HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-10-09, Page 6'Principals In Early , Autumn Weddings At the left are pictured Martin Kalmar Straughan and his bride, the former Miss Betty Noreen Fuller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Austin Fuller, Goderich Townhip. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Straughan, Go derich. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Irwin are pictured at the right, following their wedding in Holmes- ville on September 20. Mrs. Irwin is the former Miss Bette Alice Hutchins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchins, Goderich Township. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Irwin, Lucknow. The young couple are living in Clinton. PACM Now Is The Time! TO CHECK YOUR WINTER CLOTHING NEEDS AND GET READY FOR ,Winter Ahem]." We are busy outfitting your neighbours! Why don't you take advantage of our "fair prices" and benefit too. COATS for Women and Children. DRESSES for every occasion. SKIRTS and BLOUSES for casual wear. We have just received, new shipments of SNUGGLEDOWN GOWNS and PYJAMAS CHILDREN'S COATS and STATION • WAGON COATS Grandmere HATS - CAPS and BERET SETS as well as After-Ski Slippers We like to aid 'our home town People Let us help you too IRWIN'S I 11111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111 11111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 IIIIIMIDIMIIIMIIIIIMIII1111111111111111111111111M1111111110111111l1111 111111 .10111111 111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 1111111111 s.11.4,04•40,V.11,11.11N1.4411.4,4416INIPW4P41.4, Get There Safely! CALL 1111111111111111 1111111IMIIII11111111111111111111 HIIIIIII 11111111 II I Dutch Reformed Church Holland Service--2.30 p.m. at the CanadiAn Legion Hall, Exeter Mr. C. M. EEL1VIAN, Exeter Box 336 St, Paul's Anglican Church REV' R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. j. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer Gospel Hall Maple Street, one block east of Albert Street, north of Par-Knit 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 a , .m.—Comrnurkion Service 8.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting— Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.—Prayer meet, ing and Bible Study. Come and Bring your Friends urthSertiires Sunday, October 12, 1952 1 Pentecostal Church Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 10.00 a,rn.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Young People's Tuesday, 8 p,m..—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Huron St. Baptist Church Minister—REV. J. E. OSTROM Worth Dreaming About BREAD with that "Home-Baked" Goodness Try Our HOME MADE BREAD Watch for it in the Yellow Wrapper Our Saturday .Special— From Our Store Ortly— CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW ROLLS — reg, 35c — fdr 29c BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioner* "/ "INPM4h1P.P.IN,AMANIP "1444 A ••• .4 0 4,04.4.0 ,41M•ININI ,O, P 0,4,0,0", \ f4,0,INONI.04.4.~ i SATURDAY CREAM PUFFS CHOCOLATE ECLARES m#4,04ne~aNnansakrospoNro4044..rowtsfr4e440.44, 444 41,- 4-•-•-•-4.4÷,-11-•÷4.-0-+-4.4.-.44-4-4114-4144-0-4-4-44-4-4-41.4.41÷44-4-4". ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCit" PASTOR —REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., IS M. ORGANIST—MRS. E. WENDORN 11.00 axtt.—World Wide Communion 12.15 15.rn.—StthEMY Sell"( 7,00 p.m.—Union Service in this Church TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.—Word Wide Communion 4,44.•44.4-4-044-41-44-.++44-4.4444-.÷.44-14+4-0-**,+++++++++++. rLIT, 111 p III 14. TgURSDAY, OCTOUR 1903. OPNTON nws,-.n000p. WEDDINGS PARKE--sGRAHAM Candelabra and fern intersper, sod with standards of autumn flowers formed the background for an arch of evergreen and tint• ed leaves to make a setting at the home of the bride's parents, 'Set.. tuday. October 4, for the wedding, of Betty Ann, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Parke, Zurich, and Melvin Graham, youn- gest son of Mr. and yrs. Goldie Graham, Brucefield. Rev. T. J, Pitt officiated. Mrs. Pitt presided at the /piano and Marilyn Dawson rendered "I Love You Truly," during the signing of the register, • Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a floor length gown of white nylon net over sat- in in Elizabethan style. The bod- ice of Swiss lace featured long pointed sleeves with rhinestone trim. A headress of orange bins- ,sorns held her floor-length veil of nylon net, She carded a cascade bouquet of red roses. The groom's sister Mrs. Fred Robinson, Toronto, was brides,- maid and his little niece Linda Robinson was flowergirl. They wore identically styled gowns of Killarney green velvet and car- ried bronze chrysanthemums. Kenneth Parke, brother of the bride, was gromsman. A reception was held at Monetta Menard's, Exeter. The bride's mother, receiving, wore a gown of platinum faille with wine access- ories and a corsage of white carn- ations. Assisting, the mother of the groom wore a navy ensemble with gray accessories and a cor- sage of white carnations, Mr. and Mrs. Graham left for a wedding trip through Northern Ontario and other points. The bride travelled in a seal brown shadow rib cloth coat over a two piece benedictine brown, satin trim ottoman cord suit with an- tique gold. and brown accessories and bronze chrysanthemum cor- sage. Upon their return they will make their home on the groom's farm near Brucefield. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS MOTHERS' STUDY GROUP The September meeting of the Mothers' Study Group met at the home of Mrs. F. M. Newland with 15 mothers present. Mrs. Wesley Holland was in charge and opened the meeting with Hymn 501, fol- lowed by the Bible Reading be Mrs. McCall. The regular business was carried- out. The ladies of the WMS extended an invitation to have the mothers entertained at their November meeting. This was gratefully accepted. Mrs. Howard Currie read an ar- ticle "Home for Thaddeus", the story of a little boy in an orphan's home. Mrs. Bill Grigg read a reading, "HouSe or Home." Mrs. Holland read a story from the Reader's Digest named "The Fab- ulous Jackson Family" a family of ten children under 14 years of age and their wonderful life and training. An article "Teach Your Child Good Sportsmanship" was read and an article "Every Child Has a Gift," was listened to with much interest. Short discussions fol- lowed. The hymn 388 and the Mizpha Benediction closed the meeting. The hostthses, Mrs. Dudley Pegg and Mrs. Larry Haughton, with Mrs. Newland served a bountiful lunch and a social time was en- joyed. The October meeting dill be in charge of Mi4. Wilfred Jervis with Mrs. Drew Fowler and Mrs. Stew- art Moodie hostesses, 0 WESLEY-WILLIS GOODWILL CLUB TO MEET The Goodwill Club of Wesley- Willis United Church will meet in. the church parlour on Tues- day evening, October 14 at eight o'clock. The meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Lorne Jervis and her group. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Neville Forbes. 1111111' 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 11111111 111111111111 111111111M 11111 III I Mrs. W. H. Higgins; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pennebaker,,, visited with relatives in Barrie last week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Holmes, Gerald and Jack, were guests at the Bradford-Williams wedding in Ingersoll, where Gerald Holmes was usher. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wasman and Dr. and Mrs. Murray Cunning- hame, London, Eng., spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Innes, Dunlop Street, Clarence and Alvin Cooper spent last week visiting in Flint, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Gaines and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Glazier, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman, Hensall, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Adam Glazier, who is not in the best of health. 11 Q ASHTON'S TAXI "FLEXOTITE" DOOR INSULATION SET The best draft excluder you can boy —for all types of doors and casement windows. Keeps out cold air, eliminates noise and rattles. PlIa0TITE Sponge rubber on wood with nails to affix. Sets in. dude 2 - 7 foot lengths and 2 - 3 foot lengths, Very simple to instal. Per Set $2.50 COME IN AND SEE. Our Model Door Demonstrator Shows You Why It's Best— BALL and MUTCH r44 4.44 44 4:N# 444 444 044 44441:04,4440 4144. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Livermore, Jimmie and Bettie Anne, motored with Mrs. Fred Livermore to Woodstock on Sunday to visit with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Trouse. William Cooper, Flint, Mich., is spending this week with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooper, prior to enlisting in • the U.S. Army next week. Sam McDonald, Dick and Ernie Ellwood, Charlie Williams, Alex Inkley, George Hanley and Ho- ward- Turner, on Thursday, Sep- tember 25, attended the official opening of Canada's newest oil refinery at Froomfield, on the River St. Clair. Canadian Oil Refineries has invested $22 mil- lion in the plant and equipment there. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mulhol- land, Crystal Beach; Mrs. Charles Gibson, Detroit; Mrs. Walter Zer- back, Stratford; Mrs. Violet Mc- Donald, Goderich; George McCart- ney, Woodstock, were the guests of M. and Mrs. John Mulholland on the 'occasion of their golden an- niversary celebrated recently. Marguerite Riehl and Clare John- son spent the past weekend with the latter's parents at Watford, Out-of-town guests who were present at the surprise family dinner honouring the 35th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter last evening in- cluded their two daughters, Miss Shirley G. Sutter, Guelph and Mrs. R. P. Robbins, and her son, Ronnie, Richmond Hill; Mr. Sut-, ter's mother, Mrs. Emma Sutter, and sister, Mrs. Clara Beatty, Mrs. S. H. Sutter, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pauli, and daugh- ter, Miss Jo Anne, all of Strat- ford, Mrs. Robbins and Ronnie will remain for an extended visit with her parents. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodman, Niagara Falls, announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty, to Henry Youngblut, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young- blut, Londesboro. The wedding will take place in St. Andrew's United Church, October 18. Four New Elders Ordained at Service • Four new elders were ordained at the morning service at St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Oct- ober 5. The dignified order of service, setting the men apart as members of the Kirk-Session for life, was most impressive.' They were char- ged concerning the responsibility of leading the congregation into higher realms of spiritual life. The congregation was reminded of the required cooperation with their chosen leaders. Rev. D. J. Lane, 'with the form- er members of the Kirk-Session around him, and the elders-elect kneeling before the communion table set them apart by prayer, as is customary in the Presbyterian Church government. The members of the congrega- tion thus ordained were Stewart McEwen, Eric Sims, Howard Cow- an and Royce Macaulay. With this addition, the Kirk- Session is now composed of ten members who with the minister take upon themselves the spirit- ual guidance of the growing con- gregation. o Wesley-Willis WA Completes Plans For "Country Fair" The October meeting of the Woman's Association of Wesley- Willis United Church' was held on the afternon of October 2, with a splendid attendance. The presid- ent, Mrs. George Beattie, was in the chair. Miss Maud Torrance was pianist. The opening hymn "Jesus, Mast- er whose I am" was followed by prayer. The subject of devotional period was "Christian Brother- hood." The scripture lession was read by Mrs. Merritt Nediger from Lnke 15, Lesson Thoughts were taken by Mrs. C. Nelson and pray- er was offered by Mrs. Frank An- drews. The minutes were read by Mrs. Hugh Wilson in the absence of Mrs. Frank Fingland, and the treasurer Mrs. A. E. Shaddick gave the financial report. Mrs. Charles Nelson reported flowers and cards sent to a number who were. ill. Twenty-six calls were made by the four goups. Plans were completed for the Country Fair which takes place rrn. October 25, in the lecture room of the church. A hymn and the Miz- pah benediction closed the meet- ing, after which afternoon tea was served by Mrs. Douglas Bartliff's group. o-- LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will hold its October meeting on' Wednesday, October 15, rather than on the regular date, which this year falls on Thanksgiving Day. All mem- bers are asked to attend. 0 ONTARIO STREET W.M.S. The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Ontario Street United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. M. Aiken on Tuesday af- ternoon, October 14, at 2:30. Mrs. C. Bllliott will take the study boo:, chapters. Roll call: "Thanks". 4-11.-4-•-•-•:•-.4-44÷}-0-4,44.444+44 WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Rev. T. J. Pitt, of Varna 11,20 a.m.—Primary School 12,15 p.m.—Church School 7.00 p.m.—Union Services in the Ontario St. United Church. Come to the House of Prayer 1.11 Donna Hudie Honored At Trousseau Tea Mrs. Fred Hudie entertained at a trousseau tea on Saturday af- ternoon, October 4, in honour of her daughter, Donna, whose mar- riage to Alfred Francis Barnard takes place on Saturday, October 11, in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton. The bride-elect assisted her mother in receiving the guests. The house was beautifully dec- orated throughout with a profus- ion of autumn flowers. A taste- fully arranged' centrepiece of yellow and mauve 'mums and lighted tapers graced the dining room table. Pouring tea were Mrs. L. M. McKinnon: and Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel. Miss Bessie MacEach- ern, Hamilton, and Mrs. Tom Deeves served the guests, assist- ed by Mrs. D. Greaves, Hamilton, and Mrs. C. V. Cooke. The trousseau and gifts were shown by Miss Barbara Adams, Hamilton; Mrs. K. C. Cooke and Miss Mary Hudie. Those entertaining at showers held recently for the bride-elect, were Mrs. D. Greaves, Miss B. MacEachern, Miss Irene Gilbert, Hamilton; Mrs. C. V. Cooke, Clinton. 11,00 a,m.—Thanksgiving Service 12.15 p.m.—Bible School '7.00 p.m.—Thanksgiving Service St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV,,D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Beyes, Organist and Choir Leader Ilidapoopppelpi••••••, THANKSGIVING SERVICES 10.00 age, —Our Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Great Thanksgiving Service; Church decorated with har- vest symbols; fruit, flowers, grain, etc. Sermon Subjett: "The Gifts of God" Children's Questionnaire (continued). 2.30 pari,—Ktiox Church, Hay- field, Thanksgiving Service. Next Sunday, 11.00 aen—Com- reunion Service. Let us all recognize with thanks the goodness of God. Everyone ,welcome. Stanley Community Club Changes Day Of Monthly Meetings The October meeting of the Stanley Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Edward Glen with Mrs. G. Cantelon presiding. The meeting opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer. This was fol- lowed by the secretary's report and roll call. In the discussion the' ladies de- cided to revert to the first Thurs- day of each month as the regular meeting day An enjoyable program followed with contests given by Mrs. B. Glen and Mrs. J. McFarlane, and readings by Miss Billie' Stewart, and Mrs. G. Cantelon, The meeting closed by repeating the benediction, after which a lov- ely lunch was enjoyed by all. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. McFarlane. 4r*-1.11-11-41-411-0-4-40-0-•-•-•-;••••••-•-•-•-•-•-•• CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb PERSONALS I • We're proud to Shout it everywhere Our products come From cows who care. NA, N. ge. Phone 40 We Deliver Everything in COATS and HATS for the coming Cold Weather Aiken's Luggage and Shoes 44,444-4-4,4-4-4-•44-4-44-• + THANKSGIVING SPECIALS for October 940-11 CRANBERRIES, Eatmore-1 lb. bag 33c SWEET POTATOES 2 lbs. 25c CELERY HEARTS, Green Bunch 21c TURNIPS, Waxed lb. 5c HEAD LETTUCE, California 2 for 27c PUMPKIN, Culverhouse, 28 ox, tin 2 for 35c PEAS, Holly Brand Fancy, 20 ox, tin 20c COFFEE KADANA-1 IL tin 95c TEA -- KADANA, 100 bags, (2 cup site) 85c MILK—Carnation — large 3 for 44c SODA WAFERS, Plain or Salted 1 IL pkg. 31c Thompson's Food Ifiarket .„ .