HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-10-09, Page 7`ITAllt$$p,A.Y, OCTOBER O,, 1952 coLI TNE SeRSCORr? 1.. '4 SEIM* Classifiedd, Rates CASH RATE (If paid by Wednesday following date sof in- aertion) -Two cents a word first insertion (:minimum 5Q cents); Iax'bsegeeet insertions 11/z cents a Word (inteireein 35 cents); 15 -cents extra for box number or ler direction to NEW$ -RECORD Office, IF Cf1ARGED-15 cents extra, DEADLINE—le noon, Wednes- "�?ay, Cape 1951 C'rc Agency •q-1 Unhappy Una was So discouraged that she cried Until the day that she Tried the classified. cele gne-',-moor- ACCOMMODATION ,r - ACCOMMODATION for RENT ''TWO BOARDERS WANTED. Phone Clinton 246R, 41-p `FARM HOUSE FOR BENT, with 'hydro. 11/4 miles from town. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton "904r4. 41-b 'POUR ROOMS, FURNACE heat- ed. Private entrance; hydro. Five 'miles north of Clinton. Phone Blyth 28r4. 41-'b 'TWO RESPECTABLE YOUNG nen desire room and board in nice ,home with warm single ;rooms; not necessarily in the same home, or one large 'room. -with two beds would be satis- .factory. Box "E", News -Record. 41-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 'HEAVY DUTY TRAILER for carrying boat, or for general farm work, ,'fires: 600x16. Ap- pJy, Emerson Durst, Seaforth Machine Shop, Seaforth. 41-p 'TWO 4 -COLUMN, 11 -SECTION hot watertradiator. )Also f a quantity of 3/4" 'pipe and fittings: Half Price. Apply G. Carter, •joseph St., evenings. 41-p 'TWO H.P. GASOLINE air cooled =engine, hardly used. Apply 213 Huron Street, East, Exeter, or phone Exeter 225J. 41-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1941 BUICK SUPER, Fireball motor. $495. Phone Malcolm, ',Clinton 281W, 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. 41-p 1937 OLDSMOBILE, good tires, 'heater, sound body. Needs minor repairs. Priced to sell. Phone 'Clinton 7873. 41-p 1946 MERCURY, THREE -TON truck, chassis and cab. Two -speed •axle. Priced tow for quick sale. Bell's Supertest Service Station, Hensel". 41-p BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE NEW, SUBDIVISION LOTS FOR sale, 'adjoining property of new school. L. G. Winter, real estate, iphone 448; Thomas Steep, sales - •man, phone 146W. 28-tfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — tusiness trades listed: restaurants, .gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Thomas Steep, salesiiien. 30-tfb 'CLOTHING FOR SALE tED GABARDINE, ONE-PIECE Snowsuit, size 4, like new. Phone Clinton 615r3. 41-b COAT, SILVER FOX COLLAR, :almost as good as new. Size 18. Can be seen evenings. J. W. 'Manning, 41-2-p BLUE GABARDINE JACKET and parka, zipper closing, heavy quilted lining, size 8. Mrs. Wil- liam Townshend, phone Clinton 1)00r2, 41-b 'HUDSON SEAL FUR COAT. Lining good, not worn. Coat suitable for making over. A bar- gain to the right person; Apply Box "G", News -Record. '41-b GIRL'S THREE-PI•ECE SKI Suit, navy with plaid . (12 years); brown fur -trimmed coat and parka (ten years); some skirts, sweaters and blouses (8-12 years), Mrs, IL Currie, Joseph Street; 41-p GREEN WINTER CdAT, size 14, suitable for teen-ager, $5. Also brown winter coat, about size 16, :$5. Phone Clinton 7783..- 41-b employment Wanted--Fernale HOOK -KEEPING ANIS TYPING 4lone accurately and swiftly, at home. Contact Box "A", Clin- ton News -Record, 411 FARMS FOR SALE 184 ACRES, CLAY LOAM, good buildings, Hydro and pressure system, bush, spring creek. Ap- ply E. J. Welsh, IHR. 2, Hayfield. 41-x J'ROM 50 TO 117 ACRE >'AR.112S. Confidential information, Leon- ard G. Winter, Real lactate, lbhenest business 448, residence 15993, 5-btfb FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE 'CORN* FOR SALE, Choice corn tn. the cob. Delivered from the picker. Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton 90gr6, 41-2-b FURNITURE REFINISHING POR PIANO, PtIANtTtTR.Ia ANIS radio cabinet refleishir'ig: and re- pWritig, see W. G. Pickett, : oic 451, Clinton, 4144-4-p -4-p FARM IMPLEMENTS for SAL.E NEW AND USED CORN Pickers, tractors, spreaders, etc, Water bowls, litter carriers, Gibson re- frigerators .and stoves. Get aur prices before buying any farm equipment, New 'Idea Distributors, Goderich, Phone Carlow 2821. 40-1-2-p FURNITURE FOR SALE SIX NEW, 14 USED, PIANOS; 18 chesterfield suites; 1$ bedroom suites. Select from wide variety at Mildmay Furniture Centre. Low prices. Free delivery, God- frey Sehuett, Mildmay,. 40-1-2-b HELP WANTED•---Femaio WANTED. A MIDDLE - AGED lady to be companion for an eld- erly lady in a country home with all modern conveniences, includ- ing oil heating, Some light hduse- keeping expected. Location; near Clinton. For further information, Write Box "B", Clinton News - Record, 41-p CAPABLE GIRL OR WOMAN to help with housework and child- ren in a good home he Goderich. Bed sitting room, live in. $15 weekly. One week's vacation with pay, yearly. Permanent position if satisfactory. Apply F.Q. Box 798, Goderich, or Box "C", News -Record. 41-2-p HELP WANTED HOUSEWARE PARTIES NEED dealers, men or women, for part time work. Box "L", News - Record. 41-2-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderieh. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE DUAL-PURPOSE SHORT - horn bull, serviceable age, would take pullets in exchange. John A. Keys, Varna. 41-p FOUR LEICESTER EWES. One two-year-old ram, Hoy Pepper, Seaforth, Phone Clinton 615r5. 41-p NINE LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE, ten weeks old. Wilmer Reid, Varna, phone Clinton 630r24. 41-b TWO REGISTERED HOLSTEIN cows, due in No ember. William L. Stirling, ephone Goderich 932r14. 41-p 16 CHUNKS OF PIGS, nine weeks old. Harry Watkins, phone Clinton 804r31. 41-p TWO PUREBRED HEREFORD bulls, guaranteed breeders. Al- fred Buchanan, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Seaforth 841r4. 41-p, FIVE CHUNKS, 11 WEEKS OLD. Apply Wes. Hoggart. Phone Clin- ton 802r33. 41-b TEN YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 weeks old, C. J. O'Brien, phone Clin- ton 615r25. 41-p TWO HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due shortly (certified). R. N. Alex- ander, phone Blyth 26r8, 41-b THE GREY - BRUCE - HUR,ON Aberdeen Angus Association is holding sale of eight bulls and 30 females, all from Accredited herds only, at Walkerton on Thursday, October 16. Catalogues on request to T. Stewart Cooper, secretary, Markdale, Ontario. 41-b MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—WINTER STABLING and feed • for twelve head of cattle. E. J. Welsh, R. R. 2, Bayfield. 41-x FLOOR SANDING—Old and new floors sanded and finished. Cree Cook, Phone Clinton 233. 41-2-3-4-p COLE'S TRAILER CAMP (Middle Trailer) Madame Josephine, Clairvoyant Readings. No phone calls please. 41-b CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief, Druggists sell Cress Bun- ion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon. 41-b FOR ARTIFICIAL SERVICE from this farmer owned, licenced, non- profit, growing, co-operative as- sociation, from top quality bulls of all breeds, the rates are: $25 for a life membership, $5 per cow for members, and $6 per cow for non-members. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, R. R. 1, Waterloo, Ont. FOR SERVICE, CONTACT: Harry Reid, Varna, phone Hayfield, 27; or Charles J. Brandon, phone Clinton 633r5. FIXTURES - FURNACES - Filt- ers - Fittings. Complete bathroom fixtures — BATH (41/4' or 5') BASIN, CLOSET, Powder roam sets --white or color with chrom- ed fittings. KITCHEN SINKS white or color—chromed fittings and KITCHEN SINK CABINETS for porcelain enamel drain board tops ort plastic tops. FURNACES coal and oil gravity or air-con- ditioning with centrals and re- placing FIBREGLAS ' FILTERS for forced -air furnaces. FIT- TINGS and pipe in eopper--cast iron—black and galvanized steal, Laundry tubs—shower cabinets— electrie ranges, refrigerators, pressure systems, oil burners. FREE CATALOGUE: Write or visit our new modern showrooms. We deliver—you pay no- freight. S. V. JOHNSON' Plumbing Sup- plies, Streetsville, Ontario, PIANO TUNING VOtift PIANO carefullytutted, Just call G, W. Cox at 'Clinton 560t, _ 43t(b SALESM N WANTED RAWLH1G1 BUSINESS NOW open in, '-lured County, Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity, Full time. _ 'Write at settee. Rewleigh's Dept, 189, Montreal. 40 -1e2 -b BIRTHS BARTLIFF --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, October 4, 1052, to Mr, and M'rs. Bruce Bartliff, Clinton, a son, (Paul Stevens).. JERVIS--In. Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, October 6, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Walter Jervis, Clinton, a son.. TAYLOR, -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, October 0, 1952, to Mr. end Mrs. Jack Taylor, Brucefield, a daughter. MARRIAGES CAMERON-LAITHWAITE,-,-.In St. GGodericheorge's, by! AnglicanRev, H. rep: hurE, Webb, Bayfield, Mary Eleanor, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. G, W. Laithwaito, Goderich Town- ship, and Ellis Felly' Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cameron, Ailsa Craig, PARKE-GRAHAM--At the home of the brides parents, on Sat- urday, October 4, 1952, by Rev. T. J. Pitt, Betty Ann, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Parke, Zurich, and Mel- vin Graham, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Graham, Brucefield. SMITH-TAYLOR—At the home of the bride's parents, near Staffa, by Rev. A. H. Daynard, Francis Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Staffa, and, Emmerson Smith, Kippen, son of Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Smith, Kippen. DEATHS COOPER —In Victoria Hospital., London, on Saturday, October 4, 1952, Charlotte Upshall, widow of the late Charles Cooper, in her 77th year. Fun- eral from the Bonthron fun- eral home, Hensel', to Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Township, on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 7. COOPER—In Clinton, on Sunday, October 5,' 1952, Henry Cooper, husband of the late Elizabeth Carter", in his 96th year. Inter- ment in Maitlandbank Ceme- tery, Seaforth, on Wednesday, October 8. RILEY--In Egmondville, on Mon- day, September 22, 1952, Mrs. Jane Allan Riley, widow bf the late Charles R. Riley, in her 84th year. Funeral from the Box funeral home,_ Seaforth, to Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth, on Thursday, Sept- ember 25. PROPERTY FQR SALE SEVEN ROOMED BRICK House for sale, on a lot and three-quart- ers, good stable and shed. South Main Street, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth, 139J. 40-1-p FIVE -ROOM HOUSE, THREE bedrooms, three-piece bath, ex- tra lot, small barn, nice surround- ings. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- man, phone 146W. 28-tfb ONE STOREY SOLIDBRICK seven -room dwelling with all conveniences. Ideal location. Sold subject to present tenancy. Price: $5,000. H. C. Lawson, real estate, Bank of Montreal Building, phone 251W. 40-tf b POULTRY FOR SALE 42 SUSSEX X New Hampshire pullets, seven months old. Laying well. Phone Clinton 631r14. Mrs. Frank Bennett. 41-b 100 SUSSEX CHICKENS, five months old, William Rustenburg, Ret. 1, Clinton. 41-p 80 SUSSEX X New Hampshire pullets, six months old. Laying well. Free of disease. Apply J. Huller, phone Clinton 910r22. 75 ROCK X New Hampshire pullets, laying. Also, reliable team of Percher9n horses. Ro- bert Rathwell. Phone Clinton 906r16. 40-1-p PUPS FOR SALE THREE SCOTCH COLLIE Pups, sable and white. $5, males; $3 females. Francis Powell, phone Clinton 907r4. 41-b SEWING;MACHINES NEW AND USED MACHINES. Repairs to all models. Singer Sewing Mdehine Co.; Goderich, phone 1135. 19-tfb STOVES FOR SALE 5,000 CU. FT. SPACE 'OIL Heat- er, good as new. $60. Apply 109 Mary Street. Phone Clinton 32M. 40 -p -41-b OIL SPACE HEATER, Fess make. Used three months, Reasonably Priced for quick sale. Phone Clinton 263, 41-b ONE STOKER IN GOOD SHAPE. Control, all perfect. Can be seen at Epps Sport Shop. phone Clin- ton 42. 40-tfb TWO MEDIUM SIZE].COOK- stoves, cream enamel front, fair condition, Franeis Powell, phone Clinton 907r4. 41-b KITCHEN RANGE, burns either coal or wood. Eleetr.ic rangette with automatic oven. Phone Clinton 545J, 41-p WOOD FOR SALE HARD HODY Olt MVIIXEIS winter wood, also slabs and cedar kind•- ling. Ebner Trick, phone tatin- ton 907r5. 34etfb KINDLING von.. SALE — Cut :from cedar rails into 12" lerugths, $4.50 per cord, delivered, AIso a few cords of hardwood furnace Weeks. • W. J. l orbes, Phone Clinton 904r31 41-b CHOICE, MAPLE AND EEEC1 wood, 12 inch, $5.50, $5.75, and $6, delivered, in two Cord lots rind over, W. J. Forbes, phone Clinton 904r31. 38xptfb Hospital Auxiliari Shows Good Report From Annual Sale The Womens' Hospital Auxiliary Boneened in the Council Chamber on Monday afternoon, October 6, with the president, Mrs. D. 3, Lane, presiding. Mrs. Lillian McKinnon, in the ab- sence .of the secretary, read the minutes ofthe former meting. The treasurer, Mrs. Reg. Ball, gave an encouraging financial statement, which included a detailed account of the sale of September 26. It showed the revenues front the var- sous booths for that sale, as fol- lows: ol-lows: The country womens' baking and produce $72,89; Grocery booth $57,66; tea room, $30.Q0; odds and ends booth $14,95; shoes $23.75; furniture $42.80; millinery $11.90; clothing $75.54; antique .booth $10.30; variety $35,59. Sale of tickets on the draw $360.75,. with a grand total of $761.88. Commitees were named to ar- ange for, and carry through the Nurses' Graduation service which is to be held in November. The Auxiliary received a letter expressing the great appreciation of the executive of the Huron County Mass Chest X -Ray, for the splendid co-operation and help re-' ceived from the members of the Auxiliary at that time. Mrs: Lillian McKinnon was ap- pointed to represent the society at the Ontario Hospital Auxiliar- ies Association which convenes in Annual Session at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on October 25, - In Memoriam BURBANK —In loving memory of Bill Burbank, who passed away October 8, 1951: "Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear; Fond memories linger every day, Remembrances keepts him near." —Mother, Dad and Jinuny. 41-b REID—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John T. Reid, who passed away on October 13, 1951. — Ever remem- bered by his wife, Maud; daugh- ter, Pearl,, and son, Eric. 41-b Cards of ,T hanks MRS. C. B. MIDDLETON and family wish to thank the many friends and neighbours for kind- nesses and sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Frank New- land; to Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel and Mrs. Bulteel; to Mrs. Row - den and to George B. Beattie, for their kind assistance. 41-p I wish to thank all those who showed kindness in any way while I was a patient in hospi- tal, with special thanks to my doctor, and the nurses of Clinton Public Hospital. — MRS. A. GOLDSWORTHY. 41-p We wish to take this opportun- ity to thank the friends and neighbours who donated beauti- ful gifts, and also the Rebekah Lodge and the Past Grand Club for their gifts and remembrances, and all who kindly helped to make our golden anniversary well worth remembering. -- MR, and MRS. JOHN MULHOLLAND. 41-b ,Funeral Services That will leave your mind forever at ease. From your home, church or our chapel, wftCe tuterai Ann AMBULANCE •••+-•-•-e-aa-+v.-4-$ 1-6-4-e-4-4-4-• 0. • s Gordon R. Hearn Optometrist Huron St. --- Clinton On Friday Each Week PHONE 69 HALLADAY, ROBINSON & Co. Chartered Accountants Box No. "E" CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ROXY THEATRE C14INTQ Now playing (Oct; 0-11) "T U ASVRI O1'` LOST CANYON' In Technicolor, with William Powell and Julia Adams MON., TUES., WED. (Oct. 13-16) The Marx Brothers with Ilona lVfassey and Vera*Ellen Your favourite comedy team re- turns with a barrel :of laughs, "LOVE HAPPY" THUR., IFI., SAT. (Oct. 10-10) "Man in the Saddle" An action, drama in Technicolor. A. woman who married for secur- ity found another man's image still in her heart — Randolph Scott, Joan Leslie & Ellen Drew Coming (Oct. 20-22); "DAVID and BATHSHEBA" iIn Technicolor, with Gregory Peck & Susan Hayward PARR THEATRE C ODERIC11-1 hone 1150 Now: CAR.RINR WILLIAMS" 1%WN,, TUES.: WED, "Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie" In Technicolor While a small town celebrates its 50th anniversary, one citizen thinks back and reviews his own life over the same half century. Romantic Drama David Wayne, Jean Peters and Hugh Marlowe THUR., FRI., SAT. "Where' $ Chairley" •--- In Technicolor -,-- The Happiness show A riotous fun and music show based on the adaption of the ever Popular "Charlie's Aunt". Pro- duced in England. — Ray Bolger, Allyn McLerie, Ray Shackleton Corning; Glenn Ford and Rutit Roman in "A YOUNG MAN WITH IDEAS" AUCTION SALE of Choice Hereford Catty At Lot No. 22, Concession 8 Hullett Township, 5 miles nortL of Clinton (No. 4 Highway) an • of a mile east on Wednesday, Oct. '15 at 1.30 p,m. 24 head consisting of cows heifers and bulls. All cattle have stood two clear. T.B, tests. This is an exception ally good class of cattle, som being registered and all original': front registered stack. TERMS—CASH CHARLES WAYMOUTH, R.R. 1, Londesboro, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K, W. Colughoun, Clerk 41-1 SMALL HOLDING FOR SALE • There is offered for sale b tender a 171/4 acre parcel of lan on Highway No. 4, about 1 mil North of Clinton (the propert occupied by the • late Corneliu Hoare). On the property is a house an. barn in need, of some repairs, There are also approximately 25 fruit trees. It is believed the Town water under pressure woul be available. This property is exceptional) well located and must be sold to close an Estate. Sealed tenders will be receive by F. Fingland, Clinton, Ontario, marked "Hoare Estate Tender", until October 21st 1952. The high- est or any tender not necessarii accepted. The property may b inspected any forenoon or in the afternoon by appointment. Fo further particulars apply to the undersigned. F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton. F. W. ROGERS, Executor, 252 Cathcart St., London, Ont. 41-42-b Notice to Creditors NOTICE is hereby given pur- suant to the Trustees Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of ALICE SELIN HOLMES, late of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, Spinster, Deceased, who died on or about the Twenty- third day of October, 1951 are requested to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned Archibald I rvine, Administrator with Will Annexed before the 31st day of October 1952, after which date the Administrator wilt distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have no- tice, and will not be responsible to any others. ° Dated at Barrie, Ontario, this 17th day of September, A.D., 1952. ARCHIBALD IRVINE, R. R. No. 5, BARRIE, Ontario. Administrator with Will Annexed. 39-40-41-b ..s • ► e •.e .• Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere 0 ERF 1•d O. K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W --- Clinton ♦4 -*1 -.1.4* -8.- ►•-••4-• I FOR YOUR RADIO THE BEST Service IS AT' GALBRAITH. ltAbiO and TE>4i8VISlol`t "Clinton's Only RECORD I3AR" Telephone 482 AL%, SALES i;ACEED Waif EXPERT SERVICE 4 +4.44'* 4 4 4-iteee-arm4 s• CAPITAL THEATRE Gm/Erma -,- .Phone 47 Now:: "BRAVE WARRIOR" Technicolor .,,•, The story of. Tecumseh Witlx Jon Hall MON.,.,TUES, WET), "Thief of Damascus" — In Technicolor Sheherazade, the beauty queen of ancient Persia, becomes the prizes in a struggle between two genes erais Paul Henreid, Jeff Donnell and John Sutton THUR., FRI., SAT. Ann Blyth, Mark Stevens and Cecil Kellaway y. Romantic .comedy', telling of a girl who scandalized her home, town by becoming an artist's model. "KATIE DID I'I'I" Conning: Ginger Rogers and jacli! Carson in, "THE GROOM WORE SPURS" Ontario St. Sunday SchUol Executive ' Holds Fall Meeting The October meeting of the Sunday School Executive of Ontar- io Street United Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs;. Cecil Elliott with 21 present _and super, ress- ding. nt, Charles Stewart, presi- ding. "Take My Life" sung in unison, d e y s d 0 d y d y e r ceived as read, and the treasur- ex's report showed a balance after bills and periodicals • were paid', The superintendent announced the Sunday School Institute being held in Seaforth on Wednesday, Octob- er $ at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m, Letters of appreciation are to be sent to Mr, Piper and Mee, Olde for services rendered prior to Rally Day. , and prayer opened the meeting A delicious lunch was served by and Miss; Olive Johnson read the lesson from Matthew 3: 16, 17 and the host and hostessassisted by , Mathew 4: 1-17: Mrs. Sly, and a pleasant half hour The secretary's report was re- was spent in social chat. Bread Salesman WANTED Apply In Person To "' o BARTLIFF BROS. • ARE 'YOU A CHILD OF GOD? For -ye are all the children of God. by Faith in Christ Jesus Galatians 3 : 26 "Ali that believe are justified"—Acts 13 : 39 "Christ died for the ungodly" — Romans 5 : 6 Charles Fuller — 123 Los Angeles, Calif. — Tune in ABC Network Sundays, 4 p.m. (EST) • •-4--as+-«� ,•# •-•-*-e-+ COIOW[AIHER mrogr Time to check your Fall Wardrobe are con fete �`' See our large p ,.>, �,w�� °�• selection f 0 :A'> } €i:; * H ATS'"; TOPCOATS :h,. OVERCOATS 1.-••1+•••-•0-•-•-•-•-•-4-0-44-•-•• PICKETT # CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS• STETSON HATS PHONE 25 --- (Opposite the Theatre) -•-,-• CLINTON Winter" Is Comrng BUY YOUR HEATING SUPPLIES HERE Our pipes are hand made to suit your wants A full stock of all elbows, tees and. tapers. It it's a, Coal and Wood, Electric, Gas Stove SEE OURS i'IRST eatty and Clare Jewel Dealer WhHen betterh goods are sold we will sell therm 11! Hardware, Plumbing and Heating EavestroUghing -- Sheet Metal Work -, (Hoch Furnaces