HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-05-01, Page 41
in itt last issue ..the Vidette, being
unable todeny or controvert those
"few plain facts,'? gave its "ideas" on
The Ontatio Franchise Aot adopted 4geeentftiournaliern. Reratofore our
at the the last session of the Legislature cotemporary WO not beean
will not effect tho Voters List of this -thy on the meaning of this tem, but
year. if however, change of heart has
• °mired and its "ideas" on this subject
colast cording to tne e'eport the are real aria not
imaginary, the pub.
Superintendent of Indian affairs, the lie in future will look for more honest
Indian population of Manitoba and and fair , conduct from this self-styled
the North West is 0,859. exponent of decent journalism.
Tbe employees ef the Grand Trunk The Portage la Prairie Tribune.
have been again asked to submit to Review, supporter of the Dominion
another reduction of wages. Why
GOvernment, is evidently a little
not reduce the salaries of the presi- afraid that its friends e.t Ottawa will
dents and superintendents also! r.lay the'same trick witli Rid as they
did fifteen years ago, and warms the
The sneers and insinuations by the "powers that be" against such a
present manegment of the Vidette course in the following manner:—
against the editor of this Journal are "While we would be desirous of seeing
not worth noticing, as tit th7 are -only the trcuble speedily brought to a
of value in enabling our cotempor- close, we would be exceedingly sorry
ary to hide its disgust at the fact that to see Itiel eseape this time, and we
its eaorts are insufficient to injurefeel sure the troops would willingly do
either THE Times or any person con- a little fighting in •order that they
neoted with it. • might have in opportunity of 'ering—
ote _____-- ing that arch rebel and murderer to
Mr. Gladstone had an experienee justice. It is pretty generally known
in the British House of Commons on and adinitted that , he escaped justice
• Monday evening last which has pro.. fifteen years ago because politics were
never had a parrallel in the more powerful among leaden of the
history of any Prime Minister. Re nation's affairs than justice. The
Asked for a vote of fifty-five million eountry, hcreever, will not stand 11ONV
dollats for special military purpeseSe any movement which would tend to
and he obtained it without a
(14ssImt- ut'Itiel eseape again, hence it behoves
ing voice
. - -
, . .
the powers that be to look 'well .to it
that he does net escape through any
The relations existing between Eng -
fault of theirs. Nothing but the
. . land aud Russia is critical in the •
prompt execution of Riel will satisfy
Canaaians to -day. That such an
event may speedily be bought about
is earnestly litiped for by alt lovers Of
law, order and justice."
e,eL extretae. War is considered. inevt-
• table and hostilities marl commence
aleacietimmediatly. Sir Peter Lums-
den's report of the Pendjeli affair is a
• Ret contradiction of Komeroff's e'er.
.siene •IttiSsia eclines to -make any
fmther concession or explanations
'and Gladstone halassked and received
large vote of credit for war purposes,
Both nations are making :active pre-
parations for the struggle, and the
situation is inare°)Warlike at present
than at any time since the trouble
commenced.. • . '
Last week the Vidette, emoting
tinder the castigation we e.diniiiiitered
to it, and knowing that its conduct
towards us in the past had been such
that not espectable journal would be
knilty of, pablished a piteous apology,
styling its contemptible attack as
being only a "jocular rhyme" and that
nothing personal was intended.•As
we stated inthe• "few plain facts"
we gave oar coteinporary to digeet,and
wain avert, the rhyme waits, per,
venal attack and written with the in-
tention of insuring oar busineas, and
those who have watched the course of
the Vidette since its advent in Wing -
ham emphatically endorse our opin-
ion ,
A circular has been issued by the
Hon. G. W, Ross, Minister of Eduea-
tion, setting apart Friday next, the
8th of May, as! an Arbor Day, and
proclaiming item/ a school holiday,
subject to the approval of the beards
of school trostees. The purpose of
the holiday is that the whole day may
be devoted to improving and beadti-
fving the school grounds, to laying out
flower beds, planting trees and
shrut s,ote, Sehool trustees should sup
port the •Miniater in his prenswortby
attesnot to implant useful knowledge
and a 101'0 of the beautiful in the minds
' of the yonng, Besides the room,
roend,ttion Jf planting trees, etc., it is
further set forth that on the afternoon
following the teacher might spend an
hour with his pupils discussing Cana-
dian forestry and the differait !species
of trees, and ehrullit lotted in. Ontario,
their usos, commercial, value, char.
acteAsti• eto. - If theeptipils;ato made
partners in the improrefants, and
their co-operatien Bemired iti every
part of the work of the day there
need he ittle fear they will wantonly SALESMEN' AV ANTED—
debtray thit which their ,own labor
• Mr. Alex. T'orter , has rented the
farm lately °occupied by Mr. • Blaney
hard, and owned belie 0; Cameron,
of Guderich, fier a tent of five years,
while Mt...Richard Perter takes the
place owned by litiebrother Alex, for
the same term.. , •; •
11 i with profound sorrow.that we
chronide•the decease of Atm Williaan
Ailiins, of the boundary line. It was
So sudden feed uneipeoted that it took
everyone by surprise. The bereaved
husband has the. heart felt sympathy
of the entire •neighborhood, in his
severe afaction. •She was a bright
Ornament amidst ,a •large circle of
friends and acquaintances, whunourn
deeply her sudden departarej The
funeral took placeun Friday afternoon
last. •
We shall "give away" several thous
and dollars worth of presents before
Aug. let, including Solid Gold Watch •
es, Jewelry G WU, Revolvers, Violins.
Banjos, Guitars, Music Boxes, Tool
Chests, Telescopes, and everything an
intelligent boy or girleoUld desire.,
f you want the Model Magazine,
for the youth of the 19th century, sone
25 cents foe "three in'onths trial'eub-
scription" and list of resents. A
handsome pocket knife or something
of greater value guarranted to all
sending. ' Send for your friends and
recetve the presente. Address, NAT.
Reports agree that the ,wheat has
wintered wen and luis come out from
beneath tbe snow looking remarkably
fine. Having passed the trytng time
successfully the prospects of a good
crop were never better at this season
of the year.
• tineeial reductions in furniture at 8,
Graeey's. Having a lane stoek on
hand and wishing to rednce it 1 will
• give special reductions for the next 20
days on all purchases of over $2t
Call mid see my stook of hareem!, side-
boards, beclrocm setts, lounge*, eofao,
Largest in the nniaton—oyer SOO
etyma 0..4 mat*
l'art=er indebted to TUC TIMMS
rill rilmitP Ot41 end eettlo at -
TO begirt canvassing' st OU'' oe ran 0' 05.
Steady emphrynient to aquae -1041 teem
Clo,4 artuts ars earning from t0 to Pa
p',rtrontit en.l f.' poises. Ternikatul oat, Parties intending to travel windo
froo. Addresit
STUNS t WPILLINGTON, .1, ell to cell on C. E. Williame, Agent
Armor inse,
141111, SJ1!l Jo
Offering THIS WEEK in To suit every taste and. circumstance
from 25 cents up.
Parasols ! Parasols I
111, ;lot, Chick Lin lids
Hose aid Gloves'
Every Line is Complete and at Prices that cannot be Beaten..
The Dominion Organ and Piano Co
, •
Ettee largest and mostcomplete factory in tht
Sigliontionors ever Am -eta to any /fan theVorld
Medoiand Diploma at Centennia1,1876. '
Medal and Diploma at Sydney, Australia. IBM '
Gold Ueda} at Provincial Exhititio ,n Toronto, 1.873.
Highest Awards at Industrial Exhibition. Toronto
• .7ffgrs'aii-olitri(4-1pam.Aortnunra
BEST Tun ilansnr.
Correspondence poltoitod. Bend for lituntrated,Zat
•alogue, mailed free. Address
Dowar.Arivr.Mm. Orm.
1\1" M
Will for mares this season
• as follows
• Monday. May 4—Leaves his own stable
Ind proceeds to Wm. Jewitt's, 2nd non. of
Morris for noon; thence to Jamestown for
night. •
Tnesday—Proceeds to Bluevale for noon:
thence to Gofton's hotel, Wroxeter, for
Wednesday—Proceeds on the gravel to
Longley's for noon, thence to Lakelet for
Thursday—Proceeds on Boundary be
tween Carrick and Howl& to Samuel Me
Kee's for noon, thence to Ambleside/s for
Friday—Proceeds to Teamster for noon
thence to halfway house for night.
•Saturday — Proceeds to Morrifield'e
hotel, Winghara, for the afternoon.
The above route will be continued dur:
ing tho season, health and weather per:
w •
Imported july, 1883, by James Tipling 6
Wingham, Is registered in Vol 6, Olycleet
dale Stud book. Garnet, 2796, is a beaut
ful dapple brown, With 4 white pasterusi
foaled May 28, 1881: bred by Wm. Cald-
well, Lrdropan, Ayrshire Biro, "King of
the Forest," (1170) t grand' sire Lord Lyon
089) ; g. dam Glenhead Maggie (327), etre
of Dan. Loeh Fergus' Champion (449) ;
arnet'I; ham, Darling ; grand dam, March
by Old Titnes ; g. pond data, .13ess ; sire
of Darling, Johnny Cope, who was chocon
at Glasgow Show to serve tho district of
Blairgowrie Society at a premium of 100
guineas. Darling cost in40, when a colt,
.xnrl. now weighe a ton. From tho purity
of,the breed it vvillbo seen he is from stock
of great ettlue
rilts—,Z5 insure a foal 612; in.
eurar.oe money tobe paid in Jarnntry,1880.
Insund mares must be returned regular-
ly to the: horse, or they be eliareed
whether foal ort not. rattles dispose
ing of their uts.res before eollecting
time, will be held responsible for immix.
atebes„ Jewelry,
At Lower Prices. than Evers Before
Offered in Wingham.
• Bell AS CHEAP as any House in Canada, Try me and see
for yourselves.
Hort. Route ill:
and (Cards
Neatly and Cheap/y Printed
• at the
Begs to tender thanks to her numerous customers for the liberal patronage
they have bestowed, upon her, and in the future att in the pest will leave
nothing undone to serve them so as to merit their continued confidence and
support. As my business Les increased more than double the past year, am
now in a better position than ever to supply any customers with all kin& of
• MI Mil MailtleSI EMS,
Satin Ifervellieux, Ottomaneord Satin Martellionx. rrInges, Manila
Ornaments, no ArJet Trionnings, Real Laces, Silk inpure, Spanish andDete
anus whether in feel ot not, All acemenee tell° orientate; Hamburg Net, .Vietoria Lawn, Fiowered Muslittand Partiat4
at the risk of owners of Inarts, One dollar
plyable.at time of service which will bo
ttlkert dr insured mares at ardlocting time,
inane not beetiLtfos.1 the ono will ba kept
for our Ltbor.
TAB. PIII.ereTG, Pre,
•.a. r eta. Cauticht ac c a way,
Feathers, Plowere, Itibbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, EmbtoideryCand
Insertioe TInderskirts, blade ashmere, Crepe Cloth, Crotornies, and Drain%
Trimthings of all descriptions. For the spring 1 have the., Largest Stook
ever shown, and will bo happy to show intending purchasers.
3FIggs taken its Clash in exchange for goods.
Wingham, '`farcit 11.1th,,1885,