HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-10-09, Page 4$ Buy a Canada Savings Bond a1 your local B of M branch, Come fair weather or foul, if can only grow in value, V DAN' NII(ION CANADIANS t. WOItkIN6 tANAttIANS IN EVERY' WALK OF Lutit SINdt 1 al I V. v. or,f04 . best dairy herd, Thomas Rathwell, Dr. W. H. Coxon, Zurich, special, Thomas Bothwell; Carnation Milk Co, special best dairy cow, Thomas Rathwell, IRDIMPS Agriculturai, Allan Armatrong; harness, Elmer Johnston, A, W. gtherington, E .B, SChroeder„ Bob Kirkby, J. Burns, Barry Taylor, B. Little; Robert Simpson Co. Ltd.! London, $PPCia, for exhibitor coming the longest distance, Elmer Johnston, Atwood; Murphy Bros special for best matched team El- mer Johnston; Standard Chemical Co. Ltd., best horse on grounds, Elmer Johnston. , The ANNUAL MEETING of Huron County Cream Producers Association will be held in the Agricultural Board Room in Clinton on the Evening of October 14, 1952 at the hour of 8.30 p.m. Everyone producing cream for sale is a member of this organization and is invited to attend the annual meeting and hear the speakers explain 'the work being done by the organization on your behalf. 41-b 5 went air crew because, more than anything else, l wanted to fly — and I felt I'd,get more flying and experience in the Air Force . . . Jets? , . yes, they're easier to fly Sorry, can't describe the feeling to you, but there's just nothing like being up there . . . 35,000 feet . . in a world of your own . . in a jet that's— well your baby . . ." You'll rind him about 20 years of age . fully trained and full of the zestfor flying ... keen ... alert .. brimful with a sense of accomplishment and responsibility! He probably won't admit to you he feels a pride in doing his duty — in being prepared to defend freedom but it's obvious he does. if you are 17 and not yet 25, find out today how you tan be a PILOT in the ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE SEE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT THE ADDRESS IN THE COUPON--,:=OR MAIL THE COUPON I I Director of PottonnorMannincif Hecinuarters, Ottawa. Please mail one, without obligation, fall particulars regarding enrolment requirements and openings now otoutilable in the &CAE NANO , (Please Print) (Surname) (Cialiciaft Name) STREET ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE EOUCATION (by grade and province) 1:48 .... • .. ..... APASM 10.1 iiii1.1111114 MOM AMY 11141111111410114 1611' q4441,,,,,,, • • 0 roua CLINTON NEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, On e_Brenda Hayfield; Vran- eine Greydanus, Barfield.; Nary Townsend, S.S. 5; Kathleen. Both- well, 5.5, 9; Elaine Weston, S.S. 8, Bayfield; Margaret Smith, BaYfield. Named Leave (5-8) Margaret Howard, Bayfield; Don- ald McKenzie, Bayfield; Charlene Scotchmer, Hayfield; Beverley Foote, Bayfield; Marlene Mc- Lachlan, S,S. 14; Katherine Mc- Gregor, S.S. 1. Collection of Grain and Seeds in head—Gerry Wallis, Bayfield; Margaret Howard, Bay- field; Katherine McGregor, SS. 1; Mary Grainger, S.S, 4; Brenda Blair, Bayfield; Helen Grainger; SS. 4. Collection of Grain Seeds —Donald McKenzie, Bayfield; Nancy Powell, S.S. 11; Lawrence Powell, S.S, 11. Collection of Weeds—Donald McKenzie, Bay- field; Katherine McGregor, S.S, 1; Margaret ,Howard, Bayfield; Marie McFarlane, S.S. 1; ;Bever- ley Foote, Bayfield; Ann West- lake, S.S, 4. Section 8—Small Table Bouquet displayed in tin can (2-4)—Gail Farquhar, S.S. 14; Ted Turner, Bayfield; Ruthann Scotchmer, Bayfield; Cathy Wallis, Bayfield; DouglaS McAsh, Varna, Small Table Bouquet, displayed in tin can (5-8)—Charlene Scotchmer, Bayfield; Joyce Greer, S.S. 4; Anh Westlake, S.S. 4; Stanley Telford, Bayfield; Margaret Porter, S.S. 3; Margaret Howard, Bayfield, Centrepiece, vegetables or flow- ers or combined (2-4) — David Corrie, Bayfield; Joe Heard, Bay- field; Jim Heard, Bayfield; Lorna Boyce, Bayfield; Margaret Smith, Bayfield; Roberta McLeod, Bay- field. Centrepiece, for Thanks- giving table — Stanley Telford; Bayfield; Donald McKenzie, Bay- field; Patsy Dowson, Varna; Katherine McGregor, S.S. 1; Nan- cy McFarlane, S.S, 1; Marie Mc- Farlane, S.S. 1. Artificial Flow- ers, one spray—Bennie Sturgeon, Bayfield; Joyce Bell, Bayfield; Beatrice Murch, S.S. 9; Georgina Smith, Bayfield; Ann Westlake, S.S. 4; Louise Talbot, S,S. 4. Section 9—Beets, round—Victor Cornish, S.S. 4; Joyce Greer, S,S. 4; Marlene McLachlan, S.S. 14; Grant Keys, S.S. 3; Murray Gregg, S.S. 9; Gail Farquhar, S.S. 14. Carrots, long — Margaret Howard, Bayfield; Donna Hayter, S.S. 3; Gerry Wallis, Bayfield; Frank McCowan, S.S. 1; Joan Mc- Cowan, S.S, 1; Marlene McLach- lan, S.S. 14. Carrots, short — Marlene McLachlan, . S. S. 14; Garry Talbot, S.S. 4; Douglas Cantelon, S.S. 9; Elaine Weston, Bayfield; Bruce Collins, S.S. 1; Joyce Greer, S.S. 4. Spanish Onions — Victor Cor- nish, S.S, 4; —Douglas Cantelon, S.S. 9; Helen Grainger, S,S, 4; Stanley Telford, Bayfield; Ken Diatot, S.S. 9; Donald McKenzie, Bay.field. Onions, any other variety — Victor Cornish, S.S. 4; Eileen McLean, S.S. 14; Marlene Mc- Lachlan, S.S. 14; Allan Hayter S.S. 3; Kathleen Rathwell, S.S 9; Joyce Greer, S.S. 4. Potatoes 5 of one variety—Ronald Smith Bayfield; Peter Ducharme, S.S. 4 Ronald Westlake, S.S. 4; Ron Ril- ey, S.S. 11; Stanley Telford, Bay- fled; Jack Watkins, S.S. 1. Table Corn, 3 cobs—Anne Du- charme, S.S. 4; Ann Westlake, S.S. 4; Peter Ducharme, S.S. 4; Ronald Scotchmer, S.S. 4; Joyce Greer, S.S. 4; Alex Hyde, S.S. 14. Pop Corn, 3 cobs—Margaret Howard, Bayfield; Gary McAsh, Varna. Best Head of Sun Flow- er—Charlene Scotchmer, Bayfield; Mary Grainger,' S. S. 4; Roy Tel- ford, Bayfield; Helen Grainger, S.S. 4; Stanley Telford, Bayfield; Stewart Gregg, S.S. 9. Sheaf of Wheat—Ann West- lake, S,S. 4; Katherine McGreg- or, S.S. 1; Helen Grainger, S.S. 4; Mary Grainger, S.S. 4; Donald McKenzie, Jerry Greydanus, Bay:- field. Sheaf of Oats—Ann West- lake, .S.S. 4; Mary Grainger, S.S. 4; Helen Grainger, S,S. 4; Kath- erine McGregor, S.S. 1; Donald McKenzie, Bayfield. Sheaf of Barley—Helen Grainger, S,S. 4; Mary Grainger, S.S. 4; Katherine McGregor, S.S., 1; Ann Westlake, S.S. 4; Cathy Wallis, Bayfield, Plate of 5 Apples, any variety — Robert McClymont, Varna; (Intended for lastkweelc) Mrs. Thomas and baby, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Rev., and Mrs, C. C. Washington. Mrs. Robert Craig and baby, Jeffery Wayne, have returned home from Clinton Public Hospi- tal, Mrs, Herb Govier. has returned home after visiting friends at Hull, Que., Kingston, and Peter- boro. Mrs, Gormley Thompson and Mrs. Cheyne, Brampton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge. Mrs. Alf Nesbit, who under- went an operation in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, has re- turned home. Dr. alid Mrs,. Sleman, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. IVIcIlveen, have, returned to their home in Bovvinanville. • Mr. and Mrs. Billie Breeken; Mr. and..Mrs. Alfred Switzer and little Bobbie; Joe Keller, Port Huron, spent the wekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ruddy. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davies were Mr, and Mrs. George Ebeek, Tobermory; Mr, and Mrs. Bob Archer, Carol and Ann, London; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Taylor and family, Belmont; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Valad and son, Keith, Kingsbridge. Miss Marion McIver, teacher of Auburn school, is ill at her home in Kincardine with the mumps. Mrs. Morris Bean is sup- plying for her. Auburn United Church W.A. The Woman's Association of Auburn United Church met at the church with Mrs. R. D. Munro in charge of the devotional period. Prayers was offered by Mrs. Geor- ge Millian. Mrs. E. Rodger read the scripture lesson. A reading was given by Mrs. Albert Camp- bell. Mrs. C. C. Washington was at the piano. Mrs. George Millian presided for the business period. It was decided to hold a Christmas Baz- aar in December. Mrs. Thomas led in a sing song. Hostesses for the evening were: Mr. W. Straug- han and Mrs. H. Sturdy. Public School Exhibits 'Popular at Fall Fair zie, Bayfield; Ken Riley, 5.5, 11; Robert Fatilds, 5.5, 14; Neil Mc- Gregor, S,S. 1. Illustrated Poster on "Safety"— Donald Johnson, S.S. 14; Francine Greydanus, Bayfield; Ronald Seotehraer, S,S. 14; Ale, Hyde, SS. 14; Ronald Westlake, S.S. 4; Fred Dulot, S,S. 9, Best Poster Section 3 — School Display — bearing words "Children's Ex- Hayfield Senior Room, $,S. 1 hibit"—Beatrice Murch, S.5. 9; Stanley, S,S, 9 Goderich, Bayfield James Clark, Bayfield; Margaret Junior Room, S.S. 14 Stanley. Howard, Bayfield; Peter Bram- School Display of 5 Crafts—Bay- , mer, S.S. 1; Donna March, $,S. 9; field Senior Room, 5.5, 9 Gode- Wayne Watkins, $ S. 1. Glass rich, S.S. 14 Stanley, Bayfield Painting (3-4)—Steve Scotchmer, Junior Room. Bayfield; Ted Turner, Bayfield; Section 4—Hand Sewn Apron— Howard Scotchmer, Bayfield; Kathleen Rathwell, S.S. 9; Marg- Ruthann Scotchmer, Bayfield, aret Howard, Bayfield; Marie Mc- Jeffrey Hiesler, Bayfield; Peter Farlane, S.S. 1; Jean McClinchey, Ducharme, S.S, 4; Glass Paint: S,S. 10; Charlene Scotchmer, ing (5-8)—Beverley Foote, Bay- Bayfield; Beverley Heard, Bay- field; Anne Ducharme, S.S. 4; field. Hand Sewn Pot Holder— Joyce Bell, Bayfield; Georgine Francine Greydanus, Bayfield; Smith, Bayfield; Ruth McClinch- Rosemarie Telford, Bayfield; Jane ey, Varna; Margaret Howard, McFarlane, S.S. 1; Elaine Weston, Bayfield. Bayfield; Jean Booth, S.S. 11. Write first verse "God Save Hand Sewn Cloth of Oilcloth the Queen" (3-4) — Kathleen Toy (grades 5-8)—Marilyn Potter, Rathwell, S.S. 9; Ruth McClinch- S.S. 11; Marie McFarlane, S.S. 1. ey,, S.S. 6, Varna; Ruthann Scotch-Dressed Doll, hand sewn (5-8)— mer, Bayfield; Berva Switzer, 'nn Westlake, S.S. 4; Mary Grain- S.S, 14; Bruce Harris, S.S. 9; John ger, S.S, 4; Margaret Howard, °Itarris, S.S. 9, Write first verse Bayfield; Nancy McFarlane, S.S. 1. "God Save the Queen" (5-8)— Dressed Doll, hand sewn (2-4)— Kathleen McGregor, S.S. 1; Joan Rosalie Watkins, S.S. 1. McClinchey, Varna; Valerie Day, Section 5—Picture Cutout (free Varna; Peter Brommer, S.S. 1; hand) to illustrate nursery rhy- Charlene Scotchmer, Bayfield; me—Jim Cameron, S.S. 1; John Wayne,. Watkins, S.S. 1, Print- Harris, S.S. 9; Joan McCowan, ing 4 lines of Rock-a-bye-baby 1; Janet Tyndall, S.S. 9; Anne- (1-2) —Dianne Harris, S.S. 5; . mieke Brasser, S.S. 1; Margaret Garry Priebner, S.S. 14; Gwen Porter, S.S. 4. Flour and Salt McBride, S.S. 3; Ronald West- Model (map)—Garry McAsh, Var- lake, S.S. 4; Janet Harris, S.S. 9; na; Georgina Smith, Bayfield; Victor Coritish, S.S. 4. Joyce Bell, Bayfield. Junior Section 6 — Printing—Mother, Scrap Book—Janet Tyndall, S.S. Father, Baby—Dianne Faber, S.S. 9; Margaret Wallis, Bayfield; 14; Karen Talbot, S.S. 14; Irene Margaret Porter, S.S. 3; Bill Flood, $.S, 14; Janet. Armstrong, Evans, S.S. 3; Joan McCowan, S.S. 3; Dianne Peck, S.S. 3; Bev- Jane McFarlane, S.S. 1. Senior erley Hill, S.S. 3. Plasticine Scrap Book — Kathleen Porter, Model—Larry Gilbert, S.S. 9; Ir- S.S. 3; Donald McKenzie, Bay- ene Flood, S.S. 14; Mary Wain, field; Marilyn Steckle, S.S. 3; Bayfield; Cathy Stirling, Bayfield; Ann Westake, S.S. 4; Marie Mc- George Webb, Bayfield; Michael Farlane, S.S. 1; Bert Evans, Bay-., Scotchmer, Bayfield. Weaving— field. Wood Work Model (1-4)— Paper Mat—Larry Gilbert, S,S. 9; Gerry Wallis, Bayfield; Cath Murray Gregg, S.S. 9; Gordon Bayfield; Donald Johnson, Tyndall, S.S. 9; Dianne Faber, S.S. 14; Howard Scotchmer, Bay- S.S. 14; Carol Wallis, Bayfield; field. Wood Work Model (5-8)— Mary Wain, Bayfield. Stanley Telford, Bayfield; Andrew Section 7—Named Leaves (2-4) Imanse, S.S. 14; Donald McKen- So dcizluurtaeth ,AteAiot "SALAD/1 TEA„ BAGS •-•-•-•-1-0-•-•-• 4-.-4-4.11-t 4-* • •-•-•-•-• CAR BINGO AND DREAM Cottage Draw Sponsored by Exeter Branch of Canadian Legion In Aid of South Huron Hospital Building Fund EXETER ARENA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 1952 Ford Customline 2-Door (Complete with air conditioning heater and licence) . . .PLUS... $1,000 IN CASH PRIZES - ALSO DRAW FOR LIONS DREAM HOME 15 Regular Games, $20 each — 3 Special Games, $100 each 1 Special Game for $400 Admission: $1; extra and special cards 25c, 5 for $1; Car Special $1; Doors open at 7.30; Games start at 9 p.m. (Exeter Legion Me)nbers Not Eligible To Win Car) ••••-•-•-•-•-•4- • BAN IK_ 0 IF NTREA.L Clinton Branch: 'WILLIAM ROBINSON, Managet veva tondeshorough (Sub./4);e11o): Open Mon. & Thurs. Katherine Stirling, Bayfield; Gerald Stirling, Hayfield; -Grace =ten, 14; jban MeOlYntent, Varna; Stanley 'Telford, Bayfield,. Plate of 5 Pears, any variety—, Gerald Stirling, Beyfielci; Ron aid Scotchmer, - SS. 4; Katherine Stirling, Hayfield; 4.0411 McCiye mont, Varna; Robert McClymont, Varna; Donald McKenzie, Hay- field. Section 10—Home Made Candy —Margaret Hpwarel, Hayfield; Eileen McLean, S.S. 14; Joyce Bell, Bayfield; Charlene Scotch- m,er, Bayfield; - Ann Westlake, S.S. 4; Ralph Trewartha, S.S. 11, Schpol Lunch Box — Margaret Howard, Bayfield; Ann Westake, S.S. 4; Joyce Greer, S.S. 4; Mary Grainger, S.S. 4; David Corrie, Bayfield; Marilyn Potter, S.S. 11. Baking Powder Biscuits (5) — Joyce Bell, Bayfield; Marilyn Steckle, S.S, 3; Donna Hayter, S,S, 3; Kathleen Porter, S,S, 3; Brenda Blair, Bayfield; Katherine McGregor, S.S. 1. Special Prizes (1) Boy getting highest points in shield competition, grades 2-4 —Victor Cornish, S.S. 4; Gerry Wallis, Bayfield. (2) Boy get- ting highest points in shield com- petition, grades 5-8—Donald Mc- Kenzie, Bayfield; Stanley Telford, Bayfield, (3) Girl getting high- est points in shield competition, grades 2-4—Helen Grainger, S.S. 4; Francine Greydanus, Bayfield; (4) Girl getting highest points in shield competition, grades 5-8 — Margaret Howard, Bayfield; Ann Westlake, S.S. 4. (5) Pupil obtaining most points in section 7—Margaret Howard, Hayfield; (6) Pupil obtaining most points in section 9—Helen Grainger, S.S. 4; (7) Pupil ob- taining most points in section 4— Margaret Howard, Bayfield,e and Marie McFarlane, S. S. 1 (tie); (8). Pupil obtaining most points in section 5—Janet Tyndall, S,S. 9; (9) Pupil obtaining most points in section 8 — Stanley Telford, Bayfield; (10) Pupil obtaining most points in section 10—Marg- aret Howard, Bayfield, Mrs. Howard's Specials: (1) Glass Painting, senior—Beverley Foote, Bayfield; (2) Glass Paint- ing, junior — Steve Scotchmer, Bayfield; (3) Beginner obtaining most points in section 6—Larry Gilbert, S.S. 9, S.S. No. 4, Stanley Township, was the winner in the shield competition with Bayfield Senior Room, second; S.S. 9, Goderich Township third and Bayfield Junior Room fourth. There were 11 schools taking part in the exhibition and nine schools marched to the fair grounds. Due to the rain the school demonstrations had to be cancelled. In the Clinton District Colleg- iate Institute special classes, prize winners were: Bob McGregor, Ed- win Dunn, Elaine Grainger, Do- reen McKenzie, Ruth McFarlane, Jean McGregor, Mae Coleman and Neil McGregor. 0 Last year Canada's sugar beet factories produced 241 million pounds of beet sugar from the country's crop of 963,000 tons of sugar beets. Bayfield Fall Fair (continued from Page 3) E, Deeves; Rouen; Ducks (young), E. Deeves, Mrs. F. Powell; Bmbden Geese, L. Merner; Toulouse Geese, L. Merner; Bantam's A. V. Tre- wartha, Mrs. E, Sturgeon, Ivan McClymont, Mrs, F. Powell; Pig- eons, I. Trewartha; Guenea Fowl, C. Pepper, Swine Yorkshire, A, H. Warner, W. R. Lobb and Son, Gerald Rathwell; T. Eaton Special for best pen of three bacon hogs, J. Longmire; Huron County Hog Producers Special for best pair of gilts shown by girl or boy, Mary McCullough. Sheep Leicester, William Pepper, D. A. Graham; Lincoln, A, D. Steeper, Snowden and Grainger; Oxford, Fred McClymont; Dorset Horn, P. E. Dearing; special pen of 4, any breed, William Pepper, A. Steep- er; Standard Chemical Co, for long wool, A. Steeper; Standard Chem- ical. Co, for short wool, P .E. Dear- ing; market lamb special, best pair, P. E. Dearing. Beef Cattle Shorthorns, John Ostrom, Mc- Kinley Farms; Aberdeen Angus, Klopp Bros.; Herefords, J. Mc- Gregor, Robert Hern, J, McCull- ough; Goderich Motors Special for best baby beef, Robert Hera; Can- adian Tire Co. of Goderich for best showing of beef cattle, J. McGreg- or; best beef herd, Supertest spec- ial, J. McGregor. Dairy Cattle Holsteins, William L. Boyd, James Storey, Don McKenzie, El- mer Sowerby; Jack Cluff, E. A. K. Keyes and Sons; Jersey or Guern- sey, Irwin Trewartha, Thomas Rathwell; Ayrshires, Milton True- mner; T. Eaton special, Irwin Tre- wartha; Master Feeds special for Tractor Rodeo Fir boys or girls from ages 14 to 18 (105 marks), 1st, Ray Scotchmer, Bayfield, 95; 2nd, Ron Coleman, Varna, 93; 3rd, Jack Merrier, Clinton, 92; 4th, Lloyd Holland, Clinton, 91. Bayfield 4-H Calf Club Beef Section—Placing on entry in order: Joanne McCullough, Clinton, 1; Alex Ostrom, Varna, 6; David Ostrom, Varna, 7; Phyllis Elliott, Clinton, 15; Arnie Ostrom, Varna, 3; Douglas Arm- strong, Varna, 14; Lloyd Holland, Clinton, 9; John Wise, Clinton, 13, Dairy iSection—Placing on en- try, in order: Bobby Cluff, Gode- rich, 12; Jacqueline Cuff, Bay- field, 11; Nancy Powell, Clinton, 10; Donald. Horton, Zurich, 8; Elmer Sowerby, Goderich 2; Ger- ald Keyes, Varna, 5; James Stor- ey, Clinton, 4. Numbers indicate placing in showmanship only. Barfield 4-H Swine Club Bernie McGeean, Clinton, entry first, showmanship, first; Gerald Rathwell, Brucefield, 2, 4; Mary McCullough, Clinton, 3, 2; Jim Longmire; Goderich, 4, 7; David, Middleton, Clinton, 5, 6; Terry Pearson, Clinton, 6, 3; Bill Long- more, Goderich, 7, 10; Melville Simmons, Goderich, 8, 9; Robert McClymont, Varna, 9, 8; John Simmons, Goderich, 10, 5. How lkinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before' tow have shapely, attractive figures. No Mors limbs, ugly hollows. They thank Ostzex. It flesh on Podles skinny because blood lacks Peps you up, too. Improves appetite, digestion 'Is food nourishes you better. Don't fear getting too Inv Stop when you gain figure you wish. Introcluetat7 or' get-acquainted" size only 600. 'Try Ostrex Toni* Tablets for new pounds, lovely turves. now DM today. At all druggists. News of Auburn -peo-o-o-e+44•••*4-e,o-o-olo7o-e-e***4-e+e-o-o-seetio-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-0.-0-e-O-o-olee • Bible Society Meeting The annual meeting of the Up- per Canada Bible Society, was held in Knox United Church, Wednes- day night, with Rev. C. C. Wash- ington in charge. A film "On the Frontier" was shown after which thee president, Mrs. C. M. Straughan; took charge. The secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Wil- liam' Straughan read the minutes of the last annual meeting and gave the treasurer's report show- ing that $215.24 had been sent to Toronto. This is an increase from the previous year. Mrs. A. Thomas, Toronto, gave an interesting talk en home envir- onment. The following officers were elec- ted: honorary presidents, the loc- al clergy; president, F. 0. Mc- Ilveene ; secretary-treasurer, Wil- liam Straughan; collectors, Don- neybrook, Louise Jefferson, Grace Thompson; Westfield, Lois Camp- Following are the winners in the Public School Fair, held in conjunction with Bayfield Fall Fair, recently. This part of the fair proved to be one of the most popular with a multitude of entries in every section. bell, Janette Snell; East Wawan- osh, line, Mrs, Carl Mills., Mrs., Frei* Nesbit; East Gravel, Frank Raittiby, Mrs. W. Good; 8th Con, Colborne, Mrs. B, Davies, Mrs Don Haines; West . Wawanosh, Mrs. Harold Webster, Mrs, Ted Mills; 13th Con, Hullett, Margaret Jackson, Christine Cunninghaine; Baseline, Torrance Tabb, Henry Leishman; Aubtirn, north side, John Yungblut; south side, Wil- liam Straughan; east end, James Raithby, .