a. m. Arrive— 7:405. tn. Arrive -11:18 a.m. Arrive— 2:05 p, sot. Arrive* 7110 p. 81. Train leaving. 51 0:80 r Saturdays only. Dopart— 0:50 a. Tar Depart -4,1118 a. In. Depart.. 7:409.m. um. TuosdayA, Thursdays L. H. Arrive-10:40*a. on. Arcive— 8:00 p. nt. Depart-,- 7:45 a. tn. Depart—, 28(513. .smettnoine Anent. % :0144 sh said 1.e. with Rordock Blood 5,1, .1,a ca, teams, revers, Sorel, Priori • s • . T MILBURN * . SoLv Annum. Tosnwer , • • -1-' • eeeee.... • . , • • s•